MELC's Quarter 1 Specific Learning Competencies (Codes) From CG Lessons/Topics From LM

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MELC’s Specific Learning Competencies Lessons/Topics from LM

Quarter 1 (Codes) from CG

1.Use information from news reports, Get different viewpoints on various local and
speeches, informative talks, panel global issues(EN10LC-IVb-3.18); Determine Module 1 Lessons 1-4
discussions, etc in everyday conversations the implicit and explicit signals, verbal as well
and exchange (EN10LC-1a-11.1) as non-verbal used by the speaker to
highlight significant point(EN10LC-1c-4);
Single out direct and indirect signals used by
the speaker (EN10LC-1d-4.1); Point out the
effectiveness of the devices used by the
speaker to attract and hold the attention the
listener( EN10LC-1e-14.1; Determine the
roles of discourse markers (EN10LC-1f-14.2)
2.Determine the effects of textual aids like
advance organizers, titles, non-linear Transcode information from linear to non- Module 1 Lessons 1-4
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of linear texts and vice-versa (EN10RC-IIa-11); Module 2 Lessons 1-2
the text (EN10RC-1a-2.15.2) Explain illustrations from linear to non-linear
texts (EN10RC-IIb-11.2); Present information
using tables, graphs and maps (EN10 RC-IIc-
3. Appraise the unity of plot, setting, and 5.4)
characterization in a material viewed to Module 4 Lessons 3-6
achieve the writer’s purpose (EN10VC-IVc- Assess one’s viewing behavior (EN10VC-IVe-
29) 30)

4.Compare and contrast the contents of the

materials viewed with outside sources of Evaluate how the elements that make up Module 4 Lessons1-3
information in terms of accessibility and reality and fantasy affect viewing habit
effectiveness (EN10VC-IVc-15) (EN10VC-IVi-6.1)
5. Employ analytical listening in problem Detect biases and prejudices (EN10LC-IIg- Module 2 lesson 4
solving (EN10LC-IIe-13.2) 13.3)
6. Evaluate and make judgments about a
range of texts using a set of criteria e.g. Evaluate text content, elements, features and
comparing arguments on the same topic, properties using a set of criteria (EN10RC-IIh- Module 2 lesson 6
critiquing a short story 2.22)

7. Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria Examine how spoken communication may be
e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion, correctness repaired or enhanced (EN10LC-Ii-14) Module 1 Lesson 3

MELC’s Specific Learning Competencies (Codes) from Lessons/Topics from LM

Quarter 2 CG
1. Observe the language of research, Acknowledge citations by preparing a
campaigns and advocacies (EN10G-Iva-32) bibliography (EN10-IId-1.6.3); Use writing Module 2 Lessons 3-4
conventions to indicate acknowledgment of Module 3 Lessons2-3
resources (EN10SS-IIe-1.6.4); Show respect Module 4 Lessons 3-6
for intellectual property rights by
acknowledging citations (EN10-IIIc-1.6);
2. Identify key structural elements: Use words and expressions that emphasize a Module 1 Lessons 3-4
Exposition, arguments, restatement of point (EN10G-Ic-26); Use modals (EN10G-If- Module 2 Lessons 2-3
positions, modal verbs, attitudes expressed 3.6); Use words and expressions that affirm Module 3 Lessons 4-6
through evaluative language, conjunctions, or negate (EN10G-IIe-28); Use structures of
declarative statements, rhetorical modifications (EN10G-IIIe-30)

3. Formulate a statement of opinion or Use words and expressions that emphasize a Module 1 Lessons 4-6
assertion (EN10WC-Ic-12.2) point (EN10G-Ic-26)

4. Formulate claims of fact, policy, and Use patterns and techniques of developing an Module 2 Lessons 3-4
value (EN10WC-IIb-13.2) argumentative claim (EN10WC-IIc-13.3)
5. Write an exposition or discussion on a Compose a persuasive text expressing one’s
familiar issue to include structural elements stand on an issue (EN10WC-Ih-12-3); Module 1 Lessons 5-6
and language features Compose a persuasive text using a variety of Module II Lessons 2-3
persuasive techniques and devices (EN10WC-

6. Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on Identify the factors of public speaking

an issue employing the technique in public (EN10OL-Ia-3.14); Describe and interpret the Module 1 Lessons 1-5
speaking ethics of public speaking (EN10OL-Ib-3.15); Module 2 Lessons 4-6
Discuss the techniques in effective public
speaking (EN10OL-Ic-3.16); Employ the
techniques in public speaking in sample public
speaking situations (EN10OL-Id-3.16.1); Use
the correct sound of English when delivering
impromptu and extemporaneous speech
(EN10OL-IId-3.11); Employ appropriate
pitch, stress, juncture intonation, etc.

7. Compose texts which include multimodal Compose short persuasive texts using a Module 1 Lesson 6
elements variety of techniques and devices (EN10WC-If-

Specific Learning Competencies (Codes) Lessons/Topics from LM
Quarter 3 from CG

Expand ideas using principles of cohesion

1. Compose an argumentative essay (EN10WC- and coherence (EN10WC-IIIa-14.1.1)
IIIb-13) Use a variety of informative, persuasive and Module 3 Lessons 1-2
argumentative writing techniques

2. Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and Use patterns and techniques of developing Module 3 Lesson 1
argumentative writing techniques (EN10WC- an argumentative claim (EN10WC-IIc-13.3)

3. Compose an independent critique of a Module 3 Lessons 2-3

chosen selection (EN10WC-IIIg-14)

Explain how a selection may be influenced

4. Critique a literary selection based on the by culture, history, environment, or other Module 2 Lessons 3,5-6
following approaches: Structuralist/Formalist, factors (EN10LT-IIh-3); Evaluate literature Module 3 Lessons 5-6
Moralist, Marxist, Feminist, Historical as a vehicle of expressing and resolving Module 4 Lessons 1-2
conflicts between and among individuals or
group (EN10LT-IIi-19)

MELC’s Specific Learning Competencies (Codes) Lessons/Topics from LM

from CG
Quarter 4
1. Distinguish technical terms used in Module 4 Lessons 1-4
research (EN10V-IVa-30)

2. Give technical and operational definitions Differentiate formal from informal definitions Module 1 Lessons 1-6
(EN10V-IIa-13.9) (EN10V-Ia-13.9) Module 2 Lessons 1-6

3. Give expanded definitions of words Module 3 Lessons 1-6

4. Compose a research report on a relevant Use a variety of informative, persuasive and Module 4
social issue (EN10SS-1Ve-2.3) argumentative writing techniques (EN10WC- Lessons 5-6

Submitted by: Grade 10 English Teachers

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