Zinc Fortification of Oat Grains Through Zinc Fertilisation

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Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381

DOI 10.1007/s40003-013-0078-2


Zinc Fortification of Oat Grains Through Zinc Fertilisation

Yashbir Singh Shivay • Rajendra Prasad •

Madan Pal

Received: 11 May 2012 / Accepted: 3 September 2013 / Published online: 11 October 2013
Ó NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) 2013

Abstract A two-year study at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi showed that an increase in grain and
straw yields and zinc (Zn) fortification of grains of oats is possible by Zn fertilisation. Zn fertilisation is the fastest way to
fortify oat grains with Zn, which is wanting in human and animal nutrition, especially in developing countries. Zn
fortification of oats deserves special attention, because oat is gaining importance as a healthy cereal for human con-
sumption. Coating oat seeds with Zn sulphate or Zn oxide before sowing was found to be the best method from the
viewpoint of grain and straw yields as well as Zn fortification of oat grains. The next best method was deep placement of
Zn fertilisers at sowing.

Keywords Biofortification  Coating Zn onto seeds  Deep placement of Zn  Ferti-fortification  Zn nutrition

Introduction Research (CGIAR), which focuses on breeding for higher

levels of Fe, Zn and b-carotene in the major staple crops of
Zinc (Zn) deficiency in humans has received considerable the developing countries, namely, rice, wheat, maize, cas-
interest in the recent past and as much as one-third of the sava, sweet potato and beans; ‘The Golden Rice Project’,
world’s population may be at risk from inadequate Zn intake which focuses on genetic engineering approach to biofor-
[3]. Black et al. [4] reported that more than 450,000 children tify rice with b-carotene, Fe, Zn, vitamin E and protein
under the age of 5 years died during 2008 due to diarrhoea under the ‘Great Challenges in Global Health’ scheme
caused by Zn deficiency. Zn deficiency leads to diarrhoea funded by Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation and ‘African
and pneumonia in children [6]. It also leads to dwarfism in Biofortified Sorghum Project’ funded by Bill & Melinda
children [5]. Biofortification of cereal grains, which are the Gates Foundation, which focuses to fortify sorghum with
staple food in developing countries, has therefore received Fe, Zn, vitamin A and vitamin E. Despite the enormous
considerable attention during recent years. research activities, so far, only two biofortified crop culti-
There are three major ways of biofortification of cereal vars have been successfully developed. Vitamin A-rich
grains. These include food supplements [1, 21], genetic orange-fleshed sweet potato has already been introduced
biofortification and agronomic manipulation through and is being produced in South Africa [14]. Similarly b-
micronutrient fertilisers [22]. A number of global projects carotene-rich golden rice has been allowed to be cultivated
on genetic biofortification of food crops are underway [9, in the Philippines [10]. No Zn-rich cultivar has been
20] including ‘HarvestPlus, a Global Challenge Program’ released in any food crop so far.
of the Consultative Group of the International Agricultural Agronomic manipulation (Ferti-fortification) is a
quicker and faster approach to increase Zn concentration in
cereal grains. Available reports show that Zn fertilisation
Y. S. Shivay (&)  R. Prasad  M. Pal
increased Zn concentration in rice grain from 35 to 141 %
Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110 012, India in rice [12, 23, 29], from 24 to 48 % in wheat [22, 30] and
e-mail: [email protected] 72 % in maize [12].

376 Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381

Oat is emerging as an important dietary cereal, due to its Zn ha-1 was applied as broadcast at sowing or banded just
high b-glucan content, which imparts it human health before or after first irrigation applied 25 days after sowing
benefits in terms of lowering cholesterol and blood glucose (DAS). Commercial grade ZnSO47H2O contained 20 %
levels [2, 15]. Oat is being increasingly incorporated in Zn and thus 10 and 25 kg ha-1 was required to supply 2
breakfast cereals, beverages and infant foods [7], which and 5 kg Zn ha-1, respectively. Commercial grade ZnO
make it an important crop that deserves attention for for- contained 80 % Zn and 2.5 and 6.25 kg ha-1 was required
tification of its grains with Zn. Therefore, the present study to supply 2 and 5 kg Zn ha-1, respectively. All plots
was undertaken to study the effect of sources, methods and received 26.2 kg P ha-1 as single superphosphate and
time of application of Zn on the grain yield and Zn con- 33 kg K ha-1 as muriate of potash, which was broadcast
centration in oat grains. before final ploughing. Nitrogen @ 90 kg ha-1 as prilled
urea was applied in all plots in two equal applications; half
at the time of sowing and the remaining half after first
Materials and Methods irrigation at field capacity condition.

Experimental Site, Soil and Weather Parameters Sowing and Raising of Crop

Field experiments were conducted during winter–spring Sowing of the oat variety ‘Kent’ was done with a seed drill
season (December–May) of 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 at adjusted for an inter-row spacing of 23 cm in the first
the research farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, fortnight of December during both the years. The plot size
New Delhi, situated at 228.6 m amsl at 28°400 N latitude was 5 m 9 4.83 m2. The seed rate was 100 kg ha-1. The
and 77°120 E longitude. The mean annual rainfall of Delhi crop received four irrigations, the first being at 25 DAS
is 650 mm and more than 80 % of it is generally occurs while the other three were given as per the need of the crop.
during July–September. The mean annual evaporation is The crop was harvested in the first week of May during
850 mm. The experimental site used for this experiment both the years of experimentation.
was under rice during previous cropping season (kharif).
Before the start of the experiment in rabi season, the soil Grain and Straw Yields
samples were taken and as regards the initial fertility status
of experimental field, it had 216 kg ha-1 alkaline per- At the time of maturity the net plots (leaving two border rows
manganate oxidizable N [27], 14.0 kg ha-1 0.5 M on each side and 0.5 m area from each side of the length)
NaHCO3 extractable P [18], 233 kg ha-1 1 N ammonium were harvested and sun-dried for 3 days in the field. The
acetate exchangeable K [11] and 0.48 % organic carbon as weight of the harvested plants after sun drying and before
determined by the procedure described by Walkley and threshing was recorded. After threshing, cleaning and dry-
Black [28]. The pH of soil was 7.8 (1:2.5 soil and water ing, the grain yield was recorded for each plot and adjusted at
ratio) and DTPA-extractable Zn [13] in soil was 11 % moisture. Straw yield was obtained by deducting the
0.63 mg kg-1 of soil, and the response to Zn was expected. grain weight from the total weight (biological yield). The
The weather parameters during the growing period of the grain and straw yields were expressed in Mg ha-1.
oat crops in 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 are given in
Fig. 1a, b, however, there was no relationship of weather Sampling of Grains and Straw for Zn Analysis
parameters with Zn fortification during 2 years of study.
100 g grain and straw samples were collected from the
Experimental Design and Treatments harvest of each plot and dried in hot air oven at 60 ± 2 °C
for 6 h. The oven dried samples were ground in a Wiley
The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design Mill and sieved to pass through a 40-mesh sieve. A 0.5 g
with three replications. The treatments were 12 combina- grain and straw sample was digested in a 3:10 mixture of
tions of two rates (2 and 5 kg Zn ha-1), 2 sources perchloric and nitric acid and Zn concentration in the
(ZnSO47H2O abbreviated as ZnSHH in this study and digest was determined on an atomic absorption spectro-
ZnO) and 3 methods of Zn application and a control (no photometer (Perkin Elmer; Model-A. Analyst 100) [22].
Zn). Two kg Zn ha-1 was applied as broadcast or deep
placed at 5 cm below the seed (with tyne/plastic tubes Statistical Analysis
attached with a ferti-seed drill) at sowing or coated onto
100 kg oat seeds used for sowing 1 ha of land. ZnSHH or All the data obtained were statistically analysed using the
ZnO was coated on oat seeds using neem (Azadirachta F test [8] and least significance difference (LSD) values at
indica Juss) oil as a binder a day before sowing. Five kg P = 0.05 were calculated.

Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381 377

Fig. 1 a Weather parameters

during the growing period of the
oat crops in 2009–2010 and
2010–2011. b Weather
parameters during the growing
period of the oat crops in
2009–2010 and 2010–2011

Results was not true for ZnO. Also when deep placed at sowing at
2 kg Zn ha-1, ZnSHH produced significantly more grain and
Grain and Straw Yield of Oats straw than ZnO in 2009–2010. When banded @ 5 kg Zn ha-1
at first irrigation (25 DAS), ZnSHH and ZnO were equally
In both the years of study grain and straw yields of oats were effective and produced significantly lesser grain and straw
significantly increased due to Zn fertilisation (Tables 1, 2). than their broadcast application at sowing at the same rate. In
When broadcast at sowing application of 5 kg Zn ha-1 as both the years of study coating of oat seeds onto with ZnSHH
ZnSHH (ZnSO47H2O) or ZnO produced significantly more or ZnO (@ 2 kg Zn ha-1) produced the highest grain and
grain and straw yields than 2 kg Zn ha-1, which in turn pro- straw yield, significantly more than deep placement of Zn at
duced significantly more than no Zn (control). Deep place- the same rate of application and in the case of ZnSHH it
ment of 2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH produced significantly more produced significantly more grain and straw than its broadcast
grain and straw yields than its broadcast application, but this application even at 5 kg Zn ha-1. At 5 kg Zn ha-1 both the

378 Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381

Table 1 Effect of rate, source and method of Zn application on grain yield of oats
Treatment Grain yield (Mg ha-1)
2009–2010 2010–2011

Control (no Zn) 3.15 3.23

2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHHa, deep placed at sowing 3.76 3.83
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH, broadcast at final ploughing 3.51 3.58
2 kg Zn ha as ZnSHH (used for coating onto 100 kg seed required for sowing 1 ha) 4.01 4.08
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO deep placed at sowing 3.56 3.64
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 3.45 3.53
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO (used for coating onto seed required for sowing 1 ha) 3.91 3.98
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH broadcast at sowing 3.79 3.87
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 3.52 3.60
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 3.51 3.58
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 3.77 3.75
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 3.46 3.54
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 3.47 3.54
SEM± 0.057 0.077
LSD (P = 0.05) 0.167 0.222

Table 2 Effect of rate, source and method of Zn application on straw yield of oats
Treatment Straw yield (Mg ha-1)
2009–2010 2010–2011

Control (no Zn) 8.67 8.93

2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHHa, deep placed at sowing 10.80 11.05
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH, broadcast at final ploughing 10.08 10.33
2 kg Zn ha as ZnSHH (used for coating onto 100 kg seed required for sowing 1 ha) 11.60 11.83
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO deep placed at sowing 10.18 10.42
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 9.98 10.23
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO (used for coating onto seed required for sowing one hectare) 11.25 11.53
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH broadcast at sowing 11.03 11.28
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 10.04 10.28
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 9.94 10.20
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 11.03 11.28
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 9.87 10.14
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 9.90 10.18
SEM± 0.178 0.151
LSD (P = 0.05) 0.519 0.441

sources of Zn were equally effective in increasing grain and (Table 3). When broadcast at sowing, a significant increase in
straw yield of oats irrespective of the method of application. Zn concentration (29–29.5 % over control) in oat grains was
recorded only when 5 kg Zn ha-1 applied as ZnSHH or ZnO.
Zn Concentration in Oat Grains The differences between sources and methods of Zn appli-
cation were not significant. When coated onto oat grains,
Zn concentration in oat grains was 22.2 mg kg-1 in control ZnSHH and ZnO were equally effective and recorded the
plots and increased from 23.8 to 32.3 mg kg-1 due to Zn highest Zn concentration (43.5–45.4 % over control); signif-
fertilisation; average increase being about 27 % over control icantly more than even a 5 kg ha-1 broadcast Zn application.

Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381 379

Table 3 Effect of rate, source and method of Zn application on Zn concentration in oat grains
Treatment Zn concentration in oat grains (mg kg-1 grain)
2009–2010 2010–2011

Control (no Zn) 22.0 22.5

2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHHa, deep placed at sowing 25.1 (14.1)b 25.6 (13.8)b
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH, broadcast at final ploughing 23.8 (8.2) 24.3 (8.0)
2 kg Zn ha as ZnSHH (used for coating onto 100 kg seed required for sowing one hectare) 32.0 (45.5) 32.5 (44.4)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO deep placed at sowing 24.7 (12.3) 25.2 (12.0)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 22.1 (0.5) 23.6 (4.9)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO (used for coating onto seed required for sowing 1 ha) 31.6 (43.6) 32.3 (43.5)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH broadcast at sowing 29.5 (34.1) 30.3 (34.7)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 29.0 (31.8) 29.5 (31.1)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 27.3 (24.1) 27.8 (23.5)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 28.6 (30.0) 29.1 (29.3)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 28.0 (27.3) 28.4 (26.2)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 26.8 (21.8) 27.3 (21.3)
SEM± 0.65 0.64
LSD (P = 0.05) 1.90 1.87
Percentage increase over control (no Zn)

Zn Concentration in Oat Straw Discussion

Zn concentration in oat straw was 31.75 mg kg-1 in con- As regards rate of Zn application, when applied as broad-
trol plots and increased from 37.35 to 48.95 mg kg-1 due cast at sowing, 5 kg Zn ha-1 produced significantly more
to Zn fertilisation; average increase being about 33.67 % grain and straw than that of 2 kg Zn ha-1, which in turn
over control (Table 4). When broadcast at sowing, a sig- produced significantly more than no Zn (control). A sig-
nificant increase in Zn concentration (35.75–45.95 % over nificant increase in grain and straw yields of rice, wheat,
control) in oat straw was recorded only when 5 kg Zn ha-1 maize and sorghum up to 5 kg Zn ha-1 has been reported
applied as ZnSHH or ZnO. The differences between in India [19], but no reports are available on oats. In the
sources and methods of Zn application were not significant. present study, a significant increase in Zn concentration in
When coated onto oat grains, ZnSHH and ZnO were oats was recorded only when 5 kg Zn ha-1 was applied. A
equally effective and recorded the highest Zn concentration number of researchers have reported an increase in Zn
(49.75–54.2 % over control); significantly more than even concentration of other cereals [12, 23, 29, 30].
a 5 kg ha-1 broadcast Zn application. As regards method of Zn application, coating of ZnSHH
or ZnO @ 2 kg Zn ha-1 onto oat seeds recorded the
Economics highest grain yield, Zn concentration in oat grains and
straw as well as net profit and B:C ratio, significantly
The highest net returns and benefit:cost ratio was obtained higher than even a broadcast application of 5 kg Zn ha-1.
when 2 kg ZnSHH or ZnO was coated onto oat seeds Coating of Zn onto seeds permits better absorption of Zn
followed by deep placed of 2 kg ZnSHH ha-1 (Table 5). by plants and therefore gave better results. Seed treatment
Deep placement of Zn gave higher net returns and bene- of rice with Zn was found to be quite effective in AR, USA
fit:cost ratio than its broadcast application and deep placed [26]. Martens et al. [16] reported that band application of
of 2 kg ZnSHH ha-1 was at par with broadcast application Zn fertilisers in contact with maize seeds at rates ranging
of 5 kg ZnSHH ha-1. Band placed of Zn either as ZnSHH from 0.34 to 1.34 kg Zn ha-1 produced grain yields equal
or ZnO before or after first irrigation gave significantly to those achieved when 26.9 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH was
lower net returns and benefit:cost ratio than its application broadcast on soil surface and incorporated. Patel [19] also
at sowing, however, it was still better than no Zn check. observed that seed coating may be a better option for
When coated onto seeds, ZnSHH was significantly superior supplying Zn to maize and wheat. Deep placement of
to ZnO. ZnSHH or ZnO also gave higher grain and straw yields of

380 Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381

Table 4 Effect of rate, source and method of Zn application on Zn concentration in oat straw
Treatment Zn concentration in oat straw (mg kg-1 dry oat straw)
2009–2010 2010–2011

Control (no Zn) 31.3 32.2

2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHHa, deep placed at sowing 40.4 (29.1)b 41.2 (27.9)b
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH, broadcast at final ploughing 38.5 (23.0) 39.3 (22.0)
2 kg Zn ha as ZnSHH (used for coating onto 100 kg seed required for sowing 1 ha) 48.6 (55.3) 49.3 (53.1)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO deep placed at sowing 39.6 (26.5) 40.3 (25.2)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 36.9 (17.9) 37.8 (17.4)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO (used for coating onto seed required for sowing 1 ha) 47.5 (51.8) 48.2 (47.7)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH broadcast at sowing 45.9 (46.6) 46.8 (45.3)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 42.5 (35.8) 42.5 (32.0)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 40.4 (29.1) 41.3 (28.3)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 42.7 (36.4) 43.5 (35.1)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 41.8 (33.5) 42.3 (31.4)
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 40.6 (29.7) 41.2 (28.0)
SEM± 0.55 0.50
LSD (P = 0.05) 1.61 1.47
Percentage increase over control (no Zn)

Table 5 Effect of rate, source and method of Zn application on gross returns, net returns and net benefit:cost ratio of oats (mean of 2 years)
Treatment Gross returns Net returns Net benefit:
( ha-1) ( ha-1) cost ratio

Control (no Zn) 58,300 41,338 2.44

2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHHa, deep placed at sowing 70,660 53,441 3.10
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH, broadcast at final ploughing 66,000 48,781 2.83
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH (used for coating onto 100 kg 75,630 58,411 3.39
seed required for sowing one hectare)
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO deep placed at sowing 66,900 49,613 2.87
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 65,200 47,913 2.77
2 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO (used for coating onto seed required for sowing 1 ha) 73570 56,283 3.25
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH broadcast at sowing 71,750 54,145 3.07
5 kg Zn ha as ZnSHH band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 66,080 48,475 2.75
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSHH band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 65,610 48,005 2.73
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO broadcast at sowing 71,050 53,275 3.00
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed before first irrigation (25 DAS) 65,000 47,225 2.66
5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnO band placed after first irrigation (25 DAS) 65,120 47,345 2.66
SEM± 599.1 599.1 0.033
LSD (P = 0.05) 1,748.6 1,748.6 0.097

oats than their broadcast application, but was not as good irrigation. Late application of Zn is therefore not as good as
as coating Zn onto oat seeds. its application at sowing from the view point it gives yield
As regards timing of Zn application, it was better at (grain and straw) as well as Zn concentration in oat grains
seeding than at first irrigation (25 DAS) and while applying and straw. Applying Zn before irrigation permitted it better
at this stage, it was better to apply it before than after to reach the active root zone, which is important for Zn

Agric Res (December 2013) 2(4):375–381 381

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