Strength Study On Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete With Fly Ash and GGBFS
Strength Study On Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete With Fly Ash and GGBFS
Strength Study On Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete With Fly Ash and GGBFS
Abstract: In this Investigation the strength studies of fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete was studied and the
characteristics are compared. The mix proportion is obtained as per the guidelines given by European Federation of
producers and contractors of specialists’ products for structure (EFNARC). Self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixes are
produced by replacing the cement with 30%, 40% and 50% of ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash and with addition
of polypropylene synthetic fibre of 0.05% and 0.10% to the SCC concrete. The water-powder (w/p) ratio used in this
investigation is 0.4. Super plasticizer used in this study is Glenium B233 and its dosage is 2% to obtain the required SCC
mix. Fresh concrete Specimens such as cubes, cylinders and prisms were casted and tested for various mix proportions to
study the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength at different ages of
concrete such as 7 days, 14 days and 28 days.
Keywords: Fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete, SCC, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace slag, polypropylene
synthetic fibre, Super plasticizer, fresh property, compressive, flexural and split tensile strength
1. Introduction:
1.1 Background of Study:
Self-Consolidating concrete (SCC), also known as as: greater freedom in shape design, easier
self compacting concrete, is a highly flowable, pumping and placing, improved consolidation
non-segregating concrete and by its own weight around reinforcement, higher bond strength with
spread into place, completely fill the formwork reinforcement, uniform and complete consolidation,
even in the presence of dense reinforcement and better surface finishes, improved durability,
then encapsulate the rebar without the need of any reduced noise levels caused by absence of
additional compaction. Development SCC is a vibration, labor savings, faster construction and
desirable achievement in the construction industry also more spacious and safe working environment.
in order to overcome problems associated with Those characteristics of SCC can be achieved by
cast-in-place concrete. Due to its high deformability implementing following basic principles in the mix
and resistance to segregation, it has the capacity design process; 1) lower coarse aggregate content,
to completely fill the formwork, easy to flow in 2) increasing paste content, 3) lower water/powder
complex forms with congested reinforcement and ratio, (powder is defined as cement added with
encapsulate the reinforcement without any filler, such as: fly ash, silica fume, etc.), and 4) the
influence of the workers skills. This is in contrast to use of superplasticizer. Considering lower water-
traditional concrete, where the difficulties in cement ratio and higher content of cementitious
compaction could cause entrapped air voids and materials compared to conventional concrete, SCC
reduce the strength and durability of concrete. should have improved durability and strength.
SCC can be defined as an engineered material However, similar with other types of cement-based
consisting of cement, aggregates, water, filler, and materials, SCC also has a brittle characteristic. This
chemical admixtures to take care of specific characteristic can be improved by adding fibers in to
requirements, such as, high flowability, passing the concrete mix. The term fiber added concrete can
ability, adequate viscosity, and segregation be defined as concrete containing dispersed randomly
resistance. In the fresh state, this type of concrete oriented fibers. Inherently concrete is brittle under
should be able to flow, spread and consolidate under tensile loading and mechanical properties of
its own weight. SCC must satisfy the following concrete may be improved by randomly oriented
workability performance criteria: 1) Flowability: The discrete fibers which prevent or control initiation,
ease of flow of fresh concrete when unconfined by propagation, or coalescence of cracks. Fiber added
formwork and/or reinforcement; 2) Viscosity: The concrete properties and performance change,
resistance to flow of a material (e.g. SCC) once flow depending on the properties of concrete and the fibers.
has started; 3) Passing ability: The ability of fresh The properties of fibers that are usually of interest
concrete to flow through tight openings such as are fiber concentration, fiber geometry, fiber
spaces between steel reinforcing bars without orientation, and fiber distribution. Moreover, using a
segregation or blocking; and 4) Stability: the single type of fiber may improve the properties of
ability of SCC to remain homogenous by resisting fiber added concrete to a limited level. Shortcut type
segregation, bleeding, and air popping during of fiber can be added to bridge microcracks of which
transport, placement, and after placement. Due to its growth can be controlled. This leads to a higher
characteristics, SCC provides several benefits, such tensile strength of the composite. Unlike its effects
IJASGE 030202 Copyright © 2014 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved.
to hardened concrete, the presence of fibers in density were used. The mixtures investigated in this
concrete mixes can cause significant deterioration to study were prepared with Ordinary Portland Cement
the concrete workability. On the other hand, which is fulfilled the requirements in the Indonesian
workability is very important for SCC to achieve Standard SNI 15-2049-2004. Well graded crushed
its requirement to flow, pass through tight granite, with Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) density of
openings without blocking, and completely 2.48, was used as coarse aggregate. A maximum
consolidate by its own weight. Based on those aggregate size of 20 mm was chosen for coarse
reasons, this research was designed to investigate aggregates, as it is commonly used for SCC mixes.
effects of polypropylene fiber addition on some Coarse aggregates were washed to remove fine sandy
fresh and mechanical properties of SCC. particles that can hinder rheological properties. Well-
graded natural sand, with SSD density of 2.65, and
1.2 Objectives: maximum size 5 mm, was used as the fine
This research conducted to investigate effect of aggregate. Ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly
polypropylene fiber addition on four main ash used as mineral admixture while polycarboxylate
characteristics of SCC in the fresh state: flowability, based superplastisticizer also added in to the mixes.
viscosity, passing ability and segregation resistance. Concrete mixes were prepared containing 0%, 0.05%,
Effect of polypropylene fiber addition on compressive 0.10%, and 0.15% of polypropylene fibers (measured
strength, splitting tensile Strength h, and impact by fibers volume in concrete volume). Detail of mixes
resistance of SCC also wanted to be known. Based on proportion for this research can be observed in
the results of fresh and hardened SCC tests, following Table 1
prediction of optimum volume fraction of
polypropylene fiber in SCC mixes can be determined. 2.2 Details of Experimental Tests
It has been noticed that all super plasticizers are not
2. Experimental Work: showing the same extent of improvement in fluidity
2.1 Materials and Mix Proportion: with all types of cements. Some super plasticizers
Polypropylene was chosen, because it is not may show higher fluidizing effect on some type of
expensive, inert in high pH cementitious cement than other cement. There is nothing wrong
environment and easy to disperse. In this research, with either the super plasticizers or that of cement.
monofilament polypropylene with 18 μm diameter, The fact is that they are just not compatible to show
and 12 mm length, which having 0.91 g/cm3 maximum fluidizing effect.
Optimum fluidizing effect at lowest dosage is an Deformability refers to ability of SCC to flow into
economical consideration. Giving maximum and completely fill all spaces within the formwork,
fluidizing effect for a particular super plasticizers and under its own weight. Deformability is the property
cement is very complex involving many factors like most commonly associated with SCC and provides
composition of cement, fineness of cement. the justification of acceptance of technology.
Workability requirements of successful casting of Optimum mix water/cement ratio of 0.4 is chosen
SCC include high deformability, passing ability, from EFNARC guidelines and following workability
filling ability and resistance to segregation. studies slump flow, V-funnel, L-Box test, T50 were
carried out to assess the workability characteristics.
Fig 1 Marsh cone test for various superplastizers by 12
cement 10
TIME (sec)
Table 3 Workability test results 8
Proporti (sec (mm) test Flow test test 4 MAXIMUM
ons ) timing (sec) (H2/H1) (H2-H1)
% 2
CM 5 660 12 0.920 28
FFSCC-1 4 675 11 0.925 21
FFSCC-2 3 685 10.2 0.931 20
FFSCC-3 3.8 681 9.8 0.929 20.5
FFSCC-4 4.6 685 11.2 0.928 22.5
FFSCC-5 4.2 683 10.6 0.935 20.3
Fig 4 V-Funnel vs Mix proportions chart
FFSCC-6 4 679 10 0.931 21.7
GGBS-1 4.2 676 11.4 0.926 21.5
GGBS-2 3 684 10.8 0.932 21
GGBS-3 3.6 679 9.6 0.930 20.5
GGBS-4 4.8 682 11.4 0.928 22.6
GGBS-5 4.4 680 10.6 0.934 20.5
GGBS-6 4.2 676 10.2 0.930 21
Observed 60
Compressive Strength
1.2 Minimum 50
Maximum 40
0.8 20
H2 / H1 (mm)
10 28-days
Mix proportions
Fig 7 Compressive strength test results
Mix proportion
30 1
25 0.5 Split Tensile
20 0
H2-H1 (mm)
10 Mix proportions
Mix proportions
Fig 6 Mixes vs U-BOX height ratio (h2-h1) 0