Root Resorption Brezniak I 2002

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Review Article

Orthodontically Induced Inflammatory Root Resorption.

Part I: The Basic Science Aspects
Naphtali Brezniak, MD, DMD, MSDa; Atalia Wasserstein, DMDb

Abstract: Orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption (OIIRR) or, as it is better known, root
resorption, is an unavoidable pathologic consequence of orthodontic tooth movement. It is a certain adverse
effect of an otherwise predictable force application. Although it is rarely serious, it is a devastating event
when it is radiographically recognized. Orthodontics is probably the only dental specialty that actually uses
the inflammatory process as a means of solving functional and esthetic problems. Force application initiates
a sequential cellular process. We know exactly how and when it is evoked, but we are unable to predict
its actual overall outcome. The extent of this inflammatory process depends on many factors such as the
virulence or aggressiveness of the different resorbing cells, as well as the vulnerability and sensitivity of
the tissues involved. Individual variation and susceptibility, which are related to this process, remain beyond
our understanding. We are therefore unable to predict the incidence and extent of OIIRR after force
application. This contemporary review is divided into two parts. In Part I, we discuss the basic sciences
aspects of OIIRR as a continuation of our previously published work. In Part II, we present the clinical
aspects of this subject. (Angle Orthod 2002;72:175–179.)
Key Words: Root resorption; Orthodontic treatment; Review

INTRODUCTION portant to note that the aforementioned studies were based

solely on one human nonexperimental study.
Orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption
Orthodontic force applications induce a local process that
(OIIRR) or, as it is better known, root resorption, is an
includes all of the characteristics of inflammation4: rubor
unavoidable pathologic consequence of orthodontic tooth
movement. This contemporary review of OIIRR is divided (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and,
into two parts. In this part, we discuss the basic sciences to a small extent, functio laesa (inhibited function). This
aspects of OIIRR in a continuation of our previously pub- inflammation, which is essential to tooth movement, is ac-
lished work.1 In part II, we present the clinical aspects of tually the fundamental component behind the root resorp-
this subject. tion process.5
Therefore, in light of the full extent of the histologic
THE ROOT RESORPTION PROCESS process, orthodontic force–induced root resorption should
be more accurately termed orthodontically induced inflam-
The publications of Wehrbein et al2,3 made substantial matory root resorption (OIIRR).
contributions to the research concerning OIIRR in humans. There are three degrees of severity of OIIRR:
These authors discussed different grades of root resorption
in detail, mainly in terms of the close proximity of the root 1. Cemental or surface resorption with remodeling. In this
to the cortical nonmetaplastic bones, as well as other path- process, only the outer cemental layers are resorbed, and
ologic phenomena such as dehiscence and fenestrations. they are later fully regenerated or remodeled. This pro-
These publications highlighted the risk and perhaps the iat- cess resembles trabecular bone remodeling.6
rogenic effect of orthodontic treatment. However, it is im- 2. Dentinal resorption with repair (deep resorption). In this
process, the cementum and the outer layers of the dentin
Head of the orthodontic residency, Israel Defense Forces, Tel- are resorbed and usually repaired with cementum ma-
Hashomer, Israel. terial. The final shape of the root after this resorption
Lecturer, Israel Defense Forces, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.
Corresponding author: Naphtali Brezniak, MD, DMD, MSD, 3 and formation process may or may not be identical to
Rav-Ashi St, No. 31, Tel-Aviv 69395, Israel the original form.
(e-mail: [email protected]). 3. Circumferential apical root resorption. In this process,
Accepted: October 2001. Submitted: May 2001. full resorption of the hard tissue components of the root
q 2002 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc. apex occurs, and root shortening is evident. Different

175 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 72, No 2, 2002


degrees of apical root shortening are, of course, possible. period is 10 days following the first activation, it is only a
When the root loses apical material beneath the cementum, matter of simple mathematics that if reactivation is after
no regeneration is possible. External surface repair usually one day, the refractory period is 10 days, and if reactivation
occurs in the cemental layer. Over time, sharp edges may is after four days, the refractory period is 7 days, etc. The
be gradually leveled. Ankylosis is not a common sequel of immediate increase in osteoclasts count after one day in-
OIIRR. dicates that in rats, when force is applied to the teeth, pro-
genitor cells in the osteoclast lineage are ready in the peri-
odontal ligament or its immediate vicinity, waiting to be
The cellular process
fully expressed.
The studies in mice and rats conducted by Brudvik and Brudvik and Rygh7 found that in addition to the mono-
Rygh7–12 confirmed that OIIRR is a part of the hyaline zone nucleated macrophage-like cells, multinucleated TRAP-
elimination process. The first cells to be involved in this positive giant cells without ruffled borders are involved in
necrotic tissue removal are cells that are negative for tar- the hyaline tissue removal. These cells may be osteoclasts
trate resistance acid phosphatase (TRAP) and that have no or odontoclasts that did not come to full expression earlier
ruffled borders. These are Macrophage-like cells, which are (ie, preosteoclasts) and that become involved in the necrotic
most probably activated by signals coming from the sterile tissue elimination. On introduction of a new mechanical
necrotic tissue, the result of the orthodontic force applica- stimulus, they differentiate into fully developed osteoclasts
tion. Macrophages are scavenger cells from the hemato- or odontoclasts in a matter of hours.6,29,30 (TRAP-positive
poietic lineage, and their role is to eliminate necrotic tis- cells with ruffled borders and a clear zone are pathogno-
sues. As described by Brudvik and Rygh,7 the initial elim- monic to the clast lineage.)
ination process takes place at the periphery of the hyaline Most studies agree that osteoclasts and odontoclasts are
zone, where blood supply to the periodontal ligament exists comparable cells. Lasfargues and Saffar31 believe that the
or is even increased.5 During removal of the hyaline zone, odontoclast, unlike the osteoclast, is prostaglandin indepen-
the nearby outer surface of the root, which consists of the dent because indomethacin administration to rats during
cementoblast layer covering the cementoid, can be dam- physiologic tooth movement decreases bone resorption but
aged,13 thus exposing the underlying highly dense miner- enhances root resorption. Others have not confirmed the
alized cementum. It is possible that the orthodontic pressure results of this study.
itself directly damages the outer root surface layers in such
a way that there is a need for their removal as well. The Root resistance to resorption
root surface under the main hyaline zone is resorbed only
All new reports in the literature recognize the overall
several days later when the repair process in the periphery
protective function of the root’s outer layers, the cemento-
is already taking place. These finding have been confirmed
blasts, and the outer uncalcified cementum (the precemen-
by studies of human premolars that were moved buccally
tum or cementoid).12,32,33 These layers might contain non-
before their extraction.14–23
collagenic materials, eg, the cells themselves, that possess
The resorption process continues until no hyaline tissue
potent anticollagenase properties. This is in agreement with
is present and/or the force level decreases. Resorption la-
the findings of previous reports.
cunae expand the root surfaces involved and thereby indi-
A clinical study revealed that exposure of the roots to
rectly decrease the pressure exerted through force applica-
two sequential orthodontic treatment procedures, one ad-
tion. Thus, decompression allows the process to reverse and
ministered during adolescence and the other administered
the cementum to be repaired.11,12
later during adulthood, actually decreased the extent of
The role and the kinetics of the osteoclasts in tooth
OIIRR.34 Accordingly, two questions might be raised: (1)
movement and root resorption during different reactivation
what sort of protective effect was provided to the roots by
schedules have been studied in rats.24–28 In all but one of
the first treatment? and (2) could the remodeled cementum
the activation and reactivation schedules, the amount of
contribute some additional protective effect in the outer lay-
root surface involved in the resorption reached a plateau of
ers? These questions have yet to be answered.
50% of the root surface on the compression side.24 The
extent of root resorption was increased only when force
The repair process
reactivation was performed at the peak presence of osteo-
clast count in the involved region (day 4). In all other re- Morphologically, the repair process of the resorbed la-
activation schedules, tooth movement was improved with cunae is described as beginning from the periphery,35 the
no risk to root surfaces. Osteoclast recruitment after acti- bottom,17 or all directions.13 It begins about two weeks after
vation and reactivation do not exhibit the same pattern. force removal, with the placement of acellular cementum
There are unexplained different refractory periods of 10, succeeded by cellular cementum. This process is evident in
seven, four, and one days after reactivation and after one, 38% and 82% of human premolar lacunae after two and
four, seven, and 10 days, respectively. Since the refractory five weeks, respectively.17

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 72, No 2, 2002


In bone, osteoclasts undergoing apoptosis leave at the delays formation of cellular mixed-fiber cementum. Hence,
bottom of the lacuna a protein layer that is composed par- HEBP increases the vulnerability of the root surface to re-
tially of osteoponin and bone sialoprotein. This layer is rec- sorption during orthodontic tooth movement.50,51
ognized later as the cemental line with which the osteo- Reports in the literature do not agree on the origin of
blasts meet on bone formation. According to Bosshardt and AEFC. Is it a part of the cementum itself, laid down by
Schroeder,36 the odontoclasts leave the root lacunar surfaces cementoblasts,50–52 or a part of the Sharpey fibers53 that is
exposed with no sediment at the base of the crater. Re- subsequently incorporated into the acellular cementum lay-
cently, however, it has been reported that a specific cemen- er?
tum attachment protein (CAP) has been identified in human Administration of corticosteroids in doses of 15 mg/kg
cementum.37 This protein has the ability to bind to miner- to rats during orthodontic treatment increases root resorp-
alized root surfaces with high affinity. Its role in cemen- tion,53 whereas low doses of one mg/kg decrease root re-
togenesis and cementoblast recruitment is still under inves- sorption.54
tigation.37,38 Individual variations characterize the repair Alcohol consumption in adults during orthodontic treat-
process as evident in OIIRR.17,39 ment tends to increase root resorption through vitamin D
hydroxylation in the liver.39
Effects of pharmacologic agents on OIIRR
General considerations
The effects of L-thyroxine on root resorption are still
controversial. Administration of very low doses of this hor- The causal relationship between force application and
mone to rats during 10 days of tooth movement decreased root resorption has never been fully answered. Is it a local
the amount of root resorption by about 50% relative to that mechanism that actually expands the root surface area,
in a control group.40 Although the conclusions of this study thereby decreasing the level of actual pressure? Is it an
were far from definitive, the investigators prescribed 0.5 g essential mechanism that maintains the width or subsistence
of thyroid to three so-called OIIRR high-risk patients.41 area of the periodontal membrane and its different com-
They reported that treatment with the hormone produced ponents? Or is it a side effect of the inflammatory process?
no new root resorption, no worsening of the existing re- Is it a reaction to loss of integrity of the cementum layer
sorption, and no adverse effects. The definition of high-risk (including cracks)? Or is it a part of the normal sequence
patients that was used in the study was partly challenged of root adaptation over years?
by Owman-Moll and Kurol.17 Christiansen’s42 comment on The last question has been addressed in several publi-
this study did not clarify the mechanism by which the hor- cations. Bishara et al,55 performed an extensive radiograph-
mone acts. It is assumed that the hormone either increases ic survey and found no systematic root shortening between
the resistance of the cementum and dentin to clastic activity early and mid adulthood. Harris et al,56 however, reported
or increases the rate of alveolar bone resorption (high levels that resorption was present in about 10% of teeth that had
of alkaline phosphatase were found). Thus, the hormone not been orthodontically treated, and 1%–2% demonstrated
enhances tooth movement as it indirectly reduces OIIRR. severe resorption, mostly in the upper incisors. Recent pub-
Furthermore, no substantial differences were found in the lications include an anecdotal description of idiopathic root
response of monocytes to L-thyroxine and thyrocalcitonin resorption57 and two cases of long-term stability with se-
in a study that measured the amount of interleukin-b and verely resorbed roots after orthodontic treatment.58,59
tumor necrosis factor in two groups that had completed
orthodontic treatment, one with severe root resorption and Looking ahead
the other with no root resorption.43 Shirazi et al44 demon- The previous view that the immune system is linked to
strated that in rats, increasing doses of L-thyroxine de- OIIRR has been abandoned in the last 10 years. What about
creased the extent of root resorption while increasing the genetic causation? Thus far, we have found that only one
amount of tooth movement. group has used polymerase chain reaction analysis to ana-
Few studies have been published in the last decade about lyze two mRNA-encoded collagenolytic enzymes, matrix
the role of prostaglandins in OIIRR. Two studies confirmed metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and cathepsin K, in root re-
the known role of this major cytokine.45,46 sorbing tissue.60 This research offers a new direction for
Bisphosphonates, potent inhibitors of bone resorption, root resorption research, which might be cultivated exten-
causes a significant dose-dependent inhibition of root re- sively in the years ahead.
sorption in rats after force application.47–49 On the other
hand, others have reported increased resorption with bis- SUMMARY
phosphonate treatment.50,51 According to Alatli et al,50,51 in-
jections of 1-hydroxyethylidene-1-bisphosphonate (HEBP) In this part of the review, we have continued our previ-
in rats induces a cementum surface alteration, inhibits for- ously published work.1 We have reviewed publications cov-
mation of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum (AEFC), and ering the progress in our understanding of the cellular pro-

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 72, No 2, 2002


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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 72, No 2, 2002

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