Star Education Academy: 1. Four Possible Answers A, B, C and D To Each Question Are Given. Cirlce The Correct Answer
Star Education Academy: 1. Four Possible Answers A, B, C and D To Each Question Are Given. Cirlce The Correct Answer
Star Education Academy: 1. Four Possible Answers A, B, C and D To Each Question Are Given. Cirlce The Correct Answer
Thermal (B) Chemical (A) 1 2 Two consective waves compression and Rarefactions is called: ود
(D) Electrical ( اC) ۔ ن رد ر روا ز و ا
Focal length
Frequency (B) Time period (A) 2 3 The example of longitudinal waves is: ڈ
(D) Wave length ( وC) ۔لزو
Water waves
( ز وD)
Radio waves ( ز و رC)
Light waves ( ز و ورB) 3 4 Which of these waves consist of compressions and
Sound waves ( ز و ؤA)
rarefactions? ﻧﺎ ؟ ر روا ز و ن
( ر اD)
Television waves ( ز و ن وC)
Sound waves ( ز و ؤB) 4 5 The intensity level of rusting of leaves is: ۔ ل ؤ
Radio waves ( ز و رA)
dB 40
( ڈ اD) Period (B) Frequency (A) 6 7 The pitch of sound mostly depends on: ۔ ر ا ﮦد ز زاوآ
Wavelength ( وC)
( ڈ اD) Period (B) Frequency (A) 7 8 The sensation of sound persists in our mind is: ۔ ر غ د ےر س ا ؤ
Wavelength ( وC)
s 0.2
(D) Gases (C) Liquids (B) Solids ( سA) 9 0 The speed of sound in air: ا
1 ۔ؤ
2162 kmh−1 (D) 1262 kmh−1 (C) 1264 kmh−1 (B) 1246kmh−1 (A) 11 The level of noise recommended in most countries over
an eight
۔ ت وا ازور آ ر م ل ر
hour workday is usually.
dB 85-90
(Part-I - 2 ( ﻟﻮا- Write short answers to any 5 questions: (5x2=10) . 2- 5 ( ت ا ت اi) Write two characteristics of sound. ۔ ت
( ود ؤi) (ii) What is the difference between loudness and intensity of sound? ( ؟ ق ؤ ﻓﺂ ا روا ڈؤii) (iii) What is meant by SONAR? ؟ دا
What is the speed of sound in air at 25 C ? 25 ؟ زاوآ اoC (iv) (v)
(SONAR)( رiii) (iv) What is Echo? How much minimum distance
for Echo? دا ( ؟ زا ﺳﺎ ؟v) (vi)
What is meant by musical sound? ( ؟ دا ؤ زvi) (vii)
What is the difference between the Freqeuncy and
( ؟ م ا ر د ؤ ا اviii)
sound? 3- Write short answers to any 5 questions: (5x2=10) . 3- 5 ( ت ا ت اi) Calculate the frequency of
sound waves of speed and wave
و روا ؤ م و ؤ0.5 ( ۔i)
length 0.5 m. (ii) Give two factors on which loudness of sound depends. ود ( ۔ ر ا ڈؤ زاوآ ا اii) (iii)
What is
meant by intensity of sound? Write its unit. ۔ SI ( ﺳﺎ ؟ دا ؤ ﻓﺂ اiii) (iv)
What is meant by decibel scale? ( ؟ دا ڈiv) (v) A doctor counts 72
heart beats in one minute, calculate the
ﻟﺪ ا اڈ ا72 ں د ﻟﺪ ۔ د
frequency and time period of the heart beats. روا ۔م
C (vii) (viii)
What is meant by auidible frequency range? ( ؟ دا دو ؤviii)
4- Write short answers to any 5 questions: (5x2=10) . 4- 5 ( ت ا ت اi) What is meant by sound level? ( ؟ دا ل ؤi) (ii)
What is
meant by pitch of sound? On which factors does it
( ؟ ا ر ا ﺳﺎ ؟ دا زاوآii)
depend? (iii) Differentiate between the pitch and Quality of Sound. ؤ ( ۔ ن ق ا رواiii) (iv)
Why the sound of
women is shrill as compared to men? ر ر ﮦد ز ؤ ںود ؤ ں، ( ؟ںiv) (v) Define reflection of Sound. ( ۔ ؤ ﻓﺂ رv) (vi) What is Echo?
How much minimum distance for Echo? دا ( ؟ زا ﺳﺎ ؟vi) (vii) What is meant by noise? ( ؟ دا رvii) (viii)
How can noise pollution be