Executive Summary: The Study ON The Transport Master Plan OF The Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area IN The Kingdom of Cambodia

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01-151 (1/4)
Study Area
City Boundary
Major Roads

Location Map

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
SUMMARY the Kingdom of Cambodia

TRANSPORT MASTER PLAN To implement the required projects and measures,

the institution and human capacity development is
(1) Background in urgent need. The project costs are also listed in
view of implementation on the required projects
The transport system in Phnom Penh is in poor and measures.
condition, and imposing such problems as conges-
tion, accidents and environmental pollution. With (4) Master Plan Evaluation
rapid growth in population, urbanization and mo-
torization, the problems are becoming major social Traffic System Performance
issues. To secure sustainable and desirable devel-
opment, a transport master plan needs to be estab- Assessment of the performance of the traffic sys-
lished. tem of the Plan showed that the Plan will greatly
contribute to alleviation of traffic congestion, and
(2) Objectives bring favorable economic results.
Comparison of “With Plan” and “Without Plan”
1. To formulate an Urban Transport Master Plan in
Increase in Decrease in
order to solve various transport problems and to Year
Average Speed Traffic Cost
support sustainable urban development; 2005 1.13 0.76
2. To conduct Feasibility Studies for priority pro- 2010 1.28 0.73
jects; 2015 1.47 0.70
3. To carry out technology transfer.
Direct Benefit
The objectives of the Master Plan are to solve the • Target Realization
present and future transport issues in the Phnom The Plan greatly contributes to the spatial dis-
Penh Metropolitan Area and to provide transport tribution of urban activities, which is achieved
facilities and measures to support increasing so- by appropriate allocation of future population
cioeconomic activities and sustainable urban de- and provision of road network integrated with
velopment. the land use plan in accordance with MPP de-
velopment policy.
(3) Master Plan Components and Project Cost The transport system responsive to future traffic
demand is the direct goal, which is realized by
The Plan integrates the various projects and meas- implementing the recommended projects and
ures of all subsectors in such a way that they can reassures.
create the multiplier effect. The pavement im- • Economic Analysis
provement and road network development plan NPV B/C EIRR (%)
were formulated. The bus system with co-existence Master Plan 114.4 1.62 22.0
of motorcycle was proposed as a flexible and
comprehensive mode to cope with the future traffic Indirect Benefit
demand. The urgent installation of traffic signal • Promotion of tourism industry
was recommended with emphasis of traffic con- • Improvement of living environment
nection and enforcement. • Contribution to poverty reduction

Major Projects, Measures and Project Cost Note: Short (2001 ~ 2005), Medium (2006 ~ 2010), Long (2011 ~ 2015)
Total Total Cost Financial Requirement (US$ M.)
Sub-Sector Major Projects and Measures
Quantity (US$ M.) Short Medium Long
Urbanized: Pavement Improvement 288.5 km 75.3 27.5 47.8 0
Road Suburban: Road Improvement 231.1 km 152.4 47.4 44.7 60.3
Development Bridge 21 Br. 73.3 4.7 16.1 52.5
Sub Total 519.6 km 301.0 79.6 108.6 112.8
Bus Fleet 1,306 Units 52.2 17.4 16.5 18.3
Public Bus Facility 5.0 1.9 1.0 2.1
Transport Others 0.2 0.2 0 0
Sub Total 57.4 19.5 17.6 20.3
Urbanized: Traffic Signal 117 Nos. 12.9 2.8 2.6 7.5
Others 2.4 1.7 0.4 0.3
Sub Total 117 Nos. 15.3 4.5 3.0 7.8
Institution Development - 0.4 0.4 - -
Traffic Human Resource Capacity - 0.5 0.5 - -
Legislation System and Law - 1.2 1.2 - -
Sub Total - 2.1 2.1 - -
Total 375.8 105.7 129.2 140.9

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
SUMMARY the Kingdom of Cambodia

FEASIBILITY STUDY (3) Urban Street Improvement

Feasibility studies were conducted on the following • Major Components

projects. These projects should be implemented in -Reconstruction of pavement; 22.4 km
combination to fully attain the expected result. -Overlay of existing pavement; 9.4 km
• Implementation
(1) Bus Service Impleme ntation -Agency; DPWT of MPP
-Cost; US$14.51 Million
• Major Components -Schedule; 28 months (2002 ~ 2004)
- Immediate Action Plan; 75 buses for 4 routes • Economic Evaluation
22,900 passengers/day
- Short Term Plan; 175 buses for 9 routes Item
Length Cost NPV
(km) ($M) ($M) (%)
49,500 passengers/day
Construction Cost
• Implementation Agency and Operation Principal Arterials 5.2 2.57 1.71 1.38 18.0
-MPP as the executing agency is to provide the Minor Arterials 5.6 2.26 0.21 1.07 12.9
Collectors 12.3 4.92 -0.04 0.99 11.9
bus fleet and facilities. Local Streets 8.7 2.94 -0.17 0.94 11.3
-PPA as the operating entity is to manage the Total 31.8 12.69 1.71 1.05 12.9
self-reliance operation. Engineering Cost 1.82
Total Cost 14.51
• Implementation Schedule
Immediate Action Plan to be operated in 2004
• Project Cost
Unit: US$ M illion • Plan Authorization; The Transport Master Plan
Immediate Short-term
Total shall be authorized for smooth Implementation
Plan Plan of recommended measures.
Bus Fleet 4.8 6.4 11.2
Bus Facilities 0.9 0.9 1.8 • Plan Premise; The MPP development policy
Engineering 0.6 1.2 1.8 adopted as the Plan premise shall be taken effect
Total 6.3 8.5 14.8 immediately prior to the implementation.
• Effective Organization; The proposed organiza-
• Economic and Financial Evaluation tional reform plan shall be executed for sys-
NPV ($Mil) B/C E/FIRR (%)
tematical implementation approach.
Economic 4.13 1.38 20.4 • Professional Skill; The recommended human
Financial -9.45 0.81 1.7 capacity development programs shall be carried
out prior to and during the implementation of
Financial evaluation indicates the non-financial the Plan.
viability as a project. However, the profit and loss • Fund Preparation; The fund required for the
flow shows that the operation as an entity is Plan is recommended to be prepared through the
self-reliant and managerial if the bus fleet and fa- project categorization approach.
cilities are provided by the government. • Private Participation; Attraction and encour-
agement of private participation shall be worked
(2) Traffic Control System out, in particular for projects with high com-
mercial return.
• Major Project Components • Early Implementation of Feasibility Study Pro-
- Improvement of existing signal; 21 I.S. jects; The Projects are rationalized to be viable
- Installation of new signal; 12 I.S. on various aspects for the early implementation.
- Geometric improvement of intersection; 3 I.S.
• Implementation Implementation Schedule and Financial Requirement
-Agency; DPWT of MPP for Feasibility Study Projects
Total 2002 2003 2004
-Cost; US$2.78 Million Bus Service
-Schedule; 18 months (2003 ~ 2004) 13.60 0.40 5.84 7.36
• Economic Evaluation Traffic Control
2.78 - 2.48 0.30
Urban Street
EIRR (%) B/C NPV (US$1,000) 14.51 0.63 13.58 0.30
44.9 3.4 6,500 Total 30.89 1.03 21.90 7.96
Unit: US$ M illion

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
the Kingdom of Cambodia



Location Map ...................................................................................................................i




1. Socioeconomic Profile ..................................................................................4
2. Transport Issues............................................................................................6


3. Transport Planning Policy ...........................................................................18
4. Strategies and Targets of Plan ......................................................................19
5. Transport Master Plan Alternatives...............................................................20
5.1 Generation of Master Plan Alternatives .................................................20
5.2 Comparative Evaluation of Alternatives ................................................21
6. Transport Sectorial Plan ..............................................................................26
6.1 Road Development Plan.......................................................................26
6.2 Public Transport Plan...........................................................................30
6.3 Traffic Management Plan .....................................................................34
7. Environment Assessment.............................................................................38
8. Institution and Finance Plan.........................................................................40
9. Overall Implementation Plan .......................................................................41


10. Traffic Safety Campaign..............................................................................44
11. Bus Operation Experiment...........................................................................46
12. Experimental Pavement Improvement ..........................................................50


13. Bus Service Implementation ........................................................................52
14. Traffic Control System................................................................................56
15. Urban Street Improvement...........................................................................58

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................60

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
the Kingdom of Cambodia



The transport infrastructure in the Kingdom of prehensively on motorcycles as the most pre-
Cambodia is in a serious state of disrepair. In par- dominant mode for transportation.
ticular, the Phnom Penh metropolitan area, as the
capital city of the kingdom, is experiencing serious With the rapid growth in population, urbanization
transport problems caused by inadequate transport and motorization in the city, the problem of traffic
facilities and management system set against the congestion has imposed itself to be a major issue
rapid growth of population and socio-economic for concerned authorities. These authorities decided
activities. This growth is causing a sprawling that in order to solve the transport problems, a
phenomenon especially in the newly developing comprehensive master plan covering the areas of
zones surrounding the built-up area. road network improvement, public transport and
traffic management should be developed with a
Recently, the population of Phnom Penh has time horizon of 2015.
reached over one million (1.4 times increase in
1991-2000 period) under stable domestic condi- In response to the request of the Government of the
tions after the end of the civil war in 1992. The Kingdom of Cambodia, the Government of Japan
urbanized area of the capital city, which is ap- has decided to conduct “the Study on the Transport
proximately 27 km², has rapidly expanded to the Master Plan of the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area
surrounding suburban areas of about 412 km². Ad- in the Kingdom of Cambodia” (hereinafter referred
ditionally, motor vehicles show a remarkable ni - to as “the Study”), in accordance with the relevant
crease (2.6 times increase in 1991-2000 period) in laws and regulations in force in Japan.
terms of the number of registered vehicles with a
total of approximately 295,000 motorized vehicles, The Government of Japan has entrusted the Study
of which about 247,000 are motorcycles and 48,000 to the Japan International Cooperation Agency
are passenger cars. (JICA), the official agency responsible for the im-
plementation of technical cooperation programs of
Linked with international routes No. 1 and No. 5 of the Government of Japan, to undertake it in close
the Asian Highway Network, Phnom Penh has cooperation with the authorities concerned of the
historically been the core city of land transportation Government of Cambodia. JICA has organized and
in the area. At present, the poor and deteriorated dispatched a Study Team consisting of the experts
road network is causing an increase of traffic con- of Katahira & Engineers International to Cambodia
centration in the urbanized areas of the city. to commence the Study in April 2000. The Final
Report was submitted to the Government of Cam-
The traffic flows concentrate into the built-up area bodia in November 2001.
and traffic congestion occurs on the arterial roads
during morning and evening peak hours. The existing OBJECTIVES
traffic management facilities such as traffic signals,
signs and pavement markings are not sufficient. 1. To formulate an Urban Transport Master Plan
These poor management conditions coupled with in order to solve various transport problems
shortage of traffic safety facilities and traffic safety and to support sustainable urban development;
education contribute to an increase in traffic accidents. 2. To conduct Feasibility Studies for priority
In addition, most of the public transport is served by projects identified under the Master Plan;
motorcycle-taxi (motodop), due to the lack of a mass 3. To carry out technology transfer to the Cam-
public transport system. bodian counterpart personnel through the im-
plementation of the Study.
Traffic congestion and poor pavement condition are
also imposing environmental pollution with in- STUDY AREA
creased emission of noxious gases from the vehi-
cles and dust from unpaved road surface. The Study covers the Municipality of Phnom Penh
and adjoining area surrounded by the proposed
It can be stated that the transportation system of the Outer Ring Road as shown in Location Map.
Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area is lacking proper
planning as well as facilities and it depends com-

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
the Kingdom of Cambodia


2nd Step; the transport planning policy is estab-
Objectives lished to directly response the transport issues and
The Transport Master Plan is formulated to develop the future traffic demand as well as future land use and
future transport system adaptable for the Phnom Penh socioeconomic development. Based on this policy,
Metropolitan Area. The Plan aims at providing trans- transport system alternatives are generated and
port facilities and measures to solve various problems evaluated. The optimum alternative is selected and
of transport and to support increasing socioec onomic evaluated in view of network efficiency, benefit,
activities and sustainable urban development. The effects as well as environmental assessment.
formulation follows the step-by-step process.
3rd Step; the Transport Sector Plan is formulated,
1st Step; present and future transport issues are namely road, public transport and traffic management.
identified and evaluated, which provide the fun-
damental engineering base of the Plan.
4th Step; the overall implementation plan of the
Plan is proposed with due consideration of institu-
Simultaneously, the present socioeconomic profile and
future development are estimated based on existing tional organization, human resource capability and
and future land use and MPP development policy. financial restriction.

Socioeconomic Profile Transport Issues

Present land use and Assessment of present issues,
urban structure Present traffic analysis
MPP development
policy Assessment of future issues,
Future land use and socio-
economic frame work Future demand analysis

Transport planning policy

and strategy

Objectives and targets of

transport master plan Traffic campaign and ex-

Transport demand manage- Road development policy Public transport pol-

ment policy and alternatives and alternatives icy and alternatives

Generation of master plan alternatives

Comparative evaluation of master plan


Evaluation of optimum alternative

Transport Sector Plan

Road development plan Public transport plan Traffic management plan

Institution and finance plan Environmental assessment

Overall implementation plan

Feasibility study

Procedure of Transport Master Plan Formulation

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
the Kingdom of Cambodia

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Counterpart Training in Japan

Counterpart training in Japan were held twice:
The technology applied to the Study was made September - November 2000 and September 2001.
available to be transferred to the Cambodian side
through the possible methods in all stages of the Major Subjects of Technology Transfer
plan formulation process. The major subjects of technology transfer included,
among others, the following;
Steering Committee • Traffic surveys
The Steering Committee was established by MPP to • Road survey and inventory
discuss the methodology and outcome of the Study, • Land use surveys and data analysis
especially the Progress Report, the Interim Report, • Planning and implementation of traffic cam-
Draft Final Report and other reports of the Study. paign
The Study Team had discussion with many mem- • Planning, monitoring and evaluation of bus
bers of the Steering Committee on various topics of operation
the Study. • Computer skills
• Planning concept and procedures on road, pub-
Seminar and Workshop lic transport and traffic management
A seminar was held at the time of presentation of
the Draft Final Report. The methodology and out-
come of the Study was presented and discussed in
the Seminar. A workshop was convened at the time
of presentation of the Inception Report and active
discussion took place among the participants.

Using CAD

Contribution by the Cambodian Side

Major contribution by the Cambodian side was
made in the following areas:
• Establishment of development policy
Workshop on Inception Report • Establishment of future land use with major
On-The-Job Training and Manuals • Public Experiment
Six persons of engineers and architects of DPWT • Traffic Campaign
were assigned as the counterparts to work with the
Study Team on full-time basis. They were given Accomplishment
hands-on training throughout the Study. Manuals Considerable accomplishment was made in the
and formats of questionnaires used in the various technology transfer. The capacity of the counter-
surveys of the Study can serve as a reference in parts has been substantially improved in the fol-
similar projects in the future. lowing specific areas:
• Traffic surveys and data analysis
• Road condition survey and compilation of road
• CAD operation
Photo of On-the-job Training • Planning concept and procedure on transport

The effort and devotion of the counterparts should

be noted. The Study Team owes much to their co-
operation and assistance.
On-The-Job Training

The Study on the Transport Master Plan of
the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area in
PRESENT AND FUTURE ISSUES the Kingdom of Cambodia

1. SOCIO ECONOMIC PROFILE (2) Population and Employment

(1) Present Land Use The population was forecasted based on the 1998
census. The projection results show that popula-
The Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area can be classi- tion growth rate in the Study Area is higher than
fied into two areas; the inner city area enclosed by the national rate because migration to the city.
the Inner Ring Road (the urbanized area) and the
outside area surrounded by the Outer Ring Road The employment was estimated based on age
(the suburban area). The urbanized area is charac- group, work force and unemployment rate.
terized as the center of political, commercial, busi-
ness and education, with a developed urban land- On the basis of registered number of vehicle from
scape. The present development has been rapidly 1990 to 2000, the number of motor vehicles was
expanding to the suburban area where the high de- estimated in proportion with GDP per capita
velopment potential is observed. growth.

Present Land Use Unit: km² Employment and Motor Vehicle

Urbanized Suburban Study 2000 2005 2010 2015
Land Use
Area Area Area GDP per capita ($) 215 267 350 447
Residential 13.14 83.07 96.21 Population To 1,152 1,373 1,611 1,820
Commercial 7.92 6.49 14.41 Ur. 591 655 718 750
Industrial 0.80 20.59 21.39 Su. 561 718 893 1,070
Institution 1.92 6.36 8.28 Employment To 586 706 830 1,006
Agriculture 0.14 186.27 186.41 Ur. 254 285 315 330
Parks & Open Space 0.36 7.12 7.48 Su. 332 421 515 676
Swamp Area - 56.57 56.57 Motor Vehicle To 295,639 419,000 578,000 736,000
Water 2.80 45.36 48.16 Ca 48,132 77,000 120,000 166,000
Total 27.08 411.83 438.91 M C. 247,507 342,000 458,000 570,000
Source: MPP data. Note: GDP in 1993 prices, US$, To: Total, Ur.: Urbanized
Area, Su.: Suburban Area, Ca: Car, MC: Motorcycle

(3) Income and Vehicle Ownership

The average household income obtained from the

household interview was US$79/month. The fu-
ture household income is assumed to be increased
in the same rate as the GDP per capita.

The car and motorcycle ownership rates per

household were estimated from the household in-
terview. The ownership rates were clearly related
to the household income level.

Amenity in Urbanized Area

Household Income Level & Vehicle Ownership

On-going Development in Suburban Area

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