Non-Ideal Reactors: Deviations From Ideal Reactor Behavior
Non-Ideal Reactors: Deviations From Ideal Reactor Behavior
Non-Ideal Reactors: Deviations From Ideal Reactor Behavior
* Segregated flow - fluid elements do not mix, have different residence times
- Need ’Residence Time Distribution’
F(t): Fraction of the effluent stream that has residence time less than t.
E(t)dt = dF is the fraction of the effluent stream that has residence time between t and t+dt
E(t) is typically called the residence time distribution function
Based on the concentration of tracer species measured at effluent, E(t) can be defined as:
if the volumetric flow rate can be assumed to be constant, for a pulse input.
for a step input.
Properties of RTD
Cumulative RTD: !#"$ (fraction of effluent that has been in reactor for time less
than t)
Mean Residence Time: %'&
##"()+*-,. (for closed system)
Variance of the RTD: /0
1 32 %4& 0 !#"$
Internal age distribution function 5
(fraction of fluid in the reactor that has age between t
and t+dt)
Now, for mixed flow, there is no variation in ages of molecules at different points in the reactor,
.7_7`a_ Q C
. (Note that this cannot be strictly true except for the CSTR)
For ’Fully Segregated Flow’ the variance in ages between points in the reactor equals the vari-
ance in ages, as molecules that enter at the same time stay together and pass through the reactor
all together. This,
.9_(`a_be.7_7`a_ Q for this case.
Based on these observations, ’degree of segregation’ can be defined as:
fge.9_(`a_ Q ,.7_7`Z_ , such that fhji for fully segregated flow, and fh C for mixed flow.
The degree of segregation which can be estimated from experiments, serves as a useful means
of estimating the mixing characteristics of the real reactor.
Estimating conversion
* in the general, the complex mixing pattern has to be known in addition to the residence time
function for the evaluation of conversion.
* in the extreme cases of mixing this estimation is quite simplified:
* typically, we can say that estimating conversion using the RTD of the real reactor, along with
the completely segregated and maximum micxedness models will give the minimum and maxi-
mum bounds for the ’real’ conversion.
Tanks-in-series model
* this model has one adjustable parameter, and also requires the RTD function
* typical application is for tubular reactors
* the assumption is that the real reactor can be approximated as a series of equal-volume CSTRs
* the job is the find the number of such CSTRs required
* if the average res. time and variance are evaluated from from the RTD function, the number
of reactors can be obtained from a simple relation:
* Further, the conversion can be calculated easily as all the CSTRs are of same size (by repeated
application of the CSTR mass balance equations)
{P? { U
* for first order reactions it is simply
where n is number of tanks from above, and is the residence time in eaach
tank (=t/n)
* Note that for non first-order reactions, numerical solution of the system of algebraic equa-
tions from mass balance for each tank, may be required.
' j '
dispsersion coefficient from pulse tracer experiments):
2 ~
rb ( is the dispersion coefficient)
* Different types of boundary conditions for the reactor are to be imposed, depending on the
situation just outside: Closed-closed implies that outside both entrance and exit of the real reactor,
plug flow can be assumed; Open-open implies that the dispersion non-ideality exits just outside
the reactor at entrance and exit
* the following equations are relevant for estimating dispersion coefficient for each of these
0 N 2 0 N @i2 I R N
BCs (Pe is Peclet Number = D/uL):
U 0 r
(a) Closed-closed:
(b) Open-open: U N N
* Note that the Peclet number for some reactor types can be also be obtained as functions of
Reynolds number etc. through correlations (See Levenspiel, correlations in figures). These obviate
the need for tracer experiments, but exist only for a handful of reactor types
* After estimatoin of the dispersion coefficient, the combined process of axial dispersion and
reaction has be solved to obtain conversion, appropriate boundary conditions have to be chosen
in this case as well. Analytical solution is only possible in case of first order reactions (Fogler has
detailed calculations).
* Non-idealities in reactors are understood from viewpoint of micro and macro-mixing.
* Macromixing effects are captures thorugh the residence time distribution function that can
be obtained from inert tracer experiments
* Micromixing effects are analyzed with two extreme cases - COmplete segregation (no mi-
cromixing) and maximum mixedness (complete micromixing) models.
* One-parameter models used for tubular reactors are tanks in series model and axial dis-
persion model - the parameter is to be evaluated using the RTD; conversion to be calculated by
re-writing the balance equations for assumed reactor types.
* Several other models have been developed for capturing non-ideality. Levenpsiel and Fogler
give descriptions of some of these, others can be found in research articles.