Mar-37223-D Paperii Pune
Mar-37223-D Paperii Pune
Mar-37223-D Paperii Pune
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MAR - 37223/II—D
MAR - 37223/II—D
Computer Science and Applications
Paper II
Time Allowed : 120 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 200
Note : This Paper contains Hundred (100) multiple choice questions. Each question
carrying Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.
1. For a given max-heap, which is the 3. The in-order traversal output and
correct answer ? pre-order traversal output of a
(A) The leaf nodes have values binary tree are same, then the
greater than or equal to their binary tree is :
parents (A) Left skewed
(B) The leaf nodes have values less (B) Right skewed
than or equal to their parents
(C) Balanced
(C) The leaf nodes and their parents
(D) Completely balanced
have same values
4. The two statements that can change
(D) The leaf nodes have values
the flow of control are :
different from their parents
(A) if and switch
2. B+ trees are considered BALANCED
because : (B) if and while
(A) The lengths of the paths from (C) switch and do-while
the root to all leaf nodes are all (D) break and continue
5. A deque is :
(B) The lengths of the paths from
(A) A queue implemented with a
the root to all leaf nodes differ
doubly linked list
from each other by at most 1
(B) A queue implemented with both
(C) The number of children of any
singly and doubly linked lists
two non-leaf sibling nodes differ
by at most 1 (C) Just a queue
(D) The number of records in any (D) A queue with insert and delete
two leaf nodes differ by at defined for both front and rear
most 1. ends of the queue
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(B) A B * C D / + Group 1
R. Prim's algorithm
7. Let S be a sorted array of n integers.
S. Kruskal's algorithm
Let T(n) denote the time taken by
Group 2
the most efficient algorithm to
I. Greedy Strategy
determine if there are two elements
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9. Which of the following is not true 11. For the language L = {anb/n > 0}
which of the following is/are DFA
for the problem classes P, NP, NP-
represents the above language ?
complete and NP-hard ?
(A) P NP
(B) NP-complete NP
(C) NP-hard NP
(A) n p n/ p n/ p
(A) I and II only
(B) n p 1 n/ p n/ p
(B) I and III only
(C) n * p 1 n / p n/ p (C) II and IV only
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12. Consider the context free grammar 14. The decision problem "Given a
with productions :
S ABa Turing Machine M and a step-
with which of the following conditions. 15. Consider the grammar G with
(i) If L, the computation of TM
productions S ACB/CbB/Ba,
M on input string terminates
in accept state A da/BC, B g/ C h/
(ii) If L ( does not belong
to L) then computation of TM Which of the following is correct set
M on input string terminates
for FIRST (S) ?
in reject state
(iii) If L then computation of
(A) {a, b, h, g}
TM M on input string
terminates in reject state. (B) {a, d, g, }
(A) (iii) only
(B) (i) and (iii) only (C) {g, d, b, h, }
(C) (i) and (ii) only
(D) {g, d, a, b, h, }
(D) (ii) and (iii) only
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16. An attribute grammar in which all 19. Consider the following function with
the attributes called line numbers.
an.......attributed grammar.
1. Int Myfunction( )
(A) Synthesized, S
2. {
(B) Inherited, S
3. int a = 24;
(C) Synthesized, L
4. int b = 25;
(D) Inherited, L
5. int c;
17. Which of the following parameter
passing methods works with the idea 6. if (a! = 24)
program and from which part or all chable code in the above function
of the output data of the program definition ?
is constructed.
(A) 4, 6, 7
(A) Symbol Table
(B) 6, 7, 10
(B) Flow Graph
(C) 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
(C) Intermediate Representation
(D) Object File (D) 4, 6, 7, 10
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20. Consider the grammar shown below 22. While virtulizing X-86 architecture,
S AA type-I hypervisor :
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24. The key length of a 3-key Triple 27. Match the following OSI layers with
Data Encryption Standard protocols :
(3TDES) is : (a) Layer 7 (Application)
(A) 112 bits (b) Layer 4 (Transport)
(B) 256 bits (c) Layer 3 (Network)
(C) 512 bits
(d) Layer 2 (Data Link)
(D) 168 bits
(i) IPv4
25. Suppose we have to send an E-mail
(ii) UPP
with an attachment of 2.5 kbyte with
(iii) HTTP
1 Gbps bandwidth. Assume that the
distance between the sender and the (iv) Ethernet, WiFi (802.11)
receiver is 12000 km and that light (A) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii)
travels at 2.4 × 108 m/s. What will (B) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)
be the transmission time ? (C) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i)
(A) 50 ms (D) a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(i), d-(iv)
(B) 2 ms
28. If the frame to be transmitted is
(C) 0.020 ms
1101011011 and the CRC
(D) 0.2 ms
polynomial to be used for generating
26. What is the minimum Hamming
checksum is x4 + x + 1, then what
distance for detection of three errors
is the transmitted frame ?
or correction of two errors ?
(A) 11010110111110
(A) 2
(B) 11010110111011
(B) 3
(C) 11010110111101
(C) 4
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(A) 4, 2 (B) 2p
through learning
0.5 0.2 0.1 0.6
(iv) it knows the actual outcome of (B)
2 3 4 5
its actions
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referred to as :
(A) t-norms & t-conorms
(D) None of the above
function :
(B) OR
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1 0 0 1 1 0
G 0 1 0 0 1 1 for
0 0 1 1 0 1
e17 = (G, I), e18 = (H, I)} 44. Let X and Y be random variables
with joint distribution :
W = {22, 9, 12, 35, 36, 34, 4, 33, 30,
Pr(X i, Y j)
18, 23, 24, 39, 25, 21, 19}
1 / 6 for i 5,6 and j 3,6,9
The weight of the shortest path from
0 otherwise
node A to I in the undirected graph
Then the conditional entropy
is........... . H(X|Y) = .................. .
13 [P.T.O.
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X 1 2 3 4 5 s is negation of s
P 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 The number of ways to place r
indistinguishable balls in n(n < r)
Y 10 20 35 50 60 distinct boxes, with no box left
P 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 empty, is........... .
(A) C(r – 1, n – 1)
(A) Skewness of X and Y are same,
(B) C(n + r – 1, n – 1)
Coefficient of Variations are the (C) C(n + r – 1, r – 1)
(A) x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 25
(D) Skewness of distribution of X
(B) x1 = 0, x2 = 25, x3 = 0
and Y are not same, Coefficient
(C) x1 = 20, x2 = 0, x3 = 0
of Variations are not same
(D) x1 = 0, x2 = 37.5, x3 = 0
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48. Consider the following Linear 49. The transportation problem of m
Programming Problem : resources and n destinations can be
Maximize : Z = 5x1 + 10x2 written as Linear Programming
Subject to : x1 4 Problem with :
15 [P.T.O.
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53. The 15's complement of A9BH is : 56. Which of the following assembler
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57. A horizontal micro-programmed 59. A computer has 512 KB, 4-way set
control unit supports the following. associative, write back data cache
Identify the correct ones. with block size of 32 bytes. The
(i) Longer control word processor sends 32 bit addresses to
(ii) Used in parallel processing the cache controller. Each cache tag
applications directory entry contains, in addition
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) 60. Why do race conditions occur ?
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61. A normalised heterogeneous 63. Consider the following ‘C’ program
abstract syntax tree must :
fragment :
(i) Trees with magnitude of node
type are called heterogeneous int i = 5;
(ii) Normalised heterogeneous tree do
use a normalised list of children
like homogeneous tree
(iii) Nodes have irregular children putchar (i + 100);
(iv) Use more than a single node
data type but with normalised printf ("%d", i...);
child list representation.
} while (i);
(A) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(B) (i) and (ii) results in the following output :
(C) (ii) and (iv) (A) i 5 h 4 g 3 f 2 e 1
(D) (iv) only
62. Which of the following comparison (B) i 4 h 3 g 2 f 1 e 0
between static and dynamic type
(C) An error message will come
checking is correct ?
(i) dynamic type checking slow (D) Went into infinite loop
down execution
64. The object-oriented programming
(ii) dynamic type checking offers
more flexibility to the can be seen as an attempt to
programmers enhance opportunities for code reuse
(iii) Dynamic type checking is more
be making it ease to define new
(iv) Unlike static type checking the abstraction as :
dynamic type checking is done
(A) Extension or refinement
during compilations.
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) Independence
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) Containment
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (iv) only (D) Facult containment
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65. Exception handling is not meant to 67. Most of recent browsers support an
additional ENCTYPE of multipart/
handle problems for which case ?
form-data, which statements out of
(i) termination of program the following correctly define it ?
(ii) handle return value (i) This encoding transmit each
representing error field as a separate part of MIME
compatible document
(iii) hand return a legal value and
leave the program in an illegal
(ii) MIME compatible document
automatically use POST to
(iv) call an error handler function submit data in multipart
(A) (i) and (ii) (iii) This attribute specifies the way
in which data is enclosed
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(iv) This encoding sometime makes
(C) (iv) only
it easier for server side program
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)
to handle complex data.
66. The scope rules, especially the rules (A) (i) and (ii)
for nested type ensures that the (B) (ii) and (iv)
resulting multitude of..........type do (C) (iii) and (iv)
not interface with each other. (D) (i), (ii) and (iv)
68. Identify odd one from the
(A) Enumerated
following :
(B) Inherited (A) Digitizer
(B) Touch panel
(C) Encapsulated
(C) Plotter
(D) Contained (D) Trackball
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71. Data integrity constraints are used
69. The transformation matrix
for :
0 1 0 (i) Establishing limits on
allowable property values
1 0 0 (ii) Specifying a set of acceptable,
is used to obtain the
0 0 1 predefined options to property
reflection about the.......... . (iii) Ensuring that duplicate values
are not entered in the table
(A) Y-axis, flipping x-coordinates (iv) Controlling that data is
accessed by authorised users
(A) (i) & (ii)
(B) line Y = 0
(B) (i), (ii) & (iii)
(C) (iii) & (iv)
(C) Diagonal line Y = –x (D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
72. Match the following statements in
(D) Diagonal line Y = x Group 1 with database objects in
Group 2 :
70. Given rx = ry, the following super Group 1
P. View
ellipse has the parameter value Q. Table
= .......... . R. Role
S. Function
Group 2
I. that which contains data
II. that which returns a value
III. that helps in managing groups
of privileges
IV. that which contains only a
stored SQL statement
(A) P I, Q II, R III, S IV
(A) 0.5 (B) 1
(B) P II, Q I, R IV, S III
(C) 1.5 (D) 2 (C) P IV, Q I, R III, S II
(D) P IV, Q III, R I, S II
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73. Every table with two single valued 76. Which amongst the following
attributes is in : statements are correct ?
(A) 2NF (i) Writing a database object
(B) 3NF without reading its initial value
(C) BCNF is called Blind write
(D) All of the above (ii) In wound wait technique, the
74. Database contains two tables : number of rollback is low
Employee (id, name, salary, did) and
(iii) In wait-die technique, the
Dept. (did, dname).
younger transaction is never
Which of the following is an incorrect
rolled back
SQL query ?
(iv) The different locks in 2PL
(A) Select name, dname from
mechanism are shared, read,
employee natural join Dept;
write and unlock.
(B) Delete from employee where did
in (Select did from Dept); (A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
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78. Agglomerative approach of clus- 82. A virtual memory has a page size
tering is one of the..........methods. of 1K words. There are eight pages
(A) Density and four blocks. The associative
(B) Partitioning memory page table contains the
(C) Hierarchical following entries :
(D) Model based
79. What is the default replication factor Page Block
in HDFS for a hadoop cluster having
0 3
100 data nodes ?
(A) 1 2 1
(B) 2 5 2
(C) 3 7 0
(D) 4
Which of the following lists of virtual
80. Which of the following is a wide
addresses (in decimal) will NOT
column store ?
cause any page fault if referenced
(A) Cassandra
by the CPU ?
(B) Riak
(A) 1024, 3072, 4096, 6144
(C) Mango DB
(B) 1234, 4012, 5000, 6200
(D) Redis (C) 1020, 3012, 6120, 8100
81. Consider a system having ‘m’ (D) 2021, 4050, 5112, 7100
resources of the same type. These 83. A memory management system has
resources are shared by three 64 pages with page size of 512 bytes.
processes P1, P2 and P3 which have
Physical memory consists of 32 page
peak demands of 2, 5 and 7 resources
frames. Number of bits required in
respectively. For what value of ‘m’
logical and physical address are
deadlock will not occur ?
respectively :
(A) 70
(A) 14 and 15
(B) 14 (B) 14 and 29
(C) 13 (C) 15 and 14
(D) 7 (D) 16 and 32
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84. A FAT (File Allocation Table) based 86. We need to design a filesystem to
file system is being used and the store image files having maximum
total overhead of each entry in the
one block size. Which of the following
FAT is 4 bytes in size. Given a 100
disk space allocation methods is
× 106 bytes disk on which the file
system is stored and data block size most appropriate to meet this
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(B) User mode and Kernel mode (C) Rapid linear sequence
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(B) What obstacles are you 95. One of the following is most desirable
encountering ?
when using LOC as a size oriented
(C) What is the cause of the
metric ?
problems you are
encountering ? (A) LOC is language dependent
technique ?
(A) Viewpoint
(B) Function Count
(B) Interview
(C) Program Length
(C) Scenario
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97. An independent path is a path 99. When error occurs, the process of
through the program that anticipating such errors through
introduces set of.......... .
setting up error handling paths to
(i) new conditions reroute or terminating processing
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (D) initial, repeatable, managed,
(D) (ii) and (iii) defined, optimizing
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