MISSION "Hazard Containment": Victory Conditions: Marines

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MISSION “Hazard Containment” Victory Conditions:

These remarkable species have been fighting each Marines:

other for as long as the records go. We need to docu- • Reach all 3 Marine Mission Objective Tokens
ment their natural tendencies and behavior, and we and perform a „Seal the Bulkhead” Action while
might never get a better chance. Send in the operati- standing on that Tile; remove the Marine Mis-
ves to box them in. sion Objective Token if you succeed. Once all
three are removed, this objective is complete.
• Block the escape routes. Destroy any two Air
Briefing: Vents using the “Weld It Shut” Action.

Marines: Aliens:
HQ wishes to study the behavior of these natural • Reach the Scientist (Xenomorph Mission
enemies. Lock down part of the ship and block any Objective Token), and bring him to the nest.
escape routes so the lab boys can observe through Use the CARRYING A TOKEN and DELIVER
the ship’s vid feed. TO VENTS Special Rules.
• Gain 5 Frags.
The prey senses our strength and is panicking. Predators:
Hunt them now and leave none alive. Catch one of • Reach the Engineering Bay or the Bridge, and
our captors, of the ones who experimented on us, spend one (1) Action Point to disable the con-
and bring him to the Hive; it is our turn now. trols and complete this objective. This counts as
an Interact Action.
Predators: • Reach the central junction and spend two (2)
The Hive is growing beyond our control. The Jautja Action Points to set up the charges. This counts
make their final stand. Set up the charges and blow as an Interact Action. This objective cannot be
up the ship. Disable the controls for the Escape completed first.
Pods to prevent any enemies surviving.

Suggested Forces
We suggest you use the following Forces:
Marines: Predators:
1 Squad of 5 W/Y 1 Hunter
Commandos 1 Warrior with Smart-Disc
• armoury 1 Youngblood with Wrist Blade
Aliens: 3 Vocal Mimicry Tokens
10 Infant Warriors
Corridors/Rooms 4 Stalkers
2 Warriors
Infested Corridor Alternatively, you may use any combination of Units up
to 170 points (Advanced Rules), and you may ignore the
Doors minimum HQ Slot restriction for this mission.

hibernation •
• engine room

Deployment Tiles



• predator
Objective Markers BREACH LOCATIONS
Marine • bridge THESE MARKS ARE ONLY
Predator See pages 60-61 for details

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