World Skarn Deposits - Skarns of Western Europe: January 2005

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World Skarn Deposits - Skarns of Western Europe

Chapter · January 2005

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4 authors, including:

Ewan Pelleter A. Martín-Izard

Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer University of Oviedo


Fernando Tornos
Spanish National Research Council


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World Skarn Deposits: Skarns of Western Europe
CRPG-CNRS, 15 Rue Notre Dame des Pauvres, 54501, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

Department of Geology, University of Oviedo. C/Arias de Velasco sn 33005 Oviedo, Spain


Insituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, c/Azafranal 48, 37001, Salamanca, Spain

Introduction the origin of these huge concentrations of magnetite ore is

SKARN DEPOSITS have been mined since antiquity in still controversial (Dupont, 1979 ; Tornos et al., 2001a, 2002).
western Europe for valuable metals. During and after the Au and W skarns
Second World War, tungsten demand led to intense
exploration programs directed to skarn-type deposits, In the Pyrenees, most of the W skarns belong to the calcic,
resulting in the discovery of scheelite in the Eastern Pyrennes reduced, hedenbergitic type of Einaudi et al. (1981): e.g., the
in 1949 (Guitard and Lafitte, 1958), followed by the the Salau economic W-Au deposits of Salau (Fonteilles et al., 1989;
deposit (10,600 t W at 1.44 wt % WO3) from 1954 to 1957 Table 7.3), the W-Mo deposit of Costabonne (Table 7.3), and
(Fonteilles et al., 1969). There are 94 skarn-type deposits or the skarns related to the Andorra and la Maladeta granites
occurrences in western Europe, mainly within its Variscan (Table 7.1), all associated with subaluminous calc-alkaline, I-
parts, or Variscan inliers in Alpine Europe (Pyrenees, type granodioritic magmas.
Western Alps), and also in the Caledonian chain (Ireland and The largest Au skarns occur in the Rio Narcea gold belt
Northern Great Britain; Fig. 7.1). Due to low metal prices (Spiering et al., 2000). In this district, there are five main in-
and high costs of operation during the last decades, only one trusive stocks (La Ortosa-Godán, Carlés, La Brueva-Pando,
district is still being mined today, the Rio Narcea Au-Cu skarn Villaverde-Pontigo, and El Valle-Boinás) located along a
in the Cantabrian zone (over 0.6 Moz of gold have been northeast-southwest trend. The intrustions are calc-alkaline,
mined, and reserves at the end of 2002 were 2.75 Mt at 5.63 subalkaline potassium-rich, and reduced I-type ilmenite-rich
g/t Au; Rio Narcea gold mines, 2003). Nevertheless, quartz monzonite to monzogranite (Martin-Izard et al.,
geological characteristics are promising for discovery of other 2000a). They range in age from 305 Ma (Carlés and El Valle-
skarns, particularly in the Pyrenees, in Los Santos (Central Boinás) to 295 Ma (La Brueva, Ortosa). Calcic skarns (garnet-
Iberian zone), and in the Ossa Morena zone where the Cala pyroxene-wollastonite-scapolite) formed along contacts with
mine still produces episodically small quantities of magnetite. limestones of the Late Cambrian (West Boinás), Late Silurian
(Ortosa), and Early Devonian (Carlés). Magnesian skarn
Major Features of Western European Skarns (olivine-pyroxene-phlogopite) formed in the dolomite units of
The locations of skarns in western Europe are illustrated on the Early Cambrian, which are frequently rich in organic
simplified geological maps (Figs. 7.2-7.6), showing the main matter (East Boinas), and in some beds of the Early Devon-
granitoid massifs. For each country, Tables 7.1 to 7.7 ian (Carlés). Gold skarn (Ortosa) develops in relation to the
summarize the main mineralogical, petrographical, and more mafic intrusions (quartz monzodiorite in Ortosa), while
geochemical information available in the literature. In gold-copper skarns (El Valle-Boinas and Carles) are related to
general, four main classes of skarn deposits occur in western more felsic rocks (monzogranite).
Europe (Fig. 7.1). Sn-W-Zn-Pb-Cu skarns
Fe skarn These deposits have a wide variety of mineral and metal
Iron skarns are abundant in the Ossa Morena zone assemblages: from Zn, Fe, Sn, and W in Gelbe Birke,
(Locutura et al., 1990; Fig. 7.2). They form several ore bodies: Germany (Table 7.5), to Cu, Zn, and Sn in Meldon, Great
Cala-Teuler, Colmenar-Sta Barbara, Santa Justa, San Britain (Table 7.6). They formed near contacts with late-
Guillermo, and Monchi, all exploited in the past. The last Variscan, granodiorite to granite intrusions, and are
mine, Cala, is still operating sporadically. Additional associated with widespread tin-tungsten vein-type or greisen,
concentrations of Cu, Au, Co, U, and rare earth elements occurring in the same areas at the contact or within granitic
(REE) have also been reported (Arribas, 1962; Galindo and bodies. The granites have a peraluminous S-type signature
Casquet, 1995). Although clearly defined as skarn-type and were emplaced during syntectonic continent-continent
mineralization with respect to skarn and ore mineralogy collision.
(Table 7.1), and based on the relationships with the contact of Calc-silicate bands
Variscan plutons of gabbroic to monzogranitic composition,
Uneconomic, strata-bound-stratiform scheelite occurrences
are widespread in the Paleozoic-metamorphic series of the
† Corresponding author: e-mail, [email protected] Variscan basement, such as at Morille (Central-Iberian zone:


Major and meduim size skarns of Western

Fe-skarn Au-W-skarn Sn-W-Zn-Pb-Cu-skarn
calc-silicate bands skarn sia
Alpine Europe including Variscan inliers in Pyrenees,
Beltic Cordillera, Central Iberian Range and Alps ary
nd b
Variscan Europe : Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks fault
with minimum overprint by Alpine deformation

Caledonian orogenic belt : lower Paleozoic and

late Precambrian formations folded in the early Ireland
Ordovician and late Silurian
North Sea
Stable Precambrian basement since

Iapetus suture (Caledonian)

Rheic or Lizard-Rheno Hercynian suture (Late Meldon
Devonian-Early Carboniferous) No
Bottalack Cornwall r th El b
Gallicia-Massif Central suture (Late e
Silurian, Eo-Variscan) Harz
Var Fa
iscan ult
Front in
Rhe fert
Sch ge
Ardennes ir
geb GelbeBirke
Atlantic Sea RHZ STZ Herzgebirge
Rio Narcea Armorican Odenwald
Gold Belt Massif
Vosges Bohemian
Sta Barbara Zone Black Forest
MZ massif

Alpine Front

French Alp Framont -

Cala Grandfontaine
Central Salanfe

a s.z

Cen Range

RHZ : Rheno-Hercynian Zone



Salau STZ : Saxo-Thuringian Zone


Fumade MZ : Moldanubian Zone

100 Km
Catalonian OMZ : Ossa Morena Zone
Mediterannean Sea
SPZ : South Portuguese Zone

FIG. 7.1. Tectonostratigraphic units of western Europe.

Tornos et al., 2000; Table 7.1), Virgen de la Encina-Los the 1970s as syngenetic W preconcentrations (Routhier et al.,
Barrios de Salas (West Asturian Leonan zone: Arribas, 1983; 1973; Boyer and Routhier, 1974) or volcanogenic
Table 7.1), Borralha (Portugal: Noronha, 1976; Table 7.2), manifestations (Höll et al., 1977). However, recent studies
l’Hom-Haut Auriole (Tarn: Beziat et al., 1980; Table 7.3), favor a concordant replacement-deposit model (Derré et al.,
Fumade (Tessier: 1989; Table 7.3), Montagne Noire (Gibert 1986; Cheilletz, 1988).
et al., 1992; Table 7.3), St. Melany (Cevennes: Noyer and
Weisbrod, 1988; Table 7.3), La Favière (Tanneron: De Smedt Acknowledgments
and Sonnet, 1988; Table 7.3), Salanfe (Aiguilles Rouges: This compilation would not have been possible without
Chiaradia, 2003; Table 7.4), and numerous small showings in support and advice from many colleagues in western Europe.
the Highlands of Scotland (Rock, 1989). Enrichments of We thank C. Casquet, C. Derré, F. Gervilla, A. Gilg, C.
various metals such as W (up to 1 wt % as scheelite), Sn (up Hocquard, Ph. Lagny, B. Laumonier, C. Marignac, G. Markl,
to 0.2 wt %), Au (18.2 g/t in Salanfe), and anomalous contents R. Moritz, F. Noronha, G. Stanley, and W. Taylor. Extensive
of Cu and Zn (Virgen de la Encina; Table 7.1) may occur in work by A. Martin-Izard and colleagues on Rio Narcea have
calc-silicate gneisses intercalated within aluminous been supported by 01-BTE-3469 of the Science and
metapelites in high- to medium- and low-metamorphic- Technology Ministry of Spain.
grade, Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic (Morille) formations. Contribution CRPG no. 1678
Quartzite and amphibolite layers can also be interbedded
within the calc-silicate-bearing, metamorphic series as in
Almendra (Portugal: Thadeu, 1986; Table 7.2). Sometimes Albarède, F., Dupuis, C., and Taylor, Jr., H.P., 1980, 18O/16O evidence for
non-cogenetic magmas associated in a 300 Ma old concentric pluton at
referred to as “skarnoids,” calc-silicate gneiss, or “reaction Ploumanac’h (Britanny, France): Journal of the Geological Society, v. 137,
skarns” in the litterature, these deposits were interpreted in p. 641-647.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 2

-12 -9 -6 -3 0 3

Oviedo 3 Pyrenees
C.Z 2 28, 29
31, 32 27 33
Huesca 30 34 42
5 Leon
Lleida 36
42 N Vigo
W.A.L.Z 37
38, 39
40, 41 48
Porto 46 Salamanca 8
47 49 6 Segovia 12
43, 44, 45 9 11
7 10


13 20
50 3
14 Murcia
51 15 O.M.Z 19
18, 22
16 17 21 Cordoba Cartagena

23 B.R
24, 25

36 36

-12 -9 -6 -3 0

Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks Variscan granitoids

C.Z = Cantabrian Zone, W.A.L.Z = Western Asturian-Leonian Zone, C.I.Z = Central Iberian Zone, O.M.Z = Ossa Morena Zone, S.P.Z =
South Portuguese Zone, B.R = Betic Ranges, C.C.R = Catalonian Coastal Ranges
FIG. 7.2. Skarn deposits of Spain and Portugal.

Alderton, D.H.M., 1993, Mineralization associated with the Cornubian gran- Ayora, C., Gimeno, T.D., and Viladevall, M., 1986, Indices de scheelite dans
ite batholith, in Pattrick, R.A., and Polya, D.A., eds., Mineralization in the la base de la série Cambro-Ordovicienne du Nord-Est de la Péninsule
British Isles: London, Chapman and Hall, p. 271-354. Ibérique: Col. Européen gisements de tungstène, Toulouse, Université
Alderton, D.H., and Jackson, N.J., 1978, Discordant calc-silicate bodies from Paul Sabatier, 12–14 Mai, Abstracts.
the St. Just aureole, Cornwall: Mineralogical Magazine., v. 42, p. 427-434. Baetens, E., 1989, L’environnement géologique du gisement de tungstène de
Arcos, D., Soler, A., and Delagado, J., 1995, Gold-copper deposit related with Costabonne (Pyrénées Catalanes): Ph.D. thesis, Ecole des Mines de Saint
the Carlés granodiorite (NW Spain), in Pasava, Kribek, and Zak, eds., Min- Etienne, France, v. 8, 238 p.
eral deposits: Rotterdam, Balkema, p. 411-414. Bastida, J., Berasategui, X, Lago, M., Serrano, J., Signes, M., and Tritlla, J.,
Arias, D., Guillermo Corretge, L., Suarez, O., Volla, L., Cuesta, A., and Fer- 1993, Applied clay mineralogy of the dolerite-contact sediments of the Pont
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Arribas, A.M., 1962, Mineralogia y metalogenia de los yacimientos espanoles Beer, K.E., and Ball, T.K., 1987, Tungsten mineralisation and magmatism in
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bordure languedocienne (essai de synthèse): Bulletin BRGM, II, v. 3, p. ——1980, Le district de Montredon-Labessonié (Tarn) W, Sn, F: 26e
139-181. Congrès Géologique International Paris, Fasicule E 7, 44 p.
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0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 3

-6? -3? 0? 3? 6? 9?


49? 23 N 49?
22 Strasbourg
Brest 19 Paris
Nancy 17


47? Nantes 47?

-6? -3? 16



13 Montpellier 14
Biarritz Marseille
11, 12 43?

7, 8, 9, 10
43? 1 6
2 4 5 Perpignan
0? 3? 6? 9?

Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks Variscan granitoids

FIG. 7.3. Skarn deposits of France.

6? 7? 8? 9? 10?

0 50 Km


47? 47?

Bern Chur


GenËve 10?
46? 46?

6? 7? 8? 9?

Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks Variscan granitoids

FIG. 7.4. Skarn deposits of Switzerland.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 4

9˚ 12˚ 15˚

56˚ 56˚

54˚ 54˚



52˚ 52˚



3 Dresden
1, 2
5 4
50˚ 50˚

0 100 km



6˚ 9˚ 12˚ 15˚

Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks Plutons

FIG. 7.5. Skarn deposits of Germany.

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9? 6? 3?

N 58?
58? 3

4 5






54? 9

7, 8 Galway



52? Cork

Cardiff London


9? 6? 3? 0?

Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks Caledonian granitoids

Tertiary plutons Variscan granitoids

FIG. 7.6. Skarn deposits of the British Isles.

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