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Government of India

(Results-Framework Document)

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways


Generated on 28/05/2014 1.51 PM

Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways-(2014-2015)

Section 1:
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Functions
"Roads for sustainable development"


"To develop and maintain a road infrastructure in general and National Highways in particular to an international
standards to achieve quick, safe and environment friendly mobility thereby accelerating socio-economic development
and satisfaction of citizen of India through appropriate policy formulations, timely completion of programmes and
execution of services in cost effective and transparent manner"


1 Growth and expansion of road network: Planning, development and maintenance of National Highways (NHs) infrastructure by creating
additional capacity.

2 Special Accelerated Road Develoopment Programme for North-East region (SARDP-NE) including Arunachal Pradesh package for
enhancing State capitals, district headquarters connectivity, strategic roads in border States and connectivity to neighbouring countries.

3 Special Programme for development of road connectivity of two-lane standards in the Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas
including Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP).

4 Technical and financial support to State Governments for development of State roads and the roads of the Inter-State Connectivity and
Economic Importance.

5 Policy Issues: Effective policy measures to improve road safety

6 Policy formulation and implementation regarding road transport.

7 Road Safety: Effective policy measures to sustainbly improve road safety for efficient and safe transportation.

8 To set up model inspection and Certification Centres

9 Enforcement and Regulation: To set up an independent regulatory authority.

10 Capacity Building: Skill development amongst stakeholders compatible with the interntional standards.


1 Planning, Development and Maintenance of National Highways

2 Policy formulation relating to National Highways.

3 Technical and financial support for the development of States Roads other than rural roads.

4 Specifications, Standardization, research and development pertaining to roads and bridges.

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways-(2014-2015)

Section 1:
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Functions

5 Policy formulation and implementation of Road Safety programmes.

6 Policy formulation and implementation regarding road transport.

7 Skill development amongst the stakeholders compatible with the international standards.

8 Promoting intelligent transport system and automation.

9 International cooperation in road sector/road transport.

10 Providing technical support to other Ministry's/States/UT's regarding development of roads/highways.

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
[1] Growth and expansion of road network: 31.50 [1.1] Development of NHs [1.1.1] Completion of Kms 5.00 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400
Planning, development and maintenance of infrastructure under construction.
National Highways (NHs) infrastructure by National Highways
creating additional capacity. Development Project
[1.2] Award of works under [1.2.1] Length to be Kms 4.00 5200 5000 4800 4600 4400
NHDP. awarded.
[1.3] Feasibility studies (FS) for [1.3.1] Length of FS to be Kms 2.00 5250 5000 4750 4500 4250
implementation of projects completed.
under NHDP.
[1.4] Land acquisition / [1.4.1] Taking possession Ha 1.00 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000
Environmental Clearance of land (area in
for implementation of hectare).

[1.4.2] Handing over of land % 0.50 100 95 90 85 80

for all projects
awarded during
[1.4.3] Obtaining % 0.50 100 95 90 85 80
Clearance for all
projects awarded
during 2013-14
[1.5] Raising of funds for NHDP [1.5.1] IEBR (Internal & Rs 1.00 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000
by National Highways External Budgetary crores
Authority of India (NHAI). Resources) under
54EC and tax-free

[1.6] Development of [1.6.1] Completion of DPR Kms 0.50 1200 1000 800 600 500
[1.6.2] Award of works kms 0.50 300 200 150 50 0

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
[1.7] Development of non-NHDP [1.7.1] Completion of Kms 3.00 1200 1000 800 600 400
NHs {including widening to length.
2 lane, strengthening by
State PWDs / BRO.

[1.7.2] Improvement of kms 2.00 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400

Riding Quality
[1.8] Sanction of works for NHs [1.8.1] Cost of works to be Rs 1.00 3300 3000 2700 2400 2100
(non-NHDP) to be executed sanctioned. crores
by State PWDs / BRO.

[1.9] Maintenance of NHs with [1.9.1] Periodical and Rs 2.00 2300 2000 1700 1400 1100
NHAI / State PWDs / BRO. ordinary repairs crores
[1.9.2] Periodical and Kms 2.00 40000 30000 25000 20000 15000
ordinary repairs
(length in km).
[1.9.3] Independent audit of Kms 1.00 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500
quality of
maintenance and
road safety on NHs
on sample basis.

[1.9.4] Corrective measures Kms 0.50 600 500 400 300 200
for maintenance and
Road Safety

[1.10] Collection of Toll Revenue [1.10.1] Collection of Toll Rs crore 1.00 5500 5000 4750 4500 4250
Revenue by NHAI
[1.11] Condition Survey of [1.11.1] Number of bridges Nos 1.00 105 90 75 60 45
Bridges to be inspected by

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
mobile bridge
inspection unit
[1.12] Award of works under [1.12.1] Award of works Nos 0.50 12 10 8 6 4
National Highways Inter- under National
connectivity Improvement Highways Inter-
Projects (NHIIP) connectivity
Projects (NHIIP)
[1.12.2] Length of works Kms 0.50 800 700 600 500 400
awarded under
[1.13] Development of road [1.13.1] Initiation of action for Date 1.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
quality index development of road
quality index by
[1.14] Operationalization of road [1.14.1] Making road Date 1.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
construction company for construction
north east and border areas company functional

[2] Special Accelerated Road Develoopment 15.00 [2.1] Development of roads in [2.1.1] Length to be Kms 6.00 650 600 550 500 450
Programme for North-East region (SARDP- NE region. completed.
NE) including Arunachal Pradesh package
for enhancing State capitals, district
headquarters connectivity, strategic roads in
border States and connectivity to
neighbouring countries.

[2.2] Award of works under [2.2.1] Length to be Kms 6.00 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250
SARDP-NE. awarded.
[2.3] Construction of 2 lane 25.8 [2.3.1] Overall Progress in % 1.50 100 90 80 70 60
km missing link of NH-37 %
Extn including 9.3 km long

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
across river Brahmaputra
connecting Assam at Dhola
Sadia Ghat with Roing in
Arunachal Pradesh on BOT
(Annuity) at TPC Rs 876 cr.

[2.4] Construction of two lane [2.4.1] Overall Progress in % 1.50 90 80 70 60 50

Kaladan State road in 100 %
km length in Mizoram (up to
Mynmar border) under MTT
(Multi-Model Transit
Transport) in extension of
NH-54 for connectivity to
Sitway Port in Mynmar on
EPC mode at a cost of Rs
576 cr.

[3] Special Programme for development of road 14.00 [3.1] Development of road [3.1.1] Length to be Kms 12.00 1200 1000 700 600 500
connectivity of two-lane standards in the Left connectivity in LWE. completed.
Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas
including Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP).

[3.2] Award of works under [3.2.1] Length to be Kms 2.00 450 400 350 300 250
LWE. awarded.
[4] Technical and financial support to State 1.00 [4.1] Release of funds under [4.1.1] Funds to be Rs 0.50 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800
Governments for development of State Central Road Fund (CRF). released. crores
roads and the roads of the Inter-State
Connectivity and Economic Importance.

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
[4.1.2] Release of funds % 0.50 100 95 90 80 70
within 1 month of the
receipt of Utilization

[5] Policy Issues: Effective policy measures to 8.50 [5.1] Implementation of remedial [5.1.1] Identification and Nos 2.00 125 100 80 70 60
improve road safety measures on NHs for 100 rectification of 100
black spots in 13 most black spots on NHs
accident-prone States through short term
under dedicated 10% of measures.
Plan outlay earmarked for
road safety.

[5.1.2] Preparing plans for Date 1.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
[5.2] To improve the road safety [5.2.1] To finalise action for Date 1.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
scenario in the country by finalization of Action
various measures such as, Plan (as per UN
generating mass awreness commitment)
through print and electronic
media including vernacular
and dedicated NGOs.

[5.2.2] Conducting Mass Nos of 1.00 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000
awareness audio /
programmes. video
[5.2.3] Introduction of Bill / Date 1.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
Government Order
for creation of Road
Safety Board

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
[5.3] Developing communication [5.3.1] 1. Implementation of No. of 0.50 -- -- -- -- --
strategy for road safety and RADMS software on States
monitoring implementation. pilot basisfor
collection of data on
road accidents

[5.3.2] Giving wide publicity Nos 0.50 1000 900 800 700 600
to single toll free
number for
emergency care,
designated trauma
centres and
ambulance call etc.

[5.4] Setting up Road Safety [5.4.1] Grant of assistance Nos 0.50 -- -- -- -- --

Fund (RSF). by way of seed
money for setting up
of Road Safety Fund

[5.5] Extension of pilot project of [5.5.1] Extension of ETC No. of 1.00 55 50 45 40 35

ETC (electronic toll system. toll
collection) basis for plazas
ensuring uninterrupted flow
of traffic.

[6] Policy formulation and implementation 7.00 [6.1] To impart refresher training [6.1.1] Number of HMV Nos 2.50 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000
regarding road transport. to HMV drivers including drivers to be trained.
first-aid and trauma care
[6.2] To impart training to State [6.2.1] Number of training Nos 1.00 50 45 40 35 30
Transport personnel. programmes to be

[6.3] To set up Model Driving [6.3.1] Number of Driving Nos 0.50 5 4 3 2 1

Training Institutes. Training Institutes

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
to be sanctioned.

[6.4] Sanctioning of road safety [6.4.1] Number of Nos 1.50 30 25 20 15 5

equipments. ambulances and
[6.4.2] Pollution Testing Nos 1.00 650 600 550 500 400
[6.5] Measures for curbing [6.5.1] Issue of guidelines Date 0.50 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
overloading. to the States for
curbing overloading.

[7] Road Safety: Effective policy measures to 2.00 [7.1] To set up Model Inspection [7.1.1] Number of centers Nos 1.00 -- -- -- -- --
sustainbly improve road safety for efficient & Certification Centres. to be sanctioned.
and safe transportation.

[7.1.2] Number of centers Nos 1.00 5 4 3 2 1

to be completed
within RFD year

[8] To set up model inspection and Certification 2.00 [8.1] Setting of Highway [8.1.1] Introduction of Bill / Date 2.00 30/11/2014 31/12/2014 31/01/2015 28/02/2015 31/03/2015
Centres Regulatory Authority. Government Order
for setting up of
Regulatory Authority

[9] Enforcement and Regulation: To set up an 1.00 [9.1] To provide Central [9.1.1] Number of STUs to Nos 1.00 6 5 4 3 2
independent regulatory authority. assistance to States / STUs be sanctioned.
for implementation of IT
projects / Mobility Plan.

[10] Capacity Building: Skill development 3.00 [10.1] Skill Development for newly [10.1.1] Number of newly Nos 1.00 50 45 40 35 30
amongst stakeholders compatible with the recruited engineers / inducted engineers
interntional standards. existing practicing to be trained
engineers /(IAHE)

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
[10.1.2] Number of existing Nos 1.00 1000 900 800 700 600
practicing engineers
to be trained

[10.2] Training at the door step of [10.2.1] Number of off- Nos 0.50 12 10 8 6 4
trainees. campus training to
be completed.
[10.3] Training of Non-engineers [10.3.1] Number of non- Nos 0.50 250 200 100 75 50
engineers to be

* Efficient Functioning of the RFD System 3.00 Timely submission of Draft RFD On-time submission Date 2.0 05/03/2015 06/03/2015 09/03/2015 10/03/2015 11/03/2015
for 2015-2016 for Approval

Timely submission of Results for On-time submission Date 1.0 01/05/2014 02/05/2014 03/05/2014 06/05/2014 07/05/2014
* Enhanced Transparency / Improved Service 3.00 Rating from Independent Audit of Degree of implementation of % 2.0 100 95 90 85 80
delivery of Ministry/Department implementation of Citizens’ / commitments in CCC
Clients’ Charter (CCC)

Independent Audit of Degree of success in % 1.0 100 95 90 85 80

implementation of Grievance implementing GRM
Redress Management (GRM)
* Reforming Administration 8.00 Update departmental strategy to Date Date 2.0 01/11/2014 02/11/2014 03/11/2014 04/11/2014 05/11/2014
align with revised priorities

Implement agreed milestones of % of Implementation % 1.0 100 90 80 70 60

approved Mitigating Strategies
for Reduction of potential risk of
corruption (MSC).

* Mandatory Objective(s)

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 2:
Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets

Target / Criteria Value

Action Success
Objective Weight Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
Implement agreed milestones for % of implementation % 2.0 100 95 90 85 80
implementation of ISO 9001

% of Responsibility Centres with Responsibility Centres % 1.0 100 95 90 85 80

RFD in RFMS covered
Implement agreed milestones of % of implementation % 2.0 100 90 80 70 60
approved Innovation Action
Plans (IAPs).

* Improve compliance with the Financial 1.00 Timely submission of ATNs on Percentage of ATNs % 0.25 100 90 80 70 60
Accountability Framework Audit paras of C&AG submitted within due date (4
months) from date of
presentation of Report to
Parliament by CAG during
the year.
Timely submission of ATRs to Percentage of ATRS % 0.25 100 90 80 70 60
the PAC Sectt. on PAC Reports. submitted within due date (6
months) from date of
presentation of Report to
Parliament by PAC during
the year.
Early disposal of pending ATNs Percentage of outstanding % 0.25 100 90 80 70 60
on Audit Paras of C&AG Reports ATNs disposed off during
presented to Parliament before the year.
Early disposal of pending ATRs Percentage of outstanding % 0.25 100 90 80 70 60
on PAC Reports presented to ATRS disposed off during
Parliament before 31.3.2014 the year.

* Mandatory Objective(s)

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

[1] Growth and expansion of road [1.1] Development of NHs [1.1.1] Completion of Kms 2845 2120 2000 3000 4000
network: Planning, development and infrastructure under construction.
maintenance of National Highways National Highways
(NHs) infrastructure by creating Development Project
additional capacity. (NHDP).

[1.2] Award of works under [1.2.1] Length to be awarded. Kms 1321 2608 5000 5000 6000
[1.3] Feasibility studies (FS) [1.3.1] Length of FS to be Kms 6000 4000 5000 5000 1000
for implementation of completed.
projects under NHDP.
[1.4] Land acquisition / [1.4.1] Taking possession of Ha 7000 8400 6000 3000 3000
Environmental Clearance land (area in hectare).
for implementation of

[1.4.2] Handing over of land % -- 70 95 95 95

for all projects awarded
during 2013-14

[1.4.3] Obtaining % -- 100 95 95 95

Clearance for all
projects awarded
during 2013-14
[1.5] Raising of funds for [1.5.1] IEBR (Internal & Rs crores 2890 7943 9000 20000 25000
NHDP by National External Budgetary
Highways Authority of Resources) under
India (NHAI). 54EC and tax-free
[1.6] Development of [1.6.1] Completion of DPR Kms 0 0 1000 800 0

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

[1.6.2] Award of works kms 0 0 200 900 700

[1.7] Development of non- [1.7.1] Completion of length. Kms 1000 930 1000 1500 1500
NHDP NHs {including
widening to 2 lane,
strengthening by State
[1.7.2] Improvement of Riding kms 2100 2170 2000 2000 2000
Quality (IRQP)

[1.8] Sanction of works for [1.8.1] Cost of works to be Rs crores 3074 7772 3000 3500 3500
NHs (non-NHDP) to be sanctioned.
executed by State PWDs
/ BRO.
[1.9] Maintenance of NHs with [1.9.1] Periodical and ordinary Rs crores 1500 1700 2000 2250 2500
NHAI / State PWDs / repairs (Expenditure
BRO. Incurred).

[1.9.2] Periodical and ordinary Kms 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000
repairs (length in km).

[1.9.3] Independent audit of Kms 0 400 2250 5000 5000

quality of maintenance
and road safety on
NHs on sample basis.

[1.9.4] Corrective measures Kms 400 400 500 500 500

for maintenance and
Road Safety

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

[1.10] Collection of Toll [1.10.1] Collection of Toll Rs crore 3721 5224 5000 5500 6000
Revenue Revenue by NHAI
[1.11] Condition Survey of [1.11.1] Number of bridges to Nos 0 0 90 110 130
Bridges be inspected by mobile
bridge inspection unit

[1.12] Award of works under [1.12.1] Award of works under Nos 0 5 10 0 0

National Highways Inter- National Highways
connectivity Improvement Inter-connectivity
Projects (NHIIP) Improvement Projects

[1.12.2] Length of works Kms 0 400 700 0 0

awarded under NHIIP

[1.13] Development of road [1.13.1] Initiation of action for Date -- -- 31/12/2014 -- --

quality index development of road
quality index by CRRI

[1.14] Operationalization of [1.14.1] Making road Date -- -- 31/12/2014 -- --

road construction construction company
company for north east functional
and border areas
[2] Special Accelerated Road [2.1] Development of roads in [2.1.1] Length to be Kms 260 363 600 700 800
Develoopment Programme for North- NE region. completed.
East region (SARDP-NE) including
Arunachal Pradesh package for
enhancing State capitals, district
headquarters connectivity, strategic
roads in border States and
connectivity to neighbouring

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17


[2.2] Award of works under [2.2.1] Length to be awarded. Kms 51 64 2000 572 0
[2.3] Construction of 2 lane [2.3.1] Overall Progress in % % 0 60 90 100 0
25.8 km missing link of
NH-37 Extn including 9.3
km long bridge across
river Brahmaputra
connecting Assam at
Dhola Sadia Ghat with
Roing in Arunachal
Pradesh on BOT
(Annuity) at TPC Rs 876

[2.4] Construction of two lane [2.4.1] Overall Progress in % % 0 50 80 100 0

Kaladan State road in
100 km length in
Mizoram (up to Mynmar
border) under MTT
(Multi-Model Transit
Transport) in extension of
NH-54 for connectivity to
Sitway Port in Mynmar
on EPC mode at a cost
of Rs 576 cr.

[3] Special Programme for development [3.1] Development of road [3.1.1] Length to be Kms 1049 545 1000 800 1000
of road connectivity of two-lane connectivity in LWE. completed.
standards in the Left Wing Extremism
(LWE) affected areas including Tribal
Sub-Plan (TSP).

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

[3.2] Award of works under [3.2.1] Length to be awarded. Kms 543 90 400 0 0
[4] Technical and financial support to [4.1] Release of funds under [4.1.1] Funds to be released. Rs crores 1925 2923 2400 2500 2600
State Governments for development Central Road Fund
of State roads and the roads of the (CRF).
Inter-State Connectivity and
Economic Importance.

[4.1.2] Release of funds within % 80 80 95 95 95

1 month of the receipt
of Utilization Certificate

[5] Policy Issues: Effective policy [5.1] Implementation of [5.1.1] Identification and Nos 100 100 100 100 100
measures to improve road safety remedial measures on rectification of 100
NHs for 100 black spots black spots on NHs
in 13 most accident- through short term
prone States under measures.
dedicated 10% of Plan
outlay earmarked for
road safety.

[5.1.2] Preparing plans for Date 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 30/12/2016
permanent measures

[5.2] To improve the road [5.2.1] To finalise action for Date -- -- 31/12/2014 -- --
safety scenario in the finalization of Action
country by various Plan (as per UN
measures such as, commitment)
generating mass
awreness through

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

print and electronic

media including
vernacular and dedicated
[5.2.2] Conducting Mass Nos of -- 29000 40000 50000 50000
awareness audio /
programmes. video
[5.2.3] Introduction of Bill / Date -- -- 31/12/2014 -- --
Government Order for
creation of Road
Safety Board
[5.3] Developing [5.3.1] 1. Implementation of No. of 0 0 2 4 4
communication strategy RADMS software on States
for road safety and pilot basisfor collection
monitoring of data on road
implementation. accidents
[5.3.2] Giving wide publicity to Nos -- 1000 900 1000 1000
single toll free number
for emergency care,
designated trauma
centres and
ambulance call etc.

[5.4] Setting up Road Safety [5.4.1] Grant of assistance by Nos -- 5 2 4 4

Fund (RSF). way of seed money for
setting up of Road
Safety Fund

[5.5] Extension of pilot project [5.5.1] Extension of ETC No. of toll -- -- 50 50 50

of ETC (electronic toll system. plazas
collection) basis for

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

ensuring uninterrupted
flow of traffic.

[6] Policy formulation and [6.1] To impart refresher [6.1.1] Number of HMV Nos -- 35000 30000 30000 30000
implementation regarding road training to HMV drivers drivers to be trained.
transport. including first-aid and
trauma care training.

[6.2] To impart training to [6.2.1] Number of training Nos 10 39 45 50 60

State Transport programmes to be
personnel. conducted.
[6.3] To set up Model Driving [6.3.1] Number of Driving Nos 2 0 4 4 4
Training Institutes. Training Institutes to
be sanctioned.
[6.4] Sanctioning of road [6.4.1] Number of ambulances Nos 476 0 25 100 100
safety equipments. and cranes.

[6.4.2] Pollution Testing Nos 0 0 600 600 600

[6.5] Measures for curbing [6.5.1] Issue of guidelines to Date -- -- 31/12/2014 -- --
overloading. the States for curbing
[7] Road Safety: Effective policy [7.1] To set up Model [7.1.1] Number of centers to Nos 8 0 2 4 4
measures to sustainbly improve road Inspection & Certification be sanctioned.
safety for efficient and safe Centres.

[7.1.2] Number of centers to Nos -- 6 4 4 4

be completed within
RFD year
[8] To set up model inspection and [8.1] Setting of Highway [8.1.1] Introduction of Bill / Date -- 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 -- --
Certification Centres Regulatory Authority. Government Order

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

for setting up of
Regulatory Authority

[9] Enforcement and Regulation: To set [9.1] To provide Central [9.1.1] Number of STUs to be Nos -- 4 5 5 5
up an independent regulatory assistance to States / sanctioned.
authority. STUs for implementation
of IT projects / Mobility

[10] Capacity Building: Skill development [10.1] Skill Development for [10.1.1] Number of newly Nos 0 40 45 40 40
amongst stakeholders compatible newly recruited inducted engineers to
with the interntional standards. engineers / existing be trained
practicing engineers
[10.1.2] Number of existing Nos 1048 1280 900 1000 1000
practicing engineers to
be trained
[10.2] Training at the door step [10.2.1] Number of off-campus Nos 3 5 10 10 10
of trainees. training to be
[10.3] Training of Non- [10.3.1] Number of non- Nos 0 0 200 300 300
engineers engineers to be

* Efficient Functioning of the RFD Timely submission of Draft On-time submission Date 15/04/2012 04/03/2013 06/03/2015 05/03/2015 04/03/2016
System RFD for 2015-2016 for
Timely submission of Results On-time submission Date 30/04/2012 10/05/2014 02/05/2014 08/05/2015 09/05/2016
for 2013-2014
* Enhanced Transparency / Improved Rating from Independent Audit Degree of implementation of % 90 80 95 100 100
Service delivery of of implementation of commitments in CCC

* Mandatory Objective(s)

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

Ministry/Department Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter

Independent Audit of Degree of success in % 90 75 95 100 100
implementation of Grievance implementing GRM
Redress Management (GRM)

* Reforming Administration Update departmental strategy Date Date -- -- 02/11/2014 02/11/2015 02/11/2016
to align with revised priorities

Implement agreed milestones % of Implementation % -- -- 90 100 100

of approved Mitigating
Strategies for Reduction of
potential risk of corruption
Implement agreed milestones % of implementation % -- 50 95 100 100
for implementation of ISO 9001

% of Responsibility Centres Responsibility Centres % 0 0 95 95 100

with RFD in RFMS covered
Implement agreed milestones % of implementation % 100 80 90 100 100
of approved Innovation Action
Plans (IAPs).

* Improve compliance with the Financial Timely submission of ATNs on Percentage of ATNs % 90 90 90 100 100
Accountability Framework Audit paras of C&AG submitted within due date (4
months) from date of
presentation of Report to
Parliament by CAG during the

* Mandatory Objective(s)

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Section 3:
Trend Values of the Success Indicators

Objective Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value Actual Value Target Value Projected Projected
for for for Value for Value for
FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17

Timely submission of ATRs to Percentage of ATRS % 90 90 90 95 95

the PAC Sectt. on PAC submitted within due date (6
Reports. months) from date of
presentation of Report to
Parliament by PAC during the
Early disposal of pending Percentage of outstanding % 90 90 90 95 95
ATNs on Audit Paras of C&AG ATNs disposed off during the
Reports presented to year.
Parliament before 31.3.2014.

Early disposal of pending Percentage of outstanding % 90 90 90 95 95

ATRs on PAC Reports ATRS disposed off during the
presented to Parliament before year.

* Mandatory Objective(s)

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

1 Administrative Reform Commission

2 Action Taken Note

3 Action Taken Report

4 Built, Operate and Transfer one of the mode of awarding PPP Projects

5 Border Roads Organization - one of the agencies through which non-NHDP stretches of National
Highways are being developed and maintained.

6 Comptroller and Auditor General

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

7 Citizens/ Client Charter

8 Central Road Fund created by levying cess on diesel and petrol for the development of roads.

9 Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi

10 Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

11 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor

12 Detailed Project Report carried out for selected stretches for the development

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

13 Engineering Procurement and Construction one of the way for taking up development and
maintenance works

14 Electronic Toll Collection

15 Feasibility Study carried out for assessing techno-economic viability of the project

16 Feasibility Study

17 General Arrangement Drawing showing features of the bridge

18 Gross Domestic Products

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

19 Hectare, unit of land area acquired for development of roads

20 Heavy Motor Vehicle

21 Indian Academy of Highway Engineers - An Apex Institute for training of Highway Engineers

22 Innovation Action Plan

23 Internal Extra Budgetary Resources

24 Improvement of Riding Quality Programme

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

25 International Organization of Standards

26 Information Technology

27 Land Acquisition

28 Level of Service

29 Left Wing Extremism areas

30 Maintenance and Repairs of roads/ bridges

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

31 Ministry of Finance

32 Multi model Transit Transport

33 North East Region comprising 8 States

34 Non-Governmental Organizations

35 National Highways Authority of India - An autonomous organization for development of National

36 National Highways Development Project

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

37 National Highways Inter-connectivity Improvement Programme through the assistance of World Bank

38 Development of National Highways (Original) under Plan Head

39 National Highways

40 Non-National Highways Development Projects

41 Ordinary Repairs through which a routine maintenance of roads is being carried out


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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

43 Public Accounts Committee

44 Public Private Paternship

45 Periodical Renewals

46 Public Works Departments of the various States through which non-NHDP Sections are being
developed and maintained

47 Road Accident Data Management System

48 Research and Development

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description


50 Results Framework Document

51 Road Over Bridge

52 Road Safety Fund

53 Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North East Region for improving road
connectivity of District Headquarters of remote places with State captials

54 Special Repairs through which special repairs to the roads/ bridges is being carried out

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Section 4:

SI.No Acronym Description

55 State Transport Units

56 Tribal Sub-Plan

57 United Nations

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[1.1.1] Completion of construction. Length of national highway to be A target of 2000 km has been
1 Km Target has been set in view of the
constructed under NHDP set past trend and availability of
quantum of work under
implementation. Out come shall
be monitored through progress
report and periodical reviews

[1.2.1] Length to be awarded. Length of National Highways to be A target of 5000 km have

2 Km Target is in accordance with the
awarded for construction under been set availability of number of approved
NHDP projects and will be monitored on
the basis of response from the
[1.3.1] Length of FS to be completed. Feasibility Study for techno-economic Feasibility study of 5000 km
3 Km Target is dependent on the
viability of the project under NHDP will be done remaining length of National
Highways under NHDP and shall
be monitored through progress
report and periodical reviews

[1.4.1] Taking possession of land (area in hectare). Land to be acquired for encumbrance A target of 6000 Ha has been
4 Ha Target is dependent on number of
free site for construction of National set projects under implementation
Highways and shall be monitored with
progress report and periodical
[1.4.2] Handing over of land for all projects Acquired land is to be handed over to It is targetted that 95% of the
5 % Progress will be monitored
awarded during 2013-14 the developers land will be handed over for through reports and periodical
awarded projects reviews

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[1.4.3] Obtaining Environmental Clearance for all Environmental clearances required It is proposed to obtain
6 % Ministry of Environment and
projects awarded during 2013-14 for development of projects environmental clearances for Forest will be pursue for getting
at least 95% or the project requisite clearances at the earliest

[1.5.1] IEBR (Internal & External Budgetary Funds to be borrowed from the About Rs.9000 crores will be
7 Crore Amount to be borrowed is as per
Resources) under 54EC and tax-free bonds. market for the development of NHDP borrowed the requirement and target set in
Projects the 12th Five Year Plan

[1.6.1] Completion of DPR Feasibility study/ Detailed Project Feasibility study of 1000 km
8 Km Target is safe as per the project
Report to be completed for projects is targetted approved and shall be monitored
under NHDP Phase VI through progress report

[1.6.2] Award of works Length of National Highways to be About 200 Km shall be

9 Km Target is set as per projects
awarded for upgraded to awarded under NHDP Phase ready for award and shall be
Expressways VI monitored regulalry

[1.7.1] Completion of length. Length of Non-NHDP National About 1000 km of National

10 Km Target is set depending on the
Highways to be constructed Highways will be completed availability of funds and quantum
of work and will be monitored

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[1.7.2] Improvement of Riding Quality (IRQP) Riding quality of Non-NHDP National About 2000 km will be
11 Km Target is set as per funds
Highways to be improved improved availability and shall be monitored

[1.8.1] Cost of works to be sanctioned. Amount of works to be sanctioned for Works amounting to
12 Crore Target is set as per inter-se
development of Non-NHDP National Rs.3000 will be sanctioned priority and availability of funds

[1.9.1] Periodical and ordinary repairs (Expenditure Amount of funds to be spent for the Rs.2000 crore will be spent
13 Crore Target is set as per inter-se
Incurred). maintenance and repairs of National priority and availability of funds

[1.9.2] Periodical and ordinary repairs (length in Length of National Highways to be About 30000 Km will be
14 Km Quantum of work will be inter-se-
km). maintained and repaired annually repaired and maintained priority and availability of funds

[1.9.3] Independent audit of quality of maintenance Length of National Highways to be Audit of 2250 Km of National
15 Km Target is set depending on the
and road safety on NHs on sample basis. audited for quality of maintenance Highways will be made sample basis and outcome shall
and road safety be monitored on the basis of
progress report

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[1.9.4] Corrective measures for maintenance and Length of National Highways to be About 500 km will be
16 Km Target is set as per the site
Road Safety improved improved requirement, inter-se priority and
availability of funds

[1.10.1] Collection of Toll Revenue by NHAI Amount of toll to be collected by NHAI Rs.5000 crore is targetted to
17 Crore Target is set depending on the
be collected as toll revenue past trend and the sections
available for tolling

[1.11.1] Number of bridges to be inspected by Condition survey of bridges About 90 bridges will be
18 Nos Target is set depending upon the
mobile bridge inspection unit inspected for their present quantum of work and shall be
condition monitored periodically

[1.12.1] Award of works under National Highways Number of contracts to be awarded 10 contracts will be awarded
19 Nos. Target is set as per the work plan
Inter-connectivity Improvement Projects (NHIIP) under NHIIP

[1.12.2] Length of works awarded under NHIIP Length of NHs to be awarded under 700 km will be awarded
20 km target is set as per the work plan

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[1.13.1] Initiation of action for development of road Study for the development of road Action will be initiated for the
21 date Study is envisaged to be started
quality index by CRRI quality index study at the end of the year

[1.14.1] Making road construction company A company for road construction in proposal for Company has
22 Date The company will augment the
functional NE region and border areas is to be been approved and to be capacity for construction of roads
formed made oprational in NE region and border areas

[2.1.1] Length to be completed. Length of roads to be completed A target of 600 km for

23 Km Target is set on the basis of
Under SARDP-NE completion has been quantum of work and shall be
indicated under SARDP-NE monitored periodically
including Arunachal Pradesh
[2.2.1] Length to be awarded. Length of roads to be awarded under A target for award of 2500
24 Km Target is based on the balanced
SARDP-NE km has been indicated length available for award.

[2.3.1] Overall Progress in % Construction of bridge across river Overall progress in % of has
25 % Progress will be monitored on the
Brahamputra under Arunachal been indicated. basis reports and periodical
Pradesh Package review

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[2.4.1] Overall Progress in % Construction of Kaladan State Road Overall progress in % of has
26 % Progress shall be monitored and
under the stand alone mega project in been indicated reviewed periodically

[3.1.1] Length to be completed. Development of Roads in LWE A target of 800 km has been
27 Km Progress shall be monitored
affected areas kept for completion of roads. periodically

[3.2.1] Length to be awarded. Length of projects to awarded under A target of 400 Km is

28 Km Target is set on the basis of
LWE envisaged under LWE works. balanced work

[4.1.1] Funds to be released. Amount to be released under CRF A target to release the fund
29 Rs. Crore Target is set as per the availability
of Rs.2400 crore under CRF of funds
is envisaged.

[4.1.2] Release of funds within 1 month of the Time for release of CRF fund A target of 95% is envisaged
30 % Target shall be monitored
receipt of Utilization Certificate to release the CRF Fund periodically
within a month of receipt of
the Utilization Certificate.

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[5.1.1] Identification and rectification of 100 black Identification and improvement of A target of 100 black spots is
31 Nos. Outcome shall be monitored and
spots on NHs through short term measures. black spots as safety measures set review periodically

[5.1.2] Preparing plans for permanent measures Preparation of plan for permanent Plans will be prepared till
32 Date Target is set as per inter-se
measures for rectification of black December, 2014 priority and availability of funds

[5.2.1] To finalise action for finalization of Action Preparation of action plan for road It is planned to prepare
33 Date Nil
Plan (as per UN commitment) safety as per UN commitment action plan by December,

[5.2.2] Conducting Mass awareness programmes. Awareness programme for 40000 audio video spot
34 Nos. Outcome shall be monitored
improvement of road safety programmes will be periodically

[5.2.3] Introduction of Bill / Government Order for It is proposed to crate Road Safety Bill will be introduced or the
35 Date Nil
creation of Road Safety Board Board order will be issued by
December, 2014 for road
safety board

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[5.3.1] 1. Implementation of RADMS software on Collection and maintenance of Project will be implemented
36 No. of States Progress shall be monitored
pilot basisfor collection of data on road accidents accident data using RADMS software in two on pilot basis periodically

[5.3.2] Giving wide publicity to single toll free Awareness programme about toll free About 900 number of
37 Nos. Feedback from the users will be
number for emergency care, designated trauma number awareness programme are monitored periodically
centres and ambulance call etc. envisaged

[5.4.1] Grant of assistance by way of seed money Assistance for the States for setting Two States will be assisted
38 Nos. of State Target is set on final basis
for setting up of Road Safety Fund up of road safety fund for setting up of road safety

[5.5.1] Extension of ETC system. Electronic toll connection at toll A target of 50 toll plaza is set
39 Nos. of toll plaza Effectiveness of ETC will be
plazas for electronic toll collection monitored periodically

[6.1.1] Number of HMV drivers to be trained. Imparting training of HMV drivers 30000 drivers will be trained
40 Nos. Progress shall be monitored

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[6.2.1] Number of training programmes to be Training of State Transport Personnel 45 Training Programmes will
41 Nos. Target is set as per the availability
conducted. be conducted of resources and shall be
monitored periodically

[6.3.1] Number of Driving Training Institutes to be Setting up of Driving Training Four Driving Training
42 Nos. Target is set as per inter-se
sanctioned. Institutes Institutes will be sanctioned priority and availability of funds

[6.4.1] Number of ambulances and cranes. Sanction of number of ambulances 25 number of ambulances
43 Nos. Target is set as per inter-se
and cranes and cranes will be sanctioned priority and availability of funds

[6.4.2] Pollution Testing Equipments. Sanction of Pollution Testing 600 Pollution Testing
44 Nos. Target is set as per inter-se
Equipments equipments will be priority and availability of funds

[6.5.1] Issue of guidelines to the States for curbing Measures for curbing overloading of Guidelines will be issued to
45 Date Effectiveness will be monitored
overloading. vehicles the States for reduction in peridically
overloading by December,

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[7.1.1] Number of centers to be sanctioned. Setting up of model inspection and Two Centres will be identified
46 Nos. Progress will be monitored
certification centres to set up periodically

[7.1.2] Number of centers to be completed within Numbers of centers to be completed Four centers will be
47 Nos. Progress shall be monitored
RFD year completed during the year periodically

[8.1.1] Introduction of Bill / Government Order for Setting up of Highway Regulatory A bill will be introduced or
48 Date Nil
setting up of Regulatory Authority Authority order will be issued by
December, 2014

[9.1.1] Number of STUs to be sanctioned. Providing Central assistance to Five number of STU will be
49 Nos. Progress will be monitored
States for implementation of IT sanctioned for periodically

[10.1.1] Number of newly inducted engineers to be Training of newly recruited Highway 40 newly recruited Highway
50 Nos. Target is set as per the past trend
trained Engineers Engineers will be trained and monitored periodically

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Section 4:
Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology

SI.No Success indicator Description Definition Measurement General Comments

[10.1.2] Number of existing practicing engineers to Training of practicing Highway 900 Highway Engineers will
51 Nos. Target is set as per the past trend
be trained Engineers be trained during the year and shall be monitored

[10.2.1] Number of off-campus training to be Off-campus training programmes to Ten training programmes will
52 Nos. Target is set as per past trend and
completed. be conducted be conducted in various monitored periodically

[10.3.1] Number of non-engineers to be trained. Training of non-engineers involved in 300 non-engineers will be
53 Nos. Target is set as per inter-se
highways/ bridges trained priority and availability of

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 5 :
Specific Performance Requirements from other Departments

What is your Please quantify your What happens if

Location Relevant Success Justification for this
State Organisation Type Organisation Name requirement from requirement from your requirement is
Type Indicator requirement
this organisation this Organisation not met.

Central Ministry Ministry of Finance [1.1.1] Completion of Timely approval of Bids may be invited only after Delay in award and
Government construction. proposal send for appraisal/ approval utlimately completion of
appraisal work etc.
[1.2.1] Length to be Timely approval of Bids may be invited only after Delay in award and
awarded. proposal send for appraisal/ approval utlimately completion of
appraisal work etc.
[1.1.1] Completion of Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
construction. support mode would be considered on work would be affected
EPC mode
[1.2.1] Length to be Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
awarded. support mode would be considered on work would be affected
EPC mode
[1.7.1] Completion of Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
length. support mode would be considered on work would be affected
EPC mode
[1.7.2] Improvement of Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
Riding Quality (IRQP) support mode would be considered on work would be affected
EPC mode
[1.8.1] Cost of works to Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
be sanctioned. support mode would be considered on work would be affected
EPC mode
[1.9.1] Periodical and Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
ordinary repairs support mode would be considered on work would be affected
(Expenditure Incurred). EPC mode

[1.9.2] Periodical and Adequate Budgetary Projects not viable on PPP Maintenance and award of
ordinary repairs (length support mode would be considered on work would be affected
in km). EPC mode
Ministry of Environment and [1.1.1] Completion of Speedy approval Clearances required before Implementation of Highway
Forests construction. taking the highway projects projects would

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Section 5 :
Specific Performance Requirements from other Departments

What is your Please quantify your What happens if

Location Relevant Success Justification for this
State Organisation Type Organisation Name requirement from requirement from your requirement is
Type Indicator requirement
this organisation this Organisation not met.

Ministry of Environment and [1.1.1] Completion of Speedy approval Clearances required before be affected
Forests construction. taking the highway projects
[1.2.1] Length to be Speedy approval Clearances required before Implementation of Highway
awarded. taking the highway projects projects would be affected

[1.4.1] Taking Speedy approval Clearances required before Implementation of Highway

possession of land taking the highway projects projects would be affected
(area in hectare).
[1.4.3] Obtaining Speedy approval Clearances required before Implementation of Highway
Environmental taking the highway projects projects would be affected
Clearance for all
projects awarded during
Ministry of Railways [1.1.1] Completion of GAD approvals Approval required before the Construction of highways
construction. taking ROB/RUBs would be affected

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Results-Framework Document (RFD) for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -(2014-2015)

Section 6:
Outcome/Impact of Department/Ministry

Jointly responsible for

Outcome/Impact of Success Unit FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16
influencing this outcome / FY 16/17
Department/Ministry Indicator
impact with the following
department (s) / ministry(ies)

1 Increase in the length of NHAI, State PWD & BRO 1.1.1 Completion of length km 2845 2120 2000 3000 4000
National Highways having 4
or more lane divided
2 Enhanced connectivity in far- NHAI, State PWDs and BRO 2.1.1 Length to be completed Kms 260 363 600 700 800
flung and remote areas of
3 Enhanced connectivity in State PWDs. 3.1.1 Length to be completed Kms 1049 545 1000 800 1000
LWE affected areas.
4 Formulation, implementation All States/ UTs, Ministry of Health & Reduction in number of Nos. in
of policies relating to road Family Welfare, DAVP. accidents, injuries and fatalities kakhs

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