ACT-question Bank Unit-3 PDF

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1. Mention the classification of high strength concrete (HSC) based on its various
parameter comparing them with those of conventional concrete.
2. Summarize the techniques adopted for achieving HSC.
3. Evaluate long term properties of high strength concrete?
4. Explain the composition and microstructure of HSC. State its advantages.
5. Explain the design procedure of HSC mix design by Erntroy and Shacklock’s method
6. Design a high strength concrete for use in the production of precast prestressed concrete
to suit the following requirements:

Specified 28-day works cube strength = 50 MPa

Very good degree of control; control factor = 0.80
Degree of workability = very low
Type of cement = ordinary Portland cement
Type of coarse aggregate = crushed granite (angular) of maximum size 10mm.
Type of fine aggregate = natural sand
Specific gravity of sand = 2.60
Specific gravity of cement = 3.15
Specific gravity of coarse aggregates = 2.50
Fine and coarse aggregates contain 5 and 1 percent moisture respectively and have
grading characteristics as detailed as follows:

Percentage Passing
IS sieve size
Fine aggregate

20mm 100 –
10mm 96 100

4.75mm 8 98

2.36mm – 80

1.18mm – 65

600 microns – 50

300 microns – 10

150 microns – 0
7. Analyse aspects of high performance concrete (HPC) that are related to strength and
durability separately as per Strategic Highway Research Programme (SHRP)
8. Illustrate the salient features of HPC requirements and enlist the parameter to be
controlled for achieving the same required performance
9. Discuss in brief the properties of HPC in fresh and hardened concrete with neat sketch.
10.Explain briefly the advantages and application of HPC

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