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(Name) ................................................ Seat No. ..............................................................
2. (Signature) ......................................... (In words)

(Name) ................................................ OMR Sheet No.

JUN - 30220 (To be filled by the Candidate)
Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 48 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 190
Instructions for the Candidates
1. Write your Seat No. and OMR Sheet No. in the space provided 1.
on the top of this page.
2. This paper consists of 190 objective type questions. Each question
will carry two marks. Candidates should attempt all questions 2.
either from sections I & II or from sections I & III only. I II I III
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to the student. In the first 5 minutes, you are
requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as 3.
follows :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
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(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in
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(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
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4. Each question has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
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the correct response against each item.
Example : where (C) is the correct response.

A B D (C)
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10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 10.
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12. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. 12.
JUN - 30220/II—B

JUN - 30220/II—B
Mathematical Science
Paper II
Time Allowed : 120 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 200
Note : This Paper contains One Hundred Ninety (190) multiple choice questions
in THREE (3) sections, each question carrying TWO (2) marks. Attempt
all questions either from Sections I & II only or from Sections I &
III only. The OMR sheets with questions attempted from both the Sections
viz. II & III, will not be assessed.
Number of questions, sectionwise :
Section I : Q. Nos. 1 to 10, Section II : Q. Nos. 11 to 100,
Section III : Q. Nos. 101 to 190.
3. If T : Rn Rm is a linear map, then
1. Let z, w be two complex numbers
such that z w R and z + w R. it is represented by a matrix of

Then : order :
(A) z = w (A) m × n
(B) z w
(B) m × m
(C) z, w R
(C) n × n
(D) z w or z, w R
1 (D) n × m
2. Define f : C – {0} C by f(z) = .
z 4. Let V be a finite dimensional vector
Then the power series expansion
space over R and T L(V). If is
of f(z) about z = 1 in the disc
{z : |z – 1| < 1} is : an eigenvalue of T, then which of

(A) 1 – (z – 1) + (z – 1)2 – (z – 1)3 the following statements is false ?

+ ...........
(A) ker(T – I) {0}
(B) 1 + (z – 1) + (z – 1)2 + (z – 1)3
(B) ker(T – I) = {0}
+ ...........
(C) 1 – z + z2 – z3 + ........... (C) rank(T – I) < dim V

(D) 1 + z + z2 + z3 + ........... (D) det(T – I) = 0

3 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

7. Consider the LP problem :

5. Suppose X is a continuous random
Max Z = 10x1 + 6x2
variable having the following
Subject to the constraints :
probability density function :
5x1 + 3x2 < 30;

f(x) = C(4x – 2x2), 0 < x < 2 x1 + 2x2 < 18 and

= 0, otherwise x1, x2 > 0.

Then the LP has :

What is the value of P[X > 1] ?
(A) No feasible solution
3 (B) Multi-feasible solutions
(B) (C) Unique feasible solution
1 (D) Cannot say anything about
2 solution
(D) 8. Which of the following statement/s
is/are true for an LP problem ?
6. The moment generating function of
(I) Every feasible solution is a basic
a random variable X is given by feasible solution.

(II) If there is a feasible solution,

Mx(t) = exp[2et – 2]. Then E[X] =
then there is a basic feasible
(A) 0 solution.

(B) 1 (A) only (I) is true

(B) only (II) is true

(C) 2
(C) both are true
(D) neither (I) nor (II) is true
JUN - 30220/II—B
9. Let (X n ) be a sequence of real
11. The partial differential equation
numbers and x R. Then which of ut + ux = u2
can be classified as :
the following is true ? (A) Linear
(A) If lim xn x, then xn < x for (B) Non-linear
n (C) Semilinear
all n (D) None of the above
12. The complete integral of the partial
(B) If lim xn x, then there differential equation

exist m and n such that f(p, q) = 0

is :
xm < x < xn (A) z = (a) x + y + b
(B) z = (a) x2 + ay + b
(C) If lim xn does not exist, then
n (C) z = (a) x + ay + b
(x n ) has no subsequence (D) z = x2 + ay + b
13. Consider the following two
converging to x statements :
(I) The set {x, |x|} is linearly
(D) If lim xn x, then xn < x for
n independent on (– , )
infinitely many numbers n (II) The Wronskian W(x, |x|) = 0
on (– , )
10. Define a function f : [0, 1] R as Then :
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true
f ( x) x2 ex 2. Then : (B) Neither (I) nor (II) is true
(A) f(x) = 0 has no solution in (C) Only (I) is true
(D) Only (II) is true
[0, 1] 14. Solution of the differential
(B) f (x) = 0 has a solution in xdy – ydx = 0,
[0, 1] represents a :
(A) straight line
(C) f is increasing (B) hyperbola
(C) parabola
(D) f is not one-one (D) circle
5 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

15. The order and degree of the 17. Consider the following LP
differential equation
2 program :
dy 3 d3 y
1 3 4 Max
dx dx3
is : Z = –3x1 + 2x2
(A) (3, 2) (B) (3, 4)
(C) (3, 3) (D) (2, 3) Subject to the constraints :
16. A dairy firm has three plants P1, P2,
x1 < 3
P3 located in a state. They daily milk
production at each plant (in x1 – x2 < 0
thousand liters) is P1 6, P2 1,
P3 10. Each day, the firm must x1, x2 > 0
fulfil the needs of its four
distribution centers D1, D2, D3, D4. Then the above LP problem has :
The minimum requirement at each
center (in thousand liters) is (A) no feasible solution
D1 7, D2 5, D3 3, D4 2.
(B) feasible solution
Cost in hundred of rupees of
shipping one thousand liters from (C) unbounded solution
each plant to each distribution center
is given below : (D) none of the above
Distribution Center
D1 D2 D3 D4 18. Consider the following statements :

P1 2 3 11 7 (I) Dual of the dual is primal.

Plant P2 1 0 6 1 (II) Every solution of an LP
P3 5 8 15 9 problem is a basic feasible
Then the initial basic feasible by solution.
North-West Corner method is :
(A) Non-degenerate and cost Then which of the following is
associated with this solution is
` 11,600 true ?
(B) degenerate and cost associated
(A) Only (II) is true
with this solution is ` 12,000
(C) non-degenerate and cost (B) Only (I) is true
associated with this solution is
` 12,000 (C) Both are true
(D) degenerate and cost associated
with this solution is ` 11,600 (D) Neither (I) nor (II) is true

JUN - 30220/II—B

19. Consider the LP problem : 21. Let f : D R be defined as

Max Z = 4x1 + 2x2
f(x, y, z) = xyz; where D = {(x, y, z)
Subject to the constraints :
R3/x2 + y2 + z2 < 1}. Let P denote
– x1 – x2 < – 3
– x1 + x2 > – 2 and the plane {(x, y, z)/2x + 3y + 5z = 0}.
x1, x2 > 0. Then f dx dy dz is :
Then the dual of the LP problem D P

is : (A) Undefined
Min. W = ay1 + by2
(B) 0
–py1 + qy2 > 4
–y1 – y2 > 2 and y1, y2 > 0
where the values of a, b, p, q are : (D) 2
(A) a = –3, b = –2, p = –1, q = –1 1 2
(B) a = 3, b = 2, p = –1, q = –1
22. Let A = 3 6 and f : R2 R3 be
(C) a = –3, b = 2, p = 1, q = 1
1 2
(D) a = 3, b = 2, p = –1, q = 1
20. For an LP problem which of the defined as f(x) = Ax. Then which of
following statements is false ? the following statements is
(A) If the feasible region is a false ?
polyhedron, then at least one (A) f is continuous function
basic feasible solution is optimal
(B) f is differentiable function
(B) If an optimal solution exists,
(C) f maps open neighbourhood of
then the feasible region is
bounded origin to an open neighbour-

(C) If the half spaces corresponding hood

to the constraints do not (D) the directional derivative of f in
intersect, the problem has no
feasible solution
(D) The set of all feasible solutions direction of (1, 0) is 3
to the problem is a convex set 1

7 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B
23. The vector normal to the gradient 27. Let R[X] be the polynomial ring in
of the function f : R3 R defined one indeterminate over the field of
by real numbers. Then in the quotient
f(x, y, z) = xy + y2 + z ring R[X]/<X 8 + 1> number of
at the point P = (1, –1, 1) is : maximal ideals is :
(A) (–3, –3, 0) (A) 1
(B) (3, 0, 3) (B) 2
(C) (–3, 0, 3) (C) 3
(D) (1, 0, 0) (D) 4
24. Let f be a non-constant analytic 28. Let p be an odd prime number and
function on the unit disc.
Z p {a b p }| a, b Z}
Then which of the following is
impossible ?
( C). Then the ring Z p is :
(A) f(G) {z : Re(z) > 1}
(B) f(G) = {z : |z| < 2} (A) not a Euclidean domain, but is
(C) f(G) = {z : |z| > 1} a PID (Principal ideal domain)
(D) f(G) = {z : |z| = 1} (B) Not a PID, but is an UFD
25. Let a, b C and D be a disc in C (C) Neither Euclidean domain, nor
and f(z) = aez + be–z for all z C. a PID, but is an UFD
If f(z) = 0 for all z D, then : (D) not an UFD
(A) a = 0 and b = 0 29. Let C be a region and H( ) be
(B) a = 0 and b = 1 the set of all analytic functions on
(C) a = 1 and b = 0 , then :
(D) a = 1 and b = 1
(A) H( ) is an integral domain
26. Let f : C C be a non-constant
which does not satisfy ascending
analytic such that |f (z)| < f(z)| for
chain condition on ideals
all z C. Then :
(B) H( ) is a unique factorisation
(A) is not analytic domain
(C) H( ) is a finite dimensional
(B) f is a polynomial
vector space over C
(C) f (z) = 0 for some z
(D) H( ) has only finitely many
(D) f = cf for some constant c
maximal ideals
JUN - 30220/II—B
30. F or x, y R, let d(x, y) = |x – y|. 33. Let G be a group of prime power
Then :
(A) (–1, 1) is complete in d order. Then :

(B) (–1, 1) is not complete in d, but (A) G is abelian

there is a complete metric on
(–1, 1) inducing the same (B) G is simple
topology on (–1, 1) as of d (C) G is solvable
(C) every metric on (–1, 1) inducing
the same topology as that of d (D) G has a Sylow subgroup which
is complete is abelian
(D) no metric on (–1, 1) inducing
the same topology as that of d 34. Which of the following rings is not
is complete noetherian ?
31. Let X = {(x, y) R2 : |x| |y| = 1}
and Y = {(x, y) R2 : |x| + |y| (A) Q[x1, x2, x3, ........]
= 1}. Then : (B) Z[x]
(A) X and Y are compact
(B) X is compact, but Y is not (C) Z[ 2 ]
compact (D) R[x, y]/(x2 + y2 + 1)
(C) Y is compact, but X is not
compact 35. Let K/F be a Galois extension of
(D) neither X nor Y is compact fields. If Gal(K/F) is isomoprhic to S3,
32. Let E be a measurable subset of R
the number of fields L such that
such that m(k) = 0 for all compact
subsets k of E. Then : F L K is :
(A) E is bounded
(A) 6
(B) For > 0 there is an open set
U in R such that E U and (B) 4
m(U) <
(C) 10
(C) E is a G -set
(D) E is an F!-set (D) 8
9 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

36. Let X and Y be Banach spaces and 38. Let C [0, 1] = {f : [0, 1] R : f is
T:X Y be a bijective continuous differentiable on [0, 1] and f is
linear map. If "" . ""1 and "" . ""2 denote continuous} and C[0, 1] = {f : [0, 1]
the norms on X and Y respectively,
: f is continuous on [0, 1] with
define "" x ""3 = "" Tx ""2 and "" y ""4 =
"" f "" = sup{|f (t)| : t [0, 1]}. Let
"" x ""1, where Tx = y, for all x X
D : C1[0, 1] C[0, 1] be defined as
and y Y. Then :
Df = f and I : C[0, 1] C[0, 1] be
(A) "" . ""1 and "" . ""3 are equivalent,
but "" . ""2 and "" . ""4 are not always defined as I(f)(x) = f (t) dt. Then :
(A) D and I are continuous linear
(B) "" . ""2 and "" . ""4 are equivalent,
but "" . ""1 and "" . ""3 are not always
(B) D is continuous, but I is not
(C) I is continuous, but D is not
(C) "" . ""1 is equivalent to "" . ""3 and
"" . ""2 is equivalent to "" . ""4 (D) both D and I are not continuous

(D) neither "" . "" 1 is always 39. Let X and Y be topological spaces

equivalent to "" . ""3, nor "" . ""2 is and f : X Y be continuous.

always equivalent to "" . ""4 (1) f (A) f (A) , (2) f (Å) f (Å) and

37. Let T : l 2 l 2 be defined by (3) f (#A) #f(A). For every subset

Ten = 0 if n is odd and Ten = en /2 A of X :

if n is even. Then : (A) (1), (2) and (3) are true

(A) T is normal (B) (1) and (2) are true, but not (3)

(B) T is self-adjoint (C) (1) and (3) are true but not (2)

(C) T is unitary (D) (1) is true and (2) and (3) are

(D) T*T = I = the identity map not

JUN - 30220/II—B

40. Let X = {(x, y) R2 : x2 + y2 < 1} 42. Consider the following statements

$ {(x, y) R2 : (x – 2)2 + y2 < 1} about a lattice L :
and Y = {(x, y) R2 : x2 + y2 < 1} (i) Every ideal of L is a prime ideal.
U {(x, y) R2 : (x – 3)2 + y2 < 1} (ii) L is a chain.
and Z = {(x, y) R2 : x2 + y2 < 1, Then which of the following is
x 0} be subspaces of the Euclidean correct ?
space R2. Then : (A) (I) implies (II) but not

(A) X and Y are homeomorphic conversely

to Z (B) (II) implies (I) but not

(B) X is homeomorphic to Y, but not conversely

to Z (C) (I) if and only if (II)

(C) X is homeomorphic to Z, but not (D) Neither (I) implies (II) nor (II)
implies (I)
to Y
43. Let G be a connected graph with at
(D) none of X or Y or Z is
least 3 vertices such that removal
homeomorphic to the other
of any edge of G disconnects the
graph. Then which of the following
41. Let {f : R R : f is continuous such
is not true ?
that f(t) = 0 for all t in a subfield
(A) G has no circuit
of R} = X. Then X contains :
(B) There is a unique path in G
(A) uncountable number of
between any pair of distinct
(B) countably infinite number of (C) G has at least two pendant
points vertices
(C) finitely many elements > 2 (D) G has at least two spanning
(D) only one element trees

11 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

44. Given a group of n married women 46. Consider the function

and their n husbands at least how f(x) = |x| –1 < x < 1
many people be chosen from this Then the Fourier series for f is :
group of 2n people to guarantee the 1 4 cos x cos 3 x
(A) 2
set contains a married couple ? 2 12 32

(A) n – 1 1 4 sin x sin 3 x

(B) 2
2 12 32
(B) n
1 4 cos x cos 3 x
(C) n + 1 (C) 2
2 12 32
(D) n + 2
4 sin x sin 3 x
45. Let u1 and u2 be solution of the 2
12 32
equation : 1 4 cos x cos 3 x
(D) 2
%u = 1 in D 2 12 32

u = 0 on #D 4 sin x sin 3 x
12 32
where D = {(x, y) R2/(x – 2)2 +

(y – 1)2 < 1/4} 47. The equation 3uxx – x2uy + 5u = 0

and #D = {(x, y) R2/(x – 2)2 + transforms under the change of

(y – 1)2 = 1/4} is the boundary
variables to polar coordinates is :
of D.

If u1(2, 1) = u2(2, 1); then : (A) a non-linear equation

(A) u1 is a constant function (B) a hyperbolic equation

(B) u2 is a constant function
(C) an elliptic equation
(C) u1 & u2 & a constant function

(D) u1 & u2 in D (D) a parabolic equation

JUN - 30220/II—B

48. The linear diophantine equation 51. A dynamical system consists of three
7x 8 y 5 has :
particles m1, m2, m3 in motion in
(A) exactly one integer solution
space. The distance between m1 and
(B) exactly two integer solutions
(C) infinitely many integer m2, m2 and m3, m1 and m3 remain

solutions and the difference constant throughout the motion. The

between any two values of x in
motion will be governed by n Euler
the solutions is divisible by 8.
Lagrange equations. Then :
(D) infinitely many integer
solutions and the difference (A) n = 7
between any two values of x in
(B) n = 6
the solutions is divisible by 7
(C) n = 9
49. Which of the following is a quadratic
residue modulo 43 ? (D) n = 3
(A) –1 52. A particle of mass m is moving in
(B) 40
a two-dimensional space. Its kinetic
(C) 2
energy in terms of polar co-ordinates
(D) 3
50. If µ is the Mobius function and n is given by :

is a positive integer, then µ(n) 1

(A) m(r 2 r 2' 2 )
µ(n + 1) µ(n + 2) µ(n + 3) is equal 2
to : 1
(B) m(r 2 r '2 )
(A) 4 2

(B) 0 1
(C) m(r 2 r 2 '2 )
(C) 1
(D) 6 (D) m(r 2 r '2 )
13 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

53. Let the Hamiltonian of a system be 55. If velocity components are time
independent, then :
p2 k2 q2
H= . If C1, C2 denote
2 2 (A) Only stream lines and path

arbitrary constants the general lines are coincident

(B) Only stream lines and streak
solution of q is :
lines are coincident
(A) q(t) = C1 cos kt + C2 sin kt
(C) Only path lines and streak lines
(B) q(t) = kt + C1 are coincident

(C) q(t) = C1ekt + C2e–kt (D) Stream lines, path lines and
streak lines are coincident
(D) q(t) = C1 cos k2t + C2 sin k2t
56. Velocity potential function for a
54. Consider a single operator equation
steady flow exists, if :
L = IW representing the relation (A) flow is only incompressible
between angular momentum vector (B) flow is inviscid, incompressible
and angular velocity : and irrotational
(C) flow is inviscid, incompressible
(A) The operator equation represents
and rotational
linear transformation
(D) flow is only inviscid
(B) The vectors L and W have the = (x t) (y t) represents
57. If
same dimensions the velocity potential of an
(C) The vectors L and W are two incompressible two-dimensional
fluid then the stream lines at time
physically different vectors
t are the curves :
having different dimensions
(A) (x – t)2 – (y – t)2 = constant
(D) The operator I acting upon the (B) (x – t)2 + (y – t)2 = constant
vector W represents orthogonal (C) x2 – y2 = t2
rotation (D) x2 + y2 = t2

JUN - 30220/II—B

58. In a uniform stream with complex 60. Let U be an open subset of R2 and

potential Uz, a two-dimensional S be a smooth surface in R3. If

source of strength m is situated at !:U S is a regular surface patch

the point (a, 0). The stagnation point !u . !u !u . !v

such that det 1
is at : !u . !v !v . !v

a Then :
(A) z m
U (A) ! is an isometry
(B) z = 0 (B) ! is conformal, but not an
U isometry
(C) z a
(C) ! preserves area, but need not
(D) z a be conformal
59. Let the first and second fundamental (D) ! preserves area and conformal

forms associated with a surface patch 61. L et S = {(x, y, f(x, y) R3|(x, y) U}

be respectively Edu2 + 2F dudv + where U is open in R 2 and

f : U R is smooth. If f admits a
Gdv2 and Ldu2 + 2M dudv + Ndv2.
local maximum at p and a local
If S = and T = , minimum at q, then the Gaussian
curvatures k1 and k2 to S at the
then :
points (p, f(p)) and (q, f(q))
(A) S and T are non-singular
respectively satisfy :
(B) S is non-singular and T may not
(A) k1, k2 > 0
(C) T is not-singular and S may not (B) k1 > 0, k2 < 0

be (C) k1 < 0, k2 > 0

(D) S and T are singular (D) k1, k2 < 0

15 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

/4 64. Consider the functional

62. The functional ( y2 y 2 ) dx
J[ y] F(x, y, y ( dx
satisfying y(0) = 0 attains its a

extremal on : 1 y2
where F(x, y, y ( 2
(A) y = x
for admissible function y(x). Which
(B) y = 0
of the following are extremals
(C) y = sin x for J ?

(A) y(x) = A sin x where A is

(D) y = cos x
63. Let J( y) ( y ey xy2 ) dx be a (B) y(x) = A sinh x + B cosh x,
A, B are constants
functional defined on C1[–1, 1].
(C) y(x) = sinh (Ax + B) where
Then the variation of the integral
A, B are constants
J[y] is :
(D) y(x) = A sin x + B cos x, where
1 A, B are constants
(A) ( y ey ey y 2 xyy ) dx
1 65. The shortest distance between the

1 parabola y = x2 and the straight line

(B) (y 2 ey y2 2 xyy ) dx x – y = 5 is :
(A) 0

(C) [[ y e y 2 xy] y e y y ] dx (B) 5

19 2
1 8
(D) [[ y e y 2 xy y2 ] y e y y ] dx
1 (D) 5

JUN - 30220/II—B

66. For the Fredholm integral 68. The solution of the Volterra integral

equation equation of first kind

b t
u(t) k(t, s) u( s) ds f (t) et s
u(s) ds,
a 0

with separable kernel, Fredholm where f(t) is known function, is :

determinant D( ) 0. Then the (A) tf (t) f (t )
integral equation has :
(B) f (t) f ( t)
(A) unique zero solution
(C) f (t) tf (t)
(B) unique non-zero solution
(D) t f (t) f (t )
(C) infinitely many solutions
69. Which of the following is not
(D) no solution
correct ?
67. Eigen value and eigen function of the

homogeneous integral equation (A) E = 1 + %

1 (B) % = )(1 – ))–1

t s
u(t) e u( s) ds
0 (C) ) = E–1 %
is : (D) 1 + % = (E + 1))–1
2 2
(A) 2
, u(t) et 70. If u1 = 1, u3 = 17, u4 = 43 and
e 1
u5 = 89, then value of u2 is :
2 t
(B) , u(t) e
e2 1 (A) 3
e2 1
(C) , u(t) et (B) 5
(C) 13
e2 1 t2
(D) , u(t) e
2 (D) 15

17 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

71. Let y = f(x) takes the values y0, y1, 73. Fourier cosine transform of

........, yn, for a = x0, x1 = x0 + h, ........, t2 is :

f ( t) e
xn = x0 + nh = b. Then the value
1 4 s2
b (A) e
f ( x)dx by Trapezoidal rule 2
1 2 s2
is : (B) e
(A) [2( y0 y1 ) ( y2 ....... yn )]
2 s2
1 2
(C) e
h 2
(B) [( y yn ) 2( y1 y2 ...... yn 1 )]
2 0
h s2
(C) [2( y0 yn ) ( y1 y2 ...... yn 1 )] 1 4
(D) e
2 2
(D) [( y y1 ) 2( y2 ...... yn )]
2 0 74. If L{f(t)} = F(s) and L{g(t)} = G(s),

72. Laplace transform of J0(a t) where t h en L –1{(F(s)G(s)} is :

J0 denotes the Bessel function of t

zero order is : (A) f ( x) g ( t x) dx

(A) 2
s a2 t

(B) f ( x) g( x) dx
1 0
s2 a2

1 (C) f ( x ) g (t x) dx
(C) 0
s2 a2
(D) (D) f ( x t ) g( x t) dx
s2 a2 0

JUN - 30220/II—B

75. Consider the non-linear prog- 78. Consider (R, µ) be Lebesgue

ramming problem
measure space. Define
Max. Z = 10x1 – x22
Subject to the constraints : *(A) = f ( x) d+ where
x1 + x2 < 14 A

– x1 + x2 < 6 and x1, x2 > 0 , sin x 0 x 2

f ( x) -
Then the Lagrangian function is : . 0 otherwise
(A) (10 x1 x22 ) 1 ( x1 x2 r12 14) Then :
2( x1 x2 r22 6) (A) * is a measure
(B) (10 x1 x22 ) 1 ( x1 x2 r1 14) (B) * is a signed measure
2( x1 x2 r2 6) (C) * is both measure and signed
(C) (10 x1 x22 ) 1( x1 x2 r1 14) measure
2 ( x1 x2 r2 6) (D) * is neither a measure nor a
(D) (10 x1 x22 ) r12 signed measure
1 ( x1 x2 14)
r22 79. Let * be a signed measure on (X, m).
2 ( x1 x2 6)
76. The number of positive integers, not Let P be a positive set and N be a
greater than 100 which are not negative set. Then :
divisible by 2, 3 or 5, is : (A) P N is a positive set

(A) 20 (B) P N is a negative set

(C) P N is a null set
(B) 25
(D) P N is not measurable
(C) 26
80. Which of the following subsets of R
(D) 30
has non-zero Lebesgue measure ?
77. L et k, k and be the vertex
connectivity, edge connectivity and , 1 /
(A) - n :n N0
minimum degree respectively of . n 1
graph G. Then : (B) The cantor set
(A) < k
(C) { a b 2 : a, b Q}
(B) k < k
(C) k = k , whenever G is 3-regular (D) The set of limit points of Q
(D) = k , whenever G is regular in R
19 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B
81. Let the middle number of the three 84. Consider the function
distinct real numbers a, b and c be
mid{a, b, c}. Then mid{a, b, c} = , 1
(A) min{max{a, b}, min{b, c} 2 x sin , if 0 x 1
f ( x) - x
min{a, c}} 20 , if x 0
(B) min{max{a, b}, max{b, c}
max{a, c}} Then which of the following
statements is true ?
(C) max{max{a, b}, max{b, c}
(A) f is Riemann integrable
min{a, c}}
(B) f is not continuous at x = 0
(D) max{max{a, b}, max{b, c}
max{a, c}} (C) f is of bounded variation

82. Let (x n ) be a sequence of real (D) f is differentiable at x = 0

numbers. Then(x n ) has a 85. Con si der R with the metric defined
subsequence which is : by :

(A) monotone ,1, if x y

d(x, y) = -
(B) bounded
. 0, if x y
(C) cauchy
Which of the following statements
(D) convergent is true for (R, d) ?
83. Consider the following statements : (A) (0, 1) is not closed
(a) There is a continuous map from (B) (0, ) is unbounded
[0, 1] onto (0, 1) (C) [0, 1] is not compact
(b) There is a continuous map from (D) {1, 2, ......, 100} is not open
(0, 1) onto [0, 1]
86. For a complex number z, the
Then : inequality |z – i| < |z + i| is :
(A) only (a) is true (A) never true
(B) only (b) is true (B) always true
(C) both (a) and (b) are true (C) true if and only if Im(z) > 0
(D) both (a) and (b) are false (D) true if and only if Re(z) > 0

JUN - 30220/II—B
89. The value of the integral
87. Which of the following sets is
1 1
mapped onto the right half plane z3 cos dz
2 i | z| 1
under the map f(z) = sin z ?
is :
, / (A) 0
(A) - z : 0 Re( z) 0
. 21 (B) 1
, / (C)
(B) - z : Im( z) 0 6
. 2 21
, / 24
(C) - z : 0 Im( z) 0
. 21 90. Consider the function
1 .
, / f ( z)
(D) - z : Re( z) 0 2
z sin z
. 2 21
Then :
88. Consider the following statements : (A) f has a pole of order 1 at
z = 0
(a) Every non-negative harmonic (B) f has a pole of order 2 at
function on C is constant. z = 0
(b) Every harmonic function on (C) the residue of f at z = 0 is
C – {0} has a harmonic
conjugate (D) the residue of f at z = 0 is
Then : 91. Let : G G be a surjective group
homomorphism. Then :
(A) only (a) is true (A) If G is cyclic, then G is cyclic
(B) If G is cyclic, then G is cyclic
(B) only (b) is true
(C) G is cyclic if and only if G is
(C) both (a) and (b) are true cyclic
(D) If G is not cyclic, then G is not
(D) both (a) and (b) are false cyclic
21 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

92. Let n be a square free natural 96. T 1 , T 2 and T 3 are three maps
defined on R3 as :
number. Then the quotient ring
Q[X]/<X2 – n> is : x x 1 x
(A) not a field T1 y y , T2 y
(B) an integral domain which is not z z z
a field
x x y
(C) not an integral domain
T3 y y z
(D) an integral domain .
z z x
93. Every finite group is isomorphic to
Which of these maps are linear ?
a subgroup of :
(A) T1, T2, T3
(A) a cyclic group (B) T1, T2,
(B) Zn for some n > 1 (C) T 3
(C) Sn for some n > 1 (D) T1, T3
97. Let T be a linear operator on R4
(D) (R, +)
having the minimal polynomial
94. Let ! be a permutation in Sn. Let (x + 1)3. Then which of the following
! = !1, !2 ......... !k, where !1, !2, statements is true ?
....., !k are disjoint cycles of lengths (A) T is diagonalizable over R
(B) T is nilpotent
l1, l2, ......., lk respectively. Then the
(C) T is triangulable over R
order of ! is equal to : (D) characteristic polynomial of T is
(A) l1 + l2 + ......... + lk (x + 1)3
98. Let V be a finite dimensional vector
(B) l1 . l2 ......... lk
space over K and W be a subspace
(C) gcd(l1, ........., lk) of V. Then which of the following
statements is true ?
(D) lcm(l1, ........., lk)
95. Which of the following is a principal (A) dim V = dim W + dim
ideal of Z[x] ? V
(B) dim V = dim W – dim
(A) (2, x) W
(B) (3, x) V
(C) dim V = dim W + dim
(C) (x, x2 – x, x + 4) W
(D) (2x, 3x, x2) (D) dim V = dim
JUN - 30220/II—B
99. Let T be a linear operator on R3, SECTION III
given by :
101. To test the equality of r indepen-
x 2x 2y z
dent multinomial distributions,
T y 2y z
multinomial (k, pi1 , pik ) i = 1 .... r
z 2x 3y z
Then the matrix representation of the null hypothesis is H0 : Pij = Pj
T with respect to standard basis of 3 j = 1 ...... k where pj are unknown
R3 is :
j = 1 ....... k, a 42 test statistic is used.
2 2 1
The degrees of freedom of the 42 test
0 2 1
(A) are :
2 3 1
(A) k(r – 1)
2 3 1
(B) r(k – 1)
0 2 1
(C) rk – 1
2 2 1
(D) (r – 1) (k – 1)
2 0 2
2 2 3 102. X and Y are two continuous random
1 1 1 variables independent of each other.

1 1 1 The combined sample based on two

2 0 2 independent samples of size 5 and

2 2 3 4 on X and Y respectively has the
100. Let A and B be real n × n matrices. following pattern :
Which of the following statements y4 < x1 < x5 < y3 < x2 < y1 < y2 <
is false ?
(A) If A–1 and B–1 are congruent, x4 < x3
then so are A and B Hence the value of Mann-Whitney-
(B) If At and Bt are congruent, then
Wilcoxon test statistic is :
so are A and B
(C) If both A and B are congruent (A) 6
to the identity matrix, then they (B) 8
are congruent
(D) If both A and B have the same (C) 10
rank, then they are congruent (D) 12
23 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

103. There are four jobs J1, J2, J3, J4 that 106. Consider a population of N = nk
need to be processed on two
units with k > 1. A sample of size
machines M1 and M2 in sequence.
The processing times are given in n is obtained by the following
the following table : method :

J1 J2 J3 J4 (i) A unit is drawn from the set of

M1 6 10 4 7 units labelled {k, 2k, ......., N}
M2 4 8 9 2 with probability 1/n and is
The total processing time to complete included in the sample.
all the jobs on both the machines
(ii) A SRSWOR of size n – 1 is then
is :
(A) 30 obtained from the remaining
(B) 32 N – 1 units in the population
(C) 33
and these units are included in
(D) 35
104. Re-order level for an item is the sample.
always : Then,
(A) Less than minimum stock
(B) More than minimum stock (A) The sampling method
(C) Same as the minimum stock corresponds to a systematic
(D) More than the average stock sample
105. Consider the following two M/M/1
queueing systems where : (B) There is no unbiased estimator
I n Q 1 : arrival rate , service rate µ of the population total
In Q2 : arrival rate 2 , service rate 2µ
(C) Inclusion probability is not the
Let W 1 and W 2 be the average
waiting times of an arriving customer same for all the population
in Q1 and Q2 respectively. Then :
(A) W1 < W2
(B) W1 = W2 (D) The sample mean is an
(C) W1 > W2 unbiased estimator of the
(D) The relation between W 1
population mean
and W2 cannot be decided

JUN - 30220/II—B
107. Let VSY be the variance of the usual 109. Under a randomized block design
estimator in a systematic sampling
2 with V treatments and r replication
design and VSRS the variance of the
sample mean in a SRSWOR design. which of the following is most
It is known that the population
correct ?
has a linear trend, i.e., y i is
approximately equal to ic, for a (A) All pairwise contrasts 6i 6j
positive c, i = 1, 2, ......, N. Then :
among the unknown treatment
(A) 2 2
effects 6. i = 1 ...... V are
(B) VSY 2
estimable and are estimated

(D) It is not possible to compare the with common variance

two estimators based on the
(B) All contrasts of the type
given information
108. Under one way fixed effects ANOVA 7 C i 6 i , 7 Ci 0, 7 Ci2 1 are
i 1 i 1 i 1
which of the following parametric
functions are estimable, where the estimable and are estimated

model is : with common variance

i 1 ......... p
yij + 6i ij j 1 ........ ni , (C) The best linear unbiased

are independent identically estimators 6ˆ i 6ˆ j 1 i j V
distributed with zero mean and
are all uncorrelated with each
finite variance.
(A) + 61 62 other
(B) 61 63
(D) All the above (A), (B), (C) are
(C) 261 62
(D) 61 6p 263

25 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

110. Under an unconfounded 23 factorial 111. Let B be the !-field of subsets of R

experiment with factors, A, B, C generated by {(a, b)|a, b R}.

in two replicates arranged in a Which of the following is not

randomized block design which of true ?

the following statements is not (A) Every countable subset of

correct ? R B

(A) All factorial effects are (B) All closed intervals B

estimated with same precision (C) All uncountable subsets of

(B) Best linear unbiased estimators R B

of the 7 factorial effects are (D) Intervals of the form [a, b) B

mutually uncorrelated with 112. Consider the following set function

each other + on a !-field 8

(C) The error sum of squares has +(A) = 0 if A is empty

an additional degree of freedom = 1 if A is non-empty and finite

than that of the treatment sum = if A is infinite

of squares Then :

(D) Total number of degrees of (A) + is not monotone

freedom equal twice those (B) + is not !-additive

carried by the treatment sum of (C) + is finite

squares (D) + is a measure in 8

JUN - 30220/II—B

113. Let R be the set of real numbers, 114. Let {Xn, n > 1} be a sequence of

B the Borel !-field. Let ‘m’ denotes

independent identically distributed
the Lebesgue measure and + the
random variables with mean 0 and
measure defined by the function

F(x) = (1 – e–x) if x > 0 finite variance !2 > 0 :

and F(x) = 0 elsewhere. X1 X2 ....... X

Let Sn 2
Consider the statements :
Then, which of the following is
(I) µ << m, (i.e. µ is absolutely
false ?
continuous w.r.t. m)
(II) m < < µ (A) P lim Sn e n 0 1

d+ x d+
(III) ( x) e x > 0, ( x) 0, (B) As n , Sn eSn converges to
dm dm

x 0 a normal random variable with

Which of the above statements are

mean ‘0’ and variance !2
true ?
(C) As n , Sn converges to ‘0’
(A) (I) and (II) only
in probability
(B) (I) and (III) only
(D) As n , eSn converges to 1
(C) (II) and (III) only

with probability 1
(D) All the three

27 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B
115. Let {Xn, n > 1} be a sequence of i.i.d.
117. Let {X n } be a sequence of
random variables with mean 3 and
variance 11. Which of the following
independent and uniformly bounded
i s not always correct ? As n .
1 n 2
(A) 7X
nk1 k
converges in random variables, and E[Xn] = 0,

probability to 2 1
and Var(Xn) = for each n.
2 (2n)
1 n
(B) 7X
nk1 k
converges in
Let S n = X 1 + ....... + X n and
probability to 9
1 n
(C) 7
(X k 3)2 converges in ! 2n Var(Sn )

probability to ‘0’
2 Then which of the following is not
(D) 7 n
converges in
k 1 true ?
probability to ‘0’
116. Let {Xn, n > 1} be a sequence of Sn
(A) does not converge in
random variables such that !n

P lim X n X 1 for some r.v. X. distribution


Then which of the following is not Sn

(B) ! converges in distribution to
always correct ? n

(A) nlim E cos(X n ) E[cos(X)] a normal random variable

(B) nlim E exp(it X n ) n

E[exp(it X)] (C) nlim 7 !3 E[|X k|3 ] = 0
k 1 n

(C) P lim exp(X n ) exp(X) 1

(D) nlim 0 in probability
! 2n
(D) nlim E[exp (X n )] E[exp (X)]

JUN - 30220/II—B

118. Let {X n } be a sequence of 120. Suppose a distribution function

independent random variables such
F:R [0, 1] of a random variable
that E[Xn] = 0 and Var(Xn) = 2 , X is as follows :
n = 1, 2, ........ Let E = - 9 |7 X n (w) , 0, if x 2,
. n 2
2 1/3, if 2 x 0,
/ 2
converges 0 . F( x) - 1/2, if 0 x 5,
1 2 2
Then which of the following is 21 / 2 ( x 5) / 2, if 5 x 6,
2. 1, if x : 6.
always correct ?
(A) 0 < P(E) < 1
Then E(X) is :
(B) P(E) = 11
2 (A)
(C) P(E) = 0
(D) P(E) = 1 1
119. Let Y1, Y2 ......... be a sequence of 6

independent random variables with 125

mean zero and let Fn = !(Y1, ..., Yn). 6
n 13
Define X n 7 Yk ; W = Y and
1 1
k 1

W n+1 = Wn + Y n+1 Wn2 and 121. Which of the following statements

n is correct ?
Tn = 7 (Yk 1) . Then :
k 1 The set of points of continuities of
(A) Both {X n } and {W n } are a distribution function is :
(A) uncountable
(B) Only {Xn} is a Fn-martingale
(C) Both {X n } and {T n } are (B) countable
Fn-martingales (C) finite
(D) All the three sequences are
Fn-martingales (D) empty

29 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

122. Suppose X and Y are two random 124. It is given that the distribution of

variables whose third order Y given X = x is Normal (x, x2).

m om ent s exi st . T hen (E(| X + Y| 3))1/3 Suppose X ~ U(0, 1). Then, which

is less than or equal to : of the following statements is not

(A) (E(|X|3))1/3 (E(|Y|3))1/3 true ?

(B) (E(|X|3))1/3 + (E(|Y|3))1/3 (A) E(Y) = 1/2

(C) (E(|X|) + E(|Y|))1/3 (B) Var(Y) = 5/12

(C) Cov(X, Y) = 3/12

(D) (E|X| . E|Y|)1/3
(D) Corr(X, Y) = 1
123. Suppose X is an absolutely
125. Let X (t) be the characteristic
continuous random variable with
function of X ~ N 3 (+, ;). Then
probability density function f(.) and
EX1 X 22 X 3 is given by :
characteristic function (.). Suppose

(.) is a Riemann integrable on R. ( 1)4 #4 X t

Then : t 0

1 ( 1)3 #3 t
(A) f ( x) eiux (u) du X
2 (B)
R #t1#t2#t3
t1 1, t2 2, t3 1
f ( x) e (u)du
( 1)3 #4 X t
1 iux #t1#t22#t3
(C) f ( x) 2
e (u) du t1 1, t2 2, t3 1

#4 X t
1 iux (D)
(D) f ( x) 2
e (u)du
0 t1 1, t2 2, t3 1

JUN - 30220/II—B

126. Let f ( x| ') e ( x ')

x : ' and let the 128. Suppose {X1, X2, ......., Xn} is a random
sam pl e of si ze n from the N(µ, !2)
prior for ' be given by (') = e–'
distribution, µ R, !2 > 0. Suppose
0 < ' < . Then :
!ˆ 2n and Tn denote the maximum
(A) the posterior distribution for '
likelihood estimator and the
does not exist UMVUE of !2 respectivley. Which
(B) the posterior distribution for ' of the following statements is
correct ?
is U(0, x).
(A) !ˆ 2n has smaller variance than
(C) the posterior distribution for '
that of Tn
is exponential distribution
(B) !ˆ 2n has smaller MSE than that
(D) the posterior distribution for '
of Tn
exists but its mean is not finite
(C) !ˆ 2n has larger variance than
127. Suppose X1, ......., Xn are independent
that of Tn
random variables with probability
(D) !ˆ 2n and Tn have the same MSE
density function
129. Suppose f(x, ') is a probability
, 1 density function of X for which
2 , if i' xi i'
f ( xi , ') - 2i' differentiation under integral sign is
2 0, otherwise.
. permissible.
Then the minimal sufficient statistic d
Then E log f (X, ') is :
for ' is : d'

(A) {X(1), ....... X(n)} (A) equal to the Fisher information

(B) max{|X1|, |X2|/2, ..... |Xn|/n} (B) less than zero

(C) max{|X1, X2/2, X3/3, ..... Xn/n} (C) less than 1

(D) min{|X1, X2/2, X3/3, ..... Xn/n} (D) equal to zero

31 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B
132. Su p p ose {X 1 , X 2, ......., X n } are
130. Suppose {X1, X2, ......., Xn} is a random
independent and identically
sample Poisson distribution with distributed random variables each
having the probability density
mean '. Then the uniformly most function :
powerful test for testing H0 : ' = 1 f ( x) , x : '
against H1 : ' > 1 : Then :
n 4'
(A) rejects H0 if X < c1 or X > c2 (A) n X 1 L
4 3
for some c1, c2 z ~ N(0, 16 ' /27)

(B) rejects H0 if X < c for some c n 4'

(B) n X 1 L
4 3
(C) rejects H0 if X > c for some c
z ~ N(0, '/3)
(D) rejects H0 if c1 < X < c2 for some n 4'
(C) n X 1 L
4 3
c1, c2
z ~ N(0, 16 '2/27)
131. Suppose {X1, X2, ......, Xn} is a random
n 4'
(D) n X 1 L
sample of size n from the U(0, ') 4 3
z ~ N(0, 16 '/27)
distribution. Then : 133. Let X1, X2, ........, Xn be iid f(x, ', 6),
where :
(A) Sample mean X n is consistent
e x6 1
f ( x; ', 6) .
for ' (6) '6

(B) Sample median is cosistent Then, n (log X log 6') d z, where

z is distributed as :
for '
(A) N(0, 1)
(C) 2 X n is consistent for ' (B) N(0, 1/6)
(C) N(0, 62/'2)
(D) X(1) is consistent for '
(D) N(0, '2/62)
JUN - 30220/II—B

134. Let X1, X2, ......., Xn be iid U(0, ') 136. Let X ~ N4 (+, ;) where eigen values

Define T1 = X and T2 = (X(1) + of ; are given by 1

= 6, 2
= 4,

X(n))/2. Where X(1) = min(X1, ... Xn), 3

= 3, 4
= 2. Let Yi be the principal
component corresponding to ,
X(n) = max (X1 .... Xn). Then : i
i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then which of
(A) both T 1 and T 2 are equally
the following statements is not
efficient when n = 2
correct ?
(B) ARE(T1, T2) > 1 when n > 2 (A) Yi, i = 1, ...., 4 are mutually
(C) ARE(T1, T2) < 1 for all n independently distributed
(D) ARE(T1, T2) 0 as n (B) Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 are identically

135. For a sample correlation coefficient normally distributed

r, it is known that : (C) The percentage of variation

explained by Y 1 and Y 2 is
n r < d N(0, (1 <2 )2 ),
greater than 60%
where < is the population correlation
(D) Y4 explains the smallest portion
coefficient. For what transformation
of variance
137. Let X ~ Nn (+, ;) where ; is a +ve
n ( g(r) g(<)) d N(0, 1) ? definite matrix. Then which of the
following is a necessary condition for
1 <
(A) log 1 < Y = AX to have independently
distributed marginal distributions ?
1 1 <
(B) log
2 1 < (A) A is any non-singular matrix

1 (B) A is an idempotent matrix

(C) log(1 <)
2 (C) A is an orthogonal matrix
1 1 < (D) Columns of A form orthonormal
(D) 2 log 1 <
eigen vectors of ;
33 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

138. Let X ~ N(0, ;) where ; is a +ve

140. Let X ~ N n (0, ! 2In ) .
definite matrix, and A is an

idempotent matrix of rank k < P. Let n

1 –1
Z = X ; AX. Then mean and
Let Y 7 X 2i /! 2 and Qi = X A i X
i 1

variance of z respectively equal : with rank (Ai) = ri, i = 1, 2, ....., k. Let

(A) n, 2n k
Y= 7 Qi . Then Q1, Q2, ...., Qk are
(B) k, 2k i 1

(C) k, k independently distributed if and only

(D) n, n
if :
139. Let X ~ N3 (+, ;) with

1 < <2 k

;= < 1 0
(A) ri > 0 3 i and 7 ri n
i 1
<2 0 1
Then the conditional distribution of
(B) ri > 0 3 i and = ri n
(X1, X2) given X3 = x3 is N2(+*, ;*) i 1

where +* and ;* are respectively

given by : (C) A 1 , ....., A n are all positive
+1 1 <
(A) ,
+2 < 1 semidefinite matrices and
+1 <2 ( x3 +3 ) 1 <
(B) , 7 ri n
+2 < 1 i 1

+1 <2 ( x3 +3 ) 1 <4 <

(C) , (D) Each Q1 , Q2 , ....., Qk have 42
+2 < 1
+1 1 <4 <
(D) , distribution and 7 ri n
+2 < 1 i 1

JUN - 30220/II—B
141. y1 , y2, y3 are three uncorrelated 143. In a multiple linear regression
random variables with common
variance !2 and E(y1 ) = '1 + '3 set up y XB E under the
E(y2) = '2 + '3, E(y3) = '1 – '3. assumption E( E ) = 0, Var( E ) = !2.
Hence :
(A) Best Linear Unbiased Estimator In the response variables y1 .... yn
(BLUE) of ' 2 is y 2 with are :
variance !
( y1 y3 ) (A) identical and independent
(B) BLUE of ' 2 is y2
2 (B) non-identical uncorrelated
3 2
with variance !
2 (C) non-identical and independent
y y3
(C) BLUE of ' 1 is 1 with (D) identical and uncorrelated
variance ! 2
y1 y2 144. Consider a multiple linear
(D) BLUE of ' 1 is with
2 regression model y XB E and
3! 2 n 1
2 suppose yˆ i and ei i = 1, ...., n are
142. In a simple linear regression
analysis the fitted line using least the fitted values of response variable
squares theory will :
y and residuals respectively. Then :
(A) definitely pass through the
point ( x y ) when the intercept
(A) 7 ei 0
is present i 1

(B) definitely pass through the n

point ( x y ) (B) 7 ei2 n! 2

i 1
(C) never pass through the point
( x y) (C) 7 ei yi 0
i 1
(D) definitely pass through
the point ( x y ) if slope is n

(D) 7 ei yiˆ 0
i 1

35 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

145. Consider a two-way classification 147. The variance of the usual estimator
model yij + >i ?j i = 1 ... v, in a stratified sampling design is
given by :
j = 1, ........, b with E( ij
) = 0,
V ar ( ij) = !2, ij uncorrelated where
L Wh2S2h
V2 7 nh
(1 fh )
>i = 1 ..... v are fixed effects and h 1

?j j = 1, ....., b are random effects in the standard notations. We wish

to obtain an allocation that
with mean 0 and variance !?2 . Hence
minimizes the sample size. Then,
the hypothesis regarding the (A) such an optimal allocation does
insignificance of random effects not exist
is : (B) proportional allocation is
(A) H0 : ?1 = ?2 = ....... = ?b (C) the optimal allocation is the one
(B) H0 : ! ?2 0 for which nh is proportional to Sh
(D) the optimal allocation is the one
(C) H0 : >1 = >2 = ....... = >v
for which nh is proportional to
(D) H0 : !2 = 0 WhSh
146. A systematic sample of size 2 is 148. Let us consider the two sampling
strategies, both based on a sample
drawn from a finite population with of size n : I. SRSWOR II
N = 4 and k = 2. The samples are post-stratification. To estimate the
drawn independently of each other. population total :
(A) If the stratum sizes are
The probability that the two units
sufficiently large for each
(2, 4) are included in sample stratum and if the error effects
equals : in Wh can be ignored, post-
stratification is better than
1 (B) SRSWOR is always better than
(B) post-stratification
(C) If n is sufficiently large, post-
(C) 1 stratification is better than
(D) (D) Post-stratification is always
better than SRSWOR

JUN - 30220/II—B

149. The incidence matrix of a general 152. In a 24 factorial design with two
blocks of 8 plots each the treatment
block design is : combinations are allotted as
below :
1 1 1
Block I Block II
1 0 0 a 1
0 1 0 b ab
0 1 1 ac c
bc abc
Hence the number of estimable d ad
orthogonal block contrasts is : abd bd
(A) 2 cd acd
abcd bcd
(B) 1
Hence the confounded treatment
(C) 3 combination is :
(D) 4 (A) ABD
150. Consider a BIBD with parameter (B) ACD
(v, b, r, k, ). If v = b = 11 and
r = 5, then : 153. Let {Xt} be a stationary AR(1) time
(A) k = 5, = 2 series given by the recursive
(B) k = 5, = 1 equation X t X t 1 Z t , where
Z t ~ W N (0, ! 2 ). Let P 3 X 4
(C) k = 2, = 5
represesents the forecast of X4 given
(D) k = 11, = 1 the observations (X1, X2, X3). If C( )
is defined as :
151. In a M/M/K queueing system the
departure rate +n when there are E(X 4 P3 X 4 )2
C( ) ,
n customers in the system is : E(X 4 E(X 4 ))2
then, which of the following is not
(A) +
true ?
(B) n+ (A) C(0) = 1
(B) 0 < C ( ) < 1
(C) n+ if n k and 0 if n > k
(C) C( ) > 0 when > 0
(D) n+ if n k and nk if n > k (D) C( ) < 0 when > 0

37 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

154. L et {X i, i = 1, 2, ........ 10} be a time 156. Let {X n }0 be a Markov chain with

series with mean zero, variance one 1
P[X0 = 0] = P[X0 = 1] = and
and equicorrelation . Let 1
2 P[X0 = 2] = . The t.p.m. is given
1 10
X 10 7 X , then variance of
10 i 1 i
by :

X 10 is : 0 1 2
1 1 1
(A) 0.1 0
2 3 6
(B) 0.325 1 2
p 1 0
(C) 0.2 3 3
(D) 0.125 2 1 0
2 2
155. Let {Xt} be a stationary time series
model given by : Then P[X1 = 1] is given by :
Xt = µ + Xt–1 + Zt, Zt ~ iid normal
1 1
(0, !2). Then, which of the following (A) (B)
3 4
statements is not true if PX (X t k ) t
1 1
is the forecast of X t+k . Given (C) (D)
5 6
X 1 , X 2 ..... X t ?
157. Let {X(t), t > 0} be a time
(A) The forecast mean square error
homogeneous Poisson process with
of PX (X t k ) approaches to
rate . Let X(T) = n > 0 and let
µ2 + !2/(1 – 2
(B) The forecast mean square T1 < .... < Tn < T be times at which

error of PX t (X t k ) approaches to these n events occur. Then,

!2/(1 – 2
) E(T1|X(T) = n) is given by :
(C) PX t (X t k ) E(Xt) as k T
(A) (B) T. n
(D) The forecast PX t (X t k ) is a n 1
weighted average of E(Xt) and n 1
(C) T (D)
the latest observation Xt n 1 2T
JUN - 30220/II—B

160. The denominator in infant mortality

158. Consider a Branching process with
rate is :
µ as the mean of the off-spring
(A) total number of live births in a
distribution. Let + and X0 = 1. given period

Then E 7 Xn equals : (B) total number of live births and

still births in a given period
(A) 1 (B) 1
2 (C) total number of pregnancies in

(C) 2 (D) a given period

(D) total population in a given

159. Consider a Markov chain on
S = {0, 1, 2, ......} with p01 = 1,
161. In terms of life table functions, the
3 1
pi0 = , pi(t) = 3 i = 1, 2 ........ chance that a child just born to a
4 4
mother of age 31 and a father of age
then :
33 will be alive till 40 years but will
(A) all the states are persistent non-
be orphaned by both parents is :

null l40 l71 l31 l73 l33

(A) l0 l0 l0
(B) all the states are persistent
(B) p40q31.q33

(C) all the states are transient L 40 L71 L31 L73 L33
(C) l0 l0 l0
(D) all the states do not
l40 l71 l31 l73 l33
(D) l0 l31 l33
communicate with each other

39 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

162. For a production process, the sample 164. In the inventory model S = Q – u.t

ranges are found to be 1.2, 1.5, 1.1, with Q = 1000, u = 40 and t = 10,

1.4 and 1.5. Suppose that the the current stock level is :

subgroup size is 5. Then, what

(A) 400
will be the process standard
(B) 1200
deviation, given that A2 = 0.577 and
(C) 1000
d2 = 2.326 ?
(D) 600
(A) 0.511
165. Which of the following is an example
(B) 2.463
of the control of the queue
(C) 2.322
discipline ?
(D) 0.576
(A) Customer is allowed to leave the
163. The respective failure rate functions
of two components are r1(t) t
(B) The number of servers are
and r2 (t) 1 t . Then the life time
varied depending on the queue
distribution of a series system with

the above components is : length

(A) IFR (C) Separate server is allocated for

(B) DFR special category customers

(C) Neither IFR nor DFR (D) The mean arrival rate is

(D) Both IFR and DFR adjusted

JUN - 30220/II—B

166. L et D n be the waiting time of the 167. Suppose that R is the shortest route

nth customer in G|M|1 queue. from city 1 to city 10 passing

Consider the following recurrence through some other cities. The

principle of optimality implies
equation :
that :
, Dn Vn U n if D n Vn Un : 0
2 (i) For every city j on R, the
Dn 1 - .
2. 0 otherwise subpath in R from city j to city
10 must be the shortest.
Which of the following interpre-
(ii) For every city j on R, there must
tations of the variables in the above be a unique path from city j to

equation are valid ? city 10.

Which of the above statements is
(i) U n is the interarrival time
correct ?
between nth and (n + 1)th (A) (i) only

customer (B) (ii) only

(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(ii) Dn + Vn is the departure time
(D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
of the nth customer from the 168. By the principle of optimality, the

system minimum value of y12 y22 s.t.

y1 y2 c, y1 : 0, y2 : 0 is :
(A) Both are not valid
(A) 2c2
(B) Both are valid (B) 2c
(C) Only (i) is valid c
(D) Only (ii) is valid
(D) c2/2

41 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

169. Which of the following is not 171. For a data-set of n observations the
sample mean, median and mode are
true regarding the Karmarkar’s
63, 60 and 58 respectively. Hence the
algorithm ? data are :
(A) The algorithm starts with an (A) Symmetric about sample
interior point of the feasible
(B) Skewed to the left
(C) Skewed to the right
(B) One of the basic conditions (D) Bimodal
1 1 1 172. The regression equation of Y on X
is that x , , .....,
n n n is given by y = 2 – 1.2x and that
of X on Y is given by x = –1 – 0.3y.
satisfies the equation Ax = 0.
Hence the correlation coefficient
(C) Constraints are assumed to be between X and Y is :
non-homogeneous (A) + 0.36
(B) + 0.6
(D) The algorithm reduces the
(C) – 0.6
number of iterations
(D) – 0.36
170. What is the failure rate function of 173. The height of adult men in a
the series system of two independent population follows normal
distribution with mean 1.65 meters
components when the failure rate
and standard deviation !. If 40% of
functions of the two components are the men are shorter than 1.5 meters,
respectively r1(t) and r2(t) ? the percentage of population which
is taller than 1.80 meters is :
(A) min(r1(t), r2(t))
(A) 80%
(B) r1(t) + r2(t) (B) 60%

(C) r1(t) × r2(t) (C) 40%

(D) Cannot be determined based on
(D) max(r1(t), r2(t))
the given information
JUN - 30220/II—B

174. Suppose E[X] = 5. Which of the 177. Let the joint distribution of (X, Y)
following is always false ? be specified by :
(A) E[X2] < (E[X])2 X
1 2 3 4
(B) If E[X 2 ] = 25, then X = 5
1 3 1 5
wp 1 1
16 32 8 32
(C) E[X2] > 25 3 1 5 3
(D) E[exp|X|] > exp(E[|X|]) 32 8 32 16

175. Let E and F be two disjoint events Then P[X = 2Y] is :

such that 0 < P(E) < 1 and 0 < P(F) < 1. (A) 0
Which of the following is always 9
true ? 32
(A) P(E|F) = P(E) (C)
(B) P(E|F) = P(F) 1
(C) P(E|F) P(E) 2
(D) P(EC|F) = 1 178. Which of the following matrices is

176. Suppose X and Y are independent a covariance matrix ?

r.v.s. each with mean 1. 1

Let X
(t) denote the characteristic
(A) 1
function of a random variable. Which 0
of the following is false ?
1 2
(A) (t) = (t) . (t) 3t (B)
X+Y X Y 3 1
(B) E[XY|X] = 1 2 2
(C) ( t) (t) . (t)3t (C)
X2 Y2 X2 Y2 2 3
(D) (1 – X 2 ) and exp(Y) are 2 3
independent 3 2

43 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

179. If a random variable X has Cauchy 181. Suppose X is an absolutely

distribution with location µ and continuous non-negative real-valued

scale !, then the distribution of random variable whose distribution

function is F(x) and probability
Y = is :
X density function is f(x). Suppose it

(A) Cauchy with location µ and is given that f(x)/[1 – F(x)] = k, a non-

1 negative constant. Then which of the

! following statements is true ?
+ (A) f(x) = 1, 0 < x <
(B) Cauchy with location
+ 2
! 2
(B) f(x) = k e–kx, x > 0
! (C) f(x) = k e–kx + C, x > 0, C a
and scale
+ 2
! 2
(C) Cauchy with location µ and
,0 x k,
scale ! (D) f(x) = -
.1 x : k.
(D) not Cauchy
182. Suppose Y 1 , Y 2 and Y 3 are
180. In a certain communication system,
on the average, there is 1 independent and identically

transmission error per 10 seconds. distributed p-variate random vectors

Suppose the distribution of errors is having normal distribution. Then

Poisson. The probability of at least the distribution of a1Y1 + a2Y2 +
one error in a communication of half a3Y3, where a1, a2, a3 are vectors of
a minute duration is : order 1 × p, is :
(A) 1 – 2 exp (–1) (A) univariate normal
(B) 1 – exp (–3) (B) four variate normal
(C) 1 – 4 exp (–3) (C) trivariate normal
(D) 1 – exp (–1)
(D) not normal

JUN - 30220/II—B

183. Let X1, X2, ......., Xn be a random 185. Let X1, X2, ........., Xn be a random
sam pl e fr om N (µ, !2), µ is unknown
sample from U(', ' + 1). If X(1) < X(2)
and a2 > 0. Let qn, 6 be the (1 – 6)th
< .......... < X(n) are corresponding quantile of 42(n) distribution.
Consider the tests for testing
order statistics, then :
H0 : !2 < 1 Vs. H1 : !2 > 1 : T1 :
(A) (X(1), X(n)) is jointly sufficient Reject H0 if and only if
for '
7 (X i X)2 5 qn 1, 6 and T2 :
i 1
(B) X(1) is sufficient for '
Reject H0 if and only if
(C) X(n) is sufficient for ' n
7 (X i X)2 5 qn, 6 then which of
(D) (X(1), X(n), + 1) is not jointly i 1

the following statements is correct ?

sufficient for ' (A) T1 is a uniformly most powerful
(UMP) level 6 test
184. Let Y(1) and Y(2) be order statistics
(B) T2 is a UMP level 6 test
based on a sample of size 2 from (C) Both T1 and T2 are level 6 tests
(D) T1 is level 6 test but T2 is not
a U(', 2') distribution. Then
186. Let >(') be a parametric function and
[Y(1), Y(2)] is a confidence interval for T be an estimator of >('). Let V'(T)
denotes variance of T. The Cramer-
' with confidence coefficient :
Rao bound gives a :
1 (A) Lower bound for V'(T) for any
(A) arbitrary estimator T of >(')
(B) Upper bound for V'(T) for any
(B) arbitrary estimator T of >(')
(C) Lower bound for V'(T) among
1 all unbiased estimators T of >(')
(D) Upper bound for V'(T) among
(D) 1 all unbiased estimators T of >(')

45 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B

187. Let {X1, ......, Xn} be a random sample 189. In the method of constructing
confidence interval for an unknown
from N(µ1, !2) and {Y1, ......, Ym} be parameter based on pivotal quantity
a random sample from N(µ2, !2). Let Q, which of the following statements
n m
is correct ?
T1 7 X 2i 7 Yi2 , T2 7 X i, (A) The distribution of Q is known
i 1 j 1 i 1 and depends on the unknown
m n m parameters
T3 7 Yi , T4 7 X 2i , T5 7 Yi2 . (B) The distribution of Q is known
i 1 i 1 i 1
and free from the unknown
Then which of the following is a
jointly sufficient complete statistic
(C) The distribution of Q is not
for (µ1, µ2, !2) :
known but is free from the
(A) T2 , T3 , T4 , T5 unknown parameters
(B) T3 , T4 , T5 (D) The distribution of Q is known
(C) T2 , T3 , T1 and normal
(D) T2 , T3 , T5 190. To test H0 : p = p0 against the
alternative H1 : p p0, where p is
188. Suppose {X1, X2, ......., Xm} is a random
the population proportion and p0 is
sample from the distribution of X with
a specified value of p. Suppose Pn
mean µ1 and variance !12 , {y1, ......, denotes the sample proportion based
yn } is a random sample from the on a random sample of size n from
distribution of Y with mean µ2 and the population. The test statistic for
variance ! 22 . The test statistic to test testing H 0 : p = p 0 against
H0 : !12 ! 22 against H1 : p p0 is given by :
S2X n (Pn p0 )
H1 : !12 ! 22 is Tn , where S2X
S2Y p0 (1 p0 )
and S2Y are sample variances. Then
the null distribution of Tn is : (B) n (Pn p0 )
(A) F if X and Y are independent
and have normal distributions Pn p0
(B) F if X and Y have normal (C) p0 (1 p0 )
(C) F if X and Y are independent
Pn p0
(D) F if X and Y have normal (D)
distributions with equal mean p0 (1 p0 )

JUN - 30220/II—B

47 [P.T.O.
JUN - 30220/II—B


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