Some Viva Questions

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Q1)what is the test for group 1(cation)?


Preliminary Test:

Add dil.HCl to the original solution(OS).--If white ppt is observed,Pb2+ may be present.

Confirmatory Test:

Add KI solution to the above ppt--if yellow ppt or colouration is obtained,Pb2+ is confirmed.

Q2)What is the test for group 0 ?


Preliminary Test:

Add NaOH solution to the given salt.--if ammonical smell is observed,NH4+ may be present.

Confirmatory Test:

Pass the gas through Nessler's reagent.--if brown ppt or colouration is observed,NH4+ is confirmed.

Q3)What is strength?

Ans)Strength means the number of moles of solute present in 1 Litre of solution.

Q4)Write the reaction of KMnO4 with Mohr salt solution.

Ans) MnO4- + 8H+ 5e- ----> Mn+2 + 4H2O

Fe+2 ---->Fe+3 +e-

MnO4- + 8H+ 5Fe+2 ----> Mn+2 + 4H2O + 5Fe+3

Q5)Write the reaction of KMnO4 with Mohr salt solution.

Ans) MnO4- + 8H+ 5e- ----> Mn+2 + 4H2O


| ----> 2CO2 + 2e-


NET REACTION: 2MnO4- + 16H+ + 5C2O4 2- ----> 2Mn+2 + 8H2O +10CO2

Q6)What is ring test?
Ans)Ring test is used for the identification of nitrate(NO3-).It is the confirmatory test for nitrogen.

In this we add FeSO4 solution and pour conc.H2SO4 on the sides of test tube --then a brown ring is
obtained at the junction of two layers.

Q7)What is the formula for the compound formed in brown ring test?



Q1)What are pesticides?

Ans)Pesticides are chemical substances which are used to kill pests to protect cultivated plants.

Q2)Which test have you used in your project to detect the presence of nitrogen?

Ans)Lassaigne test.

To the sample I added ferrous sulphate and then added ferric chloride solution.

Then a green colouration was obtained which indicated the presence of nitrogen containing

Some Viva questions . . .. . ... .: ' ·. . .

1. Name a test to detect an alcoholic.- OH group.

Ans: Ceric ammonium nitrate test.
2. Mention one reagent used to' test alcohol.

Ans: Lucas reagent or ceric ammonium nitrate

3. What happens when eerie ammonium nitrate is added to alcohol?
Ans: Pink or Red colour is obtained.
4. Which organic compound is identified by using eerie ammonium nitrate?
Ans: Alcohol
5. What colour is seen when eerie ammonium nitrate is added to alcohol?
Ans: Pink colour or Red colour ·
6. What is Lucas reagent?
Ans: A mixture of an.hydrous ZnCl2 and cone. HCl is called Lucas reagent. .
7. Name the reagent used to distinguish between primary, secondary and Tertiary alcohols.
Ans: Lucas reagent test.
8. What happens when a primary alcohol is· treated with Lucas reagent?
Ans: White turbidity appears only on heating:
9. What happens when a secondary alcohol ls treated with Lucas reagent?
Ans: White turbidity appears after five to ten minutes.
10. What happens . when a tertiary alcohol ls treated withLucas reagent?
. Ans: White turbidity appears immediately.
11. Which alcohol immediately forms turbidity with Lucas reagent?
Ans: Tertiary alcohol
12. Which alcohol forms turbidity with Lucas reagent after five minutes?
Ans: Secondary alcohol
13. Which alcohol do not form· turbidity when treated with Lucas reagent at room temperature'!
Ans: Primary alcohol. .
14. Which organic compound gives violet colour .with neutral Ferric chloride solution?
Ans: Phenol
15. How do you detect phenol?
Ans: Neural ferric chloride test br phthalein fusion test is used to detect' phenol.
16. Which organic compound answers phthalein fusion test?
Ans: Phenol
17. Name the product obtained in phthalein fusion test?
Ans: Phenolphthalein
18. Mention the reagents used in phthalein fusion test
Ans: Phenol + phthalic anhydride + conc.H2S04.
19. Which colour is obtained when phenol undergoes phthalein fusion test?
Ans: Pale pink colour.
20. What for is 2, 4·DNP reagent used? •. •t
Ans: 2, 4-DNP reagent is used to detect carbonyl group (aldehyde or ketene) ·
21. Which organic compound /Functional group is identified in ,2, 4·DNP test?
Ans: Aldehyde or Ketones (Carbonyl group) .
22. What happens when an aldehyde or a ketone is heated with 2,4·DNP reagent? .
Ans: Crystaline orange precipitate is formed.•
23. Mention one test for aldehyde. .-
Ans: 2.4 - DNP test or Tollen's reagent test.
24. What is Tollens test?
Ans: Tollen's reagent test is used to detect aldehyde, A"silve.r mirror is obtained when an aldehyde is heated
with Tollen's reagent. ' ·. j
25. Which organic compound gives a silver mirror when heated with Tollen's 'reagent?
Ans: Aldehyde i
26. What is Esterification test?
Ans: It is a confirmatory test for carboxylic acids and alcohols. When a carboxylic acid is. heated with an
alcohol in presence of cone H2S04, an ester having fruity smell is formed.
27. Which organic compound answers Esterification test?
Ans: Carboxylic acid or alcohol.
28. Mention one simple test to identify a carboxylic acid. ·'
Ans: Sodium bicarbonate test or litmus paper test.
29. What happens when a carboxylic acid is treated with NaHC03solution?
Ans: Brisk effervescence takes place with the liberation of C02 gas.
30. Which organic compound answers carbyl-amine test?
Ans: Primary amines.
31. How do you perform carbyl amine test? I.

Ans: Primary amine on heating with chloroform and alcoholic KOH or NaOH gives. carbyl · amine
(isocyanides) having foul smell.
32. What happens when a primary amine is heated with chloroform and alcoholic KOH solution?·
Ans: Carby) amine is obtained.
33. Explain Azo dye test.
Ans: Azo dye test is used to detect aromatic primary amine.
When an aromatic 1 ° amine is treated with dilute HCJ, sodium nitrite, and Naphthal in NaOH solution at o_
5° C gives orange red dye.
34. What colour is setn in Azo dye test?
Ans: Orange red dye
35. Which organic compound answers Azo-dye test?
Ans: Aromatic primary amine.
36. What is Tollen's reagent?
Ans: Amrnonical silver nitrate solution is called Tollen'sreagent,
37. What is Litmus paper test? .
Ans: It is used to detect carboxylic acid. A carboxylic acid turns blue litmus paper into red.

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