Rules Updates Rules Updates and Frequently Asked Questions

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Rules Updates and Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: June 4, 2019

Rules Updates Countdown Track — The extra cubes marked on

the countdown track apply only to those attacks,
Taking an Artifact — In the original rules for as the player on the Countdown Track advances.
CLANK!, artifacts are acquired as you would any Dragon Attacks triggered by cards in the Dungeon
other token in a room: you choose to pick one up Row aren’t affected by the Countdown Track.
when you first enter. That rule has been revised: Device — A Device card must be used immediately,
you choose to take an artifact as an action during when you acquire it. It is then placed in the
your turn, even if you didn’t just enter the artifact’s Dungeon discard pile, not your own.
Discarding — You can avoid discarding by waiting
Examples: You may enter a room with an artifact to play a discarding card after you play other cards.
on one turn, then (as long as you’re still in that When you do this, you don’t get the benefits of
room) choose to take that artifact on a later turn. discarding.
Also, if you’re already carrying an artifact, then
enter a Market room that contains another one, Example: You play four of the five cards in your
you may first buy a Backpack, then pick up the hand, then play Sleight of Hand last (“Discard a
artifact. card to draw two cards.”). You have no remaining
cards to discard, so you don’t draw two cards.
Many Sunken Treasures cards provide an effect
Frequently Asked Questions “when you discard this.” You trigger these effects
by discarding the card during your turn. You do
Actions — You may take an action more than once
NOT receive these effects at the end of your turn
during your turn, unless otherwise specified by the
when you place the card in your discard pile (from
your play area), or when you first acquire the card
See also Dungeon Row, Market, Secrets. using skill.
Arrive — During Setup, if any of the six cards on Example: You play Sleight of Hand (“Discard a
the Dungeon Row have Arrive text, carry it out card to draw two cards.”) You discard a Coin
immediately, before the first player takes a turn. Purse. (“When you discard this, .”) You draw
(In the case of a card like Shrine, which returns the two cards from Sleight of Hand, and gain
dragon cubes to the bag, there will be no cubes to from Coin Purse.
return, and the Arrive text will do nothing.) Dragon Attack — If a Dragon Attack happens early
Artifact — See Market. See Taking an Artifact (in in the game, players still outside the dungeon can
the Rules Updates section). be damaged if cubes of their color are pulled from
the bag.
Boots — See Movement, Playing Cards, Plus.
See also Countdown Track, Dungeon Row.
Clank! — See Playing Cards, Swagger.
Drawing Cards — Whenever you draw a card,
Contract — You may find it helpful to mark the you do so from your own deck, never from the
card you choose with a cube from your supply Dungeon Deck.
(taking the cube back when the Contract no longer
applies). Dungeon Deck — See Expansions.

If there are two or more copies of the same card in

the Dungeon Row, the Contract applies only to the
specific copy chosen by the Omin Dran player.
Dungeon Row — You may acquire and defeat any Market — Buying from the Market is an action.
number of cards in the Dungeon Row each turn, Actions aren’t normally limited to once a turn; you
provided you have enough Skill or Swords. may buy more than one item from the Market if
you wish, including more than one of the same
Do not replace cards in the Dungeon Row as a
item. All market items are available from any
player acquires or defeats them. Instead, at the
Market room.
end of every player’s turn, replace all empty spaces
in the Dungeon Row. This can trigger only one If there are tokens in a Market (secrets or an
dragon attack, no matter how many Dragon Attack artifact), you do not have to pay to take one.
symbols are revealed.
Mister Whiskers — You may choose the -2 Clank!
Cards with Dragon Attack symbols only trigger an option for this card even when you have no Clank!
attack on the turn they’re placed in the Dungeon in the Clank! area.
Row. If the card remains there for multiple turns, it
Monkey Idol — You pick up one Monkey Idol every
does not trigger any additional attacks.
time you enter the Monkey Shrine room, even if
Dwarven Peddler — You must have two different you enter it more than once during the same turn.
items to collect the 4 point bonus for this card.
See also Tokens.
For example: if you have two dragon eggs, but no
chalice or monkey idol, you do not get the points. Movement — Every tunnel requires at least one
Boot to move through it. Any icons on a tunnel
Expansions — We recommend that you do not
note additional requirements to move through it.
mix cards from more than one expansion in your
Dungeon Deck at the same time. (The bigger deck See also Plus, Secrets.
will make it less likely you draw cards related to The Mummy’s Curse — See Expansions.
the board/expansion you’re playing.) However, you
are free to mix as you like. Playing Cards — A card provides everything on it
each time you play it: Skill, Swords, Boots, and text.
Each card from a CLANK! expansion can be
identified by a watermark in its game text box. You Any Skill, Swords, or Boots you don’t spend during
may use these to sort and remove cards when you your turn are wasted. Skill, Swords, and Boots
wish to play without an expansion, or to remove go into a single “pool”; the resources from one
them while you play as they’re revealed. card can be split up to take two or more different
Sunken Treasures — A pair of waves. (It’s
literally a watermark!) You must play all cards in your hand during your
turn. You must also carry out all effects in the text
The Mummy’s Curse — A pyramid. of each card you play.
Fountain of Healing — See Treasure Room. Example: Dead Run makes +2 Clank! and says
Health Meter — Each player’s health meter has “You don’t have to stop in Crystal Caves this
turn.” It doesn’t matter whether or not you move
spaces to mark 10 damage. The first damage cube
through a Crystal Cave that turn; you still must
should be placed on the space with the heart icon, add the 2 Clank!
not next to it.
See also Discarding.
Leaving the Dungeon — Any card that can teleport
you to an “adjacent room” can be used to leave the Plus — Some cards have a plus sign attached to the
dungeon. Skill, Swords, or Boots they provide. This is meant
to point you to the card’s text, which may provide
Any Clank! you have in the Clank! area remains more of the same resource that the card has
there when you leave the dungeon. already given.
You complete your entire turn when you leave the Example: The Mountain King always provides
dungeon; leaving doesn’t have to be the final thing you one Sword and one Boot when you play
you do. him. In addition, if you have a Crown, his text
provides you a second Sword and Boot.

Secret Tome — When you buy a Secret Tome, place
it in your discard pile, just like all other cards you
acquire. It does nothing when you draw and play it
(though it’s a great card to discard when you need
to, such as for Sleight of Hand).
Secrets — If you enter a room with two minor
secrets, you take one “at random,” choosing it
before revealing it. Having picked up one secret,
you may then exit and re-enter the room later (on
the same turn or a later turn) to pick up the other
See also Market, Tokens.
Setup — See Arrive.
Skill — See Dungeon Row, Playing Cards, Plus.
Sunken Treasures — See Expansions.
Swagger — This card gives you 1 Skill for each
Clank! you make on your turn, even if you use
negative Clank! to remove it later.
Swords — See Dungeon Row, Playing Cards, Plus.
Teleport — See Leaving the Dungeon.
Tokens — Picking up a token (a secret or a monkey
idol) does not “end” your movement for a turn; if
you still have Boots (or the means to teleport), you
may keep moving. You pick up the token when you
first enter the room. Any other actions you might
choose to take in the room (such as Buying from a
Market) happen afterward.
Treasure Rooms — You gain the reward printed
on a Treasure Room (or Fountain of Healing) every
time you enter it, even if you enter the same room
more than once during the same turn.
Webbed Rooms — If a card allows you take a token
from an adjacent room, you do not need to spend a
Sword if taking one from a webbed room.
Example: Daring Explorer says “You may make
+2 Clank! to take a secret or monkey idol from
an adjacent room.” When you use this to take a
secret or monkey idol from a webbed room, you
spend no Swords.

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