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J Clin Periodontol 2014; 41 (Suppl. 15): S6–S22 doi: 10.1111/jcpe.


Soft tissue wound healing Anton Sculean1, Reinhard Gruber1,2

and Dieter D. Bosshardt1,3
Department of Periodontology, School of

around teeth and dental implants Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern,
Switzerland; 2Laboratory of Oral Cell Biology,
School of Dental Medicine, University of
Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3Robert K. Schenk
Laboratory of Oral Histology, School of
Sculean A, Gruber R, Bosshardt DD. Soft tissue wound healing around teeth and Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern,
dental implants. J Clin Periodontol 2014; 41 (Suppl. 15): S6–S22. doi: 10.1111/ Switzerland

Aim: To provide an overview on the biology and soft tissue wound healing
around teeth and dental implants.
Material and Methods: This narrative review focuses on cell biology and histol-
ogy of soft tissue wounds around natural teeth and dental implants.
Results and conclusions: The available data indicate that:
(a) Oral wounds follow a similar pattern.
(b) The tissue specificities of the gingival, alveolar and palatal mucosa appear
to be innately and not necessarily functionally determined.
(c) The granulation tissue originating from the periodontal ligament or from
connective tissue originally covered by keratinized epithelium has the
potential to induce keratinization. However, it also appears that deep pal-
atal connective tissue may not have the same potential to induce keratini-
zation as the palatal connective tissue originating from an immediately
subepithelial area.
(d) Epithelial healing following non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy
appears to be completed after a period of 7–14 days. Structural integrity
of a maturing wound between a denuded root surface and a soft tissue
flap is achieved at approximately 14-days post-surgery. View the pubcast on this paper at http://www.
(e) The formation of the biological width and maturation of the barrier
function around transmucosal implants requires 6–8 weeks of healing.
(f) The established peri-implant soft connective tissue resembles a scar tissue
Key words: alveolar mucosa; dental
in composition, fibre orientation, and vasculature.
implants; gingiva; non-surgical periodontal
(g) The peri-implant junctional epithelium may reach a greater final length therapy; periodontal surgery; soft tissue
under certain conditions such as implants placed into fresh extraction grafting; wound healing
sockets versus conventional implant procedures in healed sites.
Accepted for publication 12 November 2013

The last decades have improved our clinical treatment concepts. This nar- sical stages of wound repair and the
understanding of the mechanisms of rative review aims to provide an implication for oral wound healing,
oral wound healing and how this overview on the cellular aspects of emphasizing the role of TGF-b.
knowledge translates into today’s soft tissue healing including the clas- Wound healing in the oral cavity
is not only restricted to healing fol-
Conflict of interest and source of funding statement
lowing accidental trauma or surgery,
but it also encompasses the biological
Anton Sculean has received grants from: Straumann, ITI, Geistlich and Osteology events following a variety of patho-
Foundation and speakers fees from: Straumann, Geistlich and Osteology Founda- logical conditions such as cancer and
tion. infections (Gurtner et al. 2008).
Dieter Bosshardt has received grants from: Straumann, ITI, Geistlich and Osteol- Wound healing does not always
ogy Foundation and speakers fees from Osteology Foundation.
result in a restitutio ad integrum, but
Reinhard Gruber has received grants from: Straumann, ITI, Geistlich and Osteol-
it may end up with a scar tissue.
ogy Foundation and speakers fees from Osteology Foundation.
This is not only true for the classical
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Oral soft tissue healing S7

skin injury, but also relevant for the On the other hand, the examples ulation. Extravasated platelets are
healing following periodontal sur- provided here may offer the scientific activated and aggregate together with
gery. Embryonic and foetal wounds, basis to determine, if the respective other blood-derived cells such as neu-
however, have a much higher poten- mechanisms also account responsible trophils and red blood cells in the
tial to regenerate. for periodontal repair or even regen- blood clot, also termed blood coagu-
The aim of this review was to eration. Today, sophisticated pre- lum. The main component of the
provide an overview on the most clinical models are available, for extracellular matrix is the newly
important biologic events during example allowing to understanding formed fibrin meshwork that also
healing of soft tissue wounds in the the involvement of a particular cell includes other proteins for cell adhe-
oral cavity as related to teeth and type in wound healing, or tracking sion such as fibronection and vitrone-
dental implants. This review will, one particular cell type in the ongo- tin (Clark et al. 2004, Reheman et al.
however, not address the biological ing process of wound healing. Novel 2005). This conglomerate of cells and
events during healing of hard tissues developments in analytical method- the fibrin-rich matrix is frequently
associated with periodontitis or peri- ology such as genomics and proteo- termed “provisional extracellular
implantitis. mics have opened the door for a matrix” as it will be later replaced by
better understanding of the molecu- the granulation tissue. The formation
lar regulation of the complex wound of the blood clot is also the kick-start
Cell biology of soft tissue healing
healing process. for the recruiting of inflammatory
Periodontal repair can be achieved, Summarizing the current knowl- cells into the defect site.
periodontal regeneration remains a edge on wound healing is beyond The inflammatory phase parallels
challenge (Bosshardt & Sculean the scope of this review, here refer- the haemostatic phase. Neutrophils
2009). The overall goal is to provide ring to the existing excellent litera- are attracted by chemokines, the
patients with a less invasive, fast, ture (Martin 1997, Singer & Clark complement system, and by peptides
save and predictable therapy that re- 1999, Gurtner et al. 2008, Shaw & released during cleavage of fibrino-
establishes a healthy periodontal sit- Martin 2009, Nauta et al. 2011). gen (Kolaczkowska & Kubes 2013).
uation to maintain the teeth. To Instead, we highlight some aspects Extravasation and migration of cells
achieve this goal, surgical techniques that appear to be relevant for peri- in the surrounding tissue is con-
have been refined and biomaterials odontal and peri-implant soft tissue trolled by endothelial cells (Shi &
and growth factors are applied to healing – as it should help to under- Pamer 2011, Kolaczkowska & Kubes
support the natural process of stand the clinical consequences of 2013). Neutrophils and monocytes
wound healing and repair/regenera- current periodontal treatment con- appear at defect sites within one and
tion (Susin & Wikesjo 2013, Boss- cepts. Moreover, the cellular basics 24 h respectively. Neutrophils clean
hardt 2008, Sculean et al. 2008, of general wound healing should the wound site as they kill invading
Kaigler et al. 2011, Stavropoulos & provide inspiration to further bacteria and release proteases before
Wikesjo 2012). Advances in peri- improve or develop treatment strate- they are removed via phagocytosis.
odontal therapy were usually based gies for soft tissue repair and regen- Macrophages are a heterogeneous
on the deep understanding of the eration as relates to teeth and dental population, as they can be involved
fundamental cellular processes of implants. The next sections will in inflammation (M1-macrophages)
periodontal regeneration and repair focus on the following aspects: but also switch to an anti-inflamma-
– basically, to provide optimal local tory “M2a” phenotype (Mantovani
conditions, thus enhancing the • Provide a brief summary of the et al. 2013, Novak & Koh 2013). In
regeneration process. In the follow- classical stages of wound repair general, resolution of inflammation
ing a brief summary of the basic bio- • Compare healing of oral soft tis- is a controlled process involving lipid
logical aspects of soft tissue healing sues with “classical” skin wound mediators (Serhan et al. 2008). The
is provided. healing primarily catabolic inflammatory
Most information on soft tissue • Summarize the role of innate and process is transient, but crucial for
healing comes from studies with epi- adaptive immunity in soft tissue the following steps of the anabolic
dermal also termed cutaneous or wound healing phase of “new tissue formation”.
skin wound healing. Much less is • Provide our current understand- The phase of new tissue formation
known about the cellular aspects of ing on the genetic basis of wound is initiated by the formation of the
soft tissue healing in the oral mucosa healing exemplified by TGF-b “granulation tissue”, a morphologic
(see below). Therefore, it is currently and associated genes. term that reflects the highly vascular-
assumed that wound healing repre- ized tissue made of fibroblast and an
sents a conserved process while the extracellular matrix. The transition of
cellular processes of periodontal and Brief summary of the classical stages of
the catabolic to the anabolic phase
peri-implant soft tissue repair resem- wound repair requires activation of a complex pro-
ble, at least partly, the healing of cess involving at least three cell types:
skin wounds (Wikesj€ o & Selvig 1999, The haemostatic phase is initiated by endothelial cells, fibroblasts and the
Polimeni et al. 2006). This assump- tissue injury including defects after epithelial cells. The cellular origins
tion might, however, provoke criti- periodontal surgery (Dickinson et al. are partially resolved: (i) Endothelial
cism, for example, because scar 2013). The defect site is sealed rapidly cells, required for the formation of
formation occurs less in the oral cav- off by the forming blood clot that new capillaries, can be derived from
ity than in skin wounds (see below). basically originated from blood coag- endothelial cells of the original blood
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S8 Sculean et al.

vessels but also from the circulating wound healing. For example, mouse wounds, as long as microbial infec-
endothelial progenitors (Potente et al. oral wound healing can be faster tion is controlled (Martin et al.
2011). (ii) Fibroblasts can be derived than skin wounds, at least following 2003). Thrombocytopenic mice
from the connective tissue in the an experimental mucosa incision or exhibited altered wound inflamma-
wound edges, from monocyte-derived tongue excision respectively (Sciubba tion but no delay in dermal wound
fibrocytes (Grieb et al. 2011, Reilkoff et al. 1978, Szpaderska et al. 2003b). healing (Szpaderska et al. 2003a).
et al. 2011), from vessel-derived peri- Also in pig models, injured oral Mast cell-deficient mice are charac-
cytes (Grieb et al. 2011) and possibly mucosa showed reduced scar forma- terized by a decrease in neutrophils
also by a process termed epithelial- tion compared to skin incisions but no other aspects of wound heal-
mesenchymal transition (Weber et al. (Wong et al. 2009). Moreover, pig ing (Egozi et al. 2003, Nauta et al.
2012). (iii) Epithelial cells originate oral mucosal wounds showed similar 2013). Taken together, it seems that
from the keratinocytes at the wound molecular composition and clinical neither of the inflammatory cells is
edges, but at least in the skin, stem and histological scar scores to essential for wound healing when the
cells of the hair follicle can contribute human oral mucosal wounds (Wong defects are not challenged by micro-
to the re-epithelialization (Blanpain & et al. 2009). However, in mouse bial or other contamination. Thus,
Fuchs 2009, Cordeiro & Jacinto models with punch biopsies in the the models not necessarily represent
2013). A proportion of the fibroblasts scalp and palate, oral healing was the clinical scenario of the wound
achieve a phenotype that resembles slower than dermal repair, likely site after periodontal surgery. More-
smooth muscle cells (Tomasek et al. because of persisting inflammatory over, there may be functional redun-
2013). These myofibroblasts can draw stimuli (Nooh & Graves 2003). In dancies between various cells types.
the wound edges together and are the latter study, epithelial and con- Inflammation usually provokes
thus critical components of wound nective tissue bridging of excisional slower healing and more scarring
healing (Klingberg et al. 2013). wounds was delayed compared to (Martin & Leibovich 2005). Thus,
The long-term remodelling phase dermal wounds and also neutrophils reducing the inflammatory response
that ends up with scar tissue starts were more abundant in the oral than in a defect site might have a benefi-
with the resolution phase. Most of the in the skin wounds (Nooh & Graves cial impact on wound healing (Mar-
myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, endothe- 2003). Interestingly, the inflamma- tin & Leibovich 2005).
lial cells and macrophages undergo tory cytokine IL-1 plays a role in Wound healing was enhanced by
apoptosis, leaving the collagen-rich oral wound healing, but not in der- the depletion of T helper and cyto-
extracellular matrix containing only a mal wound healing, likely because toxic lymphocytes (Efron et al. 1990)
few cells. The signals leading to cell IL-1 is necessary to control the and in athymic nude mice that lack
group suicide are not clear (Hinz defence mechanisms against com- a normally developed T cell (Barbul
2007). Also, we have to accept that mensal bacteria in the oral cavity et al. 1989). T-cells are heteroge-
besides the aesthetic drawbacks of a (Graves et al. 2001). Taken together, neous, suggesting the existence of a
scar tissue, also the biomechanical the majority of studies indicate that population that stimulates wound
capacity is less than it was before oral mucosa likely heals faster and healing. For example, mice lacking a
injury. Scar tissue formation, also with less scar tissue than do skin population of dendritic epidermal T
termed fibrosis, is the main pathologi- wounds. The underlying mechanisms cells exhibit a delay in wound clo-
cal factor of a variety of pathologies remain a matter of speculation but sure (Jameson et al. 2002, Havran &
linked with inflammation. Fibrosis, may include aspects unique to the Jameson 2010). B-cells are also
seen in the liver, lung, heart, kidney oral cavity such as the presence of involved in wound healing (Nishio
and skin, is a significant global disease saliva with its well-recognized bio- et al. 2009). For a review on the
burden. The pathophysiology of logical activities (Zelles et al. 1995, mechanisms by which the immune
fibrosis, however, remains an enigma Schapher et al. 2011). For example, system regulates wound healing see
(Meneghin & Hogaboam 2007). Thus, the cutaneous and bone healing of Park & Barbul (2004). Overall, there
great effort is paid on the control of sublingual sialadenectomized mice is increasing evidence that lympho-
scarring, basically to avoid scar for- was slower than that of sham-oper- cytes are involved in the control of
mation (Wynn & Ramalingam 2012). ated controls (Bodner et al. 1991a, wound healing – clearly more details
In periodontal wound healing, sub- b). Importantly, palatal wound heal- are wanted, in particular with regard
epithelial connective tissue grafts can ing is delayed in desalivated rats and to periodontal soft tissue healing.
end up with a dense tissue, which is larger wounds are more sensitive to
considered to provide long-term sta- desalivation than smaller wounds Genetic basis of wound healing
bility of the area (Thoma et al. 2011, (Bodner et al. 1992, 1993). Overall, exemplified by TGF-b and associated
Santagata et al. 2012). Therefore, it is the search for explanations why oral genes
reasonable to suggest that a dense mucosa heals faster and with less
and stable soft tissue can bear clinical scar tissue formation than skin Understanding wound healing at the
advantage. wounds continues. molecular level provides the scientific
basis to develop targeted strategies
mainly with the intension to over-
Compare oral with “classical” skin wound Summarize the role of innate and adaptive come delayed wound healing or to
healing immunity in soft tissue wound healing
control excessive scar formation.
First, it is necessary to summarize Mice lacking neutrophils or macro- For example, TGF-b1 has pleiotro-
studies comparing oral with skin phages can efficiently heal skin pic functions; including increased

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Oral soft tissue healing S9

collagen synthesis by fibroblasts and hereditary mechanisms rather than by gingivectomy). Interestingly, at
their conversion into myofibroblasts, functional adaptation has been ele- 9 months following surgery, com-
also with gingival cells (Hong et al. gantly investigated in monkeys by plete excision of the gingival unit
1999, Sobral et al. 2011). In TGF- Karring et al. (1971). Following exci- appeared to lead to a wider zone of
b1-deficient mice, early skin wound sion of the buccal crevicular epithe- attached gingiva compared to a
healing proceeded almost normally lium adjacent to the maxillary and/or “flap-excision” approach (Wen-
(Brown et al. 1995). However, mice mandibular premolars, mucoperio- nstr€om 1983). This finding was
that lack Smad3, which transduces steal flaps were raised, separate pedi- explained by the more pronounced
signals from TGF-b, show acceler- cles of gingiva and alveolar mucosa formation of granulation tissue origi-
ated cutaneous and palatal wound prepared and the flaps were trans- nating from the periodontal ligament
healing compared with wild-type posed and sutured. Furthermore, free space following “gingivectomy” than
mice (Ashcroft et al. 1999, Jinno palatal grafts including epithelium following the “flap-excision”
et al. 2009). Targeting of Smad3 and lamina propria, were transplanted approach.
with small interfering RNA also to the maxillary and/or mandibular Further evidence for the pivotal
accelerates wound-healing and inhib- alveolar mucosa. The experimental role of gingival connective tissue in
its wound contraction in palatal mu- procedures were designed to yield determining epithelial differentiation
coperiosteal wounds (Yoneda et al. observation periods of 5 and 14 days, has been provided by a subsequent
2013). Moreover, IFN-c knockout 1–8, 10 and 12 months. animal study where free connective
mice exhibited an accelerated wound The histological evaluation indi- tissue grafts were transplanted from
healing and there seems to be a cated that during the early wound either gingiva (test) or non- kerati-
crosstalk with TGF-b signalling healing period (e.g. 5-day grafts) the nized alveolar mucosa (controls),
pathways (Ishida et al. 2004). Over- superficial layers of the epithelium into areas of the alveolar mucosa
all, these and other (Liaw et al. were desquamated and an abun- (Karring et al. 1975b). The grafts
1998, Padmakumar et al. 2012, dance of mitoses was present in the were implanted into pouches created
Zhang et al. 2012, Guo et al. 2013) basal layers of gingival and alveolar in the connective tissue of the alveo-
genetic models have helped to reveal mucosal transplants. Epithelial pro- lar mucosa as close as possible to
role of TGF-b in wound healing and liferation started from the edges of the overlying epithelium. Following
to use these pivotal aspects to design the grafts and the adjacent tissues, a period of 3–4 weeks, the trans-
targeted therapies that may also sup- while regeneration of the supraalveo- plants were exposed by removal of
port periodontal wound healing. lar connective tissue appeared to be the overlying epithelium, thus allow-
TGF-b is exemplified as one out of initiated within the periodontal liga- ing epithelialization from the sur-
multiple factors that are key regula- ment. At 14 days the entire surface rounding non-keratinized alveolar
tors of wound healing. For the other of the grafts was already covered mucosa. The clinical and histological
molecules involved in wound healing with a thin layer of epithelium. At evaluation after a healing period
see the recent reviews (Martin 1997, 30 days, the transplanted grafts were between 1 and 12 months has shown
Singer & Clark 1999, Gurtner et al. completely covered by a thin epithe- that the gingival connective tissue
2008, Shaw & Martin 2009, Nauta lium layer but displayed identical tis- grafts became covered with kerati-
et al. 2011). It is not the intention of sue characteristics to those of the nized epithelium, displaying the same
this part to review the clinical appli- corresponding control tissues. After characteristics as those of normal
cation of the respective molecules 2 months, the grafted tissue demon- gingival epithelium, while the alveo-
such as platelet-derived growth fac- strated clinical and histological fea- lar mucosa transplants were covered
tor-BB (Hollinger et al. 2008) tures identical to those of the with non-keratinized epithelium.
and basic fibroblastic growth fac- respective donor tissues. Moreover, These findings indicate that the spec-
tors (bFGF or FGF-2) (Murakami both the clinical and the histological ificity of these epithelia is genetically
2011). findings have indicated that the tis- determined and their differentiation
sue specificities of the gingival, alve- is mainly dependent on stimuli from
olar and palatal mucosa were the underlying connective tissues.
Healing of soft tissue wounds at conserved after heterotopic trans- They also suggest that the granula-
natural teeth plantation, thus suggesting that the tion tissue proliferating from the
This section will attempt to provide clinical and structural features of alveolar mucosa will produce a non-
the biological background of soft tis- these tissues are rather genetically keratinized epithelium, whereas that
sue healing around natural teeth and than functionally determined. originating from the supra-alveolar
to give an overview on the most The finding that after complete connective tissue or from the
important histological events follow- excision of the keratinized tissues periodontal ligament will lead to a
ing non-surgical and various peri- surrounding the teeth (e.g. free and keratinized epithelium. These obser-
odontal surgical procedures. attached gingiva) a zone of gingiva vations in animals were later also
will always reform, was later corrob- confirmed in humans (Edel 1974,
orated in animals and humans (Wen- Edel & Faccini 1977).
Role of connective tissue and sulcular nstr€om et al. 1981, Wennstr€ om 1983, In a first study, 14 free palatal
environment in determining epithelial
Wennstr€ om & Lindhe 1983). In all connective tissue grafts without epi-
these studies a narrow zone of gin- thelium were transplanted to partial-
The question whether the specificity giva was always observed to regener- thickness sites prepared in patients
of the epithelium is determined by ate following complete excision (e.g. with an inadequate width of
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S10 Sculean et al.

attached gingiva (Edel 1974). It was connective tissue originating from displayed anatomical characteristics
reported that clinically, the graft sur- an immediately subepithelial area. of sulcular epithelium. It thus
faces appeared keratinized after Comparable findings in humans appears that the sulcular environ-
already 2 weeks and an increase in were also reported by others indi- ment has the capability of controlling
the width of keratinized tissue cating that palatal connective tissue the keratinizing potential of the outer
occurred. A subsequent study has grafts or free gingival grafts trans- surface gingival epithelium.
evaluated histologically 10 connec- planted into areas of non-kerati- The question whether an inflam-
tive tissue grafts transplanted to par- nized mucosa may not always matory process may influence epi-
tial-thickness sites (Edel & Faccini develop the characteristics of kerati- thelial keratinization is still
1977). Eight grafts were completely nized mucosa (Bernimoulin & Sch- controversially discussed. Results
free of epithelium, while two grafts roeder 1980, Bernimoulin & Lange from experimental studies in ani-
had one thin layer of retained epi- 1973, Lange & Bernimoulin 1974). mals have failed to show that an
thelium oriented at the apical edge On the other hand, it is interesting experimentally induced acute or
of the graft. The grafts were placed to note that despite the fact that the chronic inflammation of gingival
in a way to be in contact with both connective tissue underlying the epi- connective tissue may modify the
keratinized and non-keratinized thelium appears to determine the induced-keratinized sulcular epithe-
mucosa. The histological evaluation characteristics of the overlying epi- lium, or the normally keratinized
has demonstrated that at 24 weeks, thelium, the sulcular epithelium is oral gingival epithelium, if bacterial
the epithelium covering the gingival not keratinized. The question plaque is removed regularly (Nasj-
connective tissue grafts displayed whether the sulcular environment leti et al. 1984, Caffesse et al.
keratinization with a normal archi- may influence keratinization of sul- 1985). On the other hand, the
tecture. Interestingly, in the two cular epithelium has been evaluated reduction of gingival inflammation
cases where a keratinized epithelial in two animal experiments (Caffesse by means of systemic antibiotics,
border was left on the grafts, an epi- et al. 1977, Caffesse et al. 1979b). local plaque control and scaling
thelial down-growth between the In a first experiment, 24 intrasul- and subgingival scaling may facili-
graft and the recipient site was cular mucoperiosteal flaps were tate keratinization of sulcular epi-
observed indicating no apparent raised by blunt dissection on the buc- thelium (Bye et al. 1980, Caffesse
advantage of leaving a border of cal aspect of individual teeth includ- et al. 1980, Caffesse et al. 1982).
keratinized epithelium on a graft ing also the approximal papillae of Furthermore, histological, immuno-
transplanted in an area where alveo- the tooth (Caffesse et al. 1977). Sub- fluorescence, electron microscopic
lar mucosa was originally present. sequently, a split thickness flap was observations in humans have also
An important question, which prepared in the alveolar mucosa api- indicated that, in the presence of an
still needs to be definitely clarified, cal to the flap, by removing the epi- inflammatory process, alterations of
is related to the possible differences thelium and a thin layer of gingival epithelia may occur (Levy
inherent in deep and superficial con- connective tissue. The flaps were then et al. 1969, Ouhayoun et al. 1990,
nective tissue in determining epithe- folded and sutured in a way that the Tonetti et al. 1994).
lial keratinization. In a nicely sulcular epithelium became exposed Taken together, the available
designed experiment, a thick palatal to the oral cavity. Following surgery, data indicate that the granulation
epithelial-connective tissue graft was biopsies were taken to allow for tissue originating from the periodon-
excised and split into two thinner observation periods of 1 h to tal ligament or from connective tis-
grafts (e.g. one epithelial-connective 8 weeks. The findings have indicated sue originally covered by keratinized
tissue graft and one connective tis- that the sulcular epithelium has the epithelium has the potential to
sue graft) (Ouhayoun et al. 1988). potential for keratinization and that induce keratinization. The question
The grafts were transplanted into the contact to the tooth appears to whether a deep palatal connective
contra-lateral areas lacking kerati- determine the lack of keratinization tissue has the same potential to
nized mucosa. Following a healing of the sulcular epithelium. In another induce keratinization of non-kerati-
period of 3 months, biopsies were experiment, the influence of the sul- nized epithelial cell as the palatal
excised and examined by means of cular environment on the keratiniza- connective tissue originating from an
routine histology, immunofluores- tion of the outer surface gingival immediately subepithelial area may
cence and gel electrophoresis. The epithelium was evaluated (Caffesse bear clinical relevance and should be
results have shown that while the et al. 1979b). Mucoperiosteal flaps clarified in further studies.
epithelial-connective tissue grafts were raised on the buccal aspect of
displayed histological and biochemi- experimental teeth, without including Soft tissue healing following non-surgical
cal characteristics of keratinized the approximal papillae and inverted periodontal therapy
mucosa (e.g. gingiva) the deep con- in order to place the outer surface
nective tissue grafts expressed fea- epithelium in contact with the tooth. Several histological studies in animals
tures belonging to both keratinized The experimental time intervals var- and humans have evaluated the heal-
and non-keratinized mucosa. These ied from 1 h to 60 days. The results ing after root planing and soft tissue
observation appear to suggest that have shown that the outer surface curettage. Novaes et al. (1969) have
deep palatal connective tissue, may epithelium may change its morphol- performed gingival curettage on the
not have the same potential to ogy to a non-keratinized epithelium labial side of upper incisors in dogs
induce keratinization of non-kerati- devoid of deep rete pegs when placed and observed that the epithelial
nized epithelial cell as the palatal in close contact with the tooth and attachment was re-established after
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Oral soft tissue healing S11

6 days and remained at the cemen- et al. 2008). Taken together, the 4 weeks, the flap is re-attached to
tum-enamel junction until the end of available histological evidence indi- the tooth by dense, organized, con-
the experiment. Stahl et al. (1971) cates that the healing following nective tissue. At 5 weeks, the tissues
have treated 80 suprabony pockets in non-surgical periodontal therapy is appear to be completely regenerated
60 adult patients suffering from peri- characterized by epithelial prolifera- and do not show differences com-
odontitis by means of curettage and tion, which appears to be completed pared to pristine sites. Comparable
root planing. The histological analy- after a period of 7–14 days after findings have been also reported by
sis has indicated that at one week treatment. Complete removal of cal- Caffesse et al. (1984) and Kon et al.
after curettage, an epithelial lining culus and plaque was associated (1984). Bone resorption always
was already present in all investi- with a limited or complete lack of occurs following elevation of full
gated specimens. The early stage after inflammation. thickness and partial-thickness flaps.
curettage was characterized by an Despite the observation that partial
increase in an acute inflammatory Soft tissue healing following periodontal thickness flaps may result in less
infiltrate. However, after a healing surgical procedures bone loss compared to the elevation
period of 8 weeks, the inflammatory Gingivectomy of full- thickness flaps, they do not
infiltrate appeared to be similar in dis- seem to completely prevent bone loss
tribution and degree to that observed The sequential healing events follow- (Fickl et al. 2011).
in non-treated control samples. ing gingivectomy have been evaluated The strength of the flap attach-
Waerhaug (1978) has studied the by Novaes et al. (1969). Immediately ment to the tooth during healing fol-
healing of the dento-epithelial junc- after surgery, a haemorrhage is pres- lowing periodontal surgery was
tion following subgingival plaque ent. At 2 days, a thick clot covered evaluated by Hiatt et al. (1968). At 2
control in 39 biopsies from 21 the entire wound and a slight epithe- and 3 days following surgery, 225 g
patients. Following removal of sub- lial migration at the apical margin of of tension on the silk suture placed
gingival calculus and plaque and a the wound was observed. At 4 days, through the margin of the flap was
healing period varying from 2 weeks the blood clot still covered the major needed to separate the flap from the
to 7 months, block biopsies were part of the wound surfaces, but the tooth and the bone and increased to
harvested and analysed histologi- epithelial proliferation was clearly 340 g at 1 week. Once the epithelial
cally. The histological analysis visible from the oral epithelium attachment was severed, the fibrin
revealed that a normal dento-epithe- and epithelial attachment cells. At beneath the connective tissue surface
lial junction has been routinely 1 week, the wound surface was usu- appeared to offer very limited
reformed in areas from which sub- ally completely epithelized and the mechanical resistance. At 2 weeks,
gingival calculus and plaque has sulcus reformed but keratinization the suture was pulled through the
been removed. The new dento-epi- and the reformation of rete pegs was gingival margin with a force of
thelial junction appeared to be com- only detected at 16 days. Wound 1700 g, which separated the flap
pleted within a period of 2 weeks. maturation was still detectable until only partially from the tooth. At
The healing following periodic 38 days, when no differences between 1 month, the flap could not be
root planing and soft tissue curettage the treated areas and the pristine sites mechanically separated from the
has been evaluated in a non-human were detected. tooth, but a split within the epithe-
primate model (Caton & Zander Flap surgery lium at the point of stress was
1979). The soft tissue curettage of observed microscopically. These
the pocket wall and marginal gingiva Several studies have evaluated the findings indicate that the initial
was extended apical to the bottom healing following full thickness and attachment of the flap to the tooth
of the clinical pocket to remove the partial thickness flaps. Overall, the was through the epithelium while the
entire pocket epithelium. The proce- healing follows the same pattern and fibrin layer did not appear to signifi-
dure was repeated at 3, 6 and is characterized by the formation of cantly contribute to the retention of
9 months after the initial root plan- a blood clot between the soft and the flap. Moreover, a proper re-
ing and curettage. The histological hard tissues. The adherence medi- adaptation of the mucoperiosteal
evaluation has demonstrated that in ated by the blood clot between the flap to the root surface appeared to
all cases the healing occurred soft and hard tissues appears to be inhibit epithelial proliferation and
through formation of a long junc- weak and does not seem to be able down-growth. The findings have also
tional epithelium along with no con- to hold them together (Kon et al. suggested that the strength of the
nective tissue attachment. 1969). At 6 and 7 days, an inflam- epithelial attachment to the root is
Similar findings have been matory reaction and an increase in greater than the attachment between
recently reported in humans follow- vascularization of the remaining con- cells. These findings were later cor-
ing non-surgical therapy performed nective tissue and flap can usually be roborated by Wikesj€ o et al. (1991)
with the aid of a dental endoscope. observed. At this stage, the flap is suggesting that connective tissue
Besides the observation that at still more prone to separation from attachment to dentin is mediated by
6 months following therapy the the subjacent tissues when tension is adsorption of plasma proteins to the
healing was characterized by a long applied. At 12 days, the flap is reat- surface and subsequent development
junctional epithelium, complete tached to the bone and tooth, while and maturation of the fibrin clot
removal of calculus and plaque was the oral gingival epithelium appears (Wikesj€ o et al. 1991).
associated with a lack of histologi- to be keratinized. The rete pegs are Taken together these data indi-
cal signs of inflammation (Wilson of a normal shape. At around cate that the tensile strength of the
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S12 Sculean et al.

tooth-soft tissue interface still the location of the incisions and the teristics to those of the pristine alve-
appears vulnerable to mechanical use of surgical techniques intending olar mucosa and probably originated
trauma at 7-day post-surgery. At to preserve the inter-dental tissues from the intact alveolar mucosa.
approximately 14 days post-surgery, (i.e. simplified papilla preservation Generally, no predictable increase in
a structural integrity of a maturing flap) may be associated with faster the width of the gingiva was found
wound between a denuded root sur- recovery of the gingival blood flow after any of the two methods.
face and a mucogingival flap, which post-operatively compared with the Taken together, the results sug-
can sufficiently withstand mechanical modified Widman flap (Donos et al. gest that the success or failure to
trauma, is achieved. These observa- 2005, Retzepi et al. 2007a, b). extend the width of keratinized tis-
tions, in turn point to the critical sue by surgical means is unpredict-
Healing following denudation tech-
role of passive flap adaptation and able and depends on the origin of
of suturing to allow undisturbed the granulation tissue. It may thus
wound maturation. The healing following full thickness be suggested that the use of trans-
M€ormann & Ciancio (1977) have and split thickness flaps used in mu- plants is a more predictable method
evaluated the effect of various types cogingival surgery to increase the for increasing the width of kerati-
of surgical procedures on the gingival width of attached gingiva has been nized tissue.
capillary blood circulation by means evaluated in several animal experi-
Healing following soft tissue grafting
of fluorescein angiography. The circu- ments (Staffileno et al. 1966, Karring
lation changes observed suggested et al. 1975a, Pustiglioni et al. 1975, Free gingival grafts or free connec-
that flaps receive their major blood Kon et al. 1978). The origin and tive tissue grafts have been intro-
supply from their apical aspects. The development of granulation tissue duced in periodontal therapy to
full thickness incision in clinically following periosteal retention and increase the width of the attached
healthy gingiva revealed that the denudation procedures has been gingiva and to prevent or treat gingi-
blood supply had predominantly evaluated in monkeys by Karring val recessions (Gargiulo & Arrocha
caudocranial direction from the vesti- et al. (1975a). The findings have 1967, Oliver et al. 1968, Sullivan &
bule to the gingival margin. More- shown that following periosteal Atkins 1968, Staffileno & Levy 1969,
over, the findings have also indicated exposure and denudation of the alve- Sugarman 1969, Edel 1974, Edel &
that flaps should be broad enough at olar bone, the granulation tissue Faccini 1977, Caffesse et al. 1979a).
their base to include major gingival originated from the residual perio- The sequential events of the healing
vessels and pointed to the importance steal connective tissue, periodontal and revascularization of free gingival
of ensuring a tension-free re-adapta- ligament, bone marrow spaces and grafts when placed over periosteum
tion to avoid dehiscence. Further- the adjacent gingiva and alveolar has been evaluated in monkeys by
more, partial thickness flaps should mucosa. During the initial stages of Oliver et al. (1968). Following prep-
not be too thin in order to include healing, resorption of the labial and aration of a periosteal recipient bed
more blood vessels and avoid necro- buccal bone took place and the in the maxillary and mandibular
sis. Later studies have demonstrated amount of bone loss was influenced anterior region in monkeys, free gin-
that during the elevation of a muco- by the thickness and structure of the gival grafts were obtained from the
periosteal flap the connection of the labial or buccal bone. Generally, the buccal attached gingiva in the pre-
gingivo-periosteal plexus with the resorption was most severe following molar area. The grafts were placed
periodontal ligament vascular plexus the denudation technique, while the over the periosteum and sutured to
is severed and significant vascular loss of crestal bone was generally the adjacent interproximal tissue,
trauma is induced, especially in the smaller with the periosteal retention attached gingiva and interproximal
inter-dental areas (Nobuto et al. procedure than following the com- tissue. Animals were sacrificed to
1989, McLean et al. 1995). These plete exposure of bone. Moreover, allow observation periods at 0, 2 4,
findings have been later confirmed in with the denudation technique, a lar- 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 28 and
a series of studies evaluating gingival ger portion of the marginal areas 42 days. The histological evaluation
blood flow by means of laser Doppler was filled with granulation tissue revealed that the healing of free gin-
flowmetry after different periodontal deriving from the periodontal liga- gival grafts can be divided into three
surgical procedures (Donos et al. ment. Granulation tissue derived phases: (i) Initial phase (0–3 days)
2005, Retzepi et al. 2007a,b). from the remaining or adjacent gin- characterized by a thin layer of
The results have shown that the gival connective tissue or the peri- fibrin separating the periosteum
blood flow decreased immediately odontal ligament appeared to be from the graft and degeneration of
following anaesthesia and remained covered by keratinized epithelium, epithelium and desquamation of the
at lower values compared to baseline whereas that originating from the outer layers. (ii) Revascularization
immediately following flap surgery. connective tissue of the alveolar phase (4–11 days) characterized by
The gingival flow presented an over- mucosa was covered by non-kerati- minimal resorption of the alveolar
all increase in comparison to base- nized epithelium. After 1 month, the crest, proliferation of fibroblasts into
line values until the 7th days free gingiva was regenerated and the area between the graft and peri-
following surgery at the inter-dental exhibited a shallow gingival crevice. osteum. At 5 days all the graft epi-
and alveolar mucosa sites. At In the injured mucosa, delicate elas- thelium was degenerated and
15 days, however, the blood flow tic fibres reappeared in the regener- desquamated. At the same time, a
values were again similar to baseline. ated tissues after 1–2 months and thin layer of new epithelial cells pro-
The findings have also indicated that displayed similar histological charac- liferated over the graft from the
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Oral soft tissue healing S13

adjacent tissues. At day 11, a dense month but can be followed up to transmucosal biomaterials used to
fibrous union was observed between 360 days and varies between 25% replace missing teeth and to summa-
the graft and the periosteum. Granu- and 45% (Egli et al. 1975, James & rize its morphogenesis during wound
lation tissue was gradually replaced McFall 1978, Rateitschak et al. healing.
by fibroblastic proliferation and at 1979, M€ ormann et al. 1981, Orsini
day 11 the graft was completely cov- et al. 2004). While re-vascularization Nature and dimensions of peri-implant
ered by an epithelial layer, which appears to be more delayed in mucosa (quantity)
was continuous with the marginal thicker grafts, less shrinkage was
epithelium. Vascularization was evi- observed with increasing graft thick- During the process of wound heal-
dent, and capillary ingrowth was ness (Egli et al. 1975, Rateitschak ing, the features of the peri-implant
observed at the base of the graft. et al. 1979, M€ormann et al. 1981). mucosa are established. Many bio-
(iii) Tissue maturation phase (11– material and surgical factors may
42 days). At 14 days of healing, the have an influence on the outcome of
Soft tissue healing around implants soft tissue quantity, i.e. the length of
connective fibres within the graft
were comparable in staining quality Dental implants are anchored in jaw- the peri-implant mucosa. In an excel-
and appearance to the fibres in the bone through a direct bonding lent pioneer study in dogs, Bergl-
control specimens. The thickness of between bone and the implant. Suc- undh et al. (1991) examined
the epithelium had developed more cess and survival of an implant do, anatomical and histological features
fully at 14 days but no keratiniza- however, not depend solely on osseo- of the peri-implant mucosa, which
tion was present. Keratinization was integration. A soft tissue, which sur- formed in a two-stage procedure,
only detectable at 28 days. At rounds the transmucosal part of a and compared these with those of
14 days, the number of vessels dental implant, separates the peri- the gingiva around teeth. The abut-
throughout the connective tissue of implant bone from the oral cavity. ment consisted of titanium with a
the graft was decreased but in the This soft tissue collar is called “peri- machined surface. Two months after
same time the connective tissue den- implant mucosa” (Lindhe et al. abutment connection, the animals
sity increased. The pattern of vascu- 2008). The attachment of the soft tis- were enrolled in a careful and metic-
larization did not show major sue to the implant serves as a biologi- ulous plaque control programme
changes after day 14. cal seal that prevents the consisting of cleaning of the abut-
The observations made by Oliver development of inflammatory peri- ment once daily. Four months after
et al. (1968) are generally in agree- implant diseases (i.e. peri-implant abutment connection, clinical inspec-
ment with those reported by Caffesse mucositis and peri-implantitis). Thus, tion and radiographic evaluation
et al. (1979a,b) and Staffileno & the soft tissue seal around implants revealed healthy conditions. Histo-
Levy (1969) have evaluated the heal- ensures healthy conditions and stable logically, the peri-implant mucosa
ing of free gingival grafts placed on osseointegration and therefore also consisted of a well-keratinized oral
either periosteum or on denuded the long-term survival of an implant. epithelium, which was located at the
bone in monkeys. In cases when the Around teeth, a sophisticated soft external surface and connected to a
grafts were placed on bone, a delay tissue collar seals the tissues of tooth thin barrier epithelium (i.e. the
in healing was observed. However, support (i.e. alveolar bone, peri- equivalent to the junctional epithe-
by 28 days, there were no differences odontal ligament and cementum) lium around at teeth, which will be
in the rate of healing between grafts against the oral cavity (Bosshardt & referred to as the peri-implant junc-
placed on bone or on periosteum. Lang 2005). While the soft tissue tional epithelium) facing the abut-
However, the periosteal bed seal around teeth develops during ment. This peri-implant junctional
appeared to favour better initial tooth eruption, the peri-implant epithelium terminated 2 mm apical
adaptation and nourishment of the mucosa forms after the creation of a to the coronal soft tissue margin and
graft. Grafts placed directly on bone wound in oral soft and hard tissues. 1.0–1.5 mm coronal from the peri-
showed initially more degenerative The wound healing phase may occur implant bone crest. Thus, the mean
changes and a delay of epithelial following the closure of a mucope- biological width (including the sulcus
migration. Furthermore, the epithe- riosteal flap around the neck portion depth) was 3.80 mm around
lial coverage was restored in 7 days of an implant placed in a so-called implants and 3.17 mm around teeth.
when the grafts were on periosteum one-stage procedure or after a sec- While there was no statistically sig-
and in 14 days when they were ond surgical intervention for abut- nificant difference in the height of
placed on bone. Keratinization was ment connections to an already the junctional epithelium and sulcus
found in both groups at 28 days, installed dental implant (two-stage depth between implants and teeth,
while elastic fibres were only procedure). Since wound healing the height of the soft connective tis-
observed in cases where the grafts occurs in the presence of a biomate- sue was significantly greater around
were placed on periosteum. One rial (i.e. a foreign body) at a critical implants than around teeth. The
important aspect, which needs to be region, interference of wound heal- peri-implant junctional epithelium
considered when using connective ing events with this biomaterial and and the soft connective adjacent to
tissue grafts or free gingival grafts, is adaptation of the soft tissue to this the abutment appeared to be in
the shrinkage, which occurs during biomaterial have to be taken into direct contact with the implant abut-
healing. It has been reported that consideration. The aim of this part ment surface. However, the precise
the greatest amount of shrinkage was to review the anatomy and his- nature of the epithelial and soft con-
occurs in the first postoperative tology of the soft tissue seal around nective tissue attachments could not
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S14 Sculean et al.

accurately be analysed, since the Effects of implant material on the were found in conjunction with oxi-
“fracture technique” was applied, peri-implant mucosa dimension dized or acid-etched titanium com-
which included removal of the tita- pared to a machined surface
In a dog study, Abrahamsson et al.
nium implant before cutting of the (Glauser et al. 2005, Ferreira Borges
(1998) demonstrated that the mate-
histological sections. This important & Dragoo 2010). In a study in
rial used for the abutment had a
study in dogs showed that under the baboons, Watzak et al. (2006) could
major impact on the location of the
conditions chosen, the peri-implant show that implant surface modifica-
soft connective tissue compartment.
mucosa has a comparable potential tions had no significant effect on the
Sintered ceramic material made of
as the gingiva around teeth to pre- biological width after 18 months of
aluminium (Al2O3) lead to a peri-
vent subgingival plaque formation functional loading. After 3 months
implant mucosal attachment compa-
and subsequent infection. of healing in dog mandibles, nano-
rable to that adjacent to titanium
porous TiO2 coatings of one-piece
Effects of implant system on the peri- abutments. Gold alloy or dental por-
titanium implants showed similar
implant mucosa dimension celain, however, resulted in inferior
length of peri-implant soft connec-
histological outcome of the peri-
While in the above-mentioned study tive tissue and epithelium than the
implant mucosa. Kohal et al. (2004)
by Berglundh et al. (1991) the uncoated, smooth neck portion of
and Welander et al. (2008) have
Branemark system (Nobel Biocare, the control titanium implants (Rossi
demonstrated the same peri-implant
Gothenburg, Sweden) was used, sub- et al. 2008). In a dog study, Schwarz
soft tissue dimensions around tita-
sequent studies revealed that a simi- et al. (2007) investigated the effects
nium and zirconia implants installed
lar mucosal attachment formed on of surface hydrophilicity and micro-
in the maxilla of monkeys and dogs
titanium in conjunction with differ- topography on soft and hard tissue
ent implant systems (Buser et al. healing at 1, 4, 7, 14 and 28 days.
1992, Abrahamsson et al. 1996) and The authors concluded that soft tis-
Effects of implant surface characteris-
around intentionally non-submerged sue integration was influenced by
tics on the peri-implant mucosa
and initially submerged implants hydrophilicity rather than by micro-
(Arvidson et al. 1996, Weber et al. topography. Using a new human
1996, Abrahamsson et al. 1999). The effects of surface macro design, model, Schwarz et al. (2013) investi-
However, the peri-implant junctional topography, hydrophilicity and vari- gated the peri-implant soft tissue
epithelium was significantly longer in ous coatings on the peri-implant dimensions after an 8-week healing
initially submerged implants to mucosa have been evaluated in numer- period on specially designed healing
which an abutment was connected ous pre-clinical and clinical studies. abutments with different surface
later than in intentionally non-sub- Organic implant coatings will not be roughness and hydrophilicity. The
merged implants (Weber et al. 1996). discussed in this review. Numerous in length of the peri-implant junctional
The biological width was revisited in vitro studies have addressed the issue epithelium was in the order of 2 mm
a further dog experiment after abut- of surface modifications on mesenchy- for all abutment types without statis-
ment connection to the implant fix- mal and epithelial cell responses. tically significant differences.
ture with or without a reduced However, these are not included, since
vertical dimension of the oral it is beyond the scope of this article to Immediate versus delayed implant
mucosa (Berglundh & Lindhe 1996). review in vitro studies. loading
While the peri-implant junctional The impact of surface topogra- Studying immediate versus delayed
epithelium was about 2 mm long, phy, often characterized by surface loading of titanium implants placed
the supraalveolar soft connective roughness measurements, on the in jawbone of monkeys, Siar et al.
was about 1.3–1.8 mm high. Inter- peri-implant mucosa has been inves- (2003) and Quaranta et al. (2008)
estingly, sites with a reduced muco- tigated in numerous studies. Coch- could not detect any significant dif-
sal thickness consistently revealed ran et al. (1997) noted no differences ferences in the dimensions of the
marginal bone resorption so that the in the dimensions of the sulcus peri-implant sulcular and junctional
biological width could be adjusted. depth, peri-implant junctional epi- epithelia and connective tissue con-
Evaluating the biological width thelium and soft connective tissue tact to the implants.
around one- and two-piece titanium contact to implants with a titanium
implants that healed unloaded in plasma-sprayed (TPS) surface or a
Composition and structural organization
either a non-submerged or a sub- sandblasted acid-etched surface.
of the peri-implant mucosa (quality)
merged fashion in dog mandibles, Abrahamsson et al. (2001, 2002)
Hermann et al. (2001) suggested that observed similar epithelial and soft Concerning composition, most stud-
the gingival margin is located more connective tissue components on a ies focused on the soft connective tis-
coronally and the biological width rough (acid etched) and smooth sue compartment of the peri-implant
more similar to teeth in association (turned) titanium surface. The bio- mucosa. In particular, amount and
with one-piece non-submerged logical width was greater on the structural organization of fibroblasts,
implants compared to either two- rough surface, however, without a collagen, and blood vessels were
piece non-submerged or two-piece statistically significant difference to determined. Fewer fibroblasts and
submerged implants. These data that around a smooth surface. In more collagen fibres were observed
were confirmed in a comparably two studies with human biopsy in the bulk of the supra-crestal soft
designed dog study with another material, less epithelial down-growth connective tissue around implants
implant system (Pontes et al. 2008). and a longer soft connective tissue with a smooth abutment surface
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Oral soft tissue healing S15

than around teeth (Moon et al. findings corroborate with other ited histological techniques and
1999). However, very close to the reports demonstrating a perpendicular analyses are possible. On the other
implant surface the number of fibro- insertion of collagen fibres to the sur- hand, if the biomaterial is removed,
blasts was high and they were inter- face of porous plasma-sprayed tita- some information may irreversibly
posed between thin collagen fibrils nium implants (Schroeder et al. 1981, get lost or tissue artefacts may impede
and oriented parallel to the implant Buser et al. 1989), and suggesting that the analysis and consequently also the
surface (Moon et al. 1999). Surface the surface texture might affect the col- conclusions. Since in most studies
roughness did not seem to have an lagen fibre orientation (Schupbach & examining the peri-implant mucosa,
influence on the number of fibro- Glauser 2007), others concluded that the “fracture technique” (Thomsen &
blasts (Abrahamsson et al. 2002). surface roughness and different mate- Ericson 1985) was applied to remove
In a zone close to the implant sur- rials did not appear to influence fibre the implant, the true composition and
face (i.e. 50–100 lm away), no blood orientation (Listgarten et al. 1992, Co- arrangement of the tissue-implant
vessels were found (Buser et al. 1992, mut et al. 2001) and amount of colla- interface could not be analysed.
Listgarten et al. 1992). Further away gen (Abrahamsson et al. 2002). The ultrastructure of the interface
from the implant surface and adjacent Microgrooves are a sort of surface between a metal implant and the
to the barrier (junctional) and sulcu- modifications that are different from peri-implant junctional epithelium
lar epithelia, blood vessels were topographic modifications intended was first reported on the basis of
observed (Buser et al. 1992). Thus, to alter surface roughness characteris- freeze-fractured preparations of vital-
the number of blood vessels increased tics. In a dog study, it was shown that lium implants (James & Schultz
with increasing distance from the collagen fibres were oriented perpen- 1974). Using transmucosal epoxy
implant surface. Compared to teeth, dicularly to the laser ablated, micro- resin implants, Listgarten & Lai
there were less vascular structures in grooved abutment surface, while (1975) noted the ultrastructural simi-
the supra-crestal soft connective tis- collagen fibres on a smooth (machined) larity of the intact epithelium-
sue near the implant than at a corre- surface were oriented parallel to the implant interface between implants
sponding location around teeth abutment surface after a 3-month heal- and teeth. Subsequently, these find-
(Moon et al. 1999). Using a clearing ing period (Nevins et al. 2010). Human ings were confirmed for titanium-
technique to visualize carbon-stained histological evidence for this attach- coated plastic implants (Gould et al.
blood vessels, Berglundh et al. (1994) ment of perpendicularly oriented colla- 1984), freeze-fractured specimens
showed that the vascular network of gen fibres to a microgrooved abutment from ceramic (alpha-alumina oxide
the peri-implant mucosa originates surface was provided by four implants in single crystalline form) implants
from one large supra-crestal blood retrieved after a 6-month (Nevins et al. (McKinney et al. 1985), and single-
vessel, which branches towards the 2008) and a 10-week (Nevins et al. sapphire implants (Hashimoto et al.
implant abutment surface. 2012) healing period. 1989). These studies revealed that the
epithelial cells attach to different
Influence of material on collagen fibre Influence of surface topography on
implant materials in a fashion com-
orientation inflammation and defence
parable to that of the junctional epi-
Comparing one-piece machined tita- Concerning plaque accumulation thelial cells to the tooth surface via
nium necks with one-piece smooth and inflammatory cells, no relation hemidesmosomes and a basal lamina.
zirconia implants, no difference was was found to surface roughness after Analysing the intact interface
observed concerning collagen fibre 4 weeks in a human model (Wenner- between soft connective tissue and
orientation, that is, the majority of berg et al. 2003). However, TiO2- titanium-coated epoxy resin
collagen fibres were oriented parallel coated implants with a porous sur- implants, the parallel orientation of
or parallel-oblique to the implant face showed less inflammation and collagen fibrils to the titanium layer
surfaces (Tete et al. 2009). less epithelial detachment than was confirmed (Listgarten et al.
uncoated implants with a smooth 1992, Listgarten 1996). Implants
Influence of surface topography on neck portion (Rossi et al. 2008). In normally lack a cementum layer that
collagen fibre orientation contrast, human soft tissue biopsies can invest the peri-implant collagen
retrieved from titanium healing caps fibres. Thus, the attachment of the
Collagen fibre orientation was found after a 6-month healing period soft connective tissue to the trans-
to be primarily parallel to implants revealed more inflammation, higher mucosal portion of an implant is
with a smooth titanium surface and microvessel density, and more prolif- regarded as being weaker than soft
the site of fibre insertion into bone was eration epithelial cells around a connective tissue attachment to the
at the bone crest in dogs (Berglundh rough (acid-etched) surface than surface of a tooth root. Therefore,
et al. 1991, Buser et al. 1992, Listgar- adjacent to a smooth (machined) improving the quality of the soft tis-
ten et al. 1992). Parallel and uniform surface (Degidi et al. 2012). sue-implant interface is considered to
collagen fibre orientation was also be of paramount importance.
found around smooth titanium grade
4 implants in a rat model at a very Implant-tissue interfaces of the peri-
implant mucosa Wound healing and morphogenesis of the
early healing phase of 4 and 7 days,
peri-implant mucosa after flap surgery in
whereas collagen fibre orientation on The study of tissue interactions with healed ridges
rough (alumina grit blasted) titanium metallic or ceramic biomaterials ham-
grade 4 implants was more irregular pers histological evaluation. If the While the above studies primarily
(Yamano et al. 2011). While these biomaterial is not removed, only lim- showed the dimensional and histo-

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S16 Sculean et al.

logical outcomes of the established attachment to transmucosal (i.e. favour a fast apical migration of the
epithelial and soft connective tissue non-submerged) implants made of peri-implant junctional epithelium
components of the peri-implant commercially pure titanium with a and the establishment of a greater
mucosa under various conditions, polished surface in the neck portion final biological width dimension, par-
the wound healing sequence leading requires at least 6 weeks in this ani- ticularly as regards the epithelial com-
to this establishment has only mal model. ponent. The clinical consequences,
recently been evaluated. Berglundh Using a new human model, Tom- the conditions that favour and the
et al. (2007) examined the delicate asi et al. (2013) investigated the mor- measures that reduce the formation
process of wound healing and mor- phogenesis of the peri-implant of a longer peri-implant junctional
phogenesis in the mucosa around mucosa during the first 12 weeks of epithelium on implants need to be
non-submerged commercially pure healing. They observed that a soft determined.
titanium implants in dogs. Two tissue barrier adjacent to titanium
weeks after mucosal adaptation to implants developed completely
Flap versus flapless healing of the peri-
the marginal portion of the implants, within 8 weeks, which is in agree-
implant mucosa
the sutures were removed and a rigid ment with observations made in
plaque-control program was initi- dogs (Berglundh et al. 2007, Schwarz In a dog experiment, teeth were
ated. Healing periods varied from et al. 2007, Vignoletti et al. 2009), removed either flapless or with flap
2 h to 12 weeks. The morphogenesis but not with those from Glauser surgery and implants were immedi-
was analysed in histological sections et al. in humans. Concerning stabil- ately placed (Blanco et al. 2008).
and by means of histomorphometry. ity of soft tissue dimensions over After a 3-month healing period, the
Immediately after implant place- time, it can be concluded that the distance between the peri-implant
ment, a coagulum occupied the dimensions of the soft tissue seal (i.e. mucosal margin and the first bone-
implant-mucosa interface. Numerous the biological width) around implant contact was significantly
neutrophils infiltrated the blood clot implants are stable for at least 12 greater in the flap group compared to
and at 4 days an initial mucosal seal (Cochran et al. 1997, Assenza et al. the flapless group (3.69 mm versus
was established. In the next few 2003) or 15 months (Hermann et al. 3.02 mm). At the edentulous site, the
days, the area with the leucocytes 2000). implantation region may be exposed
decreased and was confined to the using flap surgery (i.e. the bone crest
coronal portion, whereas fibroblasts is exposed by a crestal incision) or a
and collagen dominated the apical Wound healing and morphogenesis of the flapless approach (i.e. the bone crest
part of the implant-tissue interface. peri-implant mucosa after immediate is exposed by a soft tissue punch). In
implant placement into fresh extraction
Between 1 and 2 weeks of healing, a study in dogs by You et al. (2009),
the peri-implant junctional epithe- flat bone crests were created following
lium was about 0.5 mm apical to the Vignoletti et al. (2009) described his- tooth extractions. Three months later,
mucosal margin. At 2 weeks, the tologically and histomorphometrical- implants were placed by either the
peri-implant junctional epithelium ly the early phases of soft tissue flap or the flapless approach. Three
started to proliferate in the apical healing around implants placed into months after implant installation, the
direction. After 2 weeks, the peri- fresh tooth extraction sockets in dogs. height of the peri-implant mucosa
implant mucosa was rich in cells and They observed a fast apical down- and the length of the peri-implant
blood vessels. At 4 weeks of healing, growth of the peri-implant junctional junctional epithelium were signifi-
the peri-implant junctional epithe- epithelium within the first week of cantly greater in the flap than in the
lium migrated further apically and healing and a final biological width of flapless group. In other studies in
occupied now 40% of the total soft approximately 5 mm with a peri- dogs, a significantly longer peri-
tissue implant interface. The soft implant junctional epithelium implant junctional epithelium formed
connective tissue was rich in collagen measuring 3.0–3.5 mm at 8 weeks. at both 3 weeks and 3 months (Lee
and fibroblasts and well-organized. Similar dimensional outcomes were et al. 2010) and at 3 months (Bayo-
The apical migration of the peri- reported by Rimondini et al. (2005) unis et al. 2011) after implant place-
implant junctional epithelium was in minipigs (i.e. 3 mm epithelial ment, when the punch diameter was
completed between 6 and 8 weeks length after 30 and 60 days) and by greater than that of the implant. This
and the fibroblasts formed a dense de Sanctis et al. (2009) around differ- was probably also the reason for the
layer over the titanium surface at ent implant systems in dogs (i.e. 2.33– formation of a longer peri-implant
that time. From 6 to 12 weeks, mat- 2.70 mm epithelial length after junctional epithelium after soft tissue
uration of the soft connective tissue 6 weeks). The above mentioned peri- punching as opposed to flap surgery
had occurred and the peri-implant implant soft tissue dimensions differ (Bayounis et al. 2011). These findings
junctional epithelium occupied about from those reported in other studies suggest that the diameter of the soft
60% of the entire implant soft tissue where implants were placed into fresh tissue punch should be slightly smal-
interface. Further away from the extraction sockets in dogs (Araujo ler than that of the implant to obtain
implant surface, the number of et al. 2005, 2006) and from those better peri-implant mucosa adapta-
blood vessels was low and fibroblasts reported after placement into healed tion and subsequent healing.
were located between thin collagen ridges (see 3.4.). In summary, it can The vascularity of the peri-implant
fibres running mainly parallel to the be concluded that when implants are mucosa was investigated after flap and
implant surface. From this study, it placed into fresh extraction sockets flapless implant installation (Kim
can be concluded that the soft tissue there are conditions that appear to et al. 2009). Morphometric measure-
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ments revealed that there was to the apical termination of the peri- (f) The established peri-implant soft
increased vascularity after the flapless implant junctional epithelium. connective tissue resembles a scar
procedure than after the flap Primarily leucocytes filled the separa- tissue in composition, fibre orien-
approach. Mueller et al. (2010, 2011, tion space. One day after probing, an tation and vasculature.
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Clinical relevance wound. Connective tissue grafts with measures that reduce the formation
Passive flap adaptation and sutur- or without epithelium are valuable of a faster growing and eventually
ing together with infection control options for increasing the width of longer peri-implant junctional epi-
play a critical role for optimizing keratinized mucosa. The long-term thelium on dental implants require
oral wound healing, and maintain- biological and clinical consequences, further investigations.
ing integrity of the maturing the conditions that favour and the

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