Lecture 8 Concrete

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Building Material
(Fresh Concrete)
EAT 258
Salwa Binti Mod Zaini Makhtar

Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology

Contact Numbers:
HP : 019-3821957

Email Address:
Semester 1, 2020/2021 [email protected]

What is Concrete?
• Concrete is one of the most commonly used building
• Concrete is a composite material made from several
readily available constituents (aggregates, sand,
cement, water).
• Concrete is a versatile material that can easily be
mixed to meet a variety of special needs and formed
to virtually any shape.

2.1 Consistency 2.2 Uniformity 2.3 Workability

- the wetness or - The mix meaning - That is the ease with

dryness of the mix that the concrete is which concrete is
mixed thoroughly, placed and
has a standard consolidated.
appearance, and all - 4 main characteristics
that all ingredients or workability:
are evenly i. consistency
distributed in the ii. mobility
mix. iii.Compactibility

- Optimal workability
would give max. density,
min voids and no
2.3.1 Measurement of workability Slump Test

A 300 mm high concrete frustrum cone prepared under standard

condition (BS1881:Part 102: 1983) is allowed to subside and the slump or
reduction in height of the cone is taken to be measure of consistency or
the wetness of the mix.

Figure1: Mould for slump test

The internal dimension of the cone is approximately as follows:
Lower diameter 200 + 3 – 1.6 mm
Upper diameter 100 + 3 – 1.6 mm
Height 300 + 5 – 1.6 mm

a) Concrete is filled in 3 layers.
b) Each layers are tamped 25 times with rounded end steel rod.
c) The mould are held firmly against its base.
d) Immediately but slowly lifted it vertically (150 s start from 1st
e) The mould is placed beside the concrete specimen and the
decrease in height i.e. slump is measured.
= 10 cm

= 30 cm

= 20 cm

The slump cone is filled in 3

layers. Every layer is evenly
rodded 25 times.
Figure: Types of slump.
• Slump Test is related with the ease with which concrete flows during
placement (JKR Standard Specification 2014, ASTM C 143)
Casting and curing of concrete cubes

To cast & cure test cubes according to BS 1881: Part 3.

Size of test cubes:

150mm cube – standard size

The mould for cubes shall be of ferrous metal.

In assembling the cleaned mould ready for use, the joints between the bottom the mould
and the base plate shall be thinly coated with mould oil or grease to prevent escape of

Steel bar weighing 1.8 kg of 380 mm long with a ramming face 25 mm square.

Asbestos tank with clean water and maintained at room temperature.

Figure 2: Mould for cube

1. Fill the cube mould in layers approximately 50 mm deep. Compact each layer either by
hand or vibration. When compacting by hand, apply the strokes of the bar in a uniform
manner over the iron section of the mould. In the case of 150mm cube mould, apply 5
strokes per layer.
2. After the top layer has been compacted finish the surface of the concrete in level with
the top of the mould by means of the trovel.
3. Cover the moulds with damps sack and store the test cubes together with the moulds in
a place in the laboratory, which shall be free from vibration.
4. Note the relative humidity and the room temperature.
5. After 24 + - ½ hour of storage in moist air demould the specimen. Mark the specimens
for later identification in a suitable manner. Immediately submerge the specimens in
water contained in curing tanks, unless required for test within 24 hours.
6. Do not allow the specimens to becomes dry at any time until they are taken to be
Ready Mixed Concrete

Figure: Schematic of a ready mix plant.


1) Dry batching plants – the cement and aggregates are weighed

and discharged into the truck mixer. The water may be added to
the mix either at the plant or at the point of delivery.

2) Central mixing plants – the cement, aggregates and water are

mixed in a mixer before discharged into the truck mixer, which is
then used as agitator.

Mixer truck
Mixer truck capacity = 5 m3, but follow the rules can bring concrete
mix 4m3. To make sure the concrete safe.

1 to 2 revolutions per minute.

Restricted to 90 mins – trip from batching plant to the site.

3.1 Water/cement ratio
- > water:cement would increase 3.2 Aggregate
workability. - Rounded aggregate increase
- < water:cement would lower workability
workability - Lower aggregate:cement will
- Higher water content – problem of increase the workability
shrinkage & creep of hardened - Coarse aggregate of lrger size gives
concrete higher workability

- *Optimal water:cement ratio the

slump obtained such as follows: 3.0 FACTORS
0- 25 mm Very low

25 – 50 mm Low
3.3 Admixture
50 – 100 mm Medium
WORKABILITY - Addition of air entraining
admixture & plasticizer will
100 – 175 mm high increase workability

3.5 Time and

temperature 3.4 Fineness of cement
- High temperatures for a - Rapid hardening Portland cement will reduce
long period of time would workability as compared to OPC because its
result in absorption and higher specific surface & the fact that it hydrates
evaporation hence reduce more rapidly.
workability. - Fineness of cement has an influence on bleeding
Thank you

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