Salt Analysis PDF
Salt Analysis PDF
Salt Analysis PDF
Blue Cu2+
Group 0 NH4+
Group 1 Pb2+
Group 2 Cu2+
Group 6 Mg2+
Sulphide (S2-) (i) Add sodium nitroprusside to the water (i) The solution turns purple
extract or violet
(ii) Add aqueous lead acetate to the (ii) Formation of a black
water extract precipitate
Nitrite (NO2-) Boil a mixture of the water extract and The solution develops a deep
dilute H2SO4. Now add solid potassium blue colour
iodide and starch solution to it
Chloride (Cl-) Add silver nitrate (AgNO3) to the water Formation of a white
extract precipitate which is soluble in
ammonium hydroxide
Bromide (Br-) Add silver nitrate to the water extract Formation of a yellow
precipitate which is partially
soluble in ammonium
Iodide (I-) Add silver nitrate to the water extract Formation of a yellow
precipitate which is insoluble
in NH4OH
Nitrate (NO3-) Mix the water extract with iron (II) Formation of a brown ring at
sulphate solution (FeSO4) and add one the junction of the acid and
drop of concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) the solution.
along the side of the test tube.
Acetate (CH3COO- Add concentrated H2SO4 and some Development of a fruity smell
) ethanol to the salt. (due to the formation of an
Oxalate (C2O4-) Add acetic acid and calcium chloride to Formation of a white
the water extract and boil the solution. precipitate that dissolves
upon the addition of dilute
Sulphate (SO42-) Add aqueous barium chloride (BaCl2) to Formation of a white
the water extract precipitate which is insoluble
in concentrated hydrochloric
acid (HCl)
Phosphate (PO43-) Add dilute nitric acid (HNO3) and Formation of a yellow,
ammonium molybdate ((NH4)2MoO4) to crystalline precipitate
the water extract and boil the resulting
Shortcut: Ammonium bromide (NH4Br) is the most common salt containing the bromide ion in
school laboratories. If you confirm the presence of bromide ions in the salt, you can immediately
try a confirmatory test for the ammonium cation (NH4+)
Cobalt (Co2+) and Nickel (Ni2+), conduct both Formation of a black precipitate
confirmatory tests
Lead (Pb2+) (i) Add potassium iodide (KI) to the Formation of a yellow
original solution precipitate (for both the tests)
(ii) Add potassium chromate (K2CrO4)
to the original solution
Iron (Fe3+) Add concentrated nitric acid to the A blue precipitate is formed
original solution and heat it. A brown
precipitate will form. Add HCl and
potassium ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6])
to it
Cobalt (Co2+) Add solid NH4Cl and excess NH4OH to A yellow precipitate is
the original solution and pass H2S gas obtained.
through it. Dissolve the resulting blue
residue in water and add dilute
CH3COOH and KNO2 to it. Now warm
the mixture.
Nickel (Ni2+) Add solid NH4Cl and excess NH4OH to A black precipitate is formed
the original solution and pass H2S gas
through it. Dissolve the resulting yellow
residue in water (you will now obtain a
green-coloured solution). Add NaOH
and bromine water to this mixture and
boil it.
Zinc (Zn2+) Add NaOH (in excess) to the greyish- The white precipitate is
white precipitate obtained in the dissolved
preliminary test.
Barium (Ba2+), Flame test: Make a paste of the salt Ba2+: Green-coloured flame
Strontium (Sr2+), by mixing it with a few drops of Sr2+: Crimson red flame
and Calcium (Ca2+) concentrated hydrochloric acid. Now Ca2+: Brick red flame
skim off some of the paste with a glass
rod and expose it to a Bunsen Burner’s