Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Gita Saraydarian
President & Founder
Our office and online bookstore offer the complete collection of the creative works
of Torkom Saraydarian for sale and distribution.
We also conduct classes, special training seminars, annual conferences in the United
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Table of Contents
Titles by Alphabetical Order
• Ageless Wisdom..................................... 8
The • Dialog with Christ...................................16
• Art of Teaching - Training for Teachers....... 8 • Dynamics of the Soul..............................17
• Ashrams...................................................... 8 • Dynamics of Success..............................17
• Atma Vidya................................................. 9 E
• Aura ........................................................... 9 • Education as Transformation - Volume 1....17
• Education as Transformation - Volume 2....17
• Autobiography - Torkom Saraydarian........ 9
• Esoteric Science of Healing....................18
• Avatars.......................................................10
• The Eyes of Hierarchy...............................18
• Battling Dark Forces..................................10 • Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy......18
• The
Bhagavad Gita.......................................10 • The Flame of the Heart..............................19
• Breakthrough to Higher Psychism.............11 • From My Heart (Poetry) - Volume 1........19
• Buddha Sutra.............................................11 • From My Heart (Poetry) - Volume 2........19
• Building an Ashramic Group.....................11 • From My Heart (Poetry) - Volume 3........19
• Challenge for Discipleship........................ 12 • Glossary - A Concordance of Torkom
• Christ, The Avatar of Sacrificial Love.......12 Saraydarian’s Works...............................20
• A
Commentary on Psychic Energy.............12 H
• Consciousness - Volume 1..........................13 • Happiness, Joy & Bliss...........................20
• Hiawatha and the Great Peace................20
• Consciousness - Volume 2..........................13
• TheHidden Glory of the Inner Man..........21
• Consciousness - Volume 3..........................13
• Hidden Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra........21
• Cosmic Questions - Volume 1.....................14
• Higher Psychism.....................................21
• Cosmic Questions - Volume 2.....................14
• Human Nature.........................................22
• Cosmic Questions - Volume 3.....................14 I
• Cosmic Shocks...........................................15 • Initiation, The Path of Living Service.....22
• Cosmos in Man..........................................15 • I Was.......................................................22
• Creating a New Vision For Humanity ......15 • Inner Potentials.......................................23
• The
Creative Fire..........................................16 J
• The
Creative Sound......................................16 • Joy & Healing.........................................23
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Books (continued...)
• Karma & Reincarnation............................23 • The Solar Angel - Volume 1.........................32
L • The Solar Angel - Volume 2.........................32
• Leadership - Volume 1..............................24 • Spiritual Regeneration..............................33
• Leadership - Volume 2..............................24 • Spring of Prosperity..................................33
• Leadership - Volume 3..............................24 • Stories - As Told by Torkom Saraydarian..... 33
• Leadership - Volume 4..............................24 • The Subconscious Mind & the Chalice.......34
• Leadership - Volume 5..............................24 • Symphony of the Zodiac...........................34
• The
Legend of Shamballa...........................25 T
M • Talks on Agni - Volume 1..........................34
• Meditation - Volume 1...............................25 • Talks on Agni - Volume 2..........................35
• Meditation - Volume 2...............................25 • Talks on Agni - Volume 3..........................35
• Meditation - Volume 3...............................25 • Teaching the Ageless Wisdom..................35
• The Mystery of Self-Image.........................26 • Teachings of Christ -Volume 1...................36
• The Mysteries of Willpower........................26
• Teachings of Christ - Volume 2..................36
N • Teachings of Christ - Volume 3..................36
• New Dimensions in Healing.....................26 • Teachings of Christ - Volume 4..................36
O • Teachings of Great Ones...........................37
• Obsession & Possession...........................27 • Thought & the Glory of Thinking.............37
• Olympus, the Year 3000............................27 • Transformation..........................................37
• One Hundred Names of God....................27 • Triangles of Fire........................................38
• Other Worlds.............................................28
P • Understanding The Secret Doctrine..........38
• Passage to Higher Worlds.........................28 • The Unusual Court......................................38
• Prayer........................................................28
• The Psyche & Psychism (2-Volume Set)......29
• The Psychology of Cooperation • Virtues & Values - Volume 1......................39
& Group Consciousness.........................29 • Virtues & Values - Volume 2......................39
• Psychology of Imagination • Virtues & Values - Volume 3......................39
& Visualization......................................30 W
• The
Purpose of Life.....................................30 • The Wisdom of the Zodiac - Volume 1........40
S • The Wisdom of the Zodiac - Volume 2........40
• TheScience of Becoming Oneself...............30 • The Wisdom of the Zodiac - Volume 3........40
• TheScience of Meditation...........................31 • The Wisdom of the Zodiac - Volume 4........40
• Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery...........31 • Woman, Torch of the Future.....................41
• The Sense of Responsibility in Society.......31 Y
• Sex, Family, & the Woman in Society......32 • The Year 2000 & After................................41
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Booklets Music
• Angels & Devas.......................................... 42 • A Touch of Heart.....................................50
• Art of Visualization..................................... 42 • Dance of The Zodiac...............................50
• Chalice in Agni Yoga.................................. 42 • Far Horizons...........................................51
• Daily Discipline of Worship ...................... 42 • Fire Blossom...........................................51
• Infinity.....................................................51
• Daily Spiritual Striving .............................. 43
• Lao Tse....................................................51
• Discipleship in Action................................. 43
• Let My Dreams Come True....................52
• Earthquakes & Disasters............................. 43 • Light Years Ahead...................................52
• Entering the New Millennium.................... 43 • Lily in Tibet............................................52
• Fiery Carriage & Drugs.............................. 44 • Misty Mountains.....................................52
• First Steps Toward Freedom....................... 44 • Piano Compositions................................53
• Hierarchy & the Plan.................................. 44 • Rainbow..................................................53
• How to Find Your Level of Meditation...... 44 • Sacred Songs...........................................53
• Irritation, The Destructive Fire................... 45 • Spirit of My Heart...................................53
• Sun Rhythms...........................................54
• Mental Exercises......................................... 45
• Tears of My Joy......................................54
• Nachiketas................................................... 45
• Toward Freedom.....................................54
• Practical Spirituality................................... 45
The Living Flame Continues...............55
• Prayers, Mantrams & Invocations.............. 46
Contact Information............................56
• Questioning Traveler & Karma.................. 46
• Synthesis..................................................... 46
Family Series:
• Family Series #1: Duties of Grandparents.... 47
• Family Series #2: For Men........................... 47
• Family Series #3: For Women...................... 47
• Family Series #4: Ideal Marriage................. 47
• Family Series #5: Responsibility................. 48
• Family Series #6: Responsibility of Fathers.....48
• Family Series #7: Responsibility of Mothers.... 48
• Family Series #8: Success............................ 48
• Family Series #9: Cooperation..................... 49
• Family Series #10: Women as Torchbearers....49
• Family Series #11: Heart of Your Partner.... 49
• Family Series #12: Family Relations........... 49
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TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
He lived with Sufis, Dervishes, Christian mystics, and masters of temple music and dance. His
musical training included the violin, piano, oud, cello, and guitar. It took long years of discipline
and sacrifice to absorb the Ageless Wisdom from its true sources. Meditation became a part of his
daily life, and service a natural expression of his soul.
Torkom Saraydarian dedicated his entire life to the service of his fellow man. His writings
and lectures and music show his total devotion to the higher principles, values, and laws that are
present in all world religions and philosophies. These works represent a synthesis of the best and
most beautiful in the sacred cultures of the world. His works enrich the foundational thinking on
which we can construct our future.
He wrote a large number of books, many of which have been published and translated into
other languages.
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Ageless Wisdom $16.00
The Ageless Wisdom presents the idea of a source of human dignity and
beauty common to people from all religious, cultural, and philosophical
viewpoints and backgrounds.
The ageless wisdom, writes Torkom, is “not historical information.” It is
about “the treasury of the knowledge of self-actualization.... Every page
of The Ageless Wisdom urges us to be something higher than we are in our
beingness, urges us to offer something greater to humanity than what was
offered in the past.” The goal of this Teaching, he says, is “to create a new
Art of Teaching $35.00 1-937024-49-0 437
Softcover ISBN Pages
Training for Teachers of the Ageless Wisdom
The Art of Teaching is based on a series of seminars and lectures about
training teachers in which Torkom describes the critical issues inherent in
studying and presenting the Teaching.
Torkom’s materials present the Teaching, as a sacred responsibility entrusted
to us to be communicated with respect and righteousness.
Ultimately, it says, the most important way to spread the Teaching is to live
the Teaching.
Ashrams $25.00
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Aura $15.00
Shield of Protection and Glory
Aura contains detailed information about the aura and its role as the protector
and nourisher of the entire human body.
It describes the aura, what it looks like, what colors it has, how various
zodiacal signs, colors, and sounds affect it, and how we can strengthen our
aura so that it can protect and nourish us.
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Avatars $35.00
Revelations of God
Avatars: Revelations of God is a collection of Torkom’s seminars, lectures,
and written materials on the subject of Avatars. Torkom lectured and wrote
about the subject from 1969 to 1996, a total of 27 years! The chapters
are arranged in date order so that you can appreciate the unveiling of this
mysterious topic.
The great mystery which we call God, or the One we do not know, expresses
and unveils Himself age after age through great Revelations — and these
Revelations are called Avatars. (p. 11) —Torkom Saraydarian
Bhagavad Gita $12.00
As Translated by Torkom Saraydarian $15.00 978-0-911794-36-6 95
Hardcover ISBN Pages
The Bhagavad Gita is a translation done from the original sources in
comparison with more than fifty translations in English, in French, and
in Armenian.
The Bhagavad Gita is the epic poem contained in the larger allegorical
drama, the Mahabharata. It is written in a beautiful verse form, easy to
understand, and is particularly suited for meditative study.
The story depicts the personal struggle of the warrior Arjuna when he is
faced with the difficult choices of deciding what in his life needs to be
renounced and what needs to be embraced. As a response to the warrior’s
despondency and inability to deal with the crisis, the Teacher explains
the basic tenets of the Ageless Wisdom.
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Buddha Sutra written in verse form, is an excellent book for meditation and
contemplative study of the teachings of Lord Buddha.
Each portion of this book is written with devotion to the Lord Buddha,
relating His teachings to the teaching of Christ and to the Ageless Wisdom
given through many traditions.
I suggest that this book be read slowly with reflective meditation and contemplation.
I am sure the effect will be very beneficial in your daily life and in your approach
to the problems of life and death and to the social and economic problems of
the world. It will especially help you not to be carried away with the various
difficulties confronting you in the world and in the pains and sufferings of the
world.... (p. 5) —Torkom Saraydarian
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Commentary on Psychic Energy $14.00
A Commentary on Psychic Energy defines psychic energy as the power
of your soul. It comes from the energy of space. It can be cultivated,
increased, and used in your life for healing and upliftment. It is the energy
that gives you power to persevere in life.
Psychic energy is also the fire of your heart. This is the essence of psychic
energy. Psychic energy puts your heart in contact with the distant Heart of
the Cosmos, and your heart is filled with the treasury of the Cosmic Heart.
This is how you can find right direction in every part of your life. This
is how you can tune into the greater rhythm of life and find serenity and
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Shocks. In this book we learn that the causes of crises are complex
and can stem from conditions within the Cosmos as well as within the
Cosmic Shocks shows how it is possible to deal with crises effectively and
use them for growth and change. This book can be used as a workbook to
resolve the cosmic shocks in your life.
In an atmosphere of joyful expectancy, crises become opportunities, moments
of enlightenment and initiation, moments of great opportunity to demonstrate
all our aspirations to serve and sacrifice. (p. 138) —Torkom Saraydarian
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Creative Fire $35.00 978-0-929874-22-7 600
Softcover ISBN Pages
The Creative Fire is about living a life that changes transiency into
Infinity; transforms the ego into the Divine Self; brings harmony and
cooperation out of chaos, and creates unity out of cleavages.
Creativity is the labor to manifest build wings for your
Creativity is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual action to change
darkness into light..... As long as you try to bring light into dark places,
into minds, into people’s souls, into homes, into organizations, you are a
creative person..... (p. 9) —Torkom Saraydarian
Creative Sound $25.00 978-0-929874-68-5 360
Sacred Music, Dance, and Song Softcover ISBN Pages
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
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Eyes of Hierarchy $15.00 978-0-9656203-3-8 200
Softcover ISBN Pages
How the Masters Watch and Help Us
Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy $15.00 978-0-911794-02-1 210
Softcover ISBN Pages
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy celebrates the highest achievement
of the human soul: the moment of identification with the principle of Beauty.
The purpose of life on any level, it says, is the expression of beauty. We are
created to manifest beauty.
Culture is defined as the translation and interpretation of beauty; love as the
most powerful energy, the core of which is within the human being....; and
joy as the “fragrance of our spiritual chalice.”
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Flame of the Heart $15.00
Vision Series - Book#4
The Flame of the Heart is about the heart, its virtues, its radiations,
and its connection to the Cosmic Heart. Guidelines are given for the
cultivation and protection of the heart.
Heart-centered living means understanding, forgiveness, compassion,
and tolerance toward the challenges of life. It is the greatest gift we can
give to ourselves and our loved ones.
Collection of Poetry
From My Heart is a three-volume collection of poetry depicting the
inner journey of Torkom Saraydarian at its deepest and most intimate.
Reading a person’s poetry is the best way to go inside the working of
his heart and mind. You will be able to see rare glimpses of the real
person as he struggles and tries to understand the path of his life and
all the people and events that gave it meaning and depth.
Poetry is making love with your visions and with the deep feelings
of your heart.
Readers of poems are not average people. They have abstract and
practical minds, plus the light of Intuition. It is very important
to have creative imagination and visualization to catch echoes
of the poems that no average ear can hear. (Vol. 2, p. 7) —Torkom
You will be moved to joy, tears, and wonderment as you read these
poems about his philosophy, his parents, his sisters, his childhood,
and his deep inner yearnings.
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Glossary $75.00
A Concordance of Torkom Saraydarian’s Works Spiral-Bound
Glossary. The Glossary represents several years of labor by
dedicated coworkers. Organized in alphabetical order, it contains
thousands of words and phrases that have been used by Torkom in
his writings and speeches. The explanation of each entry is taken
directly from his books so you will be reading his words and see
the context in which they were used. This will give you a brief
introduction to a word or a phrase and, if you wish to read more,
you can easily go to the sources for more information.
These entries can be used as a learning tool, as a quick reference,
as seed thoughts for meditation, and as a teaching tool.
—Also available on CD. Easy to use CD format of the Glossary. For
quick reference guide that you can take with you. ($75.00)
Happiness, Joy & Bliss includes never before published teachings from
Torkom’s writings, seminars, and personal experiences on the process
of being happy, sustaining happiness and building it into joy and then
moving the inner joy to bliss.
One of the sources of joy is the feeling of gratitude. The feeling of
gratitude releases the joy in your heart and brings peace to your body,
emotions, and mind.... (p. 9) —Torkom Saraydarian
Included are over 50 exercises to increase your happiness and joy, to
heal and forgive, to overcome adversities and past injuries and much
Hiawatha and the Great Peace is the story told in symbolic language of
the life and great political contributions made by the Native American hero
Hiawatha, a great leader, a statesman, and visionary who gave his nation
“The Great Peace” or the Confederacy of the Five Nations. This unique
constitution later formed the basis for the Constitution of the United States.
Great men are not physical existences only. They have a great reservoir
of spiritual values and experiences, which make them magnetic, creative,
inspiring, and highly influential. (p. vii) —Torkom Saraydarian
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Hidden Glory of the Inner Man $12.00
The Hidden Glory of the Inner Man gives a clear explanation of the
journey of the human soul from being an unconscious Spark to finally
becoming the True Self.
It is a fundamental introduction to the role of the Solar Angel, the
human soul, and the personality in the life and development of the
human being.
Hidden Widsom of the Lotus Sutra: The entire Lotus Sutra is the Teaching
of oneness and an invitation to all beings to reach the realization of oneness.
It is the Teaching that the invisible and the visible, the formless and the
form, the microcosm and the macrocosm, the life and all phenomena are
The Lotus Sutra says that this is the Teaching that illuminated millions
of beings and led them to the path of enlightenment, nirvana, and
Buddhahood. Why will such a Teaching be considered the most sacred,
the most fundamental Teaching in the Universe? Discover why alongside
Torkom Saradaryian as he navigates the content of the Teaching and gives
readers a process by which to study sacred writings so that we can, on our
own, learn how to study and understand sacred literature.
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Karma & Reincarnation is about cause and effect. The law of karma,
explains Torkom, teaches us that everything we do and say and feel creates
a result. That result is the life in which we find ourselves.
Reincarnation is defined as the process through which the human soul
enters into physical existence, or incarnation. Each birth is an opportunity
to grow the treasury of our human soul. Each death is an opportunity to
experience the treasury of the Higher Worlds.
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Leadership - Volume 1
Volume 1 gives the fundamentals of $25.00 978-0-929874-25-8 488
leadership based upon the principles of Softcover ISBN-soft Pages
the Ageless Wisdom teachings.
Included in this volume you will find: $30.00 978-0-929874-24-1 488
Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
▪ Leadership Essentials
▪ Leadership and Inspiration
▪ Leadership and Religion
▪ Leadership and Faith
▪ How to be a discriminating leader
Leadership - Volume 2
Volume 2 continues to give detailed $20.00 978-0-929874-51-7 334
advice on true leadership. It addresses Softcover ISBN-soft Pages
issues such as how does one become a
leader in today’s world and still use the $25.00 978-0-929874-50-0 334
higher principles in daily life. Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
Leadership - Volume 3
Volume 3 contains instructions given to $20.00 978-0-929874-56-2 399
advanced students of esoteric leadership. Softcover ISBN-soft Pages
It focuses on how a leader works, how
he or she relates with other leaders and
other groups, how to be sensitive and $25.00 978-0-929874-55-5 399
discerning toward coworkers; how to deal Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
with slander and with criticism; how to be
righteous, how to watch for and diminish
qualities that will ruin your leadership
and your work, and much more.
Leadership - Volume 4
Volume 4: Torkom teaches about the $25.00 978-0-929874-64-7 424
responsibilities of a leader for the new Softcover ISBN-soft Pages
generation by emphasizing the new
image of a leader, the immediate and inner $30.00 978-0-929874-63-0 424
development of a leader, the dangerous
paths of leadership, and how to have Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
a balanced spiritual development that
coincides with your path of leadership.
Leadership - Volume 5
Volume 5: The last volume on leadership, $30.00 978-0-929874-66-1 503
Torkom focuses on how you have and give Softcover ISBN-soft Pages
meaning to life when you ready yourself
to lead. True leaders are not appointed by $35.00 978-0-929874-65-4 503
anyone; they appoint themselves to lead, Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
to serve, and to give.
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Legend of Shamballa $25.00 978-0-911794-68-7 165
Written as an epic poem.... Hardcover Only ISBN Pages
A must have for any teacher of meditation and the Ageless Wisdom.
Meditation - Volume 1 $40.00 978-1-937024-57-4 469
The Fundamentals Softcover ISBN Pages
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Mystery of Self-Image $15.00 978-0-929874-38-8 192
Vision Series - Book# 6 Softcover ISBN Pages
Mysteries of Willpower $15.00 978-0-929874-41-8 288
Vision Series - Book# 7 Softcover ISBN Pages
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
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Prayer. In this book Torkom explains what prayer is, what blessings
are, how we should pray, and why we should pray. Torkom wrote and
lectured about the power of prayer and mantrams throughout his public
service. In this book, he discusses the deeper meaning of “Lead Us O
Lord...,” the “Lord’s Prayer,” “Avira Virma Yeti,” “Psalm 23,” a more
detailed explanation of “Affirmation of a Disciple,” and a beautiful
Native American prayer on Joy given to him in the mountains of Sedona,
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Psyche & Psychism $80.00 978-0-911794-06-9 1214
Hardcover-Set ISBN Pages
2-Volume Set - Hardcover Only
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Purpose of Life $15.00 978-0-929876-03-6 224
Vision Series - Book# 3 Softcover ISBN Pages
The Purpose of Life explains the real purpose of life and how to sense and
reach that purpose using will, a plan, a goal, skill and labor.
It is never too late, says Torkom, to ask: What is the purpose of my life?
What is the reason we are born, over and over and over again? How do I find
a way to eternal happiness and direction?
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Science of Meditation $20.00
Hardcover (1st Edition) & Softcover (3rd Edition)
$25.00 978-0-911794-29-8 384
Hardcover-Blue ISBN- Hard Pages
Sense of Responsibility in Society $12.00 978-0-929874-07-4 176
Softcover ISBN Pages
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Sex, Family, & the Woman in Society challenges all the notions of
modern day marriage and relationships. It turns many of our beliefs
about family life and sexual relations upside down and lets us see
the spiritual, the deep, the esoteric side of why and how we form
Solar Angel - Volume 1 $25.00 978-0-911794-62-5 455
Softcover ISBN Pages
Hardcover & Softcover
$30.00 978-0-911794-61-8 455
Hardcover ISBN- Hard Pages
Solar Angel - Volume 2 $35.00 978-0-929874-89-0 438
Softcover ISBN Pages
Softcover Only
The Solar Angel, Volume 2 contains the collection of writings about the
Soul not published in the first volume. Torkom Saraydarian’s explanations
about the Solar Angel help clarify and expand our understanding of this
most intimate Guide.
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Subconscious Mind & the Chalice $18.00 978-0-929874-18-0 446
Softcover ISBN Pages
The Subconscious Mind & the Chalice is composed of two sections. The
first one is the subconscious mind. The second one is the Chalice. The
study of the subconscious mind eventually leads us to the real Treasury
within us which is called the Chalice.
The book begins with an in-depth explanation of the causes and consequences
of our automatic thoughts, speech, and actions. It then moves the reader
into the progressive path of conscious existence and the building of the
Chalice, which holds all the true knowledge, real love, and pure sacrifices
a person has accumulated throughout his many lifetimes....
—Lectures on these subjects are available at
Symphony of the Zodiac explains the signs of the Zodiac, discusses the
characteristics and keynotes of each one, and offers specific meditations for
each month.
It shows how each month, as the Sun enters one of the twelve signs of the
Zodiac, special energies are available which can be used to better yourself,
accomplish tasks, and eliminate negative characteristics in your nature.
Every chapter ends with a meditation designed to assimilate and radiate the
sign’s specific gifts and opportunities.
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Torkom Saraydarian
Understanding The Secret Doctrine. Torkom knew that The Secret
Doctrine contained the heart and soul of the Ageless Wisdom Teaching.
Understanding The Secret Doctrine is the result of his years of study that
began when he was a young man. This book is a rare glimpse into esoteric
wisdom and provides a new understanding and renewed appreciation for the
Ageless Wisdom Teaching.
The original book The Secret Doctrine is a book written by Helena P.
Blavatsky and first published in 1888. It is based on certain records kept in
Hierarchical archives since Atlantean days. Tradition says that just before
Atlantis was going to submerge, Great Initiates took secret writings from the
library of Atlantis and carried them to the Himalayas where they were put
in safe keeping.
Unusual Court $10.00 978-0-911794-44-1 32
With Illustrations by Frances Paelian Softcover ISBN Pages
The Unusual Court asks “if only animals could talk, what
would they say to God?” Torkom gives voice to our cherished
friends in the animal kingdom.
“This was my dream one night very close to the full moon.”
So begins his intense tale that resonates throughout time.
Brought alive through the many beautiful illustrations by
Francis Paelian, The Unusual Court is both a message of
compassion and a dire warning.
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Wisdom of the Zodiac $45.00 978-0-929874-08-1 763
Softcover ISBN Pages
Volume 1: Aries • Taurus • Gemini
Volume 1 covers the full moons of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, plus
insightful chapters on the meaning of the three major full moons and how
to celebrate them and prepare for the spiritual new year.
Torkom lectured and wrote about every full moon throughout his lifetime.
The full moons were the cornerstone of his work and tuning into their
rhythm was the process by which he worked and served.
Torkom first wrote about their significance in Symphony of the Zodiac.
The four Wisdom of the Zodiac volumes are his remaining writings and
lectures on this subject.
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The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Year 2000 & After $15.00 978-0-929874-14-2 220
Softcover ISBN Pages
Vision Series - Book# 2
The Year 2000 & After addresses humanity’s needed response to the
changing energies as one Cosmic age comes to a close and a new age
begins. The book shows how human response to the needs of the world is
most prevalent, most dynamic and far-reaching when caring and sensitive
individuals are able to creatively and lovingly respond to the periodic flow
of cosmic energies.
The impact of Shamballa energy will not be drastic if three or four million
disciples stand together. They will change the condition of life on this planet.
Light is stronger than darkness. Even if we darken a large temple, we can
destroy the darkness with only a few matches or candles... Have faith... Evil
always destroys itself. (p. 23-24) —Torkom Saraydarian
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TSG Book Catalog
Angels and Devas exist all around us. They help us, protect us, and provide
spiritual energy and healing to us.
A compilation from Torkom’s numerous writings on Angels and Devas.
“Psychic energy is ... transmitted by angels. They are powerful transmitters or
even sources of psychic energy. When a person is charged with psychic energy,
he turns into a source of creative, healing and enlightening energy.”
$3.00 978-0-911794-52-6 28
Daily Discipline of Workship Softcover ISBN Pages
Start your day and end your day by making contact with the Divine Essence.
Remember God in everything you do. Stay in the universal flow.
Each of the five contacts takes less than 15 seconds. Are you ready to give 15
seconds of your time to make a contact with Divine Essence?
Recite five prayers, at intervals throughout the day, and tune in with Beauty,
Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, and Freedom.
42 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
A beautiful booklet that defines the process of daily worship and prayer.
As we pray, we slowly change the elements that make up our nature. All Great
Teachers of religion and spirituality taught how to pray and instructed us to
pray attentively and regularly. Step by step, we change our physical, emotional,
and mental bodies to vibrate at a higher rate of beauty and serenity. Prayer is
the path of sanity and balance.
This handy booklet explains how to put your spiritual principles into action. It
is not enough to meditate, read, and study. What is needed are men and women
who put their spiritual principles into action and are not afraid to do so. This
is not fanatic adherence to sectarianism, but a broad application of your inner
principles into daily living.
$5.00 978-0-911794-63-2 74
Earthquakes & Disasters Softcover ISBN Pages
What does the Ageless Wisdom say about the causes of earthquakes and various
natural disasters?
We know that human negligence is causing much of today’s “natural” disasters,
but is there a more subtle reason beyond the physical negligence?
Could it be that our physical actions are only an outer manifestation of our
emotional and mental attitudes? Could we be triggering the hurricanes,
earthquakes, tsunamis all around the world by the very thoughtforms that we
are creating daily? Could all the ugliness, pain and suffering, revenge and
killing cause damage to the benevolent energies that can protect us?...
1-480-502-1909 | 43
TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Booklets - (continued...)
Fiery Carriage & Drugs $5.00
Why do our children use drugs, starting at a young age and continue to self-
destruct? How do you guide your children to learn about real experiences of
an expanded consciousness vs. the damaging use of drugs on every facet of
their life? What can you do about the widespread use of drugs? This booklet
can help you by educating you about the subtle human anatomy and be ready
to discuss the real problems.
Related subject on DVD: Why Drugs Are Dangerous
DVD #134 - $20.00
See online for more information and full list of lectures on
Excerpted from the larger book Challenge for Discipleship, this is a handy
booklet containing important information about the ego, vanity, glamors, and
Vanity, ego, illusions, and glamors build a heavy wall around our aura. They
hold us back from being our True Self, and prevent us from communicating
with others with honesty and integrity.
44 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
$5.00 978-0-929874-43-2 80
Nachiketas Softcover ISBN Pages
Inspired by a story in the Upanishads, this is a moving tale about a man who
wanted to have conscious immortality and was willing to give up everything
in order to attain it, even his only son, Nachiketas.
An instructional story about the process of renunciation and the levels
of renunciation. Torkom writes with deep insight, and shows a profound
understanding of the powerful factors that motivate our actions, especially in
the spiritual realms.
$6.00 978-0-929874-54-8 75
Practical Spirituality Softcover ISBN Pages
A practical and introductory booklet that gives advise on four very important
parts of our life:
▪ Meditation, thinking, and health
▪ Sex, happiness, and health
▪ Self-image and its mystery
▪ Visualization and how to use it
Torkom talks of these topics with a kind of candor that is not usually seen in
spiritual teachers. These topics are important for any striving individual. Even
more advanced students will benefit from the discussions in this booklet.
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TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Booklets - (continued...)
Prayers, Mantrams, Invocations $15.00 978-0-929874-87-6 111
(2nd edition - compliation) Softcover ISBN Pages
This booklet contains over 100 prayers, mantrams, and invocations collected
from many sacred writings as well as originals by Torkom Saraydarian.
These selections are words of power that can be used in meditation and
contemplation. Use them to calm your emotions and your mind and whenever
you need spiritual help to understand the mysteries of life.
“Every age has its keynote... the keynote of the Aquarian age is synthesis.”
Explains clearly what synthesis is and how it relates to every aspect of life, man
and his relationship with his entire surroundings, and the essence of life.
Gives 28 practical steps to develop synthesis and be in tune with all of creation.
Check online for special offers:
46 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
“Grandparents are not old shoes who have finished their job, to be put on shelves
or sent to different places. Grandparents have their special role in evolution...”
Grandparents stand for the future, for the spiritual education of the children
of the family. Grandparents can use their life experiences and their practical
wisdom to teach children how life works, what the essential values are, and
what principles to develop so that the children are protected and learn how to
make choices in life.
How men affect women and how men can build rapport with women. Fantastic
guide for any man who wants to improve his relations with that special woman
in his life.
Included in this booklet:
▪ 10 most important ways men affect women
▪ The ways men can build rapport with women
You too can strive to have an ideal marriage; one that is just perfect for you and
your spouse. Learn the secret in this wonderful little booklet!
There is a secret tie that pulls people together. People think that attraction is
a simple chemical affinity. But the esoteric wisdom shows us that we build
patterns of relationships over many lifetimes.
1-480-502-1909 | 47
TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Do you wish people around you had a deeper sense of responsibility? Do you
wish to instill this sense in your children?
In order to develop responsibility, we must be responsive to others. This
means to register thoughts, feelings, motives and conditions. Next, we learn to
discern what is the best response to a particular situation. This creates in us a
sense of oneness with people and with Nature.
Fathers have a crucial role to play in the life of their children. Our society does
not provide training courses for fathers. Men will often pattern their behavior
from what they learned from their own fathers and mothers, sometimes
following in the same exact footsteps. When men become conscious of their
roles, and learn the sacred duties of fatherhood, they begin to expand and
improve on the patterns that they learned as children from their parents.
Mothers have a role in the life of their family that is unsurpassed by any other
relationship in our life. Mothers give life, nurture, nourish, and provide the
first imprint in the life of a human being. Whatever your mother did for you,
you will remember it in detail for the rest of your life.
Mothers are the foundation of society and it is time that humanity respects and
upholds the rights of women and mothers. They are the most important person
in the life of their children.
The foundations for success can most easily be taught in the family. True
success helps every individual be happy and healthy in life. Successful
people who understand the spiritual foundations for their success are gifts to
all of life. They are those who give, help, build, and save others and become
examples for others.
48 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
This booklet is the most inspiring information given for the upliftment of
women, both in their own self-image and in the eyes of humanity.
Women need to take back their power. The dangers that women face today
is as urgent as it was 100 years ago! Women all over the world are degraded,
humiliated, and prevented from being the leaders of society. Worse yet, even
in advanced societies, women do not have the inner confidence to see their
immesurable worth in the lives of their children and in the health of humanity.
“In the coming centuries people will choose their friends, husbands, wives,
and work partners very carefully because they will realize that they cannot
progress on the path of spiritual development at a normal speed if they make a
wrong choice or continuously fail in choosing correctly.”
How many times have you asked yourself: “I wish I knew then what I know
now, I would have chosen more carefully.” (p. 1) —Torkom Saraydarian
“The foundation of the world is the family.... At the present time, people think
that marriage and family are artificial and have no meaning. When I talk with
teenagers and with the general public, they do not have the same respect toward
family and marriage that people had one hundred or even fifty years ago. If
marriages are not based on real love and respect-on a real foundation-you do
not have a state; you do not have a country; you do not have a world.”
(p. 1) —Torkom Saraydarian
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TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Dance of the Zodiac $14.00 406-cd, 406-mp3
1. Wild Horses 6. Contemplation on Himalayas
2. Metamorphosis 7. Hiawatha and the Tree of Peace
3. Joy 8. Colorado Rapids
4. Flowering Trees 9. I Will Attain
5. Migrating Birds 10. Dance of the Zodiac
50 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Far Horizons $14.00 403-cd, 403-mp3
1. Unveiling of Isis 6. The Great Pyramid
2. Aspiration 7. Dance of Ecstasy
3. Gathering Flowers 8. My Mother, In Tears I Miss You
4. Forgive Me, My Lord 9. I Walk Toward the Summit
5. My Rosy Girl
Fire Blossom $14.00 412-cd, 412-mp3
Infinity $14.00 402-cd, 402-mp3
Lao Tse $14.00 409-cd, 409-mp3
1-480-502-1909 | 51
TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Music (continued...)
Let My Dreams Come True $14.00 416-cd, 416-mp3
Light Years Ahead $14.00 413-cd, 413-mp3
1. Labor 7. Dimensions
2. The Lonely Path 8. Efforts
3. Steep Path 9. Wandering
4. Dance of Innocents 10. Free Bird
5. Gongs 11. I See Light in Darkness
6. Flight to Higher Dimensions 12: My Faults
Lily in Tibet $14.00 410-cd, 410-mp3
Misty Mountains $14.00 415-cd, 415-mp3
1. Rapid in the Gorge 7. Gypsy Dance
2. Dust Devils 8. Star in My Soul
3. Tornado on the Ocean 9. Mountains in China
4. You Came to My Dream 10. My Heart in the Stars
5. Misty Mountains 11. Deer on the Horizon
6. Gesar Khan 12. Armenian Shepherd Dance
52 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
Piano Compositions $14.00 411-cd, 411-mp3
1. Eagles in the Sky
2. Gesar Khan
3. White Eagle
4. Bygone Days
5. Dance of Joy
6. Horseman Riding Toward the Future
Rainbow $14.00 414-cd, 414-mp3
Sacred Songs $14.00 417-cd, 417-mp3
Recording of 20 Sacred Songs, sung by Torkom and others.
1. Love Each Other 11. Lead Us O Lord / Asatoma
2. O Living Flame 12. More Radiant than the Sun
3. The Great Invocation 13. Beloved Lord
4. Om Mani Padme Hum 14. Avira Virma Yedhi
5. Love to All Beings 15. I Longed for You
6. Affirmation of the Disciple 16. The Stars
7. No Greater Joy 17. The Temple of the Heart
8. Your Presence 18. New Group of World Servers
9. Goodwill 19. Joy
10. Navajo Invocation 20. Gatay
Spirit of My Heart $14.00 404-cd, 404-mp3
1-480-502-1909 | 53
TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
Music (continued...)
Sun Rhythms $14.00 407-cd, 407-mp3
Tears of My Joy $14.00 408-cd, 408-mp3
Toward Freedom $14.00 405-cd, 405-mp3
54 | 1-480-502-1909
The Creative Works of Torkom Saraydarian
1-480-502-1909 | 55
TSG Catalog: Books - Booklets - Music
TSG Foundation
Tel. 480-502-1909
Email: [email protected]
Mailing address: PO Box 7068 Cave Creek, AZ 85327 USA
Copyright © 2020 TSG Foundation - Home of all Torkom Saraydarian’s creative works. All Rights Reserved.