JAN 18paper 3 Pune A PDF
JAN 18paper 3 Pune A PDF
JAN 18paper 3 Pune A PDF
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JAN - 03318/III—A
JAN - 03318/III—A
Paper III
Time Allowed : 2½ Hours] [Maximum Marks : 150
Note : This paper contains Seventy Five (75) multiple choice questions. Each
question carries Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.
3 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
(A) Richard II
peare ?
4. What is the fate of small
‘‘Stop, then and wash. How many
ages hence
beauties ?
Shall this lofty scene be acted o’er.
(B) Cassius
(C) They are rare
(C) Casca
JAN - 03318/III—A
7. Identify the text below in which the 9. In which play of Shakespeare does
character, ‘‘Man with the Muck the line ‘‘What a piece of work is
Rake’’ features :
man’’ occur ?
of poets called :
correlative’’ ?
5 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
11. Which of the following is not written 13. The British literary and society
by John Cleveland ?
journal ‘The Tatler’ was founded by :
is :
This sentence is taken from :
JAN - 03318/III—A
15. About Samuel Richardson’s creation 17. Who is the author of Life of Henry
providence’’ ?
(B) John Thurloe
16. The Interesting Narrative of the Life that it was ‘‘Mother of all evils !’’ ?
of Olaudah Equiano is :
(A) Edmund Burke
7 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
19. One of the powerful weapons of Jane 21. On which poet’s epitaph are the
For oft, when on my couch I lie/in wrote, ‘Above all, this book is not
flash upon that inward eye/which is of it is war, and the pity of war.’ Who
JAN - 03318/III—A
23. Which of the following writers has 25. Which of the following writers has
created the characters Lucky and created the character, Jimmy Porter ?
Pozzo ?
(A) John Osborne
24. In which kingdom did Oedipus Afternoon deals with the subject
rule ? of :
9 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
27. Who is the author of Cry, the Beloved 29. Which of the following novels deals
of 1857 ?
(A) Nadine Gordimer
(C) Kim
(D) Alex La Guma
(D) Coolie
was founded by :
House of Usher’’ ?
JAN - 03318/III—A
31. Who is the author of the novel 33. Samuel Butler’s novel ‘The way of
(A) Picaresque
(A) Margaret Atwood
(B) Historical
(B) Maria Campbell
(C) Autobiographical
11 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
35. Which one of the following poems 37. Hermeneutics was originally the
(A) ‘‘Ulysses’’
(B) poetry
(B) ‘‘Sordello’’
(C) drama
(C) ‘‘In Memoriam’’
(D) scripture
(D) ‘‘Dover Beach’’
JAN - 03318/III—A
by :
(A) Levi Strauss
13 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
43. Who is the writer of The Political 46. Who has written the play, Men
JAN - 03318/III—A
49. Who is the author of the novel, 52. The novel, Two Virgins has been
15 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
55. ‘Godan’ a Hindi novel, translated 58. In English, nouns are generally
JAN - 03318/III—A
into Marathi by :
(C) Mahasweta Devi
17 [P.T.O.
JAN - 03318/III—A
(B) Maharashtra
(B) the structuralistic method
(C) Karnataka
use ?
(D) the audio lingual method
(A) 12
(D) 6
(A) Computer generated programs
68. The following skills are considered
JAN - 03318/III—A
71. The questions given below consist of 72. ‘Becket’ was a play written by :