Problems Couples Face
Problems Couples Face
Problems Couples Face
There are the various problem couples have been facing. A little bit of fighting or criticism is
there in every relationship, as long as the fight does not change into a big fight.
THERE ARE various problems couples face. A little a bit fighting or criticism is present in every
relationship, until this fight does not change into a big fight.
Poor communication:
In today’s world, it is hard to believe that two people have poor communication. It is one of the
major problems, we have suffered right now. Due to the high paced lifestyle people don’t have
enough time to talk with their life partner. And, when we don’t have constructive and good
communication between us, then misunderstandings arise which is harmful for relationships.
Solution: Give enough time to your partner and communicate with them as much as possible or
whenever you get free time.
Sex problem:
Sex is not the most important thing but it is not less important. Today, we have more extra
marital affairs than ever before. Sex will become the reason to break your fruitful relationship.
Solution: If you are young couple, then have sex twice or thrice a week otherwise once a week is
ok for you. And when you start doing this, you will feel rejuvenated in your relationship or life.
Money problem is another main reason for fights between couples. It is basically spender’s v/s
savers. He/she loves to spend, you don’t.
Solution: You can easily solve this problem, tell your partner that, everybody’s spending style is
different from others and it may have little or nothing to do with you.
Bad habits:
Smoking, drinking and drugs are old problems, but still we don’t have any exact solution to
solve this problem. After drinks, the mind does not work properly and people start doing stupid
things like abusing, fighting and create unnecessarily problems in their relationship.
Solution: Don’t drink, but if you want to booze, then drink occasionally and behave like a decent
human after drinking.
Love, mutual respect and cheating all these things are co-related to each other. If, you don’t have
any kind of love in your relationship then you never show any mutual respect to your partner and
always think of cheating you partner.
Solution: Develop love with your partner; now don’t ask how to develop love? It’s totally on
Here are few options: candlelight dinner, romantic date or something else.
The major problems face by couple in an interracial
The major problems face by couple in an interracial marriage.An interracial marriage is
one that involves two persons from different races. Such marriages are the exception rather
than the norm. This is because couples in an interracial marriage are likely to en counter
various problems.Perhaps the most common of these problems is objection and disapproval
of the family. The parents of an interracial couple often feel that they have been let down by
their sons or daughters. By ‘deserting’ one’s rage, they fear that their traditions and custo
Another problem that the interracial couples have to encounter is societal disapproval. Thought
there are open minded people who would give all the support they can, there will always be
others who would make the couple feel unwelcome. The most abusive treatment would come
from other children. During courtship, many of the racial differences might have overlooked, but
after marriage the couple might find t difficult to make adjustment as each group practices a
different way of life. Another discouraging occurs when the couples try to participate in social
organizations. Although society"tms disapproval will not affect the couple as seriously as
parental disapproval, it is still an issue that cannot be ignored. Luckily, however, in some cases,
the disapproval is only temporary. Children of interracial marriages are often called by all
sorts of nicknames. This problem is compounded when one group is convinced that they are
superior to the other, and such prejudices are still found in our society, some parents as
disowning their son or daughter. Lastly one could not ignore the problems that might arise
between the couples themselves. With time parents learn to accept the reality of the marriage.
Children can sometimes be very cruel because they say exactly what"tms on their mind as they
are too young to realize the consequences of their remarks. A couple in an interracial marriage
cannot walk down the street without being stared at. Yet another problem that the couple would
have to deal with is the problem the children would face, both at school and at play.
Working towards a healthy love relationship is one of the most rewarding and challenging things
you’ll ever do! These ten reasons couples break up and relationships fail describe the most
common problems couples face.
These tips will help couples build long-term love, and help broken hearts heal after a relationship
1. Failing to keep promises, lying, or cheating. These blatant violations of trust often result in
failed relationships. If the basic trust in a love relationship is repeatedly broken, the problems
accumulate and the motivation to stay together decreases. Partners in healthy relationships agree
to reconcile their differences – and if they keep their promises, the relationship can stay strong.
However, consistent lying, cheating, or breaking of promises can explain why relationships end.
2. Imbalance of power. A common reason couples break up is when one partner has more
decision-making power than the other. When one person usually makes the decisions about
activities, friends, financial matters, household matters, holidays, and so on, the relationship can
become unstable. If a sense of equality doesn’t exist, a failed relationship could be the result.
3. Acceptance of stereotypes. Mistaken gender myths include beliefs such as “Men like sex
more than women” or “Women are passive” or “Men make more money than women.” If one
partner believes these stereotypes, false expectations are created – resulting in higher chances of
a failed relationship. An equal balance of power can save your marriage.
4. Isolation. A common reason couples break up is isolation from friends and family when the
couple first gets together. Intimate love relationships based on fear and insecurity (which is why
couples isolate themselves) aren’t stable, and exacerbate other problems – which can lead to a
relationship breakup.
5. Lack of self-knowledge. If one or both partners aren’t in tune with their interests, needs,
desires, future plans, goals, values, sexual attitudes, and preferences – then it’s difficult for them
to engage in a healthy relationship. Self-knowledge helps partners communicate who they are
and what they want – which can prevent the breakup of a romantic relationship. This can be a
reason why couples break up, especially if they got together when they were young.
6. Low self-esteem, insecurity, and lack of self-confidence. A common reason couples break
up is because one partner feels unworthy of being loved. This insecurity can lead to
possessiveness and overdependence, which isn’t healthy for a love relationship. Building self-
esteem and self-confidence is one way to avoid relationship failure (but each partner must do this
for him or herself).
7. Excessive jealousy. “Jealousy is cited as one of the most frequent causes of the breakup of
romantic relationships,” writers Roger Hock in Human Sexuality. Delusional jealousy can trigger
abuse and violence, which can (and should) be why relationships end. Delusional jealousy isn’t a
common problem couples face – but normal jealousy can be.
8. Ineffective communication. If both partners can’t share their thoughts, feelings, opinions,
values, needs, frustrations, or even their joys, a failed relationship could result. If this was the
cause of a breakup, then learning to love again could involve learning how to communicate
effectively. This is a common reason for breaking up.
9. Control issues. If one partner is trying to control or manipulate the other, the love relationship
can become weak – or even dangerous. This reason why relationships end may be seen in
different ways, such as checking up on the partner, name-calling, threatening the partner,
requiring the partner check in all the time, or not allowing any deviations from the partner’s
schedule. This isn’t loving behavior, and it results in failed relationships.
10. Abuse. This is the most obvious, surefire way to reason why couples break up. Different
types of abuse are attempts to gain total control over a partner. Though relationships like this
should end immediately, many partners stay for various complicated reasons. Learning to love
and trust again can be difficult if this is the reason the relationship ended.
Conflict and stress are part of most marriages and love relationships – but being aware of the
common reasons couples break up can help them work towards a healthy love relationship.
Some Relationship Concerns Young couples Face and
Options to Deal Making use of them
People face different kinds of problems and issues when in relationships. Although things may
be good at times, you may also handle some misunderstandings and fights with your partner.
Don't worry, because these happen in every relationship. You can find out four of the popular
issues that couples face and ways how to deal with them.
1. Lack of Trust
If you continuously suspect your partner of cheating or you completely overlook every move
they're making, then you don't trust your partner enough. Lack of trust is a relationship issue that
is popular among couples. It can happen if you lack communication with your partner or you
simply have past experiences with affairs. This can hamper your relationship because trust is
actually an important value you must have.
To gain each other's trust again, talk to one another more about the issues that you're concerned
with. If you have open communication, you can surely understand things a lot easier that way.
2. Past Experiences
Another hindrance to a healthy relationship is past experiences. You may have a bad break up
with your ex and this can affect your current relationship. You may notice the signs of this
happening if you start thinking about your ex when you're with your current partner. You also
have an attachment to old photos or messages.
This is actually one of the infamous grounds of a relationship shattering. If you still cling to your
past, you are disrespecting your current partner's trust, commitment, and efforts. Learn to let
things go because they already happened. You can start by throwing away old photos. If they are
too precious to you for some reason, talk to your partner on what to do with them. Don't wait
until he or she finds out beforehand.
3. Breaking Promises
A relationship involves commitment between two people. Promises are things that you are
willing to do for your partner. When they are broken, promises can create a gap between you and
your partner and even result in huge fights.
You should naturally keep your promise. Don't say things you can't possibly handle because you
will disappoint your partner. If you do break a promise by accident, then talk to your partner.
Don't react to his or her anger, apologize and make sure you don't make the mistake again!
4. Money
Money is a very delicate relationship issue to talk about. If you are deficient of a proper income,
then you might depend on your partner for financial support. This is alright if you two
understand the nature of the problems. As sad is it sounds, some relationships are built on this
support and not on the love. This can create further problems once this material supply runs out.
To address this situation, make sure you are open with your partner. Set boundaries on what you
can give and make sure you don't abuse each other's financial capacities. Understand that you
two have individual lives and dues to fulfill, so make sure you play things right.
These four popular issues of relationships can worsen if you don't address them as soon as
possible. Take these into consideration in your relationship and make sure you deal with them