53 Spiering

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Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide

and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal

Eugene D. Spiering,* Luis Rodriguez Pevida, Jose Mario Castelo Branco, Jesus Garcia Nieto, and Cesar Martinez Chaparro
Rio Narcea Gold Mines Ltd, c/ Avda del Llaniello #13, 33860 Salas (Asturias), Spain


Located 80 km north of Seville, Spain, Aguablanca represents SW Europe’s only

known Ni sulfide deposit. Rio Narcea Gold Mines, Ltd. (Rio Narcea) acquired
Aguablanca from Atlantic Copper S.A. and Presur in July 2001 and completed a
bankable feasibility study in July of 2002. Construction of the mine began in mid-
2003 and commissioning commenced at the end of 2004. The open pit mine is expected
to achieve an annual production of 18 M lbs of Ni, 14 M lbs of Cu and 20,000 oz of
PGM (Platinum Group Metals) for a period of 10.5 years.
The open pit reserves of Aguablanca are 15.7 Mt at 0.66% Ni, 0.46% Cu and
0.47 g/t PGM with a strip ratio of 5.4:1, using a Ni price of $2.99/lb and a Cu price of
$0.73/lb. The ore will be processed through a sulfide flotation plant at a rate of 1.5 Mt
per year. Overall recoveries to a bulk concentrate are estimated at 82% for Ni, 85%
for Cu, and 75% for PGM and cobalt.
The Aguablanca deposit consists of disseminated to semi-massive magmatic sul-
fide mineralization hosted by gabbro and gabbro-norite. The highest Ni and Cu
grades occur in a magmatic breccia that consists of fragments of ultramafic (pyroxen-
ite to gabbro-norite) rocks, skarn, hornfels, and marble in a mineralized matrix of
pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor marcasite and covellite.
The disseminated mineralization consists of interstitial sulfides within the silicates
(pyroxene, plagioclase) of a porphyritic gabbro. Magnetite is common and lesser
amounts of PGM and gold are also associated with the sulfide minerals. A system of
parallel, post mineral, N40E trending, strike slip faults dipping 75° to 80° to the SE
dismembers and laterally limits the mineralization.
The gabbroic stock that hosts the Aguablanca deposit is located along the north-
ern contact of the Santa Olalla Plutonic complex, a Variscan massif consisting princi-
pally of quartz-diorite, granodiorite and monzogranite. The complex intrudes Upper
Precambrian-Middle Cambrian meta-pelites, marble and calc-silicates on the south-
eastern flank of the northwest trending Olivenza-Monesterio antiform that extends
250 km across the Ossa Morena tectonic zone of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Aguablanca stock and the Santa Olalla plutonic complex are two of numer-
ous acid to mafic intrusives in the Ossa Morena Zone that reflect a complex tectonic
evolution. Multiple magmatic episodes related to Cadomian and Variscan orogenic
cycles with an intermediate anorogenic rifting phase have created a diverse metal-
logeny with significant potential for the discovery of economic Ni-Cu sulfide and
IOCG deposits, and to establish the Ossa Morena Zone as one of the important min-
eral producing belts of Western Europe.
Key Words: Aguablanca, Spain, nickel, Cooper, IOCG

*E-mail, [email protected]

Spiering, Eugene D., Pevida, Luis Rodriguez, Branco, Jose Mario Castelo, Nieto, Jesus Garcia, and Chaparro, Cesar Martinez, 2005, Aguablanca: A new
nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal, in Rhoden, H.N., Steininger, R.C., and Vikre, P.G., eds., Geological
Society of Nevada Symposium 2005: Window to the World, Reno, Nevada, May 2005, p. 821–840.

822 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

INTRODUCTION boniferous (Fig. 2). Heterogeneous, dismembered pre-Cadomian

sequences contain high-grade metamorphic rocks and a thick
The Aguablanca Ni-Cu deposit in the Badajoz province of siliciclastic sequence deposited in a passive margin represented
SW Spain was discovered in 1993 by a Presur-Rio Tinto Minera by the Serie Negra (Carvalhosa, 1965; Eguíluz, 1987). A syn-
JV (RTM) that was exploring the “Monaguera” mineral reserve orogenic Cadomian unit discordantly overlies the Serie Negra
for Au and Cu. A field inspection of a modest stream sediment and contains andesitic calc-alkaline volcano-sedimentary and
Au anomaly identified a sulfide mineralized gossan outcrop with flysch-like complexes that are early to middle Cambrian in age
garnierite on weathered surfaces. Subsequent work by the JV (Quesada, 1990d, Ordóñez Casado, 1998). Both the Serie
included detailed geologic mapping, sampling, IP, magnetic, and Negra and the volcanic sequences are unconformably overlain
EM geophysical surveys, 33,000 m of drilling, a 65 m long adit by middle to upper Cambrian post-orogenic sediments and a
for bulk metallurgical samples, and a pre-feasibility study. The volcanosedimentary unit formed in an environment of intra-
program essentially defined the deposit as it is known today. continental rifting with bimodal volcanism. An Ordovician to
RTM estimated the mineral resources of the deposit to total lower Devonian passive margin stratigraphic sequence in the
some 18.9 Mt with an average grade of 0.67% Ni and 0.46% OMZ was locally overlain by Syn-Variscan sedimentary rocks
Cu, and a waste to ore ratio of 4.3:1. RTM also estimated the in restricted basins during the Carboniferous. An early Car-
in-pit mineral resources to total some 12.4 Mt at an average boniferous aborted rifting phase is represented by bimodal-
grade of 0.80% Ni and 0.54% Cu with a stripping ratio of alkaline magmatism associated with decompression along NW-SE
4.45:1. The resource was considered too small for a major com- oriented tensional zones (Delgado-Quesada M. et al., 1983).
pany and the RTM interest was later transferred to Atlantic A variety of plutonic and volcanic rock types comprise a
Copper, which decided in 1996 not to continue with exploration significant proportion of rocks in the OMZ. The alkaline to
in the area. The project was offered to Rio Narcea in the sum- calc-alkaline igneous sequence represents three main magmatic
mer of 2000 and a 100% interest was acquired from Atlantic events that are related to the Cadomian and Variscan orogenic
Copper and the Spanish government on July 2001. Since that cycles and to the intermediate extensional phase during Ordovi-
time, state and private interests have been merged and the cian time (Ordóñez Casado, 1998, Eguíluz et al., 2000).
“Monaguera” mineral reserve has been opened to a systematic The Beja Intrusive Complex (BIC) along the southern mar-
program of regional exploration. gin of the OMZ in Portugal is represented by a wide range of
Since the acquisition of the Aguablanca Ni-Cu-PGM plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic rocks, extending from Santa
deposit, Rio Narcea has conducted a vigorous exploration pro- Susana in Portugal to near Castilblanco in Spain. The series can
gram in the Ossa Morena Zone of southern Spain and Portugal. be subdivided into five units—the Odivelas Volcano-Plutonic
The company currently controls approximately 4,800 km2 of Complex, the Alfundão Toca da Moura Volcano-Sedimentary
mineral and exploration rights through investigation permits unit, the Cuba-Alvito Granodiorite Complex, the Baleizão-
and state mineral reserves. Although the discovery of magmatic Alcáçovas Porphyries and undifferentiated Granitoids. Petro-
sulfide deposits is the main objective, the exploration program graphic studies suggest that some units of the Beja Igneous
has extended its search to include moderate to large Cu-Au Complex (BIC) share characteristics with the Bushveld and the
deposits with a special emphasis on those targets thought to be Stillwater layered intrusions, characterized by rhythmic layer-
related to hydrothermal iron oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) systems. ing of olivine-hypersthene gabbro, gabbro, anorthositic gabbro
and anorthosite.
Structural Evolution
The Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) is one of the several tec-
tonostratigraphic units that have been traditionally recognized The OMZ bears evidence of Cadomian deformation and
in the Iberian Massif. It lies between the Central Iberian Zone metamorphism, although the subsequent Variscan orogeny is the
(CIZ) to the north and the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ) to the responsible for the final structure of the zone. The Variscan orog-
south that hosts the famous Iberian Pyrite Belt. The zone eny had a marked transpressional character due to oblique con-
extends 400 km along a NW trend and ranges in width from vergence (SW-NE) and collision of the SPZ, OMZ and the CIZ.
100 km in the east to 150 km in the west The NW-SE elongate Major Variscan sutures are represented by the Coimbra-Badajoz-
shape reflects the principal geotectonic features of one of the Córdoba Shear Belt at the northern limit of the OMZ, and the
Iberian Peninsula’s most complex terranes (Fig. 1). South Iberian Shear Zone that forms the southern border of the
OMZ with the SPZ. High-grade metamorphic rocks (high pres-
Stratigraphic Setting sure and/or high temperature assemblages) and basic-ultrabasic
rocks of oceanic affinity have been described at both borders.
The OMZ is composed of a thick stratigraphic sequence of The southern margin of the BIC marks the contact of the
sedimentary rocks belonging to a complex polyphase accre- OMZ with the Beja-Acebuches Ophiolite (BAO) in Portugal.
tionary system ranging in age from late Riphean to late Car- The separation of these two units is based on distinct geo-
Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 823

Fig. 1. Tectonostratigraphic units and major structure of the OMZ

824 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

Fig. 2. Simplified Geologic map of OMZ, showing properties of Rio Narcea.

Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 825

chemical signatures and deformation styles formed by the first A bankable feasibility study on the Aguablanca project was
Variscan tectonic event that has pervasive evidence in BAO completed in July of 2002 and construction began in mid 2003.
but is notably absent in the BIC. It has been postulated that the Commencing in early 2004, the mine is expected to achieve an
BIC/BAO boundary is a subduction suture zone (Santos, 1990) annual production of 18 M lbs of Ni, 14 M lbs of Cu and 20,000
where oceanic crust belonging to a marginal basin represented oz of PGM.
by the BAO and the Pulo do Lobo accreted sedimentary ter-
rane have been thrusted over the OMZ. A post-arc oceanic Geology and Mineralization
crust between Beja and Acebuches and an orogenic volcanic arc
in Toca da Moura of Tournasian age suggest a NE and N dip- More than 45,000 m of core drilling define the three zones
ping zone of subduction at the suture zone along the Ferreira- of magmatic sulfide mineralization that comprise the Agua-
Ficalho fault. blanca deposit. The mineralization occurs in a gabbro-norite
Perhaps one of the more revealing insights into the struc- intrusive along the north contact of the Santa Olalla plutonic
tural and metallogenic evolution of the OMZ is provided by complex (Fig. 3). Although the composition ranges from gabbro
deep seismic reflection data acquired as part of the SW-Iberia to granite (Casquet, 1980), this Variscan aged complex consists
EUROPROBE project. A seismic line that crosses the trans- mainly of quartz-diorite, granodiorite and monzogranite. The
pressional Variscan orogenic belt in southern Spain reveals the pluton intrudes Upper Precambrian-Middle Cambrian forma-
existence of a 140 km long mid-crustal reflective body with a tions consisting mostly of low-grade meta-volcanic and meta-
variable thickness of up to 5 km. The conductivity image pro- sedimentary rocks (meta-pelites, marble and calc-silicates). A
vided by coincident MT soundings, the characteristics of the well-developed contact metamorphic aureole surrounds the plu-
seismic reflections, the results of mineralization studies related tonic complex with temperatures reaching the hypersthene
to magmatic ore deposits in the area, and the surface geology hornfels facies. Skarns are very abundant within the aureole.
of the OMZ suggest that the reflective body is a mantle- The main part of the deposit is formed by two steeply dip-
derived mafic intrusion emplaced in Variscan times, possibly ping, northwest-trending mineralized bodies that are truncated
linked to plume activity (Simancas et al., 2003; Carbonell R. et by northeast-trending, post-mineral faults. The main zone
al., 2004). Such a large intrusion should exert a major control extends to a depth of 450 m while the northern zone reaches a
on the Variscan plutonism and the related ore-forming depth of 160 m (Fig. 4). Below the main zone, a gently south-
processes. dipping higher-grade mineralized zone averaging 33 m in thick-
ness is defined in a 60 by 60 m area and bounded by east-west
Metallogenic Overview and northeast-trending faults. Further drilling will be required
to test a possible faulted extension of this mineralization.
The metallogeny of the OMZ is distinct from the vol- The ore consists of magmatic sulfide mineralization hosted
canogenic massive sulfides of the South Portuguese Zone by gabbro and gabbro-norite. Sulfide mineralization occurs as
(Pyrite Belt) and the gold-bearing mesothermal systems and massive to semi-massive, disseminated and irregular in patches
shallower W-Sn and Cu-Pb-Zn veins of the Central Iberia Zone and lenses. The massive to semi-massive mineralization is asso-
(Tornos et al., 2004). The geodynamic evolution of the OMZ ciated with magmatic breccia (Fig. 5), which consists of sub-
has resulted in an abundance of diverse mineral deposits, angular fragments of mafic-ultramafic (pyroxenite to gabbro
including iron-oxide Cu-Au replacements and skarns, mag- and locally dunite) rocks, as well as fragments of skarn, horn-
matic Ni-Cu deposits (e.g. Aguablanca), and Cu-Au-Bi veins. fels, and marble, in a matrix of semi-massive sulfides. Sulfides
A juxtaposition of many different deposit types in a small area constitute 20% to 60% of the rock. Pyrrhotite and pentlandite
shown by the recent results of an extensive lead isotope survey are dominant, while chalcopyrite is less common and cobaltite
indicates a complex history of mantle-crust interactions is occasionally present. Calculated Ni tenors (total Ni in 100%
(Tornos and Chiaradia, 2004), making the OMZ one of the most sulfides) are around 10%. Within the higher-grade portions of
important target areas for mineral exploration in the Iberian the deposit (>1.0% Ni) the Ni/Cu ratios range from 3 to 5. The
Peninsula. PGMs which are identified include sperrylite and michenerite.
Disseminated mineralization is characterized by sulfides
AGUABLANCA NI-CU DEPOSIT interstitial to the silicates (pyroxene, amphibole and plagio-
clase) and is generally associated with a porphyritic gabbro
Aguablanca is the only known Ni sulfide deposit in SW (Fig. 6). It is fairly continuous and regular, and tends to display
Europe. It is on the southeastern flank of the Olivenza-Monesterio the highest grades near the mineralized breccias. Pyrrhotite,
antiform in the Ossa Morena Zone, within the Iberian Variscan chalcopyrite and pentlandite constitute 5% to 20% of the rock,
Massif. The deposit is located some 75 km north of Sevilla, in and Ni/Cu ratios range from 1 to 1.5. Other more irregular min-
the southern part of the Province of Badajoz and near the eralization, in patches, aggregates or bands, typically occurs in
boundary between the Provinces of Sevilla and Huelva in distal parts of the deposit and represents a transition zone from
southern Spain. disseminated mineralization to barren lithologies.
826 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

Fig. 3. Geological map of the Aguablanca area.

Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 827

Fig. 4. Representative plan map and cross-section of the Aguablanca deposit.

828 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

Fig. 5. Massive to semi-massive mineralization associated with magmatic breccias.

Fig. 6. Disseminated mineralization with sulfides interstitial to the silicates.

Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 829

Geochronological studies of the Santa Olalla plutonic Mineral Resources/Reserves and Mine Plan
complex were carried out recently by Ordoñez Casado, B.
(PhD, ETH-Zürich). Cathodoluminescence (CL) and in-situ The feasibility study “base case” pit design for the Agua-
ion-microprobe analyses of single zircons (Sensitive High blanca project contains a mineral reserve of 15.7 Mt at 0.66%
Resolution Ion Microprobe—SHRIMP) conducted at the Ni, 0.46% Cu and 0.47 g/t PGM with a strip ratio of 5.4:1,
Research School of Earth Sciences of the Australian National using a Ni price of $2.99/lb and a Cu price of $0.73/lb. The
University in Canberra, Australia, yielded an age of 344±2.1 mine has an estimated production life of 10.5 years, based on
Ma for the mineralized Aguablanca gabbro (sample AB-1, the open pit reserves (Table 1). A significant mine life extension
Fig. 3) and an age of 347±3.4 Ma for the Santa Olalla grano- is expected with potential future underground production.
diorite (sample SO-1, Fig. 3). The ages are the same within The on-site Ni sulfide flotation plant is designed to treat
the limits of error and are obtained from magmatic looking 1.5 Mt of ore per year with an additional milling capacity of
CL domains. These ages are interpreted as the age of the pro- 0.3 Mt per year to accommodate future underground produc-
tolith formation, which indicates that the igneous event tion. The plant will produce a bulk Cu-Ni-PGM concentrate but
responsible for the mineralization at Aguablanca is related to also has the flexibility to produce separate Cu and Ni concen-
the Variscan cycle, and probably with an extensive (transten- trates. The process flow sheet includes primary crushing, semi-
sive) episode during a tectonic oblique convergence in early autogenous grinding, pebble crushing, ball milling, flash
Carboniferous time. flotation, three stages of Ni flotation, concentrate thickening
A two-stage genetic model has been proposed for the and filtration.
Aguablanca deposit (Tornos et al., 2001). During the first
stage, a transitional deep magma chamber formed, and the Project Exploration
primitive magma interacted at depth with wall rocks, resulting
in extensive crustal contamination, concomitant sulfide magma The intrusive body that hosts the Aguablanca deposit remains
immiscibility and settling of cumulates, rich in sulfide and largely untested at depth beyond the boundaries of the planned
ortho- and clinopyroxene, to form a layered magmatic complex. pit. Defined by twelve holes on a spacing of approximately 50
The second stage includes the emplacement of residual calc- by 100 m, the lower continuation of the main zone has the poten-
alkaline gabbro to norite melts and the development of an tial to provide additional tonnage for an underground mining oper-
intrusive breccia containing fragments of the consolidated lay- ation. Below the main zone, the mineralization is higher in Ni,
ered complex rocks and associated disseminated to massive Cu and PGM grades and is significantly different in texture
sulfides. from the brecciated mineralization above. Movement along post-


Category Tonnes Ni Cu Combined Au
(000’s) (%) (%) PGM g/t
Mineral Reserves1
Open pit Proven 13,600 0.66 0.47 0.48 0.13
Probable 2,100 0.62 0.44 0.45 0.12
Total 15,700 0.66 0.46 0.47 0.13
Mineral Resources2 (including reserves)
Measured 15,900 0.67 0.48 0.51 0.13
Indicated 3,800 0.61 0.48 0.47 0.13
Total 19,700 0.66 0.48 0.50 0.13
Inferred 5,950 0.53 0.46 0.41 0.13
1 Mineral reserves and resources are based upon the July 2002 Feasibility Study Report and
stated in accordance with definitions adopted by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy
and Petroleum (CIM) on August 20, 2000 and were prepared by or under the direction of
Alan C. Noble, O.R.E. Reserves Engineering, Colorado, USA, who is the independent
“Qualified Person” for Rio Narcea as that term is defined in National Instrument 43-101.
The mineral reserves were calculated using a =C8.23/tonne net smelter return (equal to
0.256% Ni equivalent).
2 Mineral resources for the Aguablanca project have been estimated using a 0.2% Ni cut-off
grade. Mineral resources (of all categories) that are not mineral reserves do not have
demonstrated economic viability. Mineral resources do not include mineral reserves.
830 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

mineralization faults is believed to have displaced the continua- intrude an upper Proterozoic-lower Cambrian volcano-sedi-
tion of the deep zone downward to the south of the pit boundary mentary sequence. One of the bodies near the village of Olivenza
where future deep drilling and down-hole geophysics are planned is a 3.5 by 1.5 km mafic-ultramafic intrusion consisting of
to explore the lower margins of the Aguablanca intrusion. leuco-gabbro, irregular-taxitic gabbro, olivine gabbro-norite
and minor peridotite. A well-developed calcic skarn extends
NI-CU (PGM) EXPLORATION along the western contact of the intrusion. Disseminated mag-
IN THE OSSA MORENA ZONE matic sulfides (Po, Cpy) and gossans with up to 0.45% Ni and
0.18% Cu, and +124 ppb Pd, have been found in the ultramafic
Ni sulfide exploration in the OMZ was non-existent until facies of the intrusive.
the discovery of the Aguablanca Ni-Cu deposit. Because A total of 3 drill holes targeted coincident geochemical and
Aguablanca is quite different in many respects (petrology, tec- geophysical [Magnetic, Induced Polarization (IP) and airborne
tonic setting, etc) from Ni-Cu deposits in the world famous dis- Electro-Magnetic (EM)] anomalies in the Olivenza target area.
tricts of Australia, Canada, China and Siberia, subsequent The first hole cut four zones (between 2 and 8 m long) with
exploration for similar deposits in the Aguablanca region had weakly disseminated magmatic sulfides, pyrrhotite (Po) and
been localized and limited in scope. chalcopyrite (Cpy), which averaged 0.1% Ni and 0.05% Cu, but
Upon completion of an infill drilling program for the reached 0.28% Ni and 0.13% Cu over 0.3 m. The mineraliza-
Aguablanca feasibility study, efforts were begun to put the tion occurs in a 70 m thick, sub-vertical ultramafic body, pri-
deposit into a regional context to assess the potential for discov- marily consisting of lherzolite and pyroxenite. Near the eastern
ery of additional Ni-Cu mineralization in the OMZ. A GIS com- contact of the intrusive, a 20 m zone has been identified with
pilation of existing geological, geophysical and geochemical several small occurrences of semi-massive to massive sulphide
data from numerous government and industry sources provided mineralization consisting mostly of Po with minor Cpy. Assays
a regional picture of Ni occurrences and related anomalies. The showed anomalous Cu (< 0.41%) and Co (< 438 ppm) values,
data set includes more than 20,000 geochemical assays from but only minor Ni (< 641 ppm) content.
systematic stream sediment and soil geochemical sampling
along the belt in Spain, approximately 440,000 soil geochemical Calzadilla:
assays in Portugal and extensive airborne geophysical survey Several ultramafic bodies have been mapped near Calzadilla
coverage (Fig. 7). Areas lacking airborne coverage were in-filled village, 40 kilometers north of Aguablanca on the NE flank of the
by an additional 11,000 line-km of detailed radiometric, mag- Olivenza-Monesterio antiform. Originally considered part of a
netic and electromagnetic (EM) airborne surveys. The work has dismembered ophiolitic complex that was obducted during the
defined a trend of Ni-Cu mineralization stretching 240 km from Cadomian Orogeny, the Calzadilla complex is now thought to be
the Cordoba Province in Spain to south central Portugal. part of a supra-subduction boninitic magmatic suite.
Follow-up reconnaissance and geologic mapping together The most significant feature in the target area is a 4 km by
with detailed surface geophysical and geochemical surveys 2 km ultramafic intrusion referred to as Cerro Cabrera. The
have identified more than 100 mafic-ultramafic intrusions scat- intrusive is hosted in the upper Precambrian, volcano-sedimentary
tered along the OMZ. The intrusions are thought to be related to Malcocinado Fm. Cerro Cabrera was mapped in detail by the
the Upper Precambrian-Middle Cambrian Cadomian Orogeny, Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana (IGME) in the 1980’s,
a Lower Paleozoic rift event and a Lower Carboniferous, during a chromite exploration program. It consists mainly of
Variscan intrusive episode. Along the southwest extension of dunites and harzburgites with minor pyroxenites.
the OMZ in Portugal, the exploration program delineated a Chromite boulders found at the NE corner of the intrusion
Bushveld or Stillwater type layered intrusion with significant returned values of up to 2 g/t Pt+Pd and up to 1.7 g/t Au (IGME
potential for PGM mineralization. The airborne magnetic sur- results). Soil geochemistry over the entire ultramafic body
vey (Fig. 8) of the BIC appears to have outlined a series of showed a 1 km long by 0.2 km wide, coincident Ni-Cu-Co
lopolith-like intrusives that are 5 to 10 km in diameter with tar- anomaly, trending NW, at the SW corner of the intrusion, close
gets for PGM reefs and marginal concentrations together with to the contact with a small meta-gabbro body. Further investi-
massive, basal Ni-Cu (PGM) sulphide cumulates. A potential gation revealed a few, small mineralized outcrops (mostly sec-
new belt of Ni sulfide and PGM mineralization may have been ondary Cu-Ni minerals, with rare chalcopyrite) containing up
identified in the Iberian Peninsula. to 1% Ni, 4.6 % Cu; 0.5 g/t Pt; 0.3 g/t Pd and 1.4 g/t Au.
Following two IP and EM surveys in the Calzadillas area,
Olivenza-Monasterio Antiform—Spain a limited drilling program discovered three main types of min-
Olivenza: • Disseminated magmatic sulfides containing up to 0.43%
Located near the northwest end of the Olivenza-Monasterio Ni and 0.23% Cu (+135 ppb Pt+Pd) over 2.55 m.
antiform, this WNW trending magmatic belt consists of rift • Reef type (?) mineralization, with a very low sulfide
related, lower to middle Cambrian mafic and felsic bodies that content (about 1–2%), and 201 ppb Pt+Pd over 6.70 m.
Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 831

Fig. 7. Airborne radiometric survey over the OMZ.

832 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

Fig. 8. Airborne magnetic survey over the BIC.

Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 833

• Late, superimposed hydrothermal/skarn mineralization localities of Cortegana and Aroche. Aligned along an E-W
which returned 1% Cu and 0.4 g/t Au over 2.20 m. trending belt, the intrusions mark the border between the OMZ
Tenors (Ni content in 100% sulfide) for the Calzadilla area and the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ).
range from10% to 13%. The geometry of the Ni-Cu and PGM The OMZ/SPZ boundary is characterized by the presence
occurrences appears to be sub-horizontal and discontinuous, of the Beja-Acebuches amphibolites, of oceanic affinity, to the
while the Cu-Au mineralization is sub-vertical to moderately dip- south and the Aracena Metamorphic Band (AMB) to the north.
ping and spatially associated with sub-volcanic porphyry dikes. The AMB extends for more than 100 km in an E-W direction
Directly to the south of Cerro Cabrera, several other small and is up to 10 km in width. It is formed by low- to high-grade
and discontinuous ultramafic bodies occur within a major NW- metamorphic rocks that are thought to be related to high tem-
trending shear zone. A soil geochemical survey of the area perature and low pressure metamorphism developed over a
defined 3 polymetallic soil anomalies with high Cu, Ni, Co, As, protolith of Precambrian and Cambrian rocks. Major shear
Au, Pt, and Pd and Cr values along a 6 km interval within the zones that postdate the peak of the metamorphism are associ-
shear zone. Subsequent work revealed the presence of ated with a low-grade retro-metamorphism. Although the origin
hydrothermal silica and argillic alteration with associated of the AMB is still controversial, it is possible that the mafic-
Cu-Au-As mineralization with Au values up to 12 g/t. A total of ultramafic bodies in the Cortegana area are related to a large
6 holes drilled along the shear zone intersected anomalous min- body of ultramafic rocks at mid crustal levels.
eralization including 4.0 m at 0.26% Ni and 0.07% Cu and Exploration work at Cortegana has identified magmatic
0.4 m at 0.7% Cu and 0.25 g/t Au. sulfide mineralization associated with Ni-Cu-Co soil anomalies
that are coincident with radiometric lows and magnetic highs
Coimbra-Badajoz-Córdoba Shear Belt—Spain over several of these intrusions. One of the more interesting
occurrences is in a strongly differentiated, mafic-ultramafic
Argallón: body consisting of harzburgitic and lherzolitic peridotite and
The initial reconnaissance of the Argallon area, located clinopyroxenite (locally with cumulate textures), norite and
65 km NE of the Aguablanca, identified magmatic sulfide min- gabbro-norite, taxitic gabbro and diorite-granodiorite. This
eralization containing 0.21% Ni and 0.14% Cu hosted by leuco- intrusion is surrounded by irregular, taxitic and orbicular gab-
troctolites in a road cut near the east margin of a 3 km by 1 km bros and gabbro-diorites that, in some cases, appear to be
mafic-ultramafic intrusive. Representing the eastern extension melted country rocks.
of Coimbra-Badajoz-Córdoba Shear Belt, the complex consists The associated soil anomaly measures 1400 by 400 m with
of peridotite (mostly lherzolite), olivine gabbro norite, leuco- values up to 0.16% Ni and 0.08% Cu. Subsequent geophysical
troctolite and leuco-gabbro of early Carboniferous age that work has defined coincident IP and, in some instances, EM
intrudes high-grade metamorphic rocks to the south and anomalies. Drilling (3,000 m in 10 holes) has delineated two
syenitic granite to the north. main, sub-horizontal ultramafic bodies, with a “sill-like” geom-
A soil survey at Argallon defined a Ni geochemical anomaly etry. The upper intrusion is partially outcropping, 30 m thick,
with an E-W orientation measuring 500 m by 200 m. Ultramafic- has a weak to very weak disseminated sulfide mineralization
mafic rocks in the area include gossanous float containing up to with Ni values between 0.10–0.15%, and is the source of both
0.56% Ni and 0.18% Cu. Geophysical surveys delineated both the geochemical and geophysical anomalies. The lower ultra-
magnetic and IP anomalies that are coincident with the soil mafic body lies at 100 m depth, is 100 m thick and extends lat-
anomaly. Three exploration holes drilled to test the target inter- erally for at least 350 m. It often contains a weak to moderate
sected minor disseminations of magmatic sulfides along the (3–10%) disseminated sulfides (Po, Cpy) with typical zones
south contact of an ultramafic intrusion. Average values for the averaging 0.2% Ni and 0.1% Cu over 20 m, although higher
mineralized zone are 0.14% Ni and 0.04% Cu over 25 m, grade intervals occur with up to 7 m grading 0.32% Ni and
including higher-grade intervals assaying 0.32% Ni and 0.15% 0.1% Cu, as in drill hole TEJ-5, and 0.20 m assaying 1.36% Ni
Cu over 4.5 m. Thought to represent the most primitive magma and 0.2% Cu in TEJ-4. Calculated Ni tenors for this system are
in a possible embayment at the base of an overturned intrusive, around 3%.
the ultramafic rock contains high values of Mg, Cr as well as S,
Ni, Cu and Co. Ni tenors for the Argallon system average Crato-Campo Maior Antiform—Portugal
between 7% and 8%.
Cabeço de Vide—Alter do Chão:
Aracena Metamorphic Band—Spain This mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located near the western
limit of the Ossa Morena zone in Portugal not far from the
Cortegana: southern border of the Central Iberian Zone. It occupies an area
Several mafic-ultramafic intrusions, located approximately 15 by 2 km, and is comprised of two main blocks; one exposing
64 kilometers west of the Aguablanca project, have been the upper gabbroic portion in the west and the other showing
mapped over an area of approximately 32 km2 between the the base of a postulated lopolith intrusion which is suggested by
834 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

magnetic inversions and geological mapping. The complex is lherzolite intermixed with gabbros. These zones contain dis-
truncated by a series of sinistral, NE-SW fault systems that seminated skeletal pyrrhotite (+/– pentlandite?) and minor chal-
appear to dismember the ultramafics and may partly control the copyrite that locally occupy up to 30% of the rock volume.
emplacement of later gabbroic intrusions and acid porphyry and
doleritic dikes. Beja Intrusive Complex—Portugal
Cabeço de Vide is possibly a multi-lobed intrusion, and
some work has suggested that it is multi-pulsed or multi-cyclic Piorno:
as well. If it is multi-cyclic, the basal parts of later cycles may Well developed Cu-Ni-PGM soil and rock anomalies
be more prospective for contact-related or intrusive/magmatic immediately west of the Guadiana River in the eastern BIC are
breccia-type disseminated PGM deposits than for massive associated with a plug-like olivine-gabbro that intruded the lay-
Ni-Cu-PGM basal sulfide deposits, which would more likely ered BIC. Samples of sulfide mineralized gabbro hosting the
occur at contacts of the intrusion with reactive country rocks. Ni-Cu anomalies at the Piorno target assay up to 0.6% Ni, 0.4%
The area contains several Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd anomalies in soils Cu and 0.9 ppm combined Pt/Pd. The intrusion is truncated by
and rocks. Drilling has identified sub-economic precious-metal a fault that suggests thickening of this unit at depth and along
grades (Pt-Pd-Au) over several meters. For example, hole PCV- strike of the autochthonous section.
2 intersected 20.2m averaging 0.51 g/t Pt+Pd+Au, 0.15% Ni A –45º inclined hole (PPI-01) was drilled to check the
and 0.02% Cu, including a 2.3m interval averaging 1.3 g/t depth extensions of the outcropping mineralized zone with
Pt+Pd+Au, 0.16% Ni and 0.03 % Cu. Ni tenors for the mineral- strong Cu-Ni-PGM soil and rock anomalies. It intersected a
ized system average about 4.5%. The mineralization is hosted magmatic succession dominated by olivine-rich leucogabbro
by a chrome-spinel bearing seam located in the lower part of a followed by oikocryst melagabbro and peridotite that was ter-
peridotite unit, which is underlain by a pyroxene rich rock. minated in banded mesogabbro, locally chloritized and pegma-
A deep-penetrating TEM survey has identified a large toidal. The main mineralized zone occurs at a drilled depth of
anomaly in the eastern part of the intrusion. Magnetic modeling 47 m and contains 19.3 m averaging 0.13% Ni and 0.06% Cu,
and geological interpretations place the anomaly near the base including an interval of 7.8 m averaging 0.19% Ni, 0.12% Cu
of a mafic-ultramafic complex. A deep hole (750 m) will test and 33 ppb Pt+Pd. The best results were obtained for the inter-
this anomaly in its central more conductive section. val 53.2–54.8 m (1.6 m) that contains 0.26% Ni, 0.16% Cu and
33 ppb Pt+Pd. The average Ni tenors for mineralized samples at
Elvas: Piorno are approximately 4.5%.
A mafic-ultramafic intrusion, situated near the village of The outcropping mineralization at Piorno correlates down-
Elvas, intrudes the southern flank of the Crato-Campo Maior hole with an inter-fingered contact zone between leucogabbro
anticline that represents the western extension of the Olivenza- and the mafic-ultramafic (melagabbro and peridotite) unit
Monasterio antiform in Spain. Comprised of gabbro, troctolite, below and consists of concentrations of blobby to net-textured
pyroxenite and lherzolite, the complex includes a later gabbro- pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite with local sulphide concentrations
diorite pulse (or pulses) evidenced by large cross-cutting dikes. of up to 5%.
Geological mapping, geochemistry and drill hole information
suggest an increasing ultramafic composition both in the north- Vinagrinho:
ern contacts and at depth. Coincident EM and IP anomalies The Vinagrinho target lies in an area dominated by a large
describe a massive sulphide target at depth that remains gabbro-diorite intrusive suite that is interpreted as a more frac-
untested by drilling. tionated part of the eastern BIC. Here, a strong, isolated, mag-
Using a threshold of <4.5 cps, the total count radiometric netic anomaly is formed by a 1.5 km2 ultramafic body that
data clearly outlines the central and southern parts of the Elvas intrudes a layered sequence of shallow, southeast dipping ultra-
intrusion. To the east, radiometrics suggest a potential continu- mafic rocks. The intrusion is marked by well-developed PGM,
ation into zones of thick soil cover, previously mapped as Pre- Cu and Ni soil and rock anomalies that extend northward to the
cambrian and Cambrian metasediments. The western contact of thrusted Paleozoic metasediments that form the northern border
the intrusion with the Precambrian ortho-gneiss is marked by a of the complex.
strong positive radiometric signature. Drill holes at Vinagrinho intercepted an alternating
Drill holes have intersected net-textured banded sulphides, sequence ultramafic cumulates including melagabbro, perido-
hosted by pyroxenite, lherzolite and melagabbro. Significant tites and dunite with up to 5% disseminated net-textured sul-
intercepts from two of the five holes drilled in the area include: phides. Analytical results define a thick zone (<102 meters) of
25 m averaging 0.12% Ni in hole PLV-3, and several intercepts low grade Ni mineralization and insignificant Cu mineralization
in hole PLV-5, including 2 m of 0.32% Ni and 0.24% Cu, 1.9 m within a section crosscut by numerous dikes and veins of vary-
of 0.26% Ni and 0.21% Cu, and 1.95 m of 0.31% Ni and ing composition including acid porphyry, leucogabbro and dio-
0.01% Cu. Calculated Ni tenors are approximately 3.5%. The rite. A single determination gave a Ni tenor (Ni content in 100%
main mineralized zones occur in brecciated pyroxenite and sulfide) of approximately 2.3%.
Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 835

Odivelas: • Associated igneous rocks are generally intermediate to

The Odivelas target is situated in the western BIC where felsic, metaluminous and oxidized alkaline to calc-
olivine leuco gabbro, pyroxenitic gabbro and anorthosite have a alkaline in composition.
shallow dip to the SW. Mapping in the area has delineated an ellip- • Fluids have a strong magmatic component and are gen-
tical monoclinal body displaying drastic facies variations that is erally oxidizing and highly saline.
truncated by regional sinistral shear zones oriented E-W to NNW- Tornos et al. (1999) observed that many of the Fe oxide
SSE. Magmatic sulphide concentrations, locally massive, occur at (+/– Cu-Au) occurrences in the OMZ that occur as stratabound
the contact between anorthositic gabbro and pyroxenitic rocks that lenses in volcanic rocks, hydrothermal breccias, skarns and
are exposed in the walls of a local quarry. Chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite- actinolite-albite replacements share similar geological and geo-
pyrite occurs both in bands parallel to the magmatic banding and in chemical features with the deposits of the Conclurry district of
shear zones where pyrite is more abundant. Samples show semi- Australia. The mineralization is believed to have formed during
massive net-textured sulphides hosted by up to 1 m thick pyrox- two distinct metallogenic events: Cambrian rifting with
enitic layers interbedded in olivine gabbros. The best results bimodal extrusive and intrusive rocks, and that related to
obtained to date include a maximum of 0.21% Ni, 0.39% Cu, and Variscan plutonism (mostly calc-alkaline).
1153 ppm Co. Ni tenors average 4.7%. All Cr analyses are low Cu-Au mineralization is often found superimposed on the
with a maximum of 378 ppm and only weak traces of PGMs. older (Cambrian) iron oxide ores in relationship to major
Pan concentrates form drainages in the Odivelas area con- shear zones and faults, as contact metasomatic ores or associ-
tain borowskite (Pd3SbTe4), bowieite [(Rh,Ir,Pt)1.77S3], genki- ated with quartz veins and breccia veins of Variscan age. The
nite [(Pt,Pb)4Sb3] and sperrylite (PtAs2). Oxidized grains younger (Variscan) Cu-Au mineralization, as well as the
(<0.5mm) of nicolite and pentlandite along with pyrrhotite have Ni-Cu magmatic sulfide mineralization is interpreted as being
also been identified in the samples. The bulk of the concentrates related to the intrusion at mid crustal levels of a mafic sill dur-
contain olivine, pyroxene, magnetite, hematite, titano-magnetite, ing the Lower Carboniferous above a mantle plume (Simancas
martite, hercinite, sphene and rutile. et al, 2003).
The potential for the discovery of commercially significant
Cu-Au Exploration in the Ossa Morena Zone IOCG deposits in the Ossa Morena zone became evident early
during the course of Rio Narcea’s geological reconnaissance of
IOCG systems include a wide spectrum of deposits that the region. Numerous Fe oxide occurrences and several impor-
have become an important exploration target at worldwide scale tant targets have been identified in relationship to a large air-
because of their potential large size and polymetallic character borne magnetic anomaly that trends WNW along the length of
that provide a competitive economy of scale operation. Recent the southern flank of the Olivenza-Monasterio antiform (Fig. 9).
discoveries of large systems in Brazil, Chile, Australia and Can- Encouraged by the results of this work, the company initiated a
ada have placed additional emphasis on IOCG systems for major program of land acquisition and the first exploration pro-
exploration programs targeting copper and gold deposits. gram to systematically evaluate the IOCG potential of the
The abundance of Fe mineralization in the Ossa Morena OMZ. The results of the ongoing exploration work are confirm-
zone have made this region one of the most important Fe pro- ing a new IOCG district in SW Europe
ducing districts in the Iberian Peninsula. Tornos et al. (1999)
reported that the total historical resources of the zone exceeded Categorization of Cu-Au and Fe
300 Mt averaging 30–50% Fe. Several of the deposits have char- oxide mineralization in the OMZ
acteristics well recognized as characteristic of IOCG systems.
Key features of the IOCG model include: Cu-Au and Fe oxide mineralization in the OMZ exhibit a
• The systems are essentially magnetite and/or hematite wide variety of geological characteristics, which in general can
deposits with variable concentrations of Cu, Au, U, be grouped into three main categories:
REE and other metals (Co, Ba, Ni, etc). 1. Fe oxide deposits (e.g. Colmenar—Santa Justa; La Ber-
• Host rocks are generally meta-sedimentary and meta- rona, La Boveda, Mina Alfredo, Pedrógão, Orada, etc)
volcanic rocks, ranging from shales, siltstones, schists 2. Fe oxide-hosted Cu-Au mineralization where Fe oxide
and greywackes to tuffs and felsic to intermediate vol- mineralization has generally been overprinted by a later,
canic rocks, as well as porphyries and granitoids. not necessarily related Cu-Au mineralizing event (e.g. Las
• Associated alteration ranges from iron oxide-potassic Herrerias de Alconchel; La Bilbaina, Almenara Sur, etc)
near the mineralized zones to extensive sodic-calcic 3. Cu-Au hydrothermal mineralization with almost no asso-
alteration at a more regional scale, but with a relation- ciated Fe oxide (e.g. La Hinchona, La Sultana, Bugalho,
ship to mineralization that remains poorly defined. Miguel Vacas, etc)
• Mineralization tends to be localized along major struc- Other important systems including La Vicaria are more dif-
tures linked to crustal scale faults and that are often con- ficult to classify and require further investigation. For the
temporaneous with the emplacement of igneous rocks. moment it is considered a “modified” VMS type Cu (<Au)
836 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

Fig. 9. Airborne Magnetics with locations of the main Cu-Au systems in the OMZ.
Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 837

deposit. The following are a few of the many targets in the alies located north and south of the old mine. Both are related to
region that show promise in the search for IOCG mineralization. major E-W to ENE-WSW trending structures and have been
traced for approximately 2 km. Preliminary reconnaissance
Badajoz Province—Spain over these anomalies has identified boulders of mineralized
(malachite, < chalcopyrite) quartz-goethite breccia which
Las Herrerias de Alconchel: assayed up to 16.2 g/t Au and 1.15% Cu in the northern anom-
The Alconchel area was first identified as a potential target aly and 10.5 g/t Au and 2.52 % Cu in the southern anomaly. An
for exploration by a stream sediment survey financed by the IP survey conducted over these anomalies has outlined several
Regional Government of Extremadura. The survey identified a chargeability anomalies coincident with the peaks of the soil
large (more than 4 km2) Cu-Au anomaly around an old iron geochemical survey.
mine. The anomaly included Au values up to 534 ppb.
Fe oxide (magnetite < hematite), Cu-Au mineralization at La Vicaria:
Alconchel is hosted by a volcano-sedimentary formation of La Vicaria is a broad stratiform Cu (+ Co and Au) mineral-
Lower-Middle Cambrian age on the SW flank of the Olivenza- ized area located on the SW flank of the Olivenza-Monesterio
Monesterio antiform. The formation consists of shales, silt- antiform between the Guijarro-Chocolatero Au project and the old
stones and graywackes with interbedded mafic (basalt) and Sultana gold mine. Numerous old workings in the project area
felsic (rhyolite) volcanic rock. Several coeval gabbro and alka- have targeted well developed gossans (after massive sulfides)
line granite intrusives occur in the area together with late interbedded in Lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary rocks.
(Variscan?) gabbroic dikes. This project was investigated by Exxon Minera in the
Fe mineralization at Alconchel consists of massive, dis- 1970’s and by RTM in 1992–1993. The RTM program com-
seminated and banded magnetite that in some areas is partially pleted 815 m of shallow percussion drilling that identified at
hematitized. Cu mineralization (mostly malachite after chalco- least three NW trending, parallel zones of mineralization dis-
pyrite) appears related to a late stage, low temperature hydro- tributed over a width of 300 m that have a strike extension for
thermal event that is characterized by zones of strong approximately 1 km. The best drill hole intercepts were: 36 m at
silicification (quartz veinlets and silica flooding) and argilliti- 1.2 % Cu and 161 ppb Au in the north zone; 26 m at 0.84% Cu
zation. The mineralized zone has been traced for more than and 153 ppb Au in the central zone; and 32 m at 0.81 % Cu in
2 km and has an estimated true thickness of approximately the south zone.
30 m. The regional airborne magnetic anomaly associated with
this mineralization extends for tens of kilometers along strike. La Bilbaina:
Channel chip sampling has returned good values: 2.5 m at A 5–10 m thick zone of magnetite/pyrite mineralization
5.7 g/t Au (including 1 m at 10 g/t Au); 7.9 m at 2.25 g/t Au; with minor chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite is hosted in a Lower to
3.3 m at 1.7 g/t Au; and 3.0 m at 4.7 g/t Au. Grab samples Middle Cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequence near the west
returned up to 6.5 g/t Au and 1.1 % Cu. This mineralization has contact of the Brovales intrusion on the SW flank of the
associated elevated values of Ba and Co, reaching up to 0.5 % Olivenza-Monesterio antiform. The mineralization is postulated
and 146 ppm respectively. to be syngenetic in origin and later affected by shearing and
metasomatic alterations in relationship to the Variscan age
La Hinchona: intrusion.
A NNW trending, quartz-siderite (<hematite), vein system La Bilbaina was exploited between 1951 and 1968 by shal-
at La Hinchona was exploited for Cu and Au at the beginning of low open pits and minor underground workings along an almost
the past century. The mineralization is hosted by felsic to inter- continuous length of 1 km. About 1 Mt of ore were mined with
mediate sub-volcanic porphyry dikes and Precambrian black average Fe grades of 52.5%. Between 1968 and 1972, an inves-
shales approximately 6 km south of Calzadilla in the western tigation of the area by the Spanish Geological Institute Bilbaina
Olivenza-Monesterio antiform. estimated the remaining resource was 7 Mt at the same Fe
Visible mineralization extends for at least 900 m with an grade, but also with 0.11% Cu. Recent surface underground
estimated true thickness is approximately 2 m. Dump samples sampling has shown the presence of high Cu and Au values
assayed up to 25.2 g/t Au with 11.85 % Cu and contained ele- ranging up to 2.9 g/t Au and 0.43% Cu over 0.75 m.
vated values of Ag, As, Sb, Bi, Co and W. Presur, a Spanish state-
owned company, drilled the area during the 1980’s, with the best Huelva Province—Spain
intercept being 0.3 m averaging 8 g/t Au. A recent detailed inves-
tigation, however, revealed the presence of an associated E-W Cala Mine:
trending, quartz vein system with samples assaying up to 9.3 g/t Located only 10 km to the west of the Aguablanca mine,
Au, 1% Cu, 0.11 % Co over a 1 m thickness. Cala represents one of the largest Fe oxide (+ Cu-Au) deposits
A regional soil geochemistry survey of the La Hinchona in the OMZ. The Cala mine was in production until very
area has defined two new polymetallic (Cu, As, Au) soil anom- recently and had published reserves that amounted to approxi-
838 Eugene D. Spiering, L.R. Pevida, J.M.C. Branco, J.G. Nieto, and C.M. Chaparro

mately 40 Mt at 40% Fe and 0.4% Cu with the Cu concentrates 14 M lbs of Cu and 20,000 oz of PGM per year with additional
containing between 8 and 10 g/t Au. production anticipated from the underground development.
Mineralization is related to a calcic, prograde skarn devel- Aguablanca is presently the only developed nickel sulfide
oped at the contact between Cambrian carbonates and a small deposit in SW Europe but may soon be the first deposit of a
(700 by 300 m) Variscan calc-alkaline intrusion. The skarn new nickel district in the SW Iberian Peninsula.
extends for 2 km, up to 100 m in width and remains open at a The deposit consists of disseminated to semi-massive mag-
depth of 200 m. Within the skarn are bands of massive mag- matic sulfide mineralization hosted by gabbro and gabbro-
netite up to 10 m thick. The skarn paragenesis comprises an norite. The highest Ni and Cu grades occur in a magmatic
assemblage of actinolite-hornblende, with minor epidote, breccia that consists of fragments of ultramafic rocks, skarn,
plagioclase and quartz in relationship to major shear zones hornfels, and marble in a mineralized matrix of pyrrhotite, pent-
which channeled late hydrothermal fluids. landite, chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor marcasite and covel-
The predominant ore mineral is magnetite, but there are lite. The disseminated mineralization consists of interstitial
zones up to 20 m thick that are rich in chalcopyrite and locally sulfides within the silicate minerals of a porphyritic gabbro.
carry elevated Au values. The “Portuguese vein,” in the west Magnetite is common and lesser amounts of PGM and gold are
part of the deposit, had intercepts with up to 10 m assaying 1% also associated with the sulfide minerals.
Cu, while to the east, the “Cobre de Levante” zone returned Au A system of parallel, post mineral, N40E trending, strike
values of up to 6.6 g/t. slip faults dismembers and laterally limits the Aguablanca
deposit. At depth, beyond the boundaries of the planned pit,
Portugal mineralization is higher in Ni, Cu and PGM grades and is sig-
nificantly different in texture from the brecciated mineralization
Alandroal: above. Movement along post-mineralization faults is believed
The Alandroal area is covered by a 360 square km permit to have displaced the continuation of the deep zone downward
between Vila Viçosa and the Spanish border. The Rio Tinto to the south of the pit boundary.
group explored the area for epithermal gold deposits during the Geochronological studies of the host plutonic complex
early 1980’s. They were followed by Carnon Holdings Ltd in indicate that the igneous event responsible for the mineraliza-
the early 1990’s, and more recently by Auvista Minerals during tion at Aguablanca is related to the Variscan cycle, and an
the period 1996–1998. extensive transtensive tectonic episode during early Carbonif-
Silurian metasediments in the area include beds of graphitic erous time. A deep seismic line across the Variscan orogenic
pellite and dark chert overlain by a unit of quartzite intercalations belt reveals a long mid-crustal reflective body interpreted as a
and basic pyroclastic rocks. The stratigraphic sequence has been mantle-derived mafic intrusion that is believed to be linked to
intruded by sub-volcanic sills and stocks and includes volcanic Variscan plutonism and the related processes that formed the
breccia of dominantly acid, but rarely intermediate to basic compo- Aguablanca deposit.
sition thought to be associated with a late Variscan diatreme system Representing one of the Iberian Peninsula’s most complex
controlled by a NE-SW crustal-scale fault system (Oliveira, 1984). terranes, the OMZ is composed of a thick stratigraphic
The Silurian section at Alandroal hosts a large number of sequence of sedimentary rocks belonging to a polyphase accre-
Cu-Au-Fe, Cu-Au, Fe-Au and Fe mineral occurrences that show tionary system ranging in age from late Riphean to late Car-
affinities with porphyry-systems, epithermal type mineralization boniferous with a variety of plutonic and volcanic rock types.
and possibly to an IOCG system. Dominant alteration facies The alkaline to calc-alkaline igneous sequence represents three
include albite-actinolite, kaolinization, silicification carbonatiza- main magmatic events that are related to the Cadomian and
tion and silicification. Old records of work in the area contain Variscan orogenic cycles and to an intermediate extensional
reports of high grade gold, particularly the results from a drill phase during Ordovician time. These events have created a
hole near the Miguel Vacas Cu mine that intercepted a 115.85 m diverse and highly prospective metallogeny.
of 4.11g/t Au (source: Mining Exploration International, 1967). Ni sulfide exploration in the OMZ was non-existent until
Dump samples of silicified and sheared acid tuffs from the the discovery of the Aguablanca Ni-Cu deposit in 1993. An
Bugalho mine assay up to 9.14 g/t Au and 0.35% Cu. The miner- exploration program to put the Aguablanca deposit into a
alization is from a wide NE-SW trending shear zone. The associ- regional context and assess the potential for discovery of new
ation of superimposed Cu-Au mineralization on iron-oxide ores deposits in the OMZ defined a trend of Ni-Cu sulfide mineral-
will be investigated by an exploration program planned for 2005. ization stretching 240 km from the Cordoba Province in Spain
to south central Portugal. The work identified more than 100
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS mafic-ultramafic intrusions including a large layered intrusive
complex in Portugal with significant potential for the discovery
A new industry will commence in Spain with the initiation of economic Ni-Cu sulfide and PGE deposits.
of nickel production at Aguablanca. Over an open pit life of Although not the original focus of the exploration program,
10.5 years, the mine is expected to produce 18 M lbs of Ni, the potential for the discovery of commercially significant
Aguablanca: A new nickel mine in a potential new Ni-Cu sulfide and IOCG belt in southern Spain and Portugal 839

IOCG deposits in the Ossa Morena zone became evident early Casquet C., Eguíluz L., Galindo C., Tornos F. and Velasco F. (1998). The
during geological reconnaissance in the OMZ. The abundance Aguablanca Cu-Ni (PGM) intraplutonic ore deposit (Extremadura,
Spain). Isotope (Sr, Nd, S) constraints on the source and evolution of
of Fe mineralization has made this region one of the most
magmas and sulfides. Geogaceta, 24: p. 71–74.
important Fe producing districts in the Iberian Peninsula. Delgado-Quesada M., Garrote A. y Sánchez-Carretero R. (1983). El Magma-
Several Fe deposits with well recognized characteristics of tismo de la alineación La Coronada-Villaviciosa de Córdoba en su mitad
IOCG systems have been identified in relationship to a large oriental, Zona de Ossa Morena. 5ª Reunión del Grupo de Ossa Morena,
airborne magnetic anomaly that trends WNW along the length IGME: p. 41–64.
Eguíluz L. (1987). Petrogénesis de rocas ígneas y metamórficas en el antiforme
of the southern flank of the Olivenza-Monasterio antiform.
Burguillos-Monesterio. Macizo Ibérico Meridional. Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis,
Cu-Au and Fe oxide mineralization presently identified in the Universidad del País Vasco, 694 p.
region includes Fe oxide deposits, Fe oxide-hosted Cu-Au min- Eguíluz L., Ordóñez Casado B., Gil Ibarguchi J.I., Paráis A. y Abalos Benito.
eralization where Fe oxide mineralization has generally been (1999). Superposición de ciclos orogénicos: el ejemplo de la Zona de
overprinted by a later, not necessarily related, Cu-Au mineraliz- Ossa-Morena (Macizo Ibérico). Trabajos de Geología, 21, p. 79–95.
Eguíluz L., Gil Ibarguchi J.I., Ábalos B., Apraiz A. (2000). Superposed Variscan
ing event and Cu-Au hydrothermal mineralization with almost
and Cadomian orogenic cycles in the Ossa-Morena zone and related
no associated Fe oxide. areas of the Iberian Massif. GSA Bulletin, v. 112, no. 9: p. 1398–1413.
A determined program of exploration focused on IOCG Fonseca P. (1995). Estudo da Sutura Varisca no SW Ibérico nas Regiões de Serpa-
and Ni sulfide targets along the Olivensa-Monasterio antiform Beja-Torrão e Alvito-Viana do Alentejo. Departamento de Geologia. Fac.
and the Beja intrusive complex SW Spain has the potential to Ciênc. Univ. de Lisboa.
Liñán E. and Quesada C. (1990). Stratigraphy of the Ossa-Morena Zone (part
establish the Ossa Morena zone as one of the important mineral
V), 2: Rift Phase (Cambrian). In: Dallmeyer R.D. and Martínez García
producing belts of Western Europe. E. (eds.), Pre-Mesozoic Geology of Iberia. Springer Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg, p. 259–266.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lunar R., Ortega L., Sierra J., García Palomero F., Moreno T. and Prichard H.
(1997). Ni-Cu (PGM) mineralization associated with mafic and ultra-
mafic rocks: The recently discovered Aguablanca ore deposit, SW
This paper has benefited greatly from the contribution of
Spain. In: Mineral Deposits, Papunen (ed), Balkema, Rotterdam.
time and exchange of ideas by many dedicated professionals: Naldrett A.J., Keats H., Sparkes K. And Moore R. (1996). Geology of the
especially Fernando Tornos with the Geological Institute of Voisey’s Bay NI-Cu-Co deposit, Labrador, Canada. Exploration and
Spain; Luis Eguiluz with the Geodynamic Department, Uni- Mining Geology, Vol. 5,No 2: p. 169–179.
versity of Pais Vasco; Octavio Apalategui with the Department Ochsner A. (1993). U-Pb Geochronology of the Upper Proterozoic-Lower
Paleozoic Geodynamic Evolution in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW
of Science, University of Extremadura; Agustin M. Izard with
Iberia): Constraints on the timing of the Cadomian Orogeny. Unpubl.
the Geological Department, University of Oviedo; Carlos Ph. D. thesis, ETH Zürich, 249 p.
Alcalde with the Department of Industry, Junta of Extrema- Oliveira O. (1984). Contrib. para o conhecimento geologico-mineiro da region
dura; Luis Martins, Joao Matos and Pedro Sousa with the de Alandroal-Jenomenho (Alto Alentejo). Estudos, notas e trabalhos do
National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation, Ser. Fom. Mineiro, vol. 26, Fasc. 1-4: p 102–126.
Ordóñez Casado B., Gebauer D. and Eguíluz L. (1997a). Late Cadomian forma-
tion of two anatectic gneiss domes in the Ossa-Morena zone: Monesterio
Acknowledgement and thanks are especially due to Carlos and Mina Afortunada. XIV Reunião de Geologia do Oeste Peninsular,
Leal Gomes with the Earth Sciences Department, University of Vila Real. Abstr.: p 161–164.
Minho (Braga), who donated petrographic support, X-ray deter- Ordóñez Casado B. (1998). Geochronological studies of the Pre-Mesozoic
minations and backscattered electron microscope analyses, and basament of the Iberian Massif: the Ossa Morena Zone and the
Allochthonous Complexes within the Central Iberia zone. Publ. Ph. D.
to Berta Ordonez (Oviedo, Spain), who supervised and evalu-
thesis, ETH Zürich, 235 p.
ated zircon age dates. Ortega L., Lunar R., Garcia Palomero F., Moreno T., Prichard H.M. (2001).
Finally the authors wish to acknowledge the exploration Removilización de minerales del grupo del Platino en el yacimiento de
staff of Rio Narcea who contributed to the mapping, data prepa- Ni-Cu-EGP de Aguablanca (Badajoz). Boletin de la Soc. Esp. De Min-
ration and drafting that was so fundamental to preparation of eralogía, 24-A: p. 175–176.
Quesada C. (1990c). Geological constraints on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution
this paper.
of tectonostratigraphic terranes in the Iberian Massif. Tectonophysics,
185, p. 225–245.
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