Intrebari PM Din Carte
Intrebari PM Din Carte
Intrebari PM Din Carte
1. List the differences between the 8086 and the 8088 microprocessors.
The main differences are the data bus width (16 vs 8) and the IO/M signal.
4. What information appears on the address/data bus of the 8088 while ALE is active?
Address bits
8. Describe the signal that is applied to the CLK input pin of the 8086/8088 microprocessors.
Is generated by 8284 external clock.
10. What does the strobe signal -WR from the 8086/8088 indicate about the operation of the
Indicates a write operation.
13. What happens when the HOLD input to the 8086/8088 is placed at its logic 1 level?
The microprocessor stops executing software and places address, data, and control bus
at high-impedance
14. What three minimum mode 8086/8088 pins are decoded to discover whether the processor
is halted?
Depends on the mode:
- Maximum -S0..2
- Minimum IO/-M DT/-R -SS0
16. What conditions do the QS1 and QS0 pins indicate about the 8086/8088?
QS1 QS0 Function
0 0 Queue is idle
0 1 First byte of opcode
1 0 Queue is empty
1 1 Subsequent byte of opcode
17. What three housekeeping chores are provided by the 8284A clock generator?
The clock signal is provided, the RESET input is synchronized, and the READY input is
18. By what factor does the 8284A clock generator divide the crystal oscillator’s output
Depends 3 for CLK and 6 for PCLK
19. If the F/-C pin is placed at a logic 1 level, the crystal oscillator is disabled. Where is the
timing input signal attached to the 8284A under this condition?
External frequency
20. The PCLK output of the 8284A is ____________ MHz if the crystal oscillator is operating at
14 MHz.
21. The -RES input to the 8284A is placed at a logic ____________ level in order to reset the
0 - confirma cineva?? +1 de la dutu
22. Which bus connections on the 8086 microprocessor are typically demultiplexed?
Address/Data bus
23. Which bus connections on the 8088 microprocessor are typically demultiplexed?
Address/Data bus
24. Which TTL-integrated circuit is often used to demultiplex the buses on the 8086/8088?
Transparent latches ‘373 (8282)
25. What is the purpose of the demultiplexed signal on the 8086 microprocessor?
The BHE signal is shared with a status bit (S7) (asta e din pdf-ul cu solutii)
27. What 8086/8088 signal is used to select the direction of the data flows through the 74LS245
bidirectional bus buffer?
DT/ -R (aici e vorba de three state-uri i guess)
29. If the CLK input to the 8086/8088 is 4 MHz, how long is one bus cycle?
1.0 µs // un bus cycle normal are 4 cicli de ceas de unde iar un ciclu de ceas are 1/4MHz
31. How many MIPS is the 8086/8088 capable of obtaining when operated with a 10 MHz
2.5 MIPS (din solutii)
32. Briefly describe the purpose of each T state listed: (a) T1 (b) T2 (c) T3 (d) T4 (e) Tw
T1 – send out an address – on address bus
T2 – send out a signal (read/ write) – on control bus
T3 – read/ write data on that location – on data bus
Tw - wait state pentru periferice lente
T4 – release all buses
33. How much time is allowed for memory access when the 8086/8088 is operated with a 5 MHz
600 ns – 110 ns – 30 ns = 460 ns (din soultie era si in sumarul capitolului)
34. How wide is -DEN if the 8088 is operated with a 5 MHz clock?
// aici presupun ca vrea timpul semnalului -DEN
35. If the READY pin is grounded, it will introduce____________ states into the bus cycle of the
37. What logic levels must be applied to and RDY1 to obtain a logic 1 at the READY pin?
(Assume that is at a logic 1 level.)
39. What main function is provided by the 8288 bus controller when used with 8086/8088
maximum mode operation?
It generates system control signals
1. What types of connections are common to all memory devices?
All memory devices have address, data, and control connections
2. List the number of words found in each memory device for the following numbers of address
connections: (a) 8 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) 13 (e) 20
Aici e la modul iti da numarul de biti scoate numarul de cuvinte
3. List the number of data items stored in each of the following memory devices and the number
of bits in each datum: (a) 2K × 4 (b) 1K × l (c) 4K × 8 (d) 16K × 1 (e) 64K × 4
(a) 2048 four bit numbers (b) 1024 one bit numbers (c) 4096 eight bit numbers (d)
16,384 one bit numbers (e) 65,536 four bit numbers.
4. What is the purpose of the -CS or -CE pin on a memory component?
Selecteaza componenta respectiva
7. How many bytes of storage do the following EPROM memory devices contain?
(a) 2708 -> 1K x 8 (cred)
(b) 2716 -> 2K x 8
(c) 2732 -> 4K x 8
(d) 2764 -> 8K x 8
(e) 27512 -> 16K x 8
9. What can be stated about the amount of time needed to erase and write a location in a flash
memory device?
Flash memory requires an extended amount of time to accomplish an erase and write.
11. The 4016 memory has a -G pin, an -S pin, and a -W pin. What are these pins used for in this
The G input cause a read, the W input causes a write, and the S input selects the chip.
12. How much memory access time is required by the slowest 4016?
250 ns
14. The 256M DIMM has 28 address inputs, yet it is a 256M DRAM. Explain how a 28-bit
memory address is forced into 14 address inputs.
15. What are the purposes of the CAS and RAS inputs of a DRAM?
These inputs strobe the column and row addresses into a DRAM.
18. Modify the NAND gate decoder of Figure 10–13 to select the memory for address range
19. Modify the NAND gate decoder in Figure 10–13 to select the memory for address range
20. When the G1 input is high and both and are low, what happens to the outputs of the
74HCT138 3-to-8 line decoder?
21. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–15 to address memory range 70000H–7FFFFH.
22. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–15 to address memory range 40000H–4FFFFH.
23. Describe the 74LS139 decoder.
24. What is VHDL?
25. What are the five major keywords in VHDL for the five major logic functions (AND, OR,
NAND, NOR, and invert)?
26. Equations are placed in what major block of a VHDL program?
27. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–19 by rewriting the PLD program to address memory at
locations A0000H–BFFFFH for the ROM.
28. The -RD and -WR minimum mode control signals are replaced by what two control signals in
the 8086 maximum mode?
29. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–20 to select memory at location 60000H–77FFFH.
30. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–20 to select eight 27256 32K × 8 EPROMs at memory
locations 40000H–7FFFFH.
31. Add another decoder to the circuit of Figure 10–21 so that an additional eight 62256 SRAMs
are added at locations C0000H–FFFFFH.
32. The 74LS636 error-correction and detection circuit stores a check code with each byte of
data. How many bits are stored for the check code?
33. What is the purpose of the SEF pin on the 74LS636?
34. The 74LS636 will correct ________ bits that are in error.
35. Outline the major difference between the buses of the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors.
8088 lucreaza doar pe 8 biti
36. What is the purpose of the BHE and A0 pins on the 8086 microprocessor?
-BHE - enables / disables the higher byte of the 16bit data bus (D8..15) (-BHE = 1 => bank 1 is
A0 = 0 => bank0 of memory is selected
37. What is the -BLE pin and what other pin has it replaced?
38. What two methods are used to select the memory in the 8086 microprocessor?
Linear, Block si Absolut sunt 3 moduri (cu un bit + shadowing address, decoder,
respectiv print-o adresa unica)
41. Why don’t separate bank read ( RD) strobes need to be developed when interfacing
memory to the 8086?
42. Modify the circuit of Figure 10–30 so that the RAM is located at memory range
43. Develop a 16-bit-wide memory interface that contains SRAM memory at locations
200000H–21FFFFH for the 80386SX microprocessor.
44. Develop a 32-bit-wide memory interface that contains EPROM memory at locations
45. Develop a 64-bit-wide memory for the Pentium–Core2 that contains EPROM at locations
FFF00000H–FFFFFFFFH and SRAM at locations 00000000H–003FFFFFH.
46. On the Internet, search for the largest size EEPROM you can find. List its size and
48. Can a DRAM refresh be done while other sections of the memory operate?
Cred ca da.
Nu cred. Pentru a lucra cu memoria, ai nevoie si de semnalul RAS, care in cazul asta e
folosit pentru refresh. Practic, cat se face refresh, nu poti sa folosesti memoria DRAM (asta e un
bottleneck care o face mai lenta decat SRAM)
49. If a 1M × 1 DRAM requires 4 ms for a refresh and has 256 rows to be refreshed, no more
than ________ of time must pass before another row is refreshed.
4ms / 256 = 0.015625 (15.625 µs)
1. Explain which way the data flow for an IN and an OUT instruction.
The IN instruction inputs data from an external device into the accumulator and the OUT
instruction sends data out to an external device from the accumulator.
2. Where is the I/O port number stored for a fixed I/O instruction?
The I/O address is stored in the second byte of the instruction.
3. Where is the I/O port number stored for a variable I/O instruction?
4. Where is the I/O port number stored for a string I/O instruction?
12. An even-number I/O port address is found in the __Lower_______ I/O bank in the 8086
13. In the Pentium 4, what bank contains I/O port number 000AH?
14. How many I/O banks are found in the Pentium 4 or Core2 microprocessor?
15. Show the circuitry that generates the upper and lower I/O write strobes.
16. What is the purpose of a contact bounce eliminator?
It removes mechanical bounces from a switch.
17. Develop an interface to correctly drive a relay. The relay is 12 V and requires a coil current
of 150 mA.
18. Develop a relay coil driver that can control a 5.0 V relay that requires 60 mA of coil current.
19. Develop an I/O port decoder, using a 74ALS138, that generates low-bank I/O strobes, for a
16-bit microprocessor, for the following 8-bit I/O port addresses: 10H, 12H, 14H, 16H, 18H,
1AH, 1CH, and 1EH.
20. Develop an I/O port decoder, using a 74ALS138, that generates high-bank I/O strobes, for a
16-bit microprocessor, for the following 8-bit I/O port addresses: 11H, 13H, 15H, 17H, 19H,
1BH, 1DH, and 1FH.
21. Develop an I/O port decoder, using a PLD, that generates 16-bit I/O strobes for the following
16-bit I/O port addresses: 1000H–1001H, 1002H–103H, 1004H–1005H, 1006H–1007H,
1008H–1009H, 100AH–100BH, 100CH–100DH, and 100EH–100FH.
22. Develop an I/O port decoder, using a PLD, that generates the following low-bank I/O
strobes: 00A8H, 00B6H, and 00EEH.
23. Develop an I/O port decoder, using a PLD, that generates the following high-bank I/O
strobes: 300DH, 300BH, 1005H, and 1007H.
24. Why are both and (A0) ignored in a 16-bit port address decoder?
If the port is 16 bits wide, there is no need to enable either the low or high half.
25. An 8-bit I/O device, located at I/O port address 0010H, is connected to which data bus
connections in a Pentium 4?
26. An 8-bit I/O device, located at I/O port address 100DH, is connected to which data bus
connections in a Core2 microprocessor?
27. The 82C55 has how many programmable I/O pin connections?
28. List the pins that belong to group A and to group B in the 82C55.
Group A is port A and PC4–PC7, while group B is port B and PC3–PC0.
29. Which two 82C55 pins accomplish internal I/O port address selection?
A0 and A1
30. The connection on the 82C55 is attached to which 8086 system control bus connection?
31. Using a PLD, interface an 82C55 to the 8086 microprocessor so that it functions at I/O
locations 0380H, 0382H, 0384H, and 0386H.
32. When the 82C55 is reset, its I/O ports are all initialized as __Inputs____.
34. What is the purpose of the signal in strobed input operation of the 82C55?
The strobe input latches the input data and sets the buffer full flag and interrupt request.
35. Develop a time delay procedure for the 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 that waits for 80 μs.
MOV ECX, 479904
36. Develop a time delay procedure for the 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 that waits for 12 ms.
MOV ECX, 7272727
37. Explain the operation of a simple four-coil stepper motor.
The 4-coil stepper is moved by activating (passing current through) a single coil at a time
in round-robin fashion to move the armature a step at a time.
38. What sets the IBF pin in strobed input operation of the 82C55?
The strobe signal ( ST B )
39. Write the software required to place a logic 1 on the PC7 pin of the 82C55 during strobed
input operation.
40. How is the interrupt request pin (INTR) enabled in the strobed input mode of operation of
the 82C55?
The INTR pin is enabled by setting the INTE bit in PC4 (port A) or PC2 (port B).
41. In strobed output operation of the 82C55, what is the purpose of the signal?
The ACK signal is used by the I/O device to inform the 8255 that the output data has
been processed by the output device.
42. What clears the signal in strobed output operation of the 82C55?
When data are output to the port becomes a 0 and when is sent to the port becomes a 1.
43. Write the software required to decide whether PC4 is a logic 1 when the 82C55 is operated
in the strobed output mode.
44. Which group of pins is used during bidirectional operation of the 82C55?
Group or port A contains the bidirectional data.
45. Which pins are general-purpose I/O pins during mode 2 operation of the 82C55?
PC0, PC1, and PC2
50. What changes must be made to Figure 11–25 so that it functions with a keyboard matrix that
contains three rows and five columns?
The only changes that need to be made are that instead of four rows there are three
rows and three pull-up resisters connected to port A and five columns to connect to port B. Of
course, the software also needs some minor changes.
52. Develop the interface to a three- by four-key telephone-style keypad. You will need to use a
lookup table to convert to the proper key code.
53. The 8254 interval timer functions from DC to ____10 MHz____ Hz.
54. Each counter in the 8254 functions in how many different modes?
55. Interface an 8254 to function at I/O port addresses XX10H, XX12H, XX14H, and XX16H.
56. Write the software that programs counter 2 to generate an 80 KHz square wave if the CLK
input to counter 2 is 8 MHz.
57. What number is programmed in an 8254 counter to count 300 events?
58. If a 16-bit count is programmed into the 8254, which byte of the count is programmed first?
Least significant
59. Explain how the read-back control word functions in the 8254.
The counter is latched then the counter read-back control reads the counter at the time
of the latching.
60. Program counter 1 of the 8254 so that it generates a continuous series of pulses that have a
high time of 100 μs and a low time of 1 μs. Make sure to indicate the CLK frequency
required for this task.
61. Why does a 50% duty cycle cause the motor to stand still in the motor speed and direction
control circuit presented in this chapter?
The motor attempts to move forward and reverse for equal amounts of time. This causes
it to remain stationary.
64. Program the 16550 for operation using six data bits, even parity, one stop bit, and a baud
rate of 19,200 using a 18.432 MHz clock. (Assume that the I/O ports are numbered 20H
and 22H.)
MOV AL,10001010B ;enable baud divisor
MOV AL,60 ;program baud rate
MOV AL,00011001B ;program 7-data, odd
OUT LINE,AL ;parity, one stop
MOV AL,00000111B ;enable transmitter and
OUT FIFO,AL ;and receiver
65. If the 16550 is to generate a serial signal at a baud rate of 2400 baud and the baud rate
divisor is programmed for 16, what is the frequency of the signal?
614,400 Hz
68. Write a procedure for the 16550 that transmits 16 bytes from a small buffer in the data
segment address (DS is loaded externally) by SI (SI is loaded externally).
IN AL, LSTAT ;get line status register
TEST AL,20H ;test TH bit
LODSB ;get data
OUT DATA,AL ;transmit data
69. The DAC0830 converts an 8-bit digital input to an analog output in approximately
__1.0 μs____.
70. What is the step voltage at the output of the DAC0830 if the reference voltage is -2.55 V?
71. Interface a DAC0830 to the 8086 so that it operates at I/O port 400H.
72. Develop a program for the interface of question 71 so the DAC0830 generates a triangular
voltage wave-form. The frequency of this wave-form must be approximately 100 Hz.
73. The ADC080X requires approximately __100 μs____ to convert an analog voltage into a
digital code.
1. What is interrupted by an interrupt?
An interrupt interrupts the currently executing program
9. How many different interrupt vectors are found in the interrupt vector table?
21. List the events that occur when an interrupt becomes active.
22. Explain the purpose of the interrupt flag (IF).
The I flag controls whether the INTR pin si enabled or disabled
32. Develop a circuit that places interrupt type number CCH on the data bus in response to the
INTR input.
33. Develop a circuit that places interrupt type number 86H on the data bus in response to the
INTR input.
34. Explain why pull-up resistors on D0–D7 cause the microprocessor to respond with interrupt
vector type number FFH for the pulse.
The pull-ups force the inputs of the data bus to FFH when the interrupt acknowledge
cycle executes.
1. Which microprocessor pins are used to request and acknowledge a DMA transfer?
2. Explain what happens whenever a logic 1 is placed on the HOLD input pin.
If HOLD signal is a logic 1, the microprocessor stops executing software and places
address, data, and control bus at high-impedance
5. The DMA controller selects the memory location used for a DMA transfer through what bus
A0–A7 and D0–D7 (where address bits A8–15 appear).
6. The DMA controller selects the I/O device used during a DMA transfer by which pin?
7. What is a memory-to-memory DMA transfer?
A memory-to-memory DMA transfer occurs when one channel addresses the source
address and another channel address a destination address. Data are then transferred from
source to destination.
8. Describe the effect on the microprocessor and DMA controller when the HOLD and HLDA
pins are at their logic 1 levels.
If HOLD signal is a logic 1, the microprocessor stops executing software and places
address, data, and control bus at high-impedance. HLDA iti spune doar ca se facu ACK-ul
9. Describe the effect on the microprocessor and DMA controller when the HOLD and HLDA
pins are at their logic 0 levels.
The DMA controller is in its hold state and the microprocessor operates normally
10. The 8237 DMA controller is a(n) ____________ channel DMA controller.
11. If the 8237 DMA controller is decoded at I/O ports 2000H –200FH, what ports are used to
program channel 1?
2002H and 2003H
12. Which 8237 DMA controller register is programmed to initialize the controller?
13. How many bytes can be transferred by the 8237 DMA controller?
14. Write a sequence of instructions that transfer data from memory location 21000H –210FFH
to 20000H –200FFH by using channel 2 of the 8237 DMA controller. You must initialize the
8237 and use the latch described in Section 12–1 to hold A19 –A16.
15. Write a sequence of instructions that transfers data from memory to an external I/O device
by using Channel 3 of the 8237. The memory area to be transferred is at location 20000H –
16. What is a pen drive?
17. The 3 1/2 disk is known as a(n) ____________ floppy disk.
18. Data are recorded in concentric rings on the surface of a disk known as a(n) ____________.
19. A track is divided into sections of data called ____________.
20. On a double-sided disk, the upper and lower tracks together are called a(n) ____________.
21. Why is NRZ recording used on a disk memory system?
NRZ recording is used because it erases old data when it records new data
22. Draw the timing diagram generated to write a 1001010000 using MFM encoding.
23. Draw the timing diagram generated to write a 1001010000 using RLL encoding.
24. What is a flying head?
25. Why must the heads on a hard disk be parked?
The disk heads must be parked over a landing zone when power is removed so the
heads do not damage the surface of the disk
26. What is the difference between a voice coil head position mechanism and a stepper motor
head positioning mechanism?
27. What is a WORM?
A write once optical disk such as a CD-R or DVD-R.
28. What is a CD-ROM?
Un periferic
29. How much data can be stored on a common DVD, an HD-DVD, and a Blu-ray DVD?
4.7G bytes
30. What is the difference between a TTL monitor and an analog monitor?
31. What are the three primary colors of light?
Red, green, and blue
32. What are the three secondary colors of light?
33. What is a pixel?
The smallest video picture element
34. A video display with a resolution of 1280 × 1024 contains ____________ lines, with each
line divided into ____________ pixels.
35. Explain how a TTL RGB monitor can display 16 different colors.
By using 2 levels of brightness for each of the three primary colors
36. What are the DVI-D and HDMI connectors?
37. Explain how an analog RGB monitor can display an infinite number of colors.
Because the analog signal are continuously variable an infinite number of colors are
38. If an analog RGB video system uses 8-bit DACs, it can generate ____________ different
39. If a video system uses a vertical frequency of 60 Hz and a horizontal frequency of 32,400
Hz, how many raster lines are generated?