Effect of Thinking

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Effect of Thinking
Observe how people read the Teaching. Observe which passages they elude and try not to notice. People especially often close their eyes to everything referring to betrayal and psychic murder. They do not even wish to consider that they can harm at a distance by their thoughts. Thus people avoid that in which they are most often guilty. One does not have to be a giant of thought in order to harm. Even a mediocre thought poisoned by the crystal of imperil will be very effective. To conceive treason means to accomplish an evident half of the whole, because an already poisoned shell will be receptive to the slightest impetus. Verily, poisoning by thoughts is even more harmful than narcotics. Likewise one can recall infection through thoughttransmission. One may be weakened to such an extent that each infection can easily approach. Thought is like a key with which to open.
Hierarchy, para. 125 (1977)

Observe how people read the Teaching. It is very interesting that we must observe ourselves. We must see what paragraphs, what books we are avoiding. For example, if you are reading a book, sometimes you read a paragraph, feel irritated, and do not want to continue. That is a sign that there is an obstacle, a hindrance within you, and it is better to find that hindrance and work it out so that it is cleaned from your mind. You can really psychoanalyze yourself, observing what certain things you like to avoid and what certain things you like to read. Some people tell me, "I do not like to read this book or that book," "I do not want to meditate on this subject, but I want to meditate on that subject." They say, "I do not want to see that movie. I want to see this movie." If you only want to see something, to read a certain something, it means that there is an obstacle in your mind or something against that idea or vision which is presented by the book or literature you are not reading. A criminal does not want to go to a place where he committed a crime. I had a nice friend and I always wanted him to come to a certain park with me which was full of oak trees. He said, "I do not want to go there." I asked, "What is the problem?" He said, "I do not

want to go." Eventually I found out that somewhere in the United States under an oak tree he committed a crime. Oak trees were associated with the crime in his mind. That is why he wants to avoid oak trees. He does not want to remember the crime because the crime is painful for him. It is all thought. Clairvoyantly people say that thought is maybe two, three feet away from our body, surrounding us. It is an electrical field which immediately detects like a computer. If there is something in the diskette, it is revealed and either we feel pain or pleasure. Whenever you are reading books, see why you do not want a part and dig it out. Solve it, dissolve it, so that psychologically you clean your nature, your consciousness, your subconsciousness even, and remove the obstacles. For example, meditation is a very, very natural process. If you can not or do not want to do meditation, it means there is a hindrance there. It is connected with meditation, it is connected with silence, it is connected with withdrawal. Something hurt you in the past, even in past lives, and you are rejecting meditation. That rejection is like a block of stone which is standing in your subconscious mind. Now you want to bring it out and destroy it so that you use that channel, that kind of device to improve your meditation. Why be deprived from meditation? Use that device to improve yourself. Why can you not use it? It is because it is associated with something within you that is painful. The easiest method is to find out about this when you are reading the Teaching. I noticed this with a few friends. They did not like to read about the heart. I said, "This is the best thing in the book about the heart." I did a compilation and gave it to them but they did not like to read it. Eventually I found out that there was something connected with their heart. For example, when they were betraying some people, when they were planning treason toward somebody, somebody said, "Listen to your heart. Pay attention to your heart." The heart became connected with that event, so they never want to

read about the heart which is the best subject in the Teaching. When we clean the obstacle from their mind, they start to read what they would not read before. There are many, many obstacles in our life. If we avoid them, we will not be very successful. We do not like to read a book, an article, or even have any object if we hate or are hurt by the author or the owner of the object. The more damage you do to someone, the more you hate him and his works. Some people are very afraid of being successful. Immediately when they see that something they are doing is becoming successful, they create artificial obstacles to make themselves fail. Why? They create the obstacles because success is related to a painful event, a painful thought, a painful accident. They became successful and people hated them. A tax problem was created causing many problems, or they had to declare bankruptcy, and so on. These things are so heavy in their consciousness that now they want to avoid being successful. Perhaps you do not want to marry anymore because marriage means pain and suffering for you. You had a divorce case and it was so painful for you that you want to avoid anything like it again. If you do not clean that, these obstacles will remain in your subconsciousness and will eventually create static, noise, in your consciousness and your consciousness will not be free to be creative and successful because the static and noise will hinder you. People especially close their eyes to everything which refers to betrayal and psychic murder. If you betrayed your wife, your husband, your children, your coworkers, your friends, anything that reminds you of these things at that moment you avoid them. You do not want to see. You just hide your head. Why is that? It is because any time you do something against the law of love and compassion or unity you are in a state of hypnosis, and at that moment when your consciousness is not at the highest and you are in a state of hypnosis, everything around you is registered in your conscious and

subconscious mind. Whenever these elements are coming in front of you, you avoid them because they all speak about the pain. Let us say you have five people here and those five people were present when you were doing something against love. You were criminal, you were lying, you were hating, you were angry, you were taking revenge. These five people are in your brain. Whenever you see these five people you like to avoid them because they remind you of the crime that you committed. We find here something very important. Whenever you are reading something, pay attention to which word is bugging you. When a teacher or lecturer is talking about something, observe which sentences, which explanations you really hated, because your problem is there and you are going to find what the problem is so that you can clean it from your mind. What is psychic murder? Psychic murder is divided into three sections. One is that mentally you hate some-body. Mentally you plan murder in your mind. For example, you say, "I would like go and destroy the success of that person." This is psychic murder. Then you say, "I wish these two people who have married will separate and hate each other." You are psychically doing something against the survival of the other people, against the pleasure of the other people. You are committing psychic murder through your thinking. Perhaps you are continuously hating a man and projecting ugly images against him. What is happening? Those ugly images are going to his mind, to his consciousness, and eventually impressing themselves so heavily on his consciousness that his consciousness is weakening, and slowly he is trying to believe whatever is felt in his mind, that he is an ugly man. Psychically you are destroying or belittling that man or that woman or that girl or that boy. How? You are doing so by thinking evil against that person. When you are thinking evil against that person nobody is seeing you, nobody is registering you, and nobody knows about it, but the person who is

bombarded by your evil thoughts is slowly, slowly weakening. This is why M.M. says that when a person starts weakening from psychic attacks, it will be very easy for him to be infected by germs and viruses because he is weakened. This is what psychic murder is. The second section of psychic murder is that you continuously project hatred, revenge, criticism against a person. This is the emotional level. On the physical level you slander and gossip and lie about him or her and eventually all these thoughtforms accumulate with the frequency of the person you are aiming it to. It goes to that person and eventually kills him or kills her or weakens the person to such a degree that that man or that woman becomes very sensitive, attractive, or magnetic to viruses and microbes. This is what psychic murder is and nobody here or anywhere can say they are really out of it. Many times you continuously send evil thoughts, continuously send negative or destructive emotions, or continuously speak evil about somebody with gossip and slander. This is psychic murder. Sometimes when your life enters into difficult conditions you say, "I am a good man and I did not do anything." But karma registered your thoughts, your emotions, and your words and you are on the karmic list now. You have payment to pay and that is why your karma hits you even if you did not do any crimes with your hands and feet. Psychically you were a criminal. I remember a little story an Indian man told me. He said, "I did something very strange." "What did you do?" "One day I dreamed my neighbor was coming and stealing our chickens. Early in the morning I went and beat him and told him, 'Do not come and steal my chickens.' The man was surprised." He said, 'I did not steal them, but maybe I thought about it' ." The same thing is taught very beautifully in the New Testament when Christ says, "Your thoughts are already acts, even if you did not act with your hands or feet." You thought about it. Your thinking is action, and karmically your thoughts are as powerful as your actions and it is in the computer.

Look how careful we are going to become not to exercise psychic murder. What does it say to us? From now on we are going to be very careful about what we are thinking, feeling, and talking about because, if they are negative, if they are harmful, if they are destructive, they are really going and finding their victim and are personally committing suicide as well as a criminal act toward others. They do not even wish to consider that they can harm at a distance by their thoughts. In the next century, ten years later, many, many Great Teachers and scientists are going to emphasize that it is the mind which controls our life. First our stomach and sex controlled the life for millions of years. If you read the history of humanity you will ask, "What was it that was controlling our life?" First it was the stomach and then the sex and then later came possessions. First it was not possessions because everything was given to the people. Then people wanted a portion named in their name. Property and possessions came. Later, life was affected another nine million years with hate, revenge, anger, treason. In the coming age, especially ten, fifteen years later, many, many scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists are going to emphasize that the prime importance is now in your thinking. Whatever you think in your heart, that is what you are going to become. It is very strange that Buddha said this two thousand five hundred years ago. He said, "You are the result of your thinking." Of course He was addressing these words to His disciples who were three thousand years ahead of us. He was talking about the future. Now we are coming to the future, and His words really apply to us. What are His words? "Whatever you are now is because of your thoughts." Imagine if you have a system of analysis to see your body, your glands, your nervous system, the condition of your brain and blood, the condition of your consciousness. You will find out that you conditioned exactly what you are now with your own thoughts. You created gaps, contradictions, leaks, many complicated conditions in your thinking and here you are.

If we could see from a machine, we would see that a sick person is like a little ant caught by a spider web. The spider web is all his thoughts and he is in the center. If you can analyze the threads of this spider web, that is what your thoughts were in the past and you caught yourself, you imprisoned yourself with your own pattern of thinking. That is exactly what the world is. If you open your mind and see what is happening in the world now, in the past, in the future, you will say, "It is all the result of thinking." How are we thinking? Maybe our thinking is still tied to our sex, stomach, and properties. Maybe our thoughts are still tied to our negative emotions, gossip, slander, and hatred. Maybe our thoughts are now tied to the future visions, to the perfection of the human being. All these three together are creating what we are in the world now. It is chaos. We have great people who are thinking about peace, light, happiness, beauty, goodness, righteousness. We have on the other extreme side those who are criminal, who want to kill and butcher people, hate people. Then we have the pendulum people who go this way one day, then go that way one day and create chaos, becoming mediums for good and bad. That is the world situation because whatever man is thinking, that is what he is. Whatever humanity is thinking as a whole, that is what life on the planet is. How to change this planet? It cannot be changed with elections, with writing articles. Change the level of the consciousness of humanity and everything will change by itself because as you connect yourself with the future perfection of humanity, you will start creating those thoughts which are in harmony with Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, Striving, and Sacrificial Service. That is why so many man trams are given. The Great Invocation was given to change certain prayers. For example I was reading a prayer which said, "My Lord, You love me and because You love me, give me strength to destroy my enemies, to take their lands and be happy."a This is a prayer which is totally contradictory to the laws of Nature. Millions of people pray these kinds of prayers. They go to

their church or temple and say, "Bless us." "Where are you going?" "We are going to war." The bishops and religious people bless them so that they go and destroy the best way that they can. This is the chaos that is in our mind and in the world. Our thoughts are creating the situations that we have. Our thoughts will be able to rescue us from the situations that we are in now. How? We can create those thoughts which are healthy, happy, synthesizing, harmonizing, beautiful. Do not forget Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, Striving, and Sacrificial Service. If you have these kinds of thoughts, then you are really changing the world. Each of us can change the world. M.M. has written, "Small people think that their acts, thoughts, and words are not so effective, but they are so powerful." Each of you, having good thoughts for each other and for the future, is paving the way for humanity to reach that future. But if you are reading magazines which are saying, "The end is near, Satan is coming, and you will see destruction everywhere," what are they doing? The magazines and so on are conditioning your thinking and you will start seeing destruction everywhere. This thoughtform is creating the situation which we are in. Can you not create another situation where the world is a very, very beautiful place to live and work? Great Ones say, "Your thought harms at a distance," because they know what thought is. Once you think, your thought goes seven times around the planet. Your thought energy, once it is out of your mind, circles the earth seven times, which means it affects all the thinking atmosphere of humanity. It already poisoned something or corrected something. It is not easy to hold our thought. We become angry and start fabricating every kind of thought to pour upon others. Yesterday outside a store I was watching a few teenagers. A teenage girl, maybe fifteen years old, was cursing and pouring fire upon some boy who perhaps did not kiss her when she wanted him to. I asked, "Is this what we are teaching our children?" It was nine, ten o'clock. Why is

she not home reading something beautiful, or learning something beautiful, instead of wasting her time and energy on the streets with other boys and girls? How did we come to this point? How did we fall into that situation? It is because people began to say to us, "Save your soul and to hell with everything else." One does not have to be a giant of thought in order to harm. If you are evil inside, a little thought is already a drop of poison in a barrel of good water. How are we going to be watchful so that all our thoughts are in harmony with Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, Striving, and Sacrificial Service? Actually, the discipline of life, religious life, spiritual life is not reading the books. Books are important, but do not think that reading the books will save you. What is going to save you? You will be saved by obeying the wisdom that exists in the books. Actualize the wisdom in your life. To actualize the wisdom in your life you need something very important. One day when I was leaving the monastery my Teacher said, ''Stand guard on yourself." I said, "What a nonsense sentence." Now I understand what it means. Can you stand guard on your thoughts, on your emotions, and words and say, "Wait, Guard!" Every minute we are tempted. Why are we tempted every minute? Every minute there are objects which associate us to the temptation. We are going to hold our thought. There is a story which is very funny. One day there was a shepherd who was so happy with his wife, children, and happy home with fifty cows and sheep. Then a man came and inquired, "Can I stay the night here?" The shepherd said, "Of course, outside is all snow, cold, animals, and danger. Of course you are welcome." The man said, "I want a little to eat." The man was given a good dinner and then he said, "I want to sleep," but the shepherd had only one bed. The pretty wife slept on the bed and the man slept there also. The shepherd put a little basket with water in it and hung it over the head of the man who was sleeping. At midnight the water started to drip. The man asked the shepherd, "Why did you hang the basket there? It is leaking." The shepherd answered, "Watch your thoughts. Every time you think


about my wife it will drip on you. Watch your mind." The man slept a little more and then thought, "This lady is very pretty," and down dropped some water upon his head. This is a parable that the Teachers of the world wanted us to know to show us how powerful our thoughts are. It is so allegorically explained. Even a mediocre thought poisoned by the crystals of imperil will be very effective. What is imperil? Imperil is the name of the poison which is created in our body when we are continuously irritated. When you are in irritation, it is so powerful. The irritation creates poison in the nervous system, in the lungs, in the veins. That poison, if connected with the thoughts, is like a real poison which destroys people from a distance. That is why, when you hate and are angry, in that anger you puts lots of poison, irritation, and it destroys you and others. I watched many, many people. When they are angry and projecting ugly thoughts, they shake. Why are they shaking? It should be some kind of biological chemistry which is making their nervous system upset. Watch and you will see. What happens? When people are sending ugly, poisoned thoughts which are charged by imperil, by the poison, eventually their aura is weakened. Physical science did not yet explain or discover that viruses, microbes, and germs are just like human beings. They have physical, astral, and mental natures. When you have a virus in your body, you have a virus in your emotional and mental bodies. When you are thinking evil, you are sending that virus mentally, emotionally, or with your words to other people and weakening them. Immediately when they are weakened, their protection is gone, and they accept the germs which you are sending. I noticed that sometimes I catch a cold through telephone conversations. The other day a lady I was speaking with on the phone had a cold pouring from her nose, and she was slandering somebody so bad that the next day I started to catch a cold. I proved to myself that germs can be projected through long distances by our thoughts and conversation and hatred. Watch these things.


I am often scared when I have to give a five, six day seminar and need a lot of energy and togetherness. Immediately before the seminar people call me. "You know what happened?" Why did you wait until that moment? Let me go and give my lecture. They beat you down. They knock you down so that you are not ready with that energy and harmonious consciousness and aura to give your lecture. They break you down. When you break down somebody and hurt or harm him, do not imagine that you go unnoticed by the karmic computer. You are in the computer and if you are in the computer the karma is going to hit you here, there, very indirectly, in such a way you do not even suspect and you say, "How did this come? I am a good man." You are a good man in appearance, but not a good man in your thoughts and emotions. That is how certain men and women appear to be so beautiful, but examine their thoughts. You will find sewage there. That is what their future will be. Their future will be very difficult because they were not watching their thoughts. Verily, poisoning by thoughts is even more harmful than narcotics. Likewise one can recall infection through thought-transmission. One may be weakened to such an extent that each infection can easily approach. Thought is like a key with which to open. What door are you opening? If the door you are opening is where snakes and rattlesnakes and scorpions dwell, do not open that door.

Question: If you think evil about someone, does it affect other people besides the one you are thinking of? Answer: Of course it does. For example, you think you are you and this person is different. If you handshake with these people, etherically you are connected. If anything bad comes, in a certain percentage they feel it because you are all interconnected. Wife, husband, close friends, student-teacher are so connected. When you


hug somebody, your aura meets and if something bad happens to him or her it will come to you. This is true especially when teenagers, young people have sexual intercourse with various boys and girls. They do not know what they are doing. They are weaving their aura together and they will share their poison and joy. That is why purity is so important. Purity means do not create too many attachments, too many connections. Be careful with whom you are connecting. You can be connected not only in this life but also from many previous lives which affect your present relationships. Question: How can you offset the negative thoughts? Answer: Just offset them. We can give magical, artificial things but you are going to do it. How to prevent falling into a pit? Watch it! If you cannot watch it, you are not ready to be a human being. Of course meditation strengthens your observation and discrimination and eventually you become a little more observant, careful, consider ate. There was a man who was smoking a pipe and I entered into his home. The smoke from his pipe was like a cloud and his little children were saying, "Daddy, that is enough." Daddy replied, "If it is enough, go to the other room. I want to enjoy myself." Be considerate. Thinking about the welfare of other people can save you from future destruction and pain and suffering. Question: If you find yourself thinking bad things about people that you do not normally think about, can that be an attack? Answer: Yes it can be, but immediately you can change it. For example, suddenly I might see that that traitor came into my mind. Immediately I say, "I bless you. You are so beautiful. In certain ways you are not bad. I do not have anything to do with you. God bless you." Get rid of it. If they are serpants, why to mingle with them? Immediately create the opposite thought which is creative, beautiful, and get rid of it. You may not get rid of the thought immediately because the poison continues knocking at your door. You are going to be always alert not to respond to it.


Eventually your mind will be so watchful. That is why Christ said, "Pray and be watchful." To pray means always be connected with Me. Watchful means do not open your doors too much. People will sneak in. Question: To deflect a psychic attack, besides being healthy, positive, and surrounding oneself with white light, are there any exercises you can suggest? Answer: M.M. says the best exercise is to think about Hierarchy. Think about your Master. Think about Christ. Think about Mohammed, Moses, whomever you want, so that you uplift your consciousness. Do not believe too much in white, blue rays, and lights. It is a labyrinth. You start believing these things are helping you. The most important thing is to strengthen your willpower so that you are in control. Instead of your thoughts controlling you, you control your thoughts. It is a battle. It is not easy. We are not coming here to achieve easy things because we already have them. We are coming here or following the Teaching to find difficult things and strive, to overcome these difficult things. There were two brothers. One brother became a manager of a nightclub of prostitution. The other man became a great scientist. I know them both. The scientist was always controlling himself and doing greater things, studying, going to college and the university, and shaping his life. The other one was gambling and going to prostitutes. What is their future? What is your future? Your future will be that which you planted. If you want to be a healthy man or woman, plant healthy seeds now so that later you harvest them. We do not believe too much in artificial things. You must do it. A man came to our group and said, "What do you do here?" I said, "We teach people how to think." I said also, "We try to make donkeys into human beings." It amused him very much and we became friends and he came to see me. He said, "I have a son who is using drugs. Can you help him?" "Send him to me." The boy came and I said, "My goodness, you are fourteen years old.


Why are you using drugs? Are you stupid? Why use anything?" "I do not know." "Do you know that you are destroying your future?" "No." "You are!" I shouted two, three minutes. Then I said, "Do not do it. Go home and destroy all of your drugs." He went home and dumped all his drugs. He stopped smoking and using any drags. Daddy came back to see me and asked, "Did you hypnotize my son?" "No. Ask him." "What did you do? He is acting abnormally." "I think normal for you is for your son to use drugs. Is that normal for you?" "I guess so." "Well, that normality is finished," I said. I talked directly with the boy. But we do not have people who sit and talk about these things. First of all children do not like it. Father is so abusive. Mother has five or six boyfriends. How does she have time to talk with the girls? That is what we have now. Out of every three couples, one is divorcing, hating each other, and destroying each other. Whatever you think, that is what you are. Your television really teaches you how to think evil, how to divorce, how to kill, how to destroy, how to knife, how to shoot. What are they doing? They are bombarding your mind with these thoughts, and you are subconsciously taking these things to use at your weakest time. Question: Does imperil collect in the arteries ? Answer: The imperil collects in the arteries which creates high blood pressure and destroys the flexibility of the arteries. M.M. says this and I believe it because whenever I am really angry or upset or worrying, my blood pressure rises. I did not do anything bad but actually I ate dirty emotions, dirty thoughts. That is what will happen. In the Himalayas I met people who were one hundred five years old. Their heart is like a fifteen year old boy's heart. They never know what blood pressure is. Wait until you sign your tax returns. Your blood pressure will go up. That is all emotions, all mind. That is all stuff we created.


Question: Can the imperil cause almost permanent damage rather than just your blood pressure going up? Answer: I cannot believe there is anything permanent in the Universe. Either good or bad, it is not permanent. It means if you are repeating these bad actions, emotions, and thoughts, then you will have different problems: health problems, heart problems, kidney problems. It is all emotions. Do you not see what is happening? If you are really angry and worrying day and night, you do not feel good, you do not have energy. You observe yourself. This lecture especially suggests we observe our thoughts and see what is happening around us. Why did that girl become a senator and the other girl became a prostitute? Watch it. It is so easy to see. Why did that man die at twenty-four years old and that man who was his brother is still living at ninety? What happened to them? If you observe your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions, you will find the answer. Question: If you physically purify, does that help you to have more control over your thoughts? Answer: Of course. Let us say that you have debts to three people. If you pay one person, you have less debt. That is it. If you pay all of them, it is best. Pay it. Finish it.
Lecture given on January 6, 1991

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