Thrust Rating Summary 11-6-2009
Thrust Rating Summary 11-6-2009
Thrust Rating Summary 11-6-2009
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Engine Thrust Ratings
Airplane Engine Comments
777-300ER GE90-115BL baseline engine for application
GE90-115BL1 sea level, hot day thrust bump
GE90-115BL2 high altitude, hot day thrust bump
777-200LR GE90-110B1L baseline engine for application
GE90-115BL 115,000 lb thrust for –200LR
GE90-110B1L1 sea level, hot day thrust bump
GE90-110B1L2 high altitude, hot day thrust bump
GE90-115BL1 sea level, hot day thrust bump
GE90-115BL2 high altitude, hot day thrust bump
777F GE90-110B1L baseline engine for application
GE90-115BL 115,000 lb thrust for 777F
GE90-110B1L1 sea level, hot day thrust bump
GE90-110B1L2 high altitude, hot day thrust bump
GE90-115BL1 sea level, hot day thrust bump
GE90-115BL2 high altitude, hot day thrust bump
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