04 - Dwivedi Et Al Protoplasma Rice 2010
04 - Dwivedi Et Al Protoplasma Rice 2010
04 - Dwivedi Et Al Protoplasma Rice 2010
Received: 1 February 2010 / Accepted: 14 April 2010 / Published online: 20 May 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010
Abstract The exposure of paddy fields to arsenic (As) forms, while organic As species, viz., dimethylarsinic acid
through groundwater irrigation is a serious concern that and monomethylarsonic acid, were non-detectable. In all
may not only lead to As accumulation to unacceptable tested varieties, the level of Se was low (0.05–0.12 mg kg−1
levels but also interfere with mineral nutrients in rice dw), whereas that of As was high (0.4–1.68 mg kg−1 dw),
grains. In the present field study, profiling of the mineral considering their safe/recommended daily intake limits,
nutrients (iron (Fe), phosphorous, zinc, and selenium (Se)) which may not warrant their human consumption.
was done in various rice genotypes with respect to As Hence, their utilization may increase the risk of arsenicosis,
accumulation. A significant genotypic variation was when grown in As-contaminated areas.
observed in elemental retention on root Fe plaque and their
accumulation in various plant parts including grains, Keywords Arsenic . Mineral nutrients .
specific As uptake (29–167 mg kg−1 dw), as well as As Rice (Oryza sativa) . Specific As uptake . Selenium
transfer factor (4–45%). Grains retained the least level of
As (0.7–3%) with inorganic As species being the dominant Abbreviations
As Arsenic
DCB Dithionite citrate bicarbonate
Handling Editor: Bumi Nath Tripathi
DMA Dimethylarsinic acid
GW Groundwater
S. Dwivedi : R. D. Tripathi : R. Singh : A. Kumar : P. Tripathi :
R. Dave : U. N. Rai : D. Chakrabarty : P. K. Trivedi : R. Tuli
Fe Iron
National Botanical Research Institute, MMA Monomethylarsonic acid
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, ND Not detectable
Lucknow 226 001 Uttar Pradesh, India P Phosphorus
B. Adhikari : M. K. Bag
Se Selenium
Department of Agriculture, SAU Specific arsenic uptake
Rice Research Station, Chinsurah, SSU Specific selenium uptake
Hooghly 712102, West Bengal, India TF Transfer factor
Zn Zinc
S. Srivastava
Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai 400085, Maharashtra, India
R. D. Tripathi (*)
Ecotoxicology and Bioremediation Group, The Holocene era aquifers have been extensively utilized
National Botanical Research Institute (C.S.I.R.),
Rana Pratap Marg,
through tube wells for drinking water and irrigation of crops
Lucknow 226 001, India that has resulted in severe arsenic (As) contamination in
e-mail: [email protected] South-East Asia. Epidemiological studies in As-affected
114 Author's personal copy S. Dwivedi et al.
regions of West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh found a strong Another important point to consider is that due to the high
dose–response relationship between As exposure and clinical adsorption capacity of functional groups on Fe hydroxides, Fe
signs, i.e., melanosis, leucomelanosis, hyperkeratosis, plaque may also sequester a number of other metals
hepatomegaly, neuropathy, edema, and skin, lung, bladder, (zinc (Zn), Ni, Cu, and Pb) and metalloids (selenium (Se))
and urinary tract cancers (Mazumder 2003). The As-exposed by adsorption or co-precipitation (Greipsson and Crowder
villagers had an increase of 8% in melanosis and 4% in 1992; Ye et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 1999; Batty et al. 2002;
keratosis rate as compared to the non-exposed people Liu et al. 2007). Therefore, selection of a suitable variety of
(Mandal and Biswas 2004). The main cause for As exposure rice with respect to Fe plaque formation and As accumula-
to the human is rice, contributing to more than 60% of tion should also take into account the accumulation profile of
dietary As exposure since rice is the major cultivated crop in other essential trace metal nutrients. One such important
As-contaminated regions of South-East Asia (Meharg and consideration, for example, will be Se level, which is
Rahman 2003). Further, rice is grown in flooded (reduced) required as a micronutrient in humans and animals and has
conditions where As availability in the form of AsIII remains also been reported to detoxify As in rats, dogs, pigs, rabbits,
high (Duxbury et al. 2003) in relation to the soil As and humans (Alfthan et al. 1991; Spallholz et al. 2004;
contamination (Lu et al. 2009). The total As concentration Thomson 2004). The dietary requirement of Se (recommen-
in rice varies from 0.005 to 0.710 mg kg−1 dw in different ded minimum daily intake limit is 55 µg/day) in humans is
varieties, and it also differs from one geographical region to mainly fulfilled by cereals, in which rice is one of the most
other, e.g., <0.01–2.05 for Bangladesh, 0.31–0.76 for China, commonly consumed cereals in many countries (Liu and Gu
0.03–0.44 for India, and 0.11–0.66 for USA (Zavala and 2009). Although Asian cultivars of rice have been, in
Duxbury 2008). Therefore, the impact of As-contaminated general, found to be good Se accumulators (Williams et al.
soil on the rice grain quality is especially important, as rice is 2009a), their grain trace nutrient quality decreased with
the major staple food for the population of As-epidemic increasing As content (Williams et al. 2009b). Phosphate
areas of Bangladesh and India. uptake is known to be competitively inhibited by AsV
Management strategies to reduce As accumulation in (Abedin et al. 2002a), and thus an evaluation of phosphorus
rice may include varietal selection on the basis of As (P) levels was also considered worthwhile (Lu et al. 2010).
accumulation and speciation, iron (Fe) plaque formation, The selection of Fe and Zn was done on the basis of their
use of aerobic cultivation practices, and suitable fertiliza- known importance in plant metabolism including active
tion procedures (Tripathi et al. 2007; Tuli et al. 2010). To functioning of a number of enzymes and electron transfer
date, a few studies have been performed on the evaluation reactions. These points strongly demands for an analysis of
of these prospective strategies (Abedin et al. 2002a, b; nutrient profiling in various rice genotypes differing in Fe
Meharg and Jardine 2003; Williams et al. 2005; Liu et al. plaque formation.
2004, 2006). Among various strategies to reduce As In this backdrop, a field trial was conducted in an As-
accumulation, selection of rice cultivars with respect to Fe contaminated area in West Bengal (India) using seven
plaque formation (Chen et al. 1980; Greipsson 1995; Bacha different rice varieties during Boro season. At harvest,
and Hossner 1977; Zhang et al. 1998) is considered to be a plants were analyzed for plaque formation, plaque As
feasible approach, as it is suggested that the more the Fe sequestration, and specific As uptake (SAU) in plant parts
plaque formation on roots, the more will be the As retention (root, shoot, husk, and grain). Besides, the accumulation
in the form of AsV (Liu et al. 2004, 2006). However, Fe of other elements (Fe, P, Zn, and Se) was also analyzed in
plaque formation leads to an enhancement in AsIII uptake plaque and plant parts with a view to ascertain whether
and translocation to the shoot (Chen et al. 2005). Further, accumulation pattern of As shares any correlation with the
although AsV is the dominant As species in aerobic soils, profile of these elements. Various species of As were
AsIII prevails under anaerobic conditions present in rice analyzed in seeds of the selected genotypes.
fields (Tripathi et al. 2007; Smith et al. 2008). Recent
studies have unfolded the mystery why rice is a potential
accumulator of As and demonstrated that As (in the form of Materials and methods
AsIII) follows similar uptake and transport mechanism as
that of silica (Si) and As affects trace nutrients in rice (Ma Experimental site and growth conditions
et al. 2008; Williams et al. 2009a; Zhao et al. 2010). It is
important to note that rice is one of the best known Si A field trial was conducted at As-affected area of Chinsurah
accumulators (Ma et al. 2002). Hence, the suitability of (latitude, 22°53′44″N; longitude, 88°24′9″E), Hooghly, West
varietal selection on the basis of As sequestration related As Bengal (India), during Boro season (2008). The seeds of
contamination in grains and the level of mineral nutrients seven rice varieties (IR-68144-127, IR-68144-120, CN1643-
needs to be tested at the field level. 3, CN1646-2, IR-36, IR-64, and Gotrabhog (IET-19226))
Author's personal copy
Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in Indian rice genotypes 115
were selected and cultivated in a randomized block design including DCB solution, was determined by colorimetric
by following standard agronomic practices. Seedlings method (Jackson 1973). The pH and EC of soil were
(25 days old) of selected cultivars were transplanted in a measured by ion meter (Orion, USA), while water-holding
prepared plot at a spacing of 20×15 cm between rows and capacity was measured by hydrometery. The available N and
plants. The N, P, and K were supplied in the form of urea, total organic C were estimated by following Jackson (1973)
single super phosphate (P2O5), and muriate of potash (K2O) and Carter and Gregorich (2007), respectively. SAU
at a rate of 100, 50, and 50 kg ha−1, respectively. Half of N indicates the ability of total As uptake while specific Se
fertilizer and full dose of P2O5 and K2O were applied as uptake (SSU) for Se, and it was calculated according to
basal dose, whereas remaining half N fertilizer was applied Zhang and Duan (2008) with slight modification as given
as top dressing in two equal doses: first at the maximum below.
tillering stage and second during panicle initiation stage. The
SAU ¼ TrootAs þ TshootAs þ ThuskAs þ TgrainAs =rootbiomass
paddy field was irrigated continuously with groundwater, :
and shallow level of submergence (6±2 cm) was maintained SSU ¼ TrootSe þ TshootSe þ ThuskSe þ TgrainSe =rootbiomass
throughout the growth period.
Transfer factor (TF) for As was calculated as per the
Crop harvest and sample preparation following formula:
found in the plaque of IR68144-127 (5; Fig. 1d), whereas among the genotypes and was two- to 23-fold higher than
the maximum sequestration of As was found in IR68144- that observed in shoot. The maximum accumulation of As
120 (72; Fig. 1e). (Fig. 2e) in roots was found in CN1643-3 (155) and the
least in IR-64 (22).
As accumulation and its relation with mineral elements The translocation of metals from root to shoot
in root and shoot differed among various genotypes and was correlated
with the amount of As in the shoot (Fig. 3a–e). IR-36
Roots were processed and analyzed for determination of (1548) represented the least Fe accumulation while the
nutrients (Fe, P, Zn, and Se; mg kg−1 dw) and As maximum was found in Gotrabhog (5911). The P content
(mg kg−1 dw; Fig. 2a–e). IR68144-120 showed the in shoot also differed significantly among selected
maximum Fe accumulation (49622; Fig. 2a) but the least genotypes (Fig. 3b). IR68146-120 (599) accumulated the
P accumulation (62; Fig. 2b). IR-64 showed the maximum maximum amount of Zn, while IR68144-127 (156)
accumulation of both P (1313) and Zn (1013; Fig. 2c) but accumulated the least amount (Fig. 3c). The Se concen-
the minimum accumulation of Fe (12858), Se (0.25; tration in shoot of selected rice genotypes ranged between
Fig. 2d), and As (23; Fig. 2e). The highest level of Se 0.2 and 1.2 (Fig. 3d). Due to sequestration of most of the
was recorded in roots of CN1646-2 (3) while the lowest in As (15.5–72) in Fe plaque, only about 4–27% was
IR-64 (0.3). The concentration of As in roots differed translocated from root to shoot (Fig. 3e), and a significant
variation was observed in selected rice cultivars. Gotrab- accumulation of Zn was recorded (118–175; Fig. 4c).
hog (7) was found to accumulate the maximum amount Cultivar CN1643-3 accumulated the maximum amount of
of As (Fig. 3e), while CN1646-2 (2.5) accumulated the Se (0.8; Fig. 4d) in husk, while the lowest accumulation
least amount. was observed in IR-64 (0.1). There was a significant
variation in As content of the different varieties, and it
As accumulation and its relation with nutrients in husk was observed that about 2–7% (Fig. 4e) of the total As was
and grain translocated to husk. The maximum level of As was found
in IR68144-120 (6; 7% translocation) followed by
Mineral nutrient level (mg kg−1 dw) in husk and grain also CN1643-3 (4.5; 3% translocation).
varied significantly among selected cultivars. IR-36 (2695) The Fe content in grain varied significantly among the
was found to accumulate the maximum amount of Fe different rice germplasms. Gotrabhog (174) accumulated
(Fig. 4a), while the minimum content was found in the maximum amount, while IR68144-120 (62) accumu-
CN1646-2 (974). Significant variation was observed in P lated the least amount (Fig. 5a). Both P and Zn content
content of these varieties that ranged from 261 to 364 also varied significantly in different cultivars (Fig. 5b, c).
(Fig. 4b). However, a lower range of variation in Se accumulation ranged from 0.04 to 0.11 in different
Author's personal copy
Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in Indian rice genotypes 119
cultivars, with the minimum being in grains of transfer of Se from root to shoot. The recovery of
Gotrabhog (0.04) and the maximum in CN1643-3 inorganic As species varies and ranges between 18.38%
(0.11; Fig. 5d). The total As (Table 1) accumulation and 35.51% in all the genotypes.
ranged from 0.4 to 1.7 with the highest accumulation in
IR68144-127 (1.7) and the least in CN1646-2 (0.4). In As speciation
general, the maximum amount of As was retained in
roots (64.5–93%) followed by shoot (4–29%), husk (2– The inorganic (AsIII and AsV) and organic (dimethylarsinic
7%), and grains (0.65–3%) of total SAU. The maximum acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA)) As
As retention was in the roots of CN1664-3 (93%), while species (mg kg−1 dw) were analyzed in the grains of rice
the minimum was in Gotrabhog (64.5%), with only genotypes (Table 1). Results showed a very typical feature
about 0.65% and 1.26% translocation to grains, respec- that DMA and MMA were absent in seeds, and only
tively. The SSU of selected genotypes differ signifi- inorganic As was detected in all seven cultivars. The
cantly, and it was maximum for CN1646-2 (5; Fig. 4f), concentration of inorganic As was the least in IR-36
while TF (Fig. 5f) showed different trend, and instead of (0.125), while the maximum total inorganic As was found
CN1646-2 (35), CN1643-3 (90) showed maximum in the grains of IR68144-127 (0.413).
120 Author's personal copy S. Dwivedi et al.
Table 1 Quantification of As
species in grains of selected Rice Total As Percentage Total inorganic Grain organic
rice genotype genotypes (mgkg−1 dw) of recovery species (mgkg−1 species (mgkg−1
dw) (AsV +AsIII) dw)
sequestration in rice. Similarly, a positive correlation tration of P in rice roots indicate that As can competitively
between amount of Fe plaque and Se adsorption was inhibit P uptake by roots (Zhang and Duan 2008) owing to
observed (Zhou and Shi 2007). The sequestration of As by the fact that AsV is a phosphate analogue and thus both
Fe plaque on the root of rice (Liu et al. 2004; Chen et al. compete for the same transporters (Meharg and Macnair
2005), macrophytes (Taggart et al. 2009), and cattail (Blute 1992). However, Zhang et al. (1999) suggested that shoot
et al. 2004) has been demonstrated. The adsorption of As P concentration of rice plants with Fe plaque was higher
by the Fe plaque may be an efficient strategy to reduce than those without plaque, but during the present field trial,
As contamination of rice grains. Since formation of Fe the shoot P concentration of various tested genotypes
plaque varies among genotypes, a variety having significant decreased due to the increased concentration of As (Zhang
Fe plaque formation and As adsorption on the root surface and Duan 2008) barring two cultivars such as CN1643-3
may thus be a suitable candidate for cultivation in and IR68144-120. Further, IR8144-120, IR68144-127, and
As-contaminated regions. In the present study, the paddy IR-36 showed higher amount of DCB-Fe, thus it was
field had around 12.5 mg kg−1 dw As. Recently, Norton et possible that the thick coating of Fe plaque might become a
al. (2009) estimated the As level of two (Nonaghata barrier preventing P on root interface (Zhang et al. 1999) in
(latitude, 23°42′N; longitude, 88°44′E) and De Ganga these cultivars.
(latitude, 22°87′N; longitude, 88°76′E)) Indian field sites The Zn uptake by plants depends on the uptake capacity of
in As-affected area of West Bengal and found As levels of root and Zn concentration in the medium (Howeler 1973).
6.3 and 14.9 mg kg−1 dw, respectively. During our trial, rice Fe plaque sequestered higher amount (346–610 mg kg−1 fw)
cultivars were grown in the same field, but As in DCB-Fe of Zn on the root surface than that of the paddy soil
was significantly varied and high (up to 72 mg kg−1 fw), (93.5 mg kg−1 dw). Zn uptake by plants with Fe plaque
which might be due to the variation in Fe plaque thickness might be enhanced if plants could take up that Zn (Zhang et
on the rice roots (Zhang et al. 1998). On the other hand, al. 1998). In the present study, the concentration of
P showed a negative correlation (*R=−0.644) with DCB- accumulated Zn was higher (625–1,013) than the Zn present
Fe, probably due to a competition between As and P for in DCB-Fe, thus it has been suggested that Zn adsorption in
binding to Fe plaque, and As presumably had a higher Fe plaque represents a weaker binding mechanism than
affinity than P that resulted in low P binding to the plaque chemical binding, and plant roots can take up that Zn
(Wang et al. 2002). (Otte et al. 1989). During the present study, 0.3–5 mg kg−1
The As (mg kg−1 dw) concentration in roots showed fw of Se (DCB-Se) was sequestered into the Fe plaque, and
significant difference among the rice genotypes, which 37–74% was accumulated by roots, 13.5–33% by shoot,
ranged from 23 to 155 and showed the following order: 9–26% by husk, and 2–11% by grains. Earlier, Zhou and
CN1646-3 (155)>IR68144-120 (74)>CN1646-2 (46.5)> Shi (2007) demonstrated that high Fe plaque formation
IR68144-127 (46)>IR-36 (42)>Gotrabhog (27)>IR-64 resulted in more Se sequestration in the plaque and hence
(23). These findings are in contrast to the earlier observa- decreased Se concentration in above ground parts.
tions of Liu et al. (2004) who found no significant During the field trial, it was observed that As (mg
difference in root As among cultivars. However, Zhang kg−1 dw) translocation from root to shoot, husk, and grains
and Duan (2008) found significant genotypic difference in decreased sequentially, and most of the As was accumulat-
As uptake and translocation between hydroponically grown ed in husk (1–6), and only about 0.5–1.7 was accumulated
rice genotypes. High concentration of As and low concen- in grains; thus, a two- to 3.5-fold difference was observed
122 Author's personal copy S. Dwivedi et al.
in husk to grain As level, which was in accordance with japonica rice cultivars. The Se levels detected in the present
previous reports. Rahman et al. (2008) reported that husk analysis were significantly low than that may be required to
of BRRI hybrid dhan I contains 3.8-fold higher As than fulfill the recommended daily intake of Se of 55 μg/day from
grains, while it was 3.4-fold higher for BRII dhan 28. Rice the rice-based diet. Even the highest grain Se-accumulating
seeds used for human consumption are the main source cultivar CN1643-3 (0.11 mg kg−1 dw) would not fulfill the
of As exposure (Abedin et al. 2002b) causing serious health Se requirement of a person consuming up to 450 g of rice as
problems (Zavala and Duxbury 2008). Meharg and Rahman subsistence diet. Though, Williams et al. (2009a, b) reported
(2003) reported that grain As concentration reached above higher level of Se in rice grain from India but low
1.7 mg kg−1 dw in some cultivars; however, the global accumulation of Se in different plant parts, and its lower
normal range of As is 0.08–0.20 mg kg−1 dw. However, fractions in grains might be due to the decreased Se
as per the maximum tolerable daily intake of As (2 μg availability in soil in West Bengal. Kirk (2004) reported that
kg−1 body weight per day), even the As level as low as under reduced conditions, Se is in insoluble form because of
0.1 mg kg−1 dw may contribute to significant exposure to a the thermodynamic stability of selenite (SeO32−) and
person having rice-based subsistence diet (Williams et al. selenide (Se ). Thus, flooded condition (paddy habitat)
2005). Although, Fe plaque restricted the entry of high appears to be an important factor for decreasing soil Se
amount of As to the plants, still As levels in the grains were availability, which is the source to rice grains (Yadav et al.
considerably high in all the varieties in the present analysis. 2008). In general, As constrained the levels of Zn, P, and
Further, As speciation plays an important role in contrib- Se in different plant parts; however, a positive correlation
uting to toxicity caused by its accumulation. Speciation was observed for As and Fe. Similarly, Williams et al.
analysis of grains indicated that only inorganic species (AsV (2009a, b) reported that As affects the trace mineral (Se, Zn,
and AsIII) were present in the grains, while organic species and Ni) nutrition in rice grains.
(MMA and DMA) were absent, suggesting that rice plants In conclusion, results provide information regarding the
presumably lacked the ability to methylate As. This is in different levels of SAU and SSU among rice cultivars and
contrast to previous reports showing the presence of As transfer in rice plant parts. Results showed genotypic
organic As species, particularly DMA in rice grains differences with respect to Fe plaque formation, As
(Williams et al. 2005). Norton et al. (2008) recently sequestration, and accumulation. Se level in all the rice
demonstrated an upregulation of potential gene involved genotypes were low, while As content was high. It is well
in AsV methylation in rice. It has recently been suggested demonstrated that Se is antagonist to As toxicity and
that as As level rise, US rice contains more methylated As, carcinogenicity in mammalian models as evident through
the less toxic form, whereas rice grown in Asia and Europe multiple mechanism (Zhu et al. 2009). Thus, low dietary
contains more toxic inorganic As (Zavala and Duxbury intake of Se for those persons having rice-based diet may
2008; Williams et al. 2005). The concentration of total increase the risk of arsenicosis. Although, these cultivars
inorganic As (mg kg−1 dw) in grains varied significantly. are popularly grown in various Indian states, consumption
IR68144-127 accumulated high amounts of both AsV of these rice cultivars might prove toxic when grown on
(0.295) and AsIII (0.118), whereas IR-36 accumulated only As-contaminated soil and hence unsuitable for human
AsIII (0.125), indicating genotypic characteristics of a consumption.
particular rice cultivar. The absence of methylated species
and presence of only inorganic As content in Bengal rice
poses threat to the regional human population in Bengal Acknowledgements This work was supported by Network Project
delta, not because it is non-threshold class I carcinogen but (NWP-19) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government
of India. SD is grateful to SERC Division, Department of Science and
also because rice is a staple diet in this region. Our results Technology, New Delhi, India, for the award of Young Scientist. The
on grain As speciation revealed 18.38–35.51% recovery of authors are also thankful to the Director, Department of Agriculture,
inorganic As. Similarly, Abedin et al. (2002b) found less Government of West Bengal for providing the lab and field facility to
recovery of different As species using methanol extraction conduct the field trial.
method. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Grain Se (mg kg−1 dw) content varied remarkably (0.04– interest.
0.11) revealing that different rice genotypes exhibited
difference in Se accumulation and its translocation from root
to shoot. Similarly, Zhang et al. (2006a, b) reported that Se References
content in brown rice grains was positively correlated with
that in shoot. Further, Zhang et al. (2006a, b) reported the Abedin MJ, Feldmann J, Meharg AA (2002a) Uptake kinetics of
significant difference in Se accumulation in grains of two arsenic species in rice plants. Plant Physiol 128:1120–1128
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