Cre 2 Lab Manual

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C Chandkeda | CRE II Lab Manual

Experiment 1 (Annular Reactor)

Date: / /20

To determine various curves like E, F, E0, and F0 for the flow of Water
through annular reactor and to predict conversion for a First order
reaction of a known rate constant.


Annular reactor, Tracer injection device, Stop watch, Sample Bottles, Titration


10 ml 2N Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) solution,

50 ml 2N Sodium Hydroxide (NAOH) solution,
1000 ml 0.1N Hydrochloride acid (HCL) solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator).

Fluid used:


If we know precisely, what is happening within the vessel, i.e., if we have a complete velocity
distribution map for the fluid, then we are able to predict the behavior of a vessel as a reactor.
Though fine in principle, the attendant complexities make it impossible to use this approach.
Residence Time Distribution studies predict extent of non-ideal flow in real reactor.
Information on RTD obtained from tracer measurements can be directly used to predict the
performance of the reactor in which non-ideal flow occurs. RTD is the distribution of the
time taken by various elements of the taking different routes to pass through the reactor.
Distribution Curves:
E, the Age distribution of fluid leaving a vessel, it is the distribution needed to account for
non-ideality in flow. It is represented by equation:


Also, Edt Fraction of exit stream between t and (t+dt).

Normalized response of an impulse or a data function is called C curve. For Normalizing the
measured concentration C is divided by Q which is the area under curve:

i.e. Q=


And normalizing concentration,

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The plot of, Ci vs. ti gives so called C curve. The area under this curve is:

Cdt = CQi = 1,




= 1, hence C=E

The response curve of the tracer in exit stream from the reactor, for a step input, is called F
curve, This response is measured as C 0 . Relation between E and F is given by,



Above distribution curve, based on dimensionless time units, are denoted by subscript i.e.
E , F and C curves, where = t .
Conversion directly from tracer information:
Linear process:
A variety of pattern can give the same tracer output curve. For liner processes, however, these
all results in the same conversion; consequently we may use any convenient flow pattern to
determine conversions, as long as the pattern selected gives the same tracer response curve as
the real reactor. The simplest pattern to use assumes that each element of fluid passes through
the vessel with no intermixing with adjacent elements, the age distribution of material in the
exit stream telling how long each of these individual elements remains within the reactor.
Thus for reactant A in the exit stream

CA =

C Aelement Edt


These conversion equation can be solved either graphically for any pattern of the most
important measure is the location of the distribution. This is called the meant value or the
centroid of the distribution. This for a C versus t curve the mean is given by

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If the distribution curve is known at a number of discrete time values ti, then

tiCi ti
Ci ti


The next most important descriptive quantity is the spread of the distribution. This is
commonly measured by the variance 2, defined as

( tt ) 2Cdt


t 2Cdt



Again in discrete from

( tit ) 2 Ci ti
Ci ti

ti2 Ci ti
Ci ti

- (t)2

The variance represents the square of the spread of the distribution and has units of (time) 2. It
is particularly useful for matching experimental curves to one of a fairly of theoretical curves.
When used with normalized distribution for closed vessel these expressions simplify
somewhat. Thus for a continuous curve or for discrete measurements at equal time intervals
mean becomes

t Edt = Ei



tiEi t

t 2 Edt

And the variation becomes

( tt ) 2 Cdt

ti2 Ei

ti 2 Ei t

- (t)2

- (t)2

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
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2. Find out the Mean Residence Time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate,
using the KMnO4 solution. Mean Residence Time is the time required for complete
color removal after injection of the KMnO4 Solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2N NaOH solution and take the
samples of the outlet stream from the reactor at a definite interval of time.
4. Titrate the samples against 0.5N HCL Solution and examine their concentration.
5. Carry out the necessary calculations and plot E, F, E , and F curves.
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.
For the first order irreversible reaction, Conversion =


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Experiment 2 (Sine Tube Reactor)



Date: / /20
: To determine various curves E, F, E , and F for the flow of water through
sine tube reactor and to predict conversion for a first order reaction of a
known rate constant.
Sine Tube reactor, Tracer injection device, Stop watch, Sample bottles, titration

Chemical : 10ml 2N Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) solution,

50ml 2N Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution,
1000ml 0.1N Hydroxide acid (HCL) solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator).
Fluid used: Water
If we know precisely what is happening within the vessel, i.e. if we have a complete velocity
distribution map for the fluid then we are able to predict the behavior of a vessel as a reactor.
Through fine in principle, the attendant complexities make it impossible to use this approach.
Residence time distribution studies predict extent of non-ideal flow in real reactor
information on RTD obtained from tracer measurement can be directly used to predict in which
non-ideal flow occurs. RTD is the distribution of the time taken by various elements of taking
different routes to pass through the reactor.
Distribution Curves:
E, the Age distribution of fluid leaving a vessel; It is the distribution needed to account for nonideality in flow. It is represented by equation:


Also, Edt-fraction of exit stream between t and (t+dt) C curve:

Normalized response of an impulse or a data function is called C curve. For normalizing the
measured concentration C is divided by Q which is the area under curve:

i.e. Q=
And normalizing concentration,


The plot of, ci vs. tt gives so called C- curve. The area under this curve is:

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Cdt = Qi dt =1,

As, Q = Cdt =1, hence C=E

F curve:
The response curve of the tracer in exit stream from the reactor, for a step input, is by,

F= Edt

Above distribution curve, based on dimensionless time units, are denoted by subscript i.e.
E, F and C curves where


Conversion directly from tracer information:

Linear process:
A variety of flow pattern can give the, same tracer output curve. For linear processes however,
these all result in the same conversion; consequently, we may use any convenient flow pattern
to determine conversions, as long as the pattern selected gives the same tracer response curve
as the real reactor. The simplest pattern to use assumes that each element of fluid passes
through the vessel with no intermixing with adjacent, the age distribution of material in the exit
stream telling how long each of the individual elements remains within the reactor. Thus for
reactant A in the exit stream.

A = CA element Edt

These conversion equations can be solved either graphically or numerically for any pattern of
flow, thus the performance of non-ideal flow reactor can be determined precisely given the
residence time distribution and rate constant for the first order reactions.
The mean and variable:
It is frequently desirable characterize a distribution by a few numerical values. For this
purpose, the most important measure is the location of the distribution. This is called the mean
value or the centroid of the distribution, Thus for a C versus t curve the mean is given by

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If the distribution curve is known at a number of discrete time values /, than

t C t
t i i i
Ci t i
The next most important descriptive quantity is the spread of the distribution. This is
commonly measured by the variance , defined as-

( t- t ) Cdt t2 Cdt

2 =


- ( t )


Again in discrete form

( t i - t ) Ci t i t 2i Ci t i 2

-( t)
Ci t i
Ci t i

The variance represents the square of the distribution and has unit of (time) 2. It is particularly
useful for matching experimental curves to one of a fairly of theoretical curves. When used
with normalized distribution for closed vessels these expressions simplify somewhat. Thus for
a continuous curve or for discrete measurement at equal time intervals mean becomes
t = tEdt

t i Ei


= t i E i t

And the variance becomes

= (tt ) Edt = t 2 Edt ( t )2


t i Ei

(t )2= t 2i E i t(t )2

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1. Set up apparatus as shown in diagram.
2. Find out the mean residence Time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate, using the
KMnO4 solution. Mean residence Time required for complete color removal after injection for
KMnO4 solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2NaOH solution and take the sample of the
outlet stream from the reactor at definite interval of time,
4. Titrate the samples against 0.5N HCL solution and examine their concentration
5. Carry out necessary calculations and plot E, F,
and curves.
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.

For the first order irreversible reaction, conversion =

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Experiment 3 (Spiral Coil Reactor)


Date: / /20
To determine various curves like E, F, E , and F for the flow of water through
spiral coil reactor and to predict conversion for a first order reaction of a Known
rate constant.

Apparatus: Spiral coil reactor, tracer injection device stop watch sample bottles titration set.
Chemicals: 10 ml, 2N Potassium permanganate solution,
50 ml, 2N sodium hydroxide solution,
1000 ml, 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator)
Fluid used: Water
If we know precisely, what is happening within the vessel, i.e. if we have a complete velocity
distribution map for the fluid, then we are able to predict the behaviour of a vessel as a
reactor. Though fine in principle, the attendant complexities make it impossible to use this
Residence time distribution studies predict extent of non-ideal flow in real reactor.
Information on RTD obtained from tracer measurement can be directly used to predict the
performance of reactor in which ideal flow occurs. RTD is the distribution of the time taken
by various element of the taking different routes to pass through the reactor.
Distribution Curves:
E, the age distribution of fluid leaving a vessel; It is the distribution needed to account
for nonideality in flow, It is represented by equation:


Also, Edt fraction of exit streams between t and (t + dt) C curve:

Normalized response of an impulse or a data function is called C curve. For normalizing the
measured concentration C is divided by Q which is the area under the curve:

i.e. Q =


And normalizing concentration,

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The plot of ci vs. ti gives so called C curve. The area under this curve is



dt = 1

As Q =


= 1, hence C = E

F curve
The response curve of the tracer in exit stream from the reactor, for a step input is called
F curve this response is measured as C/C0. Relation between E and F is given by,


Above distribution curve, based on dimensionless time units, are denoted by subscript i.e.
E, F and C curves, where =

Conversion directly from tracer information:

Linear process
A variety of flow pattern can give the same tracer output curve. For linear processes,
however these all result in the same conversion ; consequently we may use any convenient
flow pattern to determine conversion , as long as the pattern selected gives the same tracer
response curve as the real reactor. The simplest pattern to use assumes that each element of
fluid passes through the vessel with no intermixing with adjacent elements, the age
distribution of material in exit stream telling how long each of these individual element
remains within the reactor .Thus for reactant A in the exit stream

CA =

C A element Edt


These conversion equation can be solved either graphically or numerically for any pattern of
flow. Thus the performance of non ideal flow reactors can be determined precisely given the
residence time distribution and the rate constant for the first order reactions.
The Mean and Variance:

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It is frequently desirable to characterize a distribution by a few numerical values. For this

purpose the most important measure is the location of the distribution. This is called the mean
value or the centroid of the distribution. Thus for a C vs. t curve the mean is given by,


t- =


If the distribution curve is known at a number of discrete time values l, then

t- =

tiCi ti
Ci ti

The next most important descriptive quantity is the spread of the distribution. This is
commonly measured by the variant 2, defined as t

(tt )2Cdt
2 =


t 2Cdt


-( t


Again in discrete form

(tt ) 2 Ci t
Ci ti

ti2 Ci t
Ci ti

-( t


The variance represents the square of the spread of the distribution and has units of (time) 2. It
is particularly useful for matching experimental curves to one of a fairly of theoretical curves.
When used with normalized distribution for closed vessel these expressions simplify
somewhat thus for continuous curves or for discrete measurements at equal time intervals
mean becomes




tiEi t

And variance becomes

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(t t ) 2 Edt
2 =

ti2 Ei

-( t

t 2 Edt

)2 =

-( t

t 2Et


-( t


1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2. Find out the Mean residence Time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate, using
the KMnO4 solution. Mean Residence Time is required for complete colour removal
KMnO4 solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2N NaOH solution and take the
samples of the outlet stream from the reactor at a definite interval of time.
4. Titrate the samples against 0.5N HCL solution and examines their concentration.
5. Carry out necessary calculations and plot E, F, and E and F curves.
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.
For the first order irreversible reaction, conversion =


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Experiment 4 (Laminar flow system)


Date: / /20
To study the F curves from the E curves and compare with theoretical
for the given Laminar flow System.


Tubular reactor (laminar Tube), Tracer injection device, Stop watch, Sample
bottles, titration set.


10ml 2N Potassium Permegnet (KMno4) solution,

50ml 2N Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution,
1000ml 0.1N Hydroxide acid (HCL) solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator).

Fluid used: Water

A tubular reactor with laminar flow can be taken has good approximation to segregated flow. If
dispersion model is not used and the basic assumption of dispersion due to molecular diffusion
is negligible since the flow is segregated and the velocity profile is known, RTD can be
calculated theoretically. The actual experimental result can be compared with the theoretically
result to get the deviation from ideal laminar flow.
F curve for ideal laminar flow: The velocity profile foe laminar flow of fluid through tubular
reactor of radius R is,

{ ( )}

u=2 1R


Where, u is average velocity (cm/sec) R is radius (cm)

Consider r at which fluid spends timet inside the reactor.
All the fluid, flow between reactor center (axis) and up to distance r. It will take less time to
pass through the reactor than the fluid at r.
This is given by

q= 2rudr


Substituting u from (1) into (2) and integrating,

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r r
2 4R 2


Also, total flow rate


Q=4 R

F =



From (3) and (4),

F =

Equation (5) yields

4 r
R 2 4R


for laminar flow system

Conversion directly from tracer information:

Linear process:
A variety of flow pattern can give the, same tracer output curve. For linear processes however,
these all result in the same conversion; consequently we may use any convenient flow pattern
to determine conversions, as long as the pattern selected gives the same tracer response curve
as the real reactor. The simplest pattern to use assumes that each element of fluid passes
through the vessel with no intermixing with adjacent, the age distribution of material in the exit
stream telling how long each of the individual elements remains within the reactor. Thus for

A = CA element Edt

These conversion equations can be solved either graphically or numerically for any pattern of
flow, thus the performance of non-ideal flow reactor can be determined precisely given the
residence time distribution and rate constant for the first order reactions.
The mean and variable:
It is frequently desirable characterize a distribution by a few numerical values. For this
purpose, the most important measure is the location of the distribution. This is called the mean
value or the centroid of the distribution, Thus for a C versus t curve the mean is given by

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If the distribution curve is known at a number of discrete time values /, than


t i Ci t i

Ci t i

The next most important descriptive quantity is the spread of the distribution. This is
commonly measured by the variance , defined as

( tt ) Cdt t2 Cdt



( t )


Again in discrete form

( t it ) C i t i t 2i C i t i 2

( t )
C i ti
C i t i

The variance represent the square of the distribution and has unit of (time) 2. It is particularly
useful for matching experimental curves to one of a fairly of theoretical curves. When used
with normalized distribution for closed vessels these expressions simplify somewhat. Thus for
a continuous curve or for discrete measurement at equal time intervals mean becomes

t = tEdt

t i Ei


= t i E i t

And the variance becomes

= (tt ) Edt = t 2 Edt ( t )2


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t 2i E i

(t ) = t i E i t(t )

1. Set up apparatus as shown in diagram.
2. Find out the mean residence Time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate, using the
KMnO4 solution. Mean residence Time required for complete color removal after
injection for KMnO4 solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2NaOH solution and take the sample of
the outlet stream from the reactor at definite interval of time,
4. Titrate the samples against 0.5N HCL solution and examine their concentration
5. Carry out necessary calculations and plot E, F,
and curves.
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.

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For the first order irreversible reaction
1. For given laminar system = ..%
2. For ideal PFR
= ...%
3. For ideal CSTR

= . %


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Experiment 5 (Tanks in Series Model)

Date: / /20
To study the F0 curves from the E curves and predict the conversion of
given first order reaction with known rate constant, by applying tanks in
series model

Aim :


Tubular reactor, Tracer injection device, stop watch, Sample bottles, Titration


10 ml 2 N Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) solution,

50 ml 2N Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution,
1000 ml 0.1N Hydrochloric acid (HCL) solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator)

Fluid used:


In this model we view the fluid to flow through a series of equal sized ideal stirred tanks, and
the one parameter of this model is the no. of tanks in this chain for W tanks in series.

E = ( Nti )E =

N (N)
( N1)!


ti = mean residence time in one tank
t = Nt mean residence time in the N tank system
i = t/ti = Nt / t
= t/t= t/Nti
The variance for the system of tanks in series is found to be

= N (t i)

t 2



( )


( )


1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2. Find out the mean residence time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate, using
the KMnO4 solution. Mean residence time required for complete colour removal after
injection of the KMnO4 solution.
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3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml NaOH solution and take the samples of
the outlet stream from the reactor at a definite interval of time titrate the samples
against 0.5N HCL solution and examine their concentration.

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5. Carry out necessary calculations and plot E, F, E and F curves. Find out conversions
for first order irreversible reaction.
For the first order irreversible reaction, conversion
1. Experimental value
2. From equation of Tanks on series model
3. For Ideal PFR
4. For Ideal CSTR




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Experiment 6 (Dispersion Model)

Date: / /20

To study the F curves from the E curves and predict the conversion of
gives first order reaction with known rate constant, by applying
Dispersion Model


Tubular Packed Bed reactor, Tracer injection device, Stop watch, sample
bottle titration set


10 ml 2 N potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution,

50 ml 2N sodium Hydroxide (NaoH) solution,
1000ml 0.1 N Hydrochloric acid (HCL) solution,
Phenolphthalein (indicator).

Fluid used: Water

Consider a plug flow of fluid, on top of which is superimposed some degree of back mixing
or intermixing, the magnitude of which is independent of position within the vessel. This
condition implies that there exists no stagnant packet and no gross bypassing or shortcircuiting of fluid in the vessel. This is called the dispersed plug flow model, or simply
dispersion model. Note that with varying intensities of turbulence or intermixing the
predictions of this model should range from plug flow at one extreme to mixed flow at other.
As a result the reactor volume for this model will lie between those calculated for plug and
mixed flow.
Since the mixing process involves a shuffling or redistribution of material either by slippage
or eddies, and since this is repeated a considerable number of times during the flow of fluid
through vessel we can consider these disturbance to be statistical in nature, somewhat as in
molecular diffusion. For molecular diffusion in the x direction the governing differential
equation is given by Ficks lawC


2 C

D is the coefficient of the molecular diffusion, is a parameter which uniquely characterizes
the process. In an analogous manner we may consider all the contributions to back mixing of
fluid flowing in the x direction to be described by a similar form of expression, or

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2 C
= D X2

The parameter D, which we call the longitudinal or axial dispersion coefficient, uniquely
characterized the degree of back mixing during flow. We use the terms longitudinal and
axial because we wish to distinguish mixing in the direction of flow from mixing of in the
lateral or radial direction, which is not our primary concern.
These two quantities may be quite different in magnitude. For example, in stream line flow of
fluids through pipes, axial mixing is mainly due to fluid velocity gradients whereas radial
mixing is due to molecular diffusion alone.
In dimension from where z = (ul+x)/L and = t = L , the basic differential equation
representing this dispersion model becomes

Where, the dimensionless group

( )

( uLD )

uL z2

- z

called the vessel dispersion number, is the

parameter which measure the extent f axial dispersion. Thus,

0 Negligible dispersion, hence plug flow

( )

(DuL )

Large dispersion, hence mixed flow

This model usually represent quite satisfactory that deviates not too greatly from plug, thus
real packed bed and tubes (long ones if flow is streamline).

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1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2. Find out mean residence time for the reactor at a practical fixed flow rate, using the
KMnO4 solution. Mean Residence Time is the time required for complete colour
removal after injection of the KMnO4 solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2N NaOH solution and take the sample
of the outlet stream from reactor at a definite interval of time,
4. Titrate the sample against 0.5N HCl solution and examine their concentration.
5. Carry out necessary calculation and plot E, F, E and F curve
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.
For the First order irreversible reaction, Conversion
1. Experimental value
2. From equation of dispersion model
3. For Ideal PFR
4. For Ideal CSTR

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Experiment 7 (Mixed Flow Reactor)


Date: / /20
To study the F0 curves from the E curves and predict the conversion of
given first order reaction with known rate constant, for mixed flow
reactor. To verify the relation

Apparatus: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Tracer injection device, stop watch. Sample
bottles, Titration set.

10 ml 2 N Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) solution,

50 ml 2N sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution,
1000 ml 0.1 N Hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution,
Phenolphthalein (Indicator)

Fluid used:


The real stirred tank
For most applications the real stirred tank with sufficient agitation can be taken to
approximate the ideal of mixed flow. There are some cases, however, where deviation from
this ideal should be considered, for example in large tanks with insufficient agitation and for
fast reactions where the of reaction is short compared to the time for mixing and for
achieving uniformity of composition. It is here that mixing models are needed. Not only will
these be useful for the real stirred tank, they will have numerous other applications. Such as
Io represent the distribution of chemicals and drugs in animals and man.
Distribution curves:
E, the Age distribution of fluid leaving a vessel; It is the distribution needed to account for
non-ideality in flow. It is represented by equation:


Also Edt-fraction of exit stream between t and (t + dt)

Normalized response of an impulse or a data function is called C curve. For normalizing the
measured concentration C is divided by Q which is the area under curve:



And normalizing concentration,

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The plot of, Ci Vs. tt , gives so called 'C- curve. The area under this curse is:


= 0 Q dt = 1,

As, Q =


= 1, hence C=E

F Curve
The response curve of the tracer in exit stream from the reactor, for a step input, is called F
curve .This response is measured as C/C0. Relation between E and F is given by,



Above distribution curve is based on dimension less time units, are noted by subscript
i.e. F and C curves. Where

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1. for impulse input
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the
2. Find out the Mean Residence Time for the reactor at a particular fixed flow rate, using
the KMnO4 solution. Mean Residence Time is the time required for complete color
removal after injection of the KMnO4 solution.
3. Now keeping the flow rate constant inject 2ml 2N NaOH solution and take the samples
of the outlet stream from the reactor at a definite interval of time,
4. Titrate the samples against 0.5N Hecla solution and examine their concentration
5. Carry out necessary calculation and plot E, F, E, and F curves.
6. Find out conversion for first order irreversible reaction.
2. for step
There is only once difference in the procedure for step input, here at time t = 0 reactor is
filled with solution containing tracer (here 0.125N NaOH solution)
1. Impulse in put:
a. For given reactor
b. For ideal PFR
c. For ideal CSTR


2. Step input
a. For given reactor
b. For ideal PFR
c. For ideal CSTR


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Experiment 8 (Slurry Reaction kinetics)

Date: / /20

To study the slurry reaction kinetics

In this case which contains reactant A is bubbled through liquid B, which contains suspended
solid catalyst surface, to react with B. for this system following resistance are viewed to act
in series.
STEP 1: Reactant A must cross the gas film to reach the gas-liquid interface.
STEP 2: A must cross the liquid film and reach the main body and liquid.
STEP 3: A must cross the liquid film surrounding the catalyst particles with the liquid
component B.
STET 4: A then reacts on the surface of the catalyst particles with liquid component B.
Let us suppose that B is in large excess; for the surface reaction to be first order with respect
to A with rate constant, let us also be define

Q =

interfacial surface
volume of liqiud

Q1 =

Surface of suspended catalyst

Volume of liquid


Then the rate for this individual step is given by,

K Ag
P P Ai
= V1
ai ( A

K A 1 a1

K A1 a s ( CA1 CAS )

K1 a s CAs

CAi CA1 )

And on combining we find,

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KAg a 1 K A1 a 1

r A, L


A1 as

K1 a s


. (1)


It is important to know whether the primary resistance lies at the gas- liquid interface or dt
the surface of the particles. This is easily found by changing separately gas-liquid interracial
areas and the amount catalyst in the liquid. This will determine how best to scale up the
The following rearrangement of the equation (1) is often in correlating data in kinetic studies
of the system:

r A,t

= ( K Ag

+ K A1


+ ( K



) as


+ C2

The hydrogenation of the organic compound represent a typical application of slurry

reactions. Since pure hydrogen invariably is used the gas phase resistance just doesnt exists
in these operations.
Supporting Element:
Slurry reactor can use very fine catalyst particle and this can lead to problem of separating
catalyst from liquid trickle beds. Unfortunately there large particles in trickle bed means
much lower reaction rates with regard to rate the trickle be commonly hold its down.
For very slow reaction on porous solid where pure different diffusion limitations dont appear
even for large particles. For very fast reaction on non- porous catalyst coated particles.
Overall, the trickle bed is simple. The slurry reactor usually has a rate and fluidized bed is
somewhere in between.
a. The catalyst hydrogenation of petroleum fraction to remove sulphur impurities.
b. Hydrogen is very soluble in the liquid, high pressure is used, while the impurity is
present in the liquid in low concentration.
c. The catalytic oxidation of the hydrocarbon with air or oxygen since oxygen is not
very soluble in the liquid while the hydrocarbon could well be present in high
concentration, we would end up in entrance.

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Experiment 9 (Solid Catalyzed Reactor)

Date: / /20
Aim: To study the experimental method for finding the rate kinetics for solid-catalyzed
Any type reactor with known catalyzing pattern may used to explore the kinetics of catalyticreactions. Since ,only one fluid phase is present in these reaction and therefore rate can be
found as with homogeneous reaction; the only special precautions to observe is to make sure
that the performance equation used is dimensionally correct and that its terms are carefully
and precisely defined.
The experimental strategy in studying catalytical kinetics, usually involves measuring the
extent of conversion of gas passing in steady flow through a batch of solid. Any flow pattern
can be used as long as the pattern known. If it isnt known then the kinetics cannot be found.
A batch reactor can also be used. In turn, we discuss the following experiment devices

Differential (flow) meter

Integral plug flow reactor
Mixed flow reactor
Batch reactor for both solid and gas

Differential reactor:
We have a differential flow reactors when choose it, consider the rate to be constant at
all points within the reactor, since rate is concentration dependent. This assumption is for
shallow small reactor, but this is not necessary so, take an example of a slow reaction where
the reactor can be large or for zero order reaction kinetics where composition changes can be
For each run in a differential reactor the plug flow performance equation becomes,
XA ,
XA ,
dXA= XA , out XA ,

( r ' A ) avg

= XA , out
XA , out
r ' A (r A ) avg
Integral reactor:
When the variation in the reaction rate within a reactor is so large that, we have an
integral reaction, since rates are concentration dependent. Such large variation in rate may be
expected to occur, when the composition of reactant fluid changes significantly in passing
through the reactor. We may follow one of the procedures in searching for a rate equation.
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Integral analysis:
Here, a specific mechanism with its corresponding rate equation is put to the test by
integrating the basic performance equation to give similar.

FAO 0 rA
Differential analysis:
Integral analysis provides a straight forward rapid procedure for testing some of the simpler
rate expressions, however the integrated forms of these expressions become unwisely with
more complicated rate expression. In this situation the differential method of analysis
becomes more convenient.

dW /dFA
d( )

Using this equation we can find the rate of the reaction.

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Experiment 10 (Rate controlling Step)

Date: / /20
Aim: Determination of rate controlling step
The kinetics and rate controlling steps of fluid solid reactions are detected by noting rate. The
progressive conversion of particles is influenced by Particle size and operating temperature.
This information of particles can be obtained in various ways depending on the facilities
available and the material at the end. The following observations are guide to
experimentation and interpretation of experiment data.
The chemical steps in usually much more temperature sensitive than physical steps, hence,
experiments at different temperatures should be easily distinguish between Ash or film
diffusion on the other hand as the controlling step.
In the figure 1 and 2 shows that the progressive conversion of spherical solids when chemical
reaction film diffusion and ash diffusion in turn control result of kinetics runs compared with
this predicted word should be indicated the rate controlling steps, unfortunately the difference
between the ash diffusion and chemical reaction are controlling step is not great. It may be
marked by the scatter in experimental data. Conversion time curve analogous to these in fig.
1 and 2 using particle size.
Particle size:
The time needed to achieve the same fraction for particles of different but unchanging size is
given by,
t<*R p or fjm diffusion controlling. (The important drop as Reynolds number rises)
T cc R p or jj diffusion controlling.
T ce R p or chemical reaction controlling.
Kinetics runs with different sizes of particles can distinguish between reaction in which the
Film resistance;
When a solid ash form during reaction the resistance of gas phase reactant through this ash is
usually much greater than the gas film surrounding the particle. Hence in presence of a nonflaking ash layers film resistance can safely be ignored in addition ash resistance is
unaffected by change in gas velocity.

Predictability of film resistance;

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The magnitude of film resistance can be estimated from dimensionless correction such as
K y dP y
= 2 + 0.6 (Sc)1/3(Re)1/2 = 2 + 0.6 (N / D )1/3(dpm /


Thus, it can be observed rate, approximately equal to the calculated rate, suggest that film
resistance controls.
Overall versus Individual resistance:
If a plot of individual rate co-efficient is a function of temperature. The figure shows the
overall co-efficient given by equation cannot be higher than any of the individual co-efficient.
With those observations; we can usually discover with a small carefully planned experimental
programme which is the controlling mechanism.
Let illustrate the inter play of resistance with the studied gas-soild reaction of pure carbon
particles with oxygen.
C + O2 CO2
B + A Gaseous product
With rate equation:



4 R B dt

= -B dt

= K-11CA

Since no ash is formed at any time during reaction, we have a case of kinetics of shrinkage
particles for which two resistances at most.

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Experiment 11 (Diagnosing reactor ills)

Date: / /20

To study the Diagnosing reactor ills.

Theory :
Flow models can be of different levels of sophistication and the compartment models of
chapter are the next stage beyond the very simplest stages that assumes the extremes of plugflow mixed flow. In the compartment model. We consider the vessel and flow through it as
Total volume V
Vp = plug flow reactor. Vm = mixed flow region.
Vd = stagnant region with in the vessel.
Total through flow is
Va = Active flow that through the plug and mixed flow region. Vb = By pass flow.
Vr = Recycle flow.
By comparing the E curve for the real vessel with the theoretical curve for various
combination of compartment and the rough flow, we can find which model best fits the real
vessel of course the fit will not be perfect, however model of this kind are often a reasonable
approximation to the real vessel.
The E curve looks like for various combinations of the above elements certainly not all
Diagnosing reactor ills:
Combined models are useful for diagnosing purpose to pinpoint faulty flow and suggest
For example, if you except plug flow and you know f = V/v.
Stim trim curve means reasonable good flow.
Late tracer is parring material balance say it cannot happen so the only expansion are,

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Experiment 12 (Kinetic reagent for mass transfer and reaction)

Date: / /20

To study the kinetic reagent for mass transfer and reaction.

Here, we have three factors to consider what happens in the gas film in the liquid film and in
the main body of the liquid as shown in figure.
All short of special forms of rate constant K, K G and KL the conversion ratio of reactant P O/PB
and Henrys law constant HA. If runs out there are eight cases to consider going from the
extreme of infinitely first reaction rate (mass transfer control) to the other extreme of very
slow reaction rate (no mass transfer resistance need be considered.)
The eight special cases each with its particular rate equation are from infinitely first to vary
slow reaction as follow.
Case A: Instantaneous reaction with low Cb. Case B: Instantaneous reaction with higher Cb.
Case C: Fast reaction in liquid film with low Cb, Case D; Fast reaction in liquid film with
higher Cb. Interface behavior for the liquid phase reaction aA(From Gas) + bB (Liquid) =
Product (Liquid) For the complete range of rate of the reaction and of the mass transfer.
Case E and F intermediate rate with reaction in the film used in the main body of the
Case G = slow reaction in main body but with film resistance. Case H Slow reaction, no
mass transfer resistance.
We discuss these special cases which present their particular rate equation. Later after we
present the general rate equation

-rA,L =

k Ag ai k A aF k cs Fl

The absorption of A from gas is larger when reaction occurs within the liquid film than for
straight mass transfer. Thus, for the same concentration as the two boundaries of the liquid
film use, hence,

Liquid film
enhancement, E

backup of A when reactionoccurs

( raterateofofbackup
of A for straight mass transfer )

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CAi, CA, CD, CBi in two cases The value of E is always greater, or equal to one. The only
problem have is to evaluate E, the enhancement factor E is dependent on two quantities, E i=
the enhancement factor for an infinitely fast reaction H= maximum possible conversion in the
film composed with max. Transport the film.

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