Stem Cells in Orthodontics
Stem Cells in Orthodontics
Stem Cells in Orthodontics
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fig 1:- Stem cells are those cells which have the ability to divide for indefinite period of time and with the ability to divide into a
variety of cell type. have totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent abilities which can be divided into two main categories:embryonic
stem cells and adult stem cells.
The present review article present us the indication of Therefore, from the above study it was concluded that
stem cells in treating orthodontics deformities and Also their stem cells had favourable potential for regeneration of bone
importance for orthopaedic treatment. in oral and maxillofacial region and also it can be used for
repair of alveolar defects, reduction of defect size, less
II. APPLICATION OF STEM CELLS IN postoperative morbidity and also help the teeth to erupt in
ORTHODONTIC TOOTH MOVEMENT their proper position.
The present article presents us the use of stem cells for Distraction Osteogenesis
dental as well as for the treatment of orthodontic defects. To Distraction osteogenesis is a biological process of new
assess the indications of stem cells in orthodontics and bone formation between the surfaces of osteotomized bone
dentofacial orthopaedics and also temporomandibular joint segments that are separated gradually by incremental
disorders. Also, its role in distraction osteogenesis, cleft lip traction. The pathophysiology of osteogenesis is initiated by
and cleft palate and maxillary expansion has been explained. an immediate inflammatory response which leads to
increase in population of multipotent as well as
Dentofacial Anomalies: differentiation into chondrocytes that leads to formation of
There are many congenital and dentofacial deformities cartilage and osteoblasts which forms bone. In spite of great
which results from trauma, tumour resection, non-resection, success of long treatment periods and fibrous union or even
non- fusion of fractures. And they are difficult to treat. non fusion of bone are few disadvantages that are
Currently there are numerous techniques like autogenous, obstructing its widespread clinical application.
allogenic and various prosthetic material can be used to
reconstruct the hard and soft tissues. As, we know that every Various efforts were made to reduce the treatment
thing has its own pros and cons likewise these duration, increase the rate of tooth movement, decrease the
reconstruction approaches has many disadvantages which consolidation period and decrease the complications such as
include Inadequate autogenus supply, Receiver site development of infection or fractures. Lately, due to
condition , surface irregularities and post surgical pain. So, involvement of stem cells in osteogenesis, many scientists
to defeat these disadvantages, stem cell therapy was have successfully documented the ability of stem cells on
introduced which was more reliable and advanced approach inducing bone formation and reducing the consolidation
for reconstruction of the craniofacial tissue. period during DO. The various sources of stem cells are
adipose tissue or human exfoliated deciduous teeth are used
The most common congenital birth defect, cleft lip and in few studies. In few studies alone mesenchymal stem cells
palate which occurs due to failure in fusion of lip or palate. and other factor are used to induce bone regeneration
The approximate incidence is 25% are bilateral and 85% is following DO.
unilateral. But the treatment for all such problem would
create problem for oronasal fistula, tooth eruption and also The present articles show us the various sources of
for alar base. Due to newer invention, the best treatment for stem cells alone or its combination with other gene in
cleft patients without any complications is autogenous different phases of treatment can lead to increase in bone
cancellous bone grafts as they are immunologically inert and volume and quality, bone mineral density, trabecular
suppliers of osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties. thickness, biomechanical strength.
Anterior iliac crest is the most common site from which
autogenous bone graft material is acquired. Also, the overall Rapid Maxillary Expansion
success with respect to bone resorption is 88%. RME is usually indicated in patient with maxillary
1. In one case of cleft, the composite scaffold of constriction associated with occlusal disharmony followed
demineralization bone mineral and calcium phosphate by difficult in nasal breathing, tongue position is altered. To
loaded in stem cells showed 34.5 % regenerated bone overcome the above deformities several treatment modalities
whereas in the other it was 25.6%. Also, in few cases have been formulated which include slow expansion, rapid
about 50% bone regeneration has been seen. While in expansion, surgical treated maxillary expansion.
other it it was reported about 79.1 % of bone
regeneration. The gap which is created by expansion, it gets filled by
2. In one of the studies, it proved that the autogenous blood and its granulation tissue which leads to formation of
osteoblast cultured on demineralized bone matrix bone. As, everything has its pros and cons like wise RME
showed reduction in defect size than in control group. It has its own. The faster the treatment time the relapse are
has been reported that 14 d after injection of autologous more if not retented properly. Therefore, the strategy for
stem cells, it showed 90% defect correction. decrease in treatment time will be beneficial only when
3. Results also proved spontaneous eruption of canine after proper retention and stability is provided.
18 months after injection of osteogenic cells in alveolar
Fig. 2.