Calcium Nitrate
Calcium Nitrate
Calcium Nitrate
5. ASH Test :- Take a salt in No characteristic flame is observed Absence of Zn+2, Mg+2,
test Al+3ions
tube add one or two drops of
HNO3 and then cobalt nitrate
solution. Filter paper dipped
in it and burnt.
6. Action of NaOH: Take a No characteristic reaction absence of NH4+ Salt
salt in a test tube add NaOH
solution and Heat.
10. Ammonium molybdate test Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
:To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium
Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical
Preparation of water extract (W.E):- [Acetates, nitrates and halides are soluble in water. Confirmatory tests
for those anions can be performed with water extract.]
Water extract is prepared by dissolving 1-2gm of given salt in 10-15ml distilled water in a
boiling test tube; this solution is called water extract (W.E).
1. Action of conc. H2SO4 + copper Reddish brown vapours Presence of Nitrate (NO3-)
tunings :- Take a little amount are evolved ion
of salt add copper tunings,
onc.H2SO4 and heat strongly.
2. Brown ring test :- To the (WE) salt Brown ring is formed at NO3 - ion is confirmed.
solution add freshly prepared Ferrous the junction of two layers.
sulphate solution. Then add
conc.H2SO4 along the sides of the
test tube dropwise.
Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)