Ridge Preservation: What Is It and When Should It Be Considered
Ridge Preservation: What Is It and When Should It Be Considered
Ridge Preservation: What Is It and When Should It Be Considered
The resorption of bone following extraction may present a significant problem in implant and restorative dentistry. Ridge
preservation is a technique whereby the amount of bone loss is limited. This paper discusses the scientific literature
examining the healing post-extraction and ridge preserving techniques, primarily from the perspective of implant dentistry.
Some indications for ridge preservation and methods considered appropriate are discussed.
Key words: Extraction, bone resorption, grafting, membranes, implants.
Abbreviation: ePTFE = expanded polytetrafluoroethylene.
(Accepted for publication 26 March 2007.)
Timing of extractions
The summary of the literature above shows that most
(b) resorption takes place within the first three months
after extraction. Therefore, if possible, the tooth should
be retained for as long as possible and the extraction
scheduled in accordance with the chosen time for
implant placement. A detailed discussion and classifi-
cation for timing of implant placement after tooth
extraction may be found in the proceedings of the
3rd ITI Consensus Conference.12,13 However, it is not
always possible to retain all teeth in this manner with
pain and infection often necessitating immediate
removal of the offending tooth.
Fig 3. (a) Use of a periotome to aid in the minimally traumatic Debridement and decortication of the socket
removal of an upper right central incisor. (b) Appearance of the socket
immediately following extraction using periotome and the forceps only Some studies recommend that the sockets be debrided
to lift the tooth out of its socket. to remove anything that may interfere with healing,
ª 2008 Australian Dental Association 13
I Darby et al.
whilst others suggest that a round bur should be used to However, there is a paucity of research evidence to
perforate the socket walls a number of times to allow support this technique.
greater access for blood vessels into the socket and any Mobilization of tissue can be a difficult procedure,
grafting material in an attempt to improve bony infill.14 but splitting the periosteum at the base of a flap is
Conversely, it has been shown in an experimental study fairly straightforward and as a result may be the
that retention of the periodontal ligament along the technique of choice. However, coronally advanced
socket walls facilitated retention of the clot during the flaps need to be undermined and advanced a relatively
early stages of wound healing.15 Thus, apart from great distance to completely cover an extraction
removal of chronically inflamed tissue and foreign socket. This may cause complications such as altering
materials, extensive debridement or perforation of the the mucogingival line and creating a shallow vestibule,
socket walls may not be required. either of which may require subsequent surgery to
correct.21 These problems may be avoided using a
subepithelial connective tissue graft taken by a win-
Coverage of the socket by soft tissue
dow or envelope procedure from the palate. This
The literature is divided over whether soft tissue requires an appropriate donor site and sufficient
coverage of the socket at the time of extraction is coverage by soft tissue around the extraction socket
necessary for optimum healing of the socket and to prevent necrosis of the graft in the initial phase of
aesthetics. Soft tissue coverage procedures may be healing. The question remains that these techniques
considered to retain, stabilize and protect grafting may increase soft tissue coverage, but do they result in
materials. It is a critical step when using non-resorbable increased bone fill when used on their own. Recent
membranes. Many techniques have been suggested and work by Araujo and Lindhe3 in a dog model showed
include displacing neighbouring tissue to cover the that this is not the case, a finding which may argue for
socket, such as coronal advancement of a buccal flap, a space filler to be placed in the socket or use of a
rotating grafts from tissue adjacent to cover the defect, membrane to maximize bone infill.
or using free gingival or subepithelial connective tissue
grafts.16–18 Alternatively, the site may be left for six to
Bone or bone-substitute grafts only
eight weeks to allow healing and regeneration of
mucosa over the socket. The added volume of soft Many grafting materials have been used and these
tissue at this stage may facilitate optimum closure over include autogenous bone, demineralized freeze-dried
the socket when ridge preservation procedures are bone allografts (DFDBA), xenografts, bioactive glass,
undertaken. In a similar manner, procedures allowing hydroxyapatite and calcium sulphate (Table 1).
spontaneous soft tissue proliferation could be consid- Autogenous bone is thought of as the ‘‘gold stan-
ered prior to extraction to increase soft tissue coverage, dard’’.22 Becker et al.22 compared demineralized freeze-
such as removing the crown and burying the remaining dried bone against autogenous bone in seven paired
root.19 The Bio-Col technique20 involves the placement sites finding that after three months new bone was
of an anorganic bovine bone graft (Bio-Oss) protected formed at sites where autogenous bone was placed, but
by a resorbable collagen sponge (Collaplug – see below) not in six of seven sites using DFDBA. Common sites
and then allowing spontaneous epithelialization of intra-orally to harvest autogenous bone are around the
the socket under a denture tooth or bridge pontic. surgical site, ascending ramus, chin and tuberosity.
Table 1. Summary of the studies quoted investigating ridge preservation using bone grafts only, membranes only or
a combination
Method used Authors Material(s) used Outcome
Bone Graft only Becker et al. 1994 Autogenous bone compared to DFDBA Little new bone formation around DFDBA
Artzi et al. 2000 Bio-Oss On average 82.3% bone infill
Nemcovsky & Serfaty 1996 Hydroxyapatite Predictable ridge preservation
Froum et al. 2002 DFDBA and Bioactive glass Biogran 60% infill, DFDBA 33% infill
Guarnieri et al. 2004 Calcium sulfate 100% bone infill
Camargo et al. 2000 Bioactive glass mixed calcium sulfate Of some benefit
Membranes only Lekovic et al. 1997 ePFTE Signif greater infill and bone height ⁄ width
preservation than untreated control
Lekovic et al. 1998 Resolut Signif greater infill and bone height ⁄ width
preservation than untreated control
Bone graft and Iasella et al. 2003 DFDBA and Bio-Mend Less ridge width loss and more bone infill
membrane than untreated control
Fowler et al. 2000 DFDBA and acelluar dermal graft No loss of ridge width or height
Post-surgery the patient may experience considerable vitality, a measure of new bone formation, with the
discomfort in the donor. control and DFDBA sites showing approximately
A study using DFDBA23 showed that DFDBA cannot 33 per cent. However, it should be noted that all sites
speed up bone formation. Both Becker et al.22 and were to receive implants, which suggests that there may
Froum et al.24 showed little new bone formed around be little benefit of using a graft material. The placement
DFDBA. It is not available in Australia, but it is often of calcium sulphate has been studied in a recent paper.
mentioned in studies from North America and included Guarnieri et al.27 placed calcium sulphate in 10
here for the sake of completeness. extraction sockets without a barrier membrane and
Recently, Artzi et al.25 used a common porous re-entered the sites at three months. The graft material
bovine bone graft (Bio-Oss) in 15 fresh extraction had readily resorbed with 100 per cent bone infill and
sockets, covering the graft with soft tissue and implants were able to be placed at all sites. It should be
re-entering nine months later. They reported that noted that there is again a general lack of studies
there was 82.3 per cent bone infill and all sites reporting on the use of calcium sulphate, with which
allowed ‘‘safe’’ insertion of fixtures. Histologic appear- the authors of the above paper concur. One study has
ance showed a mixture of Bio-Oss and new bone looked at the use of bioactive glass and calcium
formation, increasing in bone fraction apically. The sulphate together.28 No statistical difference was found
use of a xenograft does not require a donor site, thus between experimental and control groups, casting
reducing morbidity following harvesting and simplify- doubt on the use of these materials in combination.
ing the procedure. Figure 5 shows Bio-Oss placed in Another product that was used to graft extraction
an extraction socket. sockets is BioPlant HTRTM. It is a biocompatible
Hydroxyapatite use in fresh extraction sockets in a microporous composite of methacrylate and calcium
series of 23 cases was reported by Nemcovsky and hydroxide. Haris et al.29 reported that after a period of
Serfaty.26 They achieved primary closure by rotating 8 to 12 months there was sufficient hard tissue to
split thickness flaps and were followed for 24 months. place implants. More recently, biphasic calcium phos-
They showed that there was predictable ridge preser- phate has become available in Australia. This is a
vation with minimal postoperative ridge deformation combination of hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phos-
(1.4 mm vertically and 0.6 mm horizontally). This phate. However, the authors are not aware of any
would retain sufficient bone volume to allow implants peer-reviewed papers investigating its use in ridge
to be inserted. However, over half the patients experi- preservation.
enced some exfoliation of hydroxyapatite suggesting Except for the study by Guarnieri et al.27 in each of
that the flap design was not predictable in maintaining the above papers residual particles of the graft were
soft tissue closure. A bioactive glass (Biogran) was found at time of re-entry and raises the question of
investigated in fresh extraction sockets by Froum what effect this may have on implant placement. The
et al.24 and compared to control sockets and those evidence above may argue for use of calcium sulphate
with DFDBA. All sites were covered by flap advance- which resorbs completely, but as mentioned earlier
ment and re-entered six to eight months later. The there are few studies. Materials like Bio-Oss have been
placement of Biogran resulted in 60 per cent bone much more widely researched. However, the authors
feel that the question remains ‘‘Does it matter if
particles are left?’’. If most bone infill is along the
socket walls and base,25 then any remaining particles
may be removed during the osteotomy. However, in a
dog study of implants placed in sites three months after
grafting with Bio-Oss there was still a substantial
portion of the graft present, and no osseointegration
occurred to the implants within the augmented portion
of the crest.30 This paper reinforces the need to wait
six to eight months post-grafting before implant
These papers show many different techniques for
improving the bony healing in extraction sockets, but
fail to answer what is the clinical relevance. Can a
particular technique reproducibly achieve a level of
bone fill that allows implant placement and reduces
tissue loss to a minimum? The above reports only
Fig 5. Bio-Oss placed in an extraction socket for ridge preservation. It answer this question obliquely by indicating whether or
will require something to hold it in place. not implants were placed.
ª 2008 Australian Dental Association 15
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Membranes only
It is also possible to cover the socket to prevent ingress
of soft tissue, thereby promoting maximal bony heal-
ing. Generally, there are two types of membrane used,
resorbable and non-resorbable. Table 1 summarizes the
papers quoted in this article. In 1997, Lekovic et al.7
investigated the use of a non-resorbable expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane to maintain
the alveolar ridge after extraction. Two sites each in 10
patients were used, one site receiving a membrane and
the other site as a control. All sockets were debrided
and flaps displaced to cover the membrane and socket.
Reassessment took place at six months, with signifi-
cantly greater loss of bone height and width in the
control group and more infill in the ePTFE group.
However, 30 per cent of membranes became exposed
and this resulted in similar results to the control group.
Giving the high rate of exposure, this paper suggests the
use of ePTFE membranes should perhaps be avoided.
Figure 6 shows the use of an ePTFE membrane.
A later paper by the same group8 looked at the use of Fig 7. Bio-Gide membrane used in ridge preservation. These
membranes usually require a bone graft in the socket to sufficient
a resorbable membrane compared to a control site in 16 support to prevent them collapsing into the socket.
patients. A polyglycolide ⁄ lactide membrane (Resolute,
WL Gore & Associates) was placed and reassessed at
resorbable membranes should be preferred over non-
six months. The experimental sites showed significantly
resorbable. Unfortunately, the authors did not report
less loss of alveolar bone height, more internal socket
on whether the ridges were suitable for implants
fill and less horizontal resorption of the ridge. Impor-
irrespective of technique, which limits the usefulness
tantly, there were no exposures. Therefore, it seems that
of these papers. Although an animal-derived mem-
brane, Bio-Gide is available in Australia and used
widely in clinical periodontal practice. We are unaware
of any ridge preservation studies reporting its use, but
there seems to be no reason why it could not be used
in this manner. Figure 7 shows the placement of a
Bio-Gide membrane.
then this may not matter at all as long as there is Although no one procedure or technique meets all of
enough bone initially, but this may cause problems the above criteria, a reasonable choice would seem to
later especially in aesthetic areas if there is buccal tissue be a surgical procedure involving placing an osteo-
loss.39 conductive bone graft with a slow resorption rate (Bio-
Oss or a synthetic material) covered with a resorbable
membrane which may be tacked into place. This
The future
appears to be a method that may preserve sufficient
Given the current advances in stem cell technology we volume and contour to permit subsequent implant
may in the future be able to place tooth buds in sockets placement and achievement of acceptable aesthetic
to regrow teeth or place a cellular scaffold in the socket results. Compared to the plugs this technique has been
to maintain the bone. Cultivated scaffolds from bone proven to provide adequate ridge height and width for
marrow mesenchymal stem cells have been placed implant placement.
into fresh extraction sockets with results that ‘‘show The authorsÕ recommendation is that if a ridge is to
promise’’.40 be preserved with predictable bone-fill, then a material
with osteoconductive properties and slow rate of
resorption (Bio-Oss or other synthetic material) should
be used. The socket should be sealed with a CT graft or
It needs to be mentioned that any surgical procedure the Bio-Col technique used to effect soft tissue closure.
may have complications. These commonly are post- The implant would then be placed four to six months
operative pain and swelling, and occasionally infection. later to provide sufficient time for maturation of the
Any surgery on the gingival tissues will cause some graft.
recession. It is well known that in GTR procedures If it is planned that the implant be placed within six
up to 70 per cent of non-resorbable membranes may to eight weeks of extraction, then techniques and
become exposed to the oral environment, severely materials designed to promote bone fill are not
reducing the amount of new tissue formed.41 In necessary. Instead, the authors would recommend using
addition, Girard et al.42 reported a case of a foreign a resorbable collagen sponge (Collaplug or other
body granuloma following placement of a graft into an similar material) to aid with initial clot stabilization,
extraction socket with pain and sensation disturbance. but the authors would not be relying on it to preserve
It should be noted that the site was already compro- the ridge.
mised by previous infection and may serve as a
reminder to debride sockets fully or not to undertake
Indications for ridge preservation
preservation in the presence of infection.
The review of the literature above shows that ridge
preservation should be considered if an implant is to
be placed more than six to eight weeks after tooth
Although the literature presents a confusing picture extraction. If an implant is to be placed at the time
with difficulty in comparing studies, ridge preservation of extraction or within six to eight weeks following
does appear to limit the loss of hard and soft tissue at extraction, there appears to be little benefit in carrying
extraction sites, and can provide less bone loss com- out ridge preservation procedures at the time of
pared to non-preserved sites. While there were extrac- extraction. Even when an implant might not be planned
tion-only sites that were suitable for implant therapy, in the near future, ridge preservation should be
the most predictable maintenance of ridge width, height considered in strategically important sites to retain the
and position was achieved using ridge preservation. possibility of an implant option for the patient in the
Ideally, a technique for socket preservation ought to be future. Ridge preservation should also be considered for
easy to use, not involve surgery, leave no residual aesthetic reasons at pontic sites in conventional fixed
foreign bone particles, involve no ‘‘floppy’’ membranes prosthodontics.
likely to collapse into the socket and result in no bone Figure 9 presents an outline of the questions that the
loss. However, it appears that no material or technique authors suggest should be asked at the time when
fully meets these criteria. extraction is considered and the suggested approaches
The authors experience with Collaplug (Zimmer) is that should followed. Specific indications for ridge
that, after six to eight weeks, resorption is similar to preservation include the following: (1) sites where the
that seen in a normal extraction socket; the material buccal plate is less than 1.5–2 mm thick (virtually
therefore does not seem to do much to preserve the always in the anterior and aesthetic zone) and sites
ridge. The PGA ⁄ PLA plug reported by Serino et al.35 where there has been damage or loss of one or more of
may have been designed to have a much slower the socket walls. These sites may lose a clinically
resorption rate. significant amount of the buccal plate upon healing3,42
18 ª 2008 Australian Dental Association
Ridge preservation
NO....Why no?
Is the site extremely compromised,
the buccal plate more than 2 mm NO.... there is significant
YES....Does the tooth damage to the socket walls, YES....is a graft required?
need to be extracted thick, bone volume does not have to
be maintained or have previous primary implant stability cannot
immediately? be assured or implant placement
extraction sites healed up well?
has to be delayed due to
scheduling problems NO.... the YES.... One or more
socket walls of the socket walls
Select a material that has a slow are intact and have been lost, and
rate of resorption and which will significant collapse of the ridge
No.....Try to keep the tooth until eventually form new bone resorption is needs to be
Yes......Is there anything time of implant therapy – anorganic bovine bone not minimized.
stopping placement of a ridge – bioactive glass anticipated in
preserving material, such as acute – biphasic calcium phosphate the following Select a material that
infection or medical issues? 6 to 8 weeks will rapidly resorb
Delay implant placement for 4 to – no graft – collagen plug
6 months required – calcium sulfate
have to be raised in some cases. Much may depend on 13. Hämmerle CHF, Chen ST, Wilson TG. Consensus statements and
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Implant treatment can be facilitated at the time of
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and consequently appearance. Consideration has been 16. Carmagnola D, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. The effect of a fibrin glue
given to healing of extraction sockets and previously on the integration of Bio-Oss with bone tissue. An experimental
study in labrador dogs. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:377–383.
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17. Misch CE, Dietsh-Misch F. A modified socket seal surgery with
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designed an outline of the questions the authors feel 18. Landsberg CJ, Bichacho NA. A modified surgical ⁄ prosthetic
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The majority of teeth are extracted by general dental
19. Langer B. Spontaneous in situ gingival augmentation. Int J
practitioners and it is hoped that this article will Periodontics Restorative Dent 1994;14:524–535.
stimulate some thought on the topic of ridge preserva- 20. Sclar A. The Bio-Col technique. In: Bowyers LC, ed. Soft tissue
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22. Becker W, Becker BE, Caffesse R. A comparison of demineralized
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37. Botticelli D, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Hard-tissue alterations fol- Dr Ivan Darby
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implants. Clin Oral Implants Res 2005;16:176–184. 720 Swanston Street
39. Araujo MG, Wennstrom JL, Lindhe J. Modeling of the buccal Parkville, Victoria 3010
and lingual bone walls of fresh extraction sites following Email: [email protected]