Module 01: Economics As Social Science and Applied Science: I. Learning Competencies
Module 01: Economics As Social Science and Applied Science: I. Learning Competencies
Module 01: Economics As Social Science and Applied Science: I. Learning Competencies
1. Differentiate economics as social science and applied science in terms of nature and
2. Define basic terms in applied economics.
3. Realize that knowledge on the nature and scope of economics may help get over
In this module, you should be able to explain the nature and scope ofeconomics,
determine its fields: the micro and macroeconomics, resourcefully use the different resources
in the production of goods and services, and in the real world, efficiently consume these
finished products.
Image 1.1. Micro vs Macro Economics(Source: DepEdApplied Economics Module by Dela Cruz et al.)
Essential Goods - used to satisfy the basic Luxury Goods – goods man may do without,
needs of man. Example: foods and medicine. but may give comfort and satisfaction. Ex.,
perfume, cakes; chocolates, expensive cars.
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Economic Goods – goods that have benefit (utility) to society. Also, economic goods have a
degree of scarcity and therefore an opportunity cost. This is in contrast to a free good (like air,
sea, water) where there is no opportunity cost – but abundance. Ex. air from aircon.
Images 1.2-1.6. Micro vs Macro Economics
Economic Resources or Factors
In the article of Nowaczyk , J (2020) on Identifying the Factors of Production, he defined
economic resources as the factors of production for goods and services. The factors of
production are inputs combinations in the production of goods and services to make an
economic profit for the firms. These factors of production are land, labor, capital, and
entrepreneurship. Resources are limited in nature, but human wants and needs are unlimited,
thus, an efficient allocation of these resources or factors of production is a big challenge for
every economy. Economics also helps the entrepreneurs and the economy to allocate resources
in the production of supplies to meet the demands of the consumers.
Land as a Factor of Production Labor as a Factor of Production
Land - natural resources available to create Labor is the work done by people- education,
supply such as raw materials that comes skills, and motivation and productivity.
from the ground. It can be a nonrenewable Productivity measures how much each hour of
resource; commodities such as oil and gold; worker time produces in output. Workforce
and renewable resource, such as timber. Oil receives wage for his labor.
is a natural resource, but petroleum gas is a
capital good. Farmland is a natural
resource, but a shopping center is a capital
Capital as a Factor of Production Entrepreneurship as a Factor of Production
Capital or capital goods are capital – the Entrepreneurship develops an idea into a
money that companies used to buy business. An entrepreneur combines the other
resources; manmade objects like three factors of production to add to supply.
machinery, equipment, and chemicals that The most successful entrepreneurs are
are used in production. For example, innovative and risk-takers. The income
capital goods include industrialand entrepreneurs earn is profits.
commercial buildings. A commercial aircraft
is example of a capital good.
Images 1.7-1.10. Factors of Production
Characteristics of Resources
1.Scarcity: insufficient resources to supply all the desires and needs of individuals. In the
production of goods and services; there are issues that economics may
encounter: these include: for Land – inadequate land and natural resources;
polluted areas; overcrowded spaces; for Labor – unskilled workforce;
mismatch of jobs; for capital - low quality of equipment/machines;
insufficient fund/capital; and for entrepreneurship – Inadequate training of
entrepreneurs; limited opportunity; scarcity of great ideas but many
competitors in the market.
2.Multiple Use: Resources can have more than one possible use. For example, a plot of land can
be used to plant coffee or to build a factory.
3.Partially Replaceable: one resource can replace another in the production of a good or
service (e.g., replace manual labor with technology).
Scarce resources and unlimited desires → Scarcity
Scarcity and alternative uses → Choice
Choice → Opportunity cost
Essential Goods
B. Resources of Production
Direction: The diagram represents the economic resources in the production of goods and
services of the ABM Computer Shop located in Manila.
1) Identify each resource. (1 pt. each)
2) Give an example of each resource that the computer shop needs for the production of its
services. (1 pt. each)
Choices are provided below.
Choices for No. 1: Entrepreneurship; Land; Capital; Labor
Choices for No. 2: Manpower; space; great ideas to innovate; computers
Question: Having learned about the nature and scope of economics, the fields of economics,
the economic agents/stakeholders, the classifications of goods, and the economic resources in
this module; what things have you realized you should do/practice in order for you and your
family to successfully live through and recover from this pandemic crisis? Answer in 7-10
sentences. (10 pts.; 7 - Quality of Ideas, 3 - Organization of Ideas)
A. Picture Analysis
Direction: Determine what resource of production each element on the picture. (2 pts. each)
B. Identification
Direction: Determine what factor of production for each scenario. (3 pts. each)
1.The ABM Manufacturing Co. hired a
gardener. He uses alawn mower for
landscaping. Which factor of production would
you consider this machine?
2. The owner of the company withdrew cash
for the salaries of the employees. Which factor
of production would you consider cash on
3. The top manager of the firm said “the great
ideas, concepts and emotional determination
of a person to produce something that
consumers want to buy” is very important for
the company. What factor of production
describes the ability to create great ideas?
4. The farmers planted pineapple cuttings in
the vacant area located in their locality. Which
factor of production would you consider a
pineapple plantation?
C. Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle your answer. (2 pts. each)
1. MrsNenita De Jesus purchased basic goods like vegetables and groceries for the consumption
of her family. These goods are:
a. Consumers goods
b. Capital Goods
c. Luxury Goods
d. Economic Goods
2. Mr. Dennis Elecanal purchased new car as a gift for his father’s birthday. This good is
a. Consumers Good
b. Luxury Good
c. Capital Good
d. Economic Good
3. ABM Computer shop purchased additional 10 units of computer for the business. These
goods are called:
a. Consumers goods
b. Luxury Goods
c. Capital Goods
d. Economic Goods
4. Which is not considered as tangible good?
a. Cell phone
b. Mask
c. Sack of rice
d. Training service
5. Which is true about Economics as a social science?
a. Scarce resources and limited needs drive choice
b. Economics explains and predicts economic events
c. The scientific method is based on the normative analysis
d. Economic hypotheses lead directly to predictions
6. Which is true on the value of an economic theory in practice? It is determined by
a. how accurate the assumptions are.
b. how well the theory can be represented by a graph.
c. how well the theory can predict or explain.
d. how economical the model is.
7. Which of the following is the study of the aggregate economy studied as a whole?
a. Mathematical economics
b. Econometrics
c. Macroeconomics
d. Microeconomics
8. Business ethics refers to any behavior by businesses that may
a. be illegal.
b. violate social or moral standards.
c. result in the maximization of profits.
d. All of the above.
9. Businesses have responded to incentives for ethical behavior by doing ALL except
a. lobbying for the abolition of laws that require ethical behavior.
b. appointing “ethics officers” to monitor ethical manners of employees.
c. providing training sessions in ethical behavior for employees.
d. establishing codes of ethical behavior for employees.
10. Which of the following is not an economic agent in your locality?
a. Producer
b. Consumer
c. Public Sector
d. None of ABC
Dela Cruz et al. DepEd Applied Economics Module. Division of City Schools Manila.