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Date: 2/27/17 Grade/Class/Subject: 7th grade English

Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a
word (e.g., belligerent, bellicose, rebel).

Content Objective (s): The student will discover new words by adding new prefixes to already
known affixes and roots in order to create three new words.

Language Objective(s): The student will create and define at least three new words using
known affixes and roots.

Key Vocabulary Supplementary Materials

Prefixes Pencils
Root words List of roots and affixes
Suffixes Posters of known roots and affixes
Un, re, and word posters
Directions for Invent-a-word activity
Sticky Note posters

SIOP Features

Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options

X Adaption of Content X Modeling X Whole class
X Links to Background X Guided practice X Small groups
X Links to Past Learning X Independent practice X Partners
X Strategies incorporated X Comprehensible input X Independent

Integration of Process Application Assessment

X Reading X Hands-on X Individual
X Writing X Meaningful X Group
X Speaking X Linked to objectives X Written
X Listening X Promotes engagement X Oral

Presentation: (Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
Read over content objectives. Have students discuss in partners what they think is meant
by the content objectives.
Read over the language objectives. Have students discuss in partners what they will be
focusing on based on the language objectives.
Go over meaning of prefix, suffix, and root words.
Teach Prefixes Un and Re
Un-not or to do the opposite of
Re-to do again
Motivation: (Building Background)
Link to past learning ...we have talked about similarities and differences before

The teacher will go over a list of roots and affixes the students have already learned.
Reviewing what each mean.
Prefixes- anti-against , mis-wrongly, pre-before, In, im, il, ir -not, auto-self, bi-two
Suffixes- ly-characteristic of, ed-past tense verbs, less-without, able, ible-can be done
Roots-cogn-know, act-do, graph-write, cycl-circle, bio-life, san-health, aud-hear, mem-recall
Add un and re to the list.
Practice/Application: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice/application, feedback)
Word Sorting Activity
- Four students will have a poster with a word on it. Two students will have a poster,
on with un and one with re. Students with no poster will arrange students with
posters to create words. See how many words can be created in 30 seconds.

Review/Assessment: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

Invent-a-word: Students will use a list of roots and affixes that they have already become
familiar with. They will each create three new words, complete with definitions, to share out
with the class.

Possible words include: bicycle, biography, insane, autograph, react, recognize,

recognizable, audible, inaudible, recycle, recycling, remember, graphed, acted etc.
Instead of completing the regular assignment, students can be given the worksheet where
they create their own words and write the definitions

- I feel that the students will be very engaged in this lesson. The movement and
signs should assure that all students are participating. I am also moving the lesson
along so that students eventually will become independent at achieving the
learning objectives.
- If students have a difficult time understanding the new prefixes un and re I will
spend more time practicing as a whole class. Perhaps providing students more
time to work with the signs.
- If students have difficulty with creating new words when they are working
individually at the end of the lesson I could have them work in partners or small
groups instead.

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