Ready Reckoner
Ready Reckoner
Ready Reckoner
1. BASIC CONCEPTS……………………………………………………………………………………………….01
2. PLANNING…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….05
3. FISCAL POLICY……………………………………………………………………………………………………08
6. TAXATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
7. FINANCIAL MARKETS………………………………………………………………………………………..26
8. INFLATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………..32
9. POVERTY………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….35
10. UNEMPLOYMENT……………………………………………………………………………………..………38
11. AGRICULTURE.………………………………………………………………………………………………….40
16. WTO………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….55
1. ECONOMICS DEFINITION, IT’S AGENTS, Gandhian Economics- it is the set of ideas that Gandhi
propounded for economic management and
Economics is a social science concerned with the
production, distribution and consumption of goods and
Branches of economics:
Factors of production in an economy Income method : Measuring the sum total of all
factor payments.
Gross Domestic Gross Domestic Gross Domestic
Income product Expenditure
+ + +
Net Income Net Income Net Income from
from Overseas from Overseas Overseas and
= = Exports
Gross National Gross National -
Income Product Imports
- - =
Depreciation Depreciation Gross National
GDP@FC =GDP@MP– indirect taxes+ = = Expenditure+
subsidies Subsidies-tax
NDP@FC= GDP@FC– depreciation
Gross National
National income( NNP@FC) = GNP @MP–
GDP@MP=GNP @ MP – net income from Depreciation
abroad =
GNP @ FC=GNP @ MP – net indirect taxes Net National Income = Net National Product = Net National
NDP @MP =NNP@MP– net income Expenditure
from abroad
NNP @fc=NNP @mp– indirect taxes Gross value added
Gross value added (GVA) is an economic productivity
metric that measures the contribution of a corporate
Note: GDP@ MP=GNP @ MP – net income from subsidiary, company or municipality to an economy,
abroad or income earned from abroad. producer, sector or region.
Income earned from abroad includes, GDP= GVA+ taxes on products –subsidies on products
1.Trade balance=Exports -Imports (negative) GVA=GDP- indirect taxes
2.Interest of external loans-Net output wrt interest Difference between GDP and GNP
payments (negative) Gross Domestic Gross National Product
3.Private remittances ( positive) Product (GDP) (GNP)
Therefore, GNP=GDP+(1+2+3) as 1 and 2 are negative It is the value of a It is the value of all finished
GNP=GDP-(1+2+3) ie., GNP< GDP nation's final domestic goods and services owned by
goods and services a country's residents over a
Three methods of national accounting
during a specific time period of time.
Expenditure method: Measuring the aggregate value period.
GDP: Consumer GNP: GDP+ NR (Net receipts
of spending that the firms receive for the final goods
spending + from abroad or inflows from
and services which they produce. Government spending abroad) – NP (Net payment
Product method: Measuring the aggregate value of + Investments + Net outflow to foreign assets)
final goods and services produced by all the firms. exports
Growth vs development
A five year plan formed the most basic unit of planning in
India. Efforts towards economic planning in India began
even prior to independence.
Hence following indices were brought as alternative The Bombay Plan (1944)
to measure growth. In 1944 Eight Industrialists of Bombay viz. Mr. JRD
Tata, GD Birla, Purshottamdas Thakurdas, LalaShriram,
Human Development Index- HDI Kasturbhai Lalbhai, AD Shroff, Ardeshir Dalal, & John
Inequality Adjusted HDI Mathai working together prepared what is known as
Social Progress Index “Bombay Plan”. It recommended a substantially
National Happiness Index interventionist state and an economy with a sizeable
public sector.
Green GDP
People’s Plan(1945)
Demand and supply side economics
People’s Plan (1945) was drafted by MN Roy. It gave
equal importance to both agriculture and industries.
This plan was for ten years. It recommended
nationalization of all agriculture and production.
Objectives of this plan include the establishment of This plan aims to double the per capita income of
the self- sufficient economy, opportunities for India in the next 10 years.
productive employment. It aims to reduce the poverty ratio 15% by 2012.
For the first time the private sector got the priority Taking up of extensive afforestation measures, by
over public sector. planting more trees and enhance the forest and
The plan was a big success. tree areas to 25% by 2007 and 33% by 2012.
Annual Plans: Decrease in the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to
Eighth Five Plan could not take place due to volatile 2 per 1000 live births by 2007.
political situation at the centre. VI. Access to potable drinking water cleaning of
So two annual programmes are formed in 1990-91& major polluted rivers.
11th five year plan (2007-2012):
8th five year plan (1992-1997):
Target Growth 5.6 % Actual Growth 6.8%. Target Growth 9 % Actual Growth 8%
In this plan the top priority was given to It was prepared by the C. Rangarajan.
development of the human resources i.e. Its main theme was “faster and more
employment, education,and public health. inclusive growth”.
During this plan Narasimha Rao Govt. launched Objectives of the plan:
New Economic Policy of India.
Outcomes of the plan
Reduction in unemployment( to less than 5 %
Rapid economic growth (highest annual growth among educated youth ) and headcount ratio of
rate so far – 6.8 %). poverty ( by 10 %).
High growth of agriculture and allied sector and Improvement in sex ratio, forest & tree cover, air
manufacturing sector. quality in major cities.
Ensuring electricity connection to all villages & BPL
Growth in exports and imports Improvement in households (by 2009) & reliable power by end of
trade and current account deficit. 11th Plan.
Decrease Decreasing government spending the Consolidated Fund of India without enactment of
Government reduces the funds needed for appropriation bill.
Spending consumers and businesses to purchase 4. Finance Bill [Article 110(a)]: It is presented to enact a
goods and services. demand is law for imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or
decreased. regulation of taxes proposed in the Budget.
Revenue budget: Revenue budgets include income
and expenditure for the year and those that will be
incurred regularly in the running of businesses. Ex: A deficit occurs when expenses exceed revenues,
sales, purchase, salaries, wages and rent. imports exceed exports, or liabilities exceed assets.
Capital budget: A capital budget estimates inflows Revenue deficit (RD): It is the difference
and outflows on account of capital expenses. Capital between the revenue receipts (RR) and the revenue
expenses means those expenses which will be expenditure (RE).
incurred for asset creation. Ex: plant &machinery , RD= RR-RE.
shares , furniture etc
Effective Revenue deficit (ERD): It is defined as the
Revenue receipts: These are recurrent receipts.
These include revenue raised from tax and non-tax difference between the revenue deficit and creation
sources. of capital assets.
Ex: Tax resources: Income tax, corporation tax, Fiscal deficit (FD): It is the difference between what
corporation tax, excise duty etc government earns and its total expenditure
Non-Tax resources: User charges, interest receipts, (excluding non-debt creating capital expenditure)
interest dividends etc
FD= (Revenue receipts + non-debt creating capital
Revenue expenditure: It does not create any assets.
receipts)- Total expenditure
It is incurred on maintenance and consumption of the
government. Ex: Salaries, interest payments, Budget deficit: The difference between the total
defence, subsidies budgeted receipts and expenditure.
Capital account receipts: These are money raised BD=Budgetary receipt – Budgetary expenditure
through borrowing (debt) or sale of assets (non-debt) Primary deficit: It is the difference between fiscal
Ex: Recoveries of loan; borrowing from India and deficit and interest payments
abroad; disinvestment proceeds
PD=FD-interest payment
Capital account expenditure: Expenditure made for
asset creation. Ex: Loans repaid, asset creation in Deficit financing: financing of gap between government
infrastructure and social areas receipts and expenditure.
Components of budget How does the government manage its deficits?
1. Annual Financial Statement [Article 112]: This
1. Monetised deficit – Borrowings made from RBI
document comprises the receipts and expenditures
of the government of current year, previous year and through printing fresh currency. The printed money is
budget year in three separate parts viz. Consolidated called high power money. FRBM act disallow RBI to
Fund of India, Contingency Fund of India and Public do this under normal conditions
Account of India. 2. Ways and Means Advances (WMA): The Reserve
2. Demands for Grants [Article 113]: The estimates of Bank of India gives temporary loan facilities to the
expenditures are presented to Lok Sabha in the form centre as a banker to government against adhoc
of Demands for Grants. Ministry wise demand for treasury bill. There is no collateral but penal interest
grants are presented to Lok Sabha. rate is charged.
3. Appropriation Bill [Article 114(3)]: The article 114(3)
stipulates that no amount can be withdrawn from In case of state government there are two types of
WMA, normal WMA are unsecured advances
Introduction of a transparent system of fiscal "Section 4 (2) of the FRBM Act provides for a trigger
management within the country to ensure fiscal mechanism for a deviation from the estimated fiscal
stability. deficit on account of structural reforms in the
economy with unanticipated fiscal implications.
It is mandated by the act that, Fiscal consolidation: It means strengthening of
1. Macro-Economic Framework Statement: It government finances and includes the following,
comprises an assessment of the overall growth
Revenue side
prospects of the economy with specific underlying
Rationalization of tax exemptions,
Improving efficiency of tax collections
2. Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement (MTFP): It is a
Tax stability etc
statement that is presented in the Parliament under
Section 3(2) of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Expenditure side
Management (FRBM) Act, 2003. Cutting out non-essential and unproductive activities,
3. Medium Term Expenditure Framework Statement: Rationalizing subsidies
This document sets forth a three-year rolling target Reduce time and cost overruns etc
for the expenditure indicators with specification of Government Debt:
underlying assumptions and risks involved. Various classification of government debt
Government liabilities have been broadly classified
FRBM ACT, 2003 as debt contracted against the Consolidated Fund of
In the Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management India (defined as Public Debt) and liabilities in the
Act made obligatory for the govt. to reduce its RD & Public Account, called Other Liabilities.
FD. Public debt is further classified into internal and
Reduction beginning from 2004 – 05. external debt.
Internal debt is debt taken from sources within the
Yearly reduction from 2004 - 05
country by selling of Treasury bills, loan from market.
2008 – 09 External debt loan from foreign countries,
RD 0.5% of GDP 0 international financial institutions, external
FD 0.3% 3% commercial borrowings (largest borrowing), NRI
By 2016-17 bring down (FRBM amendments) 2016-17 deposits, bilateral and multilateral debt, Trade credit.
FD 3% Rupee debt: refers to that part of India’s total
external debt denominated in Rupees.
RD 1.5%
Other Liabilities include liabilities on account of
ERD 0 Provident Funds, Reserve Funds Deposits, Other
Accounts, etc
Government debt as a percent of GDP is used by
Escape Clause in the FRBM Act investors to measure country ability to make future
Escape clause refers to the situation under which the payments on its debt. It affects borrowing cost and
central government can flexibly follow fiscal deficit government bond yields.
target during special circumstances.
This terminology was innovated by the NK Singh
Bank Rate: Rate at which RBI lends long term loan to
commercial banks. It is used for managing money
Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF): LAF are used by
banks for day to day mismatches in liquidity. RBI
lends money at repo rate.
Repo Rate: it is the Fixed interest rate charged by RBI
while extending short term loan on the security of
government bonds. Banks undertake to repurchase
them same at a later date.(RBI lends to banks)
It is used as Policy rate, which signals to the financial
system to adjust their lending and borrowing
Reverse Repo :RBI borrows from the market on the
basis of securities and repurchases them later. Rate
charged by bank is called Reverse repo rate.(banks
lend to RBI). It absorbs excess liquidty.
Marginal Standing Facility (MSF): A window through It is a sterilization effort of the central bank. (RBI borrows
which commercial banks can borrow from RBI at a from market absorbing excess liquidity)
rate greater than repo rate, which is meant to ease
liquidity In the market. Interest rates: A rate which is charged or paid for the
use of money. It is often expressed as an annual
Monetary policy Corridor: The MSF rate and reverse percentage of the principal.
repo rate determine the corridor for the daily High interest rates Low interest rates
movement in the weighted average call money rate.
Rupee gets stronger Rupee weakens
Reserve requirements: fraction of total deposits
managed by a bank as reserves that are not to be lent, Encourages saving Encourages spending
which is calculated as a percentage of each bank’s net Less disposable income More disposable income
demand and time liabilities (NDTL). Loan repayments increase Loan repayments
This are used for, providing loans to the government, decrease
safe banking operations, liquidity regulation, Savings earn more interest Savings earn less interest
management of interest rates etc. they can be CRR or
Higher inflation Low inflation
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR):it is the portion of the bank
Hawkish stance is when a central bank wants to
deposits that a bank should keep with the RBI in cash
guard against excessive inflation, there by increases
form, with no interest.
interest rates.
It is used to manage liquidity and inflation.
Dovish is the opposite of hawkish, interest rates are
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR): portion of time and reduced to fuel growth.
demand deposits banks should keep with themselves
in the form of designated liquid assets like Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR) was the rate
Government securities, public sector bond, current at which commercial banks can lend to customers
account balances with banks and gold. who are most credit worthy.
Liquidity coverage ratio: The LCR is the requirement Base Rate is the interest rate below which Scheduled
whereby banks must hold an amount of high-quality Commercial Banks (SCBs) will lend no loans to its
liquid assets that's enough to fund cash outflows for customers.
30 days. Base rate is replaced with MCLR (Marginal Cost of
The high-quality liquid assets include only those with funds-based Lending Rate)
a high potential to be converted easily and quickly
into cash
Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) is a collateral free
arrangement meaning that RBI need not give
collateral for liquidity absorption.
The SDF will allow the RBI to suck out liquidity
without offering government securities as collateral.
Open Market Operations (OMOs): These include
both, outright purchase and sale of government Inflation Targeting :a central bank has an explicit
securities, for injection and absorption of liquidity. target inflation rate range. Government and RBI
Note : Tools of liquidity adjustment-CRR, repo and agree on convergence between fiscal and monetary
reverse repo. policies.
Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS): Surplus liquidity Urjit Patel committee 2014: inflation targeting
of a more enduring nature arising from large capital Inflation target 4% +/- 2%
inflows is absorbed through the sale of short-dated
Nominal anchor should be defined in terms of
government securities and treasury bills.
headline inflation.
Setting up Monetary Policy Committee (covered 3. Bankers bank and lender of last resort: scheduled
in Inflation) banks can borrow from RBI by rediscounting bills of
exchange. RBI is the lender of last resort.
Twin Balance Sheet (TBS) challenge deals with 4. Controller of credit: it has the power to influence the
balance sheet of Indian companies and Indian Banks. volume of credit created by bank in India.
1. Overleveraged companies: Debt accumulation on 5. Agent and advisor of the government: It issues
companies is very high and thus they are unable government bonds, treasury bills, financial adviser to
to pay interest payments on loans. government, as an agent of government manages
public debts.
2. Bad-loan-encumbered-banks: Non-Performing 6. National clearing house: RBI acts as the clearing
Assets (NPA) of the banks is 9% for the total house for settlement of banking transactions.
banking system of India. It is as high as 12.1% for
7. Custodian of foreign reserves: It takes up operation
Public Sector Banks.As companies fail to pay back in forex market to stabilise the exchange rate of
principal or interest, banks are also in trouble. rupee and ensure there is no speculation.
Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA) Forex includes- foreign currency assets, gold, IMF-
The Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA) SDR (special drawing rights).
colloquially called “Bad Bank” is a proposed agency 8. Supervisory functions: Supervises and control over
to assume the Non-Performing Assets (NPA) of public commercial and cooperative banks.
sector banks in India and to deal with the recovery of
the bad loans. 9. Promotional functions: to promote banking habit and
extend banking facilities, it has set up IFCI, SFC, IDB
Helicopter Money etc.
A helicopter drop, or helicopter money, is a
hypothetical, unconventional tool of monetary policy 5.BANKING SYSTEM IN INDIA
that involves printing large sums of money and
A bank is a financial institution which performs the
distributing it to the public in order to stimulate the
deposit and lending function.
Liquidity Trap: it happens when monetary policy Banks classification
becomes ineffective due to very low interest rates
and consumers preferring to save rather than invest
in higher-yielding bonds/investments.
Reserve bank of India:
It was set up in 1935 (by the RBI Act, 1934). Nationalised
in 1949, governed by Central board of directors. It is the
central bank of India and is regulator and controller of
banking system.
It’s functions are as follows,
1. Bank of issue: It has sole right to issue bank notes of
all denominations. Distribution of coin and 1rs notes
is done by RBI on behalf of GOI.
2. Banker to Government: Will transact government
business, receive and make payments on behalf of
Commercial Banks RRBs are jointly owned by GoI, the concerned State
Government and Sponsor Banks (27 scheduled
Banks are broadly classified into two types- Scheduled commercial banks and one State Cooperative Bank),the
Banks and Non-scheduled Banks. issued capital of a RRB is shared by the owners in the
Scheduled banks are those banks which are included in proportion of 50%, 15% and 35% respectively.
the Second Scheduled of the Reserve Bank Act, 1934. The RRBs mobilise deposits primarily from rural/semi-
They satisfy two conditions under the Reserve Bank of urban areas and provide loans and advances mostly to
India Act. small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, rural
artisans and other segments of priority sector.
1. paid-up capital and reserves of an aggregate value of
not less than Rs. 5 lakh. Cooperative banks:
2. it must satisfy RBI that its affairs are not conducted in Initially set up to supplant indigenous sources of rural
a manner detrimental to the depositors. credit, mostly serve the needs of agriculture and
allied activities, rural-based industries and to a lesser
extent, trade and industry in urban centres.
Non-scheduled banks are those banks which are not
included in the second schedule of the RBI Act as they do
not comply with the above criteria and so they do not
enjoy the benefits either.
State Bank of India and its five associate banks called the
State Bank group
Co-operative banks have a three tier structure:
Nationalisation of Banks- 50 years
(i) Primary Credit Societies-PCSs (agriculture or urban).
SBI Act, 1955 partially nationalised the three Imperial (ii) District Central Co-Operative Banks- DCCBs.
Banks. (iii) State Co-Operative Banks-SCBc (at the apex level).
Partially nationalised eight more private banks via the
SBI (Associates) Act, 1959 and named them as the
Cooperative Banks Commercial Banks
Associates of the SBI
With Banking Nationalisation Act, 1969, the Commercial banks are
government nationalised These are Co-operative joint stock companies
Societies governed by the
they are governed by the
(i) 14 banks were nationalised in July 1969. Co-operative societies Act,
Banking Regulation Act,
(ii) 6 banks were nationalised in April 1980. 1904.
Regional Rural Banks Cooperative Banks Commercial banks
generally provide short, generally provide short
RRBs were established under the provisions of an
medium- and long-term medium- and long-term
Ordinance promulgated on the 26th September 1975 and
finance to agriculture and finance, to trade,
the RRB Act, 1976 with an objective to ensure sufficient
institutional credit for agriculture and other rural sectors. allied sectors. commerce and industry.
Cooperative Banks lend Commercial banks lend
The area of operation of RRBs is limited to the area as finance to their members to anyone who is willing
notified by GoI covering one or more districts in the State.
only , shareholders borrow to borrow and satisfies 1. Need of stronger banking system with merger of PSB.
from a co-operative bank. the conditions of the 2. Legal framework for loan recovery
bank. 3. 3 tier banking structure etc.
Cooperative Banks operate Their operations are on a SARFAESI ACT
on a relatively small scale. large scale.
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets
Scope of activities of a co- Commercial banks offer a
and Enforcement of Securities Interest (SARFAESI) Act,
operate bank is limited to wide range of financial
2002, was enforced in the year 2004.
providing different types of assistance and financial
loans to their members. services. SARFAESI was created to allow banks and financial
Cooperative banks operate Commercial banks have institutions to auction properties (residential and
as federal structure in the structure of a joint commercial) if the borrowers fail to repay the loans.
India. stock company. Act applies to outstanding loans (above Rs. 1 lakh), which
Co-operative Barks are Commercial Banks come are classified as Non-Performing Assets(NPA).
subject to the supervision directly under the
Methods of Recovery under the Act
of the state governments, Supervision of the
NABARD and the RBI. Reserve Bank of India. 1. Securitisation
2. Asset Reconstruction
Banking sector reforms 3. Enforcement of security without the interruption of
the court
Post 1991 reforms
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Interest rates were deregulated to make banks
IBC is considered as one of the biggest insolvency reforms
respond dynamically to the market conditions. Even
in the economic history of India. This was enacted for
savings bank deposit rates were deregulated in 2011.
reorganization and insolvency resolution of corporate
Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for better work
persons, partnership firms and individuals in a time-
culture and productivity. bound manner for maximization of the value of assets of
Floor and cap on CRR were removed and floor on SLR such persons.
was removed in 2006.
The Code creates time-bound processes for insolvency
Near level playing field for public, private and foreign
resolution of companies and individuals. These processes
banks in entry.
will be completed within 180 days. If insolvency cannot
Basel norms adopted for safe banking.
be resolved, the assets of the borrowers may be sold to
FDI up to 74 per cent was permitted in private banks. repay creditors.
Bank consolidation through merger.
Indradhanush comprising banking sector reforms for The resolution processes will be conducted by licensed
insolvency professionals (IPs). These IPs will are
professionalization and strength.
members of insolvency professional agencies (IPAs). IPAs
Narasimham Committee I aimed at: also furnish performance bonds equal to the assets of a
company under insolvency resolution.
Ensuring a degree of operational flexibility.
Internal autonomy for public sector banks (PSBs) in Information utilities (IUs) are established to collect,
their decision-making process. collate and disseminate financial information to facilitate
Greater degree of professionalism in banking insolvency resolution.
operation. The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) adjudicate
insolvency resolution for companies. The Debt Recovery
Narasimhan 2 (1998) recommendations
Tribunal (DRT) adjudicate insolvency resolution for The PCA framework is applicable only to commercial
individuals. banks and not to co-operative banks and non-
banking financial companies (NBFCs).
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India regulate
functioning of IPs, IPAs and IUs. Priority Sector Lending
Bank recapitalisation Lending programme is to ensure that adequate
institutional credit flows into some of the vulnerable
As the name suggests, means recapitalising banks with sectors of the economy.
new capital to improve their balance sheet.
Indian Banks need to lend 40%
Since the government is the biggest shareholder in public Subtarget- 18% Agriculture,10% weaker
sector banks, the responsibility of infusing capital majorly Sections, and other to housing, education, renewable
lies with the government. energy, MSME, sanitation.
The recapitalisation plan comes into action when banks Foreign Banks (having less than 20 branches) have to
get caught in a situation where their liabilities are fulfil only 36% (reach 40 in phased manner),sub-targets
comparatively higher than their assets. for the exports, small and medium enterprises, micro
Recapitalisation Bonds
Basel norms
A government bond is an instrument to raise money from Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is an
the market with a promise to pay to repay the face value international committee formed in 1974 to develop
of the maturity date and a periodic interest. standards for banking regulation.
A bond issued for the purpose of recapitalisation is called It consists of central bankers from 27 countries and
recapitalisation bonds. the European Union.
It is headquartered in the office of Bank for
Prompt corrective Action Framework International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.
PCA is a framework under which banks with weak It developed a series of policy recommendations wrt
financial metrics are put under watch by the RBI. Capital risk, market risk and operational risk known as
Basel Accords.
Introduced by RBI in 2002 as a structured early-
intervention mechanism for banks that become Tier 1 capital which can absorb losses without a bank
undercapitalised due to poor asset quality, or being required to cease trading.
vulnerable due to loss of profitability. Tier 2 capital absorb losses in the event of winding up,
It aims to check the problem of Non-Performing which provide lesser degree of protection to
Assets (NPAs) in the Indian banking sector. depositors.
PCA is intended to help alert the regulator as well as Tier 3 capital tertiary capital of banks which are used
investors and depositors if a bank is heading for to meet market risk, commodity risk and foreign
trouble. currency risk.
The idea is to head off problems before they attain Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
crisis proportions. CAR = (Tier I + Tier II Capital)/Risk Weighted
The PCA framework deems banks as risky if they slip Assets
some trigger points - capital to risk weighted assets Expressed as a percentage of a bank’s risk
ratio (CRAR), net NPA, Return on Assets (RoA) and
weighted credit exposures.
Tier 1 Leverage ratio.
Measure of bank’s financial strength to ensure
Certain structured and discretionary actions are
that banks have enough cushions to absorb losses
initiated in respect of banks hitting such trigger points.
before becoming insolvent and losing depositors’
CAR is required to be 9% by RBI (based on BASEL M2 = M1 + Savings Deposits of Post office Savings
III norms), where 7% has to be met by Tier 1 capital Banks.
while the remaining 2% by Tier 2 capital. Broad Money (M3) = M1 + Time Deposits with the
Basel III Framework
Banking System.
Major Features of Basel III
M4 = M3 + All deposits with Post Office Savings Banks
1. Revised Minimum Equity & Tier I Capital
(excluding National Savings Certificates).
2. Better Capital Quality
3. Leverage Ratio
4. Liquidity Ratio
5. Countercyclical Buffer
6. Capital Conservation Buffer
Ratio under consideration
CAR = (Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital)
Risk Weighted Assets
Tier 1 Capital
Leverage Ratio = Total Exposure
High powered money:The new currency printed by the 90 days or more. In case of Agriculture/Farm Loans,
central bank foe deficit financing is called ‘high powered the
money’. NPA varies for short duration crop (interest not paid
for2 crop seasons) and long duration crops (interest
Cryptocurrencies: A cryptocurrency is a form of digital not paid for 1 Crop season).
money which is designed to work as a medium of
exchange and uses a cryptography method to keep it Substandard, Doubtful & Loss assets.
secure the transaction.
Substandard assets: Assets which have remained
Crypto currency uses the decentralized network. That NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months.
means you don’t need any thirdparty server like bank, Doubtful assets: Assets which have remained in the
government, other authorities to perform any type of substandard category for a period of 12 months
transactionwith the merchants. Ex: Bitcoin Loss assets: Loss asset is considered uncollectible and
of such little value that its continuance as a bankable
Labels of ATMs asset is not warranted, although there may be some
The automated teller machine (ATM) enteredIndia salvage or recovery value.
by late 1980s and have evolved into three of its Differentiated Banking
types, The banks which could be differentiated on the account
(i) Bank’s own ATMs: These are owned and operated by of capital requirement, scope of activities and serve the
the concerned bank and carrythe bank’s ‘logo’. They are needs of a certain demographic segment of the
the costliest way to provide such service to bank’s population are called as Differentiated Banks or Niche
customers. Banks.
The idea of Differentiated Bank was mooted by
(ii) Brown Label ATMs (BLAs): These are owned by third Nachiket Mor Committee 2014, for Financial Inclusion.
party (a non-banking firm). The concerned banks only It can be classified as Payment Banks, Small Finance
handle part of the process that is ‘cash handling’ and Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Local Area Banks
‘back-end server’ connectivity. They carry ‘logo’ of the Wholesale and Long-Term Finance (WLTF) banks etc.
bank which outsources their service.
Wholesale and long-term finance banks focused
(iii) White Label ATMs: ‘owned’ and ‘operated’ by a primarily on lending to infrastructure sector and
small, medium and corporate businesses.
third party (a non-banking firm). They do not bear ‘logo’
of the banks they serve. In place, they carrylogo of the Who Can Payments Banks Small Banks
firm which own them. It serves many banks. Promote Prepaid card issuers, Individuals/professi
telecom companies, onals with 10 years
NBFCs, business experience in
Classification of assets correspondent, finance, NBFCs,
Stressed Assets: It is a broader term and comprises of supermarket chains, microfinance cos,
NPAs, restructured loans and written off assets. corporates, real local area barks.
Restructured Loans: Assets/loans which have been estate sector Co-
restructured by giving a longer duration for repayment, OPS& PSUS.
lowering interest or by converting them to equity. What Have a minimum Have a minimum
Written off Assets: Assets/loans which aren’tcounted They capital of Rs capital of Rs
as dues, but recovery efforts arecontinued at branch Must Do 100cr. 100cr.
level – Done by banks to cleanup their balance books. Maintain 75% of Extend 75% of
Non-performing asset (NPA) deposits in govt. loans to
It is a loan or advance for which the principal or bonds. priority sector.
interest payment remained overdue for a period of Maintain 25% of Have 25% of
deposits in other branches in
All India financial institution
Bank Role Taxes are involuntary fees levied on individuals
Exim Bank Export–Import Bank of India, or corporations and enforced by a government entity.
established in 1982 under Export-
Import Bank of India Act 1981, a
catalyst and a key player in the
promotion of cross border trade and
National Established on the recommendations
Bank for
of B. Sivaraman Committee, on 12 July
and Rural 1982, matters concerning policy,
planning and operations in the field of
credit for agriculture and other
economic activities in rural areas in
Small Established on April 2, 1990, through
Industries Three methods of taxation
an Act of Parliament. provide refinance
Development 1. Progressive
Bank of facilities and short term lending to It is based on the taxpayer's ability to pay.As
India (SIDBI)
industries, and serves as the principal income increases, taxes increases. High
financial institution in the Micro, Small income earner will pay more tax than low
income earner.
and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
Ex: Indian income tax
sector. SBI is the largest shareholder. 2. Regressive
National Subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India A regressive tax is assessed as a percentage of
Housing the item being purchased.
(RBI), was set up on 9 July 1988 under Everyone pays the same percentage, regardless
Bank (NHB)
the National Housing Bank Act, 1987. a of earnings, so people with low incomes are hit
much harder than those with large incomes.
principal agency to promote housing Example: Sales tax.
finance institutions both at local and
regional levels and to provide financial 3. Proportional
Proportional taxes are a flat tax system in
support. which taxpayers pay a set percentage,
regardless of their income.
Example: Income tax of 10% that does not
change as income rises or falls.
Specific and Ad-valorem tax (another classification of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), Dividend
taxes) Distribution Tax (DDT), Securities
Transaction Tax (STT) are all levied
A Specific tax is a set amount of tax per unit
on corporate
sold, based on weight/ number etc.
An Ad valorem tax is a percentage tax based 3. Wealth Wealth tax is charged on the
on the value added by the producer. As the tax benefits derived from property
value added increases, taxes also increase. ownership.
Ex: Real estate. 4. Capital Taxed on the income derived from
gains tax the sale of assets or investments
Two typesof taxation Capital investments cover homes,
farms, businesses, works of art, etc
Direct Tax
A direct tax is paid directly by an individual or
organization to the imposing entity. Other direct taxes in India
Example: Real property tax, personal property tax,
1. FBT Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax payable by
income tax or taxes on assets.
employers for benefits paid to an employee
Indirect Tax in place of salary or wages.
An indirect tax is collected by one entity in the supply 2. DDT Dividend distribution tax is the tax imposed
chain (usually a producer or retailer) and paid to the by the Indian Government on India
government, but it is passed on to the consumer as companies according to the dividend paid to
part of the purchase price of a good or service. a company's investors/share holders.
Example: Excise, sales tax, etc., 3. MAT Minimum Alternative Tax is payable under
Five principles of a good tax system the Income Tax Act. The concept of MAT
1. Fairness: horizontal equity and vertical equity. was introduced to target those companies
that make huge profits and pay the dividend
2. Efficiency: raise revenue with least cost.
to their shareholders but pay no/minimal
3. Administrative simplicity: reduce the work required tax under the normal provisions of the
to collect and pay taxes Income Tax Act.
4. Flexibility: modify when needed 4. STT Securities Transaction Tax is a tax payable in
5. Transparency: where the money is coming from, India on the value of securities (excluding
where it is going should be open to all. commodities and currency) transacted
Various Direct taxes in India through a recognized stock exchange
1. Income It is charged directly on the income
tax of a person. Direct Tax Code
The task force on the direct tax code (DTC)
The rate charged is proportional to
submitted its final report to the finance minister.
level of Income.
The Task Force, initially headed by former CBDT
2. Corporate Levied on companies who exist as
Member (Legislation) Arbind Modi and later on
tax separate entities from their by Akhilesh Ranjan, was constituted in November
shareholders 2017 in order to review the Income-tax Act and
Foreign companies are taxed on to draft a new Direct Tax Law.
income that arises, or is deemed to The proposed new code will replace the Income-
arise, in India. tax Act of 1961.
Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT),
The panel on the Direct Tax Code (DTC) has Composition scheme: Is an easy, low procedure and
suggested a rejig of personal income tax slabs, compliance friendly tax scheme for small and
roadmap of corporate tax rate cut to 25% for medium enterprises(goods and services).
companies, provisions to reduce compliance Less number of tax returns file return on quarterly
burden by simplification of procedures and basis.
litigation management. It has also suggested Turnover limit for availing this scheme <1.5 crores.
some changes in Dividend Distribution
Available only for intra-state supplies.
Tax and Minimum Alternate Tax.
No input scheme facility is available
Indirect taxes Ecommerce firms can’t opt
Exports are exempted from GST as in the case of the
GST-A big bang reform post 1991
previous regime.
Definition: It is a comprehensive tax levied on the
manufacture, sale, and consumption of goods and Advantages of GST-image enhancement
Features of GST
The GST is a destination based consumption tax
made on value addition.
GST includes services tax also.
Central Value Added Tax, Additional Customs Duty,
Special Additional Duty of Customs, Central Sales Tax,
Service Tax, state VAT (Sales tax) are some of the
taxes that has been merged to form the GST
The GST proposes a four-tier rate structure. The tax
slabs are fixed at 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% besides the
0% tax on essentials.
GST is applied when turnover of the business exceeds
Rs 20lakhs per year (Limit is Rs 10lakhs for the North-
Eastern States)
Input tax credit: Input credit means at the time of
paying tax on output, tax paid on Input would be
Goods and services tax council
The centre and states will share GST tax revenues at
50:50 ratio (except the IGST) It is a constitutional body under Article 279A. It
The GST Council has adopted a dual GST with two makes recommendations to the Union and State
components – the Central GST (CGST) and the State Government on issues related to GST
GST(SGST). It was introduced by the Constitution (One Hundred
The IGST comes to play when the commodity is and First Amendment) Act, 2016.
produced in one state and is traded to another state The GST Council is chaired by the Union Finance
(interstate trade). In this case, the share of SGST Minister.
should go to theconsuming state (as the GST is a It is considered as a federal body where both the
destination based tax). centre and the states get due representation.
The GST council is the key decision-making body that Though check-posts have been abolished under GST,
will take all important decisions (tax rate, tax exemption, a consignment can be intercepted at any point for the
the due date of forms, tax laws, and tax deadlines) verification of its E-way bill, for all inter-State and
Every decision of the Goods and Services Tax Council intra-State movement of goods.
shall be taken at a meeting by a majority of not less If a consignment is found without an E-way bill, a
than three-fourths of the weighted votes of the penalty of Rs.10,000 or tax sought to be evaded,
members present and voting, in accordance with the whichever is greater, can be levied.
following principles, namely: Whether goods are transported on one’s own or
the vote of the Central Government shall have a hired conveyance, by air, rail or road, the E-way bill
weightage of one third of the total votes cast, and the has to be generated.
votes of all the State Governments taken together TAX PLANNING, TAXAVOIDANCE AND TAX EVASION: The
shall have a weightage of two-thirds of the total votes tax liability of a person can be reduced through Tax
cast, in that meeting. Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
The Council will also set up Anti-profiteering 1. Tax Tax Avoidance basically means
screening committees that will make the National avoidance making use of the loopholes in
Anti-Profiteering Authority stronger under the GST the Tax Law to one’s own
law. advantage to reduce the tax
National anti-profiteering authority
Although Tax Avoidance is 100%
It is institutional mechanism under GST law to check the legal, it is not advisable.
unfair profit-making activities by the trading community, 2. Tax Tax evasion involves breaking the
with core function of ensuring tax reduction will be evasion law, not paying one’s taxes
passed on to end customer. . Tax evasion is the method by
which a person illegally reduces
Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN)
his tax burden by either deflating
It not for profit organisation jointly owned by
their income or inflating their
government and private players.
GSTN has been entrusted with the responsibility of
3. Tax It is the art of reducing the tax
building Indirect Taxation platform for GST to help
planning liability by using the various
one prepare, file, rectify returns and make payments
provisions of Law.
of your indirect tax liabilities.
The government provides various
E way bill deductions and exemptions which
can be used by a person to reduce
The E-way bill is a document to be generated online
his tax liability. Ex: Investment in
under the GST system, when goods of the value of
mutual funds, Savings certificates
more than Rs.50,000 are shipped inter-State or intra-
State. Steps taken by the government to reduce tax avoidance
The E-way bill must be raised before the goods are in India
shipped and should include details of the goods, their 1. Renegotiating Double taxation avoidance agreement
consignor, recipient and transporter. (DTAA)
The transporter has to carry the invoice and the copy DTAA also referred as Tax Treaty is a bilateral
of E-way bill as support documents for the movement economic agreement between two nations that
of goods. aims to avoid or eliminate double taxation of the
same income in two countries.
India has DTAA with 84 nations. 3. Quoting of PAN made mandatory for sale or purchase
of any goods/services above Rs. 2 Lakh.
2. Advanced pricing agreements (APA) 4. Proactively engaging with foreign governments to
An APA is a contract, usually for multiple years, enhance the exchange of information (EoI) under tax
between a taxpayer and at least one tax authority treaties
specifying the pricing method that the taxpayer 5. India joined a group of 48 countries as early adopters
will apply to its related-company transactions to new global standards for automatically exchanging
APAs gives certainty to taxpayers, reduce information from 2017
disputes, avoid tax avoidance.
3. General Anti Avoidance Rules: Terminologies related to Taxation
GAAR usually consists of a set of broad rules Tax incidence: entity on whom tax is imposed.
which are based on general principles to check Tax burden: Those who pay tax.
the potential avoidance of the tax in general. Tax expenditure: revenue forgone as a result of
The government set up a panel under exemptions and concessions given by
ParthasarathyShome to review the proposals government.
with regards to GAAR. Tax base: volume of goods and services on which
4. Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) tax is imposed.
BEPS refers to tax planning strategies that Tax buoyancy: % change in tax revenue with
exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to growth of national income.
artificially shift profits to low or no-tax locations Transfer pricing:Is the setting of the price for
where there is little or no economic activity. goods and services sold between controlled (or
OECD and G20 countries along with developing related) legal entities within an enterprise.
countries that participated in the development of Arm’s length principle: Arm’s length price, is the
the BEPS Package are establishing a modern price at which two unrelated parties will make a
international tax framework under which profits deal. hence market forces of supply-demand will
are taxed where economic activity and value work.
creation occur. Cess: Tax or additional levy on tax. It is imposed
for specific purpose and can be used for
designated ends only.
Ex: Education cess
Surcharge: Tax or additional levy on tax. It is
imposed for general purpose and can be used for
any purpose.
Tax elasticity: % change in tax revenue wrt
change in tax rate and extension of coverage.
The tax-to-GDP ratio is a ratio of a nation's tax
5. Other steps taken by the government in recent
revenue relative to its gross domestic product.
times to prevent tax avoidance and evasion
Countries with higher GDP generally collect more
taxes, while those with lower taxes produce a
1. Enactment of the black money (Undisclosed Foreign
lower GDP.
Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015
2. Enactment of the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Capital Gains tax: Capital gains tax is a levy
Amendment Act, 2016 assessed on the positive difference between the
sale price of the asset and its original purchase 7.FINANCIAL MARKETS
Long-term capital gains tax is a levy on the profits A financial market brings buyers and sellers together to
from the sale of assets held for more than a year trade in financial assets such as stocks, bonds,
Inverted duty structure is a situation where commodities, derivatives and currencies. The purpose of
a financial market is to set prices for global trade, raise
import duty on finished goods is low compared to
capital, and transfer liquidity and risk.
the import duty on raw materials that are used in
the production of such finished goods Classification of financial markets
Tax planning: it is the analysis of finances from a Money market Capital market
tax perspective, with the purpose of ensuring
Money markets Capital markets are more
maximum tax efficiency. are used by frequently used for long-term
Tax avoidance: it is the use of legal methods to government and assets, which are those with
modify an individual's financial situation to lower corporate entities as maturities of greater than one
the amount of income tax owed. a means for year.
This is generally accomplished by claiming the borrowing and Capital markets include the
lending in the short equity (stock) market and debt
permissible deductions and credits. It differs from
term, usually for (bond) market.
tax evasion. assets being held for
Tax evasion can be either the illegal non- up to a year.
payment or underpayment of actual tax liabilities
due. Money market
tax shelter: it is a place to legally store assets so
Structure of money market
that current or future tax liabilities are minimized.
A tax shelter is a tax minimization strategy, and 1. Organized money market: Organized structure
should not be confused with the illegal practice of includes, Reserve bank of India, DFHI (Discount and
tax evasion. Finance House of India),Commercial Banks,
Tax haven is defined as a country or place with Development bank IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, NABARD, LIC, GIC,
UTI etc.
very low "effective" rates of taxation for foreign
2. The unorganized structure includes: Indigenous banks,
Money lenders, Chits andNidhis, Co-operative Sector
Ex panama, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Hong
Kong etc. Money market instruments
Tobin tax: it is a tax on spot currency conversions 1. Call money market
that was originally proposed with the intention of Money borrowed or lent for a very short period of
penalizing short-term currency speculation. time
Pigouvian tax: it is intended to tax the producer 1-14 days it is called notice money, else it is called
of goods or services that create adverse side call money
effects for society. No collateral required
Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is fundamentally a tax Commercial banks, co-op banks, DFHI participate
that an employer has to pay in lieu of the benefits both as lenders and borrowers.
that are given to his/her employees. LIC, SEBI participate as only lenders.
Hidden/implicit taxes: taxes that are concealed Market determined Interest rates
in the price of articles that one buys.
Negative income tax- subsidies given by the
Difference between common stock and preferred stock Bonds have lower interest rates compared to
Common stock Preferred stock
1. Common stock 1. Preferred stock pays a 4. Derivatives
allows its holders predetermined dividend,
A derivative is a financial security with a value that is
to make a profit whereas the dividends paid
through rising to common shareholders derived from, an underlying asset or group of assets
share prices and tend to vary according to The most common underlying assets include stocks,
dividend the company's fortunes bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and
payments. 2. Holders of preferred stock market indexes.
2. Holders of do not get a vote on Derivatives can either be traded over-the-counter
common stock company matters
(OTC) or on an exchange
have voting 3. if a company's assets are
rights liquidated, the preferred
Types of derivatives:
3. If a company stockholders get to redeem
Futures It is an agreement between two parties
goes bust, they their shares before
for the purchase and delivery of an asset
are paid last common stockholders
at an agreed upon price at a future date
Forward It is a non-standardized contract
Stock is the capital raised by a corporation between two parties to buy or to sell an
through the sale of shares. asset at a specified future time at a price
2. Debentures agreed upon today, making it a type of
A debenture is a type of debt instrument that is not derivative instrument
secured by physical assets or collateral. Swaps Swaps are another common type of
Debentures are backed only by the general derivative that is often used to swap one
creditworthiness and reputation of the issuer. kind of cash flow with another. For
Both corporations and governments frequently issue example, one might use an interest rate
this type of bond to secure capital. swap to switch from a variable interest
There are two types of debentures as of 2016: rate loan to a fixed interest rate loan, or
convertible and nonconvertible. vice versa.
Convertible debentures are bonds that can convert Options The key difference between options and
into equity shares of the issuing corporation after a futures is that, with an option, the buyer
specific period of time. is not obligated to "exercise" the option,
Nonconvertible debentures are regular debentures while the option seller is obligated to
that cannot be converted into equity of the issuing either buy or sell the underlying asset if
corporation the buyer chooses to exercise the
3. Bond Warrant Longer dated options (>1 year)
Bonds and debentures represent the majority of LEAPS The acronym LEAPS means Long-Term
issued debt capital. Although the term bonds and Equity Anticipation Securities. These are
debentures are often used interchangeably the two options having a maturity of up to three
are distinctly different: years.
A bond is typically a loan that is secured by a specific Stock exchange: A physically existing institutionalised set-
physical asset. A debenture is secured only by the up where instruments of security stock market (shares,
issuer’s promise to pay the interest and loan principal. bonds, debentures, securities, etc.) are traded.
FIIs, Sub-Accounts and Qualified Foreign Investment It is an association of organisations that regulate
(QFI) are merged together to form the new investor the world’s securities and futures markets.
class, namely Foreign Portfolio Investors, with an Members are typically primary securities and/or
aggregate investment limit of 24% which can be futures regulators in a national jurisdiction or the
raised by the Company up to the applicable sectoral main financial regulator from each country.
They are not permitted to invest in unlisted shares 4. Sustainable stock exchange
and also in T-bills. They provide a unique, high-level platform to
explore how the world's exchanges can work
9. QFI together with investors, regulators and
The Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI) is an companies to create more sustainable capital
individual group or association resident in a markets.
foreign country that is compliant with FATF They are designed to analyze, promote and foster
standards. communication on stock exchanges’
They can directly invest in corporate debt, sustainability-related activities.
equities and mutual funds etc.
External commercial borrowings
Prominent institutions with respect to securities
market ECB are loans in India made by non-resident lenders
1. SEBI in foreign currency to Indian borrowers. They are
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) used widely in India to facilitate access to foreign
is the regulator for the securities market in India. money by Indian corporations and PSUs
It was established in 1988 and given statutory Ministry of Finance and RBI regulate the amount of
powers on 30 January 1992 through the SEBI Act, money that can be raised by the players under this
1992 mechanism
SEBI has three functions rolled into one body: ECB be raised through two routes, Automatic route
quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial and quasi- and the approval route. The former does not require
executive. any permission by the authorities while the latter
Regulate the working of stock exchanges and does
intermediaries, accords approvals for mutual fund, Stock exchange
registers FII who wish to trade in stock markets. It is a facility where stock brokers and traders can buy
and sell securities, such as shares of stock and bonds
2. FATF and other financial instruments.
It is an intergovernmental organization founded Stock exchanges in India
in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop Most of the trading in the Indian stock market takes
policies to combat money laundering. place on its two stock exchanges: the Bombay Stock
In 2001 its mandate expanded to include Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange
terrorism financing (NSE).
The FATF Secretariat is housed at the OECD The BSE has been in existence since 1875, S & P BSE
headquarters in Paris SENSEX India’s most widely traded benchmark index.
1. The NSE, on the other hand, was founded in 1992
3. IOSCO and started trading in 1994. S & P crisil NSE index
50 or S & P CNX nifty.National Stock Exchange
(NSE) had developed and launched the NSE Bull market :period characterized by rising prices
Mumbai inter-bank bid rate (MIBID) and NSE over a long period of time.
Mumbai inter-bank offer rate (MIBOR) for the Gilt: it is a bond issued by the government which
overnight money market in 1998 carries less risk.
Blue chip Company: shares of the company that are
International Stock exchange the most valuable.
Retail investor: it is an investor whose subscription to
The India International Exchange (INX) is India's securities if of value less than 2 lakh.
first international stock exchange, opened in Negotiated dealing system: it is an electronic
2017. platform for facilitating dealing in government
It is located in the state of Gujarat securities and money market instruments.
It is one of the most advanced stock exchanges in Short selling
the world
Commodity exchanges:
It is an independent commodity exchange based in Market capitalization: price per share multiplied by
India. It was established in 2003 and is based in the total number of shares outstanding.
Mumbai Depository: it holds securities (shares, debentures,
Commodities traded include metal, bullion, agro- bonds) in electronic format
commodities, energy etc. National securities depository limited (NSDL)
It was regulated by Forward market commission It holds securities in depository accounts, just like
(Ministry of Consumer affairs), it was merged with funds in bank in accounts.
SEBI in 2015 NSDL was established according to depositories act,
Terminologies: Nasdaq: is an electronic stock market that uses a
computerized system to provide price quotes to
Bear: is an investor who believes that market will go brokers and dealers.
down. Shariah index: The NIFTY Shariah Indices are
Bull: is an investor who believes that market will go designed to offer investors Shariah-compliant
up. investment solutions. Shariah compliant companies
Bear market : a sustained period of falling stock are ones who do not deal in alcohol, entertainment,
prices. tobacco, pork, meat etc
@ CivilServices @CivilServices_ @Ethics4UPSC
Prelims Mains
Creeping (General Price Raise By 4%), Trotting (4% To 8%), Long run – saving decreases, purchasing power
Galloping (8% To 10%), Runaway (>10% And < 20%), decreases, less investment , less demand.
Hyper Inflation(20 Or 30 %) 4. Saving: short run – saving increases
Long run – saving decreases
5. Tax – 2 distortions
1. Stagflation: A combination of Inflation and a. Tax payer suffers.
unemployment (usually in the time of Recession). Indirect tax – as value is added cost increases–
2. Disinflation: Reduction in the rate of inflation. more goods in tax bracket (more taxes)
3. Deflation: General fall in the level of prices. Direct tax – gross income Increases – crosses
4. Reflation: Rise in the prices to counter deflation. It is lower tax slabs- increases taxes.
when inflation returns after a spell of deflation and b. Tax collection by government – Inflation
recession. increases nominal value of gross tax revenue
5. Skewflation: It is a phenomenon in which there is a while real value suffers.
price rise of one or a small group of commodities 6. Exchange rate: As Inflation increases currency
over sustained period of time depreciates.
6. Inflation gap: Excess of government spending above 7. Export: Increases (depreciation of currency), volume
national income. of exports also increases.
7. Deflationary gap: Shortfall in total spending over 8. Import: foreign goods become costlier as currency
national income. depriciates, import substitution measure would be
8. Inflation tax: Due to price rise, wages increases, as taken.
wage increases taxes on this increases, more revenue 9. Trade balance: Developed countries – inflation Is
for government. favourable. Developing countries – inflation
9. Inflation spiral: wage- price spiral ie., when wages unfavourable.
press prices up and prices pull wages down. 10. Employment: In short run employment increases, but
10. Inflation accounting: Firms calculate profit after decreases in long run.
adjusting to inflation. 11. Wages: Increases nominal value of wage but real
11. Inflation premium: Bonus brought by inflation to value falls.
borrowers. Real interest rate(nominal IR adjusted to Economic recession and economic depression
inflation)<<nominal interest rate(charged on lending)
1. A recession is a significant decline in economic
12. Headline inflation: Entire economic inflation.
activity spread across the economy, lasting more
13. Core inflation: Excluding primary articles, food etc
than a few months, normally visible in real GDP,
which induces volatility/short term fluctuations.
real income, employment, industrial production,
and wholesale-retail sales.
Effects of Inflation:
2. A depression is a sustained, long-term downturn
1. Creditors and debtors: Lender suffers and debtors
in economic activity in one or more economies. It
benefit. lending intuition will suffer.
is a more severe economic downturn than a
2. Aggregate demand: High demand, low supply, higher
recession, which is a slowdown in economic
purchasing power.
activity over the course of a normal business
3. Investment: short run – boost the investment.
a. High inflation – high demand – more production –
more investment.
b. Inflation lowers rate of interest.
A wholesale price index Consumer Price
(WPI) is an index that Index is a measure
measures and tracks the of change in retail
changes in the price of prices of goods and
goods in the stages services consumed
before the retail level by defined
WPI (base year-2012) is population group in
Characterized by four stages composed of three a given area with
groups: Manufactured reference to a base
Products (65 percent of year
total weight), Primary The CPI (Rural,
Articles like food, etc. Urban, Combined)
Recession (20.1 percent), and Fuel on Base 2012=100 is
Depression: Low aggregate demand, Low inflation, and Power (14.9 being prepared by
Unemployment grow fast, forced Labour cuts. percent). Ministry of
The WPI is calculated by Statistics and
Ex: The great depression of 1929. the Ministry of programme
Commerce and implementation
Recovery: Upturn in aggregate demand in turn lead to
Industry. Food and beverages
increase in production level and new investments.
are given maximum
Increase in inflation, Unemployment rate starts declining.
weightage under
To recover an economy , governments go for tax breaks , CPI-combined
interest cuts, an increase in the salaries etc.
Four types of CPI are as follows:
Boom : Accelerate and prolonged increase in the demand,
It exceeds sustainable production, economy heats up and I. CPI for Industrial Workers (IW).
faces structural problems, demand and supply II. CPI for Agricultural Labourer (AL).
Disequilibrium. III. CPI for Rural Labourer (RL).
IV. CPI (Rural/Urban/Combined).
Recession : General fall in demand as economic activities
Of these, the first three are compiled by the Labour
takes a downturn, lower inflation, unemployment rate
Bureau in the Ministry of Labour and Employment. Fourth
grows, industries resort to price cuts to sustain their
is compiled by the Central Statistical Organisation
(CSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
GDP deflator and inflation or within a range. It indicates the primacy of price
The GDP deflator, also called implicit price stability as the key objective of monetary policy.
deflator, is a measure of inflation. The Reserve Bank of India and Government of India
GDP deflator= (GDP nominal/GDP real)*100 signed a Monetary Policy Framework Agreement
The deflator covers the entire range of goods and RBI would aim to contain consumer price inflation
services produced in the economy — as against within 6 percent and within 4 percent with a band of
the limited commodity baskets for the wholesale (+/-) 2 percent
or consumer price indices Monetary policy committee (MPC)
GDP deflator is available only on a quarterly basis MPC would be the institutional arrangement at the
along with GDP estimates, whereas CPI and WPI disposal of RBI for targeting inflation.
data are released every month.
The committee comprises six members - three
Producer Price Index officials of the Reserve Bank of India and three
external members nominated by the Government of
It measures the average change in the prices of both
goods and services, either as they leave the place of
production called Output PPI or as they enter the input The Governor of Reserve Bank of India is the
production process called as input PPI; thus PPI estimates chairperson ex officio of the committee.
the change in average prices that a producer receives. Decisions are taken by majority with the Governor
having the casting vote in case of a tie
While WPI does not include services, but PPI includes
services thus making the index more inclusive. The current mandate of the committee is to maintain
4% annual inflation until March 31, 2021 with an
PPI eliminates the multiple counting bias which is
upper tolerance of 6% and a lower tolerance of 2%.
inherent in the Wholesale Price Index.
Unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs when a
person who is capable of working and is actively
searching for the work is unable to find work.
•The unemployment rate (UR) in both rural and urban defined as the percentage of persons in labour force (i.e.
India is at its highest since 1972. working or seeking or available for work) in the
•17.8% of young people (15-29 years) in the labour force
are unemployed.
•In urban areas, the unemployment rate among men is b. Worker Population Ratio (WPR): WPR is defined
more than twice and has increased twice among women
as the percentage of employed persons in the population.
•Among religious groups, Christians have the highest UR
c. Proportion Unemployed (PU): It is defined as the
in both urban and rural areas.
percentage of persons unemployed in the population.
•Regular wage/salaried workforce 8% in 2017-18 (7% in
2011-12) d. Unemployment Rate (UR): UR is defined as the
percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in
[other countries regular work salaried force is far higher
the labour force.
than India. China (53.1%), Brazil (67.7%) and South Africa
(84.8%)] e. Activity Status- Usual Status: The activity status
of a person is determined on the basis of the activities
pursued by the person during the specified reference
Blue revolution: Fish Production 2nd generation land reforms (focused on marketisation)
Red revolution: Meat, Tomato production
Pink revolution: Onions, prawns 1. Land records modernization/computerization -
Round revolution: Potato Ex: The National Land Records Modernisation
Silver revolution: Egg production Programme (NLRMP).
Grey revolution: Fertilizers 2. Appropriate land compensation - Ex: LARR act,
Second Green revolution: The Second Green 3. Land leasing - Ex: Model Agricultural Land Leasing
Revolution is a change in agricultural production Act, 2016 (T Haque committee).
widely thought necessary to feed and sustain the 4. Contract farming - Ex: Draft Model Contract
growing population on Earth. Farming Act, 2018.
5. Consolidation of land holdings so that huge
Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India machineries can be utilized – Ex: by bringing
(BGREI): It is about binging similar benefits to people out of agriculture.
eastern India through green revolution. 6. FDI in agricultural sector.
7. Use of land banks (ex: Odisha) and land pooling.
Land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement land, while those with 10 hectares and more account
act (LAAR) for just 0.57%.
Compensation: four times the market value in
rural areas and twice the market value in urban Minimum Support Price (MSP)
areas. Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a form of market
Rehabilitation and Resettlement: This is the very intervention by the Government of India to insure
first law that links land acquisition and the
agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm
accompanying obligations for resettlement and
rehabilitation prices —a guarantee price to save farmers from
Retrospective operation distress sale.
Multiple checks and balances The MSPs are announced at the beginning of the
Special safeguards for tribal communities and sowing season for certain crops on the basis of the
other disadvantaged groups: PESA and FRA to be recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural
followed Costs and Prices (CACP, 1985).
Displacement only after compensation MSPs are announced for 24 commodities including
Compensation for livelihood losers seven cereals (paddy, wheat, barley, jowar, bajra,
maize and ragi); five pulses (gram, arhar/tur, moong,
• Consent: urad and lentil); eight oilseeds (groundnut,
In cases where PPP projects are involved or acquisition is rapeseed/mustard, toria, soyabean, sunflower seed,
taking place for private companies, consent of no less sesamum, safflower seed and nigerseed); copra, raw
than 70% and 80% respectively (in both cases) of those cotton, raw jute and virginia flu cured (VFC) tobacco.
whose land is sought to be acquired.
Calculation of MSP
According to the formula prescribed by the Swaminathan
• Caps on acquisition of multi-crop and agricultural land: Committee, there are three variables that determine
• Return of unutilized land to the owner or to the State production cost –
Land Bank. 1. A2
• Exemption from income tax and stamp duty on 2. A2+FL
amount given as compensation 3. C2
A2 includes out-of-pocket expenses borne by farmers,
• Share in appreciated land value: Where the acquired
such as term loans for machinery, fertilisers, fuel,
land is sold to a third party for a higher price, 40% of the
irrigation, cost of hired labour and leasing land.
appreciated land value (or profit) will be shared with the
original owners. NEW METHOD
Agricultural holdings • Budget for 2018-19 announced that MSPs
The average size of land holding in India is would henceforth be fixed at 1½ times of
continuously decreasing due to rapid and high production costs for crops as a “pre-determined
population growth. principle”.
The average landholding size of a household has
shrunk marginally to 1.1 hectare (ha) in 2015-16 from
1.16 ha in 2012-13. This will be the official MSP
The percentage of female operational land holders • A2 -- Actual costs incurred by farmer on seeds,
fertilizers, pesticides, hired labour, depreciation
increased from 12.79% in 2010-11 to 13.87% in 2015-
on farm
16. • Buildings & machinery, interest on working
capital, diesel/electricity for tractor/ pump sets
86.21% of India's cultivated farmland is held by small etc.
and marginal farmers with less than two hectares of FL -- Imputed cost of (unpaid) family labour.
THE COMPREHENSIVE COST (COST C2) METHOD Indirect farm subsidies: These are the farm subsidies
The Comprehensive Cost (C2) is more reflective of the which are provided in the form of cheaper credit
actual cost of production since it takes it accounts for facilities, farm loan waivers, reduction in irrigation
rent and interest foregone on owned land and machinery, and electricity bills, fertilizers, seeds and pesticides
over and above the A2+FL rate. subsidy as well as the investments in agricultural
The ideal formula according to the M.S Swaminathan research, environmental assistance, farmer training,
Committee recommendation would be: etc.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has put some
MSP = C2+ 50% of C2. ceilings on the amount of direct and indirect
subsidies being provided by the government.
Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP)- Sugarcane Irrigation
FRP is used in sugarcane industry to replace the Major Irrigation Schemes: those with cultivable
MSP command areas (CCA) of more than 10,000
It is based on the Rangarajan Committee report hectares.
of reorganizing the sugarcane industry. Medium Irrigation Schemes: those with
FRP is announced by central government. cultivable command areas (CCA) between 2,000
Like MSP, FRP is also based on the and 10,000 hectares.
recommendation of the Commission for Minor Irrigation Schemes: those with cultivable
command area (CCA) up to 2,000 hectares.
Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) and
Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF):
are announced by the Cabinet Committee on
With a view to ensuring early completion of
Economic Affairs, which is chaired by Prime projects for providing irrigation.
Minister. Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme
The State Advised Prices (SAP) are announced by (AIBP): loan assistance to the states to help them
key sugarcane producing states which are complete some of the incomplete major/medium
generally higher than FRP. irrigation projects, which were in an advanced
stage of completion.
Market Intervention Scheme (MIS)
Doubling farm income
The Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) is similar to
Government of India has announced a ‘seven-point
MSP, which is implemented on the request of state
strategy’ which aims to double the farm income by 2022.
governments for procurement of perishable and
1. Emphasis on irrigation along with end to end
horticultural commodities in the event of fall in
market prices. solution on creation of resources for ‘More crop
Price stabilization Fund (PSF) per drop'
It is a Central Sector Scheme to support market 2. Provision of quality seeds and nutrients
interventions for price control of perishable agri-
according to the soil quality of each farm.
horticultural commodities.
Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan 3. Large investments in warehouses and cold chains
(PM-AASHA): to ensure that poor farmers growing to prevent Post-harvest losses.
pulses and oilseeds benefit from higher minimum
4. Promotion of value addition through food
support prices (MSPs).
Farm Subsidies
Direct farm subsidies: These are the kinds of 5. Implementation of National Agricultural Markets
subsidies in which direct cash incentives are paid to and e-platforms (e-NAM) to eliminate
the farmers in order to make their products more shortcomings of all the 585 centers.
competitive in the global markets. 6. To mitigate the risk, introduction of crop
insurance scheme at a lower cost.
state government schemes. 60 Agri Export Zones Industries which require compulsory licensing involves:
(AEZ) have been notified. 1. Drugs and pharmaceuticals.
2. Hazardous chemicals. There are PSEs that have made profits continuously
3. Gun powder, industrial explosives etc. for the last 3 years and earned net profit of rupees 30
4. Aerospace and defence related electronics. crores are more in one of the three years. These
5. Alcohol drinks. miniratnas are granted certain autonomy like incurring
6. Tobacco, cigarette and related products. capital expenditure without government approval up to
rupees 500 crores or equal to their net worth whichever
is lower. There are 48 miniratnas bridge and roof
It is the sale of shares of the government to retail public/ Company (India) Limited as added late in 2010.
employees etc. there is no change in the management as
Category II Miniratna
government holds the majority equity.
This category include those PSEs which have made profit
Privatisation :
for the last 3 years continuously and should have a
The government sells chunk of equity to a single buyer- positive net worth. Category II miniratnas have autonomy
26% or 51% to whom management is to incurring the capital expenditure without government
Corporatization: approval up to rupees 300 crores or upto 50% of their net
worth whichever is lower. There are 14 such miniratnas
Government units are reogranised on the lines of
Bharat pumps and Compressors Limited was added late in
Buy back :
Cash rich companies buy back their own shares from the
The category of PSEs was created in 2011.
secondary market to help shareholders and share market.
To be eligible for the grant of the Maharatna status the
Cross holdings:
company should have an average turnover of over RS
State owned companies buy shares of one another as the 25000 crores average, annual net worth of more than
companies are related and have synergies. 15000 crores and average annual net profit of over
Navratna rupees 5,000 crore during the last 3 years.
Government introduced in Navratna concept in 1997,it Maharatna status it's board would not be required to
granted enhanced autonomy to nine selected PSEs take the government permission for investments up to
referred to as “Navratnas”. These navratnas were subject rupees 5000 crores in a joint venture project or wholly
certain guidelines now they have freedom to Incur capital owned subsidiary. For the Navratna companies, the limit
expenditure decide upon joint ventures set up is rupees 1000 crore.
subsidiaries/ offices abroad enter into technological and NIF-National Investment Fund
strategic alliances. They can raise funds from capital
The proceeds from disinvestment of UPUSs will be
markets (International and Domestic) enjoy
channelised into NIFs, Which is to be maintained outside
substantialoperational and managerial autonomy. Boards
the consolidated Fund of India.
of these PSEs have been board based with induction of
nonofficial part time professional directors. 75% of the annual income of finance selected social
sector schemes, which promote education, health and
Invest up to rupees 1000 crores or 15% of their networth
employment. The residual 25% of the annual income of
on single project without seeking government approval
the fund will be used to meet the capital investment
Miniratna companies requirements of profitable and revivable CPSUs that yield
Category 1 Miniratna adequate returns.
Exchange traded fund: In EPC as all the clearances, land acquisition and
regulatory norms have to be completed by the
It will cumulate the shares of selected PSUs proposed for
government itself and the private players do not have to
disinvestment under a single fund. Then these cumulated
get itself involved in these time taking procedures.
shares are divided into different units/shares. The value
of one unit depends upon prices of underlying PSU shares. Hybrid Annuity Model:
These units can be listed in the stock exchange as ETF and
In India, the new HAM is a mix of BOT Annuity and EPC
can be traded like ordinary shares.
Bharath -22
As per the design, the government will contribute to 40%
Bharath -22 has 19 central public sector enterprises, of the project cost in the first five years through annual
government banks and some holdings of the payments (annuity). Whereas the remaining 60% is raised
government investment arm SUUTI. by developer from equity or loan as variable depending
upon the value of assets created.
Public Private Partnership means an arrangement
between a government/statutoryentity/government Under HAM, Revenue collection would be the
owned entity on one side and a private sector entity on responsibility of the National Highways Authority of India
the other. (NHAI).The developer doesn’t have right to collect
Build Operate Transfer(BOT-TOLL and BOT-ANNUITY)
Swiss Challenge
Private partner is responsible to design, build, operate
(during the contracted period) and transfer back the A ‘Swiss Challenge’ is a way to award a project to a
facility to the public sector. private player on an unsolicited proposal
Role of the private sector partner is to bring the finance Such projects may not be in the bouquet of projects
for the project and take the responsibility to construct planned by the state or a state-owned agency, but are
and maintain it. considered given the gaps in physical or social
infrastructure that they propose to fill, and the
In return, the public sector will allow it to collect revenue
innovation and enterprise that private players bring.
from the users in BOT –Toll model and Government pays
an annual fee in BOT- Annuity model The government may enter into direct negotiations with a
private player who submits a proposal and, if they cannot
The national highway projects contracted out by NHAI
agree on the terms of the project, consider calling for
under PPP mode is a major example for the BOT model.
bids from other interested players.
Engineer Procure Construct Model (EPC):
In one variant of the Challenge, the government awards
Under this system the entire project is funded by the bonus points to the project’s ideate; in another, it calls
government. for comparative bids, but gives the first right of refusal to
The EPC entails the contractor build the project by the original player.
designing, installing and procuring necessary labour and The Government has facilitated the PPP sector by
land to construct the infrastructure, either directly or by offering:
Viability Gap Funding (VGF) Means a grant one-time or
Under EPC model the contractor is legally responsible to deferred, provided to support infrastructure projects that
complete the project under some fixed predetermined are economically justified but fall short of financial
timeline and may also involve scope for penalty in case of viability.VGF subsidy up to 40% of the cost of the project
time overrun. can be accessed in the form of a capital grant.
Depreciation: In foreign exchange market, it is a situation Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER): prevailing
when domestic currency loses its value in front of a official exchange rate.
foreign currency which is market-driven. Real Effective Exchange Rate(REER): inflation adjusted
exchange rate.
Devaluation: In the foreign exchange market when LERMS (Liberalised Exchange Rate Mechanism System):
exchange rate of a domestic currency is lowered by its it was operationalized in 1993. India delinked its currency
government, it is called devaluation. Official depreciation from the fixed currency system and moved into the era of
is devaluation. floating exchange-rate system under it.
Appreciation: In foreign exchange market, if a free Convertible currencies give freedom to the holder of
floating domestic currency increases its value against the
currency to convert them freely into other currencies at
value of a foreign currency, it is appreciation.
the prevailing market rate.
Revaluation: A term used in foreign exchange market Current account convertibility: It refers to the freedom
which means a government increasing the exchange rate to convert domestic currency into foreign currency and
of its currency against any foreign currency. It is official vice versa for exports and imports, interest payments,
appreciation. remittances, travel, education etc.
Capital account convertibility : It refers to the freedom to
Exchange rate convert domestic currency into foreign currency, which
An exchange rate is the price at which one currency is implies there should be 100% FDI and FII allowed across
converted into or exchanged for another currency. all sectors.
Full convertibility: It refers to the freedom to convert
Various exchange rate mechanisms: domestic currency into foreign currency, and vice versa
1. Floating exchange rate: Forces of demand and for both current and capital account with least
supply determine the valuation and role of monetary restrictions.
authority is nill. Partial convertibility: the portion allowed by the
2. Fixed exchange rate: central bank artificially and government can be converted into foreign currency for
arbitrarily fixes the exchange rate irrespective of current and capital purposes.
market forces.
3. Pegged float exchange rate: A currency Convertibility in India
is pegged to international hard currency. Current account is today fully convertible
4. Managed float exchange rate: Exchange rate is (operationalised on 19 August, 1994). But in case of
largely market determined but the central bank capital account convertibility India is still following partial
manages the rate in specific band. current account convertibility.
5. Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) is the
Tarapore committee I and II were set up for fuller
weighted average of bilateral nominal exchange
convertibility of capital accounts. Advantages of capital
rates of the rupee in terms of foreign currencies. It is
account convertibility,
simple and direct for example - one US Dollar as per
NEER will be, say 66 rupees. Foreign capital for investment.
6. Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is the weighted FII flows can increase liquidity.
average of nominal exchange rates, adjusted for Competition for domestic players.
inflation. The indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Technology transfer.
Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Macroeconomic discipline.
are used as indicators of external competitiveness by India will have wider range of choice for
RBI. Investment and borrowing.
Extended fund Facility (EFF) Beggar they neighbor policy: When a country damages
It is a service provided by the IMF to its member its competitors through a weak currency.
countries which authorises them to raise any amount of
foreign exchange from it to fulfil their BoP crisis, but on Weak currency: Cheapens the rate of country’s export,
the conditions of structural reforms in the economy put making them more attractive to international buyers.
by the body. It is the first agreement of its kind. India had Sovereign wealth fund: It is the fund of foreign currency
signed this agreement with the IMF in the financial year
that is meant to be invested in global assets like, shares,
Hard currency: any globally traded currency which has bonds, energy assets etc. It diversify the income, secure
global demand, liquid(adequate supply) and stable( does external account.
not fluctuate) Internationalization of rupee: A currency used by other
Soft currency: It is basically the opposite term for the countries banks, firms and citizens as financial security.
hard currency. Degree of internationalization depends on, traded
actively, liquid and stable.
Hot currency: Hot currency is a term of the forex market Ex: US dollar, euro, yen, pound, renminbi.
and is a temporary name for any hard currency. 14.FOREIGN INVESTMENT
Foreign investment involves capital flows from one
Heated currency: A term used in the forex market to
country to another, granting extensive ownership
denote the domestic currency which is under enough
stakes in domestic companies and assets.
pressure (heat) of depreciation due to a hard currency’s
high tendency of exiting the economy.
Types of Foreign Investment:
Cheap Currency: If a government starts re-purchasing its
bonds before their maturities (at full-maturity prices) the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
money which flows into the economy is known as the Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)
cheap currency, also called cheap money. Qualified foreign investment (QFI)
Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)
Dear Currency: when a government issues bonds, the
money which flows from the public to the government or Details on each of the foreign investment type can
the money in the economy in general is called dear be found below:
currency, also called as dear money.
1. FDI Foreign direct investment (FDI) is
Real value of rupee: it depends on, Demand and supply, when a foreign company or
net capital inflows, performance of economy, forex individual establishes new business
reserves, interest rate, CAD, international prices of
commodities, political stability. operations or acquiring business
assets, including controlling
Forex reserve: RBI holds foreign exchange reserves interests, in an already existing
which are made up of, foreign currency, bank deposits, Indian company
government securities, gold reserves, special drawing
2. FII FII is when foreign institutional
rights of IMF.
investors invest in the shares of an
Capital control: Any measure taken by government / Indian company, or in bonds offered
central bank to limit the flow of foreign capital in and out by an Indian company.
of the domestic economy. Ex: Tobin tax , quantitative Only institutional investors like
restrictions. Investment companies, Insurance
Economic integration and trade agreements
Economic integration refers to trade unification between
different states by the partial or full abolishing of customs
tariffs on trade taking place within the borders of each Various levels of Economic integration
1. increases the combined economic
productivity of the countries – easier access of
goods and services
2. It increases competitiveness.
3. Economic integration can broaden markets,
boost employment, and spur political coopera-
4. Regions may agree to economicintegration
to better serve their citizens.
5. Political cooperation among countries can
improve because of stronger economic ties, 1. PTA – PREFERENTIAL TRADE AGREEMENT
which can help resolve conflicts peacefully and A preferential trade agreement, is a trading bloc that
lead to greater stability. gives preferential access to certain products from the
participating countries.
What is a trade agreement?
This is done by reducing tariffs but not by abolishing them
completely. A PTA can be established through a trade
A trade agreement is a contract/agreement/pact
pact. It is the first stage of economic integration. For
between two or more nations that outlines how they will
work together to ensure mutual benefit in the field of
trade and investment. Asia-Pacific
Trade Agreement (APTA): formerly known as the
Bangkok Agreement, was signed on 31st of July 1975 as
an initiative of the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). ESCAP is the
regional development arm of the United Nations for the Southern Common Market –
Asia-Pacific region. Mercosur (Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Paraguay;
Uruguay; and Venezuela)
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Bahrain, Kuwait,
Mercosur Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA): Mercosur
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
is a sub-regional blocs with its member countries – full
members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and
East African Community (EAC) – composed of
5 countries in the African Great Lakes region in
2. FTA– FREE TRADE AGREEMENT eastern Africa: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania,
and Uganda
A free-trade area is a trade bloc whose member countries
have signed a free-trade agreement (FTA), which 5. COMMON MARKET
eliminates tariffs, import quotas, and preferences on
A type of custom union where there are common policies
most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.
on product regulation, and free movement of goods and
For example,
services, capital and labour.
Ex: MSP- minimum support price SSM provisions are available to all developing and least
developed country members of WTO. Ministerial Decision
Blue Box subsidies are direct payments under production at Nairobi in 2015 recognizes that the developing
limiting program. There is no limit. It is also considered members will have the right to temporarily increase
trade distorting tariffs in face of import surges by using an SSM.
Ex: subsidies linked with acreage or number of animals
TRIPS Agreement: It lays down legal standards to
2. Export Subsidies protect intellectual property by way of copyright rights;
Agricultural export subsidies are to be limited by geographical indications; industrial designs; integrated
developed countries either in value or volume terms so circuit layout-designs; patents; monopolies for
that international prices are not lowered below a point developers of new plant varieties; trademarks. It also
and exports and domestic markets of the developing regulates dispute resolution procedures and
countries are not priced out. Nairobi Ministerial in 2015 enforcement procedures.
decided to phase them out. Types of Intellectual Explanations
Property Rights
3. Market Access Patent It may be granted for a new,
It means that all member useful, and non-obvious
invention, and gives patent
countries should throw open their domestic market to
holder an exclusive right to
agricultural imports by reduction of tariff and removal of
commercially exploit the
non-tariff barriers. Hence, members should undertake:
invention for a certain period of
1. Tariffication – to convert non-tariff barriers (like time (typically 20 years)
quotas) to tariffs
2. Bind their tariff to agree to a limit that is Copyright It is given for creative and
bounded rate and not increase the rates beyond artistic works (e.g., books,
them. movies, music) and gives
copyright holder the exclusive
Special Products right to control reproduction or
These are agricultural products of particular importance adaptation of such works for a
to farming communities in developing countries for certain period of time.
reasons of food security, livelihood, security and rural Trademark It is a distinctive sign which is
development. Under the Doha Development Round, it used to distinguish the products
was decided that the Special products would attract or services of different
lower levels of tariff reduction commitment than other businesses
agricultural products so as to protect and enhance Industrial design It protects the form of
livelihood and food security in domestic economy. appearance, style or design of
an industrial objects (e.g., spare
Special Product regime is a component of WTO’s Special parts, textile)
and Differential (S&D) provision and is available only to
developing country members of WTO.
Patent is an incentive to innovate and invent and thus
The current discussions over Special Products are mainly sustains R&D. In return for the patent, inventor offers the
focused on: knowledge with commercial use to be put in public
1. The number of products to be given Special Product domain after the expiry of the patent.
Under WTO, patents can be granted for process or
2. The modalities to select Special Products
product. Product patent provide for absolute protection
Special Safeguard Mechanism
of product exhausting all processes that may lead to the
SSM is a trade defence mechanism to essentially counter
product, whereas process patents provide protection in
the volatility of international commodity prices.
respect of a specific method of production.
Under TRIPS, only product patents must be awarded for In India, Geographical Indications registration is
food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals. These patents administered by the Geographical Indications of Goods
should be valid for 20 years. (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 which came into
From the above discussion, it is clear that product patent force with effect from September 2003. The first product
have the potential to raise prices, safeguards have been in India to be accorded with GI tag was Darjeeling tea in
built in the TRIPS Agreement called:“Parallel Imports” the year 2004-05.
and “Compulsory Licensing”.
Parallel Importation is the importation of drugs at a There are a number of benefits that GI confers on a
lower price to meet a public health crisis if the particular good:
company holding the patent is unwilling to provide 1. It confers legal protection to GI in India.
the patented drug at lower price. 2. Prevents unauthorised use of a Registered
Compulsory Licensing means that the government of Geographical Indication by others.
a country facing health crisis can ask for production 3. It provides legal protection to Indian
and sale of drugs in the country at concessional price Geographical Indications which in turn boost
based on a compulsory license that it issues. This exports.
allows generic copies of a patented product to be 4. It promotes economic prosperity of producers of
produced domestically, with compensation paid to
goods produced in a geographical territory.
the patent holder.
GI generally is not awarded to an individual. It is given for
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
a period of 10 years and may be renewed for another 10
It is a multinational treaty for the purpose of establishing years on expiry. GI prevents spurious goods from entering
international standards for intellectual property rights the market. It helps maintain quality. There is greater
enforcement. accountability, too. It boots exports.
It aims to establish an international legal framework for Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Measures
targeting counterfeit goods, generics medicines and
copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create It is an international treaty under WTO that aims to set
a new governing body outside existing forums, such as constraints on member state’s policies relating to food
WTO, World Intellectual Property Organisation or UN. It safety (bacterial, pesticides, inspection and labelling) as
was signed in 2011. well as animal and plant health (phyto-sanitary) about
imported pests and diseases.
Sui Generis System
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
TRIPS agreement provides sui generis option regarding It is the set of regulations that governs trade in services
patent laws. Sui generis means generating by itself or of among WTO members.
itself. It means that they can protect inventions either on
the basis of TRIPS pattern of patents or any other GATS cover four modes of supply for the delivery of
indigenous system (sui generis). services in international trade:
Criteria Supplier
Geographical Indications Presence
There are some goods that owe their properties (e.g., its Mode – 1: Cross Service delivered Service
special quality or reputation) to the region in which they within the supplier not
Border Supply
originate and are nurtured. Such products are given territory of the present within
Geographical Indications. GI is used to identify agricultural, Member, from the territory of
natural or manufactured goods. the territory of the member
another member
Gender Inequality Index Global Gender Gap Index Gender Parity Index
It is computed by United Nations It is published by World Economic It is released by UNESCO.
Development Programme (UNDP) Forum. It is a socioeconomic index
It uses three dimensions It measures progress towards parity usually designed to measure
o Reproductive Health between men and women in – the relative access to
o Empowerment & 1. Economy education of males and
o Labour Market Participation. 2. Education females.
India ranked 122 out of 162 3. Health & Ratio of girls to boys in
countries in 2016. 4. Political representation. primary, secondary and
The index lies between 0 and 1, with tertiary levels of education
1 denoting complete parity and 0, to the number of male
complete inequality. students in each level is
In its recent (2017) report, India has taken in to account.
been ranked 108 out of 144 countries
in the recent report.
This is a fall of 21 places from the last
year‘s 87, and India's lowest since the
index was developed in 2006.
The country rankings allow for
effective comparisons across regions
and income groups.
Basis for Wholesale Price Consumer Price Index of Annual survey Industries Purchasing
comparison Index Index industrial Managers’ Index
production (PMI)
Meaning Wholesale Price Consumer Price Measures the industrial statistics in India It is an index of the
Index (WPI), Index (CPI), short-term providing information on prevailing direction
amounts to the indicates the changes in the important characteristics of of economic trends
average change average change volume of registered manufacturing in the
in prices of in the prices of production of a sector manufacturing and
commodities at commodities, at basket of service sectors.
wholesale level. retail level. industrial
Published by Office of Central central statistical Central Statistics Office (CSO) PMI Data is
Economic Advisor Statistics Office organisation and Industrial Statistics (IS) published by
Japanese firm
Nikkei but
compiled and
constructed by
Market Economics
Covers Goods only Goods and Industrial sector Manufacturing sector Manufacturing and
Services services sectors
Focuses on Prices of goods Prices of goods Eight Core Organisedmanufacturingsector Output, New
traded between purchased by Industries data,details ofproduction, Orders,
business houses. consumers. investment, employment and Employment, Input
Electricity, costs. Costs, Output
steel,refinery Prices, Backlogs of
products,crude Work, Export
oil, coal,cement, Orders, Quantity of
natural gasand Purchases, Stocks
fertilisers. of Purchases and
Stocks of Finished
Base year 2011 -2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 2013 -2014 NA
Share in the Primary Articles Food and Manufacturing NA NA
index (22.62% of total beverages have (77%) followed by
weight), Fuel and maximum mining (14.7%)
Power (13.15%) weightage and electricity
and under this. (7.9%)
Manufactured Among the Index
Products of eight core
(64.23%). industries under
IIP, the sector
wise contribution
Refinery products
(28%), electricity
(19%), Steel
(17%), coal (10%),
crude oil (8%),
natural gas (6%),
cement (5%),
Fertilizers (2%)
Philips curve shows the trade off between
unemploy-ment and inflation. It indicates that to
reduce un-employment, an economy has to adjust
with higher level of inflation.
J curve effect: it is a theory stating that a country’s trade deficit will initially worsen after the depreciation of its currency,
as higher prices on imports will be greater than reduced volume of imports and growth in exports initially. When exports
become price competitive and imports are reduced due to high cost, the BOP turns positive.
Increase in repo rate When inflation is high
Decrease in repo rate When inflation is low
Increase in reverse When inflation is high
repo rate
Decrease in reverse When inflation is low
repo rate
Increase in CRR When inflation is very high and needs extreme measures to control it
Decrease in CRR When inflation is very low and needs extreme measures to bring It to healthy levels
Bond yields increase As bond prices fall
Bond prices rise When interest rates fall
Increase in taxes Leads to lower aggregate demand and inflation
Decrease in taxes Leads to higher aggregate demand and inflation
Increase in Leads to higher aggregate demand and inflation
Decrease in govt. Leads to Lower aggregate demand and inflation
Increased Leads to Crowding out effect
Reduced government Leads to crowding in effect
Increase in inflation Leads to lower disposable income
Leads to higher tax collections
Is correlated with reduced unemployment
Real debt levels fall
Competitiveness in external market suffers
Consequences of depriciation
Increased fiscal Indicates increased borrowings
deficit May lead to higher inflation
Correlated with higher interest rates
Lower sovereign rating of a country
Increased external Leads to loss of sovereignty
Increased overall Leads to higher interest burden for the future
Increased share of Indicator of regressive tax regime
indirect taxes among
tax revenue
Increased share of Indicator of progressive tax regime