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Power Supply Design Seminar

Survey of Resonant
Converter Topologies

Reproduced from
2018 Texas Instruments Power Supply Design Seminar
Topic 1
TI Literature Number: SLUP376

© 2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated

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Survey of Resonant Converter Topologies
Sheng-Yang Yu, Runruo Chen and Ananthakrishnan Viswanathan

Topic 1
Starting with 2- and 3-element resonant topology fundamentals, this session walks through the key charac-
teristics, analysis methodology, control challenges and design considerations of resonant topologies. Three
design examples demonstrate resonant topology performance with high switching frequency (~1 MHz) or
with wide output voltage regulation range (2 to 1 output voltage regulation level). This session also intro-
duces a new resonant topology structure, the CLL resonant converter, with size and efficiency advantages
over the traditional LLC series resonant converter. Finally, this session provides guidance on how to select
the best resonant topology for various applications.

I. Introduction introduced along with a classical resonant

converter structure. The popular LLC series
In recent years, resonant converters have
resonant converter (LLC-SRC) [1] is then used as
become more popular and are widely applied in
an example to show the linearization process in
various applications like server, telecom and
FHA. Voltage gains of 2- and 3-element resonant
consumer electronics. One key attractive
topologies with voltage sources are analyzed in
characteristic is that a resonant converter can
this paper. Three fundamental resonant elements
easily achieve high efficiency and allow high
– series resonance (SR), parallel resonance (PR)
frequency operation with their intrinsic wide soft-
and notch resonance (NR) – can be found inside
switching ranges. In addition, magnetic integration,
these resonant topologies. Each of these three
for example, utilizing transformer magnetizing
resonant elements contributes different
and leakage inductors as two resonant elements, is
characteristics to a resonant converter.
possible in some resonant converters and allows
Beyond the relationship between voltage gain
low component count and cost. However, resonant
and resonant elements, it is also very important to
converters rely on frequency modulation (FM) to
understand the soft-switching conditions of
achieve voltage or current regulation instead of
resonant converters. Circulating current in a
traditional pulse width modulation (PWM).
resonant converter is used to charge or discharge
Therefore, the input-to-output voltage gain of a
the parasitic capacitors of the switching elements
resonant converter can no longer be derived from
(e.g. MOSFET) during the switching dead-time, a
the inductor volt-second balance like PWM
period that all the switches are turned off. Hence,
converters and becomes much more complex than
it is essential to ensure the circulating current is
a PWM converter. The complicated input-to-
high enough and flows in the desired direction
output voltage relation can affect the decision-
under the desired operation region. In addition to
making process when selecting converter
that, enough dead-time must be ensured. A detailed
analysis is provided in Section II.
This paper aims to provide the audience with a
With an understanding of resonant topology
thorough understanding of resonant converters
fundamentals, detailed analysis of an LLC-SRC is
and ease concerns related to the control technique
then provided in Section III followed by a high
and analytical complexity. Starting from resonant
efficiency 1 MHz LLC-SRC design example.
converter fundamentals, this paper walks through
LLC-SRC is known to be a good candidate in
the key characteristics, analysis methodology,
isolated applications with narrow input and output
control challenges and design considerations of
voltage ranges, such as servers and telecom. A
resonant converters. A simple and commonly used
1 MHz, 390 V to 48 V LLC-SRC design example
analysis method for resonant converters,
showcases the strength of LLC-SRC in such
fundamental harmonic analysis (FHA), is

applications and the possibility of pushing the variable frequency control (VFC) and hybrid
switching frequency higher with a resonant hysteresis control (HHC). The key component
converter while still maintaining high efficiency. parasitics and their effects on a resonant converter
Besides server and telecom equipment, many operation are also discussed in Section VI. With
Topic 1

applications like battery chargers and LED lighting the knowledge provided in Sections II through VI,
may require their isolated DC/DC power stages to the reader should have clear clues when making
handle wide input or output voltage ranges. In resonant topology selection decisions.
these applications, LLC-SRC might not be a good
candidate. Instead, LCC resonant converters II. Resonant Topology
provide better overall performance than LLC-SRC Fundamentals
in applications with wide input or output voltage A. Resonant Converter Structure
ranges. Section IV provides a comparison between A conventional resonant converter consists of
LLC-SRC and LCC resonant converters to three sections: a switch network, resonant tank
demonstrate why a LCC resonant converter is a and rectifier network, as shown in Figure 1(a). The
better candidate for wide input or output voltage switch network generates pulsating voltage or
range applications. current [2] from a DC voltage or current source
In Section V, a new resonant converter and feeds it into the following stage, the resonant
structure is proposed. There are three distinct tank. On the other hand, the rectifier network
stages in a conventional resonant converter – receives pulsating voltage or current from the
switch network, resonant tank and rectifier resonant tank and rectifies the pulsating signal
network. The new structure proposed combines into a DC voltage or current. The resonant tank – a
the resonant tank and rectifier network implicitly. two port network formed by inductors (L) and
That is, one or more resonant elements are placed capacitors (C) – modulates its gain amplitude by
in the rectifier network stage and participate in the changing the pulsating signal frequency. In certain
resonance. By doing so, it is possible to improve switch network and rectifier network combinations,
converter efficiency and size when compared to a DC blocking capacitor – Cb in Figure 1(a) – is
conventional resonant converters. A new CLL needed to maintain the inductor volt-second
resonant converter is proposed using this new balance, i.e. to avoid saturating the transformer.
resonant converter structure. Prototypes of LLC- Although both the pulsating voltage and
SRC and CLL resonant converters are built to current sources are possible candidates as a switch
compare the performance. The results show that network in a resonant converter, this paper will
the CLL resonant converter achieves higher only focus on resonant converters with switch
efficiency than LLC-SRC, especially when its networks that generate pulsating voltages. A
switching frequency is higher than the resonant decomposed half-bridge LLC-SRC, shown in
frequencies. Figure 1(b), is used as an example to illustrate
Sections II through V provide a thorough how a resonant converter is designed. Series
understanding of resonant converter topologies connected MOSFETs in a half-bridge configuration
and analysis. In Section VI, resonant converter are used as the switch network. With 50%
design challenges and the effects of real life complementary duty-cycle on the series connected
parasitics and parameters are addressed. First, the MOSFETs, a pulsating signal with peak voltage
operational states of a resonant converter are more VIN is fed to the resonant tank. The resonant
than a PWM converter. Therefore, synchronous capacitor, Cr, also serves as the DC blocking
rectifier controller design becomes challenging for capacitor to allow volt-second balance on the
a resonant converter. Second, the transient resonant inductors. An ideal transformer with
response of resonant converters is addressed with central tap output windings is used along with
two different resonant converter control strategies: rectifier diodes to generate a DC voltage to the

Switch Cb Resonant Rectifier B. Fundamental Harmonic Approximation
Network Resonant
Tank Rectifier
Network Although there are many possible control
Network Tank Network schemes [3] to maintain a resonant converter
output regulation, this paper concentrates only on

Topic 1
FM – changing the input-to-output gain by only
varying the switching frequency with a fixed 50%
S duty-cycle on the switch network. With FM, a
resonant converter input-to-output voltage gain
VIN VA equation becomes very complex as it is frequency
0 VIN dependent. In addition, it is very difficult to
S2 analyze a non-linear circuit in the time domain.
0 0
Switch Network One commonly used approach is through
fundamental harmonic approximation (FHA) to
r Lr
analyze the circuit in the frequency domain.
Cr LLmr
nVOUT If we look at the input and output voltages of
-nVOUT the half-bridge LLC-SRC resonant tank in Figure
nVOUT 1(b), nearly square waveforms are seen. The
Lm Tank
voltage harmonics with VIN=390 V are found in
IOUT -nVOUT Figure 2. It is notable that the fundamental
Resonant Tank VOUT harmonic is the dominant harmonic. In this case,
the 3rd harmonic is about 33% of the fundamental
IOUT harmonic and the total harmonic distortion is
Rectifier Network about 48% of the input voltage waveform. The
output voltage harmonic is also dominated by the
fundamental harmonic when the switching
frequency is close to the series resonant frequency.
Rectifier Network If we only consider the fundamental harmonics
(b) on the input and output voltages of the resonant
tank and assume the resonant tank output current
Figure 1 – (a) Conventional resonant converter to be sinusoidal, a resonant converter now becomes
structure and (b) decomposed LLC-SRC.

Switch Resonant Rectifier

Network Tank Network

250 250

200 200
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

ΔV~160 V ΔV~165 V
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
100k 300k 500k 1M 100k
100k 300k 500k
300k 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2 – Resonant tank harmonics.

a linear circuit with a sinusoidal voltage input and With a center tap output rectifier stage, each
resistive output load. Let’s use the half-bridge LLC- output rectifier diode conducts 50% of the output
SRC in Figure 1(b) as an example to demonstrate current. Assume the resonant tank output current,
the FHA linearization process. Starting from the IR, is a sinusoidal shape, then the amplitude of IR,
Topic 1

switch network, the output voltage is a pure square IR(PEAK), can be derived using Equation (3):
wave with a peak voltage VIN and 0.5VIN DC TSW
2 I
content. Since Cr in the resonant tank blocks the DC
TSW ∫ 2 I R( PEAK ) sin ( 2πf SW t ) dt = OUT
0 n
content, we therefore only need to consider the AC
content of the switch network output voltage. The where TSW is the switching period and n is the
1st order harmonic of the switch network output transformer turns ratio. Using (3), IR(PEAK) can be
voltage, VS(t), can be expressed as: found to be πIOUT/(2n) and IR can be expressed as
4 V 2V
VS ( t ) = IN
sin( 2πf SW t ) = IN sin( 2πf SW t ) π IOUT
π 2 π (1) I R (
t )= sin( 2πf SW t ) (4)
2 n
where fSW is the switching frequency. Like the The IOUT and IR relationship is also illustrated
switch network output voltage, the rectifier network in Figure 4.
input voltage 1st order harmonic, VR(1st)(t), can be IOUT
expressed as: IOUT 2 n
4 (VIN 2 )
VR( 1st ) ( t ) = sin( ϖst ) (2)
when operating right on the series resonant
frequency. The relationships in (1) and (2) are also
illustrated in Figure 3. IR

VIN VA in AC level Figure 4 – LLC-SRC resonant tank output current

and average load current.
0 With Equations (2) and (4), the rectifier
VIN network can be simplified to an equivalent resistor,
2 Re, which is expressed as
VR( 1ST ) 8n2 VOUT 8n2
VS :1st order harmonic of VA Re
= = 2 = 2 ROUT (5)
With the above FHA process, we can linearize
the half-bridge LLC-SRC into the linear circuit in
VR Figure 5 and use simple AC analysis to understand
nVOUT the input-to-output gain. The FHA process is also
applicable to other resonant converters with
0 pulsating voltage sources while the level of
accuracy may vary.
VR(1st) :1st order harmonic of VR
Figure 3 – LLC-SRC resonant tank input
and output voltage and harmonics:
(a) resonant tank input voltage and
Figure 5 – Linearized LLC-SRC using FHA.
(b) resonant tank output voltage.

C. Fundamental Resonant Elements protection can be achieved by just increasing the
In this section, we are going to focus on switching frequency with the output port parallel
understanding the difference between different capacitor PR.
resonant tanks and how they affect input-to-output Notch resonance is formed either with an LC in

Topic 1
gain. D. Huang et al. have systematically analyzed parallel and placed in series between the input and
resonant tank characteristics in [4]. Three output or with an LC in series and placed in parallel
fundamental resonances – series resonance (SR), with the output. Basic NR elements and their gain
parallel resonance (PR) and notch resonance (NR) curves are shown in Figure 8. The parallel LC in NR
– are identified to be the fundamental resonances element #1 in Figure 8(a) becomes an open circuit
in a resonant tank. at the LC resonant frequency; therefore, voltage
Series resonance has at least two resonant gain becomes zero at the resonant frequency. The
elements connected in series and cascaded between cascaded LC in NR element #2 in Figure 8(b)
the input and output. A basic SR element and its becomes a short circuit at the LC resonant frequency
gain curve are shown in Figure 6. At the resonant and leads to zero gain at the output at the resonant
frequency, the impedance of the series connected frequency. With the open and short circuit
resonant elements becomes zero. Hence, the input- characteristics that NR elements have, NR creates a
to-output gain is unity. Other than resonant valley in the gain curve as shown in Figure 8(c). A
frequency, the input-to-output gain is less than valley in the middle of the gain curve is generally
unity. Therefore, SR provides a voltage step-down undesirable because it requires a complicated
function like a buck converter. controller design.

Gain (V/V)




10k 100k 1000k
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6 – Basic SR element and its gain curves.

Parallel resonance is formed with at least one

inductor and one capacitor. One of these two
elements is in parallel with the resonant tank
output and the other element is series-connected
between the input and output. Basic PR elements
and their gain curves are shown in Figure 7.
Around the resonant frequency, the voltage gain
can be very high. Therefore, a PR can be used in
applications that need a voltage step-up function,
like a boost converter. It is also notable that when
a PR has its capacitor in parallel with the output
port, the voltage gain at high frequency drops to
zero because the capacitor impedance becomes
zero. This implies that the output short circuit Figure 7 – Basic PR elements
and their gain curves.
D. 2- and 3-Element Resonant Topologies
With an understanding of the fundamental
resonant elements, it is now easy to walk through the
characteristics of resonant tanks [5]. There are eight
Topic 1

possible resonant tank combinations in 2-element

resonant topologies, as shown in Figure 10.

(a) (b)
Gain (V/V)

(c) (d)

Figure 8 – Basic NR elements and their gain
curves: (a) basic NR element #1, (b) basic NR (e) (f)
element #2 and (c) gain curves of NR element #1.

It is also notable that there is a series element in

Figure 8(b). The series element, an inductor or a
capacitor, is required to work with NR element #2 or
the input and output will be shorted together.
Because of the series element, NR element #2 will (g) (h)
have both NR and PR characteristics at the same
time. One example is illustrated in Figure 9 with PR Figure 10 – Possible 2-element resonant tanks:
and NR effects highlighted on the gain curves. (a) tank A, (b) tank B, (c) tank C, (d) tank D, (e)
tank E, (f) tank F, (g) tank G and (h) tank H.

Tank A is a series resonant converter with SR.

Tanks B and C are parallel resonant converters
with PR. Tank D is a resonant converter with NR,
as illustrated in Figure 8. It is worth noting that
both tanks E and F lack voltage regulation
capability because the input is directly connected
to the output. In addition, both tanks E and G
require a pulsating current source, which is not in
the scope of this paper. The inductor in tank H is
clamped by the input voltage and does not
Figure 9 – NR element #2 with participate in resonance. Therefore, tanks A
inductor as series element. through D are truly 2-element resonant converter

Cr Lr Lr Lp There are thirty-six possible resonant tank
combinations of 3-element resonant tanks [5]. If
Lp Cp we only consider resonant tanks that work with
pulsating voltage sources, twenty-three possible

Topic 1
(a) (b) resonant tank combinations are left. And fifteen of
Cr Lr Cr Lr the twenty-three possible resonant tanks have all
the resonant elements participating in resonance.
Lp Cp These fifteen 3-element resonant tanks are shown
in Figure 11.
(c) (d) Resonant tank I is the LLC-SRC resonant tank
and its input-to-output voltage gain curves are
Cr Cp Lr Cr
shown in Figure 12(a). Similar voltage gain
characteristics can be found in resonant tanks II
Lp Cp
and III. Resonant tank IV is generally called a
“LCC” type resonant tank and its input-to-output
(e) (f)
voltage gain curves are shown in Figure 12(b).
Lr Cr Lr Cr

Lp Cp — Re = 1 kΩ
— Re = 500 Ω
(g) (h)
— Re = 100 Ω
Lr Cr — Re = 50 Ω
— Re = 10 Ω
Cp Cp
Lp Lp
(i) (j)

Lr Cr Cr Cp

Lp Lp

(k) (l)
Lr Lr

Lp Cp Lp
Cp — Re = 1 kΩ
(m) (n) — Re = 500 Ω
— Re = 100 Ω
Lr Cr — Re = 50 Ω
— Re = 10 Ω

Figure 11 – 3-element resonant tanks work with
the voltage source and have all the resonant
elements participating in resonance: (a) tank I,
(b) tank II, (c) tank III, (d) tank IV, (e) tank V, (f)
tank VI, (g) tank VII, (h) tank VIII, (i) tank IX, (j)
tank X, (k) tank XI, (l) tank XII, (m) tank XIII, (n)
tank XIV and (o) tank XV. (b)

— Re = 1 kΩ — Re = 100 Ω — Re = 10 Ω
— Re = 500 Ω — Re = 50 Ω
— Re = 1 kΩ — Re = 100 Ω — Re = 10 Ω it is essential to understand the necessary and
— Re = 1 50 ΩΩ — Re = 10 Ω
kΩΩ — Re = 100
500 sufficient conditions of soft-switching or, precisely
— Re = 500 Ω — Re = 50 Ω speaking, zero-voltage switching (ZVS). ZVS
means the switch achieves zero voltage before it is
Topic 1

turned on. Take a MOSFET (commonly used in

switch networks today) as an example. We need a
current to completely discharge the MOSFET
output capacitor energy before the MOSFET is
turned on in order to achieve ZVS. There are three
conditions needed to achieve ZVS on MOSFETs
in a switch network:
1) Inductive input impedance:
(c) First, we need to ensure a current is present
during the turn-on transient to charge or discharge
the MOSFET output capacitor, which can be ensured
— Re = 1 kΩ — Re = 100 Ω
— Re = 1 kΩΩ
500 — Re = 100
50 ΩΩ
by making the resonant tank inductive in the desired
— Re = 500 Ω — Re = 50
10 Ω operational frequency range. As shown in Figure
— Re = 10 Ω 13(a), when the resonant tank is inductive, current is
lagging and therefore the switch network output
current is greater than zero during the turn-on
transient. It is also notable that when a resonant tank
is inductive, its impedance curve is a positive slope
and its gain curve is a negative slope, as shown in
Figure 13(b).

Switch VSW L IL 0
(d) Current
Figure 12 – Input-to-output voltage gains of: (a)
tank I, (b) tank IV, (c) tank VIII and (d) tank XV Inductive
with Cp=10 nF and Lp=250 μH. Region
Voltage Gain

It is notable that the LCC voltage gain peak is

higher than the LLC voltage gain peak with the same
series parameters Cr=22 nF and Lr= 60 μH. NR can
be observed in the gain curves of resonant tanks VII
through XIV. The voltage gain of resonant tank VIII
is shown in Figure 12(c) as an example. The Inductive
complicated shape of the gain curves makes the

resonant tanks with NR hard to regulate. Resonant

tank XV has an inductor divider formed by Lr and Lp
which provides lower voltage gain with a SR
characteristic, as shown in Figure 12(d). Frequency

E. Soft-Switching Criteria
The main benefit of resonant converters is that a Figure 13 – Inductive impedance: (a) block
resonant converter can achieve soft-switching on its diagram and (b) inductive region in gain and
switch network over wide load ranges. Therefore, impedance curves.

2) Sufficient energy stored in the resonant tank:
Inductive resonant tanks can ensure the VDS(Q1)
State 1 State 2 State 3
MOSFET output capacitors be charged or
discharged by the resonant tank current. However,

Topic 1
inductor impedance cannot guarantee “zero”
voltage switching can be achieved. In addition to 0
the inductor impedance, we need to ensure the IDS(Q1)
energy stored in the resonant tank is larger than
the energy stored in the MOSFET output capacitors Q1 Q1 Q1
in the switch network. Let’s take the half-bridge
LLC-SRC in Figure 14 as an example. The worst-
case equation for this LLC-SRC to achieve ZVS is Figure 15 – Switching transient of
2 2
a half-bridge LLC-SRC.
Lm I Lm( PEAK ) > COSSVDS( Q1 ) (6)
If all three conditions are met, we can ensure
where COSS is the output capacitance of MOSFETs ZVS is achieved on all the MOSFETs inside the
Q1 and Q2 and is assumed to be a constant here. switch network.

III. LLC Series Resonant Converter

Lr T1 D1 One common resonant converter application is
the isolated DC/DC converter stage after a power
N S1 COUT ROUT factor correction (PFC) circuit in a high efficiency
Q1 Lm N P AC/DC power supply, as shown in Figure 16. A
Cr N S2 PFC circuit boosts the rectified AC input voltage
D2 to a well-regulated voltage level, generally around
390 V. Also, a “hold-up time” is generally required
Figure 14 – Half-bridge LLC-SRC. in such power supplies to maintain the output voltage
3) Sufficient dead-time: regulation while the AC input is interrupted for one
The meaning of Equation (6) is that the resonant to a couple of cycles. To meet the hold-up time
current is now capable of fully charging or requirement, engineers generally design the isolated
discharging the MOSFET output capacitors. DC/DC converter to cover as low as a 250 V input
Consider the half-bridge LLC-SRC case shown in voltage.
Figure 14. If a constant current IDS is used to 100 VAC L1 D1 390 VDC
discharge Q1 COSS from the voltage VIN to zero and 120 VAC
230 VAC Isolated DC/DC

charge Q2 COSS from zero to VIN with the assumption VAC Cf S C1

that COSS(Q1)=COSS(Q2)=COSS, then the time that
allows the charge or discharge process to complete
can be expressed as PFC circuit

Figure 16 – Switching transient of

2C V
td( MIN ) = OSS IN (7) a half-bridge LLC-SRC.
If the dead-time between Q1 and Q2 is less than Resonant converters are good candidates in
td(MIN), ZVS cannot be achieved because the output this application because the soft-switching
capacitor charge or discharge process is not characteristic enables high converter efficiency.
completed. The concept is also illustrated in Figure However, it is also important to maintain low
15. The dead-time (t2) must be greater than the circuit costs. In general, half-bridge type switch
capacitor discharge time (t1) to allow a complete networks, as shown in Figure 1(b), provide the
discharge process and achieve ZVS. lowest cost switch network. In addition, if we can

find a resonant tank that can utilize the parameters half-bridge switch network to provide the lowest
of the isolation component, i.e. transformer, as a circuit cost. Resonant converters with tank I are
resonant element and work with the half-bridge generally called LLC series resonant converters
switch network without adding additional
Topic 1

(LLC-SRC). Detailed analysis of an LLC-SRC

components, we are able to minimize overall has already been made in [6]. This section mainly
circuit cost. focuses on the LLC-SRC key characteristics and
An ideal transformer has its magnetizing performance.
inductor in parallel with its input winding, which The LLC-SRC input-to-output voltage gain
can be used as the resonant inductor in parallel derived from FHA is expressed as below:
with the resonant tank output port. Considering
2-element and 3-element resonant tank candidates =
VIN / 2
in Figures 10 and 11, we find that resonant tanks ⎛
1 ⎞ ⎛ ω2 ⎞ ⎛
1 ⎞ ⎛
ω2 ⎞

B, H, I, III, V, XIII, XIV and XV are feasible to ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 − 1⎟ + ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜1− 2 ⎟

⎝ ω LmCr ⎠ ⎝ ω m ⎠ ⎝ ωCr n ROUT ⎠ ⎝ ωr ⎠
utilize the transformer magnetizing inductor as (8)
one resonant element. However, an additional DC
blocking capacitor is required for tanks H, XIII, where n=Np:NS1=NS2, ωr=2πfr=(LrCr)-0.5 and
XIV and XV to work with a half-bridge switch ωm=2πfm=[(Lr+Lm)Cr]-0.5. Its gain curves are also
network. illustrated in Figure 12(a). The series resonant
In the real world, a transformer always comes elements, Lr and Cr, resonate with the parallel
with a leakage inductor in series with the resonant element, Lm, to provide the PR of the
transformer windings. If the series connected LLC-SRC with the resonant frequency, fm. The
leakage inductor can be used as a resonant series resonant elements resonate by themselves to
inductor, we can further reduce the circuit cost. provide the SR of the LLC-SRC with the resonant
Among the twenty-three 2- and 3-element resonant frequency, fr. Therefore, LLC-SRC can either
tank candidates, only tank I can utilize both the provide a voltage step-up function utilizing the PR
transformer leakage inductor and magnetizing characteristic or a voltage step-down function
inductor as resonant inductors and work with the utilizing the SR characteristic.

f f
Cr=22 nF Cr=22 nF
Lr=150 µH Lr=60 µH
Lm=250 µH Lm=250 µH

– Re=1 k
– Re=500
– Re=100

Lr/Cr f Lm/Lr f

Cr=10 nF Cr=10 nF
Lr=150 µH Lr=60 µH
Lm=250 µH Lm=250 µH

Figure 17 – Effect of LLC-SRC resonant parameter variations.

The effect of resonant parameter variations is ZVS gives a clean VDS waveform, as can be seen
illustrated in Figure 17. It is notable that with the in Figure 19(b), and minimizes the switching losses.
increase of the Lm/Lr ratio, the peak value of the gain Therefore, the efficiency can be maintained at a high
curve decreases. That is, the voltage regulation range level. In this design, a peak 97.6% efficiency is

Topic 1
is reduced. With the increase of the Lr/Cr ratio, the achieved. Other design details can be found in [7].
difference between the two resonant frequencies
increases, which means the operational frequency
variation increases. From Figure 17, we know that
both the Lm/Lr and Lr/Cr ratio need to be low enough
to have wide voltage regulation range and narrow
operational frequency variation.
However, the current ILm is circulating between
the switch network and resonant tank at the input
side and doesn’t transfer to the output side, as can be
seen in Figure 18. If Lm is reduced to keep the Lm/Lr
ratio low for a wide voltage regulation range, ILm
will increase and therefore reduce the converter
efficiency. Hence, a trade-off between the efficiency (a)
and voltage regulation range must be made.

S1 S2


ID1 fm < fSW < fr

1 MHz Operation

ILr (b)


– 400 VIN
Figure 18 – LLC-SRC key waveforms – 390 VIN
– 380 VIN
at fm<f SW<fr.

Because ZVS is achieved in LLC-SRC, it is

possible to push the switching frequency higher
to reduce the converter size while still
maintaining higher converter efficiency. A 385 V
input to 48 V/1 kW output, 1 MHz LLC-SRC
design example with gallium-nitride (GaN) FETs
is shown in Figure 19(a) along with its key (c)
waveforms in 19(b) and efficiency results in 19(c).
The power stage volume is 6 in3 which yields a Figure 19 – 1 MHz LLC-SRC: (a) power stage, (b)
167 W/in3 power density. The minimum power key waveforms and (c) efficiency.
stage dimension not only provides high power
density, but also allows a lightweight converter.
The weight of this 1 kW design is less than 210 g.

IV. Resonant Converters for Wide
Input/Output Voltage Ranges To have high voltage gain, we must select
resonant tanks with PR. Tanks B, C, I, II, III, IV, V,
The need for a PFC circuit is generally driven by
Topic 1

VI and XIII in 2- and 3-element resonant converters

standards, such as EN61000-3-2 [8], ENERGY
are the possible candidates. Tank XIII can be ruled
STAR® [9] and 80 PLUS® [10]. Low current
out because its NR may lead to a difficult to
harmonics are required in EN61000-3-2, as shown in
control design. It is notable that tanks I, II and III
Figure 20, and a high power factor is required in both
have two inductors and one capacitor (2L1C) and
tanks IV, V and VI have two capacitors and one
inductor (1L2C). Here, we pick tank I from the
2L1C resonant tank candidates and tank IV from
the 1L2C candidates for the discussion of wide
input or output voltage resonant converter design
As wide voltage gain variation is needed, the
resonant converter must operate in a region that
has wide voltage gain variation and narrow
frequency variation. In addition, the input
Figure 20 – EN61000-3-2 harmonic requirements.
impedance must be kept inductive to maintain
soft-switching. The desired operating regions of
The use of a PFC circuit does reduce the
tanks I and IV are shown in Figure 22. Wide
reactive power and the demand from the
voltage gain variation and inductive impedance
distribution system. However, a PFC circuit also
can only occur between two resonant frequencies
increases the power supply bill of material cost. If
in tank I and above the higher resonant frequency
the PFC circuit is removed, the input voltage range
in tank IV. It is notable that the voltage gain slope
of the isolated DC/DC converter becomes much
is dominated by the ratio of the two resonant
wider. An AC/DC power supply example without
inductors in tank I and the ratio of the resonant
PFC is shown in Figure 21. With 120 VAC input,
inductor and parallel capacitor in tank IV. One
the DC voltage after the bridge rectifier varies
interesting difference between these two resonant
from 100 V to 200 V, which gives the isolated DC/
tanks is that the voltage gain decreases to zero
DC converter a higher VIN(MAX)/VIN(MIN) voltage
much quicker in tank IV than tank I when the
ratio. In lighting and battery charger applications,
switching frequency goes high. This feature
a wide output voltage range is also required. If a
implies that with tank IV, a zero to VOUT (VOUT
resonant converter is applied to these types of
could be any number greater than zero) voltage
applications, a high voltage gain resonant converter
regulation range can be achieved simply with FM.
must be chosen to fulfill the demand of the wide
Tank I, on the other hand, will require other
voltage gain range.
control methods, such as burst mode control, to
100 VDC~ realize the zero to VOUT voltage regulation range.
200 VDC
120 VAC +/-15% Isolated DC/DC
A lighting specification, shown in Table 1, is
Converter used here to further understand the difference
VAC Cf C1 Load
between tank I and tank IV. A half-bridge LLC-
SRC (resonant converter with tank I) and LCC
PFC circuit resonant converter (resonant converter with tank
IV) shown in Figure 23 are used in the comparison.
Figure 21 – AC/DC power supply
without PFC circuit.

fr1 fr2

– Re = 1 kΩ
5 – Re = 507 Ω S1
– Re = 100 Ω Cr Lr T1 IC(OUT)

Topic 1

3 Operating
n:1 –
Region (a)

10k 20k 40k 60k 80k 100k 200k 400k 600k 1M Cr Lr T1 IC(OUT)
Frequency (Hz) IPRI


n:1 –
fr1 fr2 (b)
– Re = 1 kΩ
5 – Re= 507 Ω
Figure 23 – LLC-SRC and LCC resonant
– Re = 100 Ω converter used in the comparison with
4 lighting specification: (a) LLC-SRC

Desired Operating
and (b) LCC resonant converter.
must set the transformer turns ratio of the LLC-
2 SRC to allow a unity voltage gain on the resonant
tank at the maximum input voltage and minimum
1 output voltage to minimize the operational
frequency variation range. That is,
10k 20k 40k 60k 80k 100k 200k 400k 600k 1M
VIN ( MAX ) 1
Frequency (Hz) n=
2 V
Using the specification in Table 1, n can be
Figure 22 – Desired operating region for calculated to be 2.3 for LLC-SRC. As the LCC
wide input or wide output applications: resonant converter has a much wider operating
(a) tank I and (b) tank IV. range than the LLC-SRC, we only need to ensure
that the LCC resonant converter has a high enough
Input voltage 400 V to 460 V voltage gain with minimum input voltage and
Output voltage 100 V to 200 V maximum output voltage at a full load. A unified
Output regulation Constant voltage at 200 V transformer turns ratio n=2.5 is selected for both
or constant current at 1A the LLC-SRC and LCC resonant converters in
order to provide a fair comparison and ease the
Table 1 – Lighting specification for tank I and
transformer design.
tank IV comparisons.
Second, we need to decide on the operation
point for both designs. To make a fair comparison,
First, we need to determine the transformer
we design both converters to have the same 130 kHz
turns ratio to start the designs. Notice that the
switching frequency at 400 VIN and 200 V/1 A
LLC-SRC has unity voltage gain at the resonant
output. Once the operating point is set, we can then
frequency, fr2, as can be seen from Figure 22, and
design both converters to ensure the voltage gain is
the voltage gain is still close to unity even when
high enough to cover the full input and output
the switching frequency is high. Therefore, we

ranges with minimum circulating current, i.e. by converter is still below 150 kHz. That is, if the
maximizing the impedance of the parallel resonant input or output regulation range is wider than the
elements: Lm and Cp. The following parameters specifications listed in Table 1, LLC-SRC (or
are selected for comparison: other 2L1C resonant converters) may no longer be
Topic 1

LLC-SRC: feasible because of the wide frequency variation

• Lr = 40 µH, Lm = 300 µH, Cr = 7 nF range. Instead, 1L2C converters, like a LCC
resonant converter, will be better candidates in
LCC resonant converter: such applications in terms of high voltage gain.
• Lr = 300 µH, Cr = 0.047 µF, Cp = 8.2 nF However, if we look at the key current
waveforms in the two converters used in the
Figure 24 shows the LLC-SRC and LCC resonant comparison, higher RMS current is observed in
converter gain curves with the above parameters. the resonant tank and output of the LCC resonant
The corner operating points, 400 VIN/200 VOUT and converter – as can be seen from the simulation
460 VIN/100 VOUT, are highlighted in Figure 24. results in Table 2 below. Higher RMS current
Using Equation (5), the equivalent load resistance implies lower converter efficiency. Hence, a LCC
(Re) can be calculated to be 1 kΩ and 507 Ω with resonant converter in general will have lower
100 V/1 A and 200 V/1 A output, respectively. efficiency than a LLC-SRC. Therefore, a trade-off
Both converters have the same operating point at between the voltage regulation range and
130 kHz with 400 VIN and 200 V/1 A output. efficiency must be made during the topology
While with 460 VIN, the LLC-SRC operating selection process.
point goes to 250 kHz and the LCC resonant

– LLC with Re=1 kΩ

5 – LLC with Re=507 Ω
– LCC with Re=1 kΩ
4 – LCC with Re=507 Ω

400 VIN, 200 VOUT /1 A, LLC/LCC


2 460 V IN, 100 V OUT /1 A, LLC

460 VIN ,
100 V OUT /1 A, LCC
10k 20k 40k 60k 80k 100k 200k 400k 600k 800k 1M
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 24 – LLC-SRC and LCC resonant converter gain curves used in the comparison.

(ARMS) (ARMS) (kHz) (kHz)
400 200 1 1.73 2.69 131 122 1.37 1.97
460 200 1 1.69 2.76 138 125 1.32 1.98
400 100 1 0.775 1.65 196 130 0.904 1.66
460 100 1 0.709 1.7 245 135 0.722 1.67

Table 2 – Simulation results of the corner conditions of the LLC-SRC and LCC resonant converters.

V. Resonant Converter Variations The benefits of having a resonant inductor
placed after the rectifier are possibly lower power
From Section II to IV, we have gone through
losses and a size reduction in the inductor. First,
the resonant converter fundamentals, designs and
Lr1 is equivalent to n2LOUT so for resonant

Topic 1
applications based on conventional resonant
converter structure as shown in Figure 1(a).
However, it is not necessary to have an explicit 1 1
f r1 = =
resonant tank and rectifier stage. Instead, it is 2π Cr ( Lr1 //Lr 2 ) 2
2π Cr ( n LOUT //Lr 2 )
possible to have components inside the rectifier
stage participating in resonance. Take the 3-element fr 2 =
2π Cr Lr 2 (10)
resonant tank III and its rectifier network as an
example. It is possible to have the resonant
In a voltage step-down application, n is greater
inductor, Lr1, be placed at the rectifier network
than one and therefore LOUT<<Lr1. So, LOUT can
after the rectifier diodes, as shown in Figure 25.
be much smaller than Lr1 in inductance. If we look
Cr Lr1 n:1:1
IOUT at the input current, ICr, and the inductor current,
ILOUT, in Figure 26 we find that the resonant
VOUT ROUT inductor current ILOUT is no longer swinging from
Lr2 Vr
positive to negative like ICr. Instead, ILOUT stays
non-zero. This implies the B-H hysteresis of ILOUT
(a) stays in the 1st quadrant instead of across all 4
quadrants, as the resonant inductors in the original
C LOUT tank III. That is, the core loss of LOUT will likely
+ r- b c
be less than the core loss of Lr1 in the original tank
Lm III. Especially at fSW>fr1, ILOUT goes into
0V continuous conduction mode (CCM) with less
current ripple, which means the B-H hysteresis
(b) area is further reduced as well as core losses.
Therefore, efficiency can be further improved
Figure 25 – (a) 3-element resonant tank III when the switching frequency is higher. Also,
and its output network and (b) proposed CLL inductor size of LOUT could be smaller than Lr1
resonant converter with implicit resonant because of a smaller B-H hysteresis area.
tank and output network.

DS 1 DS 1
GS 1 GS 1

DS 2 DS 2
GS 2 GS 2




c c

b b

(a) (b)
Figure 26 – CLL resonant converter key waveforms: (a) f SW<fr1 and (b) f SW>fr1.
250 W LLC-SRC and CLL resonant converter fSW = fr1 fSW > fr1 fSW < fr1
prototypes were built to verify the statements above. LLC Lr loss 0.87 W 1.11 W 0.69 W
The two prototypes have the same 370 µH parallel (winding/ (0.4 W/0.47 W) (0.38 W/ (0.35 W/
Topic 1

inductor (Lm), 33 nF resonant capacitor, and n=8 core) 0.73 W) 0.34 W)

turns ratio. The only difference between the two CLL Lr loss 0.43 W 0.23 W 0.53 W
prototypes is that different resonant inductors are (winding/ (0.12 W/ (0.07 W/ (0.14 W/
core) 0.31 W) 0.15 W) 0.39 W)
applied. In LLC-SRC, the resonant inductor (Lr)
has 72 µH inductance. In the CLL resonant Table 4 – Loss analysis results in FEA.
converter, the resonant inductor (LOUT) has 1 µH
inductance. The actual inductors used are shown in Efficiency measurements were made with the
Figure 27, an 11.4 mm x 12.1 mm x 9.5 mm output voltage regulated to 27.5 V on both
inductor was used for the CLL resonant inductor prototypes. The measurement results are shown in
and an inductor with Litz wire and an EE19 core Figure 28. The LLC-SRC efficiencies are nearly
was used for the LLC-SRC inductor. Notice that independent from the given input voltages with a
the resonant inductor with the EE19 core is 5 times 94.7% peak efficiency. On the other hand, the
larger than the CLL resonant inductor in volume. CLL resonant converter efficiencies vary with the
Finite element analysis (FEA) was made to both input voltage. When the input voltage and
resonant inductors with the EE19 core with 3C95 switching frequency are higher than the resonant
material and a copper sheet with 10 mm width and frequency (fSW>fr1), the CLL resonant converter
0.05 mm thickness for analysis simplicity. The key yields a better efficiency than the LLC-SRC.
parameters used in the FEA are shown in Table 3. 95.7% peak efficiency is achieved with a 430 V
The inductance of the two resonant inductors is input voltage. Detailed analysis and design details
equivalent in the linearized circuit by taking the can be found in [11][12].
turns ratio into account, i.e. Lr=n2LOUT. Simulation
results are shown in Table 4. As can be observed in
Table 4, the total resonant inductor losses are
greatly reduced when the switching frequency is
higher than the resonant frequency (fSW>fr1).


Figure 27 – Resonant inductors used in CLL

resonant converter and LLC-SRC.

Inductance 73 µH 1.2 µH
Turns 24 3
Parallel winding 1 8
RDC 31.5 mΩ 0.48 mΩ

Table 3 – Resonant inductor Figure 28 – Converter efficiency with 27.5 V

parameters used in FEA. output and different input voltages: (a) CLL
resonant converter and (b) LLC-SRC.

VI. Resonant Converter Design B. Transient Response
Challenges and the Effects of Unlike PWM converters, the state-space
Real Life Parasitics and average method [14] is no longer suitable for a
Parameters resonant converter to obtain an accurate small

Topic 1
signal model for a transient response analysis.
Although FHA helps us to better understand This is because the DC component of the state
resonant converter gain characteristics, there are variables in the state-space average method needs
still some details a designer should always keep in to be dominant for the model to be accurate and
mind, especially the operational states, transient some state variables in a resonant converter do not
response and effects of component parasitics. have a DC component. In addition, the natural
resonant frequencies of the resonant tank strongly
A. Operational States interact with the switching frequency as they are
The operational states of resonant converters generally close to each other. This situation
are very different from PWM converters. Unlike generally results in a double pole in its plant
PWM converters, there are more than two transfer function [15].
operational states – discontinuous conduction Traditionally, variable frequency control
mode (DCM) and CCM. For example, five (VFC) – or so called “FM” – is applied to a
possible operational states of a LLC-SRC across resonant converter. A block diagram of an LLC-
different switching frequencies and load conditions SRC with VFC is shown in Figure 30. The sensed
are shown in Figure 29. Unlike PWM converters, output voltage signal is compensated and
the output rectifier current, ID1 in Figure 29, is not transferred through a compensation network and
always non-zero after an input switch is turned the opto-coupler is then fed into a voltage
off. In addition, the rectifier turn-off timing is not controlled oscillator (VCO) to generate the driving
only load dependent but also frequency dependent. signals at the desired frequency. Since only the
As depicted in [13], voltage type self-driven output voltage signal is used to process the error in
synchronous rectifiers cannot be applied to the the system, the double pole in the plant transfer
resonant converters with pulsating voltage present function remains intact. Due to the presence of a
at the rectifier network input. Instead, turning the double pole in the plant transfer function, it is
synchronous rectifier on and off by detecting the more complex to stabilize the loop and obtain a
rectifier voltage – VDS sensing technique – is more very good transient response. Therefore, the VFC
promising for a resonant converter with a is analogous to voltage mode control for PWM
synchronous rectifier.

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 29 – Possible LLC-SRC operational states.

converters. In general, resonant converters with S1
VFC have a slow transient response and higher T1 D1
order plant transfer function. And because no Inner Loop
signals from the input side are taken, the input
Topic 1

VIN S2 Lm 0
voltage rejection is also poor. To have better Cr Lr
transient response of a VFC resonant converter, a vref n:1:1 D2
type III compensator along with a better opto- Deadtime
VCOMP Optocoupler
coupler is generally required. VCR
HHC & H(s)
Another significant challenge in using the LO

VFC is optimizing the performance of the S1_DRV

Outer Loop

converter at light load – specifically, it is

challenging to implement some form of burst Figure 31 – Block diagram
mode and obtain very good standby power of LLC-SRC with HHC.
performance along with a good transient response
out of burst mode operation. As burst mode Figure 32 shows the frequency response plot
periodically switches between the idle state and on the same power stage with either VFC or HHC.
high power state, it is difficult to optimize the A 1st order system can be observed on the plant
burst mode operation to give good efficiency, gain with HHC, which makes the compensation
transient response and audibility performance, network design easier. Also, it is much easier to
especially with VFC. get a faster transient response. Load transients
Current mode control for resonant converters from no load to full load with both VFC and HHC
has recently been introduced in the field to address are also taken and shown in Figure 33. Larger than
light load performance and transient response 20% VOUT deviation is observed on the LLC-SRC
issues. For example, the hybrid hysteresis control with VFC, while there is only 1.25% VOUT
(HHC) proposed in TI UCC256301 [16] utilizes a deviation on the LLC-SRC with HHC. In a HHC
current signal from a resonant capacitor in the control scheme, since it has a fair idea of the tank
resonant tank. The block diagram of an LLC-SRC current, it is possible to have a better control of the
with HHC is shown in Figure 31. The resonant energy and the calculation of the optimal efficiency
capacitor current signal is extracted from a for a burst packet. This makes the trade-off between
capacitor divider and fed into the controller the transient response, light load efficiency and
together with the compensated voltage signal. audible noise much simpler to make.
With the current information at the input side, the
HHC is analogous to current mode control. In 60
general, a fast transient response can be expected 40
Gain (dB)

and the system should be much easier to stabilize. 20

S1 -20
T1 D1 -40
R OUT 10 100 100 104
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
VIN S2 Lm 0
Cr Lr 180
n:1:1 D2 90
Phase (°)

VCO Optocoupler & 0
S2_DRV H(s)
Figure 30 – Block diagram -180
10 100 100 104
of LLC-SRC with VFC. Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 32 – LLC-SRC plant frequency responses.

Real Transformer Model
Cr Lr Lk T1

Topic 1

Figure 34 – LCC resonant converter

with leakage and magnetizing inductors
modeled in the transformer.

Figure 33 – LLC-SRC load transient
responses with (a) VFC and (b) HHC.

C. Component Parasitics (a)

Transformers are usually used in a resonant
converter rectifier network to provide galvanic
isolation. Ideally, the transformer can be modeled
as windings with infinite inductance, such as the
LCC resonant converter used in Section IV.
However, the magnetic inductance of a real
transformer is a finite number. In addition, the
windings of a real transformer will not be perfectly
coupled. That is, leakage inductance will be
present in a transformer. If we consider the LCC
resonant converter with the parameters used in
Section IV and a real transformer model with
Lk=15 µH and Lm=500 µH shown in Figure 34,
the voltage gain curve will change from Figure (b)
35(a) to (b) because both Lk and Lm participate in Figure 35 – LCC voltage gain with Re=507 Ω
the resonance. As can be observed from Figure 35, and (a) ideal transformer model and
the inductors from the transformer can alter the (b) real transformer model.
operation point significantly. Therefore,
transformer inductance must be taken into Other than transformer inductance, transformer
consideration when designing a resonant converter. winding parasitic capacitance, CTX, also affects
the resonant converter operation, especially during
the dead-time period. The circuit in Figure 36 is
the half-bridge LLC-SRC (Figure 14) circuit

model at dead-time considering CTX, where ILm is interference problems. The 1 MHz LLC-SRC
assumed to be a constant (COUT(tr) is the MOSFET prototype power stage, shown in Figure 39, is
output capacitance). If CTX is negligible, ILm will modeled as the circuit shown in Figure 40, where
be fully used to charge or discharge the output COUT(Q) is the input GaN FET output capacitance,
Topic 1

capacitors of the MOSFETs. With the presence of CP is the parasitic capacitance of the input winding,
CTX, partial ILm is now going to discharge CTX Lp is the leakage inductance (i.e., Lr) of the input
and leads to a current dip on ILr during the dead- winding, Ls is the “reflected” leakage inductance
time, as shown in Figure 37. Because of the of the secondary windings, CPS is the inter-winding
current reduction, the COUT(tr) charge or discharge capacitance, COUT(SR_eq) is the “reflected” output
time is longer and may require longer dead-time. capacitance of the synchronous rectifier GaN
Even worst, we could lose soft-switching if CTX is FETs SR1 and SR2 and Cs is the “reflected”
too large. Longer dead-time means the effective secondary winding capacitance. According to the
conduction time reduces and results in a higher dead-time circuit model, the equivalent capacitance
current RMS and lower converter efficiency. that the current ILm needs to charge or discharge
Therefore, it is very important to keep the can be found to be
transformer parasitic capacitance low [17]. 1
Ceq = 2C PS + (11)
1 1
Lr +
2COUT ( SR _eq ) + CS 2COUT ( Q ) + C P
2COUT(tr) It is found that both the winding capacitance
and GaN FET output capacitance dominate the
Ceq. Therefore, it is essential to minimize both
Cr winding capacitance and GaN FET output
capacitance for better performance.

Figure 36 – Equivalent resonant VSW

circuit during dead-time.

w/o CTX


ILm Figure 38 – 1 MHz LLC-SRC prototype

switching waveform.

Figure 37 – Effect of transformer parasitic

capacitor during dead-time period. Q1
If a resonant converter has high resonant
frequencies, ringing or oscillation could be Q2 Lm
observed due to lower resonant tank inductance Cr S2 VOUT
and capacitance values. Take the 1 MHz LLC-
SRC design used in Section III as an example.
Ringing is found during dead-time period, as Figure 39 – Schematic of the 1 MHz
shown in Figure 38. The high frequency ringing LLC-SRC prototype power stage.
can cause additional loss and electromagnetic


Topic 1
Ls COUT(SR_eq)
VCr Cr

Figure 40 – 1 MHz LLC-SRC power

stage model during dead-time.
Figure 42 – Incomplete reverse recovery
Besides transformer parasitics and the during startup transient.
MOSFET’s output capacitance, another key factor
To ease the concern of the incomplete reverse
that can affect a resonant converter performance is
recovery issue, we need to minimize the body
the MOSFET body diode in the switch network.
diode conduction duration and to slow down the
As depicted in Figure 15, there is always a period
MOSFET turn-on speed to reduce the body diode
during the dead-time that the body diode conducts
reverse recovery current. Or we can simply apply
current. When the body diode conducts current, a
wide bandgap devices like silicon carbide (SiC) or
reverse current is required to remove the reverse
GaN FET as input switches because the wide
recovery charge, Qrr, as shown in Figure 41.
During the startup transient of a resonant converter, bandgap devices provide zero or minimum reverse
it is possible that the reverse diode current did not recovery charge [17].
occur and leads to a body diode incomplete reverse Using a wide bandgap device not only helps
recovery. The incomplete reverse recovery issue is on the reverse recovery issue, but also helps to
illustrated in Figure 42. In the first half-period, reduce the required dead-time due to smaller
high current flows through the resonant tank output capacitance. An output capacitance
because the zero output voltage leads to a short (or comparison between the TI GaN device LMG3410
partial short) circuit of some resonant elements in [18] and a super junction MOSFET with the same
the resonant tank. In the following half-period, the level of RDS(ON) is shown in Figure 43. It is
observed that the GaN device has more linear
current did not resonant to a negative value,
output capacitance over the voltage then the super
therefore the Qrr is not removed. The presence of
the Qrr leads to hard switching in the next switching junction MOSFET. As the actual COSS varies with
period and results in high voltage stress. This issue the drain to source voltage, Equation (7) can be
can cause component failure due to over voltage rewritten as
2 DS C (V ) dV
V (12)
t D( MIN ) =

That is, the area under each COSS curve from

0 V to the maximum operational voltage determines
the required dead-time. As can be seen in Figure 43,
the GaN device has a much smaller area than the
super junction MOSFET. Therefore, less dead-
time is required for the GaN device.

Figure 41 – Diode reverse recovery transient.

LLC-SRC and LCC resonant converters are
further analyzed and applied to different
applications. LLC-SRC demonstrates its high
Topic 1

efficiency and high density at high frequency

operation. LCC resonant converters show less
frequency dependence while varying the input or
output voltages and higher voltage gain than LLC-
SRC. However, higher circulation current in LCC
resonant converters may lead to lower converter
A new resonant converter structure is proposed
Figure 43 – Output capacitance vs voltage of TI with an implicit resonant tank and rectifier
GaN device and a super junction MOSFET. network. A CLL resonant converter with the new
resonant converter structure demonstrates its
VII. Summary advantages in size and efficiency. Table 5
This paper has walked through resonant highlights the five resonant converters discussed
converter fundamentals, resonant topologies for in this paper. Among them, the LCC resonant
various applications and design considerations. converter has the narrowest frequency variation
Three fundamental resonances can be found inside when varying the input or output voltage level but
resonant tanks: SR, PR and NR. Among the three its current stresses are high. In addition to ZVS on
resonances, PR provides a voltage step-up the switch network, it is notable that both LLC-
characteristic and can be found in almost every SRC and CLL resonant converters can achieve
isolated resonant converter. It is notable that the zero current switching (ZCS) on the rectifier
voltage gain peak increases with the increase of network. Different characteristics of each resonant
the number of resonant capacitors involved in a converter give each one a different suitable
PR. NR should be avoided because it limits the application. Therefore, it is essential to understand
frequency range of an inductive impedance resonant converter fundamentals and key design
resonant tank. considerations as depicted in this paper.

LC Series LC Parallel LLC LCC CLL

Wide Wide Moderate Narrow Moderate
voltage/current Lowest High Low Highest High

Table 5 – Comparison of resonant topologies addressed in this paper.

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e n e r g y s t a r. g o v / i a / p a r t n e r s / p r o d _

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reference designs and materials relating to evaluation modules, (collectively, “TI Resources”) are intended to assist designers who are
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TI’s provision of TI Resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable published warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI
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You understand and agree that you remain responsible for using your independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing your
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(and of all TI products used in or for your applications) with all applicable regulations, laws and other applicable requirements. You
represent that, with respect to your applications, you have all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards that (1)
anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, (2) monitor failures and their consequences, and (3) lessen the likelihood of failures that
might cause harm and take appropriate actions. You agree that prior to using or distributing any applications that include TI products, you
will thoroughly test such applications and the functionality of such TI products as used in such applications. TI has not conducted any
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You are authorized to use, copy and modify any individual TI Resource only in connection with the development of applications that include
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You agree to fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages, costs, losses, and/or liabilities arising out of your non-
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This Notice applies to TI Resources. Additional terms apply to the use and purchase of certain types of materials, TI products and services.
These include; without limitation, TI’s standard terms for semiconductor products, evaluation
modules, and samples (

Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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