Assignment 1

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Subject: Microprocessor and Embedded System
Date of Submission:

Q.1 Differentiate between memory mapped and I/O mapped technique for 8085 microprocessor.

Q.2 Interface two 6116 ICs (2K x 8 RAM) with 8085 microprocessor using 74LS138 decoder
IC, such that the starting addresses assigned to the chips are 8000 H and 9000 H respectively also
describe the interface diagram in detail.

Q.3 Interface a 6264 IC (8K x 8) RAM chip with 8085 microprocessor using a NAND gate
decoder such that the starting address assigned to the chip is 4000 H and explain its behavior.

Q.4 For a RAM Memory 16 K x 8 RAM IC, Calculate the followings.

(i) No of Address lines
(ii) No of data lines
(iii) No of registers
(iv) No. of memory cells
(v) No of Pages
(vi) No of chips required using 8K x 4 RAM IC.

Q.5 Distinguish between KB, MB, GB, TB and PB.

Q.6 Explain the all shift and rotate instructions of 8085 microprocessor with examples.

Q.7 Program for the

a) Addition of two eight bit numbers along with carry (fetch numbers from memory and store
result in memory)
b) Subtraction of two eight bit numbers along with carry (fetch numbers from memory and store
result in memory)
c) Multiplication of two eight bit numbers along with carry (fetch numbers from memory and
store result in memory)
d) Division of two eight bit numbers along with carry (fetch numbers from memory and store
result in memory)
Q.8 Program for arranging 8-bit numbers stored in memory in ascending order and descending

Q.9 Calculate the No of T states, with respect to 8085 microprocessor and write in the space is
provided in table. Refer one example shown in table for the instruction STA 9000 H

Instruction T- State calculation

STA 9000H Opcode fetch(4 T) + Memory read(3 T)+ Memory read(3T)+ Memory write(3
T) = 13 (Total T- states)
IN 80 H
LDA 9000H
LXI 2000H

Q.10 Calculate the time delay of the following program with count value FFFFH and Crystal
frequency of 3MHz
DELAY: LXI H, Count 10-T states
LOOP: DCX H 6-T states
MOV A, L 4-T states
ORA H 4-T states
JNZ LOOP 7/10-T states
RET 10

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