Syllabus in Electrical Equipment Devices

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Subject Title: Electrical Equipment And Devices

Code: EE 563
Pre-requisite: Electrical Machine
Credit: Three (3) units lecture
Time Allotment: 3 hours per week, 18 weeks per semester, 54 hours per semester

Description: Principles, characteristics, performance and application of switch

gears, controllers, instrument transformers and other selected
equipment and devices currently used in the field to a specific
requirement of an electrical system.

Objectives: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

A Discuss briefly the power influenced present day civilization.
B Name the two most important scientific discoveries that laid the foundation for the
electrical engineer.
C Explain the operation of the first two central station of the United State.
D Name four factors that go to make up the total cost of each kilowatt-hour of
electrical energy delivered to the station busbars. Identify the factors are most
important in the case of (a) steam power plants, and (b) hydro-power plants
E Name a few tendencies that improve the reliability of the steam power station but do
not appreciably affect the operating efficiency
F Name a few tendencies that decrease the coal consumption per kilowatt of steam
stations and also result in the reduction in the cost of the station.
G Name a few tendency that add to the cost of a station without either improving its
reliability or decreasing its fuel consumption
H Name three possible methods by which better economy can be obtained in a steam
I Name a few factors that determine the maximum size of water wheel units
J Discuss some of the future possibilities of electric power developments


A Give complete classification of prime movers as used for the generation of electric
B Give a few noteworthy installation of steam turbines
C Name three types of water turbines and state the field of applications of each type
D Define the meaning of the term “specific speed” as referred to water turbines
E Determine the factors of choosing steam or hydroelectric station to be built in a
F Name some of the factors that must be considered when determining the number
and size of units for a particular plant. Consider particularly a steam and a
hydroelectric plant
G Compare the performance of steam electric and diesel electric plants with respect to
operating and fuel economies.
H Discuss briefly the operation and field of application of automatic generation station
A Discuss the three distinct types of loads may a central station supply
B Sketch three typical load graphs for (a) lighting, (b) industrial and, (c) railway loads.
C Suggest methods of improving the load curve of a city,
D Explain in your own word the meaning of the term “demand” as applied to an
installation or system.
E Explain clearly the meaning of the term “maximum demand” and illustrate by the
use of a load curve.
F Define demand factor, and explain the
G Define diversity factor, and explain the purpose it is used
H Define load factor, and explain for its numerical value indicates
I Define utilization and plant factors and explain for its numerical value indicates
J Outline the methods for determining the size and number of generating units for a
given plant.
K Discuss the method of obtaining a modified load graph, and state the advantages it
possesses over the standard load graph.

A Name a few types of load that either require or operate more satisfactory with direct
current. Give reason
B State briefly the applications for the following types of direct current generators: (a)
shunt, (b) flat compounded, (c) overcompounded, (d) diffentially compounded, and
(e) separately excited.
C Explain briefly the general arrangement of armature windings on direct current
D State the purpose of interpoles and of compensating windings on direct current
E Sketch typical load characteristics curves for (a) shunt, (b) flat compounded, (c)
overcompounded, (d) diffentially compounded, and (e) separately excited.
F Define voltage regulation of a generator
G Tabulate and explain the losses in direct current machines
H Explain how shunt and compound direct current generators operate when connected
in parallel
I Explain how shunt and compound direct current generators operate when connect in
J Explain briefly the general details of a three wire direct current generator
K Make a diagrammatic sketch of connection for two compound-wound three-wire
direct current generator operating in parallel. Show the necessary switches and
circuit breakers for proper operation and protection
L Explain the fundamental principle of the diverter-pole generator. Give its voltage
characteristics, and state its field of application
M Tabulate the advantages and disadvantage of each and explain why most large
central station generates at the higher frequency.
N Name the two standard methods of connecting a synchronous three-phase
O Discuss briefly the general mechanical details of the following types of synchronous
generators: (a) engine types, (b) water wheel type, and (c) steam turbine type
P Describe how the field of a nonsalient pole steam turbine type of generator is
Q Explain what happen in the magnetic and electric circuits of an alternator between
the instant of short circuit and the time when conditions have become stable.
R Explain clearly what is meant by the terms “leakage reactance”, “synchronous
reactance” and “synchronous impedance”.
S Determine the highest rpm at which a 60 to 25 cycles per sec. Frequency changer
can operate.
T Explain the difficulties encountered in synchronizing two 60 to 25 cycles per se. 300-
rpm frequency changer.
U Describe the general construction of a rotary converters
V Describe the operation of a single-phase glass bulb rectifier.
W Give a brief description of a power arc rectifier
X State briefly some of the advantages of a power arc rectifier substation as compared
with a synchronous converter substation.

A Give the approximate limiting voltage of a exciter capacity in percentages of the
generator rating
B Name, in the order of their importance, some of the requirements that must be
considered in laying out an excitation system
C Name three common methods of driving exciters.
D Name two distinct types of voltage regulators, and state the field of application for
each one.
E Explain the principle of operation of direct acting regulators
F Explain the principle of operation of the silverstat regulator
G Explain the principle of operation of the diactor regulator
H Explain the principle of the rocking contact regulator
I Describe the general principle of operation of the main control unit of the indirect
rheostat type regulator.
J Describe the operation of the Wheastone bridge type of regulating resistance
K Describe the details of the pilot exciter voltage limiting equipment


A Name a few of the important factors that should be considered when planning the
plant circuit layout
B Draw single line diagrams showing generators, oil circuit breakers, transformers and
feeders on the following plant circuit layouts: (a) single bus, (b) single sectionalized
bus, (c) double bus single oil circuit breaker system, (d) double bus double oil circuit
breaker system, (e) ring bus, (feeder group system, (g) transfer bus system, (h) no
low tension bus system
C Tabulate advantages and disadvantages of the plant circuit layouts call for in item B.
A Name four general types of magnetic circuits use for transformers
B Discuss how single phase and three phase transformers differ in construction, and
compare their advantage and disadvantages
C Describe the general details of a three phase core and a three phase shell type
D Name three types of windings used in core type transformer. Illustrate each by a
suitable sketch.
E State the purpose of each the following types of transformer and give example of
their application to power work; (a) power, (b) distribution, (c) metering, (d)
constant current, (e) induction regulator
F Explain the fundamental principle of operation of a constant current transformer
G Explain the fundamental principle of operation of: (a) single phase induction
regulator, (b) a three phase induction regulator
H Discuss “Breathing action and oil conservator” of transformer. Explain each
I Name and explain two methods that are used to purify transformer oil
J Name three general types of transformer bushings. Explain the construction of each


A Illustrate by means of sketches the application of single phase transformers service
B Illustrate by sketch the various possible connections of two phase transformer banks
C Draw wiring diagrams for transformers connected Y-Y, delta-delta, y-delta, V-V and
D Illustrate by diagram the connections involved in a bank of autotransformer
connected in Y.
E Tabulate advantage and disadvantages of (a) Y and delta connections, (b) grounded
and ungrounded neutral. Draw vector diagrams for two banks of transformers in
parallel; delta-delta with Y-Y etc.
F Draw a diagram of the Scott connection for two- to three-phase transformation.
G Name four possible schemes of connection by which six phases may be obtained
from a three-phase supply.
H State what combination of Y-Y, delta-delta, Y-delta, and delta-Y transformer can be
operated in parallel
I Discuss the methods of changing taps on transformer under loads.
J Discuss phase shifting under load. Explain how this may be accomplished on a three
phase system


A Describe the general arrangement and type of equipment usually found on
switchboard for direct current service; for two- and three-wire generators, for
general lighting, and for general power panels.
B Tabulate the advantages and disadvantages of slate, and steel as panel materials
C Name four distinct types of switchboard arrangement, and give some of the more
common combinations that are found in practice.
D Describe the general methods of wiring remote electrically controlled switchboards.
E Name the principal measuring instruments used in central stations
F Name the meters and other equipment that are generally found on the following
switchboard panels: (a) alternating current generator, (b) feeder circuits, (c)
transmission lines or tie lines, (d) synchronous motor, and (e) synchronous
G Explain the purpose of a miniature bus.

A Name some of the factors that must be considered when deciding upon a particular
type of switching equipment
B Name the distinct types of switching equipment and specify the particular field of
application for each type
C Name a few of the advantages gained by the use of the “remote manual control”
over that of the self-contained direct control boards
D Compare small isolated plants and large hydroelectric development
E Give brief description of the remote manual control mechanism
F Give a brief description of the method generally employed in large equipment.
Illustrate by a few sketches
G Enumerate some of the factors that must be carefully considered when designing a
system of low tension bus structure
H Describe a typical methods for supporting the high tension busses and switching
equipment in an indoor installation
I Discuss the details of the construction and operation of the completely enclosed
types of switchgear.


A Describe briefly the construction of the following types of oil circuit breakers: (a)
gravity opened, (b) gravity closed, (c) horizontal break
B State and briefly describe the common methods used for mounting oil circuit
C Describe the properties of an ideal fluid to use in place of oil in circuit breakers
D Explain in detail what happens when a circuit is broken under oil
E Explain the action and purpose of a trip-free handle circuit
F Describe and discuss the advantage and applications of the different types of circuit
breaker contacts
G Discuss and describe the details of the deion circuit breaker
H Discuss and describe the details of the explosion chamber circuit


A Name and explain some of the important characteristics that commercial meters
should have
B Name four fundamental principles upon which measuring instruments have been
built. Explain each one and state which is most important.
C Explain the electrostatic type of instrument. Name some of its disadvantage
D Name two different applications of the electrothermal principle to measuring meters.
Explain how the measuring is accomplished
E Explain the general details of: (a) indicating meters, (b) integrating meters, (c)
recording meters.
F Illustrate by sketches the details of the following types of metes: electrostatic, hot
wire, permanent magnet, Thomson inclined coil, dynamometer type, watt-hour,
single phase power factor, frequency, synchroscope
G Draw a diagram of connecting for measuring currents in all three ammeters.
H Show a diagram of connections for using transformers and three for measuring the
three line voltages of a three phase line
I Draw diagrams of connection showing two possible ways of measuring the three
lines current of a three-phase system with only one ammeter and two current
J Draw a diagram of connection for the synchronizing equipment that is required in a
large power station


A Give illustrations of how the mechanical strength of apparatus and networks has
been increased
B Explain what a symmetrical and an unsymmetrical synchronous generator short
circuit transient mean.
C Prove that the effective value of the total phase current immediately after a short
circuit of a synchronous generator may reach the value I i = 1.73Io; where Io = initial
effective phase value of the alternating component of short circuit current = E/X l;
where E = generator voltage per phase, and X i = transient reactance in ohms per
D Enumerate in their proper sequence the required steps that are necessary in order to
obtain the equivalent percent reactance of a series parallel circuit.
E Describe in brief the construction of ordinary current limiting reactors
F Give an example of how protective reactance may “localize” trouble.


A Discuss briefly the relative merits of alternating and direct current for the
transmission of electrical energy
B Name and explain the important factors that must be investigated when designing a
direct current line, such as a feeder supplying a direct current network
C Define voltage regulation for the most economical size of conductor that should be
used for a given installation, considering the cost of conductor in place and also the
const of power loss in the conductor. Briefly discuss the limitations of such an
D Name and explain the factors that must be considered when determining the size of
conductors for an alternating current transmission line. Which one is generally the
determining factor for a very high voltage line?
E Explain what is meant by the equivalent spacing between conductors of a three-
phase line, the conductors having an unsymmetrical arrangement?
F Indicate with the help of a vector diagram, the current and voltage relations at the
load and generator ends of a transmission line, the capacity effect being neglected.
G Explain what is meant by the terms “nominal T” and “nominal  line.
H Develop the exact equations of the solution of a long transmission line, taking into
account the distributed capacity of the line.
I Explain clearly what is meant by the following terms: (a) corona, (b) disruptive
critical voltage, (c) visual critical voltage, (d) corona power loss
J Nam and explain the three general classes of mechanical loadings that may occur
upon conductors of a transmission line.


A Name several systems of transmission and discuss briefly the field of applications for
each one.
B Name three main types of line construction, and give advantages and disadvantages
of each
C Indicate by sketches four possible ways of placing conductors on a double line
D Name several types of conductors as used for alternating current transmission lines,
and state the field of applications of each type


A Classify relays according to their time action
B State and briefly explain the two most important principles upon which relay are
C Name five general classes of relays, and state briefly the field of application of each
D Distinguish between “circuit closing” and “circuit opening” relays. Illustrate with
diagrams of connections
E Explain the details the purpose of “differential relays”.
F Give a typical applications of each of the following kinds of relays, and justify their
use is each particular case: (a) overload, (b) underload, (c) overvoltage, (d) no
voltage, (e) reverse power, (f) reverse phase, (g) reverse current, (h) reverse
polarity, (i) distance-ohm
G Name and illustrate by sketches three types of protection that can be given to
H Explain briefly the following schemes of relay protection used for parallel
transmission lines: (a) balanced or differential system, (b) inverse-time-limit
overload and reverse power relay system, (c) double contact reverse-power relay
system, (d) differential relay system.
I Give an example in which the use of the following relays will not afford proper
protection: (a) inverse time, (b) balanced relays, (c) split-conductor type
J Show by sketches the application of the pilot-wire type of relay connection.
K Illustrate by sketch how protective relay should be used in a ring system


A Name the principal features of the apparatus used for lighting protection
B Name the various types of lighting arresters in use and give the range of application
of each
C Describe the action of the autovalve arrester
D State some of the disadvantages of the overload grounded wire
E Discuss briefly what is mean by (a) oscillations and (b) traveling and standing wave
F Explain what is meant by a “quarter-wave-length” transmission line
G Describe the general theory and details of construction of a thyrite arrester
A Classify substations according to: (a) service, (b) mounting, (c) function, (d) type of
apparatus, (e) control
B Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of motor generator sets, converter sets,
and power arc rectifiers as sources for direct current.
C Explain why power factor correcting stations are sued.
D Give a general rule as to the relatively layout of a substation
E Define supervisory control
F Give a brief description of the details of an outdoor substation
G Define grounding switch. Explain


A Name three types of series systems, and explain their applications to alternating
current and direct current
B Name and explain four types of multiple systems
C Illustrate the application of induction voltage regulators to a three phase distributing
D Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of the following alternating current
systems: (a) single phase, tow or three wires; (b) two phase, three or four or five
wire; (c) three phase, three or four wire.
E Explain the general construction of an underground cable. Illustrate by sketches the
differences between the following types of cables (a) single conductor, (b) two
conductor, (c) three conductor, (d) sector conductor, (e) concentric conductor, (f)
split conductor
F Explain the general construction that should be used in laying conduits for
underground cables. Name the materials generally used in the manufacture of
G Discuss the effect of electrolysis upon lead covered underground cables, and state
the remedies against electrolytic action.


A Discuss methods of evaluating property and explain the purpose of such evaluation
B State the component costs that are involved in the cost of energy
C Discuss differences in physical and functional depreciation.
D Discuss the amortization or sinking fund principle of taking care of depreciation
E Discuss difference between maintenance and depreciation
F Name three basic principles involved in establishing rates for service. Explain these,
and state what effect is obtained if these principles are not given proper

1 Influence Of Power On Present-Day Civilization
2 Historical Development Of Power System
3 Trend Of Modern Practice
4 Conservation of Natural Fuel Resources
1 Different Types Of Prime Movers
2 Hydro Versus Steam Power Plants
3 Size And Number Of Units
4 Location Of Power Plants
5 Steam power and its relation to water power
1 Typical System Load
2 Typical Load Graphs
3 Modified Load Graph
4 Definitions
5 Discussion Of The Above Definition
1 General Classification
2 Two-Wire Direct Current Generators
3 Methods Of Excitation
4 Number Of Poles
5 Types Of Armature Windings
6 Prime-Mover Drive
7 Type Of Service
8 Special Feature Of Construction
9 Diverter-Pole Generator
10 The Amplidyne Generator
11 Characteristics Of Direct Current Generator
12 Voltage Regulation And Losses
13 Parallel Operations
14 Three Wire Direct Current Generators
15 Compound Wound Three Wire Generators
16 Parallel Operation Of Three-Wire Generators
17 Synchronous Alternating Current Generators
18 Frequency
19 Number Of Phases
20 Armature Connection
21 Grounding Of Generator Neutral
22 Relative Motion
23 Type Of Prime Mover
24 Leakage Reactance
25 Armature Reaction
26 Magnetic Flux Distribution In The Air Gap Of Alternators At Full Load
27 Alternator Vector Diagram At Full Load
28 Alternator Characteristic Curve
29 Voltage Regulation
30 Low Short-Circuit Current Versus Good Regulation
31 Parallel Operations Of Alternator
32 Losses In Alternating Current Generators
33 Ventilation Of Alternator
34 Hydrogen Cooling
35 Induction Generator
36 Motor Generator Set
37 Induction Motor-Generator Set
38 Synchronous Motor Generator Set
39 Frequency Changer
40 Rotary Converters
41 Synchronous Converter Versus Motor Generators Set
42 Mercury Arc Rectifiers
43 Phase Converter
1 Exciter Capacity And Voltage
2 System Of Excitation
3 Exciter Characteristics
4 Methods Of Driving Exciters
5 Rheostatic Direct-Acting Regulators
6 Vibrating Type Regulator
7 Rheostatic Direct Acting Regulator
8 Indirect Rheostatic Type Regulator
9 General Range Of Applications
10 Pilot Exciter Voltage Limiting Equipment
11 Parallel Operation And Line-Drop Compensation
1 General Considerations
2 Classification
3 Typical Power Plant Circuit Layout
1 Elementary Theory
2 General Classification
3 Types Of Magnetic Circuits
4 Number Of Phases
5 Arrangement Of Windings
6 Mechanical Construction
7 Methods Of Cooling
8 Power And Distribution Transformers
9 Instrument Transformer
10 Autotransformer
11 Constant-Current Transformer
12 Induction Voltage Regulators
13 Convervator-Type Transformer
14 Gas-Sealed Transformer
15 Transformer Oil
16 Purification Of Transformer Oil
17 Transformer Bushing
1 General
2 Single Phase
3 Two Phase
4 Three Phase
5 Delta-Delta
6 Y-Delta Or Delta- Y
7 Y-Y
8 Transformer Exciting Current
9 Y-Connected Autotransformer
10 Three-Phase To Three-Phase
11 Two And Three Phase Transformer Supplying Synchronous Converter
12 Two-Phase To Six Phase
13 Three-Phase To Six Phase
14 Operation Of Three Phase Transformer Banks
15 Parallel Operation Of Transformer
16 Tap Changing Of Transformers Under Load
17 Separate Tap-Changing Units
18 Phase Shifting Under Load
1 Classification
2 Service
3 Method Of Control
4 Switchboard Framework
5 Panel Material
6 Arrangement
7 Wiring Of Electrically Operated Switchboards
8 Instruments And Control Equipment
9 Miniature Bus
1 General Consideration
2 Types Of Switching Equipment
3 Applications And Limitations Of The Different Types Of Switching Equipment
4 Methods Of Mounting Switching Equipment
5 Remote Control Mechanism
6 Bus And Switch Structure
7 Low-Tension Bus Structures
8 High Tension Bus Structure
1 Purpose
2 Switches
3 Fuses
4 Circuit Breakers
5 Air Circuit Breakers
6 Circuit Breakers
7 Contact Details
8 Circuit Breaker Construction
9 Circuit Breaker Control
10 Application Of Circuit Breaker
1 General Classification
2 Desired Meter Characteristics
3 Principles Of Operation
4 Permanent Magnet Meter
5 Moving Iron Meters
6 Dynamometer Scale Deflection
7 Type Of Construction
8 Applications
9 Voltmeter Connections
10 Ammeter Connections
11 Synchroscope Connection
1 Importance Of Short Circuit Currents
2 Alternator Short Circuit Transient
3 Per Cent Reactance
4 Kilovolt-Ampere Base Of Per Cent Reactance In Parallel
5 Per Cent Reactance In Series
6 Per Cent Reactance In Parallel
7 Per Cent Reactance In Series Parallel Circuits
8 Current Limiting Reactors
9 Location Of Reactors
10 Generator Reactor
11 Transformer Reactor
12 Bus Reactors
13 Feeder Reactors
14 Stott System
1 Examples
1 Direct Current Line
2 Voltage Regulations And Efficiency
3 Economical Size Of Conductor
4 Alternating Current Line
5 Skin Effect
6 Reactance Of Three-Phase Transmission Lines
7 Capacity Of Three Phase Transmission Line
8 Line Voltages
9 Spacing Of Conductors
10 Short Transmission Lines
11 Capacity Neglected
12 Nominal T Line
13 Nominal  Line
14 Exact Method Of Solution
15 Corona
16 Transportation
17 Transmission-Line Steady State Stability
18 General Nature Of Transmission Line
19 Sag
20 Transmission Line Loading
21 Fundamental Sag And Tension Formulas
22 Determination Of Sag And Tension Curves
1 Location
2 Systems Of Transmission
3 Line Supports
4 Length Of Span
5 Number Of Circuits Per Support
6 Relative Location Of Conductors
7 Conductor Material
8 Line Insulators
1 General Requirement
2 Basic Relays
3 Application Of Relays
4 Alternating Current Generator Protection
5 Transformer Protection
6 Bus Protection
7 Protection Of Transmission Lines
8 Over Current Protection
9 Distance Protection
10 Pilot-Wire Protection
11 Parallel Transmission Lines
12 Ring Bus System Of Transmission
13 Underground Cable Protection
1 Nature Of Disturbance
2 Lightning
3 Arcing Horns
4 Ground Wire
5 Lightning Arrester
6 Choke Coil
7 Horn Gap Arresters
8 Autovalve Arresters
9 Thyrite Arresters
10 Pellet-Type Arrester
11 Deion Gap
1 Purpose And General Classification
2 Function Performed By Substations
3 Outdoor Substations
4 Indoor Substations
5 Control Of Substations
6 Outdoor Switches
1 Classification
2 Nature Of Current
3 Series Systems
4 Types Of Series Systems
5 Types Of Multiple Systems
6 Single-Phase
7 Two Phase
8 Three Phase
9 Mounting
10 Underground Cables
11 Insulation Of Cables
12 Conduits And Manholes
13 Potheads
14 Electrolysis
1 Introduction
2 Government Regulation
3 Evaluation Of Property
4 Principles Of Rate Making
5 Fixed Charges
6 Interest
7 Taxes
8 Insurance
9 Depreciation
10 Fair Return On Investment
11 Physical Depreciation
12 Functional Depreciation
13 Salvage Or Scrap Value
14 Removal Cost
15 Net Depreciation Value
16 Forecasting Depreciation
17 Life Tables
18 Depreciation Expense
19 Maintenance Method
20 Straight Line Method
21 The Amortization Or Sinking Fund Method
22 Calculations Of Depreciation
23 Retirement Reserve Method
24 Distinction Between Maintenance And Depreciation
25 Effect Of Interconnection
26 Summary Of Cost In 16 Modern Steam Plants
27 Comparison Of Power Of Costs In Different Plants
28 Cost Of Hydroenergy
29 Hydroelectric Production With Auxiliary Steam Plant
30 Labor Shifts
31 Repairs
32 Economy In Supplies
33 Effect Of Inter-Connection
34 Rates And Methods Of Selling Service

Suggested Activities:

Board work and Seatwork
Problem Set
Short Quizzes and Unit Test

Course Requirements

Graded Board work

Cumulative Examinations (Prelim, Midterm and Finals)


1. Electrical Power Equipment by Tarboux, 3rd Edition

2. IIEE Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plant
3. IIEE Protection and Coordination of Industrial & Commercial Power System
4. Philippine Electrical Code
5. Preventive Maintenance of Electric Equipment

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