Exp - P3 - RTD Studies in PBR
Exp - P3 - RTD Studies in PBR
Exp - P3 - RTD Studies in PBR
To study Residence Time Distribution in a packed bed reactor
2. AIM
To plot the RTD curve for a packed bed reactor, using a pulse input as a tracer.
To determine the Dispersion Number (D/uL)
Axial diffusion and dispersion of fluid in packed beds are important for design and operation
of separation equipment and chemical reactors. The tracer technique, the most widely used
method for the study of axial dispersion, is usually used in the form of:
1. Pulse input
2. step input
3. cyclic input
4. random input
In stimulus-response experimentation, we perturb the system using either a pulse input of
tracer or a step input and then see how the system reacts or responds to this stimulus. The
analysis of the response gives the desired information about the system. The concentration
time curve at the vessel outlet is called the F-curve when the input signal is a step signal and
is called C-Curve when the input signal is a pulse signal.
The exit age distribution function of fluid leaving a vessel or residence time distribution
(RTD) of fluid in a vessel is called the E-curve. This curve is normalized in such a way that
the area under it is unity:
τ =∫ tEdt=∑ tE ∆ t (2)
When a tracer is injected into a packed bed at a location more than two or three particle
diameters downstream from the entrance and measured some distance upstream from the
exit, the system is analogous to an open-open system. For such a system where there is no
discontinuity in type of flow at the point of tracer injection or at the point of tracer
measurement, the variance for open system is:
2 σ 2t 2 8
σθ= 2
= + 2 (3)
τ Pe Pe
Pe = Peclet number (LU/DL) which represents the ratio of rate of transport by convection to
rate of transport by diffusion or dispersion.
L = Charactertistic length (m)
DL = Effective dispersion coefficient (m2/s)
U = Superficial velocity (m/s) based on empty cross – section
Eθ =τE
C θ=τC
2 σ 2t
σ = 2
Where τ is based on the reactor volume and the volumetric flow rate of fluid. The variance of a
continuous distribution measured at a finite number of equidistant locations is given by:
∑ ( t i2 C i) ∑ ( t i C i)
σ 2
t =
∑ Ci
[∑ Ci ] (5)
∑ ( ti Ci ) (6)
∑ Ci
2 σ 2t
σθ= (7)
Thus σ θ2can be evaluated from the experimental data of C Vs t and from known values of σ θ2, the
dispersion number (1 / Pe) can be obtained from eq. (3) as
1 −1+ √ 1+8 σ θ D L
Dispersion no= = = (8 )
Pe 8 UL
The setup consists of a glass column packed with Raschig rings and one feed tank. Water is fed
to the reactor through liquid distributor, fitted at the bottom of the column. Rotameter is provided
to measure the flow of water. The flow rate can be adjusted by operating the needle valve
provided on rotameter. For understanding the R.T.D. characteristics, a special arrangement is
provided to inject tracer at the lower end of reactor, using a syringe. Samples can be taken
periodically from the top outlet of reactor. Pressure regulator and pressure gauge are fitted in the
compressed air line.
1. Compressed Air Supply at 2 bar , 0.25 CFM
2. Water supply and drain valve.
3. 10 conical flask and 1 measuring cylinder.
4. Syringe, Burette and stop watch.
1. Start with any flow rate of water (10 or 15 LPM), regulated by feed valve and metered by
a calibrated rotameter.
2. When the flow rate gets stabilized (i.e. steady state reached), inject quickly the pulse
tracer near the inlet. For 0.1 N H2SO4, take 20 ml using a hypodermic syringe.
3. Start the stop watch simultaneously; collect 2-3 ml of exit streams sample in 20 test tubes
from the top at 30 s interval.
4. Take the sample and titrate with N/10 NaOH using phenolphthalein as the indicator. Care
should be taken to minimize the error in sampling.
5. Above step may be repeated for at least 2 - 3 flow rates of water.
Packing Column : Material Borosilicate Glass OD 50 mm , Length 1000 mm
Most of the parts are powder coated and rests are painted with auto paints.
∑ ( t i Ci )
∑ Ci
3. Theoretical mean residence time,
τ t=
∑ ( t i2 C i) ∑ ( t i C i)
4. σ 2
t =
∑ Ci
∑ Ci ]
σ 2t
5. σ = 2
−1+ √1+ 8 σ 2θ D L
6. Dispersion number (1/Pe) = =
8 UL
L = 1.0 m
A = 0.0016 m2
Flow rate : Q= ___ m3/s
Observation Table:
∑ Ci ∑ t i Ci ∑ Ci ∆ t ∑ t 2i C i
To plot RTD curve (E curve), plot a graph between θ vs Eθ
1. If any type of suspended particles is present in the rotameter, remove it and clean the tube
before starting.
2. If there is any leakage, tight that part and wrap it with Teflon tape.
3. If rotameter is fluctuating more, tight the control knob.
H. Scott Fogler, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, Pearson Education, Prentice
Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi (2011).