CWB Evaluation Survey

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4 Appendix 4 – CWB Evaluation Survey

CWB Evaluation Survey- 1H. 2019 Name: Patricia Lake

In order to make continued improvements to the CWB program please complete the following evaluation.

1. Name of SL placement including the venue (Eg ALNF- RAS program, Blacktown North PS):

Bert Oldfield Public School

2. In relation to my SL placement - supervision, roles & safety (mark X where appropriate)

At the CWB From When I During the It changed Overall, I

orientation training began the placement throughout was
session session (or placement my confused
initial experience placement about this
meeting) area
I learnt who my immediate x
supervisor was
I learnt how to contact my x
immediate supervisor
I learnt about my roles and x
I learnt about the WH&S x
requirements associated with
this role
I learnt about what to do in an x
emergency (or 'unsafe' situation)
I learnt how to conduct myself in x
a professional manner

3. In relation to my SL placement - attendance (mark X where appropriate)

When I From training When I began It changed Overall, I was

registered for session (or the actual through my confused
the placement initial meeting) placement placement about this
experience area
I learnt who my immediate x
supervisor was
I learnt the actual days and x
times I was to attend the training
I learnt the actual days and X
times I was to attend the agency
for SL
If my placement would start x
'later' in the semester
I learnt who I should contact if I X
miss a session

4. In my SL placement experience, I developed the following (mark X where appropriate)

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
Skills and knowledge relevant to teaching X
Time management strategies X
The ability to reflect on teaching practice X
Strategies and processes for working with community x
Oral communications skills X
Written communications skills x
The ability to identity factors in the learning X
environment that impact on student participation and



5. The reflection strategies/activities that I found most useful were …. (mark X where appropriate)

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
Private journal X
Discussions in 'face to face' tutorials X
Discussions with staff at my agency X
Discussions with peers and others x
Completing assignments x

Can you suggest other opportunities for engaging in reflection?_______________________________________________


6. Critical reflection (mark X where appropriate)

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
I understand what the term critical reflection means X
I feel that I engaged in critical reflection about placement X
I feel that I engaged in critical reflection in my X
I am still confused about what critical reflection is X

Can you suggest other opportunities for building competence for critical reflection?______________________


7. Intercultural competence (mark X where appropriate)

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
I understand what the term intercultural competence X
I understand how to practice intercultural competence X
when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children, families and communities
I have developed skills in intercultural competence during X
my placement experience
I am still confused about what intercultural competence is X

Can you suggest other opportunities for developing intercultural competence in teachers?__________________________


8. General themes (mark X where appropriate)

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

agree disagree

I enjoyed my placement experience X

I felt that my needs were met during my SL placement X
I would recommend this agency to new CWB students X
I have improved my understanding of issues encountered X
by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in
I developed an understanding of the importance of X
knowing about local Aboriginal traditional culture and

9. Final comment

i. What did you find valuable in your SL placement?

I found it very valuable being in a culturally diverse classroom and school as I feel this enhanced and
expanded upon my intercultural competence. I also think that being exposed to the classroom
environment and the day to day challenges and tasks is important for preparing me for the future. I was
very lucky to be placed with a very knowledgeable and friendly teacher as she would discuss learning
difficulties and strategies with me. She was also very appreciative to have an extra set of hands in the

ii. What needs to be improved?

I know that another student attending placement at the same school didn’t have a teacher that
communicated with them very much so maybe teachers need to be more aware of what is expected of
them also so that this can be an enriching experience for everyone. Having an extra set of hands in the
classroom is valuable for teachers so they too should make the experience a good one.

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