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Cooperative Learning Tools

Tools Language Acquisition for ELL Access to Content for ELL

Peer Input Interactive Output Concept Concept Concept
(interpretive) Intake Practice Exposure Development Attainment
(interpersonal) (presentational) (before) (during) (after)
Sage X X

Corners X X X X

Draw What
I Say X X

Fact or
Fiction X X

Outside X X

Problem X X

Line Ups
Freeze- X X

Together X X

One Stray X X

Check or X X
Passport X X

Q-Spinner X X

Rotating X X

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]
Cooperative Learning Tools
Roundtable X X

Sages X X

Send-A- X X

Showdown X X

Stir-the- X X

Teammates X X

Team-Pair- X X

Team X X

Team Mind X X

Think-Pair- X X

Three- X X

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Circle-the-Sage (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: attend to a listening activity for an extended period of time;
listen to comprehend or acquire information
Science: seek clarification and compare with own observations
Math: listen to solutions shared by others; gather data in response to
questions posed by teacher
Social Studies: gather information on an important event or turning point;
form conclusions from multiple perspectives

How it works? Students who understand a concept or who can perform a

particular skill are selected as ‘sages’ to model for their peers. Students
gather around the sages to learn. Afterwards, students return to teams to
share ideas. A variation might be to have students rotate from one sage to
another in order to practice listening for information or to have students
(sages) give oral presentations on a topic.

Variations for emergent ELL: Select a sage which can share the skill in the
primary language if possible (i.e. a translator); have visual support to assist
ELL understand main concept; have the ESL teacher share the concept
beforehand to build background knowledge or teach basic vocabulary; have
the ESL teacher come into class to participate (see peer co-teaching model).

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Corners (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: present a short oral report (or retelling) and speak loudly
enough to be heard by audience; share what they know, want to know and
have learned about a topic; give book reviews
Science: share research plans with others; present results or findings of
experimentation with others
Math: communicate and reason mathematically; explain to others how
problems are solved; justify claims or develop an argument
Social Studies: consider different interpretations; develop and present a
multimedia report; plan and execute an inquiry to answer questions about a
region of the country or world

How it works? Students select or are assigned to a corner where they

interact with others students. This might be a useful way to have students
give presentations over the course of a week rather than to have individual
students do so at the front of the class one at a time which will take more

Variations for emergent ELL: ELL are more comfortable sharing in small
groups than in front of the entire class so corners is a safer way for them to
give an oral report or share information; have ELL perform later rather than
earlier so they have models to follow; provide opportunities for ELL to
prepare and rehearse before performing; have the ESL teacher come into
the class so both teachers can assess the presentations along with peer
assessments (see station co-teaching model).

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Draw What I Say (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: follow directions; describe a character or a setting; use note
taking and graphic organizers; interpret information represented in pictures
and illustrations
Science: design charts, tables, graphs, and other representations of
observations in conventional and creative ways to address research questions
Math: represent problem situations graphically; plot points to form
geometric shapes or describe characteristics of geometric shapes; draw the
graphic representation of a pattern from an equation or from a table;
represent data graphically; display, read, and interpret data represented
Social Studies: draw a map (school, neighborhood, country, world); draw a
political cartoon

How it works? One student draws what another student describes. To

develop better listening and description skills, have the two students sit
back to back.

Variations for emergent ELL: Have ELL sit facing each other rather than
back to back; assign role of ‘drawer’ to ELL and ‘describer’ to a proficient
English speaker; provide ELL with a partially-completed drawing so they only
need to listen for missing information; allow ELL to use primary language to
clarify; have ESL teacher rehearse with ELL beforehand in a separate
setting (see parallel co-teaching model).

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Fact or Fiction (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: distinguish between fact and opinion; identify conflicting
Science: defend a conclusion or explanation; work toward clarifying points
of agreement or disagreement
Math: justify solutions; use inductive reasoning to evaluate arguments or
Social Studies: distinguishing fact from opinion

How it works? Teammates try to distinguish which statements are fibs

or if a statement is true or false.

Variations for emergent ELL: Put students into groups of three and have
the ELL sit in the middle with the assigned role of ‘recorder’ so their job is
to record whether a statement is true or false; provide a rebus (pictures
representing the nouns and verbs) format for ELL to follow visually; have
linguistic buddies translate if possible or appropriate; have the ESL teacher
prepare ELL beforehand with the vocabulary or concepts.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Inside/ Outside Circle (Kagan. 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: learn and use new words; engage in conversations; speak in
response to a variety of texts; connect, compare, and contrast ideas and
Science: formulate hypotheses, question the explanations they hear from
others; describe patterns (e.g. weather) or cycles (e.g. life)
Math: use appropriate mathematical terms and language; explain to others
how problems are solved; listen to solutions shared by others
Social Studies: identify key turning points and important events; discuss
differences (e.g. governments)

How it works? Students form concentric circles and communicate with the
respective ‘circle’ partner. After sharing is completed, the teacher directs
either the inside or outside circle to move to the right or left so that
partners are continually rotated. For younger children, it might be helpful
to put cut-out feet on the floor ahead of time to facilitate placement.

Variations for emergent ELL: For the first few rounds, keep ELL in the
middle of the circle so they can observe the dynamics – be sure to act as the
partner to the ELL; when ELL are ready to participate with the circle,
provide a cue card with some visual reminders of the topic under discussion;
pre-teach essential vocabulary which are new to all students and use inside-
outside circle as an opportunity to practice using the vocabulary with one

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Jigsaw Problem Solving (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: retell multiple pieces of information in sequence; listen to
and follow multi-step directions; connect, compare and contrast ideas and
information; synthesize information from different perspectives
Science: explore and solve problems; generate ideas for possible solutions
through group activity; consider constraints and generate ideas for
alternative solutions using group ideation techniques
Math: practice problem solving; interpret information, identify problem,
generate solutions; identify independent and dependent variables in
Social Studies: arrange events in chronological order; suggest alternative
solutions to problems or issues; describe historic events through the eyes of

How it works? Each student has a part of the answer; teammates must
put their information together to solve the problem.

Variations for emergent ELL: Jigsaw allows students to be responsible for

material at their level of comprehension or parts of tasks which they can
complete so it is an inherently scaffolded strategy for all students; have
ESL teacher help select material and task for ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Line Ups (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: express an opinion or judgment; make connections
between texts and own lives; show interest in a topic
Science: formulate and defend conclusions; clarifying points of
agreement and disagreement
Math: share mathematical claims with verbal explanations; draw
conclusions; support or disprove an argument
Social Studies: create timelines; explain different perspectives; consider
different interpretations

How it works? Students physically line up by whatever criteria is

designated (e.g. characteristics, opinions, estimates, values).

Variations for emergent ELL: ELL will have a chance to understand the big
idea by seeing that there are two issues at each end of the continuum,
especially if there are visual representations at each end; rather than
participate in the line ups, have the ELL tape record the discussion so they
can listen for the information in class and later out of class (in the ESL class
or at home).

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Mix-Freeze-Group (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: share reading experiences; describe the actions of
characters; recognize vocabulary of oral interaction experiences; express an
opinion in an organized way; make connections between text, own lives, and
other texts
Science: explain the functioning of major systems and their interactions;
defend explanations and conclusions; tell what procedures and materials will
be used for an investigation
Math: explain to others how problems were solved; verbally support
reasoning and answer; answer questions; draw conclusions
Social Studies: explain ideas; compare events from different time periods;
use key terms

How it works? Students mix or walk around until the teacher gives the
command to freeze or stop in place. Students rush to form a group of a
specific size that the teacher has designated. Students which are left over
(did not make it into a group) land in the ‘lost and found’ which means they
interact with the teacher.

Variations for emergent ELL: Be sure ELL have a cue card to carry with
them so they can use it as a reminder for the interaction (the cue card can
be pictorial or have key words and definitions or translations); have ELL
partner as they participate (two students mix as one); if ELL end up in the
‘lost and found’ take the opportunity to give him or her your undivided
attention; have the ESL teacher rehearse the questions and responses

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Numbered Heads Together (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: work cooperatively with peers to comprehend and
respond to literary texts; express an opinion, summarize, explain, discuss,
express, communicate ideas in an organized and cohesive manner; participate
actively and productively in group discussions
Science: explain, critique, revise, and submit information; analyze,
construct, collect and compare data; provide a correct, complete, coherent
and clear rationale for thought processes used in problem solving
Math: represent problem situations verbally, numerically, algebraically,
and/ or graphically; explain to others how problems were solved; justify
claims – develop and explain an argument
Social Studies: explain major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and
turning points; suggest alternative solutions; discuss reasons

How it works? Students are put into teams of four and each student is
assigned a number from one to four. The teacher asks a question and
students huddle (i.e. heads together) to discuss the answer. The teacher
spins a numbered heads together spinner on the overhead to identify which
number has the chance to answer the question (available from The first ‘numbered’ student to provide the correct
response wins a point for the team.

Variations for emergent ELL: This strategy is inherently scaffolded

because students who ‘know’ accept the responsibility for assisting their
teammates with the correct responses; ESL teachers can practice questions
with ELL beforehand; this is excellent for reviewing test questions for ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? One Stray (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: retell stories; report information to peers; participate in
group discussions on a range of topics; listen to small group discussions
Science: develop, present and defend a position; form and defend a
logical argument; question the explanations they hear from others
Math: share a calculation (e.g. perimeter, length, area); share
mathematical ideas with verbal explanations; verbally support reasoning and
Social Studies: conduct interviews; compare important events and
accomplishments from different time periods; explain the significance of

How it works? Students complete a task in groups. The teacher calls a

number and the student with that number strays or goes to anther team to
share information.

Variations for emergent ELL: Do not hesitate to send the ELL to share but
be sure to use the variation ‘two stray’ so ELL do not have to share alone.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Pairs Check or Pairs Compare (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: engage in reading activities; discuss versions of text;
identify, explain, and evaluate ideas; interview peers
Science: interpret organized data; observe, describe and explain; plan
and build models; discuss how to test solutions
Math: compare the similarities and differences of mathematical ideas;
share mental images of mathematical ideas and understandings; question the
explanations they hear from others
Social Studies: compare characters and events described; gather and
organize information; propose an action plan; discuss newspaper articles or
political cartoons

How it works? Students work in pairs to complete a problem or task and

then check or compare with another pair; the two pairs can see if the answer
was correct, how the other pair went about solving the problem or
completing the task, or as a foursome they can come up with another

Variations for emergent ELL: ELL can be paired together and the task and
material can be differentiated accordingly; ELL can use the primary language
as a pair and then use English with the second pair; ESL teachers can
preview the problems or task in advance to prepare ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Paraphrase Passport (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: listen respectively and responsively; follow directions;
acquire information and understand procedures; determine a sequence of
steps; synthesize and paraphrase information
Science: explain the functioning of major systems; tell what materials
and procedures will be used
Math: listen to solutions shared by others; restate mathematical
solutions shared by others
Social Studies: brainstorm a list of alternative solutions; interpret
historic events and issue from different perspectives

How it works? Students share their ideas only after they have paraphrased
the student who spoke before them.

Variations for emergent ELL: Provide ELL students with a graphic

organizer so they can take notes or draw pictures as their partner speaks;
assign the ELL to present the second time around so they have a model to
follow; have the ESL teacher build background knowledge on the topic
beforehand with ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Q-Spinner (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: ask probing questions to clarify interpretations or
responses to stories or literature; identify what they want to know about an
informational topic; ask follow up questions
Science: formulate questions about natural phenomena; refine and clarify
questions so they are subject to scientific investigation; ask questions to
seek greater understanding
Math: formulate mathematically relevant questions; pose questions to
collect and record data
Social Studies: ask geographical questions; investigate important events
by posing analytical questions

How it works? In pairs, students generate questions from one of 36

question prompts produced by spinners (available from

Variations for emergent ELL: Providing the question prompts and working
with partners helps ELL to generate questions; have the ESL teacher
practice the forming of questions with content material beforehand; the
spinners are available in English and Spanish and students can make their
own in other languages.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Rotating Review (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: interpret information represented in pictures and
illustrations; connect information from personal experiences to information
from texts; identify main ides and provide supporting details; offer
feedback to others during conferences
Science: refine and clarify questions so they are subject to
investigation; formulate hypotheses; collect and organize data and use
collected data to communicate a scientific idea
Math: formulate problems and solutions from everyday situations; use
inductive reasoning to construct, evaluate and validate conjectures and
arguments; translate from a picture/ diagram to a numeric expression;
translate verbal expressions into algebraic expressions;
Social Studies: compare important events and accomplishments from
different time periods; interpret and analyze documents; compare
governmental structures; suggest alternative solutions

How it works? Post topics on butcher paper around the room. Teams
are assigned to discuss and record their thoughts (or feedback) and then
move to the next topic.

Variations for emergent ELL: Use visual icons to symbolize the meaning of
the topic so ELL have more than one way to obtain meaning; assign a bilingual
‘translator’ to the ELL group as they move from topic to topic; have the ESL
teacher build background knowledge of the topic beforehand through the
use of a prepared outline.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Roundtable (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: retell multiple pieces of information in sequence;
identify or summarize main ideas and supporting details; draft main ideas
and supporting details; present direct references to text to support ideas
Science: participate in projects requiring students to work effectively,
gather and process information, generate and analyze ideas, and present
Math: translate from a picture/ diagram to a numeric expression;
practice problem solving; use multiple representations; use venn diagrams to
sort and describe data
Social Studies: create historical timelines of major events and
characters; classify information by type of activity; draw maps and
diagrams; present information by developing charts, tables, and diagrams
write from varying points of view (journals, diary accounts, letters or news

How it works? In teams of four, students take turns passing the same
paper from one to the next in order to write or draw collectively (1 paper, 1

Variations for emergent ELL: This strategy is inherently scaffolded for ELL
because they can complete a task interdependently which they might not be
able to do independently. Seat the ELL so they have the last turn.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Sages Share (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: take turns speaking in a group; express an opinion;
identify, explain and evaluate ideas; speak in a response to text; recognize
cultural influences on text; synthesize and paraphrase information; respond
to questions to clarify interpretations or responses to literature’ participate
actively in group discussions
Science: design charts, tables, graphs and other representations of
observations in conventional and creative ways to address research
questions; seek to clarify, to assess critically, and to reconcile with their
own thinking the ideas presented by others; participate in structured group
tasks requiring planning, designing and follow up
Math: practice problem solving; justify claims and listen to claims
others make; use mathematics to show and understand phenomena (physical,
social, and mathematical)
Social Studies: present information about important developments,
events or periods; use a variety of research skills to locate, collect, and
organize data; create a list of reasons, justifications, causes, consequences

How it works? Students brainstorm ideas, and each student initials the
ideas they can explain. Students then take turns interviewing the ‘sages’ or
those who can explain an idea they don’t understand.

Variations for emergent ELL: Provide ELL with prepared outlines, notes or
key vocabulary so they can participate; have the ESL teacher practice
‘working talk’ on the topics at hand so ELL come to call with ‘rehearsed talk.’

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Send-A-Problem (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: prepare and give presentations on informational topics;
present interpretations and support them through specific references to
the text; ask and respond to questions to clarify interpretations or
responses to literature
Science: consider constraints and generate ideas for alternative
solutions using group ideation techniques (i.e. discussion, brainstorming); use
logical reasoning to develop conclusions; interpret organized data to answer
research questions and to gain insight into the problem; provide a correct,
complete, coherent and clear rationale for thought processes used in
problem solving
Math: represent problem situations verbally, numerically, algebraically,
and/ or graphically; compare and discuss ideas for solving a problem; apply a
variety of strategies to solve problems
Social Studies: suggest alternative solutions; propose an action plan;
complete well-documented and historically accurate case studies; investigate
important events

How it works? Teammates make problems which are sent around the
class for other teams to solve.

Variations for emergent ELL: Have the ESL teacher come to class (see
station co-teaching) or have the ESL teacher prepare the ELL with
vocabulary and background knowledge; provide ELL with cue cards (short
phrases) so they can participate with their peers; provide bilingual
dictionaries for ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Showdown (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: identify elements of literature in response to questions;
express an opinion, summarize, explain, discuss, express, communicate ideas
in an organized and cohesive way; express a point of view providing
supporting facts
Science: develop, present, and defend explanations and conclusions;
construct descriptions of objects and events and form tentative
explanations; represent, present and defend proposed explanations of
everyday observations
Math: calculate in response to problems posed (e.g. sum of, perimeter
of, length of); compare and discuss ideas for solving a problem; listen to
solutions shared by others
Social Studies: listen to and participate in classroom debates; arrange
events in chronological order; identify, explain and discuss turning points or
ideas embodied in documents

How it works? Teammates each write an answer in response to a

question posed by the teacher. When signaled, students have a ‘showdown’
as they show each other their answers. Teammates select best answer.

Variations for emergent ELL: Provide ESL teacher with questions and
answers beforehand so ELL can be prepared with key vocabulary and

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Stir-the-Class (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: retell stories; respond orally and share information;
relate events; describe actions or motivations of characters; speak in
response to a variety of texts
Science: explain or describe the functioning of major systems; cite
examples; describe patterns, relationships, properties, changes, effects,
characteristics and variations of
Math: communicate and reason mathematically; compare and discuss
how problems were solved; answer questions related to data
Social Studies: explain major ideas, eras, themes, developments and
turning points

How it works? Teams huddle to discuss a question from the teacher and
stand shoulder to shoulder to signal they have a response. The teacher calls
a number and students who are assigned that number rotate to the next
team to share their answer. Students who move join the new team for the
next question.

Variations for emergent ELL: Use the strategy as a review of information

so ELL have already received the ‘input’ or information needed to respond;
be sure ELL have had the opportunity to practice responses either with
other students in class or with the ESL teacher outside of class (see parallel

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Teammates Consult (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: take turns speaking in a group; share reading
experiences; share what they have learned about a topic; communicate ides
in an organized and coherent way; listen in brainstorming sessions with
peers; contribute to group discussions by offering comments; present
reasons and examples from sources to support or defend opinion or
Science: interpret organized data; formulate and defend explanations
and conclusions; explore and solve problems; seek clarification and compare
with own observations; share research plans or results with others;
interpret organized data to answer questions
Math: communicate and reason mathematically; compare and discuss
ideas for solving a problem; question the explanations heard from others;
verbally support reasoning or explain rationale for strategy selection
Social Studies: listen to and participate in debates; consider different
interpretations; make hypothesis about relevant issues; interpret and
analyze documents; answer questions about regions of the world

How it works? For each of a series of questions, students place pens in a

cup, share and discuss their answers, and then pick up pens to write answer
in their own words.

Variations for emergent ELL: If possible, find someone who can translate
the questions in advance for the ELL so they have an idea of what will be
discussed; provide a partial script for ELL to follow during the discussion;
have the ESL teacher prepare ELL for the discussion.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Team-Pair-Solo (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: engage in reading activities or recognize the use of
literary devices (team), interpret, make inferences or draw conclusions
(pair), and construct a personal response to texts (solo)
Science: gather and process information (team), generate and analyze
ideas (pairs), present results using media (solo)
Math: interpret information from word problems (team), identify
problem (pair), generate solutions (solo)
Social Studies: list analytical questions to guide investigations (team),
gather information in response to research questions (pairs), present results

How it works? Teammates first work together on a problem or task as a

team, then as a pair, and finally alone.

Variations for emergent ELL: This strategy is inherently scaffolded

because students progress from interdependence to independence (i.e.
Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development).

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Team Stand-n-Share (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: attend to a listening activity; speak audibly and with
expression appropriate for the audience and task; retell stories; role play
characters; construct a personal response to literature; report information
to peers
Science: form and defend a logical argument; use logical reasoning to
develop conclusions; share findings with others; describe, compare and
contrast, or explain
Math: listen to claims others make; listen to solutions shared by
others; justify claims; develop and explain an argument which explains
rationale for strategy selection
Social Studies: forming conclusions; describing historic events through
the eyes of others; explain ideas embodied in a historical passage or primary
source document; present historical narratives that link together a series of

How it works? All teams stand to share ideas. Teams sit when ideas are
shared and continue to record ‘new’ ideas until all teams sit.

Variations for emergent ELL: Have ELL tape record team responses and
then listen to the responses later while completing a graphic organizer from
which they can study; have ELL identify when students provide repetitive

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Team Mind Map (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: represent information in pictures and illustrations;
identify main ideas and supporting details; use note taking and graphic
organizers; make inferences and draw conclusions’ identify essential details
for note taking; connect, compare and contrast ideas and information
Science: participate in projects requiring students to work effectively,
gather and process information, generate and analyze ideas, and present
results; use graphical, statistical and presentation software to present
projects to classmates (e.g. Inspiration)
Math: use multiple representations; share mental images of
mathematical ideas and understandings
Social Studies: classify information by type of activity; draw maps,
diagrams, and pictures showing how people make use of their physical
environment; interpret an important event or development in history

How it works? Students draw and label the central image, brainstorm,
draw and label main ideas radiating out of the central image, and add details
using colors, images, branches, and key words.

Variations for emergent ELL: This strategy is inherently scaffolded for

ELL since visual representations show what they know and can do; mind maps
can serve as a modified assessment for ELL.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Think-Pair-Square (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: draw on prior experience to understand ideas; learn and
use new words; recognize vocabulary of oral interaction experiences;
participate in small group interactions; synthesize information from
different perspectives
Science: gather and process information, generate and analyze ideas;
observe common themes, and present results; work toward reconciling
competing explanations
Math: interpret information, identify problem, generate solutions; use
appropriate mathematical terms, vocabulary and language; solve multi-step
Social Studies: discuss key turning points and important events; listen to
different perspectives; debate various views

How it works? Students think about their response to a question,

discuss answers in pairs, and then share their ideas with another pair.

Variations for emergent ELL: Pair ELL with students who can use the
primary language for the first round (i.e. pair); provide ELL with visual cues
to help them generate language or with partial scripts to follow; have the
ESL teacher review information with ELL beforehand.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills

What is it? Three-Step Interview (Kagan, 1998)

Why use it?

Language Arts: listen purposefully to different speakers; take turns
speaking in a group; ask and answer questions about informational or literary
text; interview peers
Science: share findings with others; explore ways to address research
questions or conduct experiments
Math: compare and discuss ideas for solving a problem; solve multi-step
Social Studies: conduct interviews to gather and record information;
discuss newspaper articles

How it works? Students are grouped into a team of four to share as

follows: Step 1 – pairs share with one another; Step 2 – pairs switch with
other pairs to share with a different partner; Step 3 – all four students
share with one another. This strategy provides three opportunities to
practice oral skills in a small group yet each time is done with a different

Variations for emergent ELL: Assign role of listener during all three steps
so student has three chances to make meaning from peers; provide a visual
code or cues to help ELL follow conversation; pair ELL for the first step with
another student who shares the primary language; have the ESL teacher
practice the strategy with the content beforehand.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]

Cooperative Learning Tools for Oral Skills


Kagan Smart Card of Cooperative Learning Structures, 1998.

VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 [email protected]


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