Microprocessors (CSE 206) (Makeup)
Microprocessors (CSE 206) (Makeup)
Microprocessors (CSE 206) (Makeup)
Instructions to Candidates
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions.
1 A. What is the maximum memory size addressed by an 8086 & how much is the size of
each segment? Justify your answer.
1 B. Draw the neat diagram of 8086 architecture & explain the use of segment registers
with the associated pointer or index registers.
1 C. Calculate the value of N in the below given delay loop to produce a delay of 500µs
on an 8086 with a 5-MHz clock. Give the value of N in hexadecimal.
MOV CX, N ; 4 clock cycles
L1: NOP ; 3 clock cycles
LOOP L1 ; 17 or 5 clock cycles (2+5+3)
3 A. Define a reentrant procedure & differentiate it from recursive procedure. What are
the different ways by which parameters are passed for reentrant procedure? Explain how
to pass parameters to a macro with an example?
3 B. Describe the main use of 8086 type 4(overflow) interrupt and draw 8086 interrupt-
pointer table.
4 A. Explain the cascaded master slave connection of 8259A.what is the use of OCW1
and OCW2?
4 B. Write a control word (in binary) & mention the purpose of every bit in the control
word for the following.
(i) Counter 0 of 8254 to read/write LSB only to generate a square wave to obtain a BCD
count down.
(ii)To initialize an 8255A as follows: port A-single handshake input; port B-single
handshake output; port C-bits PC6 & PC7 as outputs.
4 C. Draw the timing diagram of minimum mode write operation of 8086 & explain the
functions following signals.
(i) DT/R (ii) LOCK (iii) RQ/GT0 (iv) ALE (5+2+3)
5 A. Describe the operation performed by each of the following 8087 instructions with
appropriate syntax.
(i) FLD (ii) FSCALE (iii) FCOMPP (iv) FSTSW (v) FLDL2E
5 B. Convert the decimal number 2435.5625 to long real & temporary-real format. Write
the answer both in hexadecimal & in binary.
5 C. Explain the following interrupts, specify the purpose, expected inputs and returns.
(i) INT 21H, 3DH (ii) INT 21H, 2CH (iii) INT 10H, 02H (5+2+3)