ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual
ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual
ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary 2/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary
Move to ARM register from MRC{cond} p<cpnum>, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm,
coprocessor <op2>
Move to coprocessor from ARM MCR{cond} p<cpnum>, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm,
register <op2>
Addressing modes
The addressing modes are procedures shared by different instructions for generating values used by the
instructions. The five addressing modes used by the ARM7TDMI processor are:
Mode 1
Shifter operands for data processing instructions.
Mode 2
Load and store word or unsigned byte.
Mode 3
Load and store halfword or load signed byte.
Mode 4
Load and store multiple.
Mode 5
Load and store coprocessor.
The addressing modes are listed with their types and mnemonics Table 1.3. 3/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary
Type or addressing
Addressing mode Mnemonic or stack type
Pre-indexed offset -
Post-indexed offset -
Post-indexed offset - 4/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary
Type or addressing
Addressing mode Mnemonic or stack type
Operand 2
An operand is the part of the instruction that references data or a peripheral device. Operand 2 is listed in
Table 1.4.
Table 1.4. Operand 2 5/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary
Register Rm
Fields are listed in Table 1.5.
Table 1.5. Fields
Condition fields
Condition fields are listed in Table 1.6.
MI Negative N set
VS Overflow V set
VC No overflow V clear 6/7
7/12/2019 ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual 1.4.2. ARM instruction summary
LE Less than, or equal Z set or N<>V (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V
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