Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2 2015 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2 2015 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2 2015 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
2; 2015
ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: October 10, 2014 Accepted: December 16, 2014 Online Published: January 15, 2015
doi:10.5539/jas.v7n2p161 URL:
Two on-farm trials conducted one each in Aligarh and Meerut districts of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India on zinc
(Zn) deficient soils during the rainy season (July-October) showed that Zn application increased not only Zn
concentration and uptake by rice but also increased protein content of rice kernels and concentrations of Fe, N, P
and K due to the overall improvement in crop growth. Foliar application of Zn was better from the viewpoint of
Zn biofortification of rice kernels; nevertheless much of the foliar applied Zn was retained in husk. Since, foliar
application of Zn is made at a late stage of crop growth, hence it was not as effective as soil application in
increasing yield attributes, yield and concentration and uptake of Fe, N, P and K in rice. This study brought out
that adequate soil application of Zn sulphate followed by its foliar application is the best approach. Zn coated
urea applying less than half the amount of Zn as applied through soil + foliar application was very close to it and
is quite promising.
Keywords: basmati rice, ferti-fortification, nutrient concentrations and uptake, Zn fertilization
1. Introduction
Zinc (Zn) is now recognised as the fourth major micronutrient deficiency in humans and comes after vitamin A,
iron and iodine deficiencies (Bell & Dell, 2008). Zn deficiency leads to diarrhoea and pneumonia in infants and
children (Black et al., 2008; Graham, 2008) and is considered for responsible for childhood dwarfism (Hotz &
Brown, 2004). Zn plays an important role in production of protein and thus helps in wound healing, blood
formation and growth and maintenance of tissue (Bell & Dell, 2008).
Rice is staple food in South and Southeast Asia, where about 90% of it is grown and consumed. Polished rice
contains only 13-15 mg Zn kg-1 (Welch, 2005) and a rice based diet is thus likely to be deficient in Zn as
compared to diet containing grain legumes and animal proteins, which are rich in Zn (Prasad, 2003). Asian,
especially Indian soils are low in available Zn (Prasad, 2006; Singh, 2011) and this leads to production of low Zn
containing rice. Keeping this in view, programmes such as HarvestPlus and Golden Rice are underway to
develop rice varieties capable of producing grains denser in Zn, Fe and other micronutrients (Stein et al., 2007).
Our research at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi (Shivay et al., 2007; Shivay et al.,
2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Shivay et al., 2010; Shivay & Prasad, 2012; Shivay et al., 2013; Shivay & Prasad, 2014)
has shown that Zn concentration in rice, wheat, barley and corn grains can be easily increased by adequate Zn
fertilization of crops and agronomic biofortification of cereals with Zn and Fe, which are essential plant
micronutrients (Prasad & Power, 1997) is a faster and easier way for achieving the goal of obtaining cereal
grains denser in Zn. As a follow-up of our research at IARI, two on-farm field trials were therefore conducted to
familiarize the farmers about the biofortification of rice grains with Zn and this paper reports the results of these
on-farm trials.
161 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
162 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
2.6 Chemical Analysis of Zn and Fe Concentration in Rice Kernel, Rice Husk and Rice Straw
At harvest, samples of rice kernel, rice husk and rice starw were drawn from each plot of the experiment for the
chemical analysis of Zn and Fe concentrations. Zn and Fe in rice kernel, husk and straw samples was analysed
on a di-acid (HClO4 + HNO3 in 3:10 ratio) digest on an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Prasad et al.,
2006). Thereafter, the uptake of the Zn and Fe was calculated by multiplying Zn and Fe concentrations with
respective plot yield of rice kernel, rice husk and rice straw yields.
2.7 Chemical Analysis of N, P and K in Rice Kernel, Rice Husk and Rice Straw
At harvest, samples of rice kernel, rice husk and rice starw were drawn from each plot of the experiment for the
chemical analysis of N, P and K as per the procedure described by Prasad et al. (2006). Finally recorded data in
all the six replications were subjected to statistical analysis and final tabulation were done of the statistically
analyzed data.
2.8 Statistical Analysis
All the data obtained from rice for this study were statistically analyzed using the t-test as per the procedure
given by K. A. Gomez and A. A. Gomez (1984). LSD values at P = 0.05 were used to determine the significance
of differences between treatment means.
3. Results
A. Aligarh Site
3.1 Yield Attributes
Zn application significantly increased tillers m-2 and grains panicle-1 in rice, but not the panicle length and
1,000-grain weight (Table 1). Tillers m-2 and grains panicle-1 were the most with soil + foliar application of Zn
sulphate (ZnS), significantly more than soil application of ZnS or Zn-coated urea (ZnCU), which in turn was
significantly superior to foliar application of ZnS.
Table 1. Effect of various zinc treatments on yield attributes of aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
Plant height Panicle Grains 1,000-grain
Treatments Tillers m-2
(cm) length (cm) panicle-1 (Nos.) weight (g)
Check 104 310 24 85 21.1
5 kg Zn ha (soil) 107 326 26 91 22.2
1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 105 318 25 88 22.0
-1 -1
5 kg Zn ha (soil) + 1 kg Zn ha
108 342 27 94 22.7
2.83 kg Zn ha-1 through
107 328 26 91 22.3
Zn-coated urea (soil)
SEm± 2.12 3.51 0.79 1.03 0.38
LSD (p = 0.05) NS 9.95 NS 2.93 NS
3.2 Yields
Zn application significantly increased grain and straw yield as well as harvest index of rice (Table 2). The
highest values of grain, kernel, husk, straw and biological yield were obtained with soil + foliar application of
ZnS, followed by soil application of ZnCU, which in turn was significantly superior to soil application of ZnS
(Table 2). Foliar application of ZnS recorded the lowest values for all yields. Harvest index was also the highest
for soil + foliar application of ZnS followed by ZnCU, which in turn was followed by soil or foliar application of
163 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
Table 2. Effect of various zinc treatments on yields of aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
Rice grain Rice kernel Rice husk Rice straw Biological Harvest
yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) index (%)
Check 3.58 2.40 1.18 6.80 10.38 34.5
5 kg Zn ha (soil) 3.93 2.63 1.30 7.45 11.38 34.4
1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 3.80 2.55 1.25 7.25 11.05 34.4
5 kg Zn ha (soil) + 1 kg
4.52 3.03 1.50 8.12 12.63 35.7
Zn ha-1 (foliar)
2.83 kg Zn ha-1 through
4.10 2.75 1.35 7.63 11.73 35.1
Zn-coated urea (soil)
SEm± 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.21
LSD (p = 0.05) 0.08 0.06 0.03 0.09 0.11 0.60
Table 3. Effect of various zinc treatments on zinc concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
Zn concentration in
Zn concentration in
Zn concentration in
Total Zn uptake in
rice kernel (mg kg-1
Zn uptake in rice
Zn uptake in rice
Zn uptake in rice
straw (g ha-1)
husk (g ha-1)
rice kernel)
rice straw)
rice husk)
164 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
treatments were in the following order: soil + foliar application of ZnS > ZnCU > soil aplication of ZnS > foliar
application of ZnS. In the case of husk soil application of ZnS and ZnCU were at par. In general, as a contrast to
Zn uptake, soil application of Zn recorded the higher Fe uptake than foliar application of ZnS.
Table 4. Effect of various zinc treatments on Fe concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
Fe concentration in
rice kernel (mg kg-1
Fe concentration in
rice husk (mg kg-1
Fe concentration in
rice straw (mg kg-1
Total Fe uptake in
Fe uptake in rice
Fe uptake in rice
Fe uptake in rice
straw (g ha-1)
husk (g ha-1)
rice kernel)
rice straw)
rice husk)
Check 8.2 12.3 42.0 19.7 14.5 285.6 319.8
5 kg Zn ha (soil) 9.0 13.4 48.0 23.7 17.4 357.6 398.7
1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 8.4 12.8 45.0 21.4 16.0 326.3 363.7
-1 -1
5 kg Zn ha (soil) + 1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 9.3 14.1 55.0 28.2 21.2 446.6 496.0
2.83 kg Zn ha through Zn-coated urea (soil) 9.1 13.8 56.0 25.0 18.6 427.3 470.9
Table 5. Effect of various zinc treatments on N concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice and crude protein content in brown rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
N concentration in
N concentration in
content in rice
N uptake in rice
N uptake in rice
Total N uptake in
rice crop (kg ha-1)
kernel (kg ha-1)
rice kernel (%)
kernel (%)
165 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
application of ZnS recorded significantly higher P concentration than foliar application of ZnS or soil application
of ZnS. Least P concentration was recorded with soil + foliar application of ZnS (Table 6).
Uptake of P by kernel was much more than that by husk or straw. In kernels and total P uptake by rice was the
highest with soil application of ZnS followed by soil + foliar application of ZnS or ZnCU, which were at par.
Least P uptake by kernels and total P uptake by the rice crop was recorded with foliar application of ZnS.
Table 6. Effect of various zinc treatments on P concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
P concentration in
P concentration in
P concentration in
Total P uptake in
P uptake in rice
P uptake in rice
P uptake in rice
Table 7. Effect of various zinc treatments on K concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh site]
K concentration in
K concentration in
K concentration in
Total K uptake in
K uptake in rice
K uptake in rice
K uptake in rice
166 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
Table 8. Effect of various zinc treatments on Zn, Fe, N, P and K concentrations in aromatic rice flag leaf [Aligarh,
Uttar Pradesh site]
Zn concentration in
N concentration P concentration in K content in rice
Treatments rice flag leaf (mg
in rice leaf (%) rice flag leaf (%) flag leaf (%)
kg-1 rice leaf DM)
B. Meerut Site
3.9 Yield Attributes
Zn application significantly increased tillers m-2 and grains panicle-1 but not the panicle length and 1,000-grain
weight (Table 9). Soil application of ZnS or ZnCU or soil + foliar application of ZnS resulted in significantly
more effective tillers than foliar application of ZnS. The highest number of grains panicle-1 were produced by
soil application of ZnS or ZnCU.
Table 9. Effect of various zinc treatments on yield attributes of aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
Plant Effective Panicle Grains panicle-1 1,000-grain
height (cm) tillers hill-1 length (cm) (Nos.) weight (g)
Check 105 7.1 27.0 124 24.0
5 kg Zn ha (soil) 108 7.8 27.7 131 24.5
1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 107 7.3 27.4 128 24.3
-1 -1
5 kg Zn ha (soil) + 1 kg Zn ha (foliar) 109 8.0 28.0 125 24.7
2.83 kg Zn ha through Zn-coated urea
109 7.8 27.8 131 24.5
SEm± 2.25 0.10 0.63 1.20 0.40
LSD (p = 0.05) NS 0.27 NS 3.40 NS
3.10 Yields
Zn application significantly increased grain and straw yield as well as harvest index in rice (Table 10). Soil +
foliar application of ZnS recorded significantly more grain, kernel, husk and total biological yield than other
treatments. As regards straw yield, soil + foliar appplication of ZnS was at par with soil application of ZnCU and
both these treatments were significantly superior to soil or foliar application of ZnS. Harvest index was not
significantly affected by Zn application.
167 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
Table 10. Effect of various zinc treatments on yields of aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
Rice grain Rice kernel Rice husk Rice straw Biological Harvest
yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) yield (t ha-1) index (%)
Table 11. Effect of various zinc treatments on Zn concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
Zn concentration
in rice kernel (mg
Zn concentration
Zn concentration
in rice husk (mg
Total Zn uptake in
Zn uptake in rice
Zn uptake in rice
Zn uptake in rice
kernel (g ha-1)
straw (g ha-1)
husk (g ha-1)
168 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
All treatments except foliar application of Zn significantly increased Fe uptake by rice kernels, husk and straw
and total Fe uptake by rice crop.
Table 12. Effect of various zinc treatments on Fe concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
Fe uptake in rice
Fe uptake in rice
Fe uptake in rice
Fe concentration
in rice kernel (mg
Fe concentration
in rice husk (mg
Fe concentration
in rice straw (mg
Total Fe uptake in
rice crop (g ha-1)
kg-1 rice kernel)
kernel (g ha-1)
straw (g ha-1)
husk (g ha-1)
Table 13. Effect of various zinc treatments on N concentrations in rice kernel, rice straw and their uptake in
aromatic rice and also crude protein content [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
N concentration in
N concentration in
Total N uptake in
content in rice
N uptake in rice
N uptake in rice
kernel (%)
169 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
Table 14. Effect of various zinc treatments on P concentrations in rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
P uptake in rice
P uptake in rice
P uptake in rice
P concentration in
P concentration in
P concentration in
Total P uptake in
rice crop (kg ha-1)
kernel (kg ha-1)
rice kernel (%)
Table 15. Effect of various zinc treatments on K concentrations of rice kernel, rice husk, rice straw and their
uptake in aromatic rice [Meerut, Uttar Pradesh site]
K concentration in
K concentration in
K concentration in
Total K uptake in
K uptake in rice
K uptake in rice
K uptake in rice
170 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
4. Discussion
Foliar application of Zn resulted in higher Zn concentration in rice kernels than soil application of ZnS in the
on-farm trial in Meerut but not at the Farmers Science Centre in Aligarh. However in both the on-farm trials Zn
concentration in husk was sugnificantly more with foliar than with soil application of Zn. Impa and
Johnson-Beebout (2012) reported that biofortification recovery of Zn with foliar application was 8 times of that
obtained with soil application. However data reported by Shivay and Prasad (2010) suggested that Zn
concentration in rice grain was 47.5 mg kg-1, while that in kernel was only 40.3 mg kg-1. Thus more of foliar
applied Zn tended to be retained by the husk. From a study involving multi-country and multi-location trials,
Phattrakul et al. (2012) also reported that a major share of foliar applied Zn was retained in husk.
It needs to be considered that in Asian countries food security is a serious problem alongwith low Zn
concentration in rice (Prasad et al., 2014). In the present study, highest values of yield attributes, rice grain yield
and concentrations and uptake of Zn, Fe, N, P and K were obtained by soil + foliar application of Zn. This is
because soil applied Zn on Zn deficient soils results in overall better growth, higher yield attributes and grain and
straw yield in rice (Pooniya & Shivay, 2013), which results in increased uptake of all nutrients. This does not
happen with foliar application of Zn, which is made at a much latter stage of crop growth. Soil application of Zn
but not the foliar application of Zn also resulted in increased crude protein content in rice kernels, which is
important from the viewpoint of wide spread protein malnutrition in India and other Asian countries (Prasad,
For most of the characters studied ZnCU performed better than ZnS and was next only to soil + foliar application
of Zn. These results are in conformity of our results reported earlier (Shivay et al., 2007, 2008a; Prasad et al.,
2013). The major advantage with ZnCU is saving in the amount of Zn to be applied; only 2.83 kg Zn ha-1 was
applied with ZnCU as against 6 kg Zn ha-1 in the case of soil + foliar application of ZnS. The ZnCU is therefore
a promising fertilizer.
Zn application also increased Fe, N, P and K concentration and uptake in rice. Thus, a soil-foliar Zn
biofortification programme also results in enrichment of rice kernels in Fe, N, P and K. A close relationship
between Zn, Fe, N, P and K in wheat germplasms has been reported by Gomez-Beccera et al. (2010) and Zhao et
al. (2009).
In conclusion, the present study brings out that for increased production of rice alongwith its biofortification with
micronutrients Zn and Fe, adequate soil application of Zn should be followed by some foliar application of Zn.
The authors are grateful to the Director and Head, Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110 012, India for providing necessary facilities to carry out this research work. Rajendra Prasad is
grateful to the Indian National Science Academy for awarding him an Honorary Scientist position, which made
this research possible.
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