ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual

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7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2.

ARM instruction summary

ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual Revision: r4p1

1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

The ARM instruction set summary is listed in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. ARM instruction summary

Operation Assembly syntax

Move Move MOV{cond}{S} Rd, <Oprnd2>

Move NOT MVN{cond}{S} Rd, <Oprnd2>

Move SPSR to register MRS{cond} Rd, SPSR

Move CPSR to register MRS{cond} Rd, CPSR

Move register to SPSR MSR{cond} SPSR{field}, Rm

Move register to CPSR MSR{cond} CPSR{field}, Rm

Move immediate to SPSR flags MSR{cond} SPSR_f, #32bit_Imm

Move immediate to CPSR flags MSR{cond} CPSR_f, #32bit_Imm

Arithmetic Add ADD{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Add with carry ADC{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Subtract SUB{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Subtract with carry SBC{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Subtract reverse subtract RSB{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Subtract reverse subtract with carry RSC{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Multiply MUL{cond}{S} Rd, Rm, Rs

Multiply accumulate MLA{cond}{S} Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn

Multiply unsigned long UMULL{cond}{S} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs

Multiply unsigned accumulate long UMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs

Multiply signed long SMULL{cond}{S} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs

Multiply signed accumulate long SMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs

Compare CMP{cond} Rd, <Oprnd2>

Compare negative CMN{cond} Rd, <Oprnd2>

Logical Test TST{cond} Rn, <Oprnd2>

Test equivalence TEQ{cond} Rn, <Oprnd2>

AND AND{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

EOR EOR{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

ORR ORR{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2> 1/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

Operation Assembly syntax

Bit clear BIC{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <Oprnd2>

Branch Branch B{cond} label

Branch with link BL{cond} label

Branch and exchange instruction set BX{cond} Rn

Load Word LDR{cond} Rd, <a_mode2>

Word with user-mode privilege LDR{cond}T Rd, <a_mode2P>

Byte LDR{cond}B Rd, <a_mode2>

Byte with user-mode privilege LDR{cond}BT Rd, <a_mode2P>

Byte signed LDR{cond}SB Rd, <a_mode3>

Halfword LDR{cond}H Rd, <a_mode3>

Halfword signed LDR{cond}SH Rd, <a_mode3>

Multiple block data operations -

LDM{cond}IB Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Increment before

LDM{cond}IA Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Increment after

LDM{cond}DB Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Decrement before

LDM{cond}DA Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Decrement after

LDM{cond}<a_mode4L> Rd{!}, <reglist>

Stack operation

LDM{cond}<a_mode4L> Rd{!}, <reglist+pc>^

Stack operation, and restore

LDM{cond}<a_mode4L> Rd{!}, <reglist>^

Stack operation with user

Store Word STR{cond} Rd, <a_mode2>

Word with user-mode privilege STR{cond}T Rd, <a_mode2P>

Byte STR{cond}B Rd, <a_mode2>

Byte with user-mode privilege STR{cond}BT Rd, <a_mode2P>

Halfword STR{cond}H Rd, <a_mode3>

Multiple block data operations -

STM{cond}IB Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Increment before

STM{cond}IA Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Increment after 2/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

Operation Assembly syntax

STM{cond}DB Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Decrement before

STM{cond}DA Rd{!}, <reglist>{^}

Decrement after

STM{cond}<a_mode4S> Rd{!}, <reglist>

Stack operation

STM{cond}<a_mode4S> Rd{!}, <reglist>^

Stack operation with user

Swap Word SWP{cond} Rd, Rm, [Rn]

Byte SWP{cond}B Rd, Rm, [Rn]

Coprocessors Data operation CDP{cond} p<cpnum>, <op1>, CRd, CRn, CRm,


Move to ARM register from MRC{cond} p<cpnum>, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm,
coprocessor <op2>

Move to coprocessor from ARM MCR{cond} p<cpnum>, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm,
register <op2>

Load LDC{cond} p<cpnum>, CRd, <a_mode5>

Store STC{cond} p<cpnum>, CRd, <a_mode5>

Software SWI 24bit_Imm


Addressing modes
The addressing modes are procedures shared by different instructions for generating values used by the
instructions. The five addressing modes used by the ARM7TDMI processor are:
Mode 1
Shifter operands for data processing instructions.
Mode 2
Load and store word or unsigned byte.
Mode 3
Load and store halfword or load signed byte.
Mode 4
Load and store multiple.
Mode 5
Load and store coprocessor.
The addressing modes are listed with their types and mnemonics Table 1.3.

Table 1.3. Addressing modes

Type or addressing
Addressing mode Mnemonic or stack type

Mode 2 <a_mode2> Immediate offset [Rn, #+/-12bit_Offset]

Register offset [Rn, +/-Rm]

Scaled register offset [Rn, +/-Rm, LSL

#5bit_shift_imm] 3/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

Type or addressing
Addressing mode Mnemonic or stack type

[Rn, +/-Rm, LSR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ASR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ROR


[Rn, +/-Rm, RRX]

Pre-indexed offset -

Immediate [Rn, #+/-12bit_Offset]!

Register [Rn, +/-Rm]!

Scaled register [Rn, +/-Rm, LSL


[Rn, +/-Rm, LSR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ASR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ROR


[Rn, +/-Rm, RRX]!

Post-indexed offset -

Immediate [Rn], #+/-12bit_Offset

Register [Rn], +/-Rm

Scaled register [Rn], +/-Rm, LSL


[Rn], +/-Rm, LSR


[Rn], +/-Rm, ASR


[Rn], +/-Rm, ROR


[Rn, +/-Rm, RRX]

Mode 2, privileged <a_mode2P> Immediate offset [Rn, #+/-12bit_Offset]

Register offset [Rn, +/-Rm]

Scaled register offset [Rn, +/-Rm, LSL


[Rn, +/-Rm, LSR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ASR


[Rn, +/-Rm, ROR


[Rn, +/-Rm, RRX]

Post-indexed offset - 4/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

Type or addressing
Addressing mode Mnemonic or stack type

Immediate [Rn], #+/-12bit_Offset

Register [Rn], +/-Rm

Scaled register [Rn], +/-Rm, LSL


[Rn], +/-Rm, LSR


[Rn], +/-Rm, ASR


[Rn], +/-Rm, ROR


[Rn, +/-Rm, RRX]

Mode 3, <a_mode3> Immediate offset [Rn, #+/-8bit_Offset]

Pre-indexed [Rn, #+/-8bit_Offset]!

Post-indexed [Rn], #+/-8bit_Offset

Register [Rn, +/-Rm]

Pre-indexed [Rn, +/-Rm]!

Post-indexed [Rn], +/-Rm

Mode 4, load <a_mode4L> IA, increment after FD, full descending

IB, increment before ED, empty descending

DA, decrement after FA, full ascending

DB decrement before EA, empty ascending

Mode 4, store <a_mode4S> IA, increment after FD, full descending

IB, increment before ED, empty descending

DA, decrement after FA, full ascending

DB decrement before EA, empty ascending

Mode 5, coprocessor data transfer Immediate offset [Rn, #+/-(8bit_Offset*4)]


Pre-indexed [Rn, #+/-(8bit_Offset*4)]!

Post-indexed [Rn], #+/-(8bit_Offset*4)

Operand 2
An operand is the part of the instruction that references data or a peripheral device. Operand 2 is listed in
Table 1.4.
Table 1.4. Operand 2

Operand Type Mnemonic

Operand 2 <Oprnd2> Immediate value #32bit_Imm 5/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary

Operand Type Mnemonic

Logical shift left Rm LSL #5bit_Imm

Logical shift right Rm LSR #5bit_Imm

Arithmetic shift right Rm ASR #5bit_Imm

Rotate right Rm ROR #5bit_Imm

Register Rm

Logical shift left Rm LSL Rs

Logical shift right Rm LSR Rs

Arithmetic shift right Rm ASR Rs

Rotate right Rm ROR Rs

Rotate right extended Rm RRX

Fields are listed in Table 1.5.
Table 1.5. Fields

Type Suffix Sets Bit

Field {field} _c Control field mask bit 3

_f Flags field mask bit 0

_s Status field mask bit 1

_x Extension field mask bit 2

Condition fields
Condition fields are listed in Table 1.6.

Table 1.6. Condition fields

Field type Suffix Description Condition

Condition EQ Equal Z set


NE Not equal Z clear

CS Unsigned higher, or C set


CC Unsigned lower C clear

MI Negative N set

PL Positive, or zero N clear

VS Overflow V set

VC No overflow V clear

HI Unsigned higher C set, Z clear 6/7
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Field type Suffix Description Condition

LS Unsigned lower, or C clear, Z set


GE Greater, or equal N=V (N and V set or N and V clear)

LT Less than N<>V (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V set)

GT Greater than Z clear, N=V (N and V set or N and V clear)

LE Less than, or equal Z set or N<>V (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V

AL Always Flag ignored

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