Recuperacion de Oro
Recuperacion de Oro
Recuperacion de Oro
The Fortuna oxidized gold skarn deposit is located in the northern part of the Nambija gold
district, southern Ecuador. It has been subdivided into four mineralized sites, covering a
distance of 1 km, which are named from north to south: Cuerpo 3, Mine 1, Mine 2, and
Southern Sector. Massive skarn bodies occur in K–Na metasomatized volcanic and
volcaniclastic rocks of the Triassic Piuntza unit. They appear to result from selective
replacement of volcaniclastic rocks. Very minor presence of bioclast relicts suggests the
presence of subordinate limestone. Endoskarn type alteration with development of Na-rich
plagioclase, K-feldspar, epidote, actinolite, anhe- dral pyroxene, and titanite affects a
quartz–diorite por- phyritic intrusion which crops out below the skarn bodies in Mine 2 and the
Southern Sector. Endoskarn alteration in the intrusion grades into a K-feldspar ± biotite ±
magnetite assemblage (K-alteration), suggesting that skarn formation is directly related to the
quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion, the latter being probably emplaced between 141 and 146
Ma. The massive skarn bodies were subdivided into [...]
MARKOWSKI, Agnès, et al. Mineral zoning and gold occurrence in the Fortuna skarn mine,
Nambija district, Ecuador. Mineralium Deposita, 2006, vol. 41, no. 4, p. 301-321
DOI : 10.1007/s00126-006-0062-x
Available at:
Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version.
Miner Deposita (2006) 41: 301–321
DOI 10.1007/s00126-006-0062-x
Received: 24 February 2005 / Accepted: 25 March 2006 / Published online: 31 May 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006
Abstract The Fortuna oxidized gold skarn deposit is exhibits iron and manganese enrichment from proximal to
located in the northern part of the Nambija gold district, distal zones. The retrograde stage is weakly developed and
southern Ecuador. It has been subdivided into four consists mainly of mineral phases filling centimeter-wide
mineralized sites, covering a distance of 1 km, which are veins, vugs, and interstices between garnet and pyroxene
named from north to south: Cuerpo 3, Mine 1, Mine 2, and grains. The main filling mineral is quartz, followed by K-
Southern Sector. Massive skarn bodies occur in K–Na feldspar, epidote, calcite, and chlorite, with minor sericite,
metasomatized volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the apatite, titanite, hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold.
Triassic Piuntza unit. They appear to result from selective Metal and sulfur contents are low at Fortuna, and the
replacement of volcaniclastic rocks. Very minor presence of highest gold grades coincide with high hematite abundance,
bioclast relicts suggests the presence of subordinate which suggests that retrograde stage and gold deposition
limestone. Endoskarn type alteration with development of took place under oxidizing conditions. Fluid inclusions
Na-rich plagioclase, K-feldspar, epidote, actinolite, anhe- from pyroxene indicate precipitation from high tempera-
dral pyroxene, and titanite affects a quartz–diorite por- ture—high to moderate salinity fluids (400 to 460°C and
phyritic intrusion which crops out below the skarn bodies in 54- to 13-wt% eq. NaCl), which result probably from
Mine 2 and the Southern Sector. Endoskarn alteration in the boiling of a moderately saline (∼8-wt% eq. NaCl)
intrusion grades into a K-feldspar ± biotite ± magnetite magmatic fluid. Later cooler (180 to 475°C) and moderate
assemblage (K-alteration), suggesting that skarn formation to low saline fluids (1- to 20-wt% eq. NaCl) were trapped
is directly related to the quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion, in garnet, epidote, and quartz, and are interpreted to be
the latter being probably emplaced between 141 and responsible for gold deposition. Chlorite analysis indicates
146 Ma. The massive skarn bodies were subdivided into temperature of formation between 300 and 340°C in
a dominant brown garnet skarn, a distal green pyroxene– accordance with fluid inclusion data. It appears, thus, that
epidote skarn, and two quartz-rich varieties, a blue-green gold was transported as chloride complexes under
garnet skarn and light green pyroxene–garnet skarn, which oxidizing conditions and was deposited at temperatures
occur as patches and small bodies within the former skarn around 300°C when transport of chloride complexes as
types. The proximal massive brown garnet skarn zone is gold carriers is not efficient.
centered on two 060° trending faults in Mine 2, where the
highest gold grades (5–10 g/t) were observed. It grades Keywords Fortuna mine . Nambija district . Gold .
into a distal green pyroxene–epidote skarn zone to the Skarn . Zonation . Endoskarn
North (Cuerpo 3). Granditic garnet shows iron enrichment
from the proximal to the distal zone. Diopsidic pyroxene
Editorial handling: D. Lentz
Nambija, one of the most important gold districts in
A. Markowski (*) . J. Vallance . M. Chiaradia . L. Fontboté Ecuador, is located in the southern part of the country
Section des Sciences de la Terre, University of Geneva,
Rue des Maraîchers 13, (Zamora province) in the Cordillera del Cóndor (sub-
1205 Geneva, Switzerland Andean zone) at elevations ranging from 1,600 to 2,300 m.
e-mail: The district includes, from north to south, the gold skarn
deposits of Fortuna, Cambana, Campanillas, Nambija,
A. Markowski
Isotopengeologie und Mineralische Rohstoffe, ETH-Zentrum, Guaysimi, and Sultana del Cóndor (Paladines and Rosero
NW C81.1, Clausiusstrasse 25, 1996; Prodeminca 2000; Fontboté et al. 2004; Fig. 1).
8092 Zürich, Switzerland Cu–Au and Cu–Mo porphyries also occur in the district
(e.g., Cerro Colorado and Cumay, Fig. 1). The gold The present study on the Fortuna deposit, the northern-
deposits of the area were exploited first by the Spanish most gold skarn occurrence of the Nambija district,
conquerors during the 16th century (Prodeminca 2000), but provides the first detailed description of a deposit in the
they were subsequently abandoned. The rediscovery of the district. Although the general skarn assemblages are the
mineralization in the early 1980s led to a gold rush and same as those described in Fontboté et al. (2004), Fortuna
extensive informal mining because of high gold grades up is, so far, the only deposit where clear zoning of the
to several hundred g/t Au. In 1990, the total resources were prograde and retrograde mineral assemblages and of the
estimated at 23 Mt at 15 g/t Au (Mining Magazine 1990). metal content at the deposit scale has been recognized, and
In 2000, this number was reevaluated at 125–155 t Au and this paper is particularly focused on this subject. We also
the production was estimated at 60–90 t Au since 1980 provide the first description of the endoskarn observed at
(Prodeminca 2000). Fortuna and description of the porphyritic intrusion, which
Litherland et al. (1992, 1994) and Prodeminca (2000) is believed to have formed the skarn. Our results support
proposed that skarn formation and gold mineralization are the hypothesis that the gold mineralization of Fortuna is
unrelated and that gold deposition took place “under related to the retrograde phase of the skarn, as proposed by
epithermal conditions.” Hammarstrom (1992) proposed a Meinert (1998, 2000) and Fontboté et al. (2004).
“gold-associated skarn” model in a reconnaissance study
and Meinert (1998, 2000) classified Nambija as an “oxidized
gold skarn” in a worldwide compilation of gold-bearing Geological setting of the Nambija district
skarns. Fontboté et al. (2004), in an overview of the Nambija
district, place gold deposition in the early retrograde phase The Nambija region occurs in the Jurassic arc situated at
of a skarn event related to Late Jurassic magmatism. the western margin of the Amazon craton and east of the
oceanic and continental terranes accreted between Early
Cuerpo 3 (prospect), c Fortuna– Amazon
Mine 1 (abandoned workings),
d Fortuna–Mine 2 and Southern Alao
Sector (open pit), e Cambana
(open pit), f Campanillas–Katy Pangui Jurassic Cambana
porphyry copper belt e
(abandoned workings), g Cam- Tahuin f
panillas main present workings g Campanillas
Nambija a rea
(open pit and underground), Loja
h Nambija–El Arco (open pit 0 100 200 km
and underground), i Nambija–El hv v
Playón–Mapasingue (under- Continental terrane 9'550.000 i j Nambija
ground), j Nambija–El Tierrero Oceanic terrane k
gold skarn and Cu–Mo Porphyric dioritic to
porphyry (open pit and granodioritic intrusions
underground), k Nambija–El
Diamante (prospect), l David Zamora batholith
Cu–Mo porphyry (prospect),
m Guaysimi–Banderas (open Granodiorite-diorite- l
pit), n Guaysimi–Central (open monzogranite
pit), o Cerro Colorado–Tumi m
Cu–Au porphyry (prospect), Piuntza unit Guaysimi
p Sultana del Cóndor–Bruce n
(open pit and underground), Area with discontinuous
skarn bodies
q Sultana del Cóndor–Central
(open pit and underground), Quartzite, limestone
r Sultana del Cóndor–Toscón
(open pit and underground) Volcanic and volcaniclastic
rocks on ridges p
Sultana del q
Isimanchi unit Cóndor r
Biotite-muscovite schist
Cretaceous and Eocene (Feininger 1987; Litherland et al. lithic fragments of both volcanic and nonvolcanic origin.
1994; Jaillard et al. 1997; Hughes and Pilatasig 2002; The upper part of the Piuntza unit crops out at El Tierrero
Fig. 1). The geology of the Nambija district consists of 1) (Nambija) and mainly at Fortuna. It consists of andesitic to
unexposed Precambrian migmatitic gneiss, recorded in basaltic–andesitic fine-grained to coarse-grained volcani-
boreholes and as rafts in the Zamora Jurassic batholith, clastic rocks and lava flow (Appendix, Table 1, Fig. 2).
and 2) carboniferous black and green phyllites and marbles Coarse-grained volcaniclastic rocks contain lithic frag-
(Isimanchi unit). Sedimentary units cover the basement and ments of volcanic origin, like pumice, which show
include the Triassic Piuntza unit, which is the direct host to spherulitic, porphyritic, or trachytic texture in a matrix of
the Nambija mineralization. The whole sequence is finer grained fragment, broken feldspars, and glass shards.
intruded by the Jurassic Zamora batholith and covered by No carbonate rocks were recognized, but some discontin-
the Misahuallí andesitic volcanic/volcaniclastic unit uous fine-grained unskarnified layers containing bioclasts
considered as co-magmatic with the Zamora batholith were observed in the Fortuna mine (see below).
(Litherland et al. 1994). The volcanic fraction is more important in the upper part
Gold-bearing skarn bodies of the Nambija district of the Piuntza unit than in the basal part and causes an
are hosted by the Triassic Piuntza continental/marine increase of the volcanic component to the north, as
volcano-sedimentary unit (Fig. 1), which was first de- previously suggested by Litherland et al. (1994). As the
scribed by Litherland et al. (1994). Subsequent field studies Misahuallí unit is essentially made of andesitic volcanic/
(Paladines and Rosero 1996; Prodeminca 2000; Fontboté et volcaniclastic rocks, distinction between the latter and the
al. 2004; this work) provided more detailed stratigraphic upper part of the Piuntza unit could be difficult.
data, but continuous stratigraphy is still not available as the Lamprophyres, dikes, and sills, in places skarnified, cut
Piuntza unit occurs as discontinuous outcrops preserved the Piuntza unit (Appendix). They were not observed in the
from erosion by skarnification. As a consequence of this later Zamora batholith and porphyritic felsic intrusions.
structural landform and the lack of outcrops in the In the Nambija district, bedding strikes dominantly east
rainforest outside the area of mining interest, unaltered ±20° with dips of 10 to 50° S. At Nambija, the Piuntza unit
rocks of the Piuntza unit could not be observed. forms an east-trending syncline. The Triassic age of the
In the Nambija district, the Piuntza unit lies unconform- Piuntza unit is based on bivalve fossils encountered in
ably on the Carboniferous Isimanchi unit to the south skarnified rocks at Guaysimi and identified as Costatoria
(Fig. 1) and is overlain by the Jurassic Misahuallí unit to of Middle-Upper Triassic age (Woods and Morris 1992 in
the north. In the main part of the district, it occurs as a flat Litherland et al. 1994). The Piuntza unit is not found farther
roof over the Zamora batholith and is limited to the west north in Ecuador, which suggests that it was deposited in a
and the east by two NS faults (Prodeminca 2000). restricted basin (Litherland et al. 1994).
According to Paladines and Rosero (1996), the Piuntza The Zamora batholith consists of equigranular fine-
unit has a minimum thickness of 500 m of which 300 m grained to coarse-grained I-type tonalite and granodiorite
crop out at Nambija. According to Prodeminca (2000), the (Salazar E, unpublished report; Litherland et al. 1994).
basal Piuntza unit, which crops out in the southern part of Litherland et al. (1994) applied whole rock Rb/Sr dating to
the district, consists of calcareous siltstone, calcareous four groups of samples from the Zamora batholiths and
shale, siltstone, black shale, andesitic to andesitic–basaltic obtained ages of 187±2 Ma (five samples), 198±34 Ma (six
fine- to coarse-grained volcaniclastic rocks, breccias, and samples), 246±17 Ma (six samples), and 144±35 Ma (five
lava flows. In places, grey siltstone and black shales form samples). They interpreted the first (187±2 Ma) as the most
several-centimeters thick to tens of centimeters thick likely age of emplacement. Litherland et al. (1994) also
alternating levels, volcaniclastic rocks show sorting, and dated hornblende and biotite from various localities and
coarse-grained volcaniclastic rocks and breccias contain lithologies of the Zamora batholith. The 29 K–Ar ages
0.001 Guaysimi
0.01 0.1 1 Cambana
Table 1 Representative compositions of different type of skarns, volcaniclastic rocks and intrusion of Fortuna mine
Sample DTR214 DTR215 DTR175 DTR179 DTR132 DTR195 DTR207 DTR210 DTR194 DTR227 DTR156 DTR184 DTR221
Location Cuerpo 3 Mine 1 Mine 2 Southern Mine 2 Southern Mine 1
Sector Sector
Coordinates 745.665/9′ 745.555/9′ 745.739/9′ 745.743/9′ 745.746/9′ 745.765/9′ 745.728/9′ 745.718/9′ 745.769/9′ 745.744/9′ 745.687/9′ 745.444/9′ 745.746/9′
554.825 555.000 554.250 554.312 554.146 554.125 554.015 554.014 554.154 554.155 554.011 554.018 554.330
← Increasing skarnification–decreasing Na2O
Description Brown and Green Green Brown Brown and Blue-green Blue- Brown Skarnified Weakly Na-metasoma- Quartz– Dike
blue-green pyroxene– pyroxene– garnet blue-green garnet skarn ± green garnet tuff (40% skarnified tized tuff diorite
garnet epidote epidote skarn with garnet brown garnet garnet skarn pyroxene+ tuff (10% (1–2% porphyry
skarn skarn skarn retrograde skarn skarn skarn actinolite) pyroxene+ pyroxene)+K-
alteration actinolite) alteration
along veins
SiO2 40.89 42.52 45.88 38.41 43.66 48.83 41.96 41.11 62.69 55.98 62.37 63.45 44.70
TiO2 0.12 0.59 0.70 0.34 0.24 0.32 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.64 0.48 0.41 0.86
Al2O3 4.97 12.81 16.23 10.69 10.61 8.61 7.46 8.46 11.60 17.28 16.22 17.29 15.26
Fe2O3 21.94 13.04 12.45 12.03 12.59 13.79 19.15 18.60 5.31 5.85 4.98 4.25 9.72
MnO 1.25 1.65 0.72 1.18 1.64 1.09 1.13 1.29 0.39 0.30 0.05 0.14 0.76
MgO 0.15 3.38 1.40 4.04 0.48 0.34 0.65 0.22 0.10 3.22 0.87 1.14 8.56
CaO 29.44 23.68 19.61 23.53 29.33 25.30 27.42 28.14 13.90 5.55 1.26 4.53 10.22
Na2O n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.16 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.47 0.07 3.49 4.86 3.71 2.26
K2O 0.01 0.02 0.03 1.19 0.03 0.08 1.11 0.25 4.67 4.60 5.04 2.93 1.84
P2O5 0.05 0.28 0.13 0.23 0.18 0.53 0.07 0.06 0.20 0.27 0.09 0.17 0.16
LOI 0.10 0.10 2.46 7.40 0.87 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.02 2.12 2.80 1.32 4.81
Total 98.92 98.05 99.62 99.21 99.61 98.97 99.07 98.80 99.29 99.31 99.02 99.34 99.15
Pba 25 17 17 15 18 22 23 24 12 10 11 5 14
Zna 239 83 39 86 23 42 32 23 12 56 23 35 237
Cua 59 145 20 37 14 25 140 56 9 26 1,440 17 130
Nia 0 8 5 7 3 7 5 3 0 6 3 2 43
Coa 66 46 68 36 51 54 53 64 71 67 30 46 37
Cra 5 34 37 57 13 25 22 21 26 15 12 8 158
Sa 175 1,224 559 1,369 9 0.1 17 6,081 0 6,422 9,273 0 1,727
Asa 53 5 6 4 9 13 31 24 9 7 5 7 8
Aub 27 28 >5,000 1,270 3.87 33 214 25 69 n.a. 22 7 109
Moc <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 5 <5 n.a. <5 <5 <5
Agc 8 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 7 <5 n.a. <5 <5 <5
Sbc 0.3 3.1 4.8 0.9 0.3 0.8 1.2 <0.2 0.5 n.a. 0.6 0.6 2.4
All samples except DTR 221 are ordered from north to south. Major element oxides are reported in wt%, Cr2O3 below detection limit; trace elements are reported in ppm but Au in ppb
obtained ranged from 140 to 190 Ma with a mode between
Mine 1
170 and 190 Ma, which they interpreted as the intrusion of
the main phase of the batholith, whereas, the youngest ages
probably reflect later resetting.
altered with K- and/or Na-metasomatism (Figs. 1, 2, and 3).
Syenite porphyries were described by McKelvey and
← Increasing skarnification–decreasing Na2O
Gold abundance were collected by fire assay and atomic absorption methods and are measured in parts per billion (ppb)
554.015 554.014
Fig. 3 Geological map of the
Fortuna mine showing the four Mapped Cuerpo 3
mineralized areas, which are, (distal zone)
from north to south: Cuerpo 3,
Mine1, Mine 2, and Southern
Sector. Cuerpo 3 is shown sepa-
rately as it outcrops about 1-km
north of other sites. The highest 1550
Mine 1
gold grades were observed in
Mine 2 between the Doris and
Esteban faults and both are
closely related to the skarn for-
mation. Mine 2 is interpreted as 20 m
the proximal zone, whereas,
Cuerpo 3 is the distal one. 20 m
Location of samples DTR 156,
DTR 194, DTR 207, DTR 210,
and DTR 227 are displayed on
the geological map. Chemical Mine 2
compositions of these samples 745.950 746.000 (proximal zone) fau
Do 19
are reported in Table 1 grt>>px (1000:1) TR
DTR 227 au
N060˚E anf
(100:1) (15)
grt in veins
garnet skarns
Green pyroxene-epidote skarn T
Light green pyroxene-garnet Nanguipa
Leo Creek
Undifferentiated volcanic Trail
and volcaniclastic rocks
Porphyritic granodiorite
Trend of mapped fault
745.600 745.700 745.800
Minérales (CAM) of the Lausanne University on a Philips quartz–K–feldspar veins were mined at Mine 1, with gold
PW 2400 XRF machine. Additional trace elements (e.g., grades ranging between 5 and 8 g/t (J. Escobar, oral
Au, Ag, Hg) and rare earth elements (REE) were analyzed communication 2001). Mine 2 is the currently mined site,
by Instrumental Neutron activation by the XRAL, Ontario with gold grades reaching up to 10 g/t, the highest grades
(Canada), with a detection limit for gold of 5 ppb. Gold being bounded between two major 060°-trending faults
values higher than 5,000 ppb were analyzed by fire assay (Doris and Esteban faults; Figs. 3 and 4). The northernmost
with gravimetric finish. Bismuth and tellurium were sector (Cuerpo 3) and the Southern Sector are not
analyzed by Na2O2 fusion and hybrid atomic absorption economic. A quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion (Figs. 2,
at the same laboratory. Because of the limited size of the 5g, and 6a; sample DTR184 in Table 1) crops out in the
analyzed sample, the metal abundances are not the same as Southern Sector. This intrusion is the only one known in the
grades and cannot be considered in economic terms. Nambija district with exposure fresh enough to determine
Heating and freezing analyses of fluid inclusions were the original composition and petrography. Up to 5-mm
obtained on ∼100-μm thick, doubly polished rock sections. zoned euhedral plagioclase represents 50–60 vol% of the
A Linkam THMSG600 heating and freezing stage mounted rock. Rounded quartz phenocrysts up to 7 mm represent 5–
on a DMLB Leica microscope equipped with a Nikon ×100 10 vol% of the rock and K-feldspar phenocrysts up to 10
long working distance lens was used for microthermo- vol%. Hornblende is the only mafic mineral forming
metric measurement, as described by Shepherd (1981). The euhedral phenocrysts up to 7 mm with an abundance of 5–
system was calibrated with synthetic fluid inclusions at 10 vol%. The groundmass represents 20 to 40 vol% in
−56.6, 0.0, and 374.1°C (Sterner and Bodnar 1984). Low- volume and is composed of an equigranular mixture of
temperature measurements have an uncertainty of ±0.1°C, fine-grained (<300 μm) K-feldspar and subrounded quartz.
whereas, high-temperature measurements have a precision Accessory minerals are zircon and apatite. All observed
of ±1°C. Salinities were calculated in the NaCl–H2O samples show at least one stage of hydrothermal alteration
system from final ice melting temperature between 0.0 and (K-silicate alteration, endoskarn, sericitic alteration, see
−21.1°C, using equations published in Bodnar and Vityk below).
(1994). In the case of halite- (±sylvite-) bearing inclusions, Bedding of the Piuntza volcaniclastic rocks strikes at
salinities were calculated by the melting temperature of the Fortuna N 020° E and dips 10 to 15° E. The existence of
solid(s) using the equation of Sterner et al. (1988) and the minor amounts of intercalated calcareous-rich sedimentary
computer program AqSo1e of Bakker and Brown (2003). rocks is inferred from the observations of bioclast relicts
within unskarnified whitish layers in Mine 2 (Fig. 3). These
whitish layers occur as intercalation within the light green
Local geology of the Fortuna mine pyroxene–garnet skarn and brown garnet skarn that crop
out between the Doris and the Esteban faults in Mine 2
Four mineralized sites, all hosted by garnet–pyroxene (Fig. 3).
skarn, have been studied at Fortuna during the present Faults in Mine 1 and Mine 2 revealed three preferential
study. From north to south they are: Cuerpo 3, Mine 1, orientations, which are similar to those described at the
Mine 2 and the Southern Sector (Figs. 3 and 4). In the past, district scale. The main direction is NE–SW, dipping about
Distal zone
Mine 2
A (proximal zone) A'
observed Mine 1 Esteban fault
skarn Doris fault
1600 m V
Southern Sector
inferred V
1500 m V
Inferr V
1400 m
Projection of the
1300 m Fortuna porphyry Nanguipa Leo Creek
50 m profile (see Fig. 3)
Porphyric quartz-diorite V V V Undifferentiated volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks Faults
Green pyroxene-epidote skarn Brown garnet skarn and blue-green garnet skarn Gold mineralization
Fig. 4 Schematic cross-section of the Fortuna mine from Mine 1 to the Southern Sector, illustrating the close spatial relationship of the
skarn and the Fortuna quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion. This section was drawn based on information from the surface mapping and
observation along the Nanguipa Leo Creek
Fig. 5 Photographs of selected
samples from the Fortuna mine.
a Layers of blue-green garnet
skarn (bgsk) in the brown garnet
skarn (bsk). Clusters of dark
honey-reddish garnet (hgrt)
occur in the latter. Sample DTR
132, Mine 2. b Green pyroxene–
garnet skarn (px+grt±ep) with a
vug filled with quartz (qtz),
epidote (ep) and dark honey-
reddish garnet and several type I
quartz veins. Sample DTR 135,
Cuerpo 3. c–d Brown garnet
skarn, dark honey-reddish
garnet. Vugs and type I veins are
filled with quartz, K-feldspar
(kfs), and chlorite (chl). Sample
DTR 208, Southern Sector.
eGreen pyroxene–epidote skarn
(ep + px) and vugs filled with
dark honey-reddish garnet,
calcite (cal), chlorite, and iron
oxides. Chlorite and iron oxides
are dominant in the darker areas.
Sample DTR 129, Mine 1.
f Lenses of green pyroxene–
epidote skarn in the brown
garnet skarn in Mine 2. The
brown garnet skarn shows a
transition to blue-green garnet
skarn and vug. The blue-green
garnet skarn shows visible ret-
rograde alteration into chlorite
and hematite (hm). g Sample of
the Fortuna quartz–diorite
porphyritic intrusion cropping
out in the Southern Sector,
showing euhedral amphibole
(amph), subhedral plagioclase
(pl), rounded quartz phenocrysts
and potassic alteration (K-alt). A
quartz ± pyrite ± K-feldspar B
vein crosscuts the whole.
Sample DTR 184
40° to the SE; a second direction is represented by almost perhaps, of minor enclosed limestone and/or carbonate-rich
N–S (±30°) trending faults with subvertical dipping. A volcaniclastic lenses.
subordinate system of faults have, in general, NE–SW to The prograde-stage mineral phases are mainly garnet
E–W orientation and dip 90 to 60° NW. and pyroxene (Fig. 7). The retrograde stage is weakly
developed and consists essentially of epidote, chlorite,
calcite, hematite, and quartz replacing the prograde mineral
Skarn mineralogy and zoning at the Fortuna mine assemblage. These retrograde minerals fill also centimeter-
wide veins and vugs together with K-feldspar and minor
At the mine scale, the geometry of the skarn bodies, which plagioclase, sericite, apatite, gold, pyrite, sphalerite, and
form 30 cm up to 3-m thick massive layers in a ≥70-m thick chalcopyrite. Quartz, epidote, K-feldspar, and plagioclase
portion of the Piuntza unit, is largely controlled by bedding generally occur slightly earlier than calcite, chlorite,
and subordinately by the intersection of NE–SW fractures sericite, apatite, gold, hematite, pyrite, sphalerite, and
(Figs. 3 and 4). Massive skarn bodies are separated by less chalcopyrite (Fig. 7). Late retrograde sulfide-rich cross-
altered lithologies and mainly result from the complete cutting veins commonly observed in other parts of the
replacement of volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks, and Nambija district (Fontboté et al. 2004) are almost
Fig. 6 Photomicrographs of rock alteration and veins at Fortuna. plagioclase that obliterate the volcaniclastic texture. Sample DTR
a Potassic alteration in the quartz-diorite intrusion. Amphibole 61, Mine 1. Transmitted light, crossed polar. f Quartz, K-feldspar
(amph) is partially replaced by biotite (bi) and magnetite (mt). (kfs1) >> Na-rich plagioclase, pyroxene (px2), pyrite (py) ±
Sample DTR 184, Southern Sector. Transmitted light, parallel chalcopyrite vein in the altered volcaniclastic rocks. K-feldspar and
polar. b Discontinuous vugs filled with equigranular quartz (qtz) pyroxene in the vein are epitaxial when cutting K-feldspar (kfs1) and
and K-feldspar (kfs) in the quartz–diorite intrusion. Sample DTR pyroxene (px1) from the altered volcaniclastic rocks. Sample DTR
184, Southern Sector. Transmitted light, parallel polar. c Endoskarn 156, Southern Sector. Transmitted light, crossed polar. g Quartz >>
formation in the quartz–diorite intrusion with vug filled with quartz K-feldspar, pyroxene vein cutting a silty volcaniclastic rock. Sample
(qtz), Na-rich plagioclase (pl), epidote (ep), actinolite (act), DTR 194, Mine 2. Transmitted light, crossed polar. h Type II quartz
magnetite (mt), titanite (ttn) ± K-feldspar (kfs). Sample DTR 184, vein cutting a vug filled with quartz, K-feldspar and pyrite. K-feldspar
Southern Sector. Transmitted light, crossed polar. d Alteration in the is sliced and quartz from the veins and vug are in optical continuity.
volcaniclastic rocks. Na-rich plagioclase, pyroxene (px) ± K-feldspar Sample DTR 64a, Mine 1. Transmitted light, crossed polar. i Type II
tend to obliterate the original fabric. Sample DTR 209, Southern quartz, sphalerite (sl), and chalcopyrite (cp) vein crosscutting green
Sector. Transmitted light, crossed polar. e Transition from altered pyroxene–epidote skarn (px + ep) and a vug filled with retrograde
volcaniclastic rock (lower right) to green pyroxene–epidote skarn quartz, K-feldspar, calcite and chlorite (cal±chl). Sample DTR 64a,
(upper left) skarn front showing a band of K-feldspar and Na-rich Mine 1. Transmitted light, crossed polar
nonexistent at Fortuna. Veins and vugs are hosted by (mean: Ad62, range: Ad9–99, Table 2 and Fig. 9) with minor
massive skarn and sometimes extend up to several pyroxene and epidote within a quartz matrix (Figs. 5a,f and
centimeters away from the skarn front. 8a,h). Garnet is mostly euhedral. In places, garnet grains
Variable proportions of prograde minerals allow us to are fractured in situ and cemented by coarse-grained quartz
recognize a proximal and volumetrically dominant massive (Fig. 8a). Epidote and/or K-feldspar may replace garnet
brown garnet skarn, a distal green pyroxene-epidote skarn, (Fig. 8b). The bluish color of this skarn is imparted by the
and two quartz-rich varieties, a blue-green garnet skarn quartz matrix (up to 50% volume), whereas, the greenish
and a light green pyroxene-garnet skarn (Figs. 3 and 4), color is due to epidote and/or pyroxene. The transition
which occur as patches and small bodies within the former between brown garnet skarn and blue-green garnet skarn is
skarn types. sharp, in part marked by chlorite (Fig. 5a), to gradational
The massive brown garnet skarn (Figs. 5a,c,d,f and 8e,g) (Fig. 5f). The blue-green garnet skarn shows gradational
is made up almost exclusively of ∼1-mm isotropic to contacts to the vugs filled with the retrograde assemblage
strongly zoned garnet with granditic to andraditic compo- quartz, K-feldspar and chlorite, calcite, pyrite, hematite,
sitions (mean: Ad68, range: Ad24–98, Table 2 and Fig. 9). and gold (Fig. 5f).
The isotropic garnet has compositions close to pure The light green pyroxene–garnet skarn is a pyroxene-
andradite. This skarn type is dominant in Mine 2 and rich variety of blue-green garnet skarn, which occurs as
Southern Sector; a large outcrop has been found in Cuerpo patches within green pyroxene–epidote skarn, mainly close
3 (Figs. 3 and 4). to the contact with brown garnet skarn (Fig. 3). It consists
Green pyroxene-epidote skarn bodies (Figs. 5e,f and 8c) of pyroxene, anisotropic garnet, and minor epidote in a
were recognized mainly at Mine 1 and Cuerpo 3 and matrix of anhedral quartz grains up to 5 mm in size
occupy a distal position relative to the brown skarn at the (Figs. 5b, 8d). Pyroxene (Hd20–42, Di46–67, Jo9–14 in
deposit and outcrop scales. The skarn consists of subhedral Cuerpo 3 and Hd27Di63Jo10 in Mine 2, Fig. 9) occurs as
to anhedral pyroxene grains, which are small (<150 μm) at subhedral to euhedral up to 2-mm long grains or up to 7-
Mine 1 and can reach up to 800 μm in length at Cuerpo 3, mm aggregates. Garnet is fractured without displacement
where it is also more abundant. Epidote (Ps9.8–17.7) is and/or rotation of the fragments. The most grossular-rich
particularly abundant in Mine 1 where it forms 100- to compositions at Fortuna were found in this skarn variety
500-μm euhedral grains; at Cuerpo 3, it is finer grained. (mean: Ad36, Fig. 9; values at Mine 2, Ad9–57; at Cuerpo 3,
The blue-green garnet skarn typically occurs as irregular Ad39–57). Epidote crystallization appears to be universally
patches within the brown garnet skarn (Figs. 5a and f), coeval with quartz as it occurs both as a replacement of
mainly in Mine 2. It consists of strongly anisotropic garnet
Fig. 7 Schematic paragenetic Minerals Prograde stage T* Retrograde stage Post-ore stage
chart of the Fortuna gold skarn.
T* means a transition period, brown or green honey zoned
where time relationship between Garnet
the different minerals are not
clear or may be contradictory Pyroxene
from one zone to other. Late
retrograde sulfide-rich crosscut-
ting veins commonly observed K-feldspar
in other parts of the Nambija
district (Fontboté et al. 2004) are Plagioclase
almost nonexistent at Fortuna
up to cm sized openings,
Gold in places as breccia
Fig. 8 Photomicrographs of selected samples from the Fortuna 55, Mine 2. Transmitted light, parallel polar. f BSE image showing
mine. a Blue-green garnet skarn with quartz (qtz) in apparent Al distribution in brown skarn garnet core and dark honey-reddish
equilibrium with garnet (grt), subordinate pyroxene (px). Sample garnet rim. Light areas correspond to grossularitic garnet. Sample
DTR 132, Mine 2. Transmitted light, crossed polar. b Epidote (ep) DTR 55, Mine 2. g Strongest retrograde alteration observed at
and K-feldspar (kfs) replacing garnet in the blue-green garnet skarn. Fortuna. The prograde assemblage (i.e., garnet) is replaced by
Sample DTR 194, Mine 2. Transmitted light, crossed polar. c Green chlorite (chl), calcite (cal), and hematite (hm), but the type of skarn
pyroxene–epidote skarn (right) grading to quartz–epidote vug to the is still recognizable (here, brown garnet skarn). Sample DTR 132,
left. Gold (Au) occurs between epidote grains. Sample DTR 175, Mine 2. Transmitted light, crossed polar. h Gold occurring in
Mine 1. Transmitted light, parallel polar. d Green pyroxene–garnet fractured garnet of the blue-green garnet skarn. Sample DTR 193,
skarn at Cuerpo 3. Sample DTR 135. Transmitted light, crossed Mine 2. Reflected Parallel Polar Light. i Gold at the wall of a vug
polar. e Vein of strongly zoned dark honey-reddish garnet (hgrt) and filling garnet fractures in the blue-green garnet skarn. Sample
cutting brown garnet skarn (bsk). Box locates photo. f Sample DTR DTR 54b, Mine 2. Reflected parallel polar light
pyroxene in brecciated crystals and as euhedral grains in (Ad29–99, mean: Ad86, Table 2 and Fig. 9) are observed
the quartz matrix. within and cutting the green pyroxene–epidote skarn, the
Clusters and bands, up to a few centimeters in size, of brown garnet skarn, and the blue-green garnet skarn
large isotropic to strongly zoned late dark honey-reddish (Figs. 5a,c,d, and 8e,f), in Mine 2, Southern Sector, and
garnet grains (up to 3 mm) of andraditic composition
Table 2 Representative microprobe garnet analyses from the Fortuna mine
Sample DTR180a_2 DTR132Ab_8 DTR195b_2 DTR122e_6 DTR214b_144 DTR207f_12 DTR218b_9 DTR60a_14 DTR55_24p_13
Location Mine 2 Cuerpo 3 Southern Mine 1 Mine 2
Skarn type Light green Brown garnet Blue-green garnet skarn Dark honey-reddish garnet cluster/vein
pyroxene– skarn
garnet skarn
Garnet Slightly Anisotropic Slightly Anisotropic Anisotropic Anisotropic Isotropic
description isotropic grain isotropic grain overgrowth grain grain
grain grain
SiO2 38.67 37.50 37.99 36.55 36.65 35.68 34.58 34.65 35.14
Al2O3 19.57 15.61 17.83 8.62 10.25 6.52 4.99 0.82 0.00
TiO2 0.03 0.08 0.99 0.25 1.03 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.01
Fe2O3 3.97 10.02 5.45 19.68 16.60 22.79 25.31 30.79 31.43
MnO 1.20 2.40 1.50 1.81 1.77 1.27 0.44 0.90 0.52
MgO 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CaO 35.42 33.58 35.47 32.90 33.45 32.77 33.48 32.01 32.83
Total 98.92 99.19 99.30 99.81 99.75 99.04 98.86 99.16 99.94
Andradite 0.09 0.24 0.13 0.55 0.46 0.67 0.79 0.96 0.99
Grossular 0.88 0.71 0.83 0.41 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.02 0.00
Spessartine 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01
Cr2O3 was below detection limit; other end member garnet component=0; all iron is calculated as ferric
Mine 1. Garnet never shows any corrosion at the contact deposit. Garnet reveals iron enrichment from Mine 2
with quartz or later calcite. (Ad24–98, mean: Ad53) and the Southern Sector, to Cuerpo
Garnet and pyroxene compositions of the Fortuna skarn 3 (Ad68–98, mean: Ad94). In addition, the fact that the late
(Fig. 9) are broadly similar to those of other gold skarns dark honey-reddish garnet is more andraditic suggests iron
(Meinert 1989). Unlike other mines of the district, a spatial enrichment with time. Pyroxene displays a wide range of
zonation of garnet compositions is apparent in the Fortuna compositions (Hd18–40, Di47–70, Jo7–19, Table 3 and Fig. 9).
SiO2 51.51 52.06 52.12 51.47 51.93
Al2O3 0.26 0.19 0.09 0.15 0.15
Fe0 9.44 9.08 8.81 12.20 8.00
MgO 11.27 11.32 11.39 9.06 10.13
MnO 2.34 2.60 3.14 3.30 5.31
CaO 24.07 23.67 24.30 23.59 23.99
Na2O 0.16 0.17 0.08 0.18 0.06
TiO2 n.d. 0.02 n.d. 0.02 n.d.
Total 99.04 99.11 99.93 99.97 99.59
(Mole fraction)
Diopside 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.51 0.58
Hedenbergite 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.38 0.24
Johannsenite 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.18
Cr2O3 was below detection limit
n.d. Not detected
Jo epidote, titanite, actinolite, and anhedral fine-grained
(<250 μm) pyroxene. Endoskarn alteration assemblages
are best recognized in vugs filled with quartz, plagioclase,
epidote, magnetite, titanite ± K-feldspar (Fig. 6c). In the
groundmass, Na-rich plagioclase partly replaces primary
plagioclase. Titanite occurs preferentially within amphibole
together with epidote and forms sometimes up to 2.5-
Cuerpo 3 N mm euhedral crystals. A few millimeters to 1-cm
Mine 1
Mine 2
thick quartz ± K-feldspar, pyrite veins (Fig. 5g), which
Southern Sector S can be assigned to type B veins in the sense of Gustafson
and Hunt (1975), crosscut the altered porphyritic intrusion.
Potassium-silicate alteration and endoskarn type altera-
tions are overprinted by a weak sericitic alteration. The
close spatial relationship of the Fortuna porphyritic
Di Hd intrusion and skarn and the gradational formation of
B All garnet skarns endoskarn suggest that they are genetically related.
bgsk bsk hgrt
Alteration in the volcaniclastic rocks close to the
porphyritic intrusion contact and between the massive
Gr Ad skarn bodies is similar but more intense than in the intrusion
lgsk (up to 5-wt% Na2O and up to 14-wt% CaO, Table 1). Near
the porphyritic intrusion contact (sample DTR 156, see
C Brown garnet skarn Mine 2 Mine 1 Cuerpo 3 Fig. 3) the alteration assemblage consists of Na-rich
plagioclase and pyroxene (Fig. 6d), whereas, pyroxene,
actinolite ± Na-rich plagioclase and actinolite with rare
Gr Ad
Southern Sector
garnet dominate towards the skarn bodies (samples DTR
194 and DTR 227, see Fig. 3). The increasing abundance of
Fig. 9 Pyroxene and garnet composition at Fortuna. a Pyroxene is pyroxene, actinolite, epidote ± garnet towards the skarn is
salitic and shows an increase in johannsenite (Jo) content from south expressed first as pockets and bands and then eventually as
to north or from proximal to distal position. In general, Mn contents
are slightly higher than the mean pyroxene composition in gold massive skarn. This mineralogical change is accompanied
skarn (dashed line) compiled by Meinert (1989). b Range and mean by a decrease of the Na2O and increase of the CaO, Cu, and
garnet composition at Fortuna. pgsk Green pyroxene–garnet skarn, S content towards the skarn (Table 1). The green pyroxene–
bsk brown garnet skarn, bgsk blue-green garnet skarn, hgrt dark epidote skarn front typically has a white K-feldspar, Na-rich
honey-reddish garnet. Garnet shows a iron enrichment from massive
skarn (bsk, bgsk, pgsk) to late dark honey-reddish garnet (hgrt). plagioclase band of several millimeters to centimeters
Pyralspite content of all garnet types is less than 5%. c Range and width (Fig. 6e). Analyses of this assemblage display up to
mean garnet composition in the brown garnet skarn, showing iron 5-wt% K2O and up to 4.9-wt% Na2O (Table 1).
enrichment from the proximal zone (Mine 2) to the distal zone Up to 1-mm thick veins filled with fine-grained
(Cuerpo 3) K-feldspar, pyroxene, quartz, pyrite ± epidote, plagioclase,
and chalcopyrite (Fig. 6f,g) crosscut the boundary between
Increases in MnO (2.5 to 6 wt%) and FeO (7 to 12 wt%, skarn and volcaniclastic rocks, and additionally, have
Table 3, Fig. 9) are recognized from the central (Mine 2) to garnet on their walls on the skarn side. Late sericitic
the northern (Cuerpo 3) parts of the studied area. alteration observed in the quartz–diorite intrusion over-
prints also locally the altered volcaniclastic rocks and
appears to grade laterally into chloritic and/or actinolitic
Skarn relationship with the endoskarn alteration.
and volcaniclastic rocks
Contacts of the quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion with the Retrograde assemblage, vug fillings, veins, gold
skarn or with volcaniclastic rocks are not exposed in the occurrence and metal content at Fortuna
Fortuna mine due to poor outcrop. Only 25 m separate the
northeastern margin of the porphyritic intrusion from the As indicated above, retrograde assemblages are mainly
nearest skarn outcrop (Fig. 3). The quartz–diorite suffered located in vugs, elongated vugs and up to centimeter-wide
in places weak in potassium-silicate alteration with K- veins. Most veins can be assigned to type I irregular,
feldspar typically mantling plagioclase phenocrysts. Biotite discontinuous, sulfide-poor veins in the sense of Fontboté
is relatively rare and forms aggregates together with et al. (2004). These veins and the vugs are filled with
magnetite within and surrounding altered amphibole retrograde quartz, epidote, K-feldspar, calcite, and chlorite
(Fig. 6a). Irregular, discontinuous vugs are filled with and minor hematite, pyrite, sericite, apatite, and gold. Type
equigranular quartz and K-feldspar (Fig. 6b). Potassium- II veins, i.e., veins with similar mineral assemblages but
silicate alteration grades laterally into endoskarn type thin (less than 2-mm wide) and throughgoing, are much
alteration with development of plagioclase, K-feldspar, less common than in other deposits of the district.
Chalcopyrite and sphalerite have been recognized in a type Table 4 Representative microprobe gold analyses, in weight
II vein at Mine 1 (Fig. 6i). Rare pyrite-rich throughgoing percent metal, from the Fortuna mine
type III veins with associated sericitic alteration have been Sample DTR 54f DTR 149a DTR 175i
observed in Mine 1. In contrast to other mines of the Location Mine 2 Mine 2 Mine 1
Nambija district (Fontboté et al. 2004) no systematic vein
orientation could be observed. Cu 0.05 0.05 0.07
Differences in vug and type I vein infilling minerals Ag 14.42 7.53 5.91
were recognized between Mine 1, Mine 2, and the Southern Au 84.60 92.16 93.86
Sector. In Mine 1 vugs, calcite is the main infilling mineral Hg 0.62 0.53 0a
with minor amounts of K-feldspar, chlorite, and quartz Total 99.70 100.27 99.85
(Fig. 5e). In Mine 2, quartz is more abundant than the other Arsenic, Bi, and Te below detection limit
infilling minerals (Fig. 5f). In the Southern Sector, vugs are a
Detected but not measurable
filled mainly by quartz and K-feldspar (Fig. 5c,d). In
places, type II veins filled with quartz, K-feldspar, calcite,
chlorite, and sphalerite ± chalcopyrite were observed affected by retrograde alteration (Fig. 8h and i). It occurs
(Fig. 6h,i). When crosscutting vugs, type II vein quartz is also in vugs, elongated vugs, and type I veins, together with
in optical continuity with vug quartz (Fig. 6h). A retrograde minerals but is not observed in type II and type
cathodoluminescence study on calcite filling vugs, type I III veins. Gold has a relatively low Ag content (5.9- to
veins, and interstices in the brown garnet skarn (Markowski 14.7-wt%, Table 4) and contains traces of Hg (up to 0.6%).
2003) reveals similar color (yellow-orange to orange-red) A striking feature of the Fortuna skarn, similar to most
intensities and absence of consistent zonation for all deposits of the Nambija district, is the low content of sulfides
studied calcite grains. (1–3 vol%) and oxides (<1 vol%). Hematite is more
Native gold occurs as interstitial grains, typically up to abundant in Mine 2, near the N 010° to N 060° E trending
100 μm, in places up to 250 μm, between garnet and Doris and Esteban faults and in the Southern Sector of the
pyroxene or fills fractured by garnet crystals in skarn mine (where the highest gold grades are observed), whereas,
10000 100000
Fig. 10 a, b Contents of Zn,
Zn (ppm)
no significant correlation is
observed 100
1 10
100000 100
E z
As (ppm)
S (ppm)
1 1
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Au (ppb) Au (ppb)
pyrite is more abundant in Mine 1 and Cuerpo 3 where it can example, certain high salinity fluid inclusions homogenize
reach 2–3 vol%. Main supergene minerals are pyrolusite, to the vapor phase, whereas, certain low salinity fluid
covellite, limonite, and iron hydroxides. inclusions homogenize to the liquid phase. This unsyste-
The scarcity of sulfide minerals is reflected in the matic behavior does not support a boiling process. Fluid
generally low metal contents of representative mineralized inclusions in late garnet clusters (“G2” in Fig. 11) are two
samples (maximum values of selected mineralized samples phased with salinities ranging from 1.0- to 10.1-wt% eq.
range around 150-ppm Cu, 300-ppm Zn, 50-ppm As, NaCl and homogenize to the liquid or to the vapor phase
2-ppm Te, and 7-ppm Bi, Fig. 10a,c–f and Table 1). Small between 335 and 405°C.
(∼5 μm) bright inclusions within gold grains, suspected to Primary fluid inclusions in epidote (“E” in Fig. 11) have
be tellurides, were analyzed with the microprobe. Only in been found only in epidote-replacing pyroxene in the green
one case was Te above the detection limit (0.36% Te, pyroxene–epidote skarn and predating late garnet clusters
sample DTR 149, Mine 2, Markowski 2003), so that the and veins. They display salinities ranging from 5.1 to 19.5-
presence of tellurides, described in other deposits of the wt% eq. NaCl and homogenization temperatures to the
Nambija district (Prodeminca 2000), could not be con- liquid phase between 345 and 425°C.
firmed. Gold grades show an antithetic distribution with Quartz grains in blue-green garnet skarn and vugs
respect to Zn and Cu and are higher (up to 10 ppm) around contain four fluid inclusions types (IA, IB,II, III, Fig. 11).
the Doris and Esteban faults in Mine 2 (Fig. 10b). Gold Type IA and type II are, respectively, primary liquid- and
does not show any correlation neither with S nor with Zn, vapor-rich fluid inclusions. Both primary inclusion types
Cu, and As (Fig. 10c–f). Cu and Zn display the highest are found in the same quartz grains indicating that they are
values north of Mine 2. coeval. Type IA primary liquid-rich fluid inclusions have
moderate salinities (1.6- to 9.7-wt% eq. NaCl) and
homogenization temperatures ranging from 180 to
Fluid inclusions and chlorite geothermometry 345°C. In places, they contain a transparent rhombohedral
solid phase tentatively interpreted as calcite. No micro-
Fluid inclusions study thermometric measurement could be done on type II
primary vapor-rich fluid inclusions because of low water
Figure 11 presents a compilation of fluid-inclusion data content. Type IB are secondary liquid rich fluid inclusions
collected on 14 samples (quartz, epidote, garnet, and occurring along planes and showing relatively low ho-
pyroxene) from the Fortuna mine including 63 data mogenization temperatures and salinities (125 to 250°C,
reported by Fontboté et al. (2004) and 22 new data from 0.7- to 2.2-wt% eq. NaCl). Type III are secondary liquid-
garnet and epidote minerals. Fluid inclusions in pyroxene rich fluid inclusions homogenizing by melting of halite
(“P” in Fig. 11) were observed in light green pyroxene– (33- to 35.8-wt% eq. NaCl) with vapor bubble disappear-
garnet skarn in Cuerpo 3. Pyroxene fluid inclusions record ance between 210 and 270°C. Eutectic melting tempera-
high temperature–high salinity fluids (400 to 460°C and tures in garnet, epidote, and quartz fluid inclusions range
12.8- to 54.5-wt% eq. NaCl). No fluid inclusions in garnet from −40 to −50°C, indicating the presence of cations like
from the volumetrically dominant brown skarn could be Ca2+, Mg2+ or Fe2+/3+.
observed as it is too turbid and opaque, in part, due to the These results are consistent with studies at the scale of
systematic presence of titanium oxide needles. Primary the Nambija district (Vallance et al. 2003, Fontboté et al.
garnet fluid inclusions from the blue-green garnet skarn 2004) and are also consistent with the data of Shepherd
(“G1” in Fig. 11) are two phased with salinities ranging (1988) in Litherland et al. (1994) and the observations of
from 2.6 to 20.2-wt% eq. NaCl and homogenize to the Meinert (1998, 2000). However, low temperature (<150°C)
liquid, critical, or vapor phase between 350 and 475°C and moderate salinity fluid inclusions (5- to 24-wt% eq.
without any systematic relationship with salinities. For NaCl) observed by Shepherd (1988) in Litherland et al.
Fig. 11 Compilation of all fluid
Primary/ Salinity wt%
inclusion data collected in Type n= Mineral
Tm (˚C) Th (˚C) Mode Tm KCl (˚C) Tm NaCl (˚C)
NaCl eq
quartz, epidote, garnet, and P 8 pyroxene Primary -53 to -9 400-460 L 105 280-360 12.8-54.5
pyroxene from Fortuna mine G1 23 garnet of Primary (and -17 to -1.5 350-475 L, C or V - - 2.6-20.2
and representative photomicro- the blue- secondary?)
green skarn
graph of each type. This sum- G2 16 cluster Primary -6.7 to -0.6 335-405 L or V - - 1-10.1
mary of 85 fluid inclusions garnet
includes 65 fluid inclusion data E 4 epidote Primary -16.1 to -3.1 345-425 L - - 5.1-19.5
IA 21 quartz Primary -6.4 to -1.2 180-345 L - - 9.7-1.6
reported by Fontboté et al.
IB 8 quartz Secondary -1.3 to -0.4 125-250 L - - 2.2-0.7
(2004) and 22 new data from II quartz Primary - - V - - -
garnet and epidote minerals. The III 5 quartz Secondary -29.1 to -26.5 170-215 L - 210-270 33-35.8
black scale bar represents
10 μm
1994, Vallance et al. (2003), and Fontboté et al. (2004) in temperature by studying the geothermal systems of Los
quartz and calcite were not observed at Fortuna. Azufres (Mexico) and Salton Sea (California). Jowett (1991)
proposed a modification to the equation of Cathelineau
(1988) based on an isothermal normalization of Catheli-
Chlorite geothermometry neau’s data to take into account the variation in Fe/(Fe+Mg).
He claimed that this modified geothermometer is applicable
Chlorite is an abundant phase of the retrograde mineral in the range 150 to 325°C for chlorite with Fe/(Fe+Mg)<0.6.
assemblage mainly near the Doris and Esteban faults. It Kranidiotis and MacLean (1987) also proposed a geother-
occurs as millimeter-sized dark green spots or sometimes mometer based on a correction of the empirical relationship
as rosettes together with calcite and hematite in green found by Cathelineau and Nieva (1985). The main constraint
pyroxene–epidote skarn, brown garnet skarn, blue–green of Kranidiotis and MacLean’s geothermometer is that
garnet skarn, and vugs (Figs. 5c,e,f and 8g). chlorite has grown in an Al-saturated environment. De
Chlorite minerals display a broad range of chemical Caritat et al. (1993) have questioned the Fe correction of
composition, which reflect different physico-chemical con- Kranidiotis and MacLean (1987) because it is based on
ditions of formation, in particular, temperature. Cathelineau compositions of chlorites of different generations. This leads
and Nieva (1985) and Cathelineau (1988) described an to a systematic underestimation of the formation temperature
empirical chlorite solid-solution geothermometer based on of chlorite (Table 5). The temperatures of chlorite formation
the positive correlation between tetrahedral alumina and at Fortuna calculated with Cathelineau’s and Jowett’s
of selected samples 12
Mine 2, Fe*>0.6
Mine 2, Fe*<0.6
8 Mine 1, Fe*<0.6
Cuerpo 3, Fe*<0.6
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480
Temperature (˚C)
distal part of the system towards the north. Pyroxene is, phenomena could be enhanced by neutralization of the
indeed, richer in manganese than that in other mines of the weakly acid fluid (K-feldspar stable) during hydrolysis of
district (Cambana Jo3–10, Campanillas Jo0–12, Nambija the prograde calc-silicate assemblage as suggested by the
Jo2–7; Guaysimi Jo3–6, unpublished data) and in other gold formation of sericite and calcite at this stage.
skarns (Meinert 1989; Meinert et al. 2005). Skarn types, mineral composition and abundance,
At the Fortuna mine, native gold occurs in the weakly paragenetic sequence, and fluid evolution is similar to
developed retrograde stage of the skarn, together with that observed in the other mines of the Nambija district by
calcite, quartz, chlorite, hematite, epidote, and K-feldspar Fontboté et al. (2004). However, Fortuna is the only mine
within garnet fractures or between mineral joints. This is in of the district where a well-defined mineralogical zonation
agreement with gold occurrence in vugs, as described in could be recognized at the mine scale and the feeder zone
Fontboté et al. (2004). Sulfide and oxide contents are very identified. Unlike Campanillas, Nambija, and Guaysimi
low at Fortuna. Hematite, pyrite, sphalerite, and traces of (Fontboté et al. 2004) at the Fortuna veining is poorly
chalcopyrite have been observed. No molybdenite and developed with rare type I veins of several millimeters
tellurides minerals, which have been described in others thickness and a relative dissemination of gold mineraliza-
parts of the district (Litherland et al. 1994; Meinert 1998, tion in vugs located around the N 060° E Doris and Esteban
2000; Prodeminca 2000), have been detected. The most faults. Bonanza zones with native gold-building grains up
Au-rich parts of the skarn are located in the proximal garnet to several millimeters in sizes, which are commonly
zone near the main 060° Doris and Esteban faults. The observed at Campanillas, Nambija, and Guaysimi, are
highest gold grades coincide also with higher hematite absent at Fortuna. Post-skarn, sulfide-rich type III veins
abundance, and generally, with the absence of pyrite and associated sericitic alteration are less developed than in
suggesting high oxygen fugacity during gold deposition. other deposits of the district.
Farther north, pyrite becomes more abundant and hematite Like in other skarn deposits worldwide, at Fortuna, gold
disappears and Zn and Cu content increase in average. deposition occurred during the retrograde stage. The main
These observations suggest that the host rocks in distal difference with other high-grade gold skarn is its oxidation
zones reduced the oxidized ore-bearing retrograde fluids, state at the time of gold deposition (hematite stable). The
or alternatively, this zonation could result from decreasing largest high-grade gold skarns like Fortitude in Nevada
temperature to the distal zone. (Myers 1994; Doebrich and Theodore 1996; Doebrich et al.
The fact that the retrograde phase is weakly developed 1996) or Hedley in British Columbia (Ray et al. 1996) are
and is essentially represented in blue-green garnet skarn, of the reduced type (Meinert 1998, 2000). They show
light green pyroxene–garnet skarn, and as open space prograde mineral assemblages lacking ferric iron with high
fillings (containing garnet in apparent paragenetic equilib- hedenbergitic pyroxene:granditic garnet ratio. Gold deposi-
rium with early quartz), may suggest that the retrograde tion occurs in the distal pyroxene-rich zone during the
stage took place at relatively high temperatures in apparent retrograde stage, together with a large amount of sulfides.
continuum with the prograde stage, as already proposed by Moreover, As, Bi, and Te minerals are common. Bismuth
Meinert (1998, 2000). This hypothesis is consistent with minerals are typically found in reduced gold skarns in
the homogenization temperatures measured in quartz fluid association with sulfides, arsenic minerals, and gold ores
inclusions (up to 345°C) and those indicated by chlorite while they are less abundant (as As minerals) in oxidized
geothermometry (up to 340°C). gold skarns (Meinert 2000). Skirrow and Walshe (2002)
The highest temperatures (400 to 460°C) and salinities suggest that Bi, As, and Sb show a similar behavior in
(13- to 54-wt% eq. NaCl) are recorded in pyroxene fluid hydrothermal fluids and that deposition is favored by
inclusions and result probably from boiling of a magmatic reduction. The Fortuna skarn shows more similarities with
moderately saline fluid (∼8- to 10-wt% eq. NaCl). Slightly the McCoy skarn, likewise defined as pertaining to the
lower temperatures found in moderately saline fluid oxidized type (Brooks 1994; Brooks et al. 1991; Meinert
inclusions from garnet and epidote (335 to 475°C) and 1998, 2000). The McCoy gold skarn shows a mineralogical
quartz (<345°C) represent the beginning of the retrograde zonation with an aluminous garnet-rich proximal zone and
stage and are consistent with the chlorite geothermometry a diopsidic pyroxene-rich distal zone. Gold mineralization
results (300 to 340°C). is spatially associated with the proximal zone and occurred
Fluid inclusions and chlorite geothermometry suggest during retrograde alteration consisting mainly of epidote–
that gold deposition occurred around 300°C. Significant quartz–pyrite–K-feldspar together with pyrrhotite as sul-
gold transport as hydrosulfide complexes is unlikely, fide mineral. Although relatively low, total sulfides and
taking into account the oxidizing nature of the fluid as Bi–Te minerals content at McCoy is higher than at Fortuna
indicated by the association of the main mineralized areas and hematite is absent. Moreover, low vein density,
with hematite and by the scarcity of sulfides. Very low absence of stockworks or breccias and weak retrograde
metal contents also point to a fluid poor in reduced sulfur. alteration at Fortuna suggests that quartz–diorite emplace-
Consequently, gold was more likely transported in the form ment and skarn formation occurred at a deeper level than at
of chloride complexes and deposition occurred mainly in McCoy. Similar to Fortuna, Wabu (Irian Jaya) is an
the proximal zone, after cooling below 300°C when oxidized gold skarn, dominated by garnet, where gold
transport of chloride complexes as gold carriers is not mineralization occurs in the proximal zone, together with
efficient (Gammons and Williams-Jones 1997). The retrograde K-feldspar (Allen and Aslund 1998). However,
the protolith in Wabu is calcareous, and gold occurs Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Swiss
together with pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and bismuth. At National Science Foundation project n° 2000-062 000.00, the
Académie Suisse des Sciences Naturelles, and the Society of
McCoy and Wabu, the presence of pyrrhotite indicates that Economic Geologists grants. We thank Fortuna Gold Mining Corp,
the conditions of gold deposition were reducing and the Quito, Ecuador, for granting access to the Fortuna mine. Tom
temperature of deposition occurred at about 300 to 400°C. Shepherd and Fernando Tornos are also acknowledged for discussion
Hence, the particularity of Fortuna is that the oxidizing and suggestions. This paper benefited from the fruitful comments of J.
Hammarstrom, S. Redwood, L. Meinert, and D. Lentz.
conditions persisted at a lower temperature than at McCoy
and Wabu (<300–350°C), which prevented gold-sulfide
association and did not allow the deposition of significant
amounts of Bi–Te minerals. Appendix
Representative whole rock compositions (XRF analyses) of Triassic volcaniclastic rocks (TVR), later porphyry intrusions (PI), and dikes Oxides,
weight percent; trace elements, parts per million
Sample DTR 156 DTR 194 DTR 221 DTR 233 DTR 184 DTR 391 DTR 399b DTR 69 DTR 378 DTR 417 DTR 361-2 DTR 373 DTR 405
Location Fortuna Fortuna Fortuna Fortuna Fortuna Access road Access road Campanillas– Nambija– Road to Guaysimi– Guaysimi– Guaysimi
Southern Mine 2 Mine 1 Southern Southern to Cambana to Cambana Katy Mapasingue Nambija Central Central
Sector Sector Sector
SiO2 (wt%) 62.37 62.69 44.70 44.91 63.45 62.48 54.66 60.51 71.12 61.41 58.10 58.25 55.40
TiO2 0.48 0.35 0.86 0.97 0.41 0.53 0.74 0.52 0.36 0.52 1.05 0.83 0.74
Al2O3 16.22 11.60 15.26 16.25 17.29 17.67 17.38 17.33 13.13 17.18 18.19 16.91 18.55
Fe2O3a 4.98 5.31 9.72 11.20 4.25 4.64 3.51 3.38 2.55 4.81 1.39 1.40 4.76
MnO 0.05 0.39 0.76 0.44 0.14 0.13 0.24 0.12 0.02 0.06 0.32 0.14 0.13
MgO 0.87 0.10 8.56 9.22 1.14 1.99 5.77 1.71 0.15 1.61 2.34 3.64 3.15
CaO 1.26 13.90 10.22 8.14 4.53 1.57 5.90 4.97 0.08 5.57 7.52 8.24 0.57
Na2O 4.86 0.07 2.26 1.62 3.71 4.08 2.23 5.33 2.77 4.05 6.37 5.57 4.86
K 2O 5.04 4.67 1.84 2.4 2.93 3.04 4.62 3.57 6.86 2.96 1.74 2.42 2.70
P2O5 0.09 0.20 0.16 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.06 0.23 0.20 0.10 0.12
LOI 2.80 0.02 4.81 0.07 1.32 2.98 3.52 1.78 1.03 1.16 1.14 1.83 4.26
Nb (ppm) 6 4 2 1 6 6 3 4 11 4 2 2 4
Zr 87 46 32 30 100 119 107 85 321 88 105 67 127
Y 23 20 18 22 23 20 29 23 28 28 14 38 28
Sr 140 40 253 379 571 302 89 347 15 620 167 267 147
U 3 3 3 <2 <2 5 3 <2 4 3 4 6 3
Rb 89 68 64 97 63 82 133 80 118 56 86 85 103
Th 8 2 4 <2 4 9 6 5 13 7 6 6 5
Pb 11 12 14 8 5 5 9 8 10 8 <2 4 5
Ga 17 10 18 16 18 18 17 19 14 17 10 16 23
Zn 23 12 237 98 35 51 142 32 19 18 29 30 86
Cu 1,440 9 130 102 17 9 11 168 4 6 7 5 38
Ni 3 <2 43 44 2 <2 6 <2 2 <2 7 31 5
Co 30 71 37 49 46 17 13 41 80 33 17 13 14
Cr 12 26 158 119 8 8 29 10 15 8 17 37 19
V 99 81 425 414 66 101 175 124 25 93 71 346 156
Ce 36 8 19 15 25 42 26 32 20 33 31 23 42
Nd 17 0 10 6 13 23 18 16 13 20 17 18 21
Ba 1,197 1,638 963 3,725 971 1,215 788 819 563 1,220 172 824 513
La 17 <4 8 <4 16 19 11 20 10 24 17 16 20
S 9,273 <3 1,727 7 <3 41 54 5,831 1,935 <3 77 167 20
Hf 16 8 2 2 6 6 5 5 7 6 6 2 5
Sc 5 2 41 45 6 7 10 6 3 8 10 8 20
As 5 9 8 8 7 8 5 <3 6 4 8 19 30