Linear Power MOSFETs 2007
Linear Power MOSFETs 2007
Linear Power MOSFETs 2007
of Linear-Mode Operation
By Abdus Sattar
Sattar, Applications Engineering Manager,
Vladimir Tsukanov
Tsukanov, Vice President of Engineering,
IXYS, Santa Clara, Calif.
For applications like electronic loads that require
power MOSFETs to operate in their linear region,
a novel transistor structure and process technol-
ogy provides an extended FBSOA.
ower MOSFETs are most often used in switched-
mode applications where they function as on- ���
off switches. But in applications like electronic
loads, linear regulators or Class A amplifiers, ��� ������
power MOSFETs must operate in their linear ����
region. In this operating mode, the MOSFETs are subjected ����
to high thermal stress due to the simultaneous occurrence ����
of high drain voltage and current, resulting in high power ������������������������ ����
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When the thermo-electrical stress exceeds some critical ������
limit, thermal hot spots occur in the silicon causing the
devices to fail. To prevent such failure, MOSFETs operating ���
in the linear region require high power dissipation capa- ������ �����
bility and an extended forward-bias safe operating area
(FBSOA). Fig. 1. As shown in this generalized graph of output characteristics, an
A series of linear power MOSFETs developed by IXYS n-channel power MOSFET has three possible modes of operation.
achieves an extended FBSOA capability by suppressing the
positive feedback of electro-thermal instability. The design condition can occur as a result of thermal hot spots or “cur-
of these new MOSFETs features a nonuniform distribution rent focusing” in the silicon, which in turn are caused by the
of transistor cells, as well as cells with different threshold spurious activation of the MOSFET’s parasitic BJT.
voltages. Normally, when the current attempts to self-constrict to
Every transistor cell is designed with a ballast resistor at a localized area, the increasing temperature of the spot will
the source to limit its current. The parasitic bipolar junction raise the resistance of the spot due to a positive temperature
transistor (BJT) of each cell is heavily bypassed so that it coefficient, and will redistribute the current away from the
will not turn on under extreme electrical stress conditions. hot spot.[1] This attribute facilitates parallel operation of
In addition, the thermal response of each power MOSFET multiple MOSFETs.
is tested to assure no solder voids. The linear MOSFET’s ef- However, applications like programmable resistors and
fectiveness can be demonstrated in the design of an electronic Class A, AB amplifiers cause the power MOSFETs to oper-
load developed for power-supply testing. ate in their linear region, where they must dissipate higher
power levels than in the more common on-off switching. In
Second Breakdown such cases, the current focusing and hot spots may not be
In power MOSFETs, the term “second breakdown” refers self-correcting, which can lead to device failure.
to a sudden reduction in a MOSFET’s blocking-voltage capa- In the linear mode, a power MOSFET is subjected to
bility followed by a loss of current control by MOSFET cur- high thermal stress due to the simultaneous occurrence of
rent. Although in most applications, MOSFETs are typically high drain voltage and current resulting in high power dis-
not subject to second breakdown. This potentially destructive sipation. When the thermo-electrical stress exceeds some
dopant concentrations and gate-oxide to lose gate control, and turns on the Application Example
thickness, and fixed charge will cause parasitic BJT with consequent destruc- Electronic loads such as those used
fluctuations of local threshold voltage tion of the device. to test power supplies can benefit from
and the current gain (gFS) of MOSFET In response to these problems, the use of linear MOSFETs with an
cells, which will also affect the local IXYS has developed a power MOSFET extended FBSOA. An electronic load
temperature of the die. structure and process that provides an is essentially a programmable resistor
Die temperature variations are extended FBSOA capability by sup- and is typically implemented with
mostly harmless in the case of switched- pressing the positive feedback of ETI. multiple high-voltage power MOSFETs
mode operation. However, these varia- The design of these new MOSFETs operating in parallel. In parallel opera-
tions can trigger catastrophic failure in features a nonuniform distribution tion, it’s highly unlikely that current
linear-mode operation, with pulse du- of transistor cells, as well as cells with will be shared equally in each MOSFET
rations longer than the time required different threshold voltages.[3] because of variations in device geom-
for a heat transfer from the junction to
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Fig. 5. Linear MOSFETs can be used to build a programmable resistive load for testing power
supplies at 2 A and 600 V.