Generalized Scaling Theory and Its Application To A Micrometer MOSFET Design
Generalized Scaling Theory and Its Application To A Micrometer MOSFET Design
Generalized Scaling Theory and Its Application To A Micrometer MOSFET Design
4, APRIL 1984
Carlo method,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, no. 9, pp.3843-3845’, ical analysis of stability criteriaof GaAs FET’s,”ZEEE Trans. Elec-
1970. iron Devices, vol. ED-23, pp. 1283-1290, 1976.
[17] K. Yamaguchi, T. Toyabe,and H. Kadera,“Two-dimension:ll [I91 W. Shockley, “A unipolar ‘field-effect’ transistor,”Proc. IRE, vol.
analysis of vertical junction gate FET’s,” Proc. 7th ConJ Sold 40, pp. 1365-1376, 1952.
State Devices 1975, Suppl. to Japan. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 15, PI). [20] D. P. Kennedy and R. R. O’Brien, “Computer aided two-dimen-
163-168,1976. analysis
of the transistors,”ZBM J. Res.
[ 1 8 ] K. Yamaguchi, S . Asai, and H. Kodera,“Two-dimensionalnumet-Dev., vol. 14,pp.95-116,1970.
Abstract-In this paper we present a generalized scaling theory which Arbitrary electric field.
allows for an independent scaling of the FET physical dimensions a11d
Surface field at threshold.
applied voltages, while stillmaintainingconstanttheshape of t ~ e
electric-fieldpattern.Thustwo-dimensionaleffectsarekeptunder Electron current density.
control even though the intensity of the field is allowed t o increar,e. Channel length.
The resulting design flexibility allows the design of FET’s with quartlx- Debye length.
micrometer channel length to be made, for either room temperature or Acceptor concentration.
liquid-nitrogentemperature. The physicallimitations of the scallirig Substrate acceptor concentration.
the limiting FET performances are not reached at the0.25-pm chanllel
Donor concentration.
length,Furtherimprovementsarepossibleinthefuture,provided Electron density per unit area.
certain technology breakthroughs areachieved. Mobile charge density per unit area.
Projected range.
NOMENCLATURE Drain parasitic resistance.
Boltzmann constant. Source parasitic resistance.
Current ideality factor. Sheet resistance.
Electron concentration. Spreading resistance.
Subthreshold current ideality factor. Absolute temperature.
Hole concentration. Bulk-source voltage.
Electron charge. Drain-source voltage.
Inversion-layer thickness. Gate-source voltage.
Carrier saturation velocity. Low logic level.
Depletion width. Threshold voltage.
Junction depth. Channel width.
Device area. Silicon dielectric constant.
Depletion capacitance. Drain-induced barrier lowering coefficient.
Inversion-layer capacitance, - a Q,/a &. Potentials scaling factor.
Gate-channel capacitance, - aQn/aVGs. Linear dimensions scaling factor.
Oxide capacitance. Electron mobility within the channel.
Electron diffusivity. Electron mobility at thefield Eo.
Electric field. Effective electron mobility within the channel.
Average normal field within the channel. Resistivity in the source region.
Critical field for velocity saturation. Standard deviation.
Electric potential.
Manuscript received January 19, 1983;revised May 10, 1983. Surface potential.
The authors are with the IBM Thomas J. Watson ResearchCenter,
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. G. Baccarani is on leave from the llni- Surface potential at threshold.
versity of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Low logic level variation.
I N THE LAST decade theminiaturization limits of MOS the evaluation of the device performance. Amongthese, we
devices have been the subject of several investigations [ 11 - shall consider:
[6]. In1972 Hoeneisen and Mead [ l ] identifiedthe drain- 1) The effect of the finite inversion-layer thickness (or lim-
source punchthroughandthe gate-oxide breakdown as the ited inversion-layercapacitance)which results in a transcon-
most important limiting factors. The subsequent development ductance degradation. Although this effect was already incor-
of the channel implant as a tool to adjust the thresholdvoltage porated in the early model by Pao and Sah [ 1 I ] ,it is only more
addedfurther flexibility tothe device design, allowing for recently that its importance has been pointed out in connection
bettertradeoffs betweendrain-inducedbarrierlowering and with reduced oxide thickness [ 121 ;
substrate sensitivity. 2) The mobility degradation effect due to the influence of
In the same year the scaling theory was first presented [7] , increasing normal fields [ 131 - [ 151 . Such an effect is responsi-
identifying concise design criteria for small dimension FET's. ble for degraded output characteristics in the triode region;
According to such a theory, if the device physical dimensions 3) Thesaturation of thedrift velocityoccurring at large
andappliedpotentials arescaledby acommonfactor I/K, parallel fields [ 161 - [ 181 ;
( K > 1) and the impurity concentration is increased by K , the 4) The effect of the source-drain contactand spreading
shape of the electric-field patternwithinthe scaled device resistances,which negatively influences the device character-
remains constant. Therefore, two-dimensional effects such as istics both in the triode region and in saturation [ 191 , [20] .
drain-source punchthrough and thresholdsensitivity to channel Sucha degradation is of course more severe as the channel
length and drain voltage remain under control. Such a theory width and lengthare reduced according to the: scaling rules.
was confirmed by the successful fabrication of 1-,um channel Conclusionsaredrawn in Section VIII, where we estimate
devices exhibiting the expected, properly-scaled characteristics theFETperformance achievable atthequarter-micrometer
with respect to those of a typical 5-pm FET technology [8] . level and discuss the feasibility of further device scaling.
Although the scaling theory has been widely used in the past
as a guide to MOSFET miniaturization down to the 1-pmlevel, 11. GENERALIZEDSCALINGTHEORY
its limited flexibility does not allow one to properly design a For any given device geometry and set of boundary condi-
quarter-micron channel FET by its straightforward application,tions, the field configuration within a MOSFET results from
the limiting factors being: thesolution of Poisson's andcurrentcontinuityequations,
1) Thetemperature variation of threshold voltage (e- 1 i.e.,
mV/"C) which leads to a large threshold fluctuation if an ex-
tended operating temperature range must be guaranteed. This -aZ$ = - - (a2$
t - - t -a2$ p-ntND-NA)
limiting sensitivity basically results from the temperature de- a x z ay2 azz
pendence of the Fermi level in the substrate and of the band
bending required to reach the onset of strong inversion;
2) The nonscalability of thejunctionbuilt-inpotential, where
which leads to a larger depletion width relative to the device J n = -qp,,n grad $ + 40, grad n. (3)
physical dimensions, and makes the short-channel effect more
severe. In subthreshold conditions the electron concentration neglig-
Both of the above properties call for the threshold andsupply ibly contributes to the space charge on the RHS of (1). There-
voltages to be reduced less thanconventional scaling would fore, (1) and ( 2 ) can be decoupled, and we can refer to (1)
indicate. only. Let us consider the variable transformation
In view of the above considerations, it would be desirable to
generalize the scaling theory, and identify the design criteria
that, while allowing the local field to increase, still conserve the
shape of the electric field and potential distributions within
the scaled device. So doing, the FET physical dimensions and
the applied potentials can be scaled by independent factors, by which (1) becomes
thus considerably improving the design flexibility while, at the
same time, keeping two-dimensional effects under control.
In the next section we present such a generalization, identify
the new rules to be followed for a proper scaling, and investi- and, simplifying
gate its consequences interms of achievable device perfor-
mance. In Section 111,we indicate the avenues of attack of a
quarter-micrometerchannelFET design, for both room and
In so doing, we Equation ( 5 ) is formally identical to (I), and can be interpreted
account for reasonable manufacturing tolerances and assume, as Poisson's equationfora scaled device. If theboundary
as a reference, a typical 1-pm process [9], [IO]. conditions (i.e., potentials at source, drain, and gate electrodes)
In Sections IV-VI1 we discuss the most important physical are proportionally reduced by K , solutions of (1) and ( 5 ) only
VOL. NO. 4, APRIL 1984
Impurity Conc.
induced barrier lowering are expected to remain essentially tm- NA, ND h 2/K
scaling applied voltages and doping profiles, electron and Inole Current (sat. vel.) ks w cox (Vas- VT)V,,, I/K
exponential functions of 4, such an assumption is not justified Power Density I D VDD1A X3/2 X2/r2
except for holesin theneutral region. Within the deple.t:on Gate Delay C o VDD 1ID ./h2 1/A
region, however, ( n ,p ) << NA , so that the space-charge density Power-Delay Pr. ID vDD td l/hK2
is not affected by electron and hole concentrations and scales Line Resistance p l / A X
by the proper factor. Current Density ID / A X 3 / 2 X2/r
The Debye length L D = ( E , ~ T / ~ ~ N Awhich ) " ~represetlts
Time Constant R, C, I
the width of the intermediate layer between neutral and spat:e-
charge regions, scales by K'"/?L Thus only for constantvoltzge
scaling ( K = 1) is the Debye lengthreducedproportionally slightly varies vs h / but ~ is regarded as a constant throughout
with the lineardimensions.However, so long as L D is much the table. Therefore, the predicted scaling factors at 77 K for
smaller than the depletion width, the effect of a nonscaling drain current and gate delay are rather pessimistic for h > K ,
transition width has anegligible influence on the overall p o k n - while thoseassociated with power andcurrent densitiesare
tial andfield distribution. perhaps slightly optimistic.
When the FET operates in strong inversion (1) and (2) c m - The mostimportantlimitations resulting fromthe choice
not be decoupled anymore because the electron concentrati In h > K are represented by the increasesinpowerdensityby
effectively contributestothe space charge, and, due to the h 3 / ~ 3and , in current density within the interconnection lines
nonlinearity of the transport equation, we cannot expect n 1.0 by h 3 / ~ 2For
, a given chip size, the former effect leads to an
scale, as required, by the factorX 2 / ~within the channel. Never- increased power dissipation and enhanced heat-removal prob-
theless, so long as the inversion layer is thin enough to negli- lems. The latter is of special concern due to electromigration
gibly contributetothe surface potential,thetotalelectron and long-term reliability. Also, the increased oxide field must
density per unit area Ni still varies, as expected, by h / ~Tlt~us
. be contained within acceptable limits, because the mean time
the scaling principle still applies, even in strong inversion, in to failure is an exponential function of the oxide field itself
the limit of a vanishingly small channel thickness which pins [221 .
the surface potential at the onset value of strong inversion. The scaling laws for the constant-voltage scaling case may be
Thechannelthickness tinv is, within a classical model, i n - found by setting K = 1. In order to conserve the shape of the
versely proportional to the surfacefield and therefore scales electric-field pattern within the scaled device, thebulk im-
by ~ / h Thus
. only for constant voltage scaling does tinv scale purity concentration must increase by h 2 . In a recent paper
with the device physical dimensions. In general, tinv increases [ 191 , Chatterjee et al. suggested a criterion forMOSFET mini-
by the factor K relative to the oxide thickness, giving rise tc a aturization at constant supply voltage implying an increase of
transconductance degradation effect to be discussed in Section the bulk impurity concentration by X and a reduction of the
IV . oxide thickness by l l h 1 t 2 , Such a criterion, however, does not
Table I reports the scaling factors associated with the most conserve the shape of the electric-field pattern, allows for
important physical quantities, in the general case of h f. K. relatively moreextendeddepletion regions and reduces the
For n-channel logic circuits, gatedelay and power consunl3- gate control over the channel, making the short-channel effect
tion are primarily determined by the depletion-load chargillg more severe, and ultimately leading t o a source-drain punch-
current which, in turn, equals the enhancement device currel~t through. Within the cohstant voltage scaling scheme, the gate
atthe circuit logic threshold. In thiscondition,the dril't delay and power-delay product improve by X2 and X, respec-
velocity is generally not saturated at room andhigher tempera- tively, while the power/circuit increases by the latter factor.
tures, while theoppositeholdstrueat 77 K. Hence, tv,o The power density, however, increases by X3 and so does the
scaling factors are reported for a number of parameters i n c h 1- current density within the interconnection lines. Besides, the
ing current, gate delay, and power consumption.Thefactor field increase by X at still large applied voltages is of consider-
k , in the expression of the current for saturated drift velociry able concern due to increased impact ionization and related
is a slowly increasing function of theratio (l',s/LE,), L ' , breakdown phenomena. Hot-electron injection into the oxide
being the critical field for velocity saturation [21]. Thus I : , [23] represents an additional limitation associated with a pure
Physical Parameter LAW QMDT Sealing Factor Physical Parameter LATV QMDT Seallog Fpctor
Channel length (pm) 1.3 0.25 5.2 Channel length (pm) 1.3 0.25 5.2
Junction depth (pm) 0.35 0.07-0.14 5.0-2.5 Junction depth (pm) 0.35 0.07-0.14 5.0-2.5
Supply voltage (V) 2.5 1.O 2.5 Supply voltage (V) 2.5 0.6 4.2
Threshold voltage (V) 2.4 0.6 0.25 Threshold voltage (V) 0.6 0.15 4.0
Band bending (VI 1.8 0.8 2.25 Band bending (V) 1.8 0.5 3.6
constant-voltage scaling, which makes it impossible to properly effects, and assuming the temperature range 0-75”C, leads to
design submicrometer FET’s while maintainingthe(to day) the choice of VT = 250 mV at the largest operating tempera-
standard 5-V supply. ture (Le., 75°C). From circuit requirement considerations, the
supply voltage is then set at VDD= 4VT = 1 V, and therefore
MOSFET DESIGN K turns out tobe 2.5. This small power supply voltage is chosen
to reduce power ata given performance level aswell as to
In this section we discuss the design tradeoffs for a quarter- minimize the adverse effects of velocity saturation, mobility
micrometer channel FET, assuming a manufacturing tolerance degradation, and other high field effects. In order to reduce
of kO.1 pm. Both room temperature and liquid-nitrogen oper- theband bending as far as possible by the same factor, the
ationsareconsidered, leading to different device designs. In backgate bias (- 1 V for the LATV process) is reduced to zero;
doing so, we make use of the generalized scaling theory and this leads to apotentialdrop across the depletion region of
assume, as a reference, a typical 1-micrometer process called 0.8 V, as compared to 1.8 V for the LATV design. The corre-
LATV [ 9 ] , [ l o ] ,developed at IBM in the mid-seventies. sponding scaling factor is 2.25, fairly close to the desired value
Table I1 compares the most important physical parameters of K = 2.5. Finally, the impurity concentration is chosen ac-
forthe LATV andtheproposedquartermicrometer device cording to the generalized scaling rules, using the appropriate
technology (QMDT) and lists the corresponding scaling factors. factor A’/K = 10.
Assuming X = 5 , therequiredoxide thickness andjunction The relative advantages of liquid-nitrogen € E T operation in
depth turn out to be 5 nm and 0.07 pm, respectively. While terms of speed, reliability andheat removal problems have
it certainly represents a challenging task to properly grow and been widely discussed by Gaensslen et al. [26] . Table I11 re-
controla5-nmoxide,suchan objectivedoes not seem far ports the proposed physical parameters for the liquid-nitrogen
beyond today’scapabilities, in view of the large experience temperature design. In this case two factors allow us t o sub-
gained in 20 years of studiesandexperimental activities on stantially reduce the threshold voltage: 1) the stability of the
thesubject. Similarly, a0.07-pmdeepjunction can be ob- operatingtemperature,and 2) the possibility of positively
tained as lightly-doped
a source-drain extension, using a biasing the back contact, which makes the threshold voltage
suitable spacer technology [24]. The most serious limitations more insensitive tochannel-length variations.The optimum
of such an approach would be the large sheet resistance of the choice of the substrate bias must be as large as possible, but
source/drainextensions (R, 100 n/O) the implication of still low enough as to avoid any appreciable forward-bias cur-
which is discussed in detail in Section VI. A viable alternative rent. Experimental results show that such a current is a slowly
could be that of using a somewhat deeper source-drain region increasing function of the applied voltage, so long as the latter
having a smaller sheet resistance. Even though such a choice is maintained below 0.9 V.A reasonable compromisethat
represents a deviation with respect to the scaling theory, two- accounts for the various constraints is the choice of VT = 0.15
dimensional simulations using FIELDAY[25]showthat no V and VDD= 0.6 V, with the backgate contact tied up toVDD.
punchthrough effect occurs with junction depths up to 0.14 So doing, the need of an additional supply source is avoided.
pm, even at the lowest dimensional size o f L = 0.15 pm, while The resulting potential drop across the depletion region turns
the threshold sensitivity to channel length and drain voltage is out to be 0.5 V, with a corresponding scaling factor of 3.6, so
only slightly affected by the increased junction depth. that all the potentials are scaled by approximately avalue of 4.
In the design of a quarter-micrometer FET, the choice of the Inmost small dimensions MOSFET designs, one or more
threshold voltage is a crucial one, for it basically determines boron channel implants are performed which enhance the con-
the supply voltage to beused.If the design is intended for centration of acceptors in the channel region near the surface.
logic applications, the criterion one should refer to is the noise The implants have a twofold function: their primary use is to
margin that can be afforded, accounting for threshold sensitiv- adjust the threshold voltage to the desired value; however they
ityto effective channellengthand drainvoltage, operating also help reduce the depletion width under the gate and at the
temperature range, and process tolerances. An estimate of the junction curvature, thus suppressing punchthrough effects.
lowest possible threshold voltage, accountingforthe above In order to properly design the channel impurity profile, an
ON E D - ~ I NO.
, 4, APRIL 1984
0 '
, I
100 I10
T,, = O
I nm, V,, 0.0 V
The electron channel mobility is known t o be a decreasing T,, I nm, VIS
O 1 0.5 V
function of the normal field [ 131- [15] . In order to experi- 104 105 106
mentally determine such a functional dependence, a combilr~a-
tion of channel capacitance and drain current measuremerits
Fig. 7. Experimentalelectronmobility against average field atroom
were digitally performed at room temperature on large arc:a, temperature.
thin oxide FET's, using the technique described in [ 151 , :3y
integration of the inversion-layer capacitance,the chanllel
charge was determined for each value of the gate voltage, and
the experimental curve was fitted with the model described in
the previous section, using flat-band voltage and oxide capaci-
tance as adjustable parameters.Theturn-on characteristic
measured with a constant drain voltage, VDS= 100 mV, was
then used todeterminethechannelmobility.It was found
that the drain voltage was by no means small enough to keep
the inversion layer uniform throughout the channel, except at
the largest gate voltages. If not properly accounted for, 1he
channel nonuniformityproducesafictitiousmobility maxi- 4
/I I 1
mum in the vicinity of threshold,and severely reduces..he 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
achievable accuracy, even in strong inversion. When the n'm- GATE VOLTAGE(V)
uniformity of thechannel was accountedforby using :he
Fig. 8. Predicted turn-on characteristic for the quarter-micrometer FET.
generalized Pao-Sah integralexpression, suchamaximIm
disappeared, and the carrier mobility turned out to monotc'ni-
cally decrease as thenormal fieldincreases. As already Ib- a remarkably linear characteristic results in the over-threshold
served bySabnis and Clemens [14],the various mobility condition. If one tries to extract the carrier mobility from the
curves, when plotted against the average normal field exp:ri- slope of the curve at the inflection point by simply dividing
enced by the carriers within the inversion layer, merged h t o by theoxidecapacitance, an effective mobility p,ff = 318
one universal curve as shownin Fig. 7 . Here we report the cm2/V . s is found, while theactualmobility value at that
mobility data extracted from 4 samples, having oxide thick- point is about pn = 380 cm2/V s. Thisnearly-linear turn-on
nesses of 10 and 26 nm, and different channel implants. Over characteristic allows an easy estimate of the achievable device
the range of average fields 2 X lo4-6 X lo5 V/cm, the elect 'on performance, as we shall see in Section VIII.
mobility can be described by the empirical expression
p n = p 0 ( ~ 0 / ~ , ) 1 1=33.25 . 1o4~;;I3 17)
The gate delay in n-MOS circuits is basically determined by
where po is the carrier mobility at the arbitrary field E o . A the depletion-load charging current which, in turn, equals the
possible choice of the above parameters is po = 700 cm2/W s, enhancement device current at the circuit logic threshold. In
and Eo = lo5 V/cm. our room-temperature FET design, the electron drift velocity
Mobility is reduced in small dimensionFET's relative to is not saturated at the circuit logic threshold (assumed equal
larger devices due t o an increase in the average normal f d d to VDD/2)while it happens to be so at VDs= Vcs = 1 V. For
in the inversion layer. This may be broughtabout by yon- the liquid-nitrogen operating FET, instead, saturation of the
proportional voltage scaling (X > K). Even when proporticlnal drift velocity occurs even at the logic threshold, so that dif-
scaling (X = K) is applied, E, will increase due to the r on- ferent projections are to be made when investigating the effect
scalability of thework-function difference
between the of scaling.
degenerately-doped poly-gate and the inversion layer. If the device current is limited by the saturation of the drift
Using (6) within the generalized Pao-Sah formula, the t l m - velocity ratherthan channel pinchoff, we may refer to the
on characteristic shown in Fig. 8 is found for a squareIiET expression [ 21]
with a 5-nm oxide and an n+ poly-gate, at 75°C. For sw:h a
device, the decreasing mobility is compensatedfor by the
increase in the inversion-layer capacitance in such a way :hat where k, is a slowly-varying function of the ratio ( V G S - V T ) /
LE,, E , being the criticalfield for velocity saturation. By few-hundreds C? pm is tolerable at the 1/4 micrometer chan-
neglecting the weak dependence of k, and uMt upon X/K, the nel level.
device currentturnsoutto vary as 1 / ~andthe gate delay The source resistance results from the combined effect of a
scales by l / h , independentof K . This is indeedthe case at contact resistance [33], a geometrical resistance related to the
liquid-nitrogen temperature, where increasing the
electric shape factor of the sourceregion, and a spreadingresistance
field by a nonproportional voltage scaling does not produce due to the crowding of the current-flow lines in the vicinity of
any appreciable speed advantage and only increases the power/ the channel [34]. The contact resistance has been investigated
circuit. At roomtemperature,instead,a considerablespeed by Scott et aZ. [30] using a transmission-line equivalent circuit
gain can be obtained for n-MOS circuits bychoosing K < h , model for a variety of geometries. It should be stressed, how-
until saturation of the driftvelocity occurs at logic threshold. ever, thatthecontact resistance is a technological problem
rather than a fundamental one, and that improvements can be
VII.EFFECT OF THE SOURCE-DRAIN expected in the future as the study of contact metallurgy pro-
PARASITICRESISTANCES. gresses. So far, a resistance of 15 C? on a square micrometer
contact, using A1-Ti has been reported [32] . Such a value is
The increasing importance of the parasiticsource-drain re-
very encouraging, for it is one order of magnitude below the
sistances as theFET physicaldimensions are progressively
estimated limits forperformance degradation given above.
shrunk, was pointed out by Chatterjee et aZ. [I91 and by El-
The geometrical and spreadingresistances are certainlyofa
Mansy [20] , who investigated the resulting reduction in gain
more fundamental nature than the contact resistance, since the
factoratthe largest operating voltage. For n-MOS circuits,
conductivity of heavily-doped silicon is a material property,
however, it is the current at the logic threshold that mostly
and a major breakthrough in this area cannot be expected in
matters, for the gate delay is dominated by the rise time which,
the near future. The geometrical resistance can be kept to a
in turn, depends upon the depletion-load current. The effect
minimum value by using self-aligned silicided junctions with
of the parasiticresistance is two-fold:first,it reduces the
short and relatively conductive .source/drain extensions.
enhancement-devicecurrentatthe logic threshold,thus re-
The spreading resistance effect was investigated by a simpli-
quiring a smaller depletion-load charging current; next itraises
fiedtwo-wire model [36], using a Schwartz-Christoffel con-
the low logic level, thus impairing the noise-immunity margins.
formal transformation.In reasonably general conditionsthe
As far as the former effect is concerned, the current at VGS=
following result was found
VDS = VDD/2, assuming VT = V D D / 4 , turns out to be
2 R X'
Rspr= - In (0.75xj/tin,)
where R , represents the sheet resistance of the source region,
where n, = 1 + CC /,, C, is the depletion capacitance, and
and xi the junction depth. Equation (12) must be added to
R , is the source resistance. In order to limit the current deg- the geometrical resistance. This resistance wa.s evaluated for the
radation to less than 5 percent in our design, the technology
two limiting cases of xi = 0.14 where R , = 50 f2 and 0.07 pm
must provide a source resistance such that WRs < 228 SZ * pm.
where R , = 500 SZ. The resistivity for these two cases was de-
The voltage drop AVL on the source drain resistances ( R s t
termined by process simulation and experience for a given hot
RD) at the lowlogic level is
processing cycle. In these structures the srnaller ratio xi/tinv
AVL = (Rs + R D )IDLT ( 10) relative to the latter case is more than counterbalanced by the
larger resistivity, so that the total spreadingresistance turns
and turns out to be 10 mV, assuming R s = R D and WRs =
out to be approximately 90 f2-wor four times larger than in
228 i2 . pm, as before. Such a value is certainly compatible
theformer case. Fromthe above considerations,it appears
withthe available noise margins;it is quite clear,however,
thatthelightly-doped source-drain extensionsmust be care-
that a resistance value of the order of 1 ki2 . pm would signif-
fully designed, trading offparasiticsourceresistance and
icantly impair both noise margins and gate delay.
short-channel effect.
Atliquid-nitrogentemperature,thecurrent is limitedby
velocity saturation; itsvalue at the logic threshold is
By taking into account all the physical limitations discussed
so far, it appears that scaling down to a micrometer channel
and a 5-percent reduction occurs for -
WRs = 145 C? pm, as- length still leads to a considerable speed advantage, compared
suming k , = 0.4, and usat = lo7 cm/s. to larger device geometries. The achievable gate delay versus
Due to the higher current at the logic threshold, the liquid- power is reported in Fig. 9 andcomparedwith LATV [9]
nitrogen design is thus more severely affected by the parasitic results, assuming for both cases a fan out of 3 and properly
source resistance, and poses more demanding requirements on scaled capacitance loads. As it appears from the figure, a gate
its upper limit. The low logic level VL varies according to (1 o), delay of 300 ps is possible at a power/circ:uit of 25 pW/gate.
and again the increased current leads to a more pronounced Increasing the power/gate to 60 pW would lead to a gate delay
variation of V L . From the above considerations, however, it of 200 ps. These projectionscontradict previous resultsby
can be generally stated that a parasitic source resistance of a El-Mansy [20]andby Shichijo [37] who predicted an opti-
1Q i
.' .....,
, , , ,
, ,
......*............. ..............._
Fig. 9. Gate delay against power/circuit at 7 5 ° C for the LATV tech- Fig. 10. Gatedelay against power/circuitatliquid-nitrogentempera-
nology and the proposed QMDT. The calculation assumes a f.0. = 3 ture for the LATV technology and the proposed QMDT. The calcula-
and properly scaled load capacitance. tion assumes a f.0. = 3 and properly scaled load capacitances.
mum device performanceat 1- and0.5-pmchannellength, [39] using X-ray lithographic techniques and maintaining the
respectively. The reason forthe abovediscrepancies is tllat vertical profiles typical of the I-pm technology. These devices
different assumptions were made by these authors, leading to have demonstrated an excellent speed performance, reaching a
entirely different results. El-Mansy considersaconstant-vcllt- gate delay of 30 ps in an unloaded ring oscillator. The ques-
age scaling down to the quarter micrometer channel leng :h, tion is therefore in order: is the effort of reducing all the verti-
and assumes a constant inversion-layerthickness of 10 nm, cal dimensions (including oxide thickness) worthwhile, if the
regardless of the value of the normal field. As shown in S w same performance can be obtainedwithsomewhat more re-
tion IV, however, suchan assumption is not justified andleads laxed conditions? In our opinion, the basic limitation of these
to a pessimistic estimate of the inversion-layer capacitance devices is the large threshold sensitivity to drain voltage [40],
effect. Shichijo, instead, considers several kindof scaling which makes the achievable voltage gain fairly small, i.e., 2-3
schemes, and investigates the impact on thegain factor and t.le only, with a negative effect on noise immunity margins. Such
saturation current of the various limitations discussed so filr. an effect can be alleviated by increasing the substrate doping,
In doing so, however, he assumes asheetresistance varyi::tg but then a more severe threshold sensitivity on backgate bias
inversely with the 5th power of junction depth and lets tlle would result. Also, the relatively small gate capacitance (and
junction depth proportionally scale like all other physical tLi- transconductance) makes them more susceptible to the influ-
mensions. Therefore, the parasitic
resistantx ence of interconnect capacitances, unless unreasonably large
turns out to be the primary cause of performance degradatio 11. aspect ratios or higher voltages are used, with an accordingly
Two orders of objections can be raised about the above pr3- increased power dissipation. In our proposed design, instead,
cedure: first, if the sheetresistance of an implanted layer is the proper scaling of the horizontal and vertical device dimen-
effectively increasing with the 5th power of l / x i , it is totally sions allows us to keepconstantthedrain-induced barrier
unreasonable to let xi proportionally scale withthe devic:e lowering factor 9, so that the available voltage gain remains
physical dimensions. On the other hand, it is well known that constant,andnonoise-immunity margin degradation is ex-
the influence of junction depth on drain-induced barrier lower- pected. Besides, so long as theinterconnect capacitances
ing is weak [38], and punchthrough can be prevented by #a scale by the proper factor, no increased susceptibility to their
suitable channel implant. Consequently, a better tradeoff calls influence is expected. From the standpoint of device manu-
for a nonproportional scaling of the junction depth, to thead- facturability,theproposed design does not requiremajor
vantage of the parasiticsource-drainresistance. Next, a shal- modifications of the MOS technology as it is today, but rather
lower junction can be obtained in several ways: reducing the irtl- an evolutiontowardthinner gateoxides andproportionally
planation dose for a given processing cycle is the simplest, but a reduced fabrication tolerances.
viable alternative is to reduce the annealing temperature and the Although the primary goal of this paper was that of demon-
implant energy. If such a strategy is pursued, a weaker shect strating the feasibility of a quarter-micrometer n-channel FET
resistance variation against junction depth can be obtained. for logic applications, most of the above considerations apply
Fig. 10 shows a similar comparison at liquid-nitrogen terr - to p-channel devices as well. Due to the smaller hole mobility,
perature. The smaller voltage used in this design considerabti and to the larger sheet resistance of p+ shallow junctions, how-
reduces the power dissipation so that, for a given power/circuil ever, quantitatively different results are obtained in this case,
the performance improvement over that of the LATV technol- leading to somewhat modified design tradeoffs. Also consid-
ogy is even more pronounced. A gate delay of 100 ps can bl: erations related to the effect of the parasitic source resistance
achieved at a power/circuit of 50 pW. on the gate delay of CMOS circuits should be revised to account
Recently,0.3-pmchannel FET's have been manufacturetl for the specific switching mechanisms of CMOS gates. In spite
pp.94-95,Sept. 1981; also IEEE Trans. ElectronDevices, vol. Dig., pp. 219-222, Dec. 1981.
ED-29, pp. 651-660, 1982. [ 381 Y . Ohno, “Short-channel MOSFET PT-VDS characteristicsmodel
[34] P. Antognetti, C. Lombardi, and D. Antoniadis, “Use of proc.ess based on apointchargeanditsmirror images,” IEEE Trans.
and 2-D simulation in the study of doping profile influence on Electron Devices, vol. ED-29, pp. 21 1-215, Feb. 1982.
S/D resistance in short-channel MOSFET’s,” presented at IEEE [39] M. P. Lepselter, “Scaling themicronbarrierwithX-rays,” in
Int. Electron Device Meet., Washington, DC, Dec. 1981. IEDM Tech. Dig., pp. 42-43, Dec. 1980; also “X-ray lithography
[35] C. Y . Ting and B. L. Crowder,“Electricalproperties of AlliTi breaks the submicron barrier,” IEEE Spectrum, pp. 26-29, May
contact metallurgy for VLSI applications,” J. Electrochem. Sot., 1981.
to bepublished. [40] W. Fichtner, E. N. Fuls, R. L. Johnston, T. T. Sheng, and R. K.
[36] G. Baccarani and G. A. Sai Halasz, “Spreading resistance in M I I S - Watts,“Experimentalandtheoreticalcharacterizationof sub-
FET’s,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. E D L 4 , pp. 27-28, Ft:b. micron MOSFET’s,” in IEDM Tech. Dig., pp. 24-27, Dec. 1980.
1983. [41] G. Baccarani, C. Jacoboni,and A. M. Mazzone,“Currenttrans-
(371 H. Shichijo, “A re-examination of practical scalability limits of portinnarrow-basetransistors,” Solid-stateElectron., vol. 20,
n-channel and p-channel MOS devices for VLSI,” in IEDM Tech. pp. 5-15, Jan. 1977.
Abstract-The pulsed MOS capacitor is routinely used t o measure h e to measure the generation lifetime rg since its introduction in
generationlifetime.A new technique is describedhereinwhich he 1966 [l] . Anumber of refinements have been added[2] -
samedevice is used to obtaintherecombinationlifetime.Themea- [ 5 ] , but the extracted information is still generally T ~ .The
surement technique is identical to the commonlyused pulsed C-t met1 od
except that the device is operated at an elevated temperature of ’; Q- technique is useful because an MOS capacitor is usually in-
100°C, where quasi-neutral current originating below the space-chaLrge cluded in wafer test patterns. The generation lifetime can be
region dominates over space-chargeregion currents. The new techniq de, used to characterize the generation rate of reverse biased space-
coupled with established techniques, makes possible the simultaneous charge regions for p-n junction diodes and capacitors and there-
determination of T~ and 7,. fore provides information on the charge storage properties of
DRAM’S and CCD’s. Ithastheadditional advantage thatit
samples a well-defined volume of the material, which is deter-
INTRODUCTION mined by the gate area and space-charge region (scr) width,