Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
1 1
Rohit Reddy S Post graduate
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Gowri sankar Singaraju Professor
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Prasad Mandava Professor and Head
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Vivek Reddy Ganugapanta Reader
Department of Orthodontics, Narayana Dental College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.
ABSTRACT: Extrinsic forces applied to the crown of the tooth during physiological, therapeutic or pathological processes
cause tooth movement. It is impossible for a tooth to be relocated without the remodeling of the periodontium. Bone
remodeling brought about by proper techniques and protocol, will reduce the duration of treatment, resulting in quicker tooth
movement, reduce pain and histologic damage and most importantly achievement of stable results. Even though the
mechanical advances are used quite carefully during orthodontic tooth movement, traumatic effects on the periodontium
have not been totally prevented. This may be because of a lack of complete understanding of the cellular complexities.
Proper understanding of cellular and molecular biology and also the specific biochemical pathways will help design
mechanics that will produce maximum benefits during tooth movement with minimal tissue damage. This reviews briefly the
Biology of tooth movement to understand and update the knowledge on the latest research on biological changes
occurring at the molecular level. This would in turn help in delivering better mechanics, producing quicker tooth movement
with minimum tissue damage and maximum comfort to the patient.
The eruption and movement of a tooth occurs due to Fundamental principles of biology of tooth movement
the translocation of the tooth from one position in the jaw
to another. Teeth can be repositioned and retained in a Periodontium
new position in the jaw using orthodontic appliances,
through the intervention of the cells of the periodontium. The periodontium is an "organ" composed of
Proper understanding of cellular and molecular biology will functionally coordinated tissues: (1) attached gingiva, (2)
help design mechanics that will produce maximum benefits epithelial attachment, (3) PDL and (4) alveolar bone .The
during tooth movement with minimal tissue damage. specialized tissue that is the principal mediator of tooth
movement is the PDL.
Orthodontic tooth movement differs markedly from
physiological dental drift or tooth eruption. The former is Assuming the periodontium is healthy and there is an
uniquely characterized by the abrupt creation of adequate band of attached tissue, orthodontic tooth
compression and tension regions in the PDL. movement is a viable option. A cardinal contraindication
for tooth movement is periodontitis.
The force-induced tissue strain produces local
alterations in vascularity, as well as cellular and Dynamic Bone physiology:
extracellular matrix reorganization, leading to the synthesis
and release of various neurotransmitters, cytokines, As bone is a relatively rigid material, incapable of
growth factors, colony-stimulating factors, and metabolites internal expansion or contraction, changes in osseous
2, 3
of arachidonic acid. structure are via cell-mediated resorption and formation.
Modeling, a change in shape or size of an osseous
Contrary to the impression gained from the literature, structure, is achieved by differential bone formation and
tooth movement is not confined to events within the resorption along the periosteal and endosteal surfaces.
periodontal ligament. Recent research suggests that Internal turnover of osseous tissue is termed remodeling.
orthodontic tooth movement involves two interrelated Remodeling is controlled by both metabolic and
processes: (1) deflection or bending of the alveolar bone biomechanical mechanisms, and is also an important
and (2) remodelling of the periodontal tissues. element in the postoperative healing of cortical bone.
Given by Bien in 1966 also called blood flow theory
of tooth movement occurs as a result of alterations in fluid
dynamics in periodontal ligament. Peridontal space is a
confined space and passage of fluid in and out of this
space is limited A hydrodynamic condition is created that
resembles a hydraulic mechanism and a shock absorber.
On application of force squeeze film effect results. This
results in reduced oxygen level on the compression side, Fig.3. Bone Bend theory
escaping of blood gases into interstitial fluid creating a
favorable environment for resorption.
Taken together, these findings suggest that bioelectric
responses (piezoelectricity and streaming potentials)
propagated by bone bending incident to orthodontic force
application might function as pivotal cellular first
The two unusual properties of piezoelectricity, which The acute inflammatory process that typifies the initial
seem to not correlate well with orthodontic tooth phase of orthodontic tooth movement is predominantly
movement are (1) a quick decay rate, where the electron exudative, in which plasma and leukocytes leave the
transfer from one area to another after force application capillaries in areas of paradental strain. A day or 2 later,
reverts back when the force is removed, which does not or the acute phase of inflammation subsides and is replaced
should not happen once orthodontic treatment is over; and by a chronic process that is mainly proliferative, involving
(2) production of an equivalent signal in the opposite fibroblasts, endothelial cells, osteoblasts, and alveolar
direction upon force removal. (Fig.4) bone marrow cells. During this period, leukocytes continue
to migrate into the strained paradental tissues and
modulate the remodeling process.
Another agent that has been identified as an important A family of integral proteins know as integrins, which
factor in orthodontic tooth movement is 1, 25, are present on the cell membrane, connect the cytoplasm
dehydroxychloecalciferol (1, 25, DHCC). This agent is and nucleus to the ECM.
a biologically active form of vitamin D and has a potent
role in calcium homeostasis. The integrins bind to fibronectin extracellularly and talin
intracellularly, to provide a signal transduction pathway. A
The latter molecule has been shown to be a potent recent study identified expressions of integrins (specifically
stimulator of bone resorption by inducing differentiation of V3 subunit) in osteoclasts associated with bone
osteoclasts from their precursors. In addition to bone- resorption and in odontoclasts associated with root
resorbing activity, 1, 25 DHCC is known to stimulate bone resorption and in epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the
mineralization and osteoblastic cell differentiation in a PDL. (Fig.5)
dose-dependent manner.
Translation of mechanical strain into biological signal
The local applications of 1,25(OH)2D3 could enhance
the reestablishment of dental supporting tissues, Regardless of how a mechanical signal is received, it must
especially alveolar bone, after orthodontic treatment. somehow influence the biochemical machinery of the cell.
In the signaling cascade process, receptor activation is
Evidently, increasing its concentration around followed by second-messenger generation (adenosine
paradental cells while they are subjected to orthodontic 3',5' cyclic monophosphate [cAMP] and inositol
forces can evoke synergistic reactions by the cells, leading trisphosphate [IP3] ). These advance the signal to the
to rapid tooth movement. nucleus through a series of kinases. In the nucleus,
different second messengers account for the differential
Mechanotransduction pattern of immediate early gene (lEG) expression. lEGs
are among the earliest responses that can be measured at
Involves two events the transcription level. These can produce either cellular
1. Detection of mechanical strain by bone cells proliferation or differentiation.
2. Transduction of mechanical strain into
biochemical signal Different signalling molecules involved in load
induced remodeling
1. Detection of mechanical strain by bone cells
After an orthodontic force is applied, the initial step is
the detection of a mechanical strain. The cells responsible Leucocytes, other PDL cell types, including
for sensing mechanical strains in bone have been osteoblasts, fibroblasts, epithelial cells, endothelial cells,
considered to be osteoblasts, osteocytes, or both. These and platelets, can also synthesize and secrete the
cells sense the strain in different ways which include neurotransmitter molecules. The products of these cells
streaming potential, strain sensitive ion channels and can be classified into different categories, such as
cytoskeleton reorganization. cytokines, growth factors, and colony-stimulating factors.
Each of these ligands might act in an autocrine or a
paracrine fashion, causing activation of target cells.
Vol. VII Issue 4 OctDec 2015 12c
Review article Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Fig.5 (From Murray C. Meikle 2006, The tissue, cellular, and molecular regulation of orthodontic tooth
movement: 100 years after Carl Sandstedt, The European Journal of Orthodontics.Murray C MeikleEur J Orthod
Pain and tooth movement involved in this remodeling process. In the bone system,
RANKL is expressed on osteoblast cell lineage and exerts
Tooth movement-associated tissue remodeling, an its effect by binding the RANK receptor on osteoclast
inflammatory process, might induce painful sensations, lineage cells. This binding leads to rapid differentiation of
particularly after activation of the orthodontic appliance. hematopoietic osteoclast precursors to mature
After 24 hours of force application, C-fos (immunoreactive osteoclasts.
neurons known to be involved in transmission of
nociceptive information) expression is noted ipsilaterally in OPG is a decoy receptor produced by osteoblastic
the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis and bilaterally in the cells, which compete with RANK for RANKL binding. The
lateral parabranchial nucleus. biologic effects of OPG on bone cells include inhibition of
terminal stages of osteoclast differentiation, suppression of
Thus, there appears to be an indirect nociceptive activation of matrix osteoclasts, and induction of
mechanism operating during tooth movement that evokes apoptosis. Thus, bone remodeling is controlled by a
a delayed and continuous nociceptive response, which is balance between RANK-RANKL binding and OPG
expected to limit masticatory function during active tooth production. (Fig.6)
M-CSF (CSF-1) acts directly on osteoclast precursor
Role of cytokines in the RANKL/RANK/OPG system cells to control their proliferation and differentiation.
Stimulators of bone resorption such as 1,25(OH)2 vitamin
The role of cytokines in the RANKL/RANK/OPG system D3, parathyroid hormone, and interleukin-1 increase
in inducing bone remodeling was demonstrated recently. osteoclast formation by stimulating the expression of
The TNF-related ligand RANKL (receptor activator of RANKL by osteoblasts/stromal cells (Fig.6)
nuclear factor-Kappa ligand) and its 2 receptors, RANK
and osteoprotegrin (OPG), have been shown to be
Orthodontic force-induced system adaptation occurs in The alternative pathway proposed by Mostafa et al.,
the context of five related microstructures: PDL and attributes orthodontic tooth movement to a classic
alveolar bone ECM, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, matrix inflammatory response after force application.
of nuclear proteins, and genome. Orthodontic force causes Lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages invade these
physical distortion of PDL and alveolar bone cells and the tissues, enhancing prostaglandin release and hydrolytic
ECM, triggering many biochemical reaction cascades that enzyme secretion. The local elevation in prostaglandins
affect all 5 micro-entities. ECM and cell distortion initiate and a subsequent increase in cellular cAMP
structural and functional changes in extracellular, cell concentrations increase osteoclast activity. Secreted
membrane, and cytoskeletal proteins. hydrolytic enzymes, such as collagenase, dissolve the
mechanically strained ECM.
Cytoplasmic signaling proteins Hh, sonic hedgehog,
the TGF superfamily, and many TFs and ions (Ca, PO3) Recent model
reach the nuclear matrix and then genome, resulting in
enhanced or suppressed gene expression. Input becomes Recent reports by Jones et al
detailed events in
output as gene-expressed proteins, or protein synthesis bone cells immediately after the application of mechanical
inhibition, mobilize mitosis, cell motility, secretion of other stress. That report is based on the assumption that
proteins, and programmed cell death (apoptosis) that stresses in any form either compressive, tensile, or shear
further modify cytoskeleton, cell membrane, and ECM. will evoke many reactions in the cell, leading to the
The process is continuous. development of strain.
Vol. VII Issue 4 OctDec 2015 14c
Review article Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Parathyroid hormones
Growth hormone These are basically responsible for
Steroid Bone homeostasis
1,25, dihydroxy vitamin D3
Sex steroids
Thyroid hormones
It stimulates proliferation of
osteoblast precursors, and
Connective tissue growth factors
promotes mineralization of new
bone by osteoblasts
Bone resorption Bone Apposition
Interleukin-1 Interleukin-4
Interleukin-6 Interleukin-13
They interact with the other factors
Cytokines Interleukin-11 Interleukin-18
in bone remodeling.
Tumor necrosis factor Interferon-
Osteoclast Osteoprotegrin
differentiating factor
The sequence of events after the application of Adhesion of circulating leukocyte to activated
mechanical forces with the help of orthodontic appliances endothelial cells.
can thus be outlined as: Plasma extravasation from dilated blood vessels.
Migration by diapedesis of leukocytes into the
Movement of PDL fluids from areas of compression extravascular space.
into areas of tension. Synthesis and release of signal molecules (cytokines,
A gradual development of strain in cells and ECM in growth factors, and CSFs) by the leukocytes that have
involved paradental tissues. migrated into the strained paradental tissues.
Direct transduction of mechanical forces to the nucleus Interaction of various types of paradental cells with the
of strained cells through the cytoskeleton, leading to signal molecules released by the migratory leukocytes.
activation of specific genes. Activation of the cells to participate in the modeling and
Release of neuropeptides (nociceptive and vasoactive) remodeling of the paradental tissues.
from paradental afferent nerve endings.
Interaction of vasoactive neuropeptides with
endothelial cells in strained paradental tissues.
Vol. VII Issue 4 OctDec 2015 15c
Review article Annals and Essences of Dentistry
This rest period between appliance activations is the Duration of Clinical application
time used by the tissues for reorganization. This rest can
promote favorable cell proliferation for further tissue Clinical experience suggests that successful tooth
changes when the appliance is activated again. The movement requires a threshold of force duration of about 6
characteristic feature of continuous/interrupted tooth hours per day. It was determined in an experiment on cats
movement is formation of new bone layers in the richly that it takes about 3 hours for significant elevations in
cellular tissue at the entrance of open marrow spaces as cAMP in extracts of alveolar bone and PDL, after
soon as the tooth movement stops. sustained applications of tipping forces to the maxillary
Pulpal reactions
The deleterious effects include caries, gingivitis, marginal The other deleterious effects include
bone loss, pulpal reactions, root resorption, and allergic
reactions to appliance materials. Can be classified as
Allergic reactions
Gingival problems
Root resorption Alveolar bone height
Pulpal reactions
Gingival problems
If appropriate force (not heavy) is applied, the patient
Fixed-appliance orthodontics has been shown to feels little pain or nothing immediately. However pain
produce deleterious effects on the periodontium, ranging develops after several hours. The patient feels mild aching
from gingivitis to bone loss. The cementation of sensation and the teeth are quite sensitive to pressure.The
orthodontic bands or resin-bonded attachments can evoke pain usually lasts for 2 4 days and disappears until the
local soft tissue response. This response is mainly due to appliance is reactivated. For most of the patients, the pain
plaque accumulation and the proximity of these associated with the initial activation of the appliance is
attachments to the gingival sulcus. Another long-term most severe. Pain is due to the development of ischemic
complication of orthodontic treatment is gingival recession. areas in the PDL.The pain is directly proportional to the
The bacterial plaque was composed mainly of spirochetes area of PDL that has undergone sterile necrosis
and motile rods. (hyalinization). So heavier forces produce larger areas of
hyalinization and greater pain. Pain can be managed
Root resorption using analgesics like acetaminophen.
Allergic reaction
Orthodontic force application can sometimes evoke
excessive resorption of root cementum, proceeding into
the dentin, eventually shortening the root lengtha Some patients may develop allergic reactions to
process called root resorption. stainless steel which contains nickel. Allergic reactions
manifest as widespread erythema and swelling of oral
The magnitude of an orthodontic force and rigid tissue which develops 1 2 days after starting the
fixation of the archwire to the brackets could be treatment . In such patients, stainless steel appliances
considered the most important factors predisposing a tooth (brackets, bands, wires etc) should be substituted with
to the root resorption. Maxillary central incisors, are the titanium appliances and nickel titanium or steel wires
most prone to the process, followed by the maxillary should be substituted with beta titanium.
Excessive mobility indicates that there is heavy force Rapid advances in all biological fields have enabled us
acting on the tooth. If the tooth becomes extremely mobile, to better understand the mechanisms involved in
force should be discontinued until the mobility decreases orthodontic tooth movement. It is evident that, at different
to moderate levels. Excessive mobility will usually correct stages of tooth movement, different combinations of cell-
itself without permanent damage. cell and cell-matrix interactions occur; these determine the
nature of the remodeling changes.
Effect on alveolar bone height:
A better understanding of the relationship between
Excessive loss of crestal bone height is almost never genes and transcription factors in controlling bone and
seen as a complication of orthodontic tooth movement. PDL remodeling will expand our knowledge, and might
Loss of alveolar crest height in one large series of patients strengthen our clinical capabilities.
averaged less than 0.5mm and almost never exceeded
1mm, with the greatest changes at extraction site. Above all, this growing body of knowledge on the
response of our cells to mechanical loads should
Post treatment changes in periodontium. illuminate useful paths in clinical orthodontics and assist
us in identifying and discarding harmful methods of
Orthodontic forces are known to produce pressure and mechanotherapy.
tension regions in the PDL and alveolar bone. This strain
alters the affected tissues vascularity and blood flow, This ongoing development will move orthodontics closer
providing a favorable microenvironment for either tissue to the goal of being optimal, where teeth are moved
deposition or resorption. efficiently, without causing discomfort to the patient or
damage to the teeth and their supporting tissues. Future
During the recovery period, the return of periodontal orthodontics will, therefore, increasingly become
dimensions to normal values is regulated by the rate and biologically correct and, consequently, patient-friendly.
direction of alveolar bone turnover. Capability of adaptive
response to applied orthodontic force rests in the DNA of
periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone cells.
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