World of Warcraft RPG - Lands of Conflict PDF
World of Warcraft RPG - Lands of Conflict PDF
World of Warcraft RPG - Lands of Conflict PDF
5 Roleplaying
On Thursday, 18 March 2004, my twin brother Michel
passed away from unexpected heart failure.
In a matter of three days he progressed from
a simple fever to a life-threatening situation which,
in the end, took his life at the age of 19.
Authors: Cover Artist:
Rob Baxter (mass combat units), Tim Campbell Samwise Didier
(timeline, NPCs, monsters), Bob Fitch (NPCs, mon-
Interior Artists:
sters), Luke Johnson (Khaz Modan, Lordaeron,
René & Michel Koiter, James Stowe, And UDON
adventures, new rules), Seth Johnson (Chapter One,
with Chris Stevens, Eric Kim, Greg Boychuk, Greg
organizations, prestige classes), Mur Lafferty (Azeroth,
Brown, Jim Zubkavich and Ray Dela Cruz
adventures, organizations, new rules), Andrew J. Scott
(fiction) Special Thanks — Mike Johnstone
To Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch: once again, we
Creative and Rules Design Assistance
couldn’t have done it without you. Your generosity is
and Additional Material: unparalleled, and we thank you for the opportunity to
Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch explore here the incredible setting you have created.
Developer: To the other amazing folks at Blizzard: Paul Sams, Elaine
Mike Johnstone Di Iorio, Neal Hubbard, Marc Hutcheson and Lisa Bucek.
To all the fantasy RPG settings of the past and
Editor: present, which were inspirations and guiding lights
Ellen P. Kiley throughout the development of this book. We hope
Managing Editor: we have made a worthy entry in your company.
Andrew Bates Dedication
Art Director: Lands of Conflict is dedicated to the memory of
Matt Milberger Michel Koiter (3 May 1984 – 18 March 2004), who
contributed his great art and spirit to Warcraft and
Book Design: left us far too soon. Thank you, Michel.
Matt Milberger
Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at:
Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
This printing of Lands of Conflict is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information.
Arthaus and its logo are trademarks of Arthaus Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Sword and Sorcery Studios and its logo, Manual of Monsters, Alliance & Horde Compendium,
Magic & Mayhem, Lands of Conflict, and Shadows & Light are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2004 Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries, used with
permission. All rights reserved.
Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission. “d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are registered trademarks
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The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
Credits 4
Introduction 10
Chapter One: History & Culture 15
Lands of the Past 16
Lands of Savagery, Lands of Magic 16
Lands of Chaos, Lands of Empire 18
Lands of Darkness, Lands of Demons 20
Lands of Storms, Lands of the Horde 21
Lands of Conflict, Shadows of the Past 23
Bronzebeard’s Compendium of Essential Knowledge 25
Currency and Trade 25
Languages 27
Travel 27
Goblin Shops 28
A Detailed History of Azeroth 29
Timeline 30
Chapter Two: Azeroth 39
Blasted Lands 40
The Burning Steppes 42
Deadwind Pass 43
Duskwood 46
Elwynn Forest 47
Redridge Mountains 50
Stormwind 52
Stranglethorn Vale 55
Swamp of Sorrows 58
Westfall 60
Chapter Three: Khaz Modan 65
The Badlands 66
Dun Morogh 69
Grim Batol 73
Ironforge 75
Loch Modan 77
The Searing Gorge 78
The Wetlands 79
Chapter Four: Lordaeron 84
Alterac Mountains 85
Arathi Highlands 88
Dalaran 90
Eastern Plaguelands 91
Gilneas 96
Hillsbrad Foothills 97
The Hinterlands 98
Kul Tiras 101
Silverpine Forest 102
Tirisfal Glades 105
Undercity 106
Western Plaguelands 109
Regions of Quel’Thalas 112
Blackened Woods 112
Silvermoon 114
Zul’Aman 115
Chapter Five: Adventures 121
Arena Games 122
Dark Iron Chains 131
Dead Men’s Tales 140
Appendix One: Organizations 150
The Caretakers 151
Cult of the Damned 154
The Defias Brotherhood 157
The Explorers’ Guild 159
Royal Apothecary Society 162
Scarlet Crusade 165
Stormwind Assassins 168
The Syndicate 171
Appendix Two: Miscellaneous Notes 174
Feats 175
Equipment 176
Magic Items 176
Specific Magic Weapon 176
Potions 177
Rings 177
Wondrous Items 178
Prestige Classes 178
Dark Apothecary 179
Defias Renegade 182
Dwarven Prospector 184
Scarlet Crusader 186
Monsters 189
Crocolisk 189
Dragonhawk 190
Dwarf, Dark Iron 191
Stranglethorn 192
Threshadon 193
Worgen 194
Appendix Three: Legal Information 197
Index 199
Table 7–1: The Dark Apothecary (Dap) 176
Table 7–2: The Defias Renegade (Dre) 180
Table 7–3: The Dwarven Prospector (Dpr) 183
Table 7–4: The Scarlet Crusader (Slc) 185
Table 7–5: New Weapons 187
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
Pike’s chest heaved with the strain of trying to breathe properly as he lay in the dirt.
His entire left side felt as if it were on fire. His arm throbbed as though it had been
crushed in an artisan’s vice. He spat and was unsurprised that he could taste blood
in his mouth. Still, he was alive, and that was something more than he thought possible
a few moments before.
The knight rolled himself over and attempted to stand. Bracing himself against the
bulk of a nearby tree, he managed to gain his feet. Squinting in the bright sunlight,
Pike surveyed his surroundings. His old shield lay shattered and torn on the ground
a few steps away, but the stout warhammer that was still by his side appeared
unmarred. He looked down at his surcoat and saw it torn to rags, his armor barely
held onto his frame by a few ragged leather straps. Still, Pike smiled once again at
the fact that he wasn’t dead.
Recalling the reason he was still alive to ponder these things, he limped over to the
prone figure lying a few feet away. The large orc was struggling to pull himself to
his feet. His bare leg was a mess of gashes, and his dark chainmail hung loose and torn
about his thickly muscled frame. Still, the orc had the presence of mind to keep a grip
on his weapons, a pair of wicked looking twin axes still covered in gore from the beast.
The beast in question was a massive reptile that lay dead in the center of the clearing,
just a few yards from where it had erupted from the thick underbrush a short while
before. When it had first roared, Pike whirled about and brought up his shield by reflex
just as the monster reached him. It struck ferociously, a blur of claws and fangs. Pike
was forced back step by step, never given a clear shot to strike back with his
warhammer. The creature attacked relentlessly. A killing blow was inevitable. Then
Pike heard the second roar, but this one did not come from the creature.
Duncan Pike knew somewhere in the Swamp of Sorrows there was a Horde settlement
called Stonard, but he hadn’t thought himself close enough to run into one of its
inhabitants. His mission was to carry orders to a secret covey keeping watch on the
borders of the humid swampland; he never expected he would actually see an orc. The
savage warrior had come howling from the trees and had thrown himself on the beast
in a berserker rage. The orc’s twin axes pounded a savage rhythm deep into the
monstrous lizard’s scaled flesh and rough bone. Bellowing in pain, the scaled predator
swung around to address the new attacker, and it was then that Pike received his
opening. With a battle cry of his own he brought his hammer down again and again on
the creature’s scaled hide. The two warriors engaged the creature for what seemed
like forever before it finally fell and lay still.
Now Duncan Pike found himself in a dilemma. He looked down at the wounded orc who
was his enemy — but who also had doubtless saved his life. And why? Pike’s brown eyes
met the pale green of the orc’s. For a moment he remembered that his father, a simple
man, had taught him to judge others by their actions, not by any other measure. Maybe
somewhere along the line, someone had told this orc the same thing.
He offered his hand to the green-skinned warrior, who gave a sharp-toothed grin and
accepted the assistance. The powerfully built orc weighed a hefty load, but Pike
managed to pull him out of the dirt. Speaking not a word of the orc’s rough language,
Pike started laughing at the absurdity of the situation. The orc started in with a
guttural laugh, and for a moment the two warriors understood each other perfectly.
“C’mon,” muttered Pike, “I know of a goblin outpost not far from here. We can both
get aid there. And I hope you have some coin to pay them, because I sure don’t.” The orc
warrior seemed to understand the gist, and his fanged grin got even wider. Together, they
limped back into the deep forest and away from the corpse of their fallen foe.
To His Highness, King Magni Bronzebeard, Right- on Azeroth, such as currency and goblin shops.
ful Sovereign of Ironforge and Dun Morogh, and Finally, this chapter closes with a lengthy timeline
Grand Explorer of the Guild; of the world’s history, from what we know of the
To High Explorer Tomli Magellas and all august titans up to the present day. I must thank High
members of the Excursion Council: Explorer Magellan for all his assistance in taking
The task you set me many months ago is com- advantage of the Guild’s very impressive collection
pleted, thank Kaz’goroth, and I now present the of historical and cultural texts, without which
results of my travels and my research in this modest Chapter One would be far less useful and much
volume. I’ve titled it simply Lands of Conflict, for more prone to error, I am sure.
conflict describes rather aptly the current sorry In Chapters Two through Four, I describe the
state of affairs throughout the eastern continents current state of all noteworthy regions in Azeroth,
— and what must continue if the nations of the east Khaz Modan and Lordaeron, respectively. For each
will one day destroy the Scourge. region entry, I give information — as far as I could
You might see fit to send a copy west across the gather it — on population, rulers, settlements,
sea, for reading it may encourage Ms. Proudmoore languages, resources and more. I also discuss at
and Warchief Thrall to return home and lend a length each region’s people and culture, geography,
hand in dealing with Kel’Thuzad and his minions. sites and settlements, and history. Sprinkled deftly
Certainly, those strange night elves and that dam- throughout these chapters, if I do say so myself, are
nable Frozen Throne cannot mean as much as the excerpts from various sources and conversations
ravaging of their former lands and the destitute, that I recorded during my travels, as well as the
fearful lives of their former peoples. Forgive me, but occasional more focused look at certain important
a weary dwarf can still dream. personalities and the make-up of a few fighting
All the world’s troubles of the past decades (nay, forces, Alliance and otherwise.
even the past centuries) find their roots here, in the
east, and they must come to a resolution upon the
blighted soil of the Plaguelands, in the streets of A Note on Sidebars
Stormwind, at the gates of Ironforge itself. While I Sidebars providing statistics for and descrip-
encountered much weariness and isolation through- tions of notable NPCs and sample mass combat
out the eastern lands, I also saw much determination units appear in Chapters Two, Three and Four.
and even hope. I believe we can rid ourselves of the These sidebars are primarily GM aids, contain-
undead and the demons. We will, of course, need ing some information best kept from the curious
the right people in positions of influence and a eyes of players.
general consensus that working together produces Statistics for the mass combat units are based on
better results than petty bickering; yet the seeds of the rules presented in Chapter Three of the
a combined resistance are at least planted. The Alliance & Horde Compendium, especially the
account given in this humble tome should offer His “Unit Combat Statistics” and “Commanders and
Highness and the Explorers’ Guild ample guidance Orders” sections. Mixed units have the stats for
for how to act against the Lich King in the next days each creature separated by a slash (i.e., “DF 80 (8)/
and years. 60 (6),” for the damage factors of human knights
I shall proceed to summarize the book’s contents and heavy warhorses, respectively). A unit’s com-
and note the function of any of its special features, manders receive short stat blocks, focusing on the
for the reader’s benefit. key information required to use them in mass
combat battles, such as skills, feats and number of
Summary of Contents orders per battle round.
Because knowing the past lets us see how we got
into the mess of the present, Chapter One: History Chapter Five: Adventures captures particularly
& Culture reviews the events and character of the admirable tales I heard while knocking back a few
world’s distant and recent ages. It also discusses pints with the locals of various regions. Young
some of the finer and more intriguing aspects of life explorers of the Guild are welcome to seek out the
truth or falsity of such tales, and bless their souls if
they do. The infamous Arena in Azeroth’s
Stranglethorn Vale, the insidious Dark Iron dwarves Cross-References
of Khaz Modan, the foul machinations of undead Unless indicated otherwise, the following no-
and demons in Lordaeron’s Silverpine Forest: find tations throughout identify material from other
them if you dare, my fellows, just make sure you Warcraft RPG sources and distinguish new
keep your axe and your wits about you — then tell material in Lands of Conflict when necessary:
me everything at the Weary Boots. • An asterisk (*) refers to the Warcraft
Supplementary but no less important information RPG core book.
appears in two appendices. Appendix One: Organi- • Two asterisks (**) refer to the Manual of
zations details what I could learn about several Monsters.
groups and societies active in the eastern lands, such • A dagger (†) refers to Alliance & Horde
as the Cult of the Damned and the Stormwind Compendium.
Assassins. Appendix Two: Miscellaneous Notes • Two daggers (††) refer to Magic & Mayhem.
offers a variety of items that I consider intriguing and
• A double dagger (‡) refers to Lands of
that might prove of some use to the Guild — notes,
for instance, on the dark apothecaries and Scarlet
Crusaders, along with a short bestiary and descrip-
tions of items both magical and mundane.
I hope that my efforts please His Highness and
the Council. If you have queries or comments, you
know where to find me.
“Garrick?” The question came out in a raspy whisper from lips that were withered
and sickly pale. Still, the sound of that familiar voice rekindled the flame of hope in
Garrick’s heart.
“Yes Adric, it’s me. It’s Garrick. I’ve found you at last.” He looked at the face of
his childhood friend with all the compassion he could muster. The young wizard
apprentice had entered this patch of blighted forest some time ago, and finally his
efforts had paid off. Good old Adric stood on the crest of the hill nearby, motionless
as only the dead can be. Adric’s skin was so shrunken that the bones beneath were almost
visible. From his empty eye sockets a pale yellow light glowed like twin lanterns, and
his tattered clothes barely hung on his thin frame. Still, despite all this, there was
no mistaking his childhood friend. The undead lowered the old crossbow he carried and
continued to stare incredulously.
“I came to find you, Adric, once I heard about a dead man in these woods, a dead man
with a crossbow that matched your old family one. Remember, we used to practice with
it together as boys? I’d know it anywhere.”
The dead man lowered his head sadly. “Oh, Garrick, you shouldn’t have come here.”
Garrick spoke quickly. “Don’t despair Adric. I’ve come on a mission. My master, he
is one of the mages who seeks to reclaim Dalaran. He sent me here to take observations
on the spread of the Scourge’s plague. But once I heard your description from a
woodsman, I abandoned my master’s research and set off in this direction. I just knew
I could find you. You see, my master is working on a way to reverse the plague. He only
has theories right now, but when you come back with me, we can work on it together.
It may take some time, but with you there to help the research will go much faster.”
Adric raised his head and once again focused his mournful eyes on Garrick. “It’s far
too late for help, old friend.”
Garrick raised his voice in passionate anger. “I refuse to believe that! We can undo
this, don’t you see that? Come with me now, you don’t have to exist like this anymore.
Just follow me back to my cart, it’s not far away. I can sneak you into the city. You
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
can meet my master and we can get started right away. This plague can be reversed,
maybe for everyone. My cart is just this way.” Garrick turned and started back down
the hill in the direction he had come. He took just a few steps when he caught a sound
he had not heard since his childhood: the twang of a particular crossbow being fired.
His back exploded in pain and he found himself wondering who had punched him so hard.
The blow upended him as he fell down the hill, unable to get a grasp on the slippery
bed of leaves that covered the ground. He turned over painfully again and again, until
his momentum ceased at last and he rolled up against the stump of a tree.
Garricks’s legs were numb and he found he couldn’t breathe quite right. His lower
back was a riot of pain from where the bolt had struck. Yet over his own raspy breathing
he heard the thumping of ragged boots making their patient progress down the hill.
From the corner of his eye Garrick saw his old friend sit on a large gray stone nearby.
The now empty crossbow rested against the dead man’s leg as Adric stared off into
the dark woodlands. His hollow voice came again in a corroded whisper. “I meant it when
I said you shouldn’t have come here, Garrick, my old friend. Everything changed the
day Prince Arthas rode here. Now, everything is dead. But somehow everything goes
on. If I tried, I think I could go on forever now.” He then turned his baleful yellow eyes
on his friend. “Your largest mistake was assuming that I wanted to be cured, Garrick.”
Garrick couldn’t hear his friend too well. He couldn’t feel his legs at all now, and
everything was going dark around him. His own voice sounded shrill in his ears. “A-
Adric, I think I’m d-dying….”
“Yes,” answered Adric nonchalantly, “I do believe you are. But don’t worry, old
friend, we’ll have all the time in the world to talk once you’re done with that part.”
This chapter reviews the world’s history up to our
own time, just so that we’re all certain of why the Campaigning in Earlier Eras
Lich King’s walking corpses now march nigh un-
contested throughout Lordaeron. There’s some sort The primary setting for the Warcraft RPG is
of lesson to be learned in remembering what’s the period following the Third War and the
happened both recently and long ago, but damned events that played out in Warcraft III: Reign of
if I can see it as other than this: we must once more Chaos and The Frozen Throne. Yet the history of
fight desperately to gain our freedom. Azeroth is rich and full of adventure. Long
I decided also to include some discussion of cur- before the Horde and the Alliance, the Kaldorei
rent intriguing aspects of life in the eastern lands, discovered magic and built a legendary empire
mostly for the benefit of young prospectors who will that crumbled against the might of the Burning
set out on whatever journeys here in the east. Legion in the War of the Ancients, and the
disgraced Quel’dorei braved the Maelstrom to
To close the chapter, I’ve provided a detailed and
find a new land where they could explore the
impressively thorough — if I may be permitted a
ways of magic. Little is known of the dwarves in
small boast — timeline of the world’s noteworthy
this era, though some records indicate that they
events during its many millennia.
had stone hides (or “rock skin”) and seemed
more “elemental” in nature. An underground
Lands of the Past war was fought in the shadows to prevent the
return of the demons to the world of the living.
Younger prospectors and explorers — and there
are more and more of them with each passing day — As Brann expounds on the known history of
often come to me with questions about my meth- the Lands of Conflict, see these sidebars for
ods. How do you do it? they ask. How do you come more information on running campaigns set in
back from a distant land and know it as well as a native? these eras.
They’re looking for some sort of exciting revela-
tion — a trunk of disguises, perhaps, or my secret
technique for spying unheard and unseen on a
Lands of Savagery,
remote encampment. Now, I won’t say that I haven’t Lands of Magic
used a disguise or two in the past, and when the
What we know about our world’s earliest history
situation is sufficiently dangerous there’s no shame
is wrapped in mystery and legend. Thousands and
in lurking in the bushes. Yet their faces always fall
thousands of years ago, Azeroth was one enormous
when I give the real answer:
continent surrounded by the sea. Known as
The way to become an expert on a place is to Kalimdor, it was an explorer’s paradise — danger
know it before you leave. and adventure just a step away, every river and
Of course, you can’t know a town’s favorite inn mountain range completely unmapped.
songs until you drink with the locals, but anyone The jungles and forests were ruled by tribes of
can go to a place to find what it is. Any creature trolls, wandering packs of beast-men hunting savage
with feet and eyes can do it. sabercats and kodo beasts and offering up their blood
A true explorer knows that some of the most in dark rituals. While the explorations of the Guild
valuable time on a journey is spent in scriptoriums will occasionally turn up the petrified remains of a
and archives before a rucksack is packed. I’ve spent troll encampment from these days, the trolls had
my life exploring the length and breadth of Azeroth, nothing that would qualify as even the smallest of
from Sunwell Grove to Booty Bay. The tree’s worth towns. Metalworking was unknown to them, and
of friends and stories I harvest in those faraway their weapons were carved from the bones of their
places is grown from the seed of a helpful librarian fallen prey. Engravings on these weapons show scenes
who helped me gather the maps and history I of the hunt as well as fierce duels between trolls,
needed to get there in the first place. suggesting that they were much like their modern
So, before I begin telling you tales of how things are descendants, a society ruled by the strong, the cun-
now, let me set the stage a bit by talking about the past. ning and the bloodthirsty.
While the dwarves and humans were still getting tryside and left it a smoldering wasteland. The
onto their feet, the elves as we know them had humans and trolls retreated deep into the wild, and
already been running for quite some time. More the dwarves sealed the gates of their underground
attuned to nature and the land, they were a noctur- cities… leaving the Kaldorei to face the demons on
nal people known as the Kaldorei. It’s difficult to their own.
uncover too much about this period, as the elves of In the war that followed, the Kaldorei rallied
Quel’Thalas are loath to speak of it. Yet what is their forces and fought their way to the Well of
known is that these earliest elves were the first to Eternity. There, they made the supreme sacrifice
discover the ways of magic through something and destroyed the source of their power to rid the
called the Well of Eternity. A source of enormous world of the Burning Legion. When the Well
power and great reverence, the Well brought the collapsed, it took the world with it. Even in their
Kaldorei to heights never before seen on Kalimdor. distant fortresses, far from the Well, the dwarves
Their cities and temples spread across the conti- feared for their lives as the very rocks around them
nent and left the other primitive races in awe. In shifted and crawled as though they were living
the early histories of dwarves and humans, the creatures. The great Kaldorei cities fell into the
Kaldorei are shadowy figures of dark perfection earth, and the sea rushed in to fill the void. Long-
wielding incredible god-like powers. dormant volcanoes erupted and the rivers ran black
Then something happened that changed the with ash, running toward the sea and the whirling
world forever. Something went wrong with the vortex that now marked the lands of the elves.
Well, or with the Kaldorei, or with both. Somehow, As dark clouds gathered to blot out the sun and
the Burning Legion entered the world for the first sky for an entire generation, the first great age came
time. Kalimdor felt the searing lash of the demon to an end.
armies for the first time as they ravaged the coun-
The strongest of the human tribes, the Arathi,
Lands of Chaos, convinced the scattered threads of humanity to
Lands of Empire gather under their rule and wove them together
into the empire of Arathor. Though some tribes
The explosion of the Well of Eternity did far
chafed when their destinies were bound together,
more than destroy the civilization of the elves — it
the Arathi assured them the land would always
reshaped the entire world. Azeroth was one land no
belong to all peoples and named the land as a whole
longer, shattered into many continents and islands,
in homage to their ancient ancestors: Azeroth.
with the Maelstrom at the ocean’s heart marking
Together, the humans constructed the fortress
the grave of the Kaldorei.
city of Strom and raised an army that pushed back
Dwarven history tells little of this period. Except
the trolls. Yet raids by the trolls continued to
for occasional armed expeditions from one clanhold
prevent any large-scale farming and remained a
to another, our people sealed themselves under-
danger to anyone traveling outside the empire’s
ground. We neither knew nor cared what went on
protection. The leaders of the tribes had gathered
outside our mountain homes. It was during this
in Strom to try to conceive a strategy when word
period, however, that we honed our artistic skills,
came of an elven emissary at the city gates. The
perfecting the arts of metalworking and stonecarving
stunned humans, who had long believed all the
as we worked out our fears and frustrations on the
elves destroyed in the defeat of the Burning Legion,
walls and passages of our homes and turned them
were quick to bring the envoy into their council.
into the places of craftsmanship and beauty that we
The envoy explained that long after the destruc-
still know today.
tion wrought by the Maelstrom, some of the survivors
For thousands of years, the human tribes teetered
had made their way to northern Azeroth and estab-
on the brink of extinction as their numbers were
lished a new kingdom, called Quel’Thalas, and a new
winnowed by an ever-increasing struggle simply to
source of magical power, called the Sunwell. She also
gather what was needed for survival. For millennia
told how the elves were waging their own war with
they persevered, wandering ever further afield in
the trolls and how the elven defenses were perilously
search of game, wood and refuge.
close to falling under the onslaught. The elves re-
Finally, the clouds parted. The sun returned and quested assistance from the army of the human
green sprouts pushed through the ash-fertilized empire to stave off an oncoming assault that threat-
earth of the sere plains, although the Barrens — ened to shatter the borders of the elven nation. After
once a vast, western forest region — were blasted discussion, Arathor agreed to help Quel’Thalas —
into a dry, desolate wasteland by the Sundering. but required that the elves teach humans the ways of
Centuries passed as forest and jungle once again magic and sorcery. The elves were quick to agree,
flourished, and the beasts increased in number and the combined elven and human forces drove
until herds of kodos once again roamed the plains. back the trolls on both fronts until the bestial tribes
Even dragons roused from their long slumbers to held a mere shadow of their former power.
soar through the warm sunlight and cooling rains.
With the threat of the trolls removed, the high
Slowly, all traces of the cataclysmic death of the
elves quickly transformed the lands within the
Kaldorei were erased save for the ceaselessly hungry
borders of Quel’Thalas into a lush paradise where
maw of the Maelstrom.
they could spend the years in peace and quiet
The surviving tribes of humans sent out intrepid contemplation. The humans, on the other hand,
bands to explore the reborn world and to find their spent centuries expanding their borders until the
long-lost brethren. Slowly, trade routes were estab- Empire of Arathor nearly covered Azeroth. As
lished across the revitalized world. However, the their lust for power pushed them to master the arts
savage trolls had survived their own hardships and of magic they were learning from the elves, so did
emerged to once again harry the human merchants their lust for land pull them northward into the
and travelers. Soon the trolls were bold enough to mountains. There, they encountered a dwarven
raid settlements, pillaging the towns and taking expedition gathering supplies, and our two peoples
away slaves and fodder for their heathen rituals. met for the first time.
Empire Building
Campaigns of several types can be played out their racial heritage, especially knowledge of the
in the time following the destruction of the titans who created them and of their purpose (to
Well of Eternity and the great elven empire. shape the world). The dwarves split into three
Among the elves, campaigns could explore the clans: the Bronzebeards (mountain dwarves),
loss of civilization, the attempts to reestablish a the Wildhammers (hill dwarves), and the Dark
homeland atop Mount Hyjal, the exile of the Irons (shadowy, wandering sorcerers).
high elves, and the night elves’ entrance into Human campaigns could begin in the years
the Emerald Dream. The night elves’ divine that were nearly the race’s last, as it eked out
spellcasters will still be bolstered by the demi- sustenance from the ashes and the aftermath of
god Cenarius walking among them. Arcane the destruction. Then, as the sun returns, play-
spellcasters will be weak, struggling to create ers would have a chance to help fight the trolls
and protect a new source for their power in the and build an empire, from the earliest towns to
second Well of Eternity and — after they’ve Strom and the Empire of Arathor.
been exiled and journey to create Quel’Thalas Eventually, generations later, all these cam-
— the Sunwell. Both groups will be living in the paign types collide when the three races gather to
wild and fighting to survive like they never have fight the final war against the trolls that allowed
before or since. for the settlement of Lordaeron. (At this time, all
Campaigns among the dwarves — the culture trolls in Lordaeron are forest trolls from Zul’Aman;
that best survived the cataclysm — might play jungle trolls would be encountered only in far off
out the repercussions of isolation as supplies run Stranglethorn.) Spies and diplomats will have
short, tempers flare, and the dwarven clans go crucial roles in the days leading up to and through
through the near-inevitable power struggles. the first meetings of the races. Though humans
Other campaigns might deal with new under- may have previously had access to divine spells
ground realms opened by the upheavals, and through worship of the Old Gods or early cults
what creatures might emerge from deep within that would become the Church of the Holy Light,
the bowels of the earth. Some characters might once they meet the elves of Quel’Thalas they will
play the artisans, craftsmen and tinkers who finally have access to arcane spellcasting. Simi-
made the tremendous advances of the period. larly, once the dwarves emerge from their
This is the era in which the dwarves have mountain homeland and share their technologi-
“awakened” from ancient times, shaken deeply cal advances, other races will finally be able to
by the Sundering and forgetting much of what become tinkers. Fighting side-by-side for the first
they were as a race. Emerging from beneath the time against unending waves of savage trolls, the
earth, they begin to explore their surroundings. races who will one day form the Alliance fight not
Yet they no longer have skin of stone, but are to save the world, but to once and for all time set
flesh like other races — losing all knowledge of the course of their own destinies.
We had previously encountered the elves; indeed, ing through our lands in peace, the humans ex-
they came to us first when they needed assistance panded their empire into the northern half of the
against the trolls, but the clan leaders had deter- continent, which they named with a combination of
mined that they wanted little to do with a race they words from the human, elven, and dwarven lan-
found pretentious and overbearing. Yet the clans of guages: lorn, dwarven for “land”; daer, the human
Khaz Modan and the humans of Arathor met under word for “people”; and ronae, “peaceful” in the elven
a brighter sun, and they soon became close allies. tongue — hence, Lordaeron.
The humans provided the dwarves with a wide array All the races thought it was the dawn of a second
of surface goods, and the dwarves traded the finished great age; they would soon learn, to their sorrow,
goods produced in our underground workshops. Pass- that it was already late afternoon.
guided by the Order, and this person wielded di-
Lands of Darkness, vine-like powers to beat back the demons.
Lands of Demons The Order and its agents were tireless in their
efforts to track and destroy the demons, who grew
As they quickly embraced the ways of magic,
increasingly reckless in their attempts to regain a
human mages rose in power until they matched and
foothold on the world they had lost so long ago. The
even surpassed their elven tutors. In parts of the
demons finally overstepped their bounds when
empire, human sorcerers cleared fields, hunted drag-
they began to drain dragons of their magic, at which
ons and reshaped the earth itself at their whim. To
time Aegwynn, the current Guardian, chose to aid
many across Arathor and to some on its ruling
the dragons against the Legion. With her assis-
council, this seemed at best a too-easy path and at
tance, the demons were driven back and utterly
worst an abuse of a sacred power. Confronting the
wizards took the Empire of Arathor over the brink
of civil war as the “magocrats” carved out their own The world returned to a peace it never knew it
territory where magic could be practiced without had lost. Far, far away, though, the Burning Legion
restriction. In some places those fearful or distrust- plotted its revenge and gathered its forces.
ful of magic banded close to one another to prevent
the mages from taking power, while others compro-
mised and allowed the free use of magic so long as The Great and Secret Game
it was policed by Guild overseers.
Most Warcraft campaigns are set during
When all was said and done, the sprawling Em- times of open warfare. However, games in the
pire of Arathor had fallen apart into seven separate time of the Guardians of Tirisfal occur in a
nations: Lordaeron, Stormwind, Kul Tiras, period when the battles were in the shadows,
Stromgarde, Alterac, Gilneas, and Dalaran. when the mages slowly corrupting themselves
It was soon discovered that the use of magic with arcane magic were desperate to maintain
without constraint didn’t mean that magic could be an illusion of peace.
used without consequence. Relations between the The demon-hunting agents of the Order of
newly independent human nations were strained as Tirisfal might come from any race or class, and
the rulers of the magocracies became increasingly their motivations could range from genera-
withdrawn and obsessed with amassing magical tions-long vows with the Council of Silvermoon
power. This led them straight into darkness — to simple profit motive as mercenaries collect
where they found demons waiting. a bounty for each demon head collected.
What happened in the years following is a secret Through it all, the Order and its agents remain
history that has only been uncovered in recent the “men in black cloaks,” cleaning up all
times. To most people of Quel’Thalas, the dwarven evidence of their struggles and denying the
citadels and the seven kingdoms, these were centu- existence of the enemy. For more than a thou-
ries of peace and prosperity. Yet unbeknownst to all sand years, this battle is fought by the Magna
but a few, the powerful spells of elven and human Aegwynn, one of the last Guardians, until the
mages had quietly called to the Burning Legion. close of the era when the dragonflights help her
The demons were happy to answer the summons defeat and seal the demon lord Sargeras in an
and began to slip back into Azeroth. An elven undersea tomb.
society called the Council of Silvermoon had long Much adventure remains for those not fighting
ago sworn to forestall any full return by the Legion; the secret war. The same years are those leading up
this society met with the most powerful wizards of to the birth of the wizard Medivh and his long
the human nations to form the Order of Tirisfal to sleep. Quel’Thalas, the dwarflands, and the seven
hunt those demons who had already arrived. Even- human kingdoms are at the height of their power
tually, the Order’s members combined their magical and pristine in a way they will never be after
energies to anoint a single special champion — the Medivh awakens to open the first portal to Draenor.
Guardian. Only one Guardian existed at any time,
tomes penned on those days for tales of incredible
Lands of Storms, courage and adventure. I could not do them justice
Lands of the Horde if I covered a thousand times a thousand pages in
my spider-scrawl.
In a Guildhall or taproom, this is usually the
point in my history lecture where I see people
beginning to nod off or think about quietly ordering
Lands of Conflict,
another round. Shadows of the Past
(Incidentally, the gauge of a good storyteller is
Though time marches onward, it never leaves
that the audience should drink only when the teller
the past wholly behind. The ruins of ancient towns,
does. They should be so focused on the story that
buildings and temples still mark the landscape, the
they think to raise their mugs only when the story-
tombstones of times past. Disturbing the spirits of
teller must moisten his tale-parched throat. So if
the dead is a distasteful thing at best, and at worst
you see someone order another drink and you
— and often — a dangerous thing. Yet the ruins
glance down to see a half-full mug before you… it’s
remain an invaluable and fascinating gateway into
likely time to wrap up your tale and save your
their time.
strength for another night.)
Stories and legends keep the past alive, but physi-
So, lest I begin covering ground that my es-
cal remains provide proof that the stories are more
teemed liege or my readers in the Guild and
than the ramblings of an imaginative minstrel. In
elsewhere have likely walked themselves, I will rely
all my years wandering Azeroth, I have never failed
on your own memories of the invasion of the Horde
to follow a rumor of an ancient city in shambles or
and the three great wars that followed. For those
the entrance to an underground temple to the Old
reading my words in some far distant land who were
Gods. And when I discover a building from the days
lucky enough to live those days in peace, or those in
of the Kaldorei, when I can step into the earliest
some far distant time when even those momentous
days of known history, when I get that much closer
events have faded to but another topic of the tutors,
to discovering the truth of our origins… those are
I recommend you read any of the innumerable
the moments that drive me to be an explorer.
Shadows of the Past, Future’s Dawn
As Brann notes, elements of Warcraft’s past mine if the coming age is one of peace, or merely
that have survived into the present make terrific the next series of battles in an unending cycle of
adventure seeds. Many of the missions in the war.
Warcraft computer game draw in elements from • Dungeoneering: The last fifty years have
Azeroth’s rich history, from the tomb of Sargeras sundered the countryside and shattered entire
to the underground prison of Illidan Stormrage. nations. Once-proud castles and cities lay in
The cataclysmic sundering of the world after ruins, and the ravages of battle have torn open
the destruction of the Well of Eternity and the the earth to reveal long-hidden secrets. From
razing of entire kingdoms in the wake of two wars recovering artifacts lost in the battles beneath
and the onslaught of the Scourge can easily have Khaz Modan to the catacombs that might have
hidden the ruins of not just innumerable temples, been hidden in the rebuilding of Stormwind,
tombs and towers, but entire cities. Did the much adventure awaits those adventurers ready
Guardians of Tirisfal imprison any of the demons to plunder the past and confront its guardians.
they captured, and if so, where? Do any temples • Espionage: Where once there was only the
built by the trolls still stand from the days when Alliance and the Horde, there are now numer-
they hunted nomadic tribes of humans so long ous independent factions rising to power in the
ago? What is happening in the remains of the orc world of Azeroth. Major factions such as the
internment camps on the Alterac plains? Ask undead Scourge and lesser powers like the Syn-
the unanswered questions of Azeroth’s past and dicate are all attempting to seize power in the
answer them in your campaign. chaotic aftermath of war, and the first weapon
Chapter Six of the Warcraft RPG lays out they require is information. Those who can
nearly a dozen different general types of cam- bring it to them, whether through treachery or
paigns that can be run in the western lands. deceit, might ask for handsome rewards.
Many of these same campaign types have ap- • Exploration: Despite its proud and storied
peared throughout the history of Azeroth and history, little is known of the details of the
the eastern lands, as explained above and played present world of Azeroth. Where once there
by millions of gamers in the Warcraft computer were kingdoms and empires, war and conflict
games. Specific ideas for adventures in the lands have left only blank spots on a map waiting to
of conflict are seeded throughout the following be filled in by intrepid explorers. The Explorer’s
chapters of this book, but here is another look at Guild has led the way into many of these
some of those general frameworks into which mysterious regions, but there are innumerable
they might be placed: trails remaining to be blazed by the skilled and
• Diplomacy: Peace holds in the west, even courageous.
after the skirmishes sparked by the assaults on the • Horror: Darkness has taken root in the
Horde by Admiral Proudmoore. In the east, the once-green lands of Lordaeron. The skeletons,
only factors preventing another full-fledged war ghouls and abominations of the undead Scourge
are the expanses of blasted, plague-ridden waste- stalk a cracked and blasted landscape, preying
land between the factions and their diminished upon any living creature foolish enough to
numbers. It will only take time before the Scourge wander into their domain. Only champions
dominates enough of the living to begin their willing to face down evil itself can hope to pull
expansion in earnest, or the Defias Brotherhood even the smallest part of the Plaguelands from
gathers their number to reveal what’s hidden in the clutches of the Lich King.
the depths of the Dead Mines. Only those skilled • Mercenaries: There are many combat-
with manipulation and diplomacy will deter- hardened veterans who were abandoned in the
Alliance and Horde’s rush to confront the Burn- exploring the aftermath of apocalyptic wars and
ing Legion on Kalimdor. Some of these veterans cataclysmic upheavals, part of daily existence
banded together, others joined an independent has always been the battle to survive. With the
faction, and those remaining now answer only Alliance shattered by the Scourge and the clans
to themselves. These mercenaries are warriors of the Horde in far-off Kalimdor, there are many
and wizards for hire, selling their services to small settlements that have been forced to be-
anyone with enough gold in his pouch. come entirely self-reliant. When the people are
• The Quest: Those with wisdom and expe- in need of lumber or gold, they must seek it out.
rience can sense the approach of another When the village falls under attack by the Defias
important moment in the history of Azeroth. Brotherhood or the Blackwater Raiders, heroes
They know that the shape of the next era will be will not come from far away — they must come
decided by heroes who set out in search of lost from within, and only those native heroes can
and ancient powers, from the hammer of ensure that the settlement endures.
Muradin Bronzebeard to the hidden necropolis • Trade: Trade routes are just beginning to be
where the Guardians of Tirisfal buried their reestablished across eastern Azeroth, spearheaded
dead. Some of these quests will turn adventurers by the efforts of the Venture Company to con-
into true champions, while others might deter- nect isolated goblin trading posts. Intrepid
mine the fate of the world. adventurers might sign on to explore an over-
• Settlement: The eruption of the Well of land trade route, or to protect a trade caravan
Eternity, the arrival of the Horde, the spread of from the depredations of bandits and the crea-
the Scourge, the attacks of the Burning Legion tures of the wild. Alternately, they might choose
— rarely has civilization gained a foothold in to join with one of the “free merchants” attempt-
the eastern lands before it was thrust back to the ing to compete with the goblins — which means
borders of savagery. The graceful towers and that heroes will be guarding caravans not only
thick walls of cities are separated in eastern from thieves and beasts, but also determined
Azeroth by vast tracts of untamed wilderness. assaults financed by the Trade Princes.
Settlers with the skill, boldness and strength of • War: The drumbeat of war still sounds on
arms to withstand the challenges and dangers of the wind in eastern Azeroth. For some, such as
the wild may find that from crude beginnings the Scarlet Crusade, the Third War has yet to
mighty empires can be born — or reclaimed. In truly end. For others, such as Alliance remnants
the north, the Scarlet Crusade is always search- who believe the Horde weakened by the sever-
ing for settlers willing to make a stand on the ing of its ties with the demons of the Burning
edge of the Plaguelands and reclaim a part of Legion, the time for a new war approaches. With
humanity’s ancestral lands. the storm clouds on the horizon, it is one of the
• Survival: From the earliest nomads wan- rare moments when heroes have the opportunity
dering eastern Azeroth to the adventurers to decide which army they will join — or if they
might form their own.
The Warcraft Library
For players and Game Masters (GMs) inter- Novels
ested in setting games during the First, Second, Warcraft: Day of the Dragon (Richard A.
or Third War, there is a wellspring of informa- Knaak, Pocket Books, 2001)
tion available in a variety of forms. These sources Warcraft: Lord of the Clans (Christie Golden,
may also prove useful to those gathering infor- Pocket Books, 2001)
mation to build a campaign set during earlier
Warcraft: The Last Guardian (Jeff Grubb,
Pocket Books, 2001)
Computer and Console Games Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor(Chris Metzen,
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (Blizzard, 1994) Pocket Books, 2001)
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (Blizzard, Set between the events of Warcraft II and
1995) Warcraft III, these novels tell sweeping tales in
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (Bliz- the best Warcraft style and flesh out the history
zard, 1996) and characters of the games.
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Blizzard, 2002) Also look for Warcraft: The War of the
Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, to be
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Blizzard,
published in 2004. The first volume is The Well
of Eternity.
There’s no substitute for playing the original
games to capture the flavor of the world of Other Books
Azeroth. Valuable information can found in the The Art of Warcraft (Jeff Green and Bart G.
game manuals as well. The manual to Warcraft Farkas, BradyGames, 2002)
III: Reign of Chaos in particular is useful for its A gorgeous book packed with concept art and
detailed history of events from the earliest days stories direct from the Warcraft development
of the Kaldorei through the beginning of the teams at Blizzard Entertainment.
Third War.
Strategy Guides
Blizzard Entertainment: http://
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Official Se-
crets and Solutions (Prima Publishing, 1995).
Official Warcraft II site: http://
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness: The Offi-
cial Strategy Guide (Prima Publishing, 1996).
Official Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos site:
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal Offi-
cial Secrets & Solutions (Prima Publishing,
Official Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Strategy Guide
Official World of Warcraft site: http://
(BradyGames, 2002).
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Strategy
Official Warcraft Online Strategy and Infor-
Guide (BradyGames, 2003).
mation Center:
Written with the assistance of Warcraft’s cre- warcraft-universe.shtml
ators at Blizzard Entertainment, these books not
Blizzard’s official websites for past and future
only walk you through every puzzle and battle in
Warcraft games, your one-stop shop for unit
the computer and console games, but occasion-
breakdowns, previews and strategy guides,
ally also provide a peek behind the scenes at
downloadable demos and additional content,
events both in the game and its creation.
links to community and fan sites, and more.
Then I realized that the shadow was that of a rag-
Bronzebeard’s clad hermit, a gnome perhaps, who began poking at
me with a stick. I pointed weakly at the sloshing
Compendium of gourds hanging from his belt and rasped through my
blistered lips that he could take all the gold in my
Essential Knowledge pouch in exchange for two days’ water. The hermit
took my pouch, poured its contents into his hand
— then threw them over his shoulder. He turned
(or, A Gadabout’s Gazetteer) and was about to leave when suddenly he spotted
If history is the wall upon which the portraits of the gryphon feathers woven into my beard. Hoot-
the present are hung, experienced travelers come ing in happiness, he plucked the feathers and dragged
to see that the portrait they view is framed by their me over to his saddled kodo. The hermit took me
own interests. I’ve a good friend in the Guild who back to his hut and spent three weeks nursing me
has taken meticulous notes on every meal he has back to health. Explaining that he was writing a
eaten everywhere in Azeroth for the last twenty magic spell on seven scrolls that would open a
years. When you ask him whether he recommends magic portal to the “land of green,” he said he
a particular trade route through the Elwynn Forest, hoped that any traveler who carried quills in his
you can be certain that his first consideration isn’t beard might give him some pointers.
attacks by the Defias Brotherhood — it’s whether Completely crazy, that hermit.
or not there are fine meals to be had in the taprooms
My point is that sometimes gold is completely
of Goldshire and Westridge.
worthless, while items you had considered hereto-
So I must confess to the Guild and the throne fore worthless can suddenly become the treasures
that in my past reports I’ve been accused of giving used to buy back your life. Those who spend their
more general topics short shrift while expounding days in the civilized lands or with the portable
at great length upon important topics such as how civilization that is the army may forget the wonder
migration patterns affect hunting in the Hinter- that is the barter system, where one might purchase
lands and where in the south one can still find the a saw with a basket of eggs rather than with pieces
remaining stocks of Darrowmere summerwine. In of gold.
the following pages, I will attempt to prevent such
Barter is particularly widespread in the north
oversights in this particular report by discussing
these days, where many of the trade routes have
issues of breadth and scope.
been completely disrupted by the attacks of the
Scourge. Those few villages still hanging on in
Currency and Trade isolated glades and valleys survive through the
Gold is a tricky thing. Many of us would rather we barter system; one person will raise chickens, an-
didn’t have to bother with it all… but failing that, other weaves roughspun cloth, a third grows wheat,
we’d prefer to have as much as possible. An old and all trade their excess to one another. Travelers
saying goes, “Anything can be bought if you have through these areas often find it hard to step into
enough gold.” I’m here to tell you that it isn’t true. this cycle of survival unless they have something to
Many years ago, I was traveling through the trade of exceptional rarity in the area. I made my
wastes around the Dark Portal to the orc home entire journey through Alterac and the Plaguelands
world when I suddenly came down with a particu- into Tirisfal carrying a pack filled with nothing but
larly violent ailment that left me lying nearly fishing hooks, whetstones, and candles.
insensate under a thin clump of scrub brush. On the Of course, there are plenty of places where gold is
fourth morning of my illness, I lifted my waterskin still accepted and even required for purchases.
to my lips, only to have it slip from my weakened Shops run by the goblins, for example, accept only
grip and spill its contents onto the parched soil. As gold. However, gold can take many forms. In towns
I watched the blazing sun climb high into the sky, near operating gold mines, gold is often in nugget or
I cast about my fevered mind for an escape even as dust form and spent by weight, with every business
I felt the cold shadow of death falling over me.
from trading posts to blacksmiths using a balance the people of Westfall are growing increasingly
scale to measure their customers’ payments. upset with the inability of the Stormwind Guard to
When taxes or trade take the raw gold to a larger protect their villages from the attacks of the Broth-
city, local governments have minting operations that erhood, and some have begun refusing
ease and speed trade by melting the metal and forging Stormwind-minted coins as a political protest.
it into coins of standard weight. With only a few Though I have yet to encounter it, I have no doubt
exceptions, such as the quarter-pound coins once that were I to carry a Stormwind coin long enough
minted in Moonbrook, gold coins typically are made and far enough, I would find someone who believed
three to the ounce, or roughly fifty to the pound. that it had captured the soul of a man.
In the minting process, coins are always stamped Not that strange coinage is always a problem. Coins
with the mark of the local power, which causes minted in Stromgarde long ago, or in Lordaeron before
problems of its own. Coins minted in Stormwind it was overrun by the damnable Scourge, are becoming
these days, for example, are marked with the face of increasingly rare, and some sentimental merchants will
young King Wrynn. When these coins are later actually treat these coins as though they were more
stolen from travelers by the bandits of the Defias valuable than normal. I know of a merchant in the
Brotherhood, the renegades mar the face of the south whose family was lost to the undead during the
king to produce what are known as “cross-eyed war, and he accepts coins minted in Lordaeron as
coins.” The cross-eyed coins, in turn, are seen as a though they were five Stormwind pieces.
mark of treason against the throne and have been When I was a child, all coinage was made from
declared illegal by the Stormwind Council. Hence, gold. Every town and clanhold had its own gold
you might walk into the Pig and Whistle in mine, with a string of miners hauling nuggets and
Stormwind with a pocket full of gold coins pro- ore back to the local town hall to be weighed and
duced locally… yet find yourself unable to purchase counted. In recent years, especially after three wars
a flagon of mead due to a few scratches. Similarly, have swept the length and breadth of the land-
scape, untapped veins of gold are becoming more mars of every linguistic tome you’ll find in the
difficult to locate, and as a consequence trade in less average clanhold library will only provide you a
valuable precious metals has increased. Though stepping stone so that you don’t stumble once
worth a tenth of their golden counterparts, silver you’re out in the field.
pieces have become common in marketplaces, and Let me provide an example by way of a story. As
many businesses even accept lowly copper pieces. early as the First War, I had already learned a bit of
(As silver pieces and copper pieces are usually Orc in order to help question prisoners of war. By
considered too low in value to stamp during the the end of the Second War, I considered myself
minting process, they are the standard form of conversational in the orc tongue and once spent a
payment to workers who desire… the maximum long night arguing the subtle merits of open-pit
portability in themselves and their currency.) versus coal-buried roasting of meat with an orc
captain. However, following the Third War, I was
traveling in the Hinterlands when I stumbled across
Coinage in the a small band of eight orcs who had somehow re-
World of Warcraft mained behind when their brethren set off for
Kalimdor. After the defeat of the demon Sargeras,
The monetary system in the world of the band was freed of the bloodlust that had con-
Warcraft operates on the scale described in the trolled them as part of the Horde, and they started
“Wealth and Money” section of Chapter 7 in a farm around their new home in an abandoned
the Player’s Handbook. But for the type of watchtower near Durnholde. When I came across
political problems Brann describes above, rates them, they had been together in an Alliance prison
of exchange are as laid out in the Player’s camp for several years, then alone in their isolated
Handbook, and prices for trade goods and equip- home for several more. Time, combined with their
ment not explicitly determined elsewhere in change of attitude, had shifted their tongue until it
the Warcraft RPG and its sourcebooks are as was barely recognizable as the language I thought I
described in the chapter. The only exception is knew so well. They were friendly enough, so I
that platinum pieces have yet to make an stayed for several weeks, slowly communicating
appearance in the world of Azeroth; though through hand signals until we had a shared vocabu-
the value of platinum is recognized, it is rare lary. Their words were similar to the Orc language
enough that it is still used primarily as a deco- I knew and were spoken in the same guttural growl.
rative material rather than a type of coinage. Yet the word trk’hsk, which I knew to mean “blood
shed in battle,” had come to mean something more
akin to “that sacrificed to the earth” in order to
Languages make crops grow.
You’ll see them carved into the wall as you enter An extreme example, but it is reflective of what
the Explorers’ Guildhall in Ironforge: happens across the land. Towns develop their own
The most useful souvenir a traveler can pick up slang, craftsmen and merchants have their guild
in a foreign land is its tongue cants, even twin brothers can have their own argot
Those are the words of the wise Samul — and none of them can be learned from books,
Strangehands, one of my mentors, who joined me though all convey valuable information. An ex-
in founding the Guild. I insisted they be posted for plorer cannot learn that information unless he first
all to see, as they have eased my way and saved my learns the tongue.
life more times than I can count over the years.
There are more than a dozen major languages in Travel
Azeroth, and there’s little excuse for every explorer In the following pages, I’ll go into great detail
not to have at least a passing fluency in all of them. regarding specific towns and regions. For those read-
Not because your education will be complete once ers of this report who seek such information so that
you can sing in Thalassian and curse in Draconic. they might never need to go to the places covered, I
Far from it — learning the vocabulary and gram- pity you. However, if you are a kindred soul for whom
reading about a distant land ignites the spark of a holds designed for cargo crates, but zeppelins can
burning desire to see it with your own eyes, you will get you across enormous distances phenomenally
quickly discover that you cannot arrive at a destina- quickly. One Guild expedition using the airborne
tion without first making the journey. vantage point to confirm the details of maps drawn
The easiest way to travel, of course, is to put one by Poyli Stonesole managed to cover that pioneer’s
foot in front of another. Repeat the process enough trail in just under eighty days!
times and with enough patience, and you can travel
anywhere you like. Poyli Stonesole is famous in the
Explorer’s Guild for his four-year walking journey Traveling by Zeppelin
that took him from Sunwell Grove to Booty Bay. Unless previous arrangements have been
These days, with the black shadow of the Scourge made, there is only a 20% chance that a
falling across the roads of the north, the Dark Iron random goblin trading post will have a cargo
dwarves in the mountains, and the multitude of zeppelin moored nearby and available for hire.
dangers in the south, the journey might take a bit A zeppelin can cover about 500 miles in a 12-
longer, but it remains possible. hour day of travel, allowing the crew time to
Those with the money for tack and feed — as well rest and make any necessary repairs. The aver-
as the enviable skill to charm stubborn beasts — age cost of hiring a zeppelin and its three-man
can easily round up saddle or pack animals that crew (pilot, navigator, and engineer) is 20 gold
might help them on their journeys. I’ve never had pieces per day on a round trip and 30 gold
much luck with them myself; the one time I took a pieces per day for a one-way trip (with an
mule into Deadwind Pass, it ended up buried under increased cost in order to cover the empty
a rockslide and I had to carry my own pack (as well zeppelin’s return trip).
as the added burden of thirty pounds of mule jerky). For more on goblin zeppelins, including their
Of course, I know many travelers who have no game statistics, see Chapter Five in Magic &
problems whatsoever and praise “traveling like a Mayhem.
knight,” watching the miles go by from a perch high
above the road.
If you don’t mind doing a bit of your travel off solid
ground, you can easily find a schooner for hire that
Goblin Shops
will take you not only from the mainland to Tol At some point after the Second War, the goblins
Barad or Crestfall, but all the way across the western apparently grew tired of carrying explosives for the
bay to Gilneas or Hillsbrad. If you like fish breakfasts Horde and decided that they needed to take control
and the wind at your back, many waterside towns of their own destinies. Surprisingly, they proved
will have fishing boats whose crews will be happy to smart enough to know that building an army of
take you as far downriver or along the shore as you’d their own would be an even bloodier choice for
like to go in exchange for a handful of coins. I’m their race than sapping and planting mines. So they
never comfortable out on the water — not too many chose a different path.
years ago I lost a good friend to a seawolf — but I remember the first time I came across a goblin
sometimes it’s a necessary evil in order to make good shop. I was in Duskwood, in the middle of nowhere,
time from one harbor to another. returning home from a long expedition. There was
One mode of travel I do recommend are the still two weeks’ worth of walking between me and
zeppelins you’ll occasionally find tethered at goblin Dun Morogh, and I was running low on supplies.
trading posts. Those who brag about riding high on Villages had been scarce and I was nearly out of shot
horseback should board a zeppelin to see what for my trusty blunderbuss, so hunting would soon be
riding high is really like — it often seems as though quite difficult. I was just considering the idea of
the top of the gasbag is scraping the very clouds as running down rabbits and strangling them when I
you travel above a landscape that looks like some spotted a wooden shack up ahead on the edge of a
sort of mapmaker’s model. It’s a bit expensive, and clearing. The sign above the door read “STUFFE
it’s vaguely uncomfortable to travel in cold, airy FOR SAIL — Rollo Tanglefut, PROP.” On the
front porch stood a goblin in a grubby apron,
waving an empty scabbard. “You need stuff?” he Goblin Goods
cried. “I got stuff you buy! Come to Rollo’s shop!”
Goblin shops can be found nearly anywhere
Intrigued, I went into the shack’s dusty interior and
on Azeroth, seemingly regardless of whether
found it stocked to the gills with an odd miscellany
or not there are towns nearby and heedless of
of gear and equipment — including a case of rifle
dangers such as the Scourge. The goblins will
ammunition, for which I gladly traded a pouch of
sell anything to anyone, at only slightly in-
silver dust. Now I make certain to stop by Rollo’s
flated prices. Roll percentile dice on the list
shop whenever I’m in the area, as do many others.
below to determine whether a store has a
These days, you might know that shack and the
desired item (see Chapter 7, “Equipment,” in
clearing as the town of Tanglefoot Junction.
the Player’s Handbook and Chapter Three of
The goblins have taken to the role of merchant with
the Warcraft RPG for a breakdown of which
a vengeance, and now it’s hard to travel for more than
items fall into each category).
a day or two without stumbling across a goblin shop of
If a goblin shop doesn’t have an item in
some size. Goblin zeppelins fly across the continent,
stock, there is a 25% chance the proprietor can
delivering goods, supplies, messages and passengers
order and deliver the item within 1d4 days.
from one shop to another, and I’ve heard more than
Otherwise, the wait may be up to 1d20 days.
one goblin brag that if it isn’t in his shop, he can have
Equipment d%
it on the shelves within a week. One joker challenged
that claim and ordered a dozen shredders, only to find Ammunition 80%
them waiting outside his cottage two days later. Armor, heavy 40%
Apparently, the proprietor of each goblin shop Armor, light 70%
determines how to protect his business from theft. Armor, medium 50%
Solutions I’ve heard employed include the hiring of General adventuring gear 90%
mercenary fighters as security guards; complicated, Mounts and related gear 30%
tinker-built security systems; and, most notoriously, Shields 50%
enormous bombs on a dead man’s switch that can be Special substances and items 30%
detonated on a moment’s notice if a goblin merchant Tools and skill kits 50%
feels threatened. After news spread of thieves and Trade goods 80%
bullies entering shops that were replaced moments Vehicles 10%
later by smoking craters, few have found the nerve to Weapons, exotic 25%
probe how a given shop might be protected. Weapons, firearms 40%
Though many shops remain independent, a grow- Weapons, martial 60%
ing number of them have signs declaring that they
Weapons, simple 75%
are owned and operated by something called the
“Venture Company,” which the proprietors claim
is headquartered in a faraway city ruled by goblins said it in as many words, let me say again now why
where the streets are paved with gold. Someday all of this is worth reading and worth learning:
soon I hope to mount an expedition to see if there’s what’s happened before can happen again. How
any truth to the stories — or if they’re simply part many times has the Burning Legion come to our
of a pseudo-religion passed among the goblins to world? Are we really foolish enough to think the
motivate their new profit-driven existence. demons are gone forever this time?
In more recent history, the Alliance and Horde
A Detailed History have fought three great wars that have taken both to
the brink of destruction. You may know the tales of a
of Azeroth peaceful coexistence between the orcs and humans on
faraway Kalimdor, but how long do you think it will be
Okay. Once more through history before we take before the lingering hostilities in the west flare up and
a look at how things have turned out. If I haven’t the two forces line up across the battlefield again?
What’s happened before can happen again. –10,250
Which would make adventuring a boring proposi- The Highborne unwittingly attract the attention
tion, but for the flip side of the coin: new things are of the Burning Legion — a race of magic-consum-
happening all the time. When you set out into the ing demons from another dimension. Unable to
wilds, you’ll encounter things that are new to you enter Azeroth’s dimension physically without as-
on a daily — hourly! — basis. Stay out there long sistance, Sargeras, the lord of the Burning Legion,
enough, and you might find something new to the begins subtly to manipulate the Kaldorei nobles.
entire world… and that’s what exploration is all The Highborne open a portal deep within the
about. Well of Eternity. This portal stretches between
dimensions and forges a path from Sargeras to
Timeline of Events Azeroth.
–147,000 –10,000
A mysterious race of vastly powerful beings known The Burning Legion pours into Azeroth, led by
as the titans arrives on Azeroth. They create two two of Sargeras’ most powerful lieutenants:
caretaker races to watch over and help reshape the Archimonde the Defiler and Mannoroth the De-
world. The dwarves are placed in charge of main- structor. The demons savagely assault the Kaldorei’s
taining the earth, while the sea giants watch over unprepared civilization.
the waters. –9,999
–65,000 Three young Kaldorei heroes approach the reclu-
Azeroth consists of a single, giant continent sive demi-god Cenarius and request assistance. The
known as Kalimdor. At its center is the magical three heroes are the brothers Malfurion and Illidan
Well of Eternity, placed by the titans as a source of Stormrage, and the priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.
restoring energy. Cenarius hears their pleas and calls the ancient
–64,001 dragonflights to defend Azeroth.
Before the titans depart, they empower dragons The Well of Eternity implodes in on itself, releas-
to watch over Azeroth and protect it from anything ing a massive shockwave. With Sargeras’ link to
that might threaten the tranquility of the world. Azeroth destroyed, the Burning Legion is expelled
–14,000 from the world and hurled back to their dimension.
A race of feral, nomadic humanoids is drawn to The seas rush in to fill the void left by the Well
the Well of Eternity. Known as the Kaldorei, they of Eternity and permanently split Kalimdor into
are transformed by its power and become strong, several splinter continents. A furious, unending
wise and virtually immortal. Unbeknownst to them, storm of elemental energy rages above the spot
their transformation accidentally releases magic where the Well of Eternity once stood. It becomes
into the world. known as the Maelstrom.
–13,500 –9,998
The Kaldorei begin to actively study and practice Illidan Stormrage secretly creates a new Well of
arcane magic. They bend magic to their will and use Eternity using water that he had stolen from the
it to build beautiful cities, craft artifacts and re- original Well. Malfurion is enraged when he finds
shape the land. Some Kaldorei resist the lure to use out and locks his brother away in an underground
the Well of Eternity’s power and warn others of the prison.
dangers of abusing it. Their warnings go unheeded. Three of the most powerful dragons —
A group of upper-class Kaldorei call themselves Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu — create the
the Highborne and revel in the use of magic. World Tree. Known as Nordrassil, the tree grows to
–11,500 massive proportions and covers the new Well of
The Highborne slowly descend into decadence, Eternity, obscuring its existence.
obsessed with using the Well of Eternity’s magical –9,900
energies. The surviving Kaldorei, now known as night
elves, abandon the use of arcane magic. They exile
themselves in seclusion around Mount Hyjal and –2,700
the World Tree and begin practicing a safer form of Human and high elf wizards convene and form a
divine nature magic. secret order called the Guardians of Tirisfal. The
–7,300 order’s purpose is to empower a series of individuals
Malfurion exiles the last of the Highborne. The to wage a secret, never-ending war against the
remaining Kaldorei weave a powerful enchant- Burning Legion.
ment and seal the borders of their lands in a –2,500
protective mist. The race of dwarves awakens and emerges from
–6,800 the expansive titan-created city of Uldaman, lo-
The Highborne, now called high elves, land on cated deep beneath the earth. They call their new
the shores of Lordaeron and establish their new civilization Khaz Modan.
home. They call it Quel’thalas. –1,200
–3,900 The human nation of Arathor grows too large
The high elves create a new source of magical and shatters into seven independent splinter na-
energy and call it the Sunwell. tions — Lordaeron, Stormwind, Kul Tiras,
–2,800 Stromgarde, Alterac, Gilneas and Dalaran.
The human tribes band together in the face of –823
frequent raids by the forest trolls and form the first The current Guardian of Tirisfal, Aegwynn, learns
human nation, Arathor. The high elves are also of a growing demon presence on the continent of
hard-pressed by the forest trolls and enter into an Northrend. With the aid of dragons, Aegwynn
alliance with Arathor, teaching humans the ways tracks the demons down and defeats them.
of arcane magic.
Sargeras appears and challenges Aegwynn. Al- –30
though she easily slays his physical form, Sargeras’ Aegwynn’s son Medivh turns 14 and abruptly
spirit secretly enters Aegwynn’s body and hiber- falls into a mysterious coma. Sargeras’ presence
nates inside of her. perverts Medivh’s mind and soul and bends them to
Aegwynn seals Sargeras’ carcass in a hidden his will.
tomb, buried deep beneath the Great Sea. –23
–500 The orcs give in to rage and attack their longtime
Sargeras’ second-in-command, Kil’jaeden, dis- neighbors — a peaceful race known as the draenei.
covers another world ripe for conquest. The world Virtually unchallenged, the Horde easily defeats
is Draenor, homeland of the shamanistic orcs and the vastly overmatched draenei.
the peaceful draenei. –20
–100 The orcs track down the last organized forces of
Kil’jaeden contacts one of the most powerful orc the draenei and finally conquer all of Draenor. The
shamans, Ner’zhul. Through quiet manipulations, widespread practice of necromancy finally drains
Kil’jaeden starts to spread violence and savagery Draenor completely, leaving the land dead.
throughout the orc race. –19
–46 With no enemies left to fight, the orc clans fall
Ner’zhul realizes the threat that Kil’jaeden poses into anarchy and begin waging war against each
and cuts off contact. Kil’jaeden quickly replaces other.
him with Ner’zhul’s most powerful apprentice, –10
Gul’dan. Gul’dan begins to explore the Twisting Nether
–45 with a projection of his mind. He desperately
Gul’dan gathers the most powerful shamans in the searches for new worlds for the Horde to conquer.
orc clans and teaches them how to communicate with Medivh awakens from his coma-like state and
spirits in the Twisting Nether. A pact is formed be- finds himself a grown man.
tween Guldan’s followers and the dark forces of –5
Kil’jaeden. Together, they create the Shadow Council. Sargeras, working through Medivh, sends Gul’dan
The Shadow Council begins quietly infiltrating a series of visions, showing him images of a rich and
the highest political ranks in each of the orc clans. fertile land ripe for conquest. The land in his
Aegwynn decides to bear a child and pass the visions is Azeroth.
mantle of Guardian of Tirisfal to him. The spirit of Medivh creates a small rift between Draenor and
Sargeras quietly infects her unborn son as he grows Azeroth. The rift is initially too small for even a
in her womb. single orc to pass through, but it grows slowly.
–41 0
Gul’dan teaches the dark arts of demon magic to Orc scouts enter the rift and begin exploring the
other orcs, turning shamans into warlocks and lands on the other side.
training them in necromancy. A small outpost is gradually constructed in the
–40 disease-ridden marshlands around the rift’s exit
The Shadow Council manipulates the clans into point, providing a military foothold for the Horde
forming a single, unified Horde. Gul’dan coerces its in the new world. Known as the Black Morass, the
leaders into outlawing shamanism and installing marshlands are completely uninhabited and pro-
his warlocks as key advisors. vide perfect cover for the Horde’s arrival.
Kil’jaeden dispatches the pit lord Mannoroth to 1
Draenor in order to bind the orcs to his will. Chief- Gul’dan manages to open a permanent rift be-
tains from each of the twelve orc clans are tempted tween the two worlds. The Dark Portal opens fully
by his promise of power and drink from Mannoroth’s for the first time, allowing the orcish Horde to
blood, ensnaring themselves in the curse of bloodlust begin its assault on Azeroth.
and initiating a slow corruption of their entire race. The First War begins.
Initial battles do not go well for the Horde. of the Shadow Council and directs them to the
Expecting an easy victory against a weak opponent, location of Gul’dan’s warlocks near the ruins of
the Horde rushes to assault the fortress of Stormwind Stormwind Keep.
Keep, only to suffer a defeat of catastrophic propor- Doomhammer dispatches his elite wolfriders to
tions. Few orcs survive the initial battle. the ruins. They slay or execute most of Guldan’s
Gul’dan invokes shadow magic to enshroud the warlocks and disperse the remaining members of
Black Morass in a blinding mist. The mist obscures the Shadow Council. Gul’dan pleas for mercy and
the retreat of the last remaining orcs and prevents offers complete submission. Doomhammer accepts
the human forces from pursuing them. and grants him mercy.
The Horde is humiliated by its unexpected rout, Lord Anduin Lothar concedes that the Kingdom
and the tribes swiftly descend into turmoil. Chaos of Stormwind has been lost. He rallies his country-
ensues, with factions blaming each other for the men and leads them in a desperate retreat across the
Horde’s defeat. Great Sea, eventually landing upon the shores of
2 Lordaeron.
Gul’dan manipulates a ruthless dictator onto the The First War ends.
throne of the Warchief. Known as Blackhand the Gul’dan uses his powers to raise an unholy legion
Destroyer, the new Warchief rallies the tribes back of Stormwind’s fallen soldiers and names them
together again and prepares them for a new assault death knights.
on Azeroth. 5
Medivh sends Gul’dan another vision, teasing King Terenas of Lordaeron offers the refugees
him with images of the Tomb of Sargeras and the sanctuary and convenes an emergency council to
power it contains. discuss the invasion. Together, Lothar and Terenas
The Horde surges into Azeroth again, decimat- convince the others to form an alliance between
ing towns and villages and plundering everything the seven human nations and the kingdoms of the
in its path. dwarves and high elves.
Durotan, chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, is am- The Horde brings ogre allies through the portal
bushed and slain by rival orcs. The assassins leave from Draenor and replenishes its depleted ranks.
Durotan’s infant son for dead, but the young orc is Afraid for the survival of his people, the troll
quickly discovered and saved by a band of humans Zul’jin coordinates an alliance between the forest
under the command of Aedelas Blackmoore. The trolls and the orcish Horde.
infant is taken as a slave and given the name Thrall. Sir Uther Lightbringer founds an order of holy
3 defenders known as the Knights of the Silver Hand.
Lord Anduin Lothar realizes Medivh’s betrayal. Their purpose is to serve as a last line of defense
He leads a small band of gryphon-mounted warriors against the Horde.
to Medivh’s tower and confronts the wizard. 6
Lothar slays Medivh’s body and destroys the The Second War begins.
spirit of Sargeras. Medivh’s spirit escapes, however. The Horde pushes north, rolling through the
4 continent of Khaz Modan and up into Lordaeron.
Blackhand the Destroyer is betrayed and slain by The conflict is widespread and bloody, with large
Orgrim Doomhammer, a trusted general and close portions of Quel’Thalas destroyed by the Horde.
friend. Doomhammer replaces Blackhand as The Alliance makes a desperate stand and stalls the
Warchief of the Horde. Horde’s advance. The combined forces of humans,
Stormwind Keep falls before the full might of the high elves and dwarves manage to rally and push the
Horde and is sacked. During the battle, King Llane Horde back to the ruins of Stormwind Keep.
is slain by one of Gul’dan’s assassins, the half-orc Gul’dan, consumed by his thirst for personal
Garona. power, secretly forges an agreement with a group of
Spies loyal to Orgrim Doomhammer capture and demons loyal to Sargeras. They agree to help Gul’dan
torture Garona. In agony, she reveals the existence locate their master’s tomb.
Gul’dan searches for the Tomb of Sargeras and Lordaeron. Kel’Thuzad creates the Cult of the
raises it from deep beneath the ocean. When Gul’dan Damned to aid him in his mission.
enters the burial chamber, however, he acciden- 14
tally releases a swarm of demons that kill him. The Thrall begins to fight in the slave pits as a
demons surge out of the Tomb of Sargeras and gladiator and swiftly gains a reputation as a peerless
inflict great damage on the forces of the Horde. warrior.
Deathwing, an ancient and powerful black dragon, 16
assumes the form of Lord Prestor — a young human Thrall escapes from Blackmoore’s control and
diplomat — and infiltrates the high council of the begins to search for his lost heritage. He learns of
Alliance. Using subtle magic, the dragon ensnares the existence of the Warsong clan — the only clan
the minds of the human leaders and forces them to remaining that is undefeated by humans — and of
grant him the title of king of Alterac. its ferocious leader, Grom Hellscream.
The Alliance pushes the weakened and disorga- 18
nized Horde all the way back to the Black Morass,
Thrall defeats a disguised Orgrim Doomhammer
where the Dark Portal is located. Lord Anduin
in combat and earns his respect. Doomhammer
Lothar is slain during the Alliance’s final victory.
appoints Thrall as his second-in-command.
The Dark Portal is shattered.
Thrall, Hellscream and Doomhammer combine
The Second War ends.
forces to raid the internment camps and free their
7 fellow orcs from captivity. Thrall convinces them
Ner’zhul opens additional portals in Draenor and to reform the Horde.
flees through one. The energies from the portals 19
conflict and create a series of violent earthquakes
Orgrim Doomhammer is slain in battle and Thrall
and storms that tear Draenor apart in a catastrophic
becomes the next Warchief of the Horde. He turns
explosion. Its floating shards eventually become
his people from the practice of demon magic and
known as Outland.
reintroduces them to the abandoned shamanistic
Kil’jaeden captures the fleeing Ner’zhul and irre- culture of their ancestors.
versibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing
him in a block of ice.
Kel’Thuzad’s Cult of the Damned infects
Lordaeron’s farmlands with the Lich King’s plague.
Under orders from the Kirin Tor, the conclave of Uther Lightbringer and his Knights of the Silver
wizards that rules Dalaran, Rhonin and Vareesa Hand try to stem the tide of the disease, but fail.
Windrunner free the imprisoned Dragonqueen,
Prince Arthas fears that the spread of the disease
Alexstrasza. Three other dragon aspects — Ysera,
will tear the Alliance apart and eventually lead to
Nozdormu and Malygos — are also awakened.
the downfall of the entire human race. He tracks
Together, the dragons manage to defeat Deathwing
the source of the plague to Northrend and attempts
and force him to flee.
to slay the Lich King. There, Arthas falls prey to a
Blackmoore begins instructing Thrall in how to trap and loses his soul to the cursed blade
fight. The young orc is a good student and quickly Frostmourne.
becomes an accomplished warrior. At the same
The Lich King transforms Arthas into a death
time, he secretly learns to read and speak the
knight. He returns to Lordaeron, assassinates his
language of men.
father King Terenas, and takes charge of the undead
10 forces.
Kil’jaeden casts the Lich King’s icy prison into The Third War begins.
Azeroth, followed by a legion of undead followers.
Kel’Thuzad seizes Medivh’s spellbook from the
It comes to rest on the continent of Northrend,
city of Dalaran and uses it to summon forth the
buried deep within Icecrown Glacier.
Burning Legion. Archimonde and his host of de-
Ner’zhul corrupts the Archmage Kel’Thuzad and mons arrive in Dalaran.
directs him to begin spreading a disease across
The spirit of Medivh foresees the eventual down- Thrall’s orcs and Jaina’s humans join forces with
fall of Lordaeron and begins to manipulate events the night elves in a desperate attempt to defend
in order to arrange the formation of a last-ditch Mount Hyjal from Archimonde’s advance. How-
alliance between the mortal races on Kalimdor. ever, the demon is too powerful and systematically
Guided by a mysterious vision from Medivh, destroys their forces.
Jaina Proudmoore loads several ships and sets sail The night elves sacrifice their immortality and
through the Maelstrom to the far-off continent of imbue the World Tree with the spirits of their
Kalimdor. Simultaneously, the Horde steals several ancestors. The World Tree becomes empowered
human warships and also begins traveling to and lashes out at Archimonde with a wave of pure
Kalimdor. magical energy, destroying the demon and all of his
Thrall’s ships land on a mysterious island chain forces.
in the Maelstrom and encounter a friendly tribe of The Third War ends.
jungle trolls. Thrall helps the trolls to escape from Now mortal and possessing only a fraction of
their sinking island, and the trolls respond by their old powers, the night elves begin the process
joining the Horde. of rebuilding their society.
The Maelstrom scatters the Horde’s fleet. After Thrall leads the orcs south to the deserts of
regrouping on Kalimdor, the orcs encounter a race central Kalimdor. They found a new homeland,
of wise giants known as tauren. Thrall dispatches called Durotar, and begin constructing the city of
Grom Hellscream to lead a group of orcs north and Orgrimmar.
begin collecting lumber. Jaina also travels south, sailing her people to the
The tauren lead Thrall to the lair of a mysterious large, coastal island of Theramore. There, the hu-
Oracle, who turns out to be Medivh. Jaina mans disband their fleet and construct a new city in
Proudmoore is already there, and Medivh intro- which to live.
duces her to Thrall. Medivh warns both of them Illidan awakens the amphibious race of naga and
about the coming of the Burning Legion. bends them to his will. He journeys to the Tomb of
Night elf Sentinels respond violently to lumber- Sargeras, following in Gul’dan’s footsteps. Illidan
gathering incursions by orcs into the forests of manages to find an artifact known as the Eye of
Ashenvale. The orcs, led by Grom Hellscream, Sargeras.
respond in kind and engage in battle with the night 21
elves. Cenarius intervenes and temporarily halts Illidan travels to Lordaeron and uses the Eye of
the Horde’s advance. Sargeras to open a portal to Outland in the ruined
Mannoroth deceives Grom into drinking from a city of Dalaran. A band of night elf heroes am-
corrupted well of demon blood. The power of chaos bushes Illidan and tries to take him captive.
grants Grom and his followers incredible strength However, he dives through the open portal and
and near invulnerability. The orcs strike back and escapes to Outland.
slay Cenarius. The remaining high elf forces gather under the
The night elves awaken Malfurion and the rest of leadership of Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider. Craving
the slumbering druids. magic, they follow Illidan through the portal to
The Burning Legion arrives in Ashenvale, seek- Outland.
ing the World Tree and the Well of Eternity that it 22
guards. In Outland, Kael and the high elves pledge alle-
Malfurion and Tyrande free Illidan from his giance to Illidan. Together, they seize control of the
prison. Illidan consumes power from a demonic Black Citadel, a stronghold of the Burning Legion.
artifact known as the Skull of Gul’dan and then 23
tracks down and slays Mannoroth. However, the
Arthas’ undead forces reach the continent of
artifact initiates a transformation in Illidan, irre-
Northrend and approach the Lich King’s throne.
versibly changing him into a demon. He is banished
However, Illidan’s forces return from Outland and
by Malfurion for his actions.
position themselves around the Lich King’s tower The Horde assaults Theramore Isle, slaughtering
before Arthas can reach it. the Kul Tiras forces and killing Admiral
Arthas defeats Illidan in combat and dons the Proudmoore. Thrall honors Jaina’s request and
Lich King’s crown, infusing his body with the spirit orders the Horde to withdraw, leaving Theramore
of Ner’zhul. damaged and in flames but still standing.
Strange human forces begin to conduct raids 25
against Orgrimmar’s outlying villages. Thrall em- Present time.
powers a half-ogre, half-orc beastmaster named The non-aggression pact in Kalimdor between the
Rexxar to investigate the situation. Horde and Theramore Isle is tenuous at best, and
24 tempers still run hot over the recent conflict. Both
Rexxar sneaks into the human settlement on humans and orcs begin to expand across Kalimdor,
Theramore Isle and confronts Jaina about the re- settling in whatever habitable locations they can find.
cent attacks on orc territories. Lordaeron remains loosely controlled by the
Admiral Proudmoore, Jaina’s father, arrives on undead, although a civil war rages between Arthas’
Theramore with the remainder of the Kul Tiras Scourge and Sylvanas’ forsaken. Demons roam
navy and reveals himself as the force behind the freely across the continent, terrorizing what few
recent attacks. human forces remain. Pockets of human knights
Admiral Proudmoore’s troops land on Kalimdor and dwarven warriors slowly gather in an attempt
and engage Thrall’s Horde in a series of battles. The to regroup and initiate a counterattack.
Kul Tiras marines lose badly and are forced to make Although Azeroth has been battered by bloodshed
a last stand on Theramore Isle. Jaina pleads with and warfare for years, there is still no indication that the
Thrall for mercy on the citizens of Theramore who turmoil will soon come to an end. Each of the mortal
are still loyal to her. races begins to position itself for what could soon become
the most crucial period of time in the world’s history.
Sir Antonio Kremen felt quite the fool, being bound and gagged and shoved
unceremoniously into the back of a small covered wagon as he was. The thugs who
captured him had committed the foul deed with almost no trouble at all to themselves.
In fact, from what he could decipher from their chatter at the head of the wagon, the
task had gone more easily than expected. Sir Antonio could only heave a heavy sigh at
that. He knew he shouldn’t have taken that last, heavy drink before leaving the tavern,
and now he was paying for his folly.
He sat back, resigned to his situation. In his younger days, he could have handled the
uncouth louts with one hand secured behind his back, but such glory days were far behind
him. He was an older man now (and much more dignified, he added for his own bruised
ego), with tracts of land and a large household to oversee. With the rebuilding of the
city of Stormwind, his family had prospered more than in the years before the war
with the orcs. They supported King Anduin Wrynn unfailingly even during the worst
of times.
Yet now he would be ransomed back, much to the ruin of his house. The family had
enough money to live comfortably, but the way his captors were talking, they would
demand an outrageous sum for his return. And Sir Antonio had to admit that his family
would pay the amount eagerly. It was a sad world indeed when love and loyalty were
used so easily against the kind-hearted.
With a sudden, lurching motion, the wagon stopped. Sir Antonio craned his neck to
peer through the knothole that he had discovered upon his rude awakening in the wagon.
Two men had dismounted from the wagon and were walking toward a young maiden
sitting by the side of the road. The girl was obviously a sheepherder, tending her flock.
Even as she huddled in the folds of her long baggy cloak, Sir Antonio could see she was
fetchingly fair, and there was no doubt from the way the two men leered at her that
they meant her no good. It was her poor luck that they spotted her.
Sir Antonio knew he must warn the girl, and so did the first thing he could think of:
He began to bang his head against the side of the wagon as hard as he could. Maybe
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
the poor girl would realize the danger that was upon her and flee. He would not have
his carelessness be the harm of this innocent girl as well as of his family.
From outside the wagon, Sir Antonio heard the sounds of a struggle and a loud groan
of pain. Sir Antonio almost wept at the injustice of it, when suddenly the back of the
wagon sprung open. Blinking at the harsh light of day, he was shocked to see the young
woman standing there, a broad smile upon her fair countenance.
She leapt onto the back of the wagon and began cutting his bonds with a long, curved
knife. “Hello there. You are Sir Antonio, I would presume?” Her voice was confident,
and under her plain brown cloak he could see she was wearing well-crafted dark
leathers and fine black silk clothing.
Once free of his gag, Sir Antonio could only stutter in confusion. “Yes, that is who
I am. But my dear, what about those wicked men? What has happened?”
The girl smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry about them, sir knight, they’ve been taken care
of. By the way, thank you for the distraction you provided. It was most brave of you,
though hardly necessary. I think the smaller one never even saw my knife coming. Oh,
and the good King Wrynn sends his regards.”
“The King?” asked Sir Antonio in confusion, still trying to make sense of this turn
of events.
“Yes, who else do you think could make such good use of a Stormwind Assassin? His
instructions regarding your safe return were most specific, and frankly there is no
job too trivial if it’s in the service of the royalty. His Majesty is most eager to see
you home, good sir.” With a sly wink she then added, “Now, shall we turn this wagon
around and go home, or would you prefer it if we extended your trip into the
During my previous travels in Azeroth, I stopped Rulers: Agramalor, Lord of Dreadmaul ogres (male ogre
in Stormwind for an extended stay. I looked up an Ftr10/Wiz8); Lord Kazzak, Lord of Doomguard demons (male
old friend of mine, Hargh Silvereye, and shared an doomguard Wiz10); Archmage Thas’ranan, Commander of
ale or three with him. We met at the Pig and Nethergarde’s mages (male high elf Wiz13).
Whistle — he insisted that what he had to tell me Major Settlements: Nethergarde Keep (300), The Tainted
about the Alliance in Azeroth would go over better Scar (300).
with some ale. Languages: Common, Eredun, Low Common, Orc,
The Alliance forces of this continent are a hardy Thalassian.
and bitter bunch — hardy because they are deter- Faiths: Burning Legion, Holy Light.
mined to remake their homes and scour the land of Resources: Minerals.
the Burning Legion and the Horde, but bitter Affiliation: The Burning Legion.
because of the Alliance’s new “home” many leagues The Blasted Lands bear that name for a reason:
across treacherous waters. they were twisted by the magic that brought the
Hargh told me that many here feel abandoned by Dark Portal into being, spewing the rampaging
Admiral Proudmoore and his daughter. Azeroth’s Horde into Azeroth. Now, the wretched land hosts
forces also fought in the Third War and stayed to few inhabitants and no significant settlements.
heal their land, unlike those who left. Some of the There is but one usable road in the Blasted Lands,
more ambitious Alliance troops here are dedicated guarded at the north by Nethergarde Keep’s grim
to freeing Lordaeron from the undead once Azeroth mages. They have the unenviable task of watching
is cleansed. Hargh suspects that most leaders here the Dark Portal, guarding the rest of the continent
allow them that dream, for this continent will not from the demons in the south and protecting them-
likely be in any shape to lose its soldiers to the selves from the ogre tribes that roam the desert.
northern undead any time soon. The weather here is dry and hot during the day and
The small factions of Horde in the east are bitterly cold at night. Mountains block any moisture
hunted constantly by Alliance forces. The word that may come from the Swamp of Sorrows to the
from Jaina Proudmoore is that the Alliance de- north, and no rivers grace this land. The eastern
clared a truce with the Horde, but neither faction coast will occasionally get storms from the sea, but
here follows that decree. these downpours come so quickly the water merely
One more bit of information from Kalimdor runs off the packed earth and back into the sea.
meets with derision from both the Alliance and the
Horde here: that of the Burning Legion’s defeat at People and Culture
Mount Hyjal. While people concede that the Le-
I was received with reservation at Nethergarde.
gion is not the fighting force it once was, the
At first, I thought its people were uptight bastards,
demons and undead remain a significant threat in
but when I learned of their responsibility and the
Azeroth. Several regions are tainted by their slime,
danger they face, I gave them permission to be as
and Azeroth will not consider the undead defeated
grim as they liked. These poor sods fight daily with
until the land is free of every last one.
the ogre magi and demons that threaten either to
After leaving Stormwind, I saw Azeroth for my-
destroy the keep or take over the Dark Portal.
self. Most of the western lands show the resilience
This tightly knit community experiences little
of the Alliance, especially of the humans. South
crime; however, those found breaking the agree-
and east, however, I found the continent still suffers
ments they take on when accepting a post at the
from the conflicts that ravaged it for the past fifty
Keep are sent for a time to the Stockade in
Stormwind. These mages cannot afford any dissen-
tion in the ranks.
Blasted Lands If you must visit the Blasted Lands, remember
Population: 2,000 (55% Dreadmaul ogre, 15% demon, 15% that the Nethergarde mages are the only hospitable
draenei, 10% human, 5% high elf). people in the entire region. And they’re not even
Government: Primarily tyrannical law within tribes. that hospitable.
ogres. Some may think they are losing, but they
Geography continue to fight to protect the portal and the rest
Magic that leaked through the Dark Portal warped of Azeroth from Lord Kazzak’s forces.
the Blasted Lands, leaving an infertile desert land- I fear the Keep’s greatest problem is not the threat
scape. This region does not welcome life of any from the outside but the threat from inside.
form. Thas’ranan and Lordenson share leadership, the
The Tainted Scar: This area is covered with a first leading the mages and the second the warriors.
thick, vile mist that chokes mortals stupid enough They are rarely at odds, but when they are, the
to venture close. Demons dwell here and pervert other inhabitants make themselves scarce as the
the already taxed land with their energies. Many sparks fly. The Keep’s people are a solitary bunch
people believe that Lord Kazzak of the Burning under a great deal of stress. If you ask me, the place
Legion resides in a tower hidden in the poisonous is a powder keg.
fog, but few have returned to give details. The only building for miles, the Keep stands stark and
alone by the road. Warriors man the walls at all times,
Sites and Settlements watching for movement to welcome ambassadors or
The Blasted Lands have the Alliance powers food trains from Stormwind, to turn back travelers, or
guarding the north, the demon infestation in the to mount a defense against ogres or demons.
south and ogre tribes in the middle.
The Dark Portal: The portal that started it all. An History
unnecessary guard of reluctant mages and paladins This foul desert was once a fen of marshlands
allowed me only within a couple of hundred feet. I called the Black Morass, similar to the Swamp of
could still see the massive statues of robed figures that Sorrows. When Medivh built the Dark Portal to
flank the portal and the purple, swirling mass of connect Azeroth to the orc home world of Draenor,
magical energy that leads to Outland. The area the orcs poured through and began the first of the
around the portal is blackened and scarred from the great wars. The orcs’ arcane magic was so strong it
explosion that destroyed the portal years ago. Newly consumed the swampland and left dry red clay.
rebuilt, it yet resonates with an evil thrum. When the Alliance destroyed the Dark Portal, the
spread of the taint stopped, but the Blasted Lands
Nethergarde Keep still cannot heal itself.
Population: 300.
As if the Horde weren’t enough, Dreadmaul
Government: Feudal monarchy.
ogres also came through the Dark Portal. Unlike
Rulers: Archmage Thas’ranan, Commander of
the orcs, they remained in the Blasted Lands.
Nethergarde’s mages (male high elf Wiz13); General
Nethergarde’s mages tell me they believe the ogres
Lordenson, Commander of Nethergarde’s warriors (male
serve Lord Kazzak. Whoever their master is, he
human Ftr8/Plw6).
orders them to attack the Alliance’s keep on an
Languages: Common, Thalassian.
uncomfortably regular basis.
Faith: Holy Light.
Resources: Magic, tension.
Affiliation: Alliance.
Caravans headed for Nethergarde Keep need
Nethergarde Keep is a dam holding back the evils
guarding, and its grumpy inhabitants prefer the
of a blighted land — and a building full of uptight
company of those who deliver food and mail over
perfectionists. It was built by the Archmage Khadgar,
that of an exploring dwarf.
who led an expedition into Draenor long ago and
Sudden Sickness: The whole of Nethergarde
was lost. The mages who occupy it today serve in
Keep is struck by a mysterious illness, and the
honor of his memory.
Dreadmaul ogres take their opportunity to attack.
This medium-sized keep sits at the very north of
With sickness inside and a siege outside, the mages
the Blasted Lands, guarding the sole road into the
and warriors send messengers to retrieve anyone
region. Its mages and warriors have given up fun for
capable of wielding a sword or healing sickness.
duty and a constant struggle against demons and
in combat. Give an ogre sorcerer a club and she’s still
The Burning Steppes likely to bash out the brains of the strongest dwarven
Capital: Blackrock Spire (1,500). fighter. This violent race is dedicated solely to claiming
Population: 3,000 (50% Blackrock orc, 30% Fire-Gut the Burning Steppes as ogre territory. The Alliance —
ogre, 15% black dragon, 5% Dark Iron dwarf). not to mention the orcs, the Dark Iron dwarves and the
Government: Tyrannical dictatorships. dragon folk — will not let this happen, as they refuse to
lose the only passage to the north.
Rulers: Warchief Rend Blackhand (male orc Ftr8/Rog5);
Chief Ogg’ora (female ogre Sor9). The black dragons are elusive, and one who
Major Settlements: Fire-Gut Rock (900), Blackrock Deeps (150). wishes to avoid getting torn apart doesn’t approach
without considerable firepower. They will attack
Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Kalimag, Orc.
solitary travelers for the sport of it and consider
Faith: Shamanism.
anyone approaching their usurped fortress free game.
Resources: Minerals, torture.
Affiliation: Black dragonflight and fire elementals. Geography
The only accessible passage from Azeroth to my
Lacking the grace and beauty of Khaz Modan’s
home in Khaz Modan is through foul Blackrock Spire
peaks, the Blasted Lands’ mountains show the force
and the Burning Steppes. The highway is thus well
of the energy that twisted them. The very rock
traveled, but still dangerous. Passing over rugged
melted when the volcano was formed, and lava
foothills and mountains, the road is frequented by
changed the surrounding areas forever. The
enough travelers to be safe, but beasts will sense when
Blackrock Spire is awe-inspiring in its sheer mass
you leave the road and pounce on you instantly.
and obvious devastation, while the rest of the land
While many use the Burning Steppes as a thor- visibly attempts to recover from the damage done
oughfare, it is populated by one of the few successful by the rebirth of the fire elemental king, Ragnaros.
orc settlements in Azeroth. These orcs do not honor
Thrall’s truce with the Alliance, instead following
the barbaric practices of the orcs I remember from
Sites and Settlements
before the Third War. Yet speaking truthfully, I can’t The Burning Steppes are occupied by those who
blame their hatred of the Alliance, as Stormwind greet travelers only if they’re on the end of a pike.
parties hunt them frequently. If you delve deeper Travel through this land is a necessary evil, and the
into the region, you can find ogres, dragons and my quicker the better.
vicious cousins of the Dark Iron clan. Blackrock Deeps (fortress, 300): One of the
With the volcanic activity and lava flow, the more talented masons of the Dark Iron clan, Franclorn
weather is in a perpetual state of hot and dry. This Forgewright, created this dungeon under Blackrock
is perhaps the most arduous leg of the journey from Spire fortress after Ragnaros was summoned. Rumor
Khaz Modan to Azeroth. has it that Ragnaros dwells here with the remaining
Dark Iron dwarves who do his bidding. No one can
People and Culture get inside, though any who try and manage to survive
babble about armies made of moving stone. One
The casual (and lucky) traveler between Khaz Modan wonders what Ragnaros plans to do with this army
and Azeroth is unlikely to see any of the Burning once he retakes the fortress from the draconic forces
Steppes’ inhabitants. Still, orcs maintain a lasting that control the upper levels.
settlement around the volcano, staying hidden from
Blackrock Spire (fortress, 450): Franclorn
the road but always keeping watch for Alliance attacks.
Forgewright built this grand fortress as the new
These orcs are more typical of those I saw during the home of the Dark Iron dwarves after their idiotic
First and Second wars rather than the current Horde summoning of Ragnaros destroyed much of the
I hear tell of in Kalimdor. Bloodthirsty and savage, mountain range. Nefarion, a dragon lieutenant,
they mine the mountains around Blackrock Spire for had other plans, and drove the dwarves to the
metals with which to make weapons and armor. dungeon in his attempt to seize the fortress. He and
The Fire-Gut ogres from the south study arcane his forces cannot take the lower depths of the
magic, but their massive bodies still allow them to excel complex, as Ragnaros still wields power there.
The Dark Irons shaped cooling lava to form the Modan and built this city, but during the war with
foundation for this fortress, and it is a wonder. Barely our people destroyed it when the volcano was
visible from the Molten Span, it stands black and fore- formed by their folly.
boding. Dragon sentries man the walls, and the black
obsidian seems to suck the light in from all surrounding History
areas. The dragons delight in attacking travelers, so
These steppes were formerly part of the Redridge
leaving the road may be a bad idea in this area.
Mountains before the Dark Irons came here after their
Blackrock Spire Foothills (encampment, exile. They established a colony called Thaurisan, but
1,500): The orcs have built several encampments were not even smart enough to keep it safe. Their thane,
at the foot of the volcano, claiming the mountain a mad sorcerer, summoned the fire elemental king
as their own (but refusing, I noticed, to explore the Ragnaros to aid them in the war against the Ironforge
depths of it). They have hidden much of their dwarves. Ragnaros’ arrival melted several mountains in
settlements in the foothills, making sure that some- this range and forged a great volcano in the blast’s
one will not simply happen upon them. They can epicenter. Tales circulate of Dark Irons living as pup-
see people approaching for miles. pets to Ragnaros, who dwells under Blackrock Spire.
Although the orcs outnumber the ogres, they are Though it is but a rumor, I believe it is true.
still bothered by ogre attacks as they also fend off Orcs also came here after the Second War and
hunting parties from Stormwind sent to eradicate maintain settlements around and within the vol-
the Horde from Azeroth. There is an angry, desper- cano, the climate being to their liking, I expect.
ate sense about this place. The Horde conquered Blackrock Spire and used it
Fire-Gut Rock (camp, 900): This ogre camp is as a base of operations during the campaign against
well away from the main thoroughfare, in the Lordaeron in the Second War. Warchief Orgrim
northeastern area of the Burning Steppes. The Doomhammer slew the human hero Anduin Lothar
ogres within keep no allies except other ogres, and by the foot of the volcano at the war’s end, though
are determined to push all other races from the Lothar’s death turned the tide and spurred the
land. The camp is strongly defended, with well- Alliance on to crush the failing Horde.
fortified ogre mounds staggered in a valley of rock.
The ogres do not take kindly to visitors of any Adventures
race but their own, made apparent by the mangled
Many people in Khaz Modan and Stormwind will
bodies hanging from trees in the wilderness near
pay adventurers to hunt the monsters in the hills,
the camp. Carrion eaters dwell here in mass num-
either for pelts, meat or to protect the road. Those
bers, as the ogres simply hang from trees what they
braver or stupider than I may even explore the
do not eat. If someone were foolish enough to visit
depths of Blackrock Spire.
this area, the beasts would likely get him first before
he even laid eyes on an ogre. Rescue on a Holiday: The Horde has stolen a
child for use in a sacrifice for one of its barbaric
The Molten Span: The connection preceding the
feasts, and the PCs have 12 hours to rescue her.
fortress of Blackrock Spire is, I will grudgingly admit, a
fine construction indeed. This massive stone bridge
crosses the gorge of fire created by Ragnaros. If you do not Deadwind Pass
wish to dangle your life high above a pool of lava, you may Population: 1,000 (75% Deadwind ogre, 15% human, 5%
walk down stairs carved into the rock to an obsidian undead, 5% demon).
platform that runs all the way around the inside of the Ruler: Warlord Kolbine (male ogre Bbn17).
gorge, allowing for travel to a another staircase on the
Major Settlements: Deadwind Ogre Mounds (700).
other side. You will pass several massive statues of
Languages: Low Common, Orc.
dwarves along the way, anchoring adamantine chains
that suspend a great wedge of earth over the lava flow. Resources: Death, terror.
Affiliation: Independent.
Ruins of Thaurisan: This mockery of dwarven
settlements was named after the first pretender who Deadwind Pass is another region of this proud
titled himself the Dark Iron king. They left Khaz continent perverted by evil magic. It sits in the very
middle of Azeroth and connects Duskwood and the Besides the ogres, travelers must watch for har-
Swamp of Sorrows. The Ivory Spire of Karazhan, the pies in the canyons.
seat of Medivh once upon a time, still stands; it leaks
corrupting magic, destroying the region’s flora. A foul Sites and Settlements
wind constantly blows across the decimated canyon,
Deadwind Pass is an area I cannot imagine any
giving it the name Deadwind, and travelers are wise to
being wishing to live in, but live here they do.
stick to the road and hurry along their way.
Deadwind Ogre Mounds (village, 700): Little is
Although Deadwind does have a handful of in-
known of these violent ogres. They built their
habitants, you will not likely run across them. The
mounds into the very cliffside along the southern
Deadwind ogres comprise most of the population.
pass and look down upon the road, ready to ambush
They are the biggest obvious threat to travelers and
any curious adventurers. Few escape their attacks.
why most caravans and groups go heavily guarded.
Ivory Tower of Karazhan: Located along the pass
The weather is in one of two states: threatening
to the south of the ogre mounds, this tower is the
to storm or stormy. The wind smells foul and dead,
bane of Deadwind Pass and perhaps all of Azeroth.
and the lightning storms are actually a bit of a
Once Medivh’s home, its use is now unknown. No
concern to travelers carrying metal weapons.
one who wished to investigate it has returned with a
report. Ogres attack anyone they find in the area,
People and Culture making such forays doubly dangerous. The Alliance
The Deadwind ogres are dedicated to cleansing forbids venturing into this area until it has a better
the region of all interlopers; some speak of a “mas- understanding of the tower and the magic within.
ter,” but we do not know to whom they refer. These
ogres dress in foul rags and carry crude, rough weap- History
ons like all other ogres I’ve encountered in Azeroth.
The fates of many people in Azeroth — and the
The humans of the region are travelers, carrying their surrounding continents — were forged here. Medivh
homes on their backs and trying to stay one step ahead of made his home here and planned the Dark Portal’s
the ogres, demons and undead that haunt them. I spoke creation and opening. His evil is felt in this region
with some, and they would not tell me why they remain more strongly than anywhere else, the land corrupted
here in Deadwind when there are safer places in Azeroth. forever, perhaps, with the foul taint of his magic.
They do not recognize the Alliance or even ask its aid.
Currently, the pass has little significance. People
They simply move from place to place, fighting for their
move through quickly, wishing to avoid ogres, undead
lives, stolidly proclaiming Deadwind Pass as their home.
and demons. Some of the traveling folk in the area
whisper that the attacking monsters do not kill those
Geography they capture, but take them back to the tower. If this
This land is dead. The remaining trees are leafless is true, then someone must reside there.
and petrified, leeched of life by the tower’s foul
magic. Undead and demons move over the land, Adventures
refusing to allow it any chance of healing itself. In
If you want to go to Deadwind Pass, you have my
clear view of the road, scarecrow-like totems hang
sympathies. Yet the traveling folk can usually use a
from the trees, a warning to remain on the path.
good healer, and caravans always need more merce-
The main pass is through the middle of the region, nary protection.
and one must travel to the south to reach the cursed
Speed Rescue: The paladins of Stormwind have con-
Ivory Tower of Karazhan. In all my research, I found
tacted the player characters (PCs), telling them that five
only reports of people claiming that they wished to
of their young recruits decided to prove themselves and
travel there, but none by those who returned. The
their dedication to the Holy Light by investigating the
few who did return claimed simply that they never
Ivory Tower. Their hands full with an orc raid, the paladins
reached the tower: attacking ogres forced them back
cannot stop the recruits before they reach southern
before they came within sight of it. Considering the
Deadwind Pass. The PCs must catch the recruits and
mages, paladins and fighters who made the one-way
return them to Stormwind, keeping them safe.
trek, I found it best to avoid the tower.
Duskwood People and Culture
Darkshire is the paranoid sanctuary for Alliance
Excerpt from a Letter races in the region. While inhabited mostly by
humans, a handful of high elves, dwarves and half-
to King Llane Wrynn elves live here as well. They also house refugees from
There is little hope for us if you do not send Raven Hill. The citizens are brave and stubborn;
forces to our aid. The undead overwhelm our some feel they should abandon the doomed town to
scouts, our livestock does not grow, a preg- the undead before they fall to the Scourge, but most
nancy — human, elven or dwarven — has not are determined to keep fighting for their homes.
been carried to term in two years. The Alli-
There is little cause for enjoyment in the town.
ance has abandoned our residents to fuel the
The last time anyone celebrated to take their minds
undead forces.
off the troubles plaguing Darkshire, three children
If our pleas remain unheeded, I can only
were stolen from their beds. Now vigilant, the people
pray that after I fall to the undead I will lead the
bear a hard, haunted look in their eyes. Everything
Scourge against Stormwind so that you will
seems dull here — the clothing, the laughter, the
know the horror we live with every day.
shouts of defiance as a warrior cleaves an undead.
Your loyal servant,
Lord Ello Ebonlocke I met with Erin Von Halnor, a human Alliance
emissary, in the Scarlet Raven Inn. This tavern is
the only spot of merriment in this dour town. Erin
Capital: Darkshire (3,500). told me that the townspeople are so desperate to rid
Population: 5,000 (60% human, 20% Vul’Gol ogre, 5% themselves of their many woes that crime has
Ironforge dwarf, 5% half-elf, 5% high elf, 5% undead). relatively ceased. While they may fear theft or
Government: Democracy. murder from those passing through, the community
Ruler: Lord Ello Ebonlocke (male human Hlr5/Wiz3). has banded together behind the mayor and the
Major Settlements: Vul’Gol Ogre Mound (1,000). Night Watch militia.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Orc, Thalassian.
Faith: Holy Light.
Resources: Agriculture, intrigue, mercenary work. Duskwood is a dangerous place, no two ways
Affiliation: Alliance. about it. Raven Hill in the west is a ghost town,
overrun by the Scourge. Brightwood Grove in the
Duskwood is a confused and sorry region. Tech-
south holds only the mysterious beasts called the
nically part of the Alliance and under Stormwind’s
worgen‡. And I’ve already mentioned the danger
protection, its distance from the mighty fortress
that surrounds Darkshire.
and its close proximity to more malevolent forces in
the south and east make it a realm of horror. Vul’Gol ogres reside in the north and raid any
remaining Alliance villages. The neighboring re-
This region lies next to Deadwind Pass. Al-
gions’ corrupting magic has not reached the flora of
though Deadwind Pass stops at the border in name,
the area, and the trees yet stand tall in the wilder-
the taint of its foul magic permeates much farther
ness between towns (although they begin to show
than that. The poor citizens of Darkshire in the east
signs of missing the sun, as the weather is frequently
feel their once-perfect township is now cursed;
foggy). Darkshire attempts to keep its farming
undead rise from the cemeteries and haunt the
economy going, but the weather makes it difficult
woods surrounding the town. With ogres to the
as the months progress.
south, worgen‡ in the north, Deadwind Pass to the
east and the undead within Darkshire’s town limits, Brightwood Grove: This area was formerly a
Duskwood is one of the most dangerous areas held sunny vacation spot with fertile land that grew
by the Alliance. flowering trees, succulent fruits and strong trees. In
recent years, powerful monsters have befouled it.
The weather is affected by the magic, making
This region, as far as we can tell, is the point of origin
every day foggy and grim. The wind blows from the
for the worgen. No one knows why they appeared
east, smelling as stale as the air in Deadwind Pass.
here, but I’m guessing the answer lies within the A farming village, Darkshire used to supply the
Ivory Tower standing almost directly east of here. Alliance with a great quantity of goods. Most of
Rotten Orchard: This farm, formerly Duskwood’s those goods have dried up in the taint that slowly
largest, lies southwest of Darkshire. Once the sup- kills the land. The economy falters as farmers and
plier of a great deal of Azeroth’s fruit, it now lies merchants have nothing to sell. Many occupy their
abandoned and fallow, the trees slowly dying as the days spending their savings at the Scarlet Raven
worgen run rampant. Inn, the town’s only tavern. It is run by a lovely and
hospitable dwarf, Orena Goldtooth, who has turned
Sites and Settlements into the only wealthy citizen in town. I knew some
master brewer Goldtooths back in Khaz Modan,
Duskwood can be considered a message to the
and Orena’s skill would make them proud.
Alliance that if it does not attend to the continent’s
The mayor’s daughter, Commander Althea
growing problems, its precious western regions may
Ebonlocke, runs the Night Watch. This small po-
suffer the same fate eventually.
lice force constitutes the town’s only defense against
Raven Hill: This ghost town once took pride in
the monsters that frequently attack it.
its honor for the dead. It held a mortuary school
that graduated the finest embalmers in Azeroth. A
shame that the undead killed the town. The inhab-
itants attempted to fight their loved ones that rose Duskwood used to be a lovely stretch of farmland and
from the graves, but eventually gave up and fled forest, with many small towns sending their tributes to
east to Darkshire. I hear that the Defias Brother- Stormwind and north to Lordaeron. In the past five years,
hood tried to set up camp in this town after the however, the region has deteriorated at an alarming rate.
citizens fled, but even they couldn’t take the con- Many blame its proximity to the Ivory Tower or to the
stant attacks by the undead. Some citizens remain, growing ogre population in Azeroth. The undead that
including a master embalmer called Abercrombie, came in the wake of the Third War did little to help.
who lives near Raven Hill cemetery. A serious man, Now the region is barely more than ghost towns
he works both to stay alive and to stop the undead. and havens for monsters. Even thieves can’t get a
Raven Hill is possibly the origin of the massive foothold there. I don’t know what the Alliance
dark riders, huge beings that suddenly appear with plans to do about this region. A respectable force,
hellhounds at their feet to run down frantic travel- I should think, would help this area a great deal: I
ers. Some nights they skirt the perimeter of took out three ogres and four zombies on my way to
Darkshire, howling loudly. Darkshire, so it’s not as if the foes here are difficult.
Vul’Gol Ogre Mound (small town, 1,000):
These ogres, like the others in Azeroth, delight in Adventures
attacking the villages to the south, depleting the Duskwood cries for heroes. Its hardy people enjoy
already poor people of their dwindling resources. their autonomy but will always accept a helping
hand. The people are proud, but not stupid.
Population: 3,500. Diplomatic Mission to Darkshire: Stormwind
has received word that Darkshire needs help to
Government: Democracy.
maintain its livelihood; it regrets that it cannot send
Ruler: Lord Ello Ebonlocke (male human Hlr5/Wiz3).
much more than the PCs and a healer. The PCs must
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Thalassian. keep an agriculture expert and a healer alive on the
Faith: Holy Light. way to Darkshire and then aid the town in bolstering
Resources: Agriculture. its defenses until Stormwind can send a bigger force.
Affiliation: Alliance.
Darkshire is plagued with many problems: undead,
worgen, ogres, and a sense of abandonment as
Elwynn Forest
Stormwind does not send its forces to the failing Capital: Goldshire (7,000).
town. Several people have left, hoping to make it Population: 10,000 (70% human, 15% high elf, 7% Ironforge
west to the safety of Stormwind. dwarf, 5% half-elf, 3% Wildhammer dwarf).
Government: Democracy.
Ruler: Marshal Dughan (male human Sct6).
Night Watch Militia Major Settlements: Northshire Abbey (500), Eastvale
The statistics below describe a typical unit Logging Camp (1,000).
of the Night Watch militia that might see Languages: Common, Dwarven, Thalassian.
action in mass combat. Faith: Holy Light.
10 human Sct4: Medium humanoid; HD 4; DF 50 (5); Resources: Agriculture, minerals, timber.
Spd 300 ft. (6 squares); AC 15; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk Affiliation: Alliance.
+5 melee (short sword); Full Unit Atk +5 melee (short
sword) or +5 ranged (longbow); Space 50 ft.; SA Elwynn is a gorgeous span of fertile land and thick
blessed arrows; SQ Track, nature sense, wild healing, forests. Unlike Duskwood, it is close enough to
woodland stride, trackless step, uncanny dodge; AL Stormwind to enjoy considerable Alliance guard-
NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, ianship, and it has stayed pure and beautiful through
Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10; Morale +5. the wars of recent years.
Skills: Climb +8, Heal +8, Hide +11, Listen +8, Move Home to many farmers, loggers and miners,
Silently +4, Spot +8, Survival +8. Elwynn Forest is a tranquil region with several
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Stealthy, TrackB. friendly places to stop. Little troubles this region:
Blessed Arrows: Priests bless the arrows of the Night kobolds infiltrate some mines, and murlocs have
Watch militia; thus, treat the ranged attacks of the moved inland to reside in some lakes and rivers, but
Night Watch as magical against undead. overall it is safe. I discovered the hard way that you
Woodland Stride (Ex): Squares of natural under- should stick to the roads, though. Several forest
growth do not count as hard going for this unit. Enchanted creatures are skilled at using their teeth and claws
or magically manipulated undergrowth still impedes as the Makers intended. I was not in any danger, of
movement, however. course, with my axe readily available, but others
Equipment: Studded leather armor, short sword, might not be so lucky — or skilled.
longbow, arrows. Elwynn enjoys consistently good weather, warm
and humid with few stormy days. Gentle rain falls
Commander just enough to make everything grow full and lush.
Captain Helvas Grange, male human Sct8, hero com- If I didn’t prefer the open road, I’d consider retiring
mander: Base Atk +6; Cha 16; Knowledge (military here when my axe finally dulls.
tactics)* +12, Profession (military commander)† +12 (11
ranks); Courageous Command†, Leadership; Orders 3. People and Culture
Tactics Humans are plentiful here, but many high elves
Night Watch units move deftly and swiftly also reside in this region. Ironforge dwarves often
through Duskwood. The crafty warriors stalk seek work in the mining towns, and this region has
their undead prey, avoiding direct confronta- a surprisingly high number of half-elves. I usually
tion with supernatural and mundane consider these poor bastards as wastes of good
opponents. The carefully placed tracks of a human and elf blood since they skulk around most
member of the Night Watch militia typically cities feeling sorry for themselves, but these hard
lead pursuers into a deadly ambush where workers have found acceptance and community
eager warriors wait with bows ready. here, and they do little skulking.
Multiple units often work together under The region organizes its festivals and celebrations
the direction of Commander Althea around the planting calendar, its two biggest parties
Ebonlocke. She has yet to earn the respect of being the planting and harvesting festivals. I am
many of the militia. Well known for her keen happy to tell you that they are not stingy with their
and decisive orders in the field, however, she beer, especially in the spring, when they break open
is well on the road to gaining the Night the ale that’s been fermenting since the fall harvest!
Watch’s trust. True criminals in the area are usually sent to
Stormwind for trial and punishment, as most people
care more for their jobs than housing criminals. occupied them and begun mining the gold, their
Goldshire has a small holding area for drunks and numbers growing at such a rate that the Westbrook
pickpockets, but few stay in the clink for very long. Garrison militia has trouble containing them.
Elwynn’s towns will welcome most any travelers, Northshire Abbey (monastery, 500): This abbey
especially those who want to shop or trade to help sits in the region’s northeastern corner, in the middle
the local economies. They are especially kind to of the woods. Beyond their holy duties, the priests
those willing to lend a hand in a tough spot: I once hunt the dangerous animals in the forest and will lead
got a week of free ale when I aided a dam building any lost traveler back to the monastery for a hot meal,
crew near Westridge. Good folk out that way. a bed, flawless directions out of the woods and healing,
if necessary. These holy folk maintain an outpost of
Geography the grand Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.
This region is an apparent paradise. If you enter Tower of Azora (personal tower, 100): This
it from the desolate south of Duskwood, it’s an small tower sits along the southern route and houses
assault on the senses: a sense of fear no longer clogs mages who wish to escape the politics of Stormwind
your nose, the trees are lush and the people are City. They are led by Theocritus, a human wizard
friendly instead of terrified. who refuses to see visitors. I was given a meal by his
servants and politely shown the door when I was
Much of Elwynn is forest, except around the
through, but I did overhear some talk about how
logging camp and the villages. It also harbors many
the mage’s nemesis, Morganth, is planning some-
lakes and rivers, good for keeping the land rich but
thing nefarious from Redridge.
bad for bringing in murlocs from the sea. Dire
wolves inhabit the forest near the north, although Westbrook Garrison (military camp, 750): This
the clerics and paladins of the Holy Light attempt garrison holds Elwynn’s western border and pro-
to keep their numbers down. tects the region from gnoll attacks. The soldiers and
mercenaries within are a loud and brawling bunch,
Sites and Settlements eager for tales from the road; they enjoy a good mug
of ale and a good fight.
Elwynn is a haven for travelers who have struggled
though eastern Azeroth. Guard towers dot the road
throughout the region, and the Stormwind Garri-
son keeps the peace in most of the areas. The forest was taken by the Horde during the
First War along with Stormwind City, and the
Eastvale Logging Camp (camp, 1,000): This
resources helped the orcs’ attack on the north.
small camp is in the east, under the shadow of the
When the Alliance retook Stormwind, it also re-
Redridge Mountains. Inhabited mainly by loggers,
captured Elwynn. With the Alliance patrolling the
it faces periodic attacks from murlocs. Although
region, Elwynn has thrived since the end of the
more of a camp and less of a town, I think it would
First War and remains the peaceful pocket of the
greatly help the locals to establish some sort of
troubled continent.
military setting to protect the loggers.
The Defias Brotherhood does reach into Elwynn
Goldshire (small city, 7,000): This town sits at
Forest from time to time, preying on lone travelers.
the crossroads of the two main roads through
Some say they have a case against Stormwind, as
Elwynn. It is a convenient place to stop, replenish
they weren’t paid for their work rebuilding the city,
supplies and get a rest and a mug of ale at the Lion’s
but I say they’re whiners who charged too much in
Pride Inn. As one of the towns in Azeroth with
the first place. I did my work, I was paid; I don’t
goblin merchants, it’s a good place to purchase out-
understand their problems. They might as well be
of-the-way items — if you can stand the little
orcs with their unreasonable demands.
buggers’ company for more than an instant.
Jasperlode and Fargo Deep Mines: Gold mines
once held by the orcs to fuel their war efforts, the
Jasperlode and Fargo mines were retaken by the This region can always use help clearing a mine
Alliance after the First War. Kobolds have since of beasts or repelling the Defias Brotherhood.
Message of Peace: The PCs are sent by the
Westbrook Garrison Academy of Arcane Sciences in Stormwind to
The statistics below describe typical units of carry a message to Theocritus. His advice is sorely
the Westbrook Garrison that might see action needed in Stormwind, and the PCs must charm
together in mass combat. their way in to see him and then to convince him
10 human War3: Medium humanoid; HD 3; DF 30 (3); Spd of the need. This task will be difficult, as he has
300 ft. (6 squares); AC 15; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +5 melee vowed never to return to Stormwind.
(longsword); Full Unit Atk +5 melee (longsword) or +5 ranged
(light crossbow); Space 50 ft.; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will
+3; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Morale +3.
Redridge Mountains
Skills: Climb +7, Spot +4. Capital: Lakeshire (1,500).
Feats: Defend*, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (longsword). Population: 2,000 (65% human, 12% Ironforge dwarf, 10%
Equipment: Studded leather armor, light wooden shield, Blackrock orc, 6% Wildhammer dwarf, 4% half-elf, 3% high elf).
longsword, light crossbow, bolts. Government: Democracy.
10 human Ftr5/Mow1 and 10 heavy warhorses: Medium Ruler: Magistrate Solomon (male human Ftr7).
humanoid/Large animal; HD 6/4; DF 80 (8)/60 (6); Spd Major Settlements: Stonewatch Keep (200).
500 ft. (10 squares); AC 16 (17/15); Base Atk +6/+3; Unit Languages: Common, Dwarven, Orc, Thalassian.
Atk +10 melee (masterwork longsword), or +7 melee (hoof); Faiths: Holy Light, Mystery of the Makers.
Full Unit Atk +10/+5 melee (masterwork longsword), or +7
Resources: Agriculture, fish, timber.
melee (hoof) and +2 melee (bite); Space 100 ft.; SQ low-
light vision, scent; AL NG; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +1; Str Affiliation: Alliance.
15 (13/18), Dex 12 (12/13), Con 15 (14/17), Int 6 (10/2), Wis The Redridge Mountains are so far untainted by
12 (11/13), Cha 8 (10/6); Morale +7. the Burning Legion or the Scourge. It is a lovely area
Skills: human — Climb +6, Handle Animal +8, Intimi- surrounded by some troubled spots. While the rav-
date +6, Jump +4, Ride +10, Swim +6; heavy warhorse — aged mountains of the Burning Steppes border it on
Listen +5, Spot +4. the north and the deadly Swamp of Sorrows and
Feats: human — Cleave, Expert Rider*, Mounted Combat, Deadwind Pass border it on the South, the region
PowerAttack,Toughness,WeaponFocus(longsword),Weapon more reflects the beautiful Elwynn Forest to the west.
Specialization (longsword); heavy warhorse — Endurance, Run. Supplying the Alliance with timber, fish and crops,
Equipment: Breastplate, masterwork longsword; this region is also a vacation spot for many residents of
chainmail barding. Stormwind. The tranquil woods, rivers and lakes make
it a sought-after retirement area for veterans with fish to
catch and tales to tell. Only a handful of dangers trouble
Captain Sumner Trask, male human Ftr6/Mow4, hero
it: the usual monsters of the woods and the small matter
commander: Base Atk +10; Cha 16; Diplomacy +10, Intimi-
of the Alliance keep overtaken by orcs.
date +12, Knowledge (military tactics)* +10, Profession
(military commander)† +12 (10 ranks); Leadership, Ruth- Redridge matches Elwynn’s climate, being warm
less Commander; Orders 3. and temperate with just the right amount of rain. The
higher altitude and closer proximity to the mountains
Tactics make it a bit cooler than Elwynn, but no less pleasant.
The Westbrook Garrison fields excursions and
patrols against the gnoll marauders lurking along People and Culture
the borders of Westfall and Elwynn Forest. The The people of Redridge, mainly of Lakeshire, are
Garrison holds Westbrook and ensures that gnolls an easy-going folk. Although their modest town
and bandits do not gain a strong foothold in bustles with travelers and merchants, they seem
Stormwind-held territory. The Stormwind guard content to watch the world pass them by and spend
tends to use the Westbrook Garrison as a testing the day fishing or sitting in their stores, discussing
ground for newly initiated knights. the politics of Stormwind and laughing that if the
These units are exactly the sort that together people up there would just relax, their problems
would regularly patrol the area around the Gar- would solve themselves. They wear a mixture of
rison and surrounding settlements.
fashions, a layered look of tunics and undershirts for Lakeshire (small town, 1,500): Lakeshire is a
the chilly evenings and the warm days. Some tailors sleepy town, a blessing for those who just passed
have found a sap that waterproofs clothing and sell through the Burning Steppes to reach Stormwind.
these clothes at ridiculous prices to visiting fishers. Some travelers don’t even make it to Stormwind;
Twice a year, at midsummer and midwinter, Lakeshire they’d rather stay in Lakeshire. Populated by every-
holds the Festival of the Lake. In the summer, people one from farmers and fishers to retired warriors and
fish and swim, while in the winter they ice fish and mages, it is a diverse town where people are friendly
skate. And, like all good festivals, you can get a fine and keep their secrets to themselves.
serving of ale during these times. In the winter, they Welcoming to strangers, Lakeshire offers many
serve their wine hot, which isn’t really to my tastes but inns and taverns where a traveler can enjoy ale. You
the high elves and half-elves seem to like it. can spend the day fishing on the lake and the night
The Stormwind army maintains a token pres- drinking in the tavern and call that a good vaca-
ence here and handles Redridge’s few crime tion, as far as I’m concerned. The most serious
problems. I like this region best aside from person in the town is Magistrate Solomon, who is
Stormwind itself. There’s definitely no better place dedicated to keeping the town safe from orcs and
in Azeroth to enjoy a pint. gnolls. He is short on supplies and always on the
lookout for mercenaries.
Geography Stonewatch Keep (keep, 200): Once an Alliance
fortress, Stonewatch Keep fell in the Second War to
Several elms and pines make up the forests in this region,
the orcs, and in their hands it stays. It is located east
providing a traveler much needed relief from the sun if he’s
of Lakeshire in a strategic position atop a hill. The
coming from the Blasted Lands, but also giving monsters
orcs harry travelers and sometimes muster the cour-
age to raid the outskirts of Lakeshire. They are
most of them emptying into the massive Lake Everstill.
advance forces for their brethren in Blackrock Spire,
Although a peaceful Alliance region, the mountains
and I suspect they have more nefarious plans for
remain dangerous at times, with tarantulas in the east and
Lakeshire than mere raiding, perhaps urged by their
orcs in the north, and the usual gnolls or wolves prowling
master, the black dragon Nefarion.
the forest. I do not normally worry while traveling alone,
but I missed some of my old friends when I stumbled upon Most often, however, they just sit in their keep
a nest of tarantulas. I could have used a healer’s tender and taunt others to take it back from them. When
touch after that day, let me tell you. passing by the keep, I experienced their more
colorful greetings. A clever orc actually made a
Lake Everstill: Coming out of the forest, you
suggestion about my beard in Dwarven, and I nearly
find yourself on the shores of Lake Everstill, a
tore the keep down with my bare hands. Only the
massive, deep lake with the town of Lakeshire
knowledge of my mission kept me on my course.
tracing its shores. It is large enough to satisfy
One day I will return, though.
swimmers, boaters and fishers.
Tower of Ilgalar (personal tower, 100): In this
Stonewatch Falls: A couple of miles inland from the
remote tower, located northeast of Lakeshire and
northern coast lies Stonewatch Falls, a popular swim-
directly north of Stonewatch Falls, resides the
ming area. The river’s bottom is smooth and provides a
mage Morganth and his supporters and servants.
safe and swift journey through rapids and then through
Exiled from Stormwind for using dark magic, he
a cave, finally dropping the swimmer thirty feet into a
remains the enemy of Theocritus in Elwynn Forest.
dark pool. If she follows the current farther, she can see
the eastern canyons before the sea, but most do not go
that far for fear of those damn tarantulas. History
Redridge was once a larger stretch of mountains
Sites and Settlements until the Dark Iron dwarves befouled the region
when they summoned Ragnaros. Half the moun-
Redridge is a haven in the midst of a troubled
tain range melted into the Burning Steppes, but the
continent. I can only hope that the demon and
rest remained pristine. These mountains and foot-
undead taint in other regions does not come to
hills were used as thoroughfares in the many wars in
harm this wonderful place.
the past fifty years, but they somehow remained mysterious night elves from the west do live here,
untouched while the surrounding regions suffered. but it is by and large a human city.
Now it is the last true area wholly under Alliance The climate being what it is, clothes in the city
influence in Azeroth, and it sometimes struggles to are composed of light fabric for the most part. Color
remain so. choices usually are bold: whites, reds, blues, or-
anges, yellows. Although one might assume the
Adventures climate would call for as little clothing as possible,
the inhabitants of Stormwind prefer light fabric but
Even on vacation to dip your hairy toes in the fine
lots of it. Humans usually wear long-sleeved tunics,
waters of the lakes, you must keep your sword by
billowy trousers and leather boots, and sometimes
you. You never know when a gnoll will get uppity.
even ridiculously large, floppy hats for excessively
And if you get there before me, a keep full of orcs
sunny days. The high elves generally copy the
must be cleaned out — just save me the one who
humans’ fashions here, though I know some high
speaks Dwarven.
elves who prefer to set themselves apart.
Running Errands: A goblin merchant has moved
Although Stormwind is well-defended, the city
into Lakeshire looking for a place to set up shop as
guard usually wears only light armor to handle the
well as a seasoned party to get her some, ah, special
occasional thief or bandit. The paladins will don
items. She has a list she needs filled, including items
their full plate (made by a friend of mine, Bael
found in Stonewatch Keep, the Tower of Ilgalar, and
Deathax, a master armorsmith) during ceremonies
in the canyons beyond Stonewatch Falls.
and when they ride out of the city on business
defending Elwynn Forest or the surrounding areas,
Stormwind but around the city they wear nothing more than
Capital: Stormwind City (200,000). the breastplate that identifies them as paladins.
Population: 200,000 (70% human, 14% Ironforge dwarf, My friend Hargh informed me, in discreet under-
10% high elf, 4% half-elf, 2% night elf). tones, that a third force in the city is dedicated to
Government: Hereditary monarchy. maintaining the peace. All I have learned of assassins in
Ruler: King Anduin Wrynn (male human Ftr5/Ari10). my life pointed toward evil folk who worked their will
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Thalassian. outside the law, but apparently they’re different here. A
guild of assassins supposedly works behind the scenes
Faiths: Holy Light, Mystery of the Makers.
with the blessings of the king and the Stormwind ruling
Resources: Armor, magical education, weapons.
council. When solving an “inconvenient” problem
Affiliation: Alliance. would go against the tenets of the Holy Light, the
Stormwind is the jewel of the Alliance in Azeroth. Stormwind Assassins are called. They deal with matters
The oldest and grandest human city, it has weath- quickly and efficiently, and few questions are asked.
ered three wars, ransacking by the orcs and invasions As I stated before, Stormwind is a human city,
by the Alliance to take it back. but it honors its non-human citizens well. Every
Although mostly a human city, Stormwind does night at sunset, the Cathedral of Light rings a
house a respectable dwarven and a less respectable solitary bell whose sweet pitch reaches the entire
elven population. It opens its gates to all Alliance city. This is for the night elves, who are unaccus-
members to participate in trade within the city tomed to living within cities. A day of mourning is
limits. Most of the city’s coffers are filled with the set aside for the high elves, remembering Dalaran’s
taxes taken from the merchants in the busy market. destruction. And, praise the Light, the ale pours
Stormwind’s climate is warm, the skies clear and free for every dwarf in the city during the holy
the seasons generally temperate. birthday of Anvil Stormglaive. I was lucky enough
to be in Stormwind during its first celebration of
People and Culture Third War veterans, when they honored the citi-
No doubt about it: Stormwind is a human city. zens of all Alliance races who fought in the war.
Sure, the residents claim they are an Alliance city, Those criminals who survive arrest and trial
and high elves, dwarves and even some of those reside in one of the city’s two prisons. Common
criminals from pickpockets to murderers stay in the
General Marcus Jonathan, Stockade. More dangerous types — demons, rogue
mages and the like — are left to rot in the Vault. I
13th-Level Fighter don’t like coming near that one; it’s surrounded on
all sides by water, and I’m assured it is safe, but the
General of Stormwind hairs on my feet prickle when I get too close to it.
Male Human
Human: CR 13; Medium humanoid (human); HD Keeping those demon abominations alive in there
13d10+13, hp 84; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 10, flat- is just asking for trouble.
footed 21; Base Atk +13; Grp +16; Atk +20 melee (1d8+9/
19–20/x3, +2 undead bane warhammer); Full Atk +20/ Geography
+15/+10 melee (1d8+9/19–20/x3, +2 undead bane
warhammer); AL LN; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +7; Str 16, A grand city with new construction that still
Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15. gives a nod to human and dwarven architecture of
Languages Spoken: Common. old, you can move about Stormwind on foot, rent
one of many mounts or even have a small boat take
Skills: Balance –6, Climb +5, Escape Artist –6, Handle
Animal +7, Hide –6, Intimidate +5, Jump +5, Move Si- you through the several canals that bisect the city.
lently –6, Profession (military commander)† +7, Ride Although the worst problem you may encounter
+10, Swim +1. in Stormwind is a pickpocket (or, if you are a
Feats: Cleave, Endurance, Greater Weapon Focus pickpocket, the City Guard), greater threats sur-
(warhammer), Greater Weapon Specialization round the city. The mountains north hold some
(warhammer), Improved Initiative, Improved Critical nastier sorts of beasts that will sometimes venture
(warhammer), Iron Will, Leadership, Mounted Combat, south to see what they can pick from the road. The
Power Attack, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (warhammer), passage is no stranger to harpy attacks, and even
Weapon Specialization (warhammer). dire wolves are spotted north of the city. The locals
Possessions: +1 arrow catching heavy steel shield, +2 assume the creatures have escaped from the
undead bane warhammer, +3 half-plate, gauntlets of Blackrock orcs in the Burning Steppes.
ogre power. The Valley of Heroes: This gloriously lush
valley lies south of the city, and all visitors must pass
Description through it, as it is the only entrance to Stormwind.
The knight is tall, with wide shoulders and a Statues of heroes such as Danath Trollbane, Alleria
sweeping mustache, proudly wearing a suit of Windrunner and High General Turalyon stand on
heavy plate mail. The Stormwind insignia is either side of the road, welcoming visitors while
emblazoned across both the breastplate of his providing an awe-inspiring warning.
armor and the crest of his helm, and a series of
smaller engravings indicates that he is a high- Sites
ranking officer in the human army. His stance is
With all the rebuilding efforts in the past thirty
that of a battle-hardened veteran, wary but still at
years, the city has several notable structures.
ease, as if he is absolutely confident in his ability
to deal with any danger that comes his way. Academy of Arcane Sciences: This vine-covered
tower sits to the west of the city. For a long time, the
General Marcus Jonathon is absolutely fear-
Academy was considered to be a second-best school
less in battle, completely willing to lay down his
of magic compared to Dalaran, but since that region’s
life in the defense of his country. He always
destruction by the demons and undead, the northern
strides boldly into combat, attempting to iden-
mages fled to Stormwind and took up residence in
tify and then work his way toward the leader of
the tower. It’s full to bursting with mages, and some
the enemy forces. He prefers to move steadily
say it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways with the
into the middle of the enemy force, surrounding
differing opinions inside. Yet as it’s the only magic
himself with enemies in order to maximize the
school left in the east, few complain openly.
benefit of his cleaving attack and to gain a
moderate amount of cover from enemy archers. Cathedral of Light: Perhaps the only construc-
tion to rival the glory of Stormwind Keep, this
massive white building is topped with towers and
spirals, and serves as the base for those who follow
the Holy Light. Priests, healers and paladins study
and worship within. This building graces the very Stormwind was the first kingdom invaded by the
center of the city. Horde during the First War. Beloved King Llane
The Pig and Whistle: I’d not mention this fine was killed in the attacks, and it was in his name that
alehouse, as I’d like it to be my little secret, but duty Sir Lothar led Alliance forces to take the city back.
compels me. It’s small and dirty, and the barkeep With Stormwind under its control again and
would sooner punch your teeth down your throat serving as a strong base of operations, the Alliance
than give a drink on the house, but it’s also the secret eventually wrested most of Azeroth from the Horde’s
headquarters for Stormwind’s warriors’ guild. If you grip. The Alliance set to rebuilding then, calling on
sit tight and don’t interrupt, you can hear a fine tale whoever could spare artisans. I was among those
from just about anyone for whom you buy an ale. sent to help the rebuilding effort, and I still look on
The Stockade and Vault: The city’s two prisons, the city with pride.
the Stockade keeps the everyday criminals, while Now it is the last of the great human cities. It
the Vault houses those who have no right to live boasts a powerful City Guard and a strong army,
but we don’t have the means to kill easily — and it is a base of magical or divine study, and
demons, ogre mages and other nightmares. contemplation, in Azeroth.
Stormwind Keep: This mighty keep sits watch
over Stormwind atop the cliffs north of the city. I Adventures
helped construct this fine building, housing the King Stormwind’s peacekeeping forces are impressive,
himself and many of the city’s nobles. It was designed and I would not advise a young thief to attempt to
with the thought of another invasion in mind: if the make his living in this town. However, those fools
city fell to an army vaster than it could handle, the who prefer a good challenge could enjoy living life
keep itself becomes a means of escape, with several on the edge of the peacekeepers’ swords and possi-
secret tunnels entombed deep within the rock. bly make a very good living at it, too.
Breakout!: The “secure” bonds of the Vault are Government: Tribal rule.
breached and demons roam Stormwind’s streets. The Major Settlements: Zul’Kunda (4,000), Zul’Mamwe
PCs are called upon for any duty, from protecting the (2,500), The Arena (1,500), Booty Bay (1,000), The Vile
populace, to keeping the peace, to demon hunting, to Reef (1,000).
aiding the mages in restoring the Vault’s security. Languages: Goblin, Low Common, Orc.
Faith: Shamanism.
Resources: Armor, gambling, intrigue, timber, weapons.
Stormwind City Guard Affiliation: Independent.
The statistics below describe a typical unit of Stranglethorn Vale is perhaps the largest region
the Stormwind city guard that might see action of Azeroth and certainly one of the busiest. Its thick
in mass combat. jungles do well to hide the teeming populations of
10 human Ftr3: Medium humanoid; HD 3; DF 60 (6); trolls that occupy it.
Spd 300 ft. (6 squares); AC 15; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +7 The trolls all seem the same to an outsider, but
melee (longsword); Full Unit Atk +7 melee (longsword); they have at least four different tribes and two
AL NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 12, Con separate allegiances. Besides the great number of
14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Morale +3. trolls, goblin pirates and even some naga** also
Skills: Intimidate +6, Jump +8. inhabit the region.
Feats: Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, One big rain forest, Stranglethorn Vale gets
Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword). frequent showers and unbearably humid weather. I
Equipment: Studded leather armor, light wooden shield, tend to like it dry and hot, and this area simply saps
longsword. a dwarf’s strength.
Sergeant Mandred Grummel, male human Ftr5, hero
People and Culture
commander: Base Atk +5; Cha 14; Diplomacy +5, Intimi- Stranglethorn Vale is ruled for the most part by the
date +10, Knowledge (military tactics)* +10, Profession many different tribes of jungle trolls. The inhabit-
(military commander)† +8 (4 ranks); Ruthless Com- ants prefer to live primarily within the ruins of the
mand; Orders 1. once-great troll cities. These trolls keep close to their
tribes, rarely mixing unless they meet in the Arena.
Tactics Stranglethorn’s inhabitants are connected by
The Stormwind city guard patrols the streets very little except a love for this thick weather and
and walls of the capitol of Azeroth, keeping the a respect for the baser rules of life. Democracy they
public safe. This smaller unit would patrol the can’t grasp, but the old “if I hit you harder than you
street during times of peace. During times of hit me, then I win” makes a strong impression.
war, several of these units combine under a sub- Otherwise, they follow no overall government,
commander, who in turn operates under the leader or set of laws. I found great sport in teaching
auspices of a commander-in-chief. solitary trolls that this dwarf is no easy target.
If a fighting force were to penetrate the walls After our little lessons, I wove their nose rings into
of Stormwind, these smaller units would engage my beard (wiping them off first, of course). I will
intruders, buying time for the army to respond. caution, however, that it’s best not to offend
As a note, the Stormwind army can also muster groups of the brutes, as they have a practice of
together quickly and provide aerial and magical capturing and cooking interlopers — especially
support for the city’s militia during an invasion. Alliance interlopers.
The Horde elements are different down here
than elsewhere on the continent. Some of the trolls
Stranglethorn Vale from the Darkspear clan claim to be Horde affiliates
and may not catch and cook a lone traveler. The
Population: 10,000 (25% Bloodscalp troll, 20% goblin, orcs also seem less violent, leading me to believe
15% Skullsplitter troll, 15% Gurubashi troll, 10% Darkspear that they, unlike the continent’s other orcs, are
troll, 6% orc, 4% naga). beholden to the Horde leader on Kalimdor, Thrall.
While the Arena is relatively safe compared to
Geography the other areas of Stranglethorn Vale (uncommon
Stranglethorn Vale is unsafe for any Alliance races such as humans, dwarves or high elves will not
member to visit. Even the jungle itself is hazard- be immediately snared and eaten), it is not a friendly
ous. Firstly, one encounters the very plant for place. Desperate people will cut your throat or your
which the region was named: the stranglethorn, purse to pay a gambling debt, and thugs working for
a massive carnivorous plant capable of eating a the Arena will snatch people if the competition
man (see Appendix Two). High elves, dwarves, needs some variety. Still, it is a good place to stock
half-elves and trolls (I hope) are also in danger up on weapons and supplies from the several goblin
around this plant, which resembles a vine-cov- merchants in the area.
ered, fleshy sack. The Arena has the region’s most diversified popu-
Lurking in the jungle (although well away from lation. Most of the Horde races make their home
the stranglethorns) are several other creatures that here; the orcs like the competition of the Arena,
make travel treacherous. Gorillas, panthers and and the Darkspear trolls will stay where the orcs do.
tigers constantly prowl for meat, and when you’re Booty Bay (small town, 1,000): This dangerous
free of the heavy jungle you still need to watch the little town is the home base for the pirates who traffic
sky for raptors. off the southwestern coast of Azeroth. Inhabited
Moreover, the vicious naga** have been spotted mostly by goblins and ruled by Baron Revilgaz, Booty
along the coast. I fear they’re making their home on Bay is home to the Blackwater Raiders, a group of
Azeroth’s shores. notorious pirates comprised of goblins, humans, and
Murky Depths Lake: In the center of many others who them allegiance. After a raid, these
Stranglethorn Vale, just west of Zul’Gurub, is pirates send their loot up the road to the Arena to
Azeroth’s largest lake, called Murky Depths Lake. sell, or even further into Azeroth.
A far cry from the pleasant waters of Lake Everstill, The Vile Reef (aquatic ruins, 500): The
this lake is thick with slime and insects, and a Gurubashi trolls left many ruins in Stranglethorn,
swimmer will learn much about pain if she sticks some of which have fallen into the ocean. The Vile
in a toe. Small fish with teeth as sharp as a sword Reef deserves mention because it has recently be-
inhabit the lake and will devour anything that come the naga’s home. These creatures are living in
falls in. I saw some suicidal trolls crossing the lake the ruins and coming onto land to deal with the
in boats and appreciated this example of their goblins and trolls for supplies. I don’t know where
stupidity. they came from, but it’s unlikely they’re leaving any
time soon.
Sites and Settlements Zul’Kunda (ruins, 4,000): The Gurubashi trolls’
Stranglethorn Vale is an inhospitable land in- numbers have dwindled, and some of their ruins lie
habited by inhospitable beings. It is fascinating to in the hands of their cousins. The Bloodscalp trolls
travel through, however, if (like me) you have a occupy these northern ruins in the jungle just south
taste for danger. of the mountains separating Stranglethorn Vale
The Arena (ruins, 1,500): This is one of the few from Westfall. These trolls, in addition to attack-
places you can visit and not expect to be immedi- ing, robbing and eating travelers, guard the crystals
ately captured and killed. The ancient Gurubashi in the hillside from prospecting goblins. The
trolls built a huge gladiatorial arena many years ago, Bloodscalps find these crystals sacred, while the
and it stands in ruins now — though the remaining goblins find them profitable. These trolls have
Gurubashi still hold games within the Arena. Some perhaps the most antagonistic relationship with
of the participants are volunteers, and some are goblins I have seen in my wide travels; they simply
captured travelers or adventurers who were sold to will not welcome goblins into their town.
the Arena by other troll tribes. The more well- Zul’Mamwe (ruins, 2,500): This Gurubashi ruin
known gladiators are very popular, and much can is in the middle of the jungle, well off the main road
be won and lost (including your life) in gambling and directly south of Murky Depths Lake. As the
over these games. Bloodscalps claim Zul’Kunda, the Skullsplitters claim
Zul’Mamwe. These trolls are solitary and deal mostly Gurubashi, built magnificent cities and populated
with outsiders when they are visiting the Arena. them with trolls and eventually goblins. Since
They seem dedicated to shoring up the old ruins and then, the cities have become ruins and the trolls
building structures to fit their growing populations. broke apart into warring tribes. After the Third
Zul’Gurub: The beginning of the great Gurubashi War, some of Thrall’s orcs settled here with their
civilization lay here in Stranglethorn’s far eastern allies, the Darkspear clan, jungle trolls who partici-
reaches. Few trolls live here now — only those pate in none of their cousins’ cannibalistic rituals.
Gurubashi who research and wish to preserve the
ruins from the encroaching jungle. Adventures
If an adventurer or explorer thinks she has the
History skill to avoid the trolls’ stewpots, goblins always
Stranglethorn is the only region of Azeroth that need heavy laborers to excavate land or serve as
seems completely untouched by the wars that shook mates on their pirate ships. One can’t trust their
the land. The ancient troll civilization, the honor, however.
have not found it in their excavations yet, so they
Bloodscalp Trolls hire the PCs to get it, telling them they can keep
whatever else they take in the ruins.
The statistics below describe a typical
unit of Bloodscalp trolls that might see
action in mass combat. Swamp of Sorrows
10 jungle troll Bbn2: Medium monstrous human- Capital: Stonard (2,000).
oid; HD 2; DF 50 (5); Spd 400 ft. (8 squares); AC 14; Population: 5,000 (55% orc, 30% green dragonflight, 15%
Base Atk +2; Unit Atk +5 melee (battleaxe); Full Unit draenei).
Atk +5 melee (battleaxe) or +4 ranged (spear);
Government: Participatory democracy.
Space 50 ft.; SA rage; SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast
healing 1, fast movement; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Major Settlements: The Lost Temple (1,500), Fallow Sanc-
Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 9; tuary (750).
Morale +2. Languages: Draconic, Draenei, Orc.
Skills: Climb +7, Survival +5, Swim +7. Faith: Shamanism.
Feats: Toughness. Resources: Weapons.
Rage (Ex): The unit can rage for 1 minute. It gains Affiliation: Horde.
an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls The Swamp of Sorrows is not for the faint of heart.
during the rage. The unit also gains a +2 bonus to Monsters thrive in this smelly bog, making travel
saving throws and morale. After raging, the entire difficult and unrewarding. There are few settlements
unit is fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength and Dexter- and a lot of stagnant water with thriving beasties.
ity) for the rest of the battle. The swamp lies along Azeroth’s eastern coast, bor-
Fast movement (Ex): Barbarians gain +10 feet to dered by the Redridge Mountains, Deadwind Pass and
their base movement while wearing light or no armor. the Blasted Lands. No main roads run through the
In mass combat, add an additional +100 feet per sodden lands, and I can see few reasons to visit the
minute (already factored in). place. Its sparse inhabitants include orcs of a different
Equipment: Leather armor, battleaxe, spear. ilk than those from the Burning Steppes; some vile
green dragons; and the draenei, mortal enemies of the
orcs who also call themselves the Lost Ones.
Hajukka, male jungle troll Bbn5, hero commander:
Base Atk +4; Cha 14; Intimidate +11; Determined The murky region is humid and rainy a lot of the
Command†; Orders 1. time, almost as if it is a displaced part of Stranglethorn
Vale. The ocean seeps into the swamp, making it a
Tactics salty marsh. Massive, drippy trees rise from the
The violent and brutal jungle trolls of swamp and encourage the air to hold in more mois-
Stranglethorn Vale thrive on conflict. While ture, making it as miserable as a rainforest.
the Bloodscalp tribe can afford only a unit or
two of these warriors, the trolls can strike People and Culture
swiftly and inflict terrible losses on enemy units The people in this area, when you can find them, are
while keeping highly mobile. The trolls will different from most regions. While you know what to
throw spears before coming into close combat expect from the humans, the undead and even the orcs,
with their brutal axes. If pressed, they tend to go surprises await in the swamp. I was running from some
into a berserk rage to hack and crush their way crocolisks‡ that outnumbered me and didn’t take a
through their enemies. Motivating a mass of warning shot to heart when three orcs dropped from a
berserker trolls is difficult, and these creatures tree and cut them all to ribbons! I was stunned and not
don’t make the most responsive of troops. afraid to admit it. They were gruff, as I expect orcs to be,
but they did not attempt to strike my head from my
Race to the Gem: The Bloodscalp trolls unearth shoulders. They mentioned their leader Thrall had
some of the Gurubashi records in their home of ordered them to make peace with the Alliance. Since the
Zul’Mamwe and discover that a powerful gem awaits Alliance did not welcome orcs in this continent, peace
in the ruins of Zul’Gurub. They figure the Gurubashi was difficult, but they did what they could. I thanked
them and offered to share my flask of whiskey I’d received est. Also known as the Sunken Temple, trolls built it
from the folk in Redridge, and as we drank I found out a many centuries ago, using it to focus demonic arcane
little about their village and the surrounding area. magic. They fell to its corrupting influences. The green
These orcs were not only more reasonable than the dragonflight has since taken over the area, attempting
ones I’d seen in the Burning Steppes, but they also to cleanse the temple, but the dragons frequently fail
seemed smarter. Two were strong warriors, but the and lose some of their number in the attempt. Now they
smaller one, a female, was clearly a shaman. They told me see it as their duty to guard the temple from others who
of the vicious draenei in the north who sequester them- may be controlled by the power inside.
selves from outsiders, and the corrupt green dragons in Several orcs have explored this area while keep-
the east. The quiet marshes are apparently dangerous for ing clear of the green dragons on watch. Some were
reasons other than the sucking mud and the monsters. even able to question surreptitiously the less intel-
They did not invite me back to their homes, but these ligent of the green dragons and pull some
orcs did much to inform me of the state of the region, information about the area from them. Long ago,
and they saved my life, so I am indebted to them. the trolls here attempted to summon and control
Hakkar, an old god of theirs. Eranikus the Green, a
Geography powerful dragon, was sent in to contain Hakkar's
evil and cleanse the temple. Although he sunk the
The swamp is aptly named, as the water from the
temple below the waters, over time Eranikus went
ocean estuary encrusts fallen logs and rocks with
crazy. That's the story, anyway, but no one has
salt deposits. The road rises mere inches from the
come close enough to the temple to verify it.
water, painstakingly built to allow travel through
Stonard (large town, 2,500): This southern town
this wretched area.
lies just off the swamp’s only road. Formerly used as
This stagnant land is made worse by the jaguars,
an orc stronghold during the wars, now it functions
the hulking bog beasts** and the crocolisks, many-
as a Horde outpost. While populated mostly by orc
toothed beasts that lurk at the water’s edge waiting
warriors, some orcs do follow their calling as sha-
for travelers (see Appendix Two).
mans. I was not permitted entry, but the orcs who
saved my life told me a bit about the town.
Sites and Settlements It is protected by 8-foot walls, and sentries watch
Settlements are few in this region, as the Swamp every gate. Although there is little traffic through the
of Sorrows is a mostly forgotten area. The settle- swamps, the orcs must guard against Alliance attacks.
ments that do survive here are populated with They send caravans to their allies in Stranglethorn
hardy people who wish not to be disturbed. Vale to trade for supplies twice a year, though the
Fallow Sanctuary (village, 750): This town lies town does boast several weaponsmiths who create
in the north of the Swamp of Sorrows, in view of the beautiful weapons with the ore they trade for.
Redridge Mountains. The draenei, a race who shared The orcs are, if not friendly, certainly not the evil
a homeland with the orcs, fled their world when it orcs I fought in the wars. There might actually be
shattered with the Dark Portal and took residence something to the claims that the Horde and the
here where few would follow. They’ve managed to Alliance are at truce in the west.
make a life for themselves in the swamp and make
plans to wipe out the hated orcs. History
The Fallow Sanctuary sends its spies and assas-
The Swamp of Sorrows is largely left out of Azeroth’s
sins to raid Stonard — presumably to steal supplies,
histories, at least those written by the Alliance. Its
but if several orcs die in the process, the draenei
proximity to the Dark Portal and its remote location from
don’t mind. They have, the orcs tell me, managed
the Alliance, the Burning Legion and the Scourge make
to plant water-loving crops in the drier areas of the
it a suitable place for the draenei and the orcs to settle.
swamp and can feed themselves with those and
The Horde had to trek through the southwestern corner
with meat from the area’s monsters.
during their rampage across the continent and felt the
The Lost Temple (underwater stronghold, 1,500): need to set a stronghold there, and the draenei discovered
This temple is located underneath the middle of the that the northern swamp’s remoteness suited them.
Swamp of Sorrows, where the monsters are the thick-
The only notable event that happened in the Ruler: Edwin VanCleef, leader of the Defias Brotherhood
past is the amazing creation of the Lost Temple, the (male human Rog12).
watertight demonic temple that houses something Major Settlements: Moonbrook (4,000), Sentinel Hill (300).
terrible. I am not entirely sure what happened Languages: Common, Goblin.
there, but I know the green dragonflight guards it Resources: Agriculture, minerals.
closely to protect others from falling to corruption. Affiliation: Independent.
An odd place, Westfall both borders Stormwind
Adventures and is populated by humans not under the Alliance’s
The Swamp of Sorrows is a hunter’s paradise. A complete control. The region was stolen right un-
person could make a sack full of gold with the hides, der the Alliance’s nose by its own bitter people.
teeth and organs he finds in this area. Of course, This rich land has lain fallow since after the Second
separating these items from their owners is the trick. War, but it is now held by the Defias Brotherhood.
Monster Attack: A fledgling shaman’s spell goes Stormwind claims the land as its own, but it has found
awry and attracts the swamp’s monsters, as well as little time to be concerned with it (sources tell me of
some of the demons wandering north of the Blasted insufficient funds and might to retake the region). A
Lands, to Stonard. The draenei hear of the orcs’ handful of farmers still try to keep their land, and some
vulnerability and attempt to take advantage of this even attempt a tithe to Stormwind every year, but
opening. Stonard is under siege, and the orcs need all most only grow enough to feed themselves. The Defias
the assistance they can get to survive. The orcs will Brotherhood controls much of the region, focusing in
likely accept Alliance help if it is offered respectfully. the southern area of Moonbrook.
Westfall has the mild temperatures of Elwynn,
Westfall but winds batter it both from the sea and from
Duskwood. The bare farmlands add little to break
Population: 6,000 (85% human, 8% goblin, 5% high elf, the wind, which can cut through clothing on a
2% half-elf). blustery day.
People and Culture Past Due
The peaceful inhabitants in Westfall find it a While camping in Westfall, I met a man
frightening place to live. While the Defias Brother- whom I recognized as one of the architects I
hood hatches its schemes to hurt Stormwind, the worked under while rebuilding Stormwind.
Alliance and all beholden to it, Westfall’s simple He did not recognize me, however, and after
folk just try to live from day to day with thieves, taking a careful look at my axe, he chose
bandits and gnolls threatening them. The thieves wisely to talk instead of attack. I was friendly
and bandits find it a large area in which they can and didn’t mention our history, choosing
plan their attacks without much bother. Little fun instead to invite him to share my supper. We
and celebration occurs among Westfall’s inhabit- chatted a bit and I learned some of his
ants, as they have poor community support and no twisted mindset. He gave me a copy of this
aid from Stormwind. The garrison at Sentinel Hill bill that he sends to Stormwind quarterly. If
is nothing more than a Stormwind figurehead. anyone has sympathies with the Brother-
The thieves of the Brotherhood, on the other hood, it’s likely they won’t after reading it.
hand, apparently live a fine life. I did some careful
who have usurped it. Weeds and seedling trees mark Late fee: 100,000 gp
the rich land, and the wind cries over the fields. 1,000,000 gp
Thieves and bandits are the greatest problems
here, but gnolls and the slouching harvest golems††
Alliance could claim, they were abandoned when
also terrorize the already harried farmers.
the Horde took Stormwind. After they rebuilt
Stormwind, the Defias Brotherhood began using
Sites and Settlements their artisan skills to turn the mines into a sophisti-
Most of Westfall is choked by the Defias Broth- cated underground fortress. I was unable to see it, but
erhood (see Appendix Two). The residents who I’ve spoken to enough people who got inside to feel
are not part of the Brotherhood live in fear and alarmed at the Brotherhood’s ingenuity. One woman,
require Alliance aid that rarely comes. an old high elf, told me that goblins also live in the
Moonbrook (ghost town, 4,000): This town’s true mines and are helping the Brotherhood build some-
inhabitants fled during one of the Brotherhood’s frequent thing powerful with which to attack the Alliance.
raids. When the Brotherhood discovered the Dead Mines Sentinel Hill (tower, 300): This sad garrison
south of the town, they decided to set up camp there, houses the 300 remaining soldiers who attempt to
making it look as abandoned as possible. Doing so becomes keep the peace in the whole of Westfall. That is
more and more difficult, however, as the Brotherhood their intent, but about all they concentrate on is
grows and more move to the centralized location. catching Brotherhood members heading to the
Approaching Moonbrook, you will see what looks main road to attack Alliance villages.
like an empty town with closed curtains and locked The soldiers inside are despondent and harried,
doors, but you will probably get a prickly feeling on for their job is difficult and the Alliance claims it
your neck that you are being watched. And you are. has no more resources for them. They welcome aid
The Dead Mines: These mines are south of from anyone who offers, but regret that they cannot
Moonbrook. Formerly the richest vein of gold the pay mercenaries. Thus, they receive little assis-
Edwin VanCleef, 13th-Level Rogue/3rd-Level Expert
Leader of the Defias Brotherhood, Westfall gloves of Dexterity +6, masterwork daggers (x2), ring of
Male Human
Human: CR 16; Medium humanoid (human); HD protection +1.
16d6+16, hp 72; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch 19, flat-
footed 23; Base Atk +11; Grp +11; Atk +21 melee (1d6+1/18–20, Description
+1 wounding rapier); Full Atk +21/+16/+11 melee (1d6+1/18– Small and wiry, the man has a mousy look
20, +1 wounding rapier), or +20/+15/+10 melee (1d4/19–20, about him. He wears the sweaty, oil-stained
masterwork dagger), or +20/+15/+10 ranged (1d8/x3, +1 clothes typical of a peasant laborer, along with a
longbow); SA opportunist, sneak attack +7d6; SQ evasion, short cloak and thick leather gloves. The man’s
improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4, overall appearance is so common, in fact, that he
trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL CN; SV Fort +10, Ref +19, Will would be almost instantly forgettable if not for
+11; Str 10, Dex 27, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8. the spotless, scarlet bandana fastened around his
Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome, Goblin. neck. Despite his unseemly appearance, he has a
Skills: Appraise +8 (metal works, woodworks and stone cunning look in his eyes and a partially concealed
works +10), Balance +15, Bluff +4, Climb +5, Craft blade sheathed underneath one arm.
(blacksmithing) +7, Craft (carpentry) +7, Craft (stonema- Edwin VanCleef relies on his unassuming ap-
sonry) +8, Decipher Script +7, Diplomacy +16, Disable pearance to avoid most fights. When engaging in
Device +15, Escape Artist +13, Gather Information +11 (local battle, he always prefers to take the offensive; he is
+14), Hide +17, Intimidate +8, Jump +5, Knowledge (archi- known to frequently retreat from combat only to
tecture) +7, Listen +13, Move Silently +17, Open Lock +13, circle around and strike a few minutes later when his
Profession (construction) +6, Profession (mining) +6, enemies have lowered their guard. VanCleef uses
Search +7 (secret doors and compartments +9), Sense his longbow to surprise enemies from a great dis-
Motive +13, Spot +13, Tumble +15, Use Magic Device +12
tance away, then draws his rapier and sneaks to a
(scrolls +14), Use Rope +8 (bindings +10), Use Technologi-
second hiding spot. When his enemies approach,
cal Device* +5.
investigating the location from which the arrows
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Iron
originated, he springs forth and attempts a sneak
Will, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier).
attack. He prefers to strike at lightly armored targets
Possessions: +1 longbow, +1 silent moves shadow stud- first in the hope that he might be able to incapaci-
ded leather, +1 wounding rapier, cloak of resistance +2,
tate or kill them outright with a single sneak attack.
tance. They try to protect the farmers in Westfall, The rulers at Stormwind, even with knowledge of the
but the free farms are spaced throughout the land Brotherhood’s actions, considered other threats to be
and guarding the safety of them all is difficult. higher priorities and figured they’d get to Westfall
eventually. They likely do not know the true threat
History Westfall presents — or even how much the city will
miss the agricultural tributes the farmers made.
All other Azeroth territories taken out of Alli-
ance control had the Horde, the undead or the
demons behind them. Westfall fell to bitter hu- Adventures
mans soon after the Second War. The Defias Westfall needs to be saved from the Brotherhood, and
Brotherhood, led by Edwin VanCleef, attempted to I would encourage anyone with a strong sense of justice
take Elwynn Forest but failed. Its members chose and honor to take this region back for the Alliance.
Westfall as their home, and the farmers, still shaken Spies Like Us: The Alliance hears of the under-
from the Horde attacks, put up little fight. ground fortress in the Dead Mines and hires the
Apparently, the time to steal land from your own PCs to infiltrate the fortress and bring back a report
accepted ruler is when he’s too concerned with orcs, on the Brotherhood’s numbers, its weaponry, and
undead and demons to realize that a good chunk of the the fortress’s layout.
continent is gone. And that’s what has happened.
The thick white snow clumped together into a slushy soup. It clung to his boots and
the bottom half of his legs, adding to the weight of limbs that felt heavier by the
moment already. With each plodding step, it seemed the ground itself wanted to pull
him down. Dun Morogh was just coming out of the grip of a hard winter, and while the
early spring weather was usually a blessing, today it only made things more difficult.
The cause of this melting was overhead, and the glare of that bright yellow midday sun
reflected back against the snow was blinding. His eyes stung from the sweat that rolled
down his face, and it made his beard a tangled mess. And though the air remained cold,
it was just warm enough to melt some of the snow, making every step a battle. His
breath came in sharp gasps.
Of course, this was just another day for Honagger Bradwarden. The dwarf had been
trained to fight and survive against all kinds of odds. He even learned a trick or two
from the humans, mentoring to a group of their knights so as to get a wider
understanding of tactics and warfare. Yet now he wondered if that training might not
have been enough.
The wolves had come out of nowhere. He was expecting Frostmane trolls, so the mangy
scavengers were a surprise. Thinking back, Honagger admitted that his instincts were
precise and his reactions had carried him through that initial skirmish. He took the
head off a large wolf and wounded two more badly enough that they didn’t get up again,
but the rest were not giving up the chase. Now, Honagger almost regretted wearing
his heavy armor on this little trip. Its protection was welcome, but its weight was
another matter.
The sound of harsh howling split the cold air. The wolves were closing in.
Beneath the snow, a jagged rock threatened to topple the usually sturdy dwarf. He
stumbled but held his balance. Looking down, he could see that the gash in his leg was
still seeping blood. The bandage he put over the bite wound was caked in the dried brown
fluid, but at least it remained knotted securely in place. He was heartened little to
see that, despite the pain and the impromptu walking tour of the mining trail he had
just taken, he could still tie a good knot. That’s just good training for you. He found
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
those wagon ruts under the snow by luck alone; otherwise, he could not have made his
way back.
Coming up over the top of the rising trail, Honagger looked down the hill and saw
the muddy tracks. They almost made him laugh out loud. From his vantage point, he
could just make out the main trail that wound right up to the massive wood and iron
doors of Ironforge itself. It was somewhere up that trail. He couldn’t see it with his
own eyes, but he knew it was there waiting for him. Beyond those tall trees and white-
covered rocks was his home. Within those gates and in those dark hallways, deep in the
arms of earth, there was home. A door with a hinge needed oiling. A large hammer
hanging on the wall had belonged to his father. A wide hearth waited for a fire and
a bed with down pillows and an old blanket… and it was home. Seeing that trail
stretching out in front of him somehow cut straight through the pain dulling
Honagger’s senses. It would not end like this.
Honagger called on all the discipline and dedication of a lifetime of training. Taking
the cold air into his lungs with several deep, slow breaths brought everything back into
sharp focus.
From the trail behind him, the dwarven warrior heard another howl, much closer than
before, and then another mournful call answered from a place that was closer still.
It wouldn’t be long now.
He must return home, and that meant surviving what was coming rapidly from behind.
Pulling himself up, Honagger set his pointed helm straight on his head and brought his
axe up to his shoulder. He turned around slowly and waited for the pack to come.
His eyes narrowed in concentration. He would see home again, but he had some pests
to deal with first.
Home! Khaz Modan, long the homeland of dwarves Faiths: Holy Light, shamanism.
and gnomes, still stands firm against the tide of enemies Resources: Adventure, ruins, titan artifacts.
that flows around the eastern continents. In the Second Affiliation: Dark Iron dwarf.
War, the rampaging Horde conquered vast areas of I approached the Badlands from the Searing
Khaz Modan, and in the Third War the Scourge Gorge to the west. There’s little reason to visit the
withered the land. Now, the dwarves and their allies Badlands these days. Ages ago, this land was a
have retaken much of what was lost. Dangers surround verdant valley, lush with natural resources. Evil
Khaz Modan on all sides, but the dwarves plant their magic scorched the land and transformed it into
feet, raise their blunderbusses and stand strong. what it is today — a desolate, barren wasteland.
Outside enemies are perhaps the least of Khaz Ogres trundle across the cracked ground, looking
Modan’s problems, however. Recent excavations for victims. Lions prowl the canyons, and drakes
unearthed a terrible menace that was let loose upon hunt across the evening sky. Add to this Ironforge’s
Khaz Modan — the troggs. Long thought to be old enemies— troggs and Dark Iron dwarves — and
merely myth, the troggs were the titans’ first at- it is clear why this region is called the Badlands.
tempt at creating a race (the second attempt, entirely The Badlands is a high desert valley, bone dry and
successful, produced the dwarves). Rather than hot. Searing winds blow the heat around but do
destroy the troggs, the titans locked them deep nothing to cool this sweltering land. The harsh
beneath the earth where they slept for untold environment allows only the heartiest plants —
generations. Recent archaeological fervor in cacti and shrub brush — to survive. I brought plenty
Uldaman and Gnomeregan released the troggs, of water, but it still did not seem enough. Read up on
who now roam across Khaz Modan and claim some your desert survival skills before coming here: travel
of its most important ruins for themselves. at night, sleep during the day, you know the drill.
Gnomeregan, the Ironforge gnomes’ ancestral
Yet in all this chaos stout Ironforge prospectors shrug
home, is now claimed by the same troggs who
off the danger and search for titan artifacts. What a
decimated its populace. The troggs’ attacks occupy
noble race we dwarves are! In the northern Badlands is
much of the dwarves’ attention, enough so that
a canyon, in which lies the entrance to Uldaman — a
trolls and other enemies can take advantage and
massive, ancient titan city. These ruins contain mark-
strike at the dwarves as well. I fought plenty of
ings bearing secrets of the dwarves’ true ancestry. How
troggs in Khaz Modan — the barbaric creatures are
I would love to see these sights myself! Unfortunately,
not so frightening alone, but they come at you in
excavations in Uldaman unearthed the vile Stonevault
overwhelming numbers. Cowards!
troggs who had been sleeping within. The troggs drove
In addition to the troggs, another ancient evil has away the dwarves and now bitterly defend their stolen
recently resurfaced. The Dark Iron dwarves‡, un- city. If not for the troggs, we dwarves would have all sorts
der the leadership of the terrible fire-being Ragnaros, of titan powers at our disposal — this stone flesh thing
occupy Khaz Modan’s fringes. The Dark Irons’ is just the beginning! Hmph. You would think the
goals are unclear, but undoubtedly dire. They be- titans, being as smart as they were, could have found a
smirch the dwarves’ good name. better place to put the troggs.
Despite all this, Khaz Modan is the safest of the
eastern continents. The dwarves are tough and skilled
and — as long as they keep their eyes on the world —
People and Culture
will drive away their enemies. The dwarves’ recently Few people live in this realm, and “culture” is
discovered titan powers only add to their might. nonexistent. Drysnout gnolls are more numerous
than the other factions, due mainly to the fact that
their birth rate is higher than that of randy rabbits.
The Badlands The gnolls are easy prey for the Dark Iron dwarves,
Population: 2,000 (40% Drysnout gnolls, 20% Dark Iron drakes and ogres that roam the Badlands. You can
dwarves, 20% Stonevault troggs, 10% Duskbelcher ogres, tell a Drysnout because he wears brown clothing,
5% Horde orcs, 5% Ironforge prospectors and their crews). simple leather armor, and is running for his life.
Major Settlement: Kargath (100). The Dark Iron dwarves are another story. I realize
Languages: Low Common, Dwarven, Orc. that not everyone is familiar with this unfortunate
…Being a Recounting of the War of Three Ham- Clan Ironforge and Clan Wildhammer joined
mers and a History of the Dark Iron Dwarves, as forces to repel this assault.
Chronicled by Ginduin Lorespeak of Ironforge. Ironforge and Wildhammer drove the Dark
Ages ago, three dwarven clans inhabited Irons back into the Redridge Mountains.
Ironforge Mountain. These clans were Ironforge, Thaurisan, realizing that he faced imminent
Wildhammer and Dark Iron. They lived peace- destruction, resolved to bolster his forces with an
fully for ages, but three hundred years ago (scribe’s enchanted being from another plane. He inad-
note — updated the time frame appropriately) vertently summoned Ragnaros, a flaming
they grew divided. The Wildhammers wished to elemental lord the titans had exiled in ages long
open up trade and negotiations with the high past. No mortal could command Ragnaros. His
elves, which at the time was considered taboo. catastrophic rebirth shattered the Redridge
The Dark Irons practiced arcane sorcery, a black Mountains and created a gigantic volcano where
art that threatened to bring destruction upon the city of Thaurisan once stood. This cataclysm
the dwarven people. Clan Ironforge would not destroyed all three dwarven armies. Ragnaros
tolerate these indiscretions and, after a short, took shelter in the new volcano’s molten heart
fierce battle, exiled the other clans. The (dwarves would later name this mountain
Wildhammers moved into the hills above the Blackrock Spire) and bound the remaining Dark
Wetlands, where they established a small king- Irons to his will.
dom at Grim Batol. The Dark Irons founded The War of Three Hammers ended several
their kingdom of Thaurisan — named for their centuries ago, but the Dark Iron dwarves still live.
sorcerous leader — in the Redridge Mountains. Their elemental master has granted them power
The Dark Irons refused to accept this slight. and they plot vengeance against Khaz Modan.
They were furious at their cousins, and the One can easily recognize a Dark Iron, for their
sorcerer-king Thaurisan continually sent in years in servitude have changed them. They
troops to harass Ironforge. Eventually, the Dark have ashen, gray skin and their hair and beards
Irons launched a full-scale invasion of Khaz are black or pale white. Their eyes burn with
Modan, attacking both Ironforge and Grim Batol. orange fire — a gift from their elemental master.
area of dwarven history, so I conscripted a scribe to Badlands. Kargath’s citizens are almost all warriors,
copy a page or two from a history book, the text of and they welcome any good soul who enters, whether
which is included here. Horde or Alliance.
The Badlands holds few cultured races. Ironforge
prospectors brave the dangers to search for titan Geography
relics. These brave dwarves keep themselves well The Badlands are rocky and flat. Mountains to the
defended, carrying axes and rifles as well as picks and north block cool air and moisture from Loch Modan.
shovels. Small teams and wagons move carefully Canyons surround the Badlands, and they are rife
across the baked earth. If you see a dwarf in the with lions and vicious humanoids. Only the hardiest
Badlands that is not a Dark Iron, he’s a prospector. plants and animals survive — withered trees, cacti,
These dwarves often hire mercenaries for additional scorpions and bobcats. The landscape also hides rock
protection. If you wish to travel in the Badlands, as elementals. The smaller ones are easier to kill. Run
I did, I suggest joining one of these expeditions for from the bigger ones unless you want to see what you
mutual protection. I fondly remember sitting atop a look like as a pasty smear on the ground.
wagon as it rolled across the uneven ground, idly
picking off gnolls and ogres with a customized long
rifle. Good times in an otherwise bleak land.
Sites and Settlements
The Horde has an outpost in the Badlands called Only one permanent settlement exists in the
Kargath, and the orcs within are strong and noble. Badlands, but numerous interesting sites draw
They are a bit suspicious, but so is everyone in the dwarven prospectors and other explorers.
Angor Fortress: Dark Iron dwarves control Angor are Ragnaros’ thralls, now. I do not believe they
Fortress. Ragnaros’ fire elemental lieutenant, Am- know of their titan ancestry; if they do, their long
bassador Infernus, stays in Angor and keeps tabs on association with dark powers has denied them ti-
the Dark Irons who work for Ragnaros. The fortress’ tan-born abilities. I fought one patrol of Dark Irons
Dark Irons are concerned with the new dwarven dig and immediately I caused my flesh to harden: The
site of Uldaman. They believe ancient titan secrets Dark Irons seemed surprised at this ability.
hide within Uldaman — secrets that could help Duskbelch Grotto: Duskbelch Grotto is a large
their fiery lord in his personal war. The Dark Irons ogre camp in the southwestern Badlands. The
Duskbelcher ogres are largely unconcerned with
the other races in the area. They prey on caravans
Duskbelch Ogres and raid occasional camps, but their numbers are
The statistics below describe a typical unit too few to cause a major threat to the dwarves (of
of the Duskbelch ogres that might see action either sort) or to Kargath.
in mass combat. Kargath (hamlet, 100): Kargath is a small, func-
34 Ogres: Large giant; HD 4; DF 170 (5); Spd 300 ft. (6 tional Horde base where orcs and their allies regroup
squares); AC 16; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +11 melee (greatclub); and resupply when adventuring in this part of the
Full Unit Atk +11 melee (greatclub) or +3 ranged (spear); SQ world. The old orc Gorn runs the enclave, located
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Space/Reach 340 ft./ in the northwestern Badlands. Gorn and his war-
10 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 22, Dex 9, riors keep tabs on the renegade orcs in the eastern
Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8; Morale +5. lands — remnants of the Blackrock (in Azeroth’s
Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +4, Listen +5, Spot +5. Redridge Mountains) and Dragonmaw (in Khaz
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (greatclub). Modan’s Wetlands) clans. He aims to wipe out the
Equipment: Hide armor, greatclub, spear. remaining evil orcs and bolster the Alliance’s con-
fidence in the Horde. He’s got my vote. He’s as
Commanders tough as a dwarf, and that’s saying something.
Gro’ach the Wise, male ogre Bbn3, commander-in-
Lethlor Ravine: Black drakes inhabit this deso-
chief: Base Atk +7; Cha 12; Intimidate +13; Leadership;
late area in the eastern Badlands. Before Ragnaros’
Orders 2.
summoning, this was a beautiful, verdant region of
Vaxar, female ogre Bbn1, hero commander: Base Atk
the Redridge Mountains. Now dragons, agents of
+4; Cha 10; Intimidate +9; Ruthless Command†; Orders 1.
mighty Nefarion (see Chapter Two: Lordaeron,
Thugrim Seven-Eyes, male ogre magus Hlr2, hero “The Burning Steppes,” Blackrock Spire), roam the
commander: Base Atk +4; Cha 16; Intimidate +13; Be-
area spying on the Dark Iron dwarves who seek to
loved Commander†; Orders 1.
overthrow Nefarian’s control of Blackrock Spire.
Tactics Uldaman: Uldaman is a famous dig site hiding
The Duskbelch ogres are content to feed on ancient titan relics and remnants. It has produced
troggs and stray dwarves, but pity the fool that many important finds, and more undoubtedly wait
draws the wrath of the entire tribe. The sub- within its depths. Ironforge’s entire population,
stantial might and fearsome aspect of the ogres including myself, is eager to see what’s down there.
make them a truly awesome foe in combat. Unfortunately, the site is currently inhabited by
Gro’ach the Wise, leader of the Duskbelch Stonevault troggs who were buried for millennia
tribe, is an accomplished warrior and a re- inside the ruins. Ironforge prospectors uncovered
spected chieftain. the ruins and inadvertently set the troggs loose
upon Khaz Modan.
Relentless when moved to take up their
clubs in battle, the Duskbelch ogres usually
fight as a single unit. When facing inferior
numbers, the lumbering hulks separate into Three hundred years ago Ragnaros’ arrival blasted
three smaller divisions. These smaller units this region, transforming it into the Badlands. The
move to envelope the enemy, crushing oppo- Badlands are inhospitable, and were rarely visited
nents from three directions at once. until recently. Ironforge prospectors discovered
Uldaman’s ruins only a few years ago. Months of
Gorn, 5th-Level Barbarian/ digging uncovered amazing finds, including scrawls
in the ancient tunnels that gave us the first hint of
7th-Level Blademaster the dwarves’ true genesis. Sadly, the prospectors
also unearthed another titan remnant: the primi-
Orc Warlord at Kargath, Badlands tive troggs. These foul creatures drove the dwarves
Male OrcOrc: CR 12; Medium humanoid (orc); HD from the site and claimed Uldaman as their own.
5d12+7d10+36, hp 107; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 18,
touch 16, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +12; Grp +16; Atk +17
melee (1d12+9/x3, +1 greataxe); Full Atk +17/+12/+7
melee (1d12+9/x3, +1 greataxe); SA +1 attack versus Ogres, gnolls, dragons, vicious animals and Dark
humans, command +3 (1/day, 2 rounds), critical strike Iron dwarves threaten the tiny dwarf and orc en-
(2/day), maximum damage (1/day), rage 3/day, su- claves. Prospectors need protection, and Uldaman
preme cleave, two-handed mastery; SQ fast movement, must be reclaimed.
low-light vision, improved uncanny dodge, mirror im- Titanic Mystery: Ironforge prospectors discov-
age, strike like the wind, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; ered a small cave system that eventually winds into
AL NG; SV Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 19, Dex 14, Con Uldaman’s recesses. Oozes and monstrous scorpi-
16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13. ons infest the cave system, and troggs rule the
Languages Spoken: Common, Orc. underground titan city. Yet the caves lead directly
Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +6, Handle Animal +1 (wolves to a massive room, at the far end of which is a block
+3), Intimidate +8, Jump +9, Knowledge (military tac- inscribed with spidery runes. Troggs worship this
tics)* +3, Listen +3, Sense Motive +6, Survival +3. strange altar. They nevertheless noticed the pros-
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack. pectors and attacked the dwarves, who fled their
Possessions: +1 greataxe, amulet of natural armor +2, vast numbers. Only one prospector managed to
bracers of armor +3, gauntlets of ogre power, ring of survive. Now, he hopes to hire a band of mercenar-
protection +1. ies to assist him in sneaking into the Uldaman
temple and claiming the altar.
The orc is large, even for one of his kind, and
easily hefts a massive greataxe in one of his Dun Morogh
mighty fists. He wears no armor and is dressed in Capital: Ironforge (20,000).
only a fur-covered leather wrap twisted around Population: 28,000 (85% Ironforge dwarf, 10% gnome,
his waist, leaving his broad, well-muscled frame 3% Wildhammer dwarf, 2% human).
on display for all to see. From the wealth of battle Government: Hereditary monarchy.
scars that are visible, the orc is no stranger to Ruler: King Magni Bronzebeard (male Ironforge dwarf
combat; and, despite his savage appearance, he Ftr7/Gla10).
carries himself in an almost regal manner. Major Settlements: Kharanos (4,000), Anvilmar (3,400),
Gorn is a warrior of simple tactics, having risen Brewnall Village (600).
swiftly through the ranks of the Horde thanks to Languages: Dwarven, Low Common, Gnome, Common.
his unmatched ability to strike hard and fast. He Faith: Holy Light.
never offers mercy to opponents, preferring in- Resources: Armor, gold, iron, metalwork, phlogiston, sil-
stead to grant them the honor of dying in combat. ver, technology, timber, weapons.
If there are any obvious spellcasters among his Affiliation: Alliance.
enemies, Gorn begins the fight by using his mirror
Ah, home! A welcome sight after my travels,
imageability to create decoy targets for their spells.
though I was only about halfway through my sur-
Otherwise, he prefers to rage and then close into
vey. Homeland of the Ironforge dwarves and ruled
melee combat immediately. If possible, Gorn
by mighty Clan Bronzebeard, Dun Morogh is the
charges the most fearsome warrior first, attacking
center of dwarven culture and ingenuity. The capi-
him until he falls, and reserves mirror image for use
tal city of the dwarven realm, Ironforge, lies within
only if the tide of battle goes against him.
Ironforge Mountain in Dun Morogh’s heart.
Dwarves and their allies range out from Ironforge, their belts. They’re also fun at parties — you have
trying to hold a diminishing protectorate against not truly celebrated unless you have experienced
encroaching enemies on all sides. Radzi’s Whirling Beer Bong!
Dun Morogh is a high altitude region, covered
with constant snowfall and great pine trees. Winds Geography
howl through the peaks in symphony with the The snow-swept land of Dun Morogh is covered
wolves that prowl the forests. Southwest of Ironforge with forest and craggy mountains. Dun Morogh is a
is Coldridge Valley, which hosts the dwarven high, mountainous region and is cold, windy and
smithing enclave of Anvilmar. Northwest of wet. Snowfall is common, and a white blanket
Ironforge’s massive stone battlements is the an-
cient city of Gnomeregan. This ruined city was
once home to the Ironforge gnomes, but vile
Rockjaw troggs devastated the populace and drove Ironforge City Garrison
the survivors to the capital. Gnomeregan is now a The statistics below describe a typical unit
wild place of adventure and mystery. To Ironforge’s of the Ironforge city garrison that might see
west is Frostmane Hold, home of the aggressive action in mass combat.
Frostmane ice trolls. Trolls are like rocks: no matter 20 Ironforge dwarf Ftr4: Medium humanoid; HD 4;
where you go, you’ll find some there. DF 120 (6); Spd 200 ft. (4 squares); AC 13; Base Atk +4;
Crime is almost nonexistent in dwarven lands, as Unit Atk +6 melee (battleaxe); Full Unit Atk +6 melee
dwarves know that they must stick together against (battleaxe) or +5 ranged (flintlock pistol) or +5 ranged
their myriad enemies. Murder and treason are capi- (grenade); Space 100 ft.; SA +1 attack versus giants; SQ
tal offenses, while lesser crimes result in exile or darkvision 60 ft.; AL NG; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; Str
prison. I’ve seen this happen only once or twice in 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8; Morale +4.
my years. Skills: Climb +3, Craft (technological device)* +7,
Jump +4, Swim +3.
People and Culture Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Point Blank
Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
Ironforge dwarves, the most prominent race in Equipment: Studded leather armor, battleaxe, flint-
Dun Morogh, are a hearty, good-natured people lock pistol*, ammunition balls*, grenades*.
who enjoy working with their hands, drinking ale
and firing blunderbusses. Dwarves are ingenious, Commander
and about half of all technological devices in Azeroth Sergeant Dimurov Grimear, male Ironforge dwarf
are dwarven-made. Ironforge dwarves are particu- Ftr8, subcommander: Base Atk +8; Cha 14; Diplomacy
larly adept at crafting and wielding firearms, and +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (military tactics)* +10,
their riflemen proved invaluable in the Third War. Profession (military commander)† +12 (10 ranks); De-
Feisty and strong, Ironforge dwarves possess a strong termined Command, Leadership; Orders 3.
sense of humor and a forgiving nature.
All who dwell in Dun Morogh, be they dwarf, Tactics
gnome or visitor, wear layers of clothing to stave off The discipline and training that dwarven
the cold. Long, thick cloaks of blue or green are fighters receive shows through in the elite
common. (I prefer a camouflaged green cloak my- Ironforge city garrison. Several of these units
self, though I change to rich blue when in my staff the city’s defenses under the command
homeland.) Ironforge dwarves take pride in their of dwarven captains and sergeants. During
beards and wear them long. When patrolling Dun war, the garrison can muster enough troops to
Morogh, dwarves carry axes, rifles and other weap- defend every entrance and major throughway
onry and wear heavy armor. Gnomes rarely leave in Ironforge. Flanking intruding enemies with
Ironforge, but those who do so are similarly equipped. a barrage of flintlock rounds and bombs, and
Like dwarves, gnomes are adept tinkers and engi- then closing on the ragged remains of their
neers and often walk about with safety goggles on foes with battleaxes ready, the dwarves have
their foreheads and various gadgets strapped to proven their tactics brutally efficient.
constantly covers the ground. Great wolves stalk Gnomeregan: Once home of the Ironforge
the forest, and troggs and Frostmane trolls find gnomes, splendid Gnomeregan has fallen to the
many ambush spots. I did not expect to battle Rockjaw troggs. Now little more than a ruin,
monsters in my own homeland, but that shows how Gnomeregan is overrun by troggs who use the city
much things have changed. Dun Morogh has not as a base to stage attacks against Ironforge patrols,
seen true peace in decades. merchants and other travelers. The gnomes had to
leave behind many treasures, items that have po-
Sites and Settlements tential unrealized by the Rockjaws.
Ironforge is the capital of the dwarven realm and Kharanos (large town, 5,000): Aside from
provides protection and succor for its citizens. Ironforge, Kharanos is the largest settlement in Dun
Though the dwarves’ enemies have multiplied in Morogh. The town’s steep roofs and sturdy wooden
recent years, several smaller villages also stand architecture are surrounded by a stone wall that
against the burgeoning evils. keeps monsters at bay. Kharanos’ dwarves are expert
hunters and take special joy in using their long rifles
Anvilmar (large town, 3,400): Anvilmar is a
to bring down timber wolves. This town, in Coldridge
dwarven smithing center in Coldridge Valley. Min-
Valley, is a welcome sight to a weary traveler.
ers draw ore from the fertile mountains, and
Anvilmar’s numerous craftsmen mold it into fine Steelgrill’s Depot: Steelgrill’s Depot, just around
works. The town is a welcome respite from the cold the bend after Kharanos, is a hangout for siege
wilderness, and weary travelers can purchase excel- engine drivers where Beldin Steelgrill hires anyone
lent dwarven weapons and armor. My own mithril he can to assist in gathering parts for the mainte-
mail comes from Anvilmar, and it has saved my life nance and repair of siege engines. The depot is a
many times over. solid stone complex, with numerous workshops and
wooden awnings to fix vehicles and protect them
Brewnall Village (village, 600): This small settle-
from the elements. The skeletons of incomplete
ment on Iceflow Lake boasts the finest beers and ales
siege engines lie half-submerged in the snow sur-
in Khaz Modan. Brewnall’s citizens are all brewers or
rounding the enclave. I decorated one such wreck
connoisseurs and will take up axe and sword to
with the heads of all the troggs I killed nearby.
defend their drinks from roving monsters. I particu-
larly suggest the Raging Trollmasher: a few shots of Ironforge
that and even I felt a little woozy. I look forward to
Though Ironforge is located in Dun Morogh, the
the time when pandaren first set foot in Brewnall.
city is detailed under its own region entry. See
Frostmane Hold:Home of the Frostmane ice trolls, “Ironforge,” below.
Frostmane Hold is a forbidding, labyrinthine dun-
geon. The Frostmanes took advantage of the recent
trogg infestation to strike at their old enemies (us) and
now menace Dun Morogh. If Ironforge’s forces were Centuries ago, the Dark Iron dwarves split from
more numerous, King Magni could afford to send their Ironforge brethren, summoning Ragnaros and
platoons to Frostmane Hold to wipe out the trolls. As devastating the land in the process. Ironforge war-
it stands now, travelers rightly fear to journey to Dun riors drove the Dark Irons to near extinction, and
Morogh. While here, I decided it might be a good idea the few survivors fled deep underground to their
to check out Frostmane Hold firsthand. I got within fiery lord.
10 miles before I ran into a band of ice trolls, maybe 20 More recently, in the fourth year since the open-
strong, with witch doctors and — I swear — a living ing of the Dark Portal, Dun Morogh’s dwarves and
statue made of rock-hard ice. I had enjoyed a few gnomes joined the Lordaeron Alliance in the Sec-
Trollmasher sips from my flagon, so I though I could ond War. Ironforge dwarves and gnomes were key
take them. Nope. I slew several, but there wasn’t much in the Horde’s defeat, and many nurse grudges
I could do to that statue, and the voodoo priests kept against orcs to this day. I must admit that I am
throwing magic at me. Eventually I turned and fled. I among that number. Old habits die hard.
ran over a rise and covered myself with snow to escape. Not long ago, gnomes in Gnomeregan unearthed
Go to Frostmane Hold itself? I’d rather kiss an orc! the mythic troggs. These tribal creatures slaugh-
tered Gnomeregan’s populace and drove the gnomes
to Ironforge, where they hide and nurse their Red Dragonspawn Patrol
wounds. This catastrophe explains why Ironforge
gnomes did not take part in the Third War. The of Grim Batol
troggs also prove an excellent distraction for The statistics below describe a typical unit of
Ironforge’s forces, allowing the Frostmane trolls to the red dragonspawn** of Grim Batol that
invade Dun Morogh in an attempt to reclaim their might see action in mass combat.
ancient lands. 20 wyrm kin red dragonspawn: Medium monstrous
humanoid; HD 3; DF 80 (4); Spd 200 ft. (4 squares); AC
Adventures 18; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +7 melee (+1 longsword) or +7
Troggs and Frostmane ice trolls roam dwarven melee (+1 spear) or +6 ranged (+1 spear); Full Unit Atk
+7 melee (+1 longsword) or +7 melee (+1 spear) or +6
territory. Gnomeregan must be retaken and
ranged (+1 spear); Space 100 ft.; SQ darkvision 60 ft.,
Frostmane Hold destroyed.
immunities; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 15,
Salvaging Siege Engines: Several siege engines, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12; Morale +3.
returning from a raid against a small troll enclave, Skills: Balance –1, Listen +2, Move Silently –1, Ride
fall victim to a Frostmane ambush. The ice trolls +3, Spot +2.
slay the crews and mercenaries but leave the ve-
Feats: Alertness, Dodge.
hicles. Beldin Steelgrill, proprietor of Steelgrill’s
Immunities: Red dragonspawn are immune to a red
Depot, needs stout adventurers to travel to these
dragon’s breath weapons. They are likewise immune to
unclaimed engines, repair them and drive them to
the frightful presence of any dragon of equal or lesser
the depot. age than their own mentor.
Equipment: Scale mail, light steel shield, +1 longsword,
Grim Batol +1 spear.
Population: Unknown (100% red dragonflight, including Commander
dragonspawn). Baleflame, female flametongue red dragonspawn Sor5,
Ruler: Garshilan (male red dragon Ftr5/Sor8). subcommander: Base Atk +8; Cha 19; Diplomacy +13,
Language: Draconic. Intimidate +13, Knowledge (military tactics)* +6, Pro-
Affiliation: Red dragonflight. fession (military commander)† +11 (9 ranks); Orders 1.
I had to travel up through the Wetlands and then
back around to the south to get to Grim Batol. This Tactics
place is perhaps the most remote in Khaz Modan, This unit is typical of the size of a single
lying in the eastern Wetlands, just below the great patrol that might travel near Grim Batol’s
falls of Loch Modan. Rocky crags encircle Grim perimeter. Five or more of these units assemble
Batol and massive gates guard the entrance. Huge to form a squad division under the command of
stone edifices mark the cliffs surrounding the great a scalebane red dragonspawn captain. These
city; its bulk is carved into the mountains them- divisions can muster to form a larger fighting
selves. force, the commander-in-chief being a red
The red dragonflight, loyal to mighty Alexstrasza dragon or an experienced veteran scalebane
the Life-Binder, rules Grim Batol. Dragonspawn**, red dragonspawn.
red drakes and older red dragons patrol the area Dragonspawn engage an enemy at range and
constantly. Led by the peerless warrior-mage then close with melee attacks. En-masse, the
Garshilan, the red dragonflight prevents all mortals dragonspawn use delay tactics so their master
— even me — from penetrating Grim Batol. The dragons may safely strafe down to scour the
dragons are “guarding a secret that living creatures enemy with their breath weapons. The
are not meant to know.” That’s what the dragon dragonspawn, immune to the effects of their
Acridistrasz told me, anyway. (The dragons seem master’s breath weapons, then proceed to dis-
amiable enough as long as you don’t look like you’re patch any survivors — a tactic typical of many
going to break into their fortress.) of the dragonspawn broods.
People and Culture An Account of the Freeing of
Red dragons and their ilk are the only intelligent Alexstrasza, by Mulfseam
creatures in Grim Batol. Like their queen This was maybe a year after the war ended. There
Alexstrasza, the dragonflight reveres all life. How- were still orcs around. The Dragonmaw Clan held
ever, under no circumstances does it allow anyone Grim Batol, and employed goblins, like me, to work
into Grim Batol. Something pretty interesting must some of their machinery and fly their zeppelins. It
be hidden down there. was fun! The orcs had a giant dragon held captive,
in a big cavern. Big metal bands and chains held the
Geography dragon down, but I don’t think that’s what did it. A
Grim Batol is a mountain fortress. Spires and dragon that strong could break chains and bars,
battlements ring the main peak, but the bulk of the even though it looked really sick. The orc chief used
fortress lies underground. Although dwarf-made magic to keep the dragon.
and ancient, Grim Batol’s impressive architecture Well, at one point the chief — I forget his
is sullied by disuse and orc occupation. The current name, and he may not have actually been the
state of the halls is unknown, as the damn dragons chief, but he was important, and he had one leg;
don’t let anyone in. let’s call him One Leg — at one point One Leg
thought the Alliance was attacking. He had seen
Sites and Settlements gryphon riders, or something, so he got all the orcs
and goblins together to flee from Grim Batol. And
No settlements exist around Grim Batol, though
then this human wizard shows up. No one knows
the fortress itself obviously contains secrets.
how he got into Grim Batol — magic, I guess —
Dragonmaw Gates: A series of massive, orc-built but the orcs captured him easy enough. He was
gates lines the pathway up the mountain to Grim young and had red hair and a beard. Rhonin, that
Batol’s entrance. The Dragonmaw Clan constructed was his name. Anyway, Rhonin got caught, but
these gates to keep the Alliance forces away from his friends, an elf woman and one of those nutso
the mountain. Now, red dragonspawn and their gryphon-dwarves, came to save him.
flying drake brethren patrol the gates.
I don’t know how they got out — magic, I
guess — I wish I could do magic! — but they did.
History They got out when the orcs and goblins and
The Wildhammer dwarves left Ironforge three everyone were leaving. The main dragon, the
centuries ago and founded Grim Batol as their first queen they called her, was strapped to a big
settlement. In the Second War, the Horde cap- wagon and One Leg kept showing her this
tured the fortress and granted it to Clan Dragonmaw. amulet. Then this other dragon showed up — a
The Dragonmaw orcs held the captive Dragonqueen big red one that came swooping down, scream-
Alexstrasza within Grim Batol and corrupted her ing, looking like he was gonna rescue the dragon
eggs to create vicious draconic allies for the Horde’s queen. One Leg forced him down with magic,
armies. but then all these other dragons showed up — it
A band of heroes defeated the Dragonmaw Clan was amazing! They were enormous. There was a
shortly after the Second War and freed Alexstrasza. green one, and a blue one, and a bronze one. And
It was quite the story! The red dragonflight now a black one, with metal hammered into his hide;
rules Grim Batol and guards the secret power within he was fighting all the others. And then some-
the mountain. thing happened — I think that wizard Rhonin
While hiking through the foothills I encoun- killed One Leg or destroyed his amulet or some-
tered a small cave that I decided to use as a shelter. thing — and the big dragon queen got free! She
Much to my surprise, the cave already had an went chasing after the black dragon, too, and
occupant! An old and undoubtedly crazy goblin they chased him off into the mountains. Oh
calling himself Mulfseam dwelled within. This gob- yeah, there were some dwarves, too; they killed
lin did not appear threatening, though years of most of the orcs. I got away.
isolation seemed to have affected his thinking. He
told me that the Dragonmaw orcs had employed Letter from Prince Arthas to
him at the time of Alexstrasza’s escape. What luck! King Magni Bronzebeard
I traded him some food and the last of my Raging
To King Magni Bronzebeard, Lord of
Trollmasher for his story. Goblins are damn near
impossible to understand, so I cleaned up the text
It is my sad duty to bring you very grim
a bit after jotting it down.
news. I am certain you know of Muradin’s
Grim Batol also has the distinction of being the
mission here in Northrend to strike at the
last place that the evil black dragon Deathwing was
Scourge and discover useful artifacts. We
spotted. I do not believe that he is dead — perhaps
fought together against the Scourge, and
the red dragons have now taken him captive?
although I survived, Muradin fell to the
undead and demons.
Adventures I grieve for my brave friend and your
Something powerful obviously rests within Grim valiant brother. Yet know that his heroic
Batol, but only the suicidal try to attain it. death was not in vain, for his life ensured
Dragon Quest: Acridistrasz is a young red dragon my victory against the Lich King’s minions
fiercely loyal to his queen, but he has a tendency to — and my recovery of the ancient sword
involve himself in mortal affairs. Recently, known as Frostmourne.
Acridistrasz heard that a powerful black dragon, I shall be returning to Lordaeron soon.
disguised as a troll, lurks within a small troll en- With Frostmourne in hand, I come to re-
campment to the south. Acridistrasz knows that his establish order and bring forth a shining
prominence in the red dragonflight would rise new age. Muradin’s remaining clansmen
immensely should he defeat a black dragon in here will take his body back to Ironforge.
battle. To that end, he seeks a band of adventurers You cannot know how deep are my sympa-
to journey to the troll enclave and confirm or deny thies. I know that this letter offers small
this rumor. If a black dragon does indeed hide with consolation, but I felt you should learn of
the trolls, these adventurers are not to attack it; Muradin’s death as soon as possible. You have
they are simply to report back to Acridistrasz so he lost a brother, and I have lost a valued friend.
can deal with the creature. The red dragon would May the Light preserve our peoples,
perform the investigation himself, but that would
Prince Arthas Menethil
take him away from his duties.
Bronzebeard). High Explorer Magellas runs the
Geography guild, sending his prospector agents to range across
Ironforge is an enormous underground city. Hol- the world for titan ruins. The Ironforge prospectors
lowed out of Ironforge Mountain, the capital is a return when they can, bearing their latest finds. I
marvel of dwarven engineering and stonework. No dropped off many of my own findings when I visited
enemy has ever penetrated Ironforge’s defenses; the guild, most from Azeroth and a few from south-
any who did would become hopelessly lost within ern Khaz Modan.
the caverns, besieged on all sides by dwarven tun- The Great Forge: At Ironforge’s bottom is a
nel fighters. molten pit called the Great Forge. Anvils on ped-
estals circle the pit, each manned by an Ironforge
Sites and Settlements master smith diligently hammering weapons or
Ironforge is a massive settlement. Several loca- mail. The Great Forge is a wonder of the known
tions within are of special import. world, and many young smiths make pilgrimages to
Explorers’ Guild: This is my personal favorite. see this spectacular edifice for themselves.
The closest thing I have to a house, a newly dug The Hall of Thanes: A massive, natural cavern
complex in the city’s upper reaches contains the complex, the Hall of Thanes is located in Ironforge’s
offices, libraries and museums of the Explorers’ lowest depths. The area is a true marvel of organic
Guild. This area brims with artifacts, books, scrolls stone formation: No dwarf has touched this area
and trophies gathered from around the world (many with pick or chisel. Ironforge’s kings are buried in
collected by the famed and handsome Brann the Hall of Thanes, and the old throne is here as
well. Also within this cavernous area is the ancient, Loch Modan is the heartland of the proud and
weathered Iron Forge — perhaps the greatest titan feisty Ironforge dwarves. Though the Horde drove
artifact ever unearthed. The dwarves do not use the dwarves into seclusion and guerilla warfare in
this holy anvil, but keep it near their honored dead the Second War, they have returned to their home-
and the seat of their power. I imagine that as we land and thrive once more. Loch Modan lies in the
uncover more truths about our ancestry, we will foothills of Ironforge Mountain. South is the Bad-
find greater uses for the Iron Forge. The titans must lands and the Searing Gorge; north is the Wetlands.
have given it to us for a reason. Loch Modan is a lake — the largest body of fresh
water in the world of Azeroth. The lake teems with
History fish, and the surrounding mountains are rich in
Ironforge has been the dwarves’ mightiest city for timber and precious metals. Dwarves and their
over a thousand years. No enemy has ever bypassed allies fish the lake, mine the cliffs and cut the
its defenses; and even today, in the desolate, undead- timber. Loch Modan is the source of Ironforge’s
scoured eastern continents, Ironforge stands as a mercantile strength.
bastion of civilization and hope. The region is constantly gray and cold. The sun
Recently, Rockjaw troggs drove the Ironforge gnomes burns through the mist rarely, creating a twilit
from their ancient city of Gnomeregan. The surviving world of rolling wisps and limited vision. Constant
gnomes fled to Ironforge, where they now reside. rainfall keeps the land lush and green. A bitter chill
claims the mornings and evenings, though warm
Adventures currents from the eastern seas prevent the loch
from freezing. A bit too rugged for human sensibili-
Ironforge hosts thousands of individuals, each ties, but perfect for dwarves! The air smells so much
with a potential mission. better in Loch Modan, and the humidity is a stark
Prevent Workplace Accidents: The dwarven smith contrast to the Badlands. I am amazed that too such
Bargrin Stonefist slips and falls into the Great Forge. disparate realms can be so close to each other.
Thoughtheincidentislabeledanaccident,ClanStonefist Nature is a wondrous thing.
suspects foul play. Bargrin’s kin look to hire outside
sources to investigate their patron’s death. The key People and Culture
suspect is Dernim Brasshelm, a rival of Clan Stonefist and
friend to King Magni Bronzebeard. The truth, though Like all Ironforge dwarves, Loch Modan’s deni-
none suspect it, is that a Dark Iron infiltrator caused the zens are industrious. They fish, mine, cut lumber
incident to foment trouble in the capital. and smith weapons with great alacrity. Loch Modan
can be dangerous, but it is largely civilized and
subject to constant Ironforge patrols. See the “Dun
Loch Modan Morogh” entry, above, for more information on
Population: 5,000 (90% Ironforge dwarf, 5% human, 5% Ironforge dwarves.
Wildhammer dwarf).
Ruler: King Magni Bronzebeard (male Ironforge dwarf Geography
Ftr7/Gla10). No matter how many times I see Loch Modan, I
Major Settlement: Thelsamar (850). am always impressed by its sheer size. The loch is
Languages: Dwarven, Common. massive, occupying a great deal of Khaz Modan. I do
Faith: Holy Light. not believe that anyone has ever measured it, but I
Resources: Fish, gold, iron, timber. am curious as to its actual dimensions. Three large
Affiliation: Alliance. islands grace the lake’s interior. Upon the north-
ernmost island are ruins from the Second War,
I traveled north to Loch Modan from the Bad-
while the southern islands are barren save for occa-
lands. What a difference! We dwarves are not made
sional Stonesplinter troggs and crocolisks‡. Huge
to run around desert plains, and I was relieved to
gray mountains rise up on all sides around the lake.
pass out of that scorched wasteland and into cold,
Pine forests cover the area. Beautiful.
wet, mountainous Loch Modan.
The lake abounds with fish, including piranha- renowned for their fine weapons and armor. Mag-
like frenzies. The lake’s fish population draws a istrate Bluntnose, Thelsamar’s mayor, keeps the
variety of predators to the area. Black bears and village safe and orderly.
threshadons‡ frequent the shoreline, the bears
snatching fish from the water while the threshadons History
chew on the aquatic plantlife. The threshadons
The rampaging orcs overran Loch Modan in the
occasionally try to run off fishermen as well, so
Second War, but in the war’s aftermath the dwarves
dwarves use them for target practice. I took one
returned and reclaimed their land. Few enemies can
down with a long rifle at 200 paces.
penetrate the mountains around Loch Modan, and
Algaz Gate serves as an effective barrier, so the region
Sites and Settlements is perhaps the most peaceful in the eastern continents.
Loch Modan is relatively civilized, though it
bears the air of a frontier, wilderness area. Adventures
Dun Algaz Gate: The northwestern corner of Though largely civilized, Loch Modan is a wild land
Loch Modan contains Dun Algaz Gate. Dun Algaz home to vicious predators and ever-present troggs.
was a great mountain stronghold in the Second
Gate Crashing: Goblin sappers, hired by an
War. Now, the derelict fortress serves as the main
unknown enemy, blast Dun Algaz Gate and se-
thoroughfare from Loch Modan and the dwarven
verely damage the edifice. The gate must be repaired
lands in the south to the Wetlands in the north. I
before another attack. King Magni also offers a
planned to take that path myself.
sizeable reward to whoever discovers the enemy
Farstrider Lodge: Farstrider Lodge lies within behind the sabotage.
Loch Modan’s eastern hills. Marek Ironheart, a
grizzled Ironforge dwarf, manages this hunting en-
clave. Marek and I knew each other when we were The Searing Gorge
young lads; he was always a pain in the ass, but he Population: Unknown.
has mellowed out some. Languages: Low Common, Dwarven.
Stonewrought Dam: East of Algaz Gate, along The Searing Gorge is the first region I approached
Loch Modan’s northern shore, is Stonewrought after leaving Azeroth. This land is a poor first sight for
Dam. This massive piece of dwarven architecture visitors to Khaz Modan. A shattered, desolate area, the
traps the snowmelt from Ironforge Mountain, cre- Searing Gorge is the northern equivalent of the Burn-
ating the lake. Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII ing Steppes (see Chapter Two: Azeroth). It lies south of
oversees the dam. Few know it, but Stonewrought Dun Morogh, and immediately north of Blackrock
Dam is the work of a Dark Iron dwarf. Franclorn Spire and the Burning Steppes. The only road connect-
Forgewright was a master architect before the War ing Khaz Modan and Azeroth passes through the
of Three Hammers and the name “Stonewrought” Searing Gorge, so those wishing to make the journey
refers to his works. I do not think Franclorn was must trek across this barren landscape. The ground is
evil; rather, he chose to side with his clan (the Dark scarred with fissures and dotted with broken rock, the
Irons) out of honor and loyalty. weather hot and dry. Like the Burning Steppes to the
Stormpike’s Excavation Site: Prospector south, the Searing Gorge is a casualty of an ancient
Stormpike founded this dig site in southeastern volcanic explosion (Ragnaros’ rebirth) that rocked the
Loch Modan. Troggs recently drove away Stormpike landscape years ago. Blame the Dark Irons for that.
and his crew and now occupy the site. The prospec- No government holds sway in the Searing Gorge
tor asked me to take out the troggs; I made a and no settlements exist within its confines. Nev-
tentative foray, but it is too big a job for one dwarf ertheless, the land can be interesting for an explorer
and I had a mission to get back to. Hopefully some who leaves the road. Many beasts hide in the
other brave soul will come along and help Stormpike. surrounding rocks and crags, waiting to ambush the
Thelsamar (village, 850): The primary settle- unwary traveler. The wary traveler can instead
ment in Loch Modan, Thelsamar is located on the ambush them. I have a new lion pelt that I plan on
lake’s southwestern shore. Thelsamar’s artisans are giving to my cousin when I get to Ironforge.
People and Culture Adventures
No people call the Searing Gorge home, though Desolate but not lifeless, the Searing Gorge hosts
the land falls within Khaz Modan and therefore is dangers and secrets aplenty.
under the purview of the Ironforge dwarves. The In Need of Billy Goats: A group of Stonegullet
dwarves have many other worries at the moment, ogres barricade the road leading south to Blackrock
so odds are the Searing Gorge will remain untamed Spire. The creatures demand tribute from all wish-
for years to come. I see no reason that we would ing to pass — and the three black drakes with them
want to reclaim it, anyway. ensure that all travelers pay the toll.
Dragonmaw Clan Sites and Settlements
The statistics below describe a typical unit of Menethil Harbor is the only settlement in the
the Dragonmaw Clan that might see action in Wetlands, though wrecked strongholds and other
mass combat. ruins draw treasure seekers to this bleak land.
50 orc War1: Medium humanoid; HD 1; DF 50 (1); Spd Dun Modr: This fallen dwarven city is occupied
300 ft. (6 squares); AC 13; Base Atk +1; Unit Atk +5 melee by Dark Iron dwarves. The Dark Irons kill anything
(battleaxe); Full Unit Atk +5 melee (battleaxe) or +2 that enters their territory — including undead.
ranged (javelin); Space 250 ft.; SQ battle rage, low-light Ironbeard’s Tomb: This ancient dwarven crypt
vision, species enmity; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will – is crawling with oozes. If I get a tomb, I want it at the
1; Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10; Morale +0. top of Ironforge Mountain. No oozes there!
Skills: Intimidate +4, Jump +5. Menethil Harbor (small city, 12,000):This major
Feats: Alertness. port city represents the Alliance presence in the
Battlerage (Ex): The unit can rage for 1 battle round. Wetlands. Murlocs and Dragonmaw orcs are a con-
The orcs gain a +2 bonus on attack, damage, saves and stant threat to its citizens, who are braver and sterner
morale; their damage factor becomes 2. After raging, the than their kin. Captain Stoutfist, Menethil’s military
entire unit is fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength and Dex- leader, works to repel the Dragonmaws. The captain
terity) for the rest of the battle.
is particularly concerned because the orcs seem to be
Species Enmity (Ex): Orcs gain a +1 racial bonus on
preparing for a major assault. One orc, dying at the end
attack rolls versus humans.
of my axe, spouted, “Soon the humans will pay!” I do
Equipment: Studded leather armor, battleaxe, javelin.
not know if this was the vain threat of a doomed
Commander creature or a portent of things to come.
Herzegor Flametusk, male orc Ftr7, subcommander: Shipwrecks: Many shipwrecks line the Wetlands’
Base Atk +7; Cha 12; Intimidate +10, Profession (military coast. Curious explorers could find many intriguing
commander)† +12 (10 ranks); Leadership; Orders 3. items in these shattered hulks. I found a fork.
Tactics History
The Dragonmaw clan currently scrambles for
survival while being hunted by the red Horde and Scourge forces devastated the Wetlands
dragonflight in Grim Batol. in the Second and Third Wars, forcing the Ironforge
The orcs, however, have more surprises they dwarves to retreat to Loch Modan and Dun Morogh.
can use to stave off the forces of Grim Batol or Alliance forces have since established Menethil Har-
to harass the Alliance at Menethil Harbor. The bor, but the area is still wild and untamed. The Wetlands
Torchbelcher ogre tribe provides them with is a buffer zone between inhabited Khaz Modan and
warriors and mages. The orcs also have units of Scourge-infested Lordaeron.
well-trained wolf riders, siege weapons, and a
few enslaved red drakes controlled by demonic Adventures
magic. Herzegor uses shrewd tactical decisions Disputed ruins dot the landscape, and murlocs, bog
bolstered by orcish rage to decide how he fights beasts and other creatures are perfect hunting targets.
his battles. Menethil Harbor would be indebted to any intrepid
individuals who eliminated the Dragonmaw threat.
A Tale of Two Cities and Some Orcs: The Dark
Geography Iron dwarves of Dun Modr uncover ancient writ-
The Wetlands is a giant, cold marsh. Ruined dwarven ings in their ruined fortress that speak of an artifact
fortresses can be seen, thrusting their bones up from called Ironbeard’s Axe. They leak this information
the surrounding filth. Elevation rises to the east to the to both Menethil Harbor and the Dragonmaw orcs.
mountain fortress of Grim Batol, and to the south The Dark Irons plan to incite both factions to race
toward Loch Modan. As if rebel orcs and Dark Iron to Ironbeard’s Tomb, fighting oozes and each other
dwarves were not bad enough, Bluegill murlocs**, in the process. In the aftermath, Dark Iron agents
bog beasts** and oozes roam the murky landscape. will ambush the victors on their way out, thereby
Dress warmly, speak softly and carry a big gun. claiming the magical axe for themselves.
Captain Stoutfist, 9th-Level Fighter
Military Leader at Menethil Harbor, Description
Wetlands The dwarf appears on edge, as if expecting an
Male Ironforge Dwarf
Dwarf: CR 9; Medium humanoid (dwarf); attack at any moment. He is stout and muscular,
HD 9d10+45, hp 94; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 11, flat- typical for one of his kind, wearing studded leather
footed 13; Base Atk +9; Grp +12; Atk +15 melee (1d10+7/x3, and carrying a polished waraxe. The dwarf’s eyes
+1 dwarven waraxe); Full Atk +15/+10 melee (1d10+7/x3, +1 seem to be constantly scanning the area around
dwarven waraxe); SA +1 attack versus giants; SQ darkvision him as he nervously fingers the blade of his axe.
60 ft., +2 saves versus poison, stability, stonecunning, Captain Stoutfist leads the defensive efforts in
stone flesh; AL LG; SV Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 17, Dex the area against a band of Dragonmaw orc raiders.
13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9. He attacks orcs on sight, charging into combat
Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Orc. without hesitation and not stopping until they are
Skills: Appraise +0 (stone and metal +2), Climb +5, Craft all slain or routed. Against other types of oppo-
+0 (stone, metal and guns +2), Jump +5, Knowledge (na- nents, Stoutfist fights in a more reserved fashion.
ture) +2, Survival +9, Swim +5. Confident in his ability to track down wounded
Feats: Greater Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), Im- enemies, he tries to injure his opponents until they
proved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Mounted Combat, disengage from battle and then tracks them once
Power Attack, Quick Draw, Track, Weapon Focus (dwarven they have become weakened from prolonged loss
waraxe), Weapon Specialization (dwarven waraxe). of blood. If Stoutfist ever becomes surrounded or
Possessions: +1 dwarven waraxe, amulet of health +4, flanked, he immediately uses his stone flesh ability
masterwork studded leather armor. to gain an additional defensive advantage.
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
The aging fisherman had eyed poor old Jack with suspicion when first approached about
chartering the boat, but he accepted the fare nonetheless. Gold really did make fools
of most men. But not Jack — he had found a higher calling now, a destiny that would
carry him farther than he had ever imagined. He watched the shoreline fade in the
morning mist as the boat pulled away. Excited and also a little frightened, he was
leaving his home for the first time in his life. That disappearing shore of Lordaeron
was all he had ever known.
The farm house near Southshore had belonged to his father, and to his father before
him. It was a small place, but its history stood as a point of pride for Jack. He had
planned on spending his life there. But no, he couldn’t stay. It was just unrealistic.
Not after those knights had come.
When they appeared over the hill, Jack could tell right away that they had been badly
abused. Their warhorses were foaming at the mouth and almost ready to drop there
in the field. All three men swayed in the saddle, barely able to give a weak request
for succor. How could Jack not have taken them in?
He helped them off their horses and aided them in removing their battered armor.
He gave their horses food and clean water and left them in the barn. Afterwards, he
did his best to make all the knights comfortable in his meager dwelling. He pulled out
some old blankets from the dusty cabinet in the hall and even dug out an old chair from
the barn. The knights were grateful for the courtesy, but Jack just explained that they
were doing their parts in the war with the undead and he had to do his, unglamorous
though it might be. They offered him warm smiles when he told them this. Jack could
only suppose they had not experienced such a simple courtesy in a long time. Some people
even blamed the knights for bringing about the threat of the Scourge. Poor country
man that he was, even Jack knew that this notion was ridiculous, and the knights all
laughed to hear it, the pain of their wounds having faded in the warmth of gracious
While Jack tended to the wood stove (adding some gangly carrots and a pinch of barley
to the stew), the men improved enough to start talking. They laughed and shared
stories, along with plans about where they were headed next. Jack listened as best he
could, though being a farmer he understood very little of what the knights discussed.
Still, he was always a good listener and so he took in as much as he was able.
The poison Jack had put in the stew took full effect in an hour. The barley helped mask
part of the taste, and the wounded men did not have the stamina to resist it for long.
With a few gurgles and twitching of limbs, the men were soon all dead.
After disposing of the bodies in the hidden root cellar he kept deep in the woods, Jack
set to work selling the farm. His neighbor didn’t ask any questions when he went to
sell the place; lots of people were fleeing the area in recent times. Jack made up some
excuse about going to live with relatives farther south. The older farmer had nodded
his head in sympathy the whole time, but Jack could see the greedy smile in his eyes.
It didn’t matter that Jack had sold the farm for a pittance of its worth. All of his
needs would be taken care of soon. He had enough money to hire the boat that would
take him to where he needed to be.
The Cult of the Damned’s contacts were pleased to learn about the knights’ activities,
though they advised Jack to move on to a safe place with all due haste. Compared to
the gratitude of his superiors, the loss of the farm was a small price. Soon, he’d arrive
in that frozen place which housed larger settlements of the Cult’s still-living
members. Northrend would be a much different world than the one he had known, but
he knew that there were friends waiting for him.
What he told the knights was true: everyone had to do their part in this war, even
one as humble as poor old Jack.
Lordaeron is the most dangerous land outside of
Northrend. The Scourge rules much of the conti- Alterac Mountains
nent, and the newly freed Forsaken, who have yet Population: Unknown.
to choose a side, stir beneath the earth. Humans Major Settlements: Alterac City (1,000), Strombrad (800).
still hold a few shattered realms, but battle hope- Languages: Low Common, Common.
lessly against enemies old and new. Murlocs, naga
Resources: Iron, ruins, timber.
and ogres fight against the struggling nations. Hu-
Affiliation: Syndicate.
man brigands attack and murder their own kind.
Forest trolls from Zul’Aman strike out to regain I journeyed into the southern Alterac Mountains
their ancient territory, and human fanatics fight a from the idyllic Hillsbrad Foothills. Quite the
private crusade against the Scourge. Lordaeron is a change. Once inhabited by noble humans, Alterac
land of chaos, where innumerable factions clash is a shattered realm struggling to survive the wars’
across the ashes to further their own trivial aims. carnage. An organization called the Syndicate is
Good people are hard to find in Lordaeron, but not strong in this region. The Syndicate is a group of
impossible. I met several individuals in my travels thieves who were once Alterac nobles and now
who offered help and succor, sometimes in the most seek to reclaim their lands — and any other lands
unexpected places. Stable villages, towns and even they can lay their hands on — by any means
cities are rare, but they do exist. Survivors flock to necessary. They battle for control with a huge clan
these places as best as they are able, avoiding Scourge of ogres that has taken Alterac City. Everyone is
and Forsaken forces and innumerable other threats. out for him- or herself here, and no one looked at
This is a land of enemies; every traveler you see on me without suspicion. I almost prefer the ogres to
the road is out to kill you for his own reasons. Internal the Syndicate — less subtle.
strife within factions is rampant. The Alterac Mountains are cold and misty, thick
The Scourge dominates all. Its undead blight has with rain and gray clouds. Huge pine trees tower
reduced Lordaeron’s most fruitful areas to blasted over the temperate landscape. Alterac reminds me
Plaguelands. Kel’Thuzad, the Scourge leader in a bit of Loch Modan, but warmer. Occasional green
Lordaeron, is relatively quiescent for the moment meadows and tenacious shrubs can be found amid
— but that could change instantly. One small hope the gray, rocky peaks. To the south are the Hillsbrad
comes from the fact that the Scourge has no allies, Foothills, east is the Hinterlands, west is Lordamere
but many enemies. Zul’Aman, the Forsaken, the Lake and north are the Plaguelands.
Scarlet Crusade, Hillsbrad, Kul Tiras, the Syndi-
cate, elven and human refugees, even ogres and People and Culture
naga: all would see the Scourge defeated. Unfortu- Two major factions control the Alterac Moun-
nately, these factions battle each other and among tains: the Syndicate and the Crushridge ogres. The
themselves instead of pooling their resources to Syndicate is a complicated network of bandits who
form a cohesive, powerful army against the Scourge. were once Alterac nobles. These men and women
Indeed, I fear that these groups’ disparate ideologies operate mainly in the Alterac Mountains and the
rule out the possibility of their ever coming to- surrounding area, but fight, murder, lie and steal to
gether. At the very least, they will never answer to reclaim their ancient lands. The Syndicate is out
a common leader (unless that leader were truly for itself, though it would work with others if doing
remarkable — and I’m talking divine here). Per- so helped it meet its ultimate goal. I felt dirty just
haps they could be coerced into forming a council looking at these odious people. Syndicate agents
of some sort, though this step would require incred- dress in brown and black when on the prowl, but
ibly skillful negotiations. In my opinion, subtlety is don their aristocratic finery in their holds.
the best route. If a clever organization (Azeroth’s I ran afoul of a Syndicate band on my travels —
Stormwind Assassins, perhaps?) could individually they ambushed me in a small canyon. Their num-
convince the above factions to strike in strategi- bers were too many, so I had to surrender. They tied
cally advantageous ways, complementing each other me up in their camp while they decided what to do
without knowing it… that may prove the best — if with me. Eventually, I escaped by getting one of
not the only — way to threaten the Scourge.
Crushridge Ogre Marching Song Mug’thol, 7th-Level
Who kills every kid and man?
Crushridge Clan! Barbarian
Who burns just because they can?
Ogre Warlord at Alterac City, Alterac
Crushridge Clan!
Rip ‘em up, slice ‘em up, beat ‘em to a pulp:
Male Ogre
Ogre: CR 10; Large giant; HD 7d12+4d8+44, hp
Will they live? Will they win? We say nope! 107; Init +4; Spd 35 ft. (50 ft. without armor); AC 21,
Kick ‘em, hit ‘em, listen to their moans, touch 10, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +10; Grp +22; Atk +20
Spill their blood and crack their bones! melee (2d8+12, masterwork greatclub); Full Atk +20/
Who just charges in without a plan? +15 melee (2d8+12, masterwork greatclub); Space/Reach
The ogres of Crushridge Claaaaaan! 10 ft./10 ft.; SA rage 2/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-
light vision, damage reduction 1/—, fast movement,
improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge;
their horses to chew through my bonds. This story AL CE; SV Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +7; Str 26, Dex 10, Con
goes to show that even though they are human, the 19, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 9.
Syndicate’s members are not to be trusted. Indeed, Languages Spoken: Common, Giant.
they are wickeder than many “savage” humanoids Skills: Balance –2, Climb +10, Escape Artist –2, Hide
I could name. –6, Intimidate +8, Jump +10, Listen +9, Move Silently –
The Crushridge ogres are cunning, massive and 2, Spot +4, Survival +5, Swim +2.
strong. Leftovers from the Second War, these ogres Feats: Endurance, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
have thrown off orc rule for their own primitive Weapon Focus (greatclub).
ways. They live in Alterac City and kill whatever Possessions: +1 Large breastplate, masterwork Large
they can. The ogres and the Syndicate fight a greatclub, crown of will‡.
continuous guerilla war. I once spied a group of
Crushridges marching across the plains; to my Description
surprise, they were singing a song! Not the most The ogre’s hulking frame is covered in a
original musical piece, the song is somewhat mis- mish-mash of scavenged bits of metal and
leading. Do not make the mistake of thinking that trophies of war, held together by thick bands of
these ogres are imbecilic brutes. They are cagey and sweat-drenched leather hide. He holds a mas-
surprisingly shrewd. sive tree branch in one hand, leaning it
The Syndicate’s private war and the ogres’ mind- effortlessly against his shoulder. A gemstone-
less slaughter are foolishness. Alterac shares its covered crown sits awkwardly on his head,
northern border with the Western Plaguelands, so leaning slightly off to one side as if it doesn’t fit
a Scourge invasion is only a matter of time. Such an very well.
attack would spur the Syndicate to battle against Mug’thol likes to smash things. Although he
the undead, and the ogres would fight to stay alive. has a certain amount of savvy when intimidat-
Their numbers, however, are too few. ing other creatures to do his bidding, he knows
I left Alterac hoping that its despicable inhabit- only one way to fight. He always uses full power
ants kill each other. attacks (+9 melee, 2d8+32) in combat, not
realizing the disadvantage of doing so. He likes
Geography the sound that his club makes when striking
The Alterac Mountains are high and temperate. metal, and he prioritizes his targets by how
Few fertile valleys lie within the peaks, and those that amusing he thinks they will be to hit. He
do are fallow. Rainfall is high and the sky is often typically prefers to strike at enemies with metal
overcast, making the region drear. The Crushridge shields first, followed by those in suits of metal
ogres and the Syndicate have driven away most native armor, and lastly those with metal weapons.
wildlife, but yetis still inhabit the deeper caves.
I fired twice more before drawing my axe. After a
Crushridge Ogres fierce battle, the yeti lay dead and I was slashed up
The statistics below describe a typical unit pretty good. Yet I had won! I sawed off one of its
of the Crushridge ogres that might see action horns as a souvenir.
in mass combat. Lordamere Lake: This freshwater lake is enor-
28 ogres: Large giant; HD 4; DF 140 (5); Spd 300 ft. mous, occupying a great fraction of Lordaeron’s
(6 squares); AC 16; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +11 melee midwest. In years past, the lake served as a source of
(greatclub); Full Unit Atk +11 melee (greatclub) or +3 fresh water and fish for Lordaeron’s kingdoms.
ranged (spear); Space/Reach 280 ft./10 ft.; SQ Now, Lordamere’s isles are infested with monsters
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; AL NE; SV Fort +6, and its shores polluted with undead filth. The lake
Ref +0, Will +2; Str 22, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha borders five separate regions and provides an un-
8; Morale +5. tapped means of transport between these areas.
Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +4, Listen +5, Spot +5. May the Light help Hillsbrad if the Scourge sends
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus ships across Lordamere.
(greatclub). Uplands: The Uplands is a mountainous area
Equipment: Hide armor, greatclub, spear. controlled by the Syndicate. I believe they have a
base here, though I do not know exactly where.
Commanders This is a dangerous area; Syndicate members would
Mug’Thol, male ogre Bbn7, commander-in-chief: murder their own grannies for a copper piece. I
Base Atk +8; Cha 9; Intimidate +8; Orders 1. avoided the Uplands and I suggest that others do
Gorg, male ogre magus Sor4, hero commander: Base the same.
Atk +5; Cha 16; Intimidate +11; Orders 1.
Sites and Settlements
Under Mug’Thol’s guidance, the Crushridge Hostile factions control the few settlements that
tribe has become a brutal and feared force in remain in the Alterac Mountains.
the Alterac Mountains. The tribe’s combined Alterac City (ruined city, 1,000): The Syndi-
might is formidable, and it relies on brute cate controlled the capital city for a time, but
strength to attain its goals. The warriors of Crushridge ogres drove them away. Now, ruined
the tribe simply trample their enemies under Alterac City serves as the ogres’ base camp and
a massive, raging charge. largest settlement. Mug’thol, a ferocious and crafty
The tribe is easily roused to full battle. Keep- warlord, rules the clan.
ing the tribal stronghold, protecting territory Durnholde Keep: The Syndicate controls this
and finding food are the tribe’s main concerns. famous keep. Warchief Thrall, the Horde’s leader,
spent his youth here as a slave.
A magic field closes off Dalaran, to the southwest. Lordamere Internment Camp: Located near
Dalaran wizards patrol the local surroundings, but Dalaran’s ruins, Lordamere Internment Camp once
wisely do not concern themselves with Alterac’s affairs. served as a holding area for captured orcs. Dalaran
Foothill Caverns: Ferocious yetis inhabit these wizards now use the camp to imprison Forsaken. I
caves. Only the most courageous adventurers would had the opportunity to speak with Warden
seek to cross paths with these fearsome creatures. Belamoore, the stern wizardess who oversees the
Of course, I am just such an adventurer. I knew I camp. She does not exactly hate undead, but desires
had a mission, but I could not resist the lure of a to study them under controlled conditions. Perhaps
good hunt and I indulged. How many dwarves have she will invent something that will help defeat the
killed a yeti? I found a lone yeti’s tracks, and I Scourge.
followed them for days through narrow ravines, Strombrad (ruined city, 800): The Syndicate
across high ledges and between rocky cliffs. Finally, now holds this once-thriving city. They have reno-
I spotted it — a massive white creature, bipedal, vated the jail, and digging teams constantly break
with two large horns. I blasted it with my blunder- into old cellars and sealed vaults, searching for
buss, but this just angered the yeti and it charged! treasures the Scourge overlooked.
humanity’s strength and defensive might. Now the
History wall has fallen to decay and war.
Once the smallest nation in the Lordaeron Alli- The Arathi Highlands’ climate is similar to that
ance, Alterac’s king, Perenolde, betrayed the of the Wetlands to the south, though its higher
Alliance in the Second War. Alterac’s honor has elevation keeps it free of the bogs and marshy pools
been blemished ever since. Like all of Lordaeron’s that would otherwise form from the constant rain.
regions, Alterac suffered horrendously when the The air is cool and the skies an unvarying gray. The
Scourge blazed through the continent. The Arathi Highlands are bleak and dismal. Yet if bad
Perenolde family’s current scion, Lord Aiden weather were the worst I would experience in
Perenolde, is a high-ranking Syndicate member Lordaeron, I would count myself lucky.
who resides in the Uplands. I hear he is addicted to
flushbloom. People and Culture
Adventures The Syndicate (see the “Alterac Mountains”
entry, above) has a large presence here, as do Clan
The Syndicate struggles to regain control of a Boulderfist ogres. A third faction is composed of
wild land, while ruins dot the mountainsides and the Highlands’ native people led by Prince Galen
ogres patrol their territory. Trollbane, the rightful heir to Stromgarde’s throne
Between Ogres and a Hard Place: The Syndi- and leader of the city’s embattled defenders. All
cate kidnaps a wealthy dwarf merchant’s son. The three factions are poor and ragged, and would be
organization does not want ransom — it wants help easy prey for the Scourge.
driving the ogres from Alterac City. Murrik
Doubletoe, the captured dwarf’s father, hires out- Geography
side help to advise him and either rescue his son or
The Arathi Highlands have a higher elevation
defeat the ogres. Of course, the Syndicate is thor-
than Khaz Modan’s Wetlands, but otherwise the
oughly evil and does not plan to uphold any
geography is similar. To the north is Thoradin’s
agreement it makes.
Wall, now collapsed and gaping wide. South is the
Thandol Span, which bridges the gap between
Arathi Highlands Lordaeron and Khaz Modan. Mountains to the east
Population: 6,000 (84% human, 10% Horde orc, 5% prevent easy access to the sea, and the Highlands’
Ironforge dwarf, 1% half-orc). western coast is bleak, windswept and cold.
Major Settlements: Stromgarde (1,200), Hammerfall (600).
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Low Common, Orc. Sites and Settlements
Faiths: Holy Light, shamanism. Three factions battle to control the few settle-
Resources: Ruins. ments that remain in this Forsaken land. A small
Affiliation: Syndicate. Horde outpost provides some sanity.
I did not know what to expect of Lordaeron as I Hammerfall (abandoned camp, 600): Orgrim
approached it over the Thandol Span. The Scourge Doomhammer, once the Horde’s Warchief, fell at
is based here, true, but what are the rest of the lands this historic location. After the Second War,
like? The Arathi Highlands was the first region I Hammerfall became an internment camp for the
visited (aside from Kul Tiras, to which I sailed from leaderless orcs. Now, members of Thrall’s Horde
Menethil Harbor), and I kept my hand on my axe. occupy the camp.
The southernmost realm in Lordaeron, the Arathi Stromgarde (ruined city, 1,200): Formerly this
Highlands are immediately north of Khaz Modan’s region’s capital, Stromgarde is still held (barely) by
Wetlands and south of the Hinterlands and the its rightful leader. Stromgarde is the center of a
Hillsbrad Foothills. Once a proud human kingdom, power struggle between the city’s defenders, the
the Arathi Highlands are crushed and the people Syndicate and the Boulderfist ogres. A mysterious
scattered. Thoradin’s Wall, an immense edifice on man called Lord Falconcrest commands the Syndi-
the northern border, was once a symbol of cate in Stromgarde.
Stromgarde’s ruins include the Trollbane Family
Prince Galen Trollbane, Crypt, which safeguards several artifacts. Prince
4th-Level Fighter/2nd- Galen Trollbane protects the crypt along with the
rest of his city. A group called the Caretakers, also
Level Aristocrat based in the city, is dedicated to the protection and
Arathi Highlands preservation of several specific human artifacts (see
Male Human
Human: CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD Appendix One). Among these is the Trollbane
4d10+2d8, hp 31; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 12, flat- family sword, called Trol’Kalar, or “Troll Slayer” in
footed 21; Base Atk +5; Grp +6; Atk +8 melee (1d8+2/19–20, the ancient tongue (see Appendix Two). I spoke
+1longsword);FullAtk+8melee(1d8+2/19–20,+1longsword), with Prince Galen when I visited Stromgarde. He
or +7 melee (1d8+1/19–20, masterwork dagger), or +7 is a friendly, determined but desperate lad; I was
ranged (1d8+2/x3, +1 composite longbow); SA +1 attack glad to lend him what help I could. One of his men,
versus orcs; SQ +2 saves versus fear; AL LG; SV Fort +5, Ref a one-eyed man called Grizzled Jopp, recognized
+5, Will +7; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 16. me from the Second War. I did not recognize him,
Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc, but he was ecstatic. He broke into his personal ale
Thalassian. supply and we drank ourselves silly one night. Even
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance –4, Bluff +7, Climb –2, in embattled Stromgarde they still know how to
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist –4, Gather Information +7, have a good time!
Handle Animal +6, Hide –4, Intimidate +10, Jump –2, The Thandol Span: This massive, dwarf-made
Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Listen bridge stretches across the natural canal that sepa-
+3, Move Silently –4, Perform (stringed instruments) rates Lordaeron from Khaz Modan. The Thandol
+4, Profession (military commander)* +4, Ride +4, Search Span is solid and large, a blocky stone edifice with
+2, Sense Motive +6, Spot +4, Survival +3, Swim –7. numerous thick support columns plunging into the
Feats: Improved Initiative, Investigator, Leadership, Lightning water. Scourge forces damaged the bridge in the
Reflexes, Negotiator, Persuasive, Weapon Focus (longsword). Third War. Great sections broke off and now lie
Possessions:+1chainmail,+1heavysteelshield, +1longsword, beneath the waves, some visible at low tides. Nev-
+1 composite longbow, 20 arrows, amulet of natural armor +1, ertheless the Thandol Span is still easily navigable
cloak of resistance +1, masterwork dagger, potion of cure and serves as the only land route between Lordaeron
serious wounds (x2), potion of invisibility, potion of sanctuary, and the southern continents.
ring of mind shielding, ring of protection +1.
Description History
The young man has a dark, brooding look Once called simply Strom, the city formerly
about him — his eyes sunken as if from a served as the capital of the ancient Arathorian
prolonged lack of sleep, his skin pale. Dressed Empire. Stromgarde’s warriors (including Grizzled
in expensive clothes with a silken cloak flow- Jopp) fought valiantly in the Second War, and orc
ing behind him, the man appears to be of noble Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer met his end on
blood and carries himself with sullen arro- Arathi soil. Many of Stromgarde’s men and women
gance. A curved knife is sheathed at his belt. traveled with Jaina Proudmoore to Kalimdor, leav-
Prince Galen Trollbane still reels from the emo- ing a tiny band behind. Prince Galen Trollbane is
tional shock of his father’s assassination and has hard-pressed to hold his city against his enemies. A
run himself ragged trying quickly to form patch- pity I did not have any riflemen with me, for I would
work alliances with other nobles. Not thinking have stationed them in Stromgarde to bolster poor
clearly, Galen responds to any perceived insults Galen’s forces.
recklessly, issuing immediate challenges to duel. If
he becomes cornered in melee, Galen fights defen- Adventures
sively until his bodyguards can come to his aid. Stromgarde’s defenders, the Syndicate and the
Whenever Galen appears about to lose, he at- Boulderfist ogres all seek mercenaries to help in
tempts to stop fighting, grudgingly issues an apology their struggles. Ancient ruins are scattered across
and offers some gold as compensation. the land.
Robber Beware: A Syndicate band ambushes a
lone wagon. The driver escapes but the brigands Stromgarde Defenders
steal the cargo, including a mysterious black crystal
The statistics below describe typical units of
ball. The ball is cursed and transforms those within
the Stromgarde Defenders that might see ac-
its radius of effect into bloodthirsty maniacs. The
tion in mass combat.
Syndicate band gains the tainted template**. 40 human War3: Medium humanoid; HD 3; DF 120 (3); Spd
The wagon’s driver was a disguised eredar war- 300 ft. (6 squares); AC 15; Base Atk +3; Unit Atk +5 melee
lock**, and the theft and transformation were parts (longsword); Full Unit Atk +5 melee (longsword) or +4 ranged
of his plan to upset things in the southern lands so (light crossbow); Space 200 ft.; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will
the Legion can gain a foothold. Terrified villagers +3; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Morale +3.
ask the heroes to slay the raving Syndicate band. Skills: Climb +7, Spot +3.
The eredar warlock keeps tabs on his experiment Feats: Defend*, Iron Will, Power Attack.
and intervenes if the PCs interfere. Equipment: Studded leather armor, light wooden shield,
longsword, light crossbow, bolts.
Dalaran 15 human Ftr5/Mow1 and 15 heavy warhorses: Medium
humanoid/Large animal; HD 6/4; DF 150 (10)/90 (6); Spd
Capital: Dalaran (3,000 or so). 500 ft. (10 squares); AC 16 (17/15); Base Atk +6/+3; Unit
Population: Unknown; probably around 3,000. Atk +10 melee (masterwork longsword), or +7 melee
Government: Magocracy. (hoof); Full Unit Atk +10/+5 melee (masterwork
Ruler: Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver (male human longsword), or +7 melee (hoof) and +2 (bite); Space 150
Archmage5/Wiz13). ft.; SQ low-light vision, scent; AL NG; SV Fort +7, Ref +3,
Will +3; Str 15 (13/18), Dex 12 (12/13), Con 15 (14/17), Int
Language: Common.
6 (10/2), Wis 12 (13/11), Cha 8 (10/6); Morale +7.
Faith: Holy Light. Skills: human — Climb +3, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate
Resources: Knowledge, magic. +2, Ride +12; heavy warhorse — Listen +5, Spot +4.
Affiliation: Independent. Feats: human — Expert Rider*, Iron Will, Mounted Combat,
A magical dome surrounds the fallen and broken PowerAttack,Toughness,WeaponFocus(longsword),Weapon
city of Dalaran, long the headquarters of magical Specialization (longsword); heavy warhorse — Endurance, Run.
study in the world of Azeroth. The dome is impen- Equipment:Breastplate,masterworklongsword;chainbarding.
etrable, blue and opaque — I could see nothing Commanders
beyond it. I spoke to one hermit wizard in the woods, Captain Dathanor Cromwell, male human Ftr5, hero
a man not associated with Dalaran. He told me that commander: Base Atk +5; Cha 14; Intimidate +11, Knowl-
neither magic nor mundane methods can divine edge (military tactics)* +6, Profession (military
anything about what transpires inside. Dalaran’s commander)† +6 (5 ranks); Ruthless Command†; Or-
wizards are very tightlipped about the city. ders 1. Commands the infantry unit.
Located on Lordamere Lake’s southern shore, Captain Ariana Thesslocke, female human Ftr6/Mow2,
Dalaran is a low-pressure region. The environment subcommander: Base Atk +8; Cha 15; Diplomacy +5,
creates mists and clouds. The air is cool and damp. Intimidate +5, Knowledge (military tactics)* +7, Profes-
sion (military commander)† +6 (5 ranks); Leadership;
People and Culture Orders 2. Commands the cavalry unit.
dome’s periphery. The archmage seems to be in Months later, a resistance force led by the surviv-
charge of Dalaran and leads a conclave of fellow ing Dalaran wizards arrived and laid claim to the
wizards in their vigil of the dome. Ansirem is nice ruins. Pooling their magical power, the wizards
enough, but says nothing about what is going on covered Dalaran in an opaque magical sphere. I was
beneath the great, swirling dome. Equally silent is unable to determine what occurs beneath the dome
Shield Watcher Morgensen. I gathered that and the wizards warned me not to get too close.
Morgensen’s job is to keep the shield up and run- Once, as I observed the dome from a safe distance
ning, and he constantly takes readings on the away, I startled a jackrabbit. The rabbit streaked
dome. He is completely consumed with his work toward the dome; when it got within 20 feet of that
and rarely interacts with anybody. I had to clap my swirling blue sphere, the rabbit abruptly flashed
hands before he noticed me. Not that it did me any into bright orange fire. Only a rabbit-shaped smear
good — the wizards would not talk even after I of ash marked its passing.
offered them several magical trinkets I had gath-
ered in my travels. Adventures
One thing I did learn is that the mages hold no Dalaran is a land of mystery. Many factions would
love for the Scourge. They would see it destroyed. pay a great amount to know what transpires be-
neath the dome.
Geography Dome on the Range: Memses Lodestaff, a
Dalaran is a ruined city on southern Lordamere Kalimdor wizard, hears of Dalaran’s protective dome.
Lake, north of the Hillsbrad Foothills. A rise to the Desiring to use such magic himself, he hires a group
city’s east marks where the demon lord Archimonde of diplomatic adventurers to accompany him to
used his magic to shatter its spires. Dalaran and learn what he can about it. He hopes
the Dalaran wizards will teach him their secrets so
Sites and Settlements he can journey back to Kalimdor to protect
Theramore in a similar fashion. If Memses is suc-
Dalaran is a large magical dome surrounded by a
cessful in this task, the Horde grows suspicious.
few wrecked houses and empty streets. Not much
Eastern Plaguelands
History Capital: Stratholme (25,000).
Dalaran was one of the original city-states founded Population: 45,000 (73% undead, 20% human, 7% forest
during the Arathorian empire. Since its inception, troll).
the city has served as a hub of magical knowledge Government: Dictatorship.
and experimentation in Lordaeron and the world. Ruler: Lich Lord of the Plaguelands Kel’Thuzad (male hu-
A multi-racial wizards’ council called the Kirin Tor man lich Wiz25).
ruled the city for centuries, overseeing Dalaran Major Settlements: Tyr’s Hand (9,000).
from the Violet Citadel — a great, slender spire in Languages: Common, Low Common.
the city’s heart that housed the most extensive Faiths: Holy Light, Lich King, voodoo.
libraries and greatest laboratories in the world.
Resources: Evil, gold, magic, plague, ruins, timber (mush-
The traitor Prince Arthas laid siege to Dalaran in room fiber).
the Third War. He murdered its citizens, including Affiliation: Scourge.
the great archmage Antonidas, and broke into the
city’s heart. His ally, the lich Kel’Thuzad, then The Scourge dominates the Eastern Plaguelands,
summoned Archimonde, the Burning Legion’s and the archlich Kel’Thuzad commands the region
leader. Archimonde wielded foul magic to topple from central Stratholme. Living dead roam the
the city’s towers and sunder its walls. Shortly after land freely — I must have run into at least a dozen
Dalaran’s fall, the undead abandoned the city to zombies and skeletal warriors in my first half hour.
the wind and mist. Forest trolls from Zul’Aman in the north battle the
Scourge to reclaim their ancient kingdom. A crazed
human group, the Scarlet Crusade, struggles coura-
Ansirem Runeweaver, 13th-Level Wizard/5th-Level Archmage
Archmage of the Kirin Tor, Dalaran Arcane Reach (Su): Ansirem can use spells
Male Human
Human: CR 18; Medium humanoid (human); HD with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet
18d4+18, hp 63; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat- away by making a ranged touch attack.
footed 10; Base Atk +8; Grp +8; Atk +8 melee (1d6, Mastery of Elements (Ex): Ansirem can alter
staff) or +10 ranged touch (spell); Full Atk+8/+3 melee an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a
(1d6, staff) or +10 ranged touch (spell); SA spells, arcane different element from the one it normally uses.
fire, arcane reach, mastery of elements, spell power; SQ This ability can only alter a spell with the acid,
contingency, spell-like ability (teleport 2/day); AL LN; cold, fire, electricity or sonic descriptor. The spell’s
SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +13; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int casting time is unaffected. Ansirem decides whether
25, Wis 12, Cha 11. to alter the spell’s energy type and chooses the new
Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Thalassian. energy type when he begins casting.
Skills: Appraise +7 (alchemical items +9), Concentra- Spell Power (Ex): Ansirem’s effective caster
tion +22, Craft (alchemy) +19, Decipher Script +17, level is +1 (for purposes of determining level-
Diplomacy +4, Gather Information +2 (local +4), Knowl- dependent spell variables such as damage dice or
edge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (architecture/engineering) range, and caster level checks only).
+11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (geog-
raphy) +12, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge (local) Contingency (Su): Ansirem has already cast a
+14, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +14, contingency spell. When he is attacked while
Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +13, flat-footed or reduced to below 20 hit points,
Search +16, Spellcraft +30, Survival +1 (keep from get- Ansirem’s contingency uses teleport to send him
ting lost, avoid hazards, and on other planes +3). to his private sanctum in Dalaran.
Feats: Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Spell-Like Ability: Ansirem has permanently
Wondrous Item, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Skill prepared the spell teleport as a spell-like ability
Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus that can be used twice per day.
Typical Wizard Spells Prepared (4/6/10/6/5/2/5/3/
2/1; save DC 17 + spell level): 0—detect magic, mage Dressed in an elaborate violet robe, the bearded
hand, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st—comprehend man stands with his eyes closed and his brow
languages, feather fall, mana shield††, shield, unseen furrowed in concentration. He is quite tall, and,
servant, sleep; 2nd—cripple*, darkvision, detect although he appears fairly old, he stands perfectly
thoughts, frost armor* (x2), invisibility, mana burn* (x2), still — reflecting a great deal of physical discipline.
resist energy, see invisibility; 3rd—blizzard (x2), dispel The man carries no obvious weaponry, but his arms
magic, frost nova*, protection from energy, shockwave*; are crossed in his robes, concealing both hands.
4th—absorb mana††, bloodlust*, immolation*, lightning Ansirem Runeweaver is no stranger to combat,
shield*, rain of fire*; 5th—feeblemind, hold monster; having helped defend the magical city of Dalaran for
6th—chain lightning, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, the better part of four decades. He is confident, but
greater heroism, planar ally; 7th—greater arcane sight, not cocky, and always seems to know where best to
greater scrying, limited wish; 8th—banish*, greater strike for maximum effect. Upon engaging in com-
planar ally; 9th—wish. bat, Ansirem’s first action is usually to summon
Possessions: Headband of intellect +6, ring of wizardry additional help, immediately following with a series
II, superior staff of frost. of offensive blasts directed at enemy spellcasters. He
Arcane Fire (Su): Ansirem can change ar- targets arcane spellcasters first, then any healers or
cane spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting archers. If Ansirem appears to be winning after the
it as a bolt of raw magical energy. The bolt is a first few exchanges of a combat, he presses the
ranged touch attack with long range (1,120 advantage with area-effect spells such as rain of fire*
feet) that deals 5d6 points of damage plus 1d6 or shockwave*. If he thinks he is losing, however,
points of damage per level of the spell used to Ansirem will not hesitate to cast teleport and beat a
create the effect. hasty retreat back to his private sanctum in Dalaran.
geously and vainly against the undead. I had heard A forest troll force has also moved into the
about the human city of Tyr’s Hand and planned to region. Striking south from Zul’Aman, the trolls
use this as a base while I conducted my survey. seek to regain their ancestral kingdom. A sick and
The Eastern Plaguelands are north of the Hinter- delirious troll told me of their leader, Thresh’jin:
lands and east of the Western Plaguelands. Darrowmere “Thresh’jin and his army, mon, they are goin’ to
Lake borders the region on the south, while Zul’Aman drive the Scourge from the land. It does not matter that
and Quel’Thalas lie to the north. The entirety of the the land is dead; Thresh’jin wants it because it used to
Plaguelands is polluted and wretched, blighted by the be ours. And it will be so again! Zul’Aman’s warbands
Scourge. The undead plague has corrupted the people back Thresh’jin — he’s got many trolls.”
and nature itself. Noxious orange mists float like My pistol eased the troll’s passing into oblivion.
living entities over the blackened, filthy soil. The Never let it be said that dwarves are without mercy.
Scourge’s power here is absolute. Forest trolls are no friend to dwarf or human, but
they are enemies of the Scourge. If promised their
People and Culture kingdom, they might join an alliance.
The Scourge controls the Plaguelands. The
undead are intelligent and draw their power from The Poison Mist
the Lich King far to the north. Now that the Lich An orange, toxic mist permeates both the
King has regained his power, all the Scourge’s Eastern and Western Plaguelands. A living
members are utterly loyal — we cannot expect to creature must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save
see more defectors such as Lady Sylvanas and her every 8 hours it remains in the Plaguelands.
Forsaken. Zombies, ghouls, skeletal warriors and Failure indicates that the creature takes 1 point
worse roam the lands, slaughtering the few survi- of temporary Constitution damage. Within 20
vors when they find them. The undead need no rest miles of Stratholme, the mist becomes much
and never complain. I am proud to say that, since worse. A living creature in this area must
my foray, the world is short twenty-three zombies, succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save every hour or
fourteen skeletal warriors and seven ghouls — and take 1d3 points of temporary Constitution dam-
one unfortunate dog that sounded like a ghoul. age. Non-breathing creatures are unaffected by
Against this indomitable force battles the Scarlet the mist, as are members of the Cult of the
Crusade. As their name implies, these human war- Damned and characters with at least one level
riors and priests dress in bright reds — a stark in the necromancer† prestige class. The mist is
contrast to the devastated gray landscape. The a supernatural poison.
Crusaders are frenetic, desperate to destroy the
Scourge, but well and truly crazy. At the very least,
they should wear clothing that blends in with the
environment. A first-year scout knows that! The
Scarlet Crusaders are fearless zealots. Drawing The land is blighted, the plants and animals
strength and conviction from the Holy Light, they soiled and corrupted. The blight has altered the
are dedicated to eliminating undead and offering trees, transforming them into stands of gigantic
protection to human survivors. Unfortunately, the mushrooms. (Do not eat them.) Darrowmere Lake
Crusaders tend to think that anyone unassociated provides reasonably fresh water, but the longer the
with them carries the undead plague and simply kill Scourge remains the fouler the water grows. To the
refugees more often than not. Scary people. They north, the elevation rises toward Quel’Thalas and
are well armed and armored and keep their equip- Zul’Aman. Kel’Thuzad’s minions are the only crea-
ment highly polished. Though their hearts are in tures that roam the land.
the right place, their minds are addled — the tiny Darrowmere Lake: This freshwater lake lies to
group is a pathetic force against the Scourge’s the southwest in the Eastern Plaguelands. The
might. The Scarlet Crusade must be incorporated Greenrush River, with origins in Zul’Aman, travels
into a larger army to be successful. And someone through the Eastern Plaguelands and finally emp-
has to kick the righteousness out of it. ties into Darrowmere. This lake was the site of
many naval battles in the Second War, though now test the Scourge leaders’ tactics. It is only a matter
it is in the Scourge’s hands and their filth pollutes of time before Kel’Thuzad grows bored and destroys
the waters; more dead fish wash up on the shores the Crusaders for good.
every day.
Sites and Settlements Population: 25,000 (100% undead).
Government: Dictatorship.
The Scourge rules this once-proud region. De- Ruler: Lich Lord of the Plaguelands Kel’Thuzad (male hu-
spite the undead’s power, humanity gathers in man lich Wiz25).
pockets of resistance.
Languages: Common.
Caer Darrow: In Darrowmere Lake’s middle is a Faith: Lich King.
solitary island: the Isle of Darrow. The keep of Caer
Resources: Evil, magic, plague.
Darrow, perhaps the oldest human monument in
Affiliation: Scourge.
the world, stands upon this isle. The keep’s defend-
ers abandoned it in the Third War. I would love to Getting to Stratholme is exceedingly dangerous
investigate this ruin — think what wonders it but, tough soul that I am, I managed it. The place
might hold! Unfortunately, Caer Darrow crawls swarms with undead and their mortal servants.
with undead and their few remaining demonic Dark magic pervades the air — it feels oily. Realiz-
allies. For a time I entertained the notion putting ing that I would be unable to sneak into the city
an end to a few of these monsters, but after seeing without joining the Scourge’s ranks, I contented
three dreadlords in five minutes I changed my myself with observing Stratholme from a distance
mind. I instead traveled to Tyr’s Hand. and gathering tales from a captured necromancer.
Tyr’s Hand (city, 9,000): Tyr’s Hand is manned Once the most glorious human city in Lordaeron,
by an army of Scarlet Crusaders and is untouched by the mad Prince Arthas, believing its citizens had
the undead plague. Located in the southeastern contracted the plague, ravaged Stratholme during
Plaguelands, Tyr’s Hand is the only human settle- the Third War. The city never recovered.
ment left in this part of Lordaeron. In the city’s Kel’Thuzad took the city after the Burning Legion’s
center is the newly erected Scarlet Monastery, a defeat and erected Scourge structures throughout
grand edifice that rivals Stormwind’s Cathedral of the ruins. Stratholme is a horrible, dark place, full
Light. General Abbendis commands the city and its of blacks and purples and the putrid orange mist.
Crusaders and priests. Abbendis, like most of the Undead buildings mix with human ruins. Abomi-
Crusaders, is completely nuts. He believes that the nations**, ghouls**, zombies**, skeletal warriors**,
Light has blessed him so that he can retake Stratholme wraiths**, necromancers and liches** wander the
and rout the Scourge. The few humans who roam the streets and chant dark paeans in their sanctuaries.
Plaguelands desperately seek the safety of Tyr’s Hand, Gargoyles** and frost wyrms** patrol the skies.
and I was forced to do the same. Kel’Thuzad’s massive necropolis, Naxxramas,
Currently, the Crusaders pose no threat to the floats above the city like a bloated, diseased crea-
Scourge. They serve only to rile things up a bit and ture. The necropolis, its violet lights visible from
miles away, symbolizes Kel’Thuzad’s absolute domi-
nance over the land. Stratholme is an impregnable
Excerpt of a Conversation fortress of evil.
between General Abbendis Stratholme also plays home to Baron Rivendare,
and Brann Bronzebeard whom I had the unfortunate experience of meet-
ing. I had to shoot out the legs of his undead steed
“Never fear, dwarf! The Holy Light itself has
to escape the sadistic baron. Once a wealthy human
blessed us and we shall be triumphant! Give
landowner, the plague corrupted Rivendare and he
it… two years. In two years, if humans again do
pledged himself as a death knight. Rivendare’s duty
not hold all of Lordaeron, I will buy you an ale.
is to round up and murder any human survivors he
What say you to that, dwarf?”
can find, and he and his patrols do just that.
“I’ll never get my ale. But good luck, General.” Rivendare is a real bastard.
I attempted to journey to Gilneas from Silverpine
History Forest. I had heard many rumors, but I could not
Stratholme was a valiant member of the Lordaeron believe them. Unfortunately, those rumors proved
Alliance in the Second War — I remember well true: an enormous wall barricades Gilneas from
fighting alongside its warriors. Arthas and the Lordaeron and I was unable to bypass it.
Scourge both ransacked the capital in the Third Gilneas is a large peninsula that juts into the sea
War, and the few survivors fled west with Jaina south of western Lordaeron. Silverpine Forest lies
Proudmoore. When the Lich King summoned to the northeast and Kul Tiras awaits across the sea
Arthas to Northrend, the traitor placed Kel’Thuzad to the south.
in charge of Lordaeron. The lich established Lord Genn Greymane never supported the
Stratholme as his base, and the surrounding lands Lordaeron Alliance in the Second War. Thus, after
are completely under his rule. After the Third War, the war, he constructed the Greymane Wall: a
the Scarlet Crusade formed and mounted a series of massive barrier spanning the entire northern bor-
small insurrections. The Crusade has been waging der. Gilneas does not allow anyone in or out, and
this dirty, underground war for several years now, none knows what has been transpiring there for the
and the fight has taken its toll. The Crusaders still past ten years. I questioned everyone I came across,
attack the Scourge at every opportunity, however. mainly refugees, but none could offer me anything
Forest trolls under warlord Thresh’jin also moved more than curses and dark looks toward Gilneas.
in after the Third War. With the fall of Lordaeron
and Quel’Thalas, the trolls see a path to reestab-
lishing their old dominion.
People and Culture
Like their leader, Gilneas’ people are burly and
Adventures gruff. Extremely isolationist, they supported the
Greymane Wall’s construction. I surmise that they
The Scarlet Crusade can use all the help it can get are still beyond the wall, farming, hunting and
fighting the undead, though convincing them you otherwise supporting their nation.
do not carry the plague is tougher than it sounds.
The Scourge undoubtedly hoards vast magical power Last Known Speech
and potent artifacts in its cities, but the danger is
from Genn Greymane,
Recorded by Mystrum Runedance
Good Samaritans: The heroes encounter a group
of refugees encamped in a mushroom grove. The Damn the orcs, damn the Alliance, and damn
pathetic humans are weak and ill, and have no you! The last thing Gilneas needs is sponges from
chance of getting to Tyr’s Hand a dozen miles to the other nations drawing from ourresources, Dalaran
south. The PCs must escort the refugees, battling wizards meddling with our affairs, and someone
undead patrols and perhaps Baron Rivendare along else’s enemies killing our soldiers! Gilneas is its
the way. Later, Scarlet Crusaders appear to help own nation and it always will be. This is the last
them — or slay them before they bring the infected time I’ll ever talk to you, Terenas, so I hope you
refugees to Tyr’s Hand. were listening.
Gilneas Geography
Population: Unknown. Ten years ago, Gilneas was a cold, rainy place and
Government: Hereditary monarchy. it likely has not changed much. Ocean surrounds
Ruler: Lord Genn Greymane (male human Ftr14). the peninsula on three sides, making sea storms
Language: Common. common. High cliffs on the shores protect Gilneas
Faith: Holy Light. from sailors’ curious eyes. When I return to Ironforge,
Resources: Unknown. I plan to ask for a flying machine to take me over the
Affiliation: Independent. wall and dispel Gilneas’ aura of mystery.
Zul’Dare: This sizeable island to Gilneas’ south-
east is also part of the kingdom and remains inviolate. Hillsbrad Foothills
Kul Tiras ships have traveled to the island’s cliffs, Capital: Southshore (2,000).
sending up carrier pigeons with pleas for support, Population: 15,000 (80% human, 8% Ironforge dwarf, 5%
but nothing has responded. Indeed, some ships do goblin, 4% half-elf, 3% half-orc).
not return at all. Rumors in Kul Tiras point to a Government: Elected council.
naga force hiding somewhere in the area (see the
Ruler: Magistrate Henry Maleb (male human Ari8/Ftr4).
“Kul Tiras” entry, below), and some whisper that
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc, Thalassian.
Gilneas is in their possession.
Faith: Holy Light.
Sites and Settlements Resources: Gold, grain, livestock, safety, oil, timber.
Affiliation: Alliance.
Greymane Wall is the only evident site in Gilneas.
I passed through the ruins of Thoradin’s Wall
Greymane Wall: This enormous gray wall marks
expecting more devastation beyond. I was pleas-
the boundary between Gilneas and Lordaeron. No
antly surprised, however, as I traveled into the
guards stand at its battlements or man its gates —
Hillsbrad Foothills.
the wall seems dead. Nevertheless, refugees from
South of the Alterac Mountains and northwest
the north camp in the wall’s shadow, hoping for
of the Arathi Highlands, the Hillsbrad Foothills
succor. These unfortunates never see a Gilnean
border the sea to the south. Buffered from the
and are easy prey for the worgen‡ that occasionally
Plaguelands by the Alterac Mountains, Hillsbrad is
stray this far south from Shadowfang Keep (see the
free from undead influence and is one of the last
“Silverpine Forest” entry, below). I sent the refu-
stable human realms in Lordaeron. This region
gees I encountered to Hillsbrad.
offers safety and sustenance to a people long beset
by misery.
History Yet Hillsbrad is not completely idyllic. The Syn-
Genn Greymane, a brawny warrior who, if he dicate (see the “Alterac Mountains” entry, above,
lives, must be in his seventies, has ruled Gilneas for and Appendix One) has inveigled its way into the
decades. Greymane did not join the Lordaeron region, and murlocs and Forsaken roam its wilder-
Alliance in the Second War and argued against its ness.
existence from beginning to end. His people con-
structed the Greymane Wall after the Second War,
and no one has heard anything from Gilneas since.
People and Culture
Hillsbrad’s people are industrious and proud.
During the Third War, refugees from the north
They work hard to keep their realm in its current,
camped at Greymane Wall, pleading to be let
peaceful state, reporting undead and other dangers
inside. The gates remained closed, and undead
immediately. They do not tolerate crime of any sort
patrols slaughtered the refugees. Perhaps some-
and punishments are brutal. The locals dress in
thing dire has befallen Gilneas.
white, Lordaeron’s traditional color. Each year they
celebrate Hordefall, the anniversary of the Second
Adventures War’s end. I was not lucky enough to visit Hillsbrad
Though nothing hostile has come out of Gilneas, during the holiday, but was told that it involves
some cannot resist the allure of mystery. singing, drinking and incinerating small orc dolls.
Over the Wall: Ironforge dwarves, seeking allies Few Hillsbraders traveled to Kalimdor with Jaina,
to help drive the Scourge from Lordaeron, intend thinking it dubious that the mysterious continent
to send a diplomatic party to Gilneas. King Magni could hold anything better than their own land.
hires goblin zeppelins to ferry the diplomats and They are in for a sorry surprise when Kel’Thuzad
summons Wildhammer gryphon riders as escorts. strikes south. My cheer at this land was always
Yet no one knows what to expect in Gilneas, and tempered by that thought.
Magni hires a few trusted mercenaries (the PCs) to
accompany his ambassadors.
Geography History
The Hillsbrad Foothills offer a land of rolling Hillsbrad’s people fought in the Second and
green hills and fertile meadows. Rich rainfall cre- Third Wars, though most did not travel to Kalimdor.
ates many arable tracts, and this natural bounty aids They have earned their peace and they know it.
Hillsbrad’s self-sufficiency. The southern shore is Recently, Forsaken took over Tarrin’s Mill, and the
windy but gentle, allowing ships to dock easily at Syndicate, Torn Fin murlocs and rogue ogres from
Southshore’s harbors. Torn Fin murlocs frequent Alterac moved into the area. The Hillsbraders just
the shores as well. Mountain lions, creeper spiders want peace, but they are unlikely to get it any time
and gray bears roam Hillsbrad’s pastoral landscape. soon. They hate the Scourge for what it has done to
Lordaeron, and they are capable warriors with a
Sites and Settlements strong militia.
The Hillsbrad Foothills are largely peaceful, with
numerous thriving farms and one or two large Adventures
settlements. The Syndicate, Forsaken, murlocs and ogres
Durnholde Keep: Lieutenant Blackmoore, the threaten Hillsbrad’s tranquility.
cruel and manipulative man who once owned an Something Fishy: The Syndicate sends a mes-
orc slave called Thrall, ruled this fortress. Now senger to Southshore, claiming that they have
Durnholde Keep is in the Syndicate’s hands, and researched a new spell that is extremely effective
the organization uses it as a base to strike at against murlocs. The Syndicate offers to parley
Hillsbrad’s farms and communities. The disgusting with a Southshore representative, trading this new
Syndicate is almost as bad as the undead, always magic for some concessions. Magistrate Maleb does
trying to expand its influence. I wish Terenas had not trust the Syndicate, but the murlocs have been
put all Alterac’s nobles to the sword after Lord preying on incoming ships and damaging
Perenolde’s betrayal. Southshore’s economy. Maleb asks some trustwor-
Southshore (town, 2,000): Though only a small thy heroes to accompany his agent to the meeting
town, Southshore is the largest settlement in the with the Syndicate.
Hillsbrad Foothills. A small Alliance garrison is The Syndicate does indeed possess such a spell
berthed within and does its best to drive the Syndi- and are willing to part with it for the right price.
cate and Forsaken from their land while protecting Unfortunately, the Forsaken of Tarrin Mill ambush
Lordaeron’s southern regions from the Scourge in the Syndicate messenger on his way home and
the north. They do a good job with their few forces, torture the information out of him. High Executor
and the nearby farms thrive. Southshore’s town Dalathia sends agents to the rendezvous point to
council takes an active role in all things, and Magis- slay both sides and steal the spell for herself, intend-
trate Henry Maleb is a particularly driven and wise ing to use it to leverage the murlocs into obeying
man. Maleb and Marshall Redpath, the Alliance her commands.
commander, are consumed with fights against ogres
and murlocs. I provided what help I could.
In addition to its role as a base for Alliance
The Hinterlands
military forces, Southshore is Hillsbrad’s mercan- Capital: Aerie Peak (8,000).
tile center. Southshore’s small privateer fleet keeps Population: 13,000 (65% Wildhammer dwarf, 30% forest
the waterways clear, allowing ships to dock at the troll, 5% high elf).
town’s harbor and keep the economy strong. Government: Hereditary monarchy.
Tarren Mill: Humans once ran this mill, but it Ruler: Thane Maz Drachrip (male Wildhammer dwarf Ftr6/
fell to the Forsaken. The undead, led by High Wdr10).
Executor Darthalia, attack Hillsbrad’s citizens mer- Languages: Dwarven, Common, Low Common, Thalassian.
cilessly. Though they are not part of the Scourge, Faiths: Holy Light, voodoo.
they are still undead and still evil. I killed three and Resources: Gold, hunting, timber.
feel better for it. Affiliation: Alliance.
Dwarves have a presence in Lordaeron — Clan Wildhammers, for some reason, like high elves.
Wildhammer hill dwarves. They make their home A connection formed between the two peoples, a
in Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands, and their efforts connection I imagine has something to do with
preserve this realm. In utter contrast to the nature and wildness. I saw several high elves in
Plaguelands, the Hinterlands are a verdant, green Aerie Peak, and they have a hunting lodge nearby.
realm of majestic oaks and maples. I do not much The elves eyed me suspiciously, but unlike other
care for trees and nature and… elfy things like that, Ironforge dwarves I have no quarrel with their kind.
but I have to admit the Hinterlands are beautiful. A high elf priest saved my dwarven ass in the
No roads cross the Hinterlands. I entered the Second War.
realm from the north, on my way back to Ironforge. The Hinterlands also play home to two maraud-
The Hinterlands was, therefore, the last new realm ing forest troll tribes: the Vilebranch and the
I visited — and perhaps the best. The area is tranquil Witherbark. Like other forest trolls, these creatures
and calm, and the Wildhammer dwarves boisterous are vile and sadistic. They harass the Wildhammers
and friendly to good-hearted souls. The northeast- constantly and prey on lone travelers. They infect
ern portion is especially idyllic, with mild, pleasant this beautiful land with their presence.
weather and many natural splendors. To the south- I offered to lead some Wildhammers in a good,
west the land becomes a bit misty and forlorn, taking old-fashioned troll hunt. This was partially to in-
on tones of the Arathi Highlands and the Alterac gratiate myself to the Wildhammers — nothing
Mountains. Vacant human farms and settlements impresses these guys like action and recklessness! I
are scattered across this area, but the only tangible also simply wanted to kill some trolls before head-
forces that threaten the Hinterlands are two brutal ing back to Khaz Modan. After all I had been
forest troll tribes. I looked forward to slaying a few through, these trolls seemed paltry indeed. I gath-
trolls before heading back into Khaz Modan. ered a strike force and we had a grand time. I killed
The Hinterlands border the Arathi Highlands to 24 trolls; total, we slew 67. Unfortunately, we lost
the south, the Hillsbrad Foothills to the southwest, a few of our own. The damn Witherbark trolls use
the Alterac Mountains to the west and the Eastern their voodoo magic to brew some foul new poison
Plaguelands to the north. Tyr’s Hand in the that proved remarkably deadly. (See Appendix
Plaguelands is very near the border, which may Two for a description of this poison, called darksap
help explain why that city remains relatively safe. venom.)
I am amazed that the Hinterlands can thrive so near
the wasted Plaguelands. Geography
The Hinterlands are composed of lovely decidu-
People and Culture ous forest, primarily oaks and maples. Many of its
Savage Wildhammer dwarves control most of trees are very old, and in some places branches
this territory. Based in Aerie Peak, these noble block out the sun to create a world of perpetual
dwarves have (mostly) forgiven Ironforge’s past twilight. Mossy beards hang from branches and
errors and welcomed me into their city. streams rush over pebbles. The northeast is espe-
Wildhammers are larger than Ironforge dwarves cially pristine, while the southwest is somewhat
and paint themselves in traditional tattoos. They misty and eerie. Forest animals of all kinds live
adorn their hair and beards with feathers, beads and within the woods, and the Wildhammers tell me
other colorful panoply. Though they were amiable that dire bears, wildkin and similarly dangerous
enough, I still felt some coldness. The Wildhammers creatures are common. I hope they kill lots of trolls.
have been suspicious of we Ironforge dwarves since Seradane: This vast, untainted woodland occu-
the War of Three Hammers. I believe they have pies most of the eastern Hinterlands. Seradane is a
done away with most of that prejudice now with so remarkable sylvan landscape, the most idyllic area
many other potential foes available, but old habits in a realm of idylls. A flourishing Great Tree (a
linger. The Wildhammers have a clan-like caste sapling of the World Tree and portal to the Emerald
system. A thane rules each clan, and the mightiest dream) grows in Seradane, and green dragons and
thane rules Aerie Peak. their allies protect the land.
Aerie Peak, the massive Wildhammer capital, is
Sites and Settlements carved into an enormous mountainside. The city is
The Wildhammer dwarves control the Hinterlands, located in the northwestern Hinterlands and over-
though forest trolls have settlements in the deep woods. looks Darrowmere Lake. Aerie Peak resembles a
Jintha’Alor: The Vilebranch trolls call this settle- gargantuan gryphon head, with open spaces at its eyes
ment home. Several smaller troll enclaves are and nostrils. Generations of Wildhammers worked on
scattered throughout the Hinterlands. this undertaking, and the sculpture is an excellent
Quel’Danil Lodge: This high elf hunter’s lodge is likeness. Even the individual feathers are apparent.
near Aerie Peak. The elves did not care much for me Wildhammer structures and battlements jut from the
at first, but I impressed them with my sharp shooting. cliff’s base. Gryphons make their nests in the carved
Saldor Shallowbrook, an aged, placid high elf, over- head and the mountain and forever flap around the
sees the lodge. He told me that in Thalassian, the place like bees about a real gryphon’s head.
elven language, Quel’Danil means “High Peak.” The Wildhammers know who their friends and
Shadra’Alor: This is the Witherbark trolls’ pri- enemies are. They welcome the former and sav-
mary settlement. I roamed the area killing rogue agely defend their city against the latter. Aerie
trolls for a time, but I would need a sizeable force to Peak’s architecture is reminiscent of Ironforge’s,
cleanse the trolls from the area. but its buildings jut into the air with open ceilings
to allow the Wildhammers to see the sky. The
Aerie Peak dwarves practice gryphon riding and hammer toss-
Population: 13,000 (90% Wildhammer dwarf, 10% high elf). ing on the ground and cliffs surrounding Aerie
Government: Hereditary monarchy. Peak.
Ruler: ThaneMazDrachrip(maleWildhammerdwarfFtr6/Wdr10).
Languages: Dwarven, Common, Thalassian. History
Faith: Holy Light. The Hinterlands have remained pristine for cen-
Resources: Gold, hunting, timber. turies. The Wildhammer dwarves moved their
Affiliation: Alliance. capital to Aerie Peak after losing Grim Batol in the
Second War. Wildhammer gryphon riders are leg- makes zeppelin rides perilous. That is one reason I
endary and were a great boon to the Alliance in the chose to sail. Plus, I trust goblins about as far as I can
Second and Third Wars. spit a cannonball.
The Sea: Kul Tiras’ greatest asset is also its Admiral Daelin’s daughter, took half the remain-
greatest danger. Murlocs and naga crawl from the ing fleet and sailed west to Kalimdor. Several months
sea to torment sailors and fishermen. Pirates roam later, Admiral Daelin, seeing that he could not
the waters preying on merchant vessels. Captain prevent Lordaeron’s fall and reasoning that his
Dannol Scurvgrin, a truly vile pirate lord, has ties to daughter might need help in the western lands,
the Bloodsail Pirates of the South Seas and sees Kul took the remaining ships and sailed to meet her.
Tiras as his next big prize. Dannol is almost as big Neither has returned. Tandred now does his best
a bastard as Baron Rivendare (see the “Eastern with the few men and fewer allies he has left.
Plaguelands” entry, above).
Sites and Settlements Enemies surround Kul Tiras.
Kul Tiras is relatively stable with a bustling Prison Break: Naga attack Tol Barad. The wiz-
capital. I only found one interesting site. ards fight them off, but in the confusion a dangerous
Boralus (town, 4,000): Boralus, Kul Tiras’ capi- prisoner, Zae’Rathis the Mad, a blood elf evoker,
tal, lies on the island’s west coast. The city’s escapes. Zae’Rathis is now at large and Kul Tiras’
population has dwindled since Jaina’s and Daelin’s citizens are afraid. The wizards suspect that the naga
exodus, and many houses and surrounding farms lie attack was intended to free the blood elf and that
empty. The people have drawn in away from the Zae’Rathis may join the naga. Together they would
fringes and toward the coast, and I walked for about make a powerful force. The wizards need someone to
half an hour through abandoned residential dis- track down Zae’Rathis and destroy him. The more
tricts and market places in the city’s east side. An naga the heroes kill in the process, the better.
ideal place for a secret society or hidden cabal, the
town was eerily quiet. Still, Boralus is a friendly
enough harbor, though almost all its citizens carry
Silverpine Forest
long knives to “gut the murlocs and naga.” Kul Population: Unknown.
Tiras’ diminished fleet patrols the waterways lead- Major Settlements: Ambermill (2,000),
ing to the harbor, so merchants from Southshore, Pyrewood Village (560).
Menethil Harbor and (rarely) Kalimdor make Languages: Common, Low Common.
Boralus a regular stop. Faith: Holy Light.
Tol Barad: I had to pull some strings to learn of Resources: Farmland, gold, timber.
this island, and even then I was not allowed to visit
Affiliation: Forsaken.
it. The site of many historic battles in the Second
War, Tol Barad is now home to a magic prison. As I approached Silverpine Forest from the Hillsbrad
Foothills, to the forest’s southeast, I encountered a
Wizards from both Dalaran and Stormwind oversee
small cabin. An old man approached me from the
the complex, and prisoners include enemy mages,
lesser and greater demons, warlocks and undead war cabin. He had wild gray hair and his back was bent so
that he was almost as short as I, but he moved with a
criminals. The wizards do not allow anyone near the
quickness and fluidity that belied his ancient frame.
island and keep the prison’s existence secret.
He introduced himself as Halmish, and, after I told
him my intention, he spoke of Silverpine Forest:
History “Yeh don’ wanna go into that place, master dwarf.
Kul Tiras was instrumental in the Second War. Once, the Alliance protected Silverpine Forest and it
One of the Alliance’s staunchest supporters, Grand was verdant and natural. Now, the place is a ghost.
Admiral Daelin Proudmoore constructed a huge Forsaken haunt the trees and mists cloak the ground.
armada to battle the approaching Horde. Though Them wizards from Dalaran… they sometimes go inta
the Alliance fleets triumphed, the Horde ships the forest. ‘Researching the undead plague,’ they tells
devastated the fleet and it never recovered. When me. Fools! There be worse things than Forsaken in
the Third War erupted, Kul Tiras sent its ships those woods. The forest is cursed. I don’ mean it’s
against the Scourge but could do little. Eventually, plague-ridden or there’s poison in the air or anythin’! I
Jaina Proudmoore, a powerful sorceress and Grand mean there’s a curse. And it’s got nothin’ to do with the
Scourge! A curse that changes yeh… men, and dwarves,
they turn inta… beasts.”
While Halmish’s warnings may have dissuaded
The Deathguard
some, they only piqued my curiosity and I entered The statistics below describe a typical unit of
Silverpine Forest eagerly. Halmish’s description the Deathguard that might see action in mass
was very accurate. Tall, silver-barked pines tower combat.
over grassy knolls. At night, mists creep from the 12 Forsaken Ftr4: Medium undead (Forsaken); HD 4;
ground and mix moonlight into dancing spirits. DF 60 (5); Spd 300 ft. (6 squares); AC 14; Base Atk +4;
Unit Atk +7 melee (longsword); Full Unit Atk +7 melee
Silverpine Forest stretches across Lordaeron’s
(longsword) or +4 ranged (longbow); Space 60 ft.; SA
western coast. Gilneas and the Hillsbrad Foothills
frenzy; SQ darkvision 60 ft., immunities, fearless, turn
border the forest to the south while Tirisfal Glades resistance +4, undead traits; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +1,
lies to the north. Massive Lordamere Lake serves as Will +2; Str 15, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10;
Silverpine’s eastern border. Morale +5.
Skills: Intimidate +2, Jump +8, Ride +6.
People and Culture Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder,
As Halmish said, the Forsaken control Silverpine Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword).
Forest. These are undead currently free from the Equipment: Studded leather armor, longsword,
Lich King’s control — in fact, they hate the Scourge longbow, arrows.
and wish to destroy it. Unfortunately, they also Frenzy (Ex): This unit can frenzy for 1 battle
hate everything alive, so their list of allies is thin. I round, gaining an additional attack at +1 and
wish they would get their priorities straight. a +2 bonus to Strength. The unit suffers a –4
Forsaken resemble men and women, but their penalty to Armor Class while in a frenzy.
skin is a decayed gray and dead flesh shows in Immunities (Ex): Immune to disease, mind-
places. Being dead, they do not care much for affecting attacks, paralysis, and sleep.
clothing, and the tattered rags they wear are cov- Fearless (Ex): Forsaken have a +4 morale
ered with grime and filth. The Forsaken have a bonus on saves against fear effects.
special contingent called the Deathguard, which
wanders through Silverpine on constant patrol. I Commander
had to avoid these creatures several times on my Durthis Boneshod, male human Forsaken Ftr3/Sor4,
forays. The Royal Apothecary Society, a Forsaken hero commander: Base Atk +5; Cha 18; Diplomacy +4,
organization devoted to creating new toxins and Intimidate +4, Knowledge (military tactics)* +5, Profession
alchemical substances, also has a strong presence (military commander)† +5 (4 ranks); Leadership; Orders 2.
By declaring that I was an enemy of Dalaran I was Tactics
able to gain an audience with a Forsaken leader Capable of enduring conditions under which
called Shadow Priest Allister. Allister is nice any mortal would perish, the tireless Deathguard
enough, for a hideous undead monster, and is con- can march for days, even weeks, at a time and
cerned that the Dalaran wizards are showing an never grow tired. The Forsaken will often dis-
increased interest in Silverpine. I tried, but I could guise themselves as dead or dying soldiers in the
not abide Allister’s presence. After about five min- colors of intruding forces. Sometimes, the
utes I drew my axe and charged. The priest was not Deathguard will dig ambushes, lying still under
as surprised as I had hoped, and I only escaped by the earth to erupt forth upon the proper signal.
leaping into a nearby river, flowing downstream
and going over a waterfall. Good thing we dwarves yellow, rheumy and sick-looking. No one seems to
are tough, but my helm was dented. know where they came from. The Rothides and the
As if the Forsaken were not bad enough, a gnoll Forsaken wage a constant guerilla war against each
band called the Rothides lives here as well. Perhaps other. I do not know which side to root for.
whatever afflicts the Forsaken affects the gnolls as A few humans inhabit Silverpine. These are
well, for their fur is gray and patchy and their eyes desperate men and women holding out against the
The Worgen Curse, from the
Notes of Archmage Alphus Wordwill Silverpine Forest is a vast, primeval wood that runs
along Lordaeron’s rugged western coast. The land is
Only one place in all of Lordaeron bears fairly flat, but small hills, mossy overhangs and grassy
traces of this strange curse: the fortress of knolls are common. Razed farms and vacant gold
Shadowfang Keep and nearby Pyrewood Village mines dot the land. “Forsaken” is an appropriate
in Silverpine Forest. I believe that this curse term for this region for various reasons. Many wild
creatures roam through the trees, though they seem
is somehow tied to the moon. When the full moon
to be more aggressive than is natural. Alphus tells me
rises, those afflicted by this curse undergo a that he plans on looking into this matter as well.
transformation, turning into strange, man-wolf
hybrid creatures. This transformation is mental Sites and Settlements
as well as physical; the worgen, if I may call Forsaken haunt Silverpine Forest, though a few
them that, desire to hunt, slay and eat. No hearty souls hold out against them. The Worgen
matter their dispositions as humans during the Curse afflicts some of the inhabitants.
day, at night under the full moon these Ambermill (town, 2,000): Ambermill is the
only human settlement in Silverpine, unless you
individuals are bloodthirsty monsters. This count Pyrewood, which I don’t. Dalaran soldiers
begs the question as to what can be done with protect the inhabitants from Forsaken and the
them. Are we morally correct in eliminating forest’s other dangers. Ambermill is a haven for the
them, as they are a danger to all mortals? I do Dalaran wizards who frequently survey the forest.
not believe so; rather, I believe we should find The Dead Wolf Inn serves a mean bowl of venison
a cure. If possible, this cure would not prevent
Fenris Keep: Lordamere Lake, to the east, con-
the transformation, it would do more — it would tains an island called Fenris Isle. This island once
preserve the afflicted individual’s mindset held a great fortress known as Fenris Keep, but the
after the transformation. Such an effect would structure has sunk into the bog and is now mostly
allow good-hearted worgen to take on fear- submerged and covered with mud and scum. If you
want to kill murlocs** and/or Rothide gnolls, this
some physical abilities and use these against
is a great place to do it.
the Forsaken, the Scourge and other evil
Pyrewood Village (village, 560): Pyrewood, at
powers. Given proper funding and support, I Shadowfang Keep’s threshold, is afflicted with the
believe that I could create such a cure. Worgen Curse. Its inhabitants transform into
lycanthropic worgen‡ when the moon rises, and
the worgen stalk through the forests and slay any-
Forsaken, or they are Dalaran wizards on scientific
thing they encounter. One excellent lesson I learned
missions. A fortress called Shadowfang Keep and a
is never go outside at night in Silverpine Forest.
nearby village called Pyrewood stand in southwest-
The place is dangerous enough during the day.
ern Silverpine Forest. At night, when the moon
rises above the treetops and bathes the world in The Sepulchre: The Sepulchre is in the north-
pale light, terrible howls erupt from Shadowfang western Silverpine Forest, snugly tucked within the
and Pyrewood — as if the men and women within Silverpine Hills. The monument is a large crypt
had transformed into wolves! Perhaps this was the and graveyard surrounded by abandoned buildings.
curse old Halmish mentioned. The Forsaken frequent this landmark.
I was lucky enough to run into a Dalaran wizard, Shadowfang Keep: The Worgen Curse afflicts
a rotund, amiable chap named Alphus Wordwill. the inhabitants of this dark castle. Unlike
We chatted for a time and he even supplied me with Pyrewood’s good folk, Shadowfang’s lords were
a copy of his research on what he called the “Worgen bastards to begin with. They revel in their curse and
Curse.” Remarkable! eagerly lope into the moonlight to spill blood and
rip warm flesh from living bones. Their howls can The Forsaken partially control Silverpine Forest,
be heard as far away as Ambermill. but Tirisfal Glades is entirely within their grasp.
The Skittering Dark: This is an abandoned gold They rule the area from beneath Lordaeron in their
mine that now hosts an army of voracious spiders. capital of Undercity. Though the Forsaken claim to
Not just little ones, either. be free from the Scourge and willing to work with
other races to destroy the Lich King, they seemed
History unhappy to see me in Silverpine. I anticipated
sending many undead back to the grave on my
The Alliance once kept Silverpine Forest pris-
journey through Tirisfal Glades.
tine and beautiful. In those days, the forest must
have resembled the Hinterlands far to the east. I entered Tirisfal cautiously. The most obvious
Since the Third War, no one is left to take care of feature is the sky — altered by magic, it is a swirling
the forest, and it has grown wild. After the Forsaken blue pane that bathes the land in a cerulean glow,
broke from the Lich King’s dominance they claimed adding to the land’s already surreal aspect. Mists
Silverpine as part of their territory, though many constantly waft through the trees, and with the
dispute that claim. constant, twisted sky above I could not tell the
difference between night and day. The undead
plague has worked its evil on the trees, though not
Adventures to the same extent as in the Plaguelands. Instead of
Forsaken, gnolls, worgen, vicious animals and becoming giant toadstools, the trees’ bark has with-
mysterious curses fill Silverpine Forest with adven- ered to a sickly violet and they bleed infected
ture. green-yellow sap. Danger lurks everywhere and
I’ve Found the Cure for Worgen and Now I’ve death floats beneath the mist.
Bloody Lost It!: Alphus Wordwill gets his funding To Tirisfal’s south is Silverpine Forest; to its east
and begins work on a cure for the Worgen Curse. are the Western Plaguelands. The land borders
He needs heroes to protect him and his servants as Lordamere Lake to the southeast, while to the
they move through the forest gathering reagents north and west are Lordaeron’s oceans.
and conducting tests. He then needs people to
sneak into Pyrewood and drop the cure into the People and Culture
water supply, then sneak out and observe the changes
over several days. This activity undoubtedly angers My first encounter with the Forsaken was not
Shadowfang Keep’s mysterious overseers. In addi- what I anticipated. Several hours into Tirisfal, a
tion to staying alive through all of this, Alphus then band of Rothide gnolls burst from behind trees and
needs the heroes to slay Shadowfang’s evil lords to bushes, arrows trained on me. One even had a
permanently stamp out the curse’s evil. salvaged rifle! At least a dozen gnolls surrounded
me, maybe more. I hefted my axe, ready to beat the
snot out of these fools. I didn’t really need help, but
Tirisfal Glades suddenly a magic blast incinerated half the gnolls.
Capital: Undercity (13,000). Pallid, sickly humanoids charged into the clearing
Population: 18,000 (90% Forsaken, 5% other undead, 2% with swords and pikes, and we easily routed the
human, 1% Horde jungle troll, 1% Horde orc, 1 % tauren). remaining gnolls. The Forsaken had saved me! In
Government: Monarchy. the aftermath, the leader approached me. He said
his name was Roberick Dartfall, and his statement
Ruler: Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of
summed up the Forsaken’s condition nicely.
the Forsaken (female high elf banshee Elr10/Ftr10/Sor10).
“I hope this proves that we are different than the
Major Settlements: Brill (3,600), Deathknell (700).
Scourge, Sir Bronzebeard. Like you, we wish it destroyed.
Languages: Common, Low Common, Orc, Taur-ahe.
We Forsaken are just that — forgotten or dismissed by the
Faiths: Shamanism, Holy Light. families we once loved and the allies we once possessed.
Resources: Alchemy, gold, intrigue, iron, magic, poison, We work to change that. We are not evil, Sir Bronzebeard.
ruins, timber. Though it is true that many of us are jealous of the living,
Affiliation: Forsaken. and some have allowed this jealousy to curdle into hatred,
do not judge us by those individuals. Judge us by our Deathknell’s warden, does not like humans. Or
actions. We welcome you to Tirisfal.” dwarves. Too many misunderstandings, I suppose.
Roberick went on to say that the Horde has an With my new, enlightened mindset I did not hold it
ambassador in Undercity: an orc called Galavosh. against him, though I did relieve myself on his stoop.
I resolved to speak to him when I reached the
Though Undercity is located in the Tirisfal
Geography Glades, the city receives its own region entry,
Like Silverpine Forest, Tirisfal Glades is an im-
mense woodland with forbidding trees, threatening
shadows and lurking mists. The animals in the
woods are not as vicious as those in Silverpine, Once a human land, Tirisfal’s warriors served in
however. I find it odd that this haunting land, the Second and Third Wars. The Scourge ravaged
under the Forsaken’s rule, may in fact be safer than the region in the Third War and its people fled.
Silverpine Forest. I cannot, though, get used to the After the war, Sylvanas Windrunner bent the Lich
purple trees. King’s yoke enough to free herself and many others
from his dominance. She termed these free undead
Sites and Settlements the Forsaken and took the ruins of Lordaeron’s
capitol city as her own. Tirisfal Glades is their
The Forsaken control Tirisfal Glades and have unofficial kingdom.
several settlements throughout the area. This re-
gion is a place of mystery and adventure. Adventures
Agamand Mills: The Agamand family once con-
trolled this vast windmill network. Now the mills The Forsaken attempt to carve out a home and
are vacant, and the Agamand ghosts, unaligned battle against gnolls and worse. Some factions send
with the Forsaken, haunt their former home. Many in agents to sabotage and curtail the Forsaken’s
animate skeletons can be found here as well. This efforts, seeing them as no better than the Scourge.
is a great spot to test your mettle against undead Phantom Bonds: A patrol returns to Exectuor
before venturing into the Plaguelands. Arren in Deathknell. The patrol seems preoccu-
Brill (town, 3,600): This once-bustling human pied and without warning attacks Arren and
city is in Forsaken hands and is their primary attempts to destroy his keep. Arren fights off his
settlement outside Undercity. Brill is home to the traitorous soldiers but is concerned. He hires heroes
Gallow’s End Tavern, a pleasant if smelly establish- sympathetic to the Forsaken to look into this prob-
ment. Adjacent to Brill is an enormous cemetery lem. The truth is that a rogue ogre necromancer is
that holds many dead from the Second War. I even controlling groups of Forsaken — robbing them of
saw a few names I recognized. Good men and the free will they fought so hard to attain. The PCs
women, all. The damn Rothide gnolls obviously must slay the ogre and rescue as many dominated
don’t care, for they have been robbing graves re- Forsaken as possible.
cently. Magistrate Sevren, Brill’s leader and a
surprisingly genial fellow (particularly for an
undead), tries to stop the gnolls. I lent him my axe
Population: 13,000 (90% Forsaken, 5% other undead, 3%
one night and slew eight Rothides.
Horde orc, 1% Horde jungle troll, 1% tauren).
The Bulwark: The Bulwark is a makeshift wall of Government: Monarchy.
debris stacked along the border between Tirisfal
Ruler: Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of
Glades and the Western Plaguelands. The barri-
the Forsaken (female high elf banshee Elr10/Ftr10/Sor10).
cade would not stand up to a concentrated assault
Languages: Common, Low Common, Orc, Taur-ahe.
but serves to keep out roaming zombies and ghouls.
Faith: Shamanism.
Deathknell (village, 700): Deathknell is a For-
Resources: Alchemy, intrigue, magic, poison, ruins.
saken village in northeast Tirisfal. Executor Arren,
Affiliation: Forsaken.
I journeyed to the southeastern Tirisfal Glades “I don’t trust them. I think they’re up to something
and the Forsaken’s capital of Undercity. This maze evil and truly horrible. There’s an organization here —
was originally the crypts and dungeons beneath the Royal Apothecary Society. They mess around with
Lordaeron’s capital, but the Forsaken have added potions, venoms, diseases and other alchemy. Their
to their city with tunnels, caverns, structures and leader, Master Apothecary Faranell, sends many For-
the like. saken out on missions to gather strange objects that
must be ingredients for something. I visited Faranell’s
People and Culture lab once — a quite awful place. Don’t eat before going
there. You don’t want anything in your stomach.”
As Roberick Dartfall told me, the Forsaken wish
to eliminate the Scourge. However, I am not so sure Suspicious. Add to this the Forsaken’s questionable
that all of them feel kindly, or even ambivalently, leadership. Sylvanas Windrunner, once the elven ranger
toward dwarves and humans. I immediately set out captain of Quel’Thalas, created the Forsaken, estab-
to find the Horde Ambassador Galavosh, though I lished Undercity and now leads both. She claims to
did not relish the thought of meeting him. I do not drive the Forsaken to defeat the Scourge and establish
trust orcs, no matter what I hear from the west. Yet their own place on Azeroth, but what that place may be,
I trust undead even less, so perhaps Galavosh and I and whether or not it includes humans and dwarves
would become allies of necessity. (and orcs and elves), I do not know. A dreadlord**
called Varimathras serves as Sylvanas’ lieutenant and
I found Galavosh quickly enough. His goals mesh
closest advisor. Formerly one of Sylvanas’ greatest
with mine very well. Warchief Thrall and Cairne
enemies, Varimathras betrayed the Scourge and the
Bloodhoof sent Galavosh, a mighty shaman, to
Burning Legion and defected to Sylvanas’ side. Not a
Undercity to keep an eye on the Forsaken and make
great track record. Varimathras is in charge of Undercity’s
sure they are honest about their intention to dis-
defense, and his forces range across Tirisfal, eliminating
miss their evil tendencies. Like myself, Galavosh
all those they see as a threat. The dreadlord is tasked
has doubts. He told me:
with eradicating the Scarlet Crusade, a fanatical group Forsaken exist, but I feel that many evil Forsaken
of humans who seek to destroy all undead. I fear that the do. I recommend sending an ambassador of our own
Crusaders cause the already volatile Forsaken to hate all to join Galavosh. The shaman tells me the undead
humans. (See the “Eastern Plaguelands” entry, above, treat him well and keep him appeased. Our ambas-
and Appendix One for more information on the Scar- sador could also keep an eye on Galavosh.
let Crusade.) I do not volunteer for the position.
In short, I do not know what to make of the
Forsaken. On one hand, they are free of the Lich Geography
King’s control and have every reason to despise the
Undercity is an extension of the crypts and
Scourge. Their matriarch was once a high elf and
dungeons originally beneath Lordaeron’s capital
must retain some of her noble spirit. However,
city (also called Lordaeron — silly humans). The
beings such as Faranell and Varimathras also oc-
Forsaken dredged out complex catacombs and cav-
cupy commanding positions. Few, if any, good
erns. The place is dark, smells like dead people and
has an evil feel. Spiders, oozes and other subterra-
nean creatures occupy the distant passages. The Forsaken always have missions for enterpris-
ing heroes, and other forces offer tasks that concern
Sites and Settlements the Forsaken.
Diplomacy with a Twist: King Magni takes
I could wander for weeks in Undercity and never
Brann’s suggestion and sends ambassadors (the
see everything. The city contains a few particularly
PCs) to Undercity. The heroes’ primary task is to
important locales.
keep tabs on the Forsaken and their Horde allies,
The Apothecarium: This area is the domain of
but they also must gather information on Master
Master Faranell and his alchemist minions. Lo-
Faranell’s latest endeavor. After appropriate re-
cated in Undercity’s bottommost depths, the
search, they are to infiltrate the Apothecarium,
Apothecarium radiates evil and malice. I am no
steal a sample (of anything appropriate) and send it
paladin, but I could tell that horrible things tran-
back to Ironforge for testing.
spire in this place. I had to push myself to go on.
The lab is full of horrors. Master Faranell was
polite enough, and I saw nothing obviously wrong, Western Plaguelands
but a feeling of dread consumed me. Rickety tables Capital: Andorhal (8,000).
are covered in bubbling, steaming potions, drip- Population: 40,000 (92% undead, 8% human).
ping candles and acrid beakers. Shelves hold Government: Dictatorship.
weathered tomes, bizarre skulls and strange crea- Ruler: Lich Lord of the Plaguelands Kel’Thuzad (male hu-
tures suspended in jars of green liquid. Squealing, man lich Wiz25).
distorted experiments thrust tentacles, pincers and Major Settlements: Hearthglen (3,000).
eyestalks out of iron cages, begging for release. I
Language: Common.
gathered the information I needed and left quickly.
Faiths: Holy Light, Lich King.
The Ruined Palace: Undercity is beneath
Resources: Evil, gold, magic, plague, ruins, timber (mush-
Lordaeron’s ruins, but above the Forsaken city one
room fiber).
can visit Lordaeron’s palace. Terenas’ throne room
Affiliation: Scourge.
and the royal crypts are still intact. I believe I even
saw the bloodstain where Arthas slew his father. The As I traveled through eastern Tirisfal Glades, I
magnificent gardens are also accessible, though they approached the Western Plaguelands’ border. I
have grown wild and play home to lurking beasts. paused briefly and looked to the east. The land itself
grew darker, and a baleful shadow seemed to engulf
History the horizon. An orange blur was just visible in the
distance, and I remembered the terrible stories I
Lordaeron’s capital city stood for centuries, a monu- had heard about these lands. Taking a swig from my
ment to humanity’s might. In the Third War, Prince flask, I ventured warily forth, axe in one hand and
Arthas slew his father King Terenas in Lordaeron’s pistol in the other. I advise other travelers to
throne room and ransacked the city. He planned to proceed with similar caution. Even the air is an
use Lordaeron as his capital on this continent and enemy in this accursed wasteland.
ordered his minions to expand the catacombs beneath
The Western Plaguelands resembles the Eastern
the city. Then the Lich King summoned Arthas to
Plaguelands in most respects (see that entry, above).
Northrend and the work was left uncompleted.
The earth is gray and sick with blight. The trees are
During Arthas’ exodus, Sylvanas Windrunner corrupted and transformed into enormous, spotted
broke free of the Lich King’s control and took many mushrooms. The same toxic mist that pervades the
banshees and other undead with her. With Eastern Plaguelands haunts this realm as well (see
Varimathras’ assistance she defeated the dreadlords “The Poison Mist” sidebar, above, for the mist’s
that controlled the city and set her newly dubbed effects). Even the air seems darker. Though the
Forsaken to finish Arthas’ job in the dungeons. The Scourge capital of Stratholme is many miles away,
Forsaken carved Undercity and now rule the sur- I felt as though Kel’Thuzad could see me even here.
rounding countryside.
Undead monstrosities roam the land and infest the
ruined farmsteads that dot this flat landscape. Scar-
let Crusaders fight a hopeless war against the undead.
The Western Plaguelands is west of the Eastern
Plaguelands, east of Tirisfal Glades and north of the
Alterac Mountains. Lordamere Lake borders the
region to the southwest.
not sway the council. They sentenced the orc to execu- headquarters. Fanatical warriors and priests man
tion. Honor would not allow me to stand by and let this Hearthglen’s walls and patrol the nearby territory,
happen, so I freed the orc and sent him away. The so crazed in their beliefs that they attack anyone
council banished me for this act, and I now wander this they think carries the plague — which is pretty
wasted land lending help when I can. much everyone. Tirion’s son, Taelan Fordring,
“I have a son — his name is Taelan Fordring. supposedly controls the town, but Grand Inquisitor
Taelan has recently become the Western Crusade’s Isillien manipulates him easily.
general. He is young and idealistic, but the Crusade’s Uther’s Tomb: The only place of any sanity in
warped principles are corrupting him. Grand Inquisi- this cursed land, Uther’s Tomb is a simple monu-
tor Isillien, a cruel and manic individual, plays my poor ment to the fallen hero. A statue of Uther stands on
boy like a drum. I hope to rescue Taelan before the a marble pedestal. The Holy Light shines on this
Scarlet Crusade consumes him.” place, and I paused here to refresh myself and clear
I found Tirion to be a strong and honorable my mind. Thel’danis, a high elf priest, tends the
warrior. He would prove a valuable ally against the tomb and the lonely garden surrounding it. He
Scourge and has a great deal of experience both helps those in need and runs an underground rail-
combating undead and leading soldiers. road to ferry refugees to safety in the south. The
priest cured my wounds and offered me simple fare.
Geography His actions, and the feeling about the tomb, revital-
ized me and I set off to the rest of my mission with
The Western Plaguelands is a flat, gently rolling
new strength.
country dotted with abandoned farms and wind-
mills that turn forlornly in the tainted air. Stands of
enormous toadstools mark where trees once stood. History
Elevation rises in the south toward the Alterac Once Lordaeron’s agricultural center, this region
Mountains, and the Western Plaguelands’ north- was one of the first to fall to the Scourge. Since that
ern border stretches across Lordaeron’s coast. time, the land has wasted and blackened, the trees
have fallen to corruption and the undead have
Sites and Settlements tightened their grasp.
The Scourge rules the Western Plaguelands,
though the Scarlet Crusade fights an underground Adventures
war against the undead. Undead wander the land, offering ample danger
Andorhal (city, 8,000): One of the first human to those looking for it. The Scarlet Crusade can be
settlements to contract the undead plague, friend or foe, and Thel’danis needs all the help he
Andorhal is in the Scourge’s grip. Andorhal was can get.
once the center for grain distribution across A Paladin’s Tale: In an attempt to expand the
Lordaeron and was instrumental in the Scourge’s Scarlet Crusade’s influence, Taelan Fordring leads
campaign. Beneath Andorhal is the School of an expedition to retake the small community of
Necromancy, a sprawling subterranean labyrinth Cinderhome a dozen miles to Hearthglen’s east. He
akin to Undercity on a much smaller scale. Undead and his men slay the undead, but before they can
horrors, necromancers, warlocks and Damned cult- bring in settlers and reinforcements, a Scourge host
ists haunt the tunnels. Darkmaster Gandling, a arrives and lays siege to the village. Tirion Fordring,
mummified wretch, teaches students how to raise who observes this whole endeavor, is worried for his
the dead in the Lich King’s name. Formerly a son. He desperately needs heroes to help him break
Dalaran wizard, he betrayed his masters for dark through the undead line and save the Crusaders
power and now revels in undeath. His graduates go within. He hopes to use this situation as an oppor-
on to Stratholme, the Scourge’s capital in the tunity to extirpate Taelan from the Crusade’s grasp
Eastern Plaguelands. or, failing that, as a way to prove that not all those
Hearthglen (town, 3,000): Tirion Fordring once who wander the Plaguelands are evil.
oversaw Hearthglen, a quiet rural community. Now
the town is the Western Scarlet Crusade’s military
Regions of Quel’Thalas Salvaged High Elf Letter
Dearest Melena,
Blackened Woods I fear this may be the last time I will write to you.
Population: Unknown. As I am sure you have heard, the Scourge attacked
The Blackened Woods was once Quel’Thalas, Quel’Thalas. It is horrible. The land is destroyed.
the elven kingdom. Razed by dragonfire in the The undead killed… they killed so many. I was lucky
Second War and ravaged by undead in the Third, - I hid in a basement and used my magical skills to
the land is a dead, ghostly realm. Black trees march conceal myself. When I emerged, it was into a world of
away on all sides. Ash and grief, almost tangible, corpses. Elves were rent, their limbs scattered, so
cover the ground. Elven ruins jut from the gray- much blood….
black ash like the bones of the dead, and ghosts of
I am sorry. You do not need to know all the gruesome
murdered elves pass through the trees. While this
land is not under any supernatural or magical curse,
I could feel the bitterness, the sorrow and the For a time I despaired of ever seeing another living
hopelessness in the air. I can see why this realm is elf, but a few others also survived the assault.
sometimes called the Ghostlands of Quel’Thalas. I Although sad, they were also… angry. Vengeful.
remember Quel’Thalas from the days before its Different, somehow. They have lost too much, as have
destruction… and even I, stout soul that I am, let a I. I have lost much, and yet… I feel that in addition
few of my own tears dampen the soil. to my home and my family and my kingdom, I have
The Blackened Woods is north of the Eastern lost something truly profound and ineffable. I do not
Plaguelands and northwest of Zul’Aman. Ocean
know what it is, but I feel… adrift without it.
lies to the east and north.
Muddled. Edgy.
People and Culture I do not know if I am making any sense.
No living creatures remain in this haunted realm. The surviving elves frighten me, Melena. They no
The spirits of slaughtered elves roam the landscape longer call themselves high elves. You remember
like mist given form and voice. I saw no animals at Prince Kael’Thas? He leads the elves now, being the
all and was glad for the provisions I carried. I did last elf of noble birth. He calls his people “blood
find a scrap of parchment in one ruin, near a elves,” supposedly in homage of the dead. I am glad
blackened skeleton. The scrap was part of a letter they no longer think of themselves as high elves, for
from one doomed high elf to his wife elsewhere; they certainly are not. Melena, they plan to raze the
obviously the intended recipient never received it.
forest - all of it! “We will not let the Scourge enjoy
Geography their plunder!” declares Kael’Thas. Travesty! I will
try to stop this folly, but I doubt that I will be
Not much here besides scorched trees and ruins.
successful. These blood elves are crazed, manic, in-
Sites and Settlements flamed by vengeance and fueled by this unnamable
need that seethes within our consciousness. They will
Various elven ruins lie amongst the ashes, but go on with their plans despite my efforts. They may
that’s about all. The runestones still stand.
even try to slay me. Yet I will do what I can.
Runestones: When the high elves founded
Quel’Thalas, they erected monolithic runestones to If I never see you again, Melena, I hope you will
mark their new kingdom’s borders. These enchanted dream of me at times.
monuments created a magic barrier that prevented Your loving husband,
the savage trolls from penetrating the elven lands. Ramao
The barrier has not been used for millennia, but the
runestones, untouched by fire and blade, remain.
Dragonhawks of Quel’Danas
The statistics below describe a typical unit of Evasion (Ex):The giant eagles can use this ability
the Dragonhawks of Quel’Danas that might see while mounted. Their riders also gain its benefits.
action in mass combat.
10 blood elves Ftr5/Sor3/Wdr2 and 10 giant eagles: Commander
Medium humanoid/Large magical beast; HD 10/4; DF 80 Aquel’Luer’Thala, female blood elf Ftr5/Sor3/Wdr 5,
(8)/50 (5); Spd 800 ft. (16 squares); AC 17 (16/19); Base hero commander: Base Atk +11; Cha 20; Diplomacy +8,
Atk +8/+4; Unit Atk +12 melee (+2 longsword) or +14 Intimidate +8, Knowledge (military tactics)* +10, Profes-
ranged (+1 longbow), or +8 melee (claw or bite); Full Unit sion (military commander)† +14 (10 ranks); Beloved
Atk +12/+7 melee (+2 longsword) or +14/+9 ranged (+1 Commander, Leadership; Orders 3.
longbow), or +8 melee (2 claws) and +3 melee (bite);
Space 100 ft.; SA spells; SQ evasion; AL LN; SV +6, Ref Tactics
+7, Will +3; Str 14 (11/18), Dex 17 (17/17), Con 11 (11/12), The blood elves’ deadly Dragonhawk units are
Int 11 (12/10), Wis 12 (10/14), Cha 13 (17/10); Morale +11. trained to scour the infested ranges of
Skills: blood elf — Handle Animal +14, Ride +14, Jump Quel’Thalas. From the aeries of the island refuge
+10, Tumble +8; giant eagle — Knowledge (nature) +2, of Quel’Danas, these elite windriders seek out
Listen +6, Sense Motive +4, Spot +15, Survival +3. intruders and report on the movements of troops
Feats: blood elf — Evasive Maneuvers†, Expert Flyer†, through the scarred forests.
Expert Rider*, Improved Initiative, Mounted Archery, Battle with the Dragonhawks is a sudden,
Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Fo- confusing and swift move to find shelter from
cus (longsword); giant eagle — Alertness, Flyby Attack. rending talons and razor sharp arrows. The blood
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (cast per day: 6/6; save elves use aerial tactics combined with minor
DC 13 + spell level): 0 — detect magic, flare, message, spell strikes from the sky to tear through their
light, resistance; 1st — feather fall, mage armor, ray of foes like a fierce wind. They often defend them-
enfeeblement. selves and their mounts with mage armor before
Equipment: +1 longbow, +2 longsword, arrows. engaging in battle (factored into the stats, above).
wants to establish a small village for his people in same realization I had and was not disturbing the
the Blackened Woods. The village would provide elven artifacts. He looked to be pretty capable with
safety and succor for people of all races, even that big club of his. I suppose only the strongest or
Forsaken. Gemmuel believes this dream is possible stealthiest can pass through the Plaguelands to
because he thinks the ancient runestones can be reach this dead land.
activated to recreate their magic barrier — a force
that could keep out all his foes. Gemmuel seeks Geography
heroes to help him in his endeavor and protect him
Silvermoon’s ruined buildings were constructed
from those who would prevent him from accom-
of white stone and living plants. Slender branches
plishing this task.
and ivy snake across walls. Many of the plants are
dead now, the buildings smashed and the spires
Silvermoon toppled. Nevertheless, much still remains intact.
The city is not as ruined as one would suspect and
Population: Unknown.
is surprisingly devoid of rotting corpses, bloodstains
After the heartbreaking Blackened Woods, I and similar filth. Silvermoon, however, is a decep-
hardened myself against what I might see in tive death trap.
Silvermoon, the former elven capital. Yet the place
was not nearly as bad as I feared. I stepped out from
the Blackened Woods and looked down upon a city
Sites and Settlements
that almost resembled its old splendor. The living Silvermoon is very interesting in its entirety —
plants and rock used to construct the capital proved though of course tragic. A few locations are particu-
immune to the fires and destruction. I could see larly noteworthy.
streets, buildings, even trees. As I moved through Sunstrider Spire: The Sunstriders, a family of
the city, I marveled at how… clean the place high elven lords, ruled Quel’Thalas from this ma-
appeared. Aside from the occasional body sprawled jestic palace. Sunstrider Spire was once a marvel of
across the cobblestones, one could almost imagine organic elven architecture, but now its walls are
that a war was never fought here. This deception stained with elven blood and its graceful spires
almost proved my undoing. shattered like bones. The Scourge, despite its best
I entered an old shop and saw an axe, obviously efforts, never discovered the legendary Sunstrider
magical, propped against the wall. Not one to treasury. This mythic vault lures adventurers and
ignore opportunity when it hits me over the head, fortune seekers from across the world. Sunstrider
I reached out to grab the weapon. Suddenly, several Spire is by no means safe, as hordes of elven ghosts
elven ghosts manifested before me, reaching out and undead guardians stand vigil over the palace. I
with chilling hands. “No more…” they moaned. myself was forced to flee several times, even though
“No more….” I gathered that the elven people had I assured the spirits that I meant only to examine
suffered enough and would brook no disturbances and record, not steal.
or plundering. I stepped hastily back and the ghosts The Sunwell Grove: The Sunwell Grove lies
wavered, watching me. I left and they slowly faded across a small stretch of ocean, on an island north-
away. They can keep their axe. east of Silvermoon. I considered constructing a raft
I resolved to leave all items inviolate. I would to sail across, but Morgin Thundergust warned
treat Silvermoon with respect. To do otherwise is against it. He said that he had lost three compan-
to join the ranks of the city’s undead defenders. ions to creatures in the grove and he was forced to
flee. I contented myself with Morgin’s depiction.
People and Culture “The Sunwell used to be the arcane node that
empowered the high elves’ magic and sustained their
No living beings inhabit this region, though the existence. The death knight Arthas defiled the well,
lure of elven treasure draws adventurers from far using its energies to revive Kel’Thuzad as a lich. Now
and wide. I encountered one as I picked my way the grove is scarred and burned, like the rest of this land
through the streets, a tauren called Morgin of ghosts. Rumors say that the red and green dragonflights
Thundergust. Fortunately, Morgin had come to the have sent agents to the Sunwell to see if it can be re-
energized. My companions and I did not see any Ruler: Warlord Jin’zakk (male forest troll Bbn5/Hlr2/Pml8/
dragons, however. We ran into terrible creatures — I SHn4).
did not get a good look, just shadows hurling death from Languages: Low Common, Common, Thalassian.
the trees. We ran. I was the only one to escape, and I Faiths: Holy Light, shamanism, voodoo.
thank the ancestors I did.” Resources: Fish, fur, gold, iron, timber.
Affiliation: Independent.
History I planned to go into Zul’Aman alone. Doing so
Silvermoon was the high elven capital for centu- was dangerous, perhaps the most dangerous thing I
ries, since the Quel’dorei traveled to this land from have ever intentionally done. No, no — I traveled
Kalimdor. Like the rest of Quel’Thalas, enemies across the Plaguelands. That was bad. Still, I was
despoiled and razed the city in the Second and not expecting an easy time.
Third Wars, though Silvermoon survived the flames. Zul’Aman is a temperate forestland of towering
Scourge forces held the city for a time but aban- trees, dark shadows and ancient ruins and ziggurats.
doned it after depleting it of its resources. Silvermoon I believed these ruins and odd, stepped pyramids
now reminds us of everything that was once noble remained from the days of Zul’Aman’s empire, but
and mystical about the high elves — and how that they could be much older. Titan or Old God rem-
nobility died. nants, perhaps? I resolved to look into the matter.
Once, forest trolls controlled a vast swath of
Adventures Lordaeron. Their empire was called Zul’Aman, and
Silvermoon’s ruins and guardians offer great ad- what we now call Zul’Aman was their power cen-
venture. ter. Many centuries ago, high elves and humans
The Sunwell Reborn: Alexstrasza the Life- allied to defeat the empire and drove the trolls to
Binder, the immensely powerful red dragon aspect, near extinction. Now, this tiny area in northeast-
believes the Sunwell can be rejuvenated. She is ern Lordaeron is all that remains of the trolls’
involved with other affairs in Grim Batol, however, continent-spanning empire.
so she asks several powerful heroes to help her. To In the intervening years, the trolls gave up their
recreate the Sunwell, various items must be gath- imperialist mindset, though they protect their small
ered from around the world: a vial of Well of territory jealously. Warbands patrol the forest, slay-
Eternity water from Kalimdor; three crushed gems ing all living (and undead) creatures that are not
from Pandaria; a titan-made chalice held by the trolls or natural forest beasts. They worship ancient
goblin trade princes in Undermine; and the skull of deities, though whether these deities are the mythic
the last Sunstrider king (Prince Kael-Thas’ father), Old Gods or some strange creation of their voodoo
which the blood elves took to Outland. Also needed witch doctors, I do not know. I knew that any trolls
are at least 300 living high elves. Gathering them I encountered would try to kill me on sight. I would
involves rounding up refugees from Zul’Aman, need to be careful.
scouring the world for the few high elves left in I was not totally without allies in Zul’Aman.
various cities and/or forcing blood elves to repent. Several bands of high elves, survivors from
The heroes must accomplish this feat while fight- Quel’Thalas, fled south and now wander through-
ing off all those who seek to foil them: the Scourge, out the forest. Those who stay one step ahead of the
naga, blood elves and perhaps even the night elves trolls survive; those who do not are dead (and
and other independent factions. probably eaten by the cannibalistic trolls). Scourge
patrols, hunting the elven refugees, also stalk
Zul’Aman through the land.
Quel’Thalas, but the trolls’ savagery was too much
The Trolls of Zul’Aman even for the orcs. So the trolls hate orcs now, too,
who they feel betrayed them. In short, forest trolls
The statistics below describe a typical unit of hate everyone — including each other.
the trolls of Zul’Aman that might see action in
Witch doctors control Zul’Aman, with shamans
mass combat.
and warchiefs in lesser leadership positions. The
10 forest troll Bbn2: Large monstrous humanoid; HD
exception to this tradition is Warlord Jin’zakk, who
4; DF 60 (6); Spd 400 ft. (8 squares); AC 14; Base Atk
+4; Unit Atk +8 melee (battleaxe) or +8 melee (claw); rules the kingdom. Jin’zakk is a massive, aged forest
Full Unit Atk +8 melee (battleaxe) or +8 melee (2 claws) troll with gray fur (once green, I hear) and huge
or +5 ranged (spear); SA rage 1/day; SQ darkvision 60 natural claws. Grizzled and old, he can still savage
ft., fast healing 2, fast movement, uncanny dodge; AL CE; any troll who would dispute his rule. Jin’zakk’s age
SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, brings wisdom and certainty, though the warlord is
Wis 9, Cha 7; Morale +3. unstable and prone to violent rages. He practices
Skills: Balance +4, Hide +4, Jump +7, Swim +7. voodoo, and his dark art empowers him.
Feats: Power Attack, Track. The voodoo witch doctors wield arcane magic, while
Equipment: Studded leather armor, battleaxe, spear. shamans provide divine support. Forest troll society
revolves around hunting, spear fishing, shamanism and
Rage (Ex): The unit can rage for 1 battle
voodoo. They make their capital at the Shrine of Ula-
round. The trolls gain a +2 bonus to attack,
Tek, a massive ziggurat they hold sacred. Forest troll
damage, saves, and morale; they also get +1
society is patriarchal, though cunning and aggressive
damage factor. After raging, the entire unit is
females occasionally hold important positions. Forest
fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength and Dexter-
trolls are primitive, possessing few metalsmithing skills
ity) for the rest of the battle.
and no knowledge of steam technology — for which we
Fast Movement (Ex): Barbarians gain +10 feet can all be thankful. They are masters with thrown
to their base movement while wearing light or weapons, be they axes or spears.
no armor. In mass combat, add an additional
With both Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas fallen, the
+100 feet per battle round (already factored in).
forest trolls see a chance to regain their old empire.
Commander They push the borders of their realm ever outward.
Shadrak Eaglebane, male forest troll Bbn5, hero com- Warbands strike south, north and west, seeking to
mander: Base Atk +7; Cha 10; Intimidate +7; Orders 1. reclaim more of their land. The trolls are myriad —
almost 20,000 total, and most of them skilled hunt-
Tactics ers (even the females). They have been fighting for
The troll braves and berserkers of the various centuries and are competent tacticians. Alone,
tribes scour Zul’Aman’s woods looking for in- Zul’Aman has little chance against the Scourge.
truders that might make for interesting sport or However, if approached in the right manner (by a
a good meal. The forest trolls rush to the attack, tauren or goblin, perhaps?) and promised their em-
their fury and cleaving axe blades cutting down pire, they may be willing to join an alliance.
opponents swiftly and without mercy. Like all trolls, Zul’Aman’s forest trolls are lean,
This unit is typical of the berserkers roaming the strong and tough. They possess long ears and noses
woods. On occasion, a coven of troll shamans might and jutting canines. Their faces are hard and feral.
accompany berserkers to provide magical assistance. Forest troll hide ranges from dark brown to light
green. Many forest trolls wear primitive jewelry,
often wood or bone, on their clothing, strung
their own kind as well as their enemies with equal around their necks or thrust through their noses
zest. They despise humans and elves, who slaugh- and earlobes. The males often maintain tall, dyed
tered innumerable forest trolls and robbed them of mohawks. Some paint themselves in tattoos. Forest
their empire in ages past. Forest trolls joined forces trolls are organized into tribes, with names such as
with the Horde in the Second War, as the orcs Blackleaf and Treeblight, and members of the same
promised them vengeance against Lordaeron and tribe are relatively loyal to each other.
Lake Abassi: This lake is Zul’Aman’s center,
Scourge Missive both geographically and politically. I hid in a tree
To my illustrious masters, for four days to observe the lake and avoid patrols.
I regret to inform you that several Quel’dorei Troll huts dot the lake’s shore and crude piers
extend toward its middle. Trolls fish the lake with
bands still wander loose in Zul’Aman. The elves know spears and nets. Lake Abassi looks like prime
forests better than I, and the ghouls and zombies threshadon‡ habitat. Indeed, in the second day of
make a fearsome amount of noise trudging through my vigil I observed a stealthy threshadon leap from
the overgrowth. The gargoyles are somewhat more the forest and eviscerate a lone troll fisherman.
helpful; they allowed me to discover one refugee Troll hunters tracked and killed the creature swiftly
afterward. Such vigilance probably explains why I
group and kill them as they slept. However, I did not see more threshadons. I resolved to be very
respectfully request additional support. Incorporeal careful when I left my hiding spot.
troops — shades or ghosts, perhaps — would be Maisara Hills: The Maisara Hills, in northeast-
particularly useful. ern Zul’Aman, are sacred to the trolls. Crude totems
Despite the current problems, I am confident that stand in profusion and lean crazily in the soft earth.
Witch doctors frequent this site, holding strange
it is only a matter of time before we finally destroy rituals and dances by moonlight. The voodoo mas-
the elves. They will not join with their allies in ters brook no intrusion. Voodoo fascinates me; the
Hillsbrad or Khaz Modan. They will not rally art is arcane, but seems to have divine elements as
together. They will not revive the Sunwell. well. I figured the Maisara Hills would be an excel-
lent place to expand my knowledge. I am positive
I made no sound as I crept into the area, but the
Necromancer Ru’sad trolls noticed me anyway. Magic, I suppose. I fled as
spears, axes and magical blasts rent the air. I hate
trolls. Perhaps I could capture a witch doctor and
As I journeyed through Zul’Aman, I passed
pry the information out of him.
through a clearing and caught sight of a winged
shape flapping above me. A gargoyle! My reflexes
snapped my blunderbuss up instantly and I blasted
Sites and Settlements
a chunk out of the creature’s hide. The gargoyle Primitive forest troll settlements are scattered
wheeled to attack, but several more shots brought throughout Zul’Aman. Weathered ruins hide among
it down. The monster crashed into the trees. Find- the trees, covered with vines and the dust of ages.
ing the corpse in the dense tangle was a chore, The Shrine of Ula-Tek (city, 7,000): The
especially because a troll band showed up to inves- Shrine of Ula-Tek is an enormous ziggurat. The
tigate the shooting. After I dealt with the trolls forest trolls rally around the edifice and their capi-
(chalk up eight more to my tally), I finally found the tal lies among its ruins. Crude troll huts mix with
gargoyle’s body. Not much loot, sadly, but the collapsed stone walls. This area is very heavily
monster carried a message, apparently from the protected — far too heavily for me to penetrate, so
Scourge patrols to their leaders in Stratholme. The I ambushed a lone forest troll a few miles away and
letter gives us some hints that the high elves, got the information from him. Ula-Tek, appar-
scattered and lost as they are, still have some ently, is a serpent goddess. One of the Old Gods,
importance. perhaps? The trolls worship Ula-Tek and hold the
ziggurat in holy esteem, performing their dark rites
Geography and voodoo rituals among the ruins. The trolls keep
their treasure — collected over centuries — within
Zul’Aman is a giant forest. Elevation rises toward
the ziggurat, which is another reason that they
the north, and a hilly region dominates the
guard it so vigilantly.
Quel’Thalas border. The mighty Greenrush River
begins in Zul’Aman’s Lake Abassi and exits the
region in the southwest.
History Adventures
Though the trolls’ empire was destroyed in antiq- Trolls guard treasure and captives, and ancient
uity, they have always controlled the sprawling ruins of indeterminate origins dominate forest clear-
forest now called Zul’Aman. Their dominion once ings. Pathetic bands of high elf refugees avoid
stretched across the continent, and they threat- destruction at troll and undead hands.
ened the nascent human nations and the fledgling Bring Back My Goddess to Me, to Me: A great
kingdom of Quel’Thalas with extinction. Eventu- witch doctor, Ral’jin, rises to prominence in
ally, the high elves traded arcane knowledge to the Zul’Aman. Ral’jin sends out hunters to capture
humans for help in defeating the trolls, and the two hundreds of prisoners for use in a massive sacrifice,
races bludgeoned the forest troll empire. Now planning to use this ritual to summon Ula-Tek the
Zul’Aman is reduced to its present borders. The Serpent Goddess. Obviously, this information is
trolls have never been content with this setback bad news, but the Ironforge dwarves are particu-
and have never forgiven the humans or elves for larly concerned: they have seen the devastation
their near genocide. With Lordaeron and that an elemental lord’s rebirth brings, and a bona
Quel’Thalas in ruins, the trolls move out to reclaim fide Old God must be even more powerful. The
their kingdom. Dark Iron dwarves, however, are jubilant. Ula-Tek,
perhaps an Old God, could serve as companion and
ally to Ragnaros. They send a contingent to
Zul’Aman to wish their good will and to protect
Ral’jin as he completes the lengthy ritual.
“Can you tell how many of them are over there?” asked Rogthur from his prone
position on the ground. He could not see over the large rock behind which he and his
companion were concealing themselves. Crouched down on the balls of his feet next to
the dwarf, Jaeson stretched up farther to peer over the rock. His youthful brow was
furrowed with the concentration of straining to see without being seen, and his long
blonde hair blew around like wild grass. A few moments passed, and Jaeson lowered
himself back down behind the stone.
“There are at least three of the gangly brutes that I could see clearly, and they are
all armed to the teeth,” he proclaimed in a whisper.
Rogthur tried to keep from rolling his eyes at the obvious enthusiasm in his partner’s
voice. Why are the young all so eager to die? he pondered. “Did you see the scouts we
were looking for as well? Did you see the dead-men?”
Jaeson’s face screwed together in a look of disgust as he answered, “Undead you mean,
and well, I saw what was left of them at least. They must have walked right into that
ambush. The trolls are all busy going through the travel packs now and collecting the
axes they threw. We must have just missed all of the action, though I think it was a
very short fight. At least they saved us the trouble of taking care of those scouts
Though he remembered to keep his voice down, Rogthur’s reply still came out as a
low, angry rumble. “We were supposed to track those forsaken scouts to find out where
they were going and who they were going to meet up with. Curse their warty green hides,
those wretched forest dwelling trolls didn’t save us any trouble; they just wasted us
three days worth of hard work!”
Jaeson gave Rogthur a lop-sided grin and went back to peering over the rock. He
whispered out of the side of his mouth, “Well, I was just trying to look on the bright
side of things. And besides, it seems like the trolls are only looting the weapons and
any scraps of armor. We can rifle the bodies when they’re done and look for any
strategic orders or maps they might have been carrying.”
GAzetteeR: GhelspAd
Rogthur uttered a disgruntled huff, but he had to agree with the lad’s point. Maybe
they could salvage something for their time after all. Besides, he would never have
found the walking dead in the first place without Jaeson’s help. The lad’s family were
simple farmers near Dalaran before the mad human prince Arthas marched an army
of the shambling dead straight through their lands, poisoning the fields with the
Scourge’s corruption. Yet rather than lose himself to bitterness, the lad instead now
offered himself as a guide and tracker to those seeking to curb the rampage of these
armies of restless dead. Though inexperienced, Jaeson’s knowledge of the area was
Jaeson dropped down as sudden shouts erupted from the other side of the rock. The
youth’s eyes were wide as he fumbled for his short blade. “I think they smelled us or
something. Do you think we can make a run for it?”
Rogthur swore and looked back at the way they had come. It was a good sprint to reach
the cover of the tree line, and those forest trolls were deadly accurate with their
throwing axes. No, it would have to be a fight.
“Well,” said Jaeson, his lips stretching into a white-toothed grin, “at least today
won’t be boring.” He got into a squat fighting position, ready to hack at anything that
showed its face around the rock. Rogthur sat up and grabbed his blunderbuss from the
ground next to him. He pulled back the hammer on the gun to the full-cocked position
and considered his next move.
“Well, my stout friend, any last advice before we engage the enemy?” asked Jaeson.
“Yes,” answered Rogthur in a grim tone. “Just don’t get in the line of fire.” With that
he stood up and swung the rifle over the top of the rock. The dwarf took aim on the
first raging troll that was barreling down on their hiding place. He let out a battle
cry then pulled the trigger, and the air filled with the sound of thunder.
For those prospectors and explorers who wish to surrounding the Arena, is that children are born
trek into the more dangerous and thus exciting parts and raised within the Arena to add to the stables.
of the eastern lands, I offer here a collection of notes They are trained in many skills beyond the gladi-
for some stories and rumors — one per continent — atorial so that the games will be varied from time to
that especially intrigued me during my travels. If any time (who wants to watch two massive orc warriors
in the Guild pick up the threads of a story and follow beat on each other day after day?), and also so that
them to the end, I should think a recounting for me the stables will always have healers. If a gladiator
over a few pints at the Weary Boots would be in gets pregnant, she is taken off the roster until she
order. Be careful, is all I ask: the evils out there, real delivers and the baby is taken from her to be raised
or imagined, can take your life quicker than Penar in the stables.
Flintheart can load and shoot a pistol. The head of the Arena stables, a jungle troll
named Bloodstone, has recently become greedy.
Arena Games Although his stables are full of mature teens and
young adults ready to fight as well as several captured
This adventure is for 4 to 6 low-level PCs (2nd to unwilling fighters, attendance at the fights has been
4th level). It is best suited for predominantly good- down in the past months. He has decided to send a
aligned characters, with at least one rogue in the party of his best trolls over the mountains to the
party. Characters with a good Open Lock skill are Blasted Lands to capture a demon for the Arena.
vital, although melee prowess is necessary for sur- At the start of the adventure, a messenger arrives
vival in the Arena. Check the “Scaling the and alerts Bloodstone that a felguard** has been
Adventure” sidebar for hints on adjusting the ad- captured and the triumphant hunters are on their
venture to higher-level characters. way back to the Arena. This development looks to
This adventure takes place in the Arena in be certain death for those chosen to fight the
Stranglethorn Vale, on the continent of Azeroth. demon, and those in the stables have only a couple
of days to attempt an escape before the trolls return.
Scaling the Adventure
This adventure is designed for low-level PCs, Adventure Synopsis
but is easily scaled up to suit your adventurers. The PCs were all captured within the past couple
For higher-level characters, the levels of the of weeks. They are relatively new to the Arena, but
troll guards and Bloodstone can be scaled up they’ve been there long enough to know how things
accordingly, adding some levels of gladiator to work. The troll guards confiscated all of the PCs’
them (see the Warcraft RPG, Chapter Two). equipment upon capture. Left with only the clothes
The creatures in the menagerie can be changed on their backs, they are all slaves of the Arena, forced
to dire forest wolves, basilisks or thunder liz- to participate in various games. Along with the
ards (see Manual of Monsters, Chapter One). others in the stables, they learn of the demon being
The demon can be a dreadlord, or you could brought back from the Blasted Lands. They formu-
change the focus of the adventure and bring in late a plan to escape and free the slaves, but they must
a lich (see Manual of Monsters, Chapters navigate the labyrinth of the Arena and deal with
Two and Three, respectively). the guards. Along the way, they learn of Bloodstone’s
plans to continue bringing in demons for the Arena,
and that the demons have even agreed to send more
Adventure Background powerful demons to participate in the games. Blood-
The jungle trolls of the ancient Gurubashi tribe stone will send a tithe of 10 sorcerers to the demons
run the gladiatorial games at the Arena. The gladi- in exchange. When the demon reaches the Arena,
ators are chosen from prisoners of war, kidnapped he begins slaughtering everyone in reach, and Blood-
travelers, those in debt to the Gurubashi, and even stone will demand that the troll warriors do not kill
some hapless fools who think it would be an easy him. To exit the Arena, the PCs must enter the fray
way to make some quick cash. Something few between the demon and Bloodstone and his troll
people know, even those who live in the settlement entourage.
Character Hooks Does “gladiator” mean “Gladiator”?
The characters can be part of the Arena for any Fighting in the gladiatorial arena does not
number of reasons. They can be captured as prison- automatically launch a character into the
ers of war or as unlucky travelers, or they can be gladiator prestige class (see Warcraft RPG,
residents of the settlements around the Arena who Chapter Two). The “gladiators” in the Arena
owe the trolls money. They can also be of any are a motley crew, comprised of people from
affiliation, as the trolls capture Alliance, Horde every walk of life. If the trolls disagree with a
and independent races without prejudice. Even greedy merchant’s bill, that merchant may
some jungle trolls live in the stables. likely find himself a gladiator, holding a sword
in an untrained hand against a pack of gnolls
The Arena for the amusement of his former colleagues.
There is room for any character class in the
Layout Arena. Mages, tinkers, fighters, paladin war-
The first level of the Arena consists of a 10-foot riors, rogues and healers are all captured.
wide hallway in a U-shape, curving around the Arena. While the elven rangers and paladin warriors
The PCs are in the far right cell of a block of 4 cells, give the crowd a brawny battle, wizards, sha-
50 feet x 50 feet, each holding around 10 gladiators. mans and rogues can give a more intelligent
Past the cells are 4 wooden doors, the first holding contest of wits, with many obstacles and traps
keys and weapons, the next three providing living brought into the Arena.
Some classes don’t quite fit into the com-
batant mindset at the Arena, but they are by
“What about my no means freed. Healers are usually kept for
3rd-level pandaren healer?” stable duty, healing the living combatants as
Some races introduced in Warcraft previ- they return from bouts. Tinkers are required
ously seem ill-suited for Azeroth adventures. to plan and build clever sets to hamper or aid
Night elves, tauren and furbolgs have their combatants — in fact, much of the under-
established homelands on Kalimdor, while belly of the Arena was designed and built by
the pandaren have arrived only recently in goblin tinkers working for or indebted to the
the west. These races can still have a place in trolls. Beastmasters, after proving themselves
an Azeroth campaign, and they actually work useless as fighters by calming attacking ani-
well for campaigns in Stranglethorn Vale. mals instead of slaughtering them, were sent
With the many ports on its western shore, to tend to the animals before and after fights.
Stranglethorn Vale is an acceptable landing It is quite possible, however, that all of
place for any PC from Kalimdor who wishes to these classes are called upon to fight as well.
explore, carry a message or simply see what Sorcerers are perhaps the most worrisome
adventures await. The more beastlike races class for the stable guards, as they have no
will very likely be met with curiosity or possi- spellbooks that the trolls can confiscate.
bly racism in the east, but working these Sorcerers are held in solitary, gagged and
western races into an Azeroth campaign bound, and are treated no better than beasts
shouldn’t require too much of a stretch. in the Arena. A GM may want to warn PCs
The GM should note, however, that the that sorcerers in Stranglethorn Vale are as
trolls who schedule the fights will be most good as dead and would be wise to pose as
interested to see what these odd races can do. wizards with bogus spellbooks or refuse to
A pandaren fighter shouldn’t be surprised to use their powers.
receive a pistol with which to defend himself Regarding the gladiator prestige class, most
in an Arena fight. The trolls are dedicated to of the children raised in the Arena end up
entertaining the crowd, and seeing a pandaren with levels in this class, as their life has been
fumble with a pistol is likely to deliver. built around it.
space for the troll guards (more detailed information trolls who have attained several levels in the gladi-
appears below within the adventure text). After the ator prestige class. They constantly patrol the halls
final door comes the stairs to the next level. This is and the menagerie, and are only distracted by
one of two ways to exit the lower levels. Bloodstone’s commands (which will come when
Further on, about 100 feet, are 6 cells containing the demon breaks his bonds). If they find a prisoner
60 high-level gladiators, (who, incidentally, will be attempting to escape, they will next pair him with
unlikely to help the PCs in their endeavors, being a beast much too difficult for him, sentencing him
more dedicated to escaping and saving the children). to certain death. (This information is well known
About 100 more feet down the hallway are the among the prisoners.) They are armed with clubs,
children’s cells, filled with about 50 children of all having instructions to subdue, not kill, their charges.
races, from young children to adolescents. Attended by two beastmasters, the monsters in the
Thirty feet beyond the children’s cells, a door menagerie are primarily low-CR creatures that are
leads to the menagerie and the beastmasters’ quar- easily killed and easily replaced, such as wolves,
ters. Once the PCs make it here, the room will be gnolls and harpies (see Manual of Monsters, Chap-
caved in for the most part, and the cages will be ter One). A handful of higher-CR creatures such as
opened with the animals either dead or escaped. hippogryphs and even a thunder lizard are here also
On the second floor, an armory of simple weap- (see Manual of Monsters, Chapter One). The Arena
ons is to the direct right of the stairs. The hallway is equipped to hold most types of animals, and can
turns 90 degrees to the left and enters into the even contain undead.
Arena’s gladiatorial stage, a great oval 100 yards at Most gladiators are at the Arena against their wills,
its longest point and 50 yards at its widest, with even those who are higher level and crowd favorites.
double doors at the right side of the widest point They would still prefer freedom to fame, and are quick
leading to a ramp down to the menagerie. to take the chance to escape. The curse of serving a
To the left of the stairs are 4 doors before the door debt or prison sentence in the Arena is that if a
exiting to the outside. The first door leads to a gladiator loses, she’s likely dead or maimed; if she wins,
storeroom containing the items stolen from the pris- she’s on her way to becoming a crowd favorite, and the
oners, and the more exotic and martial weapons. The trolls will keep her as an investment.
next two rooms are living quarters for the higher-level The most horrific area is the children’s cells. If a
guards who keep the peace among the higher-level gladiator becomes pregnant, her child is taken from her
gladiators and care for the children. The final door is and raised within the Arena, learning nothing of love,
iron and leads to Bloodstone’s office (the stable mas- books or music. Such children learn only how to fight,
ter). His office is very nice for a troll, containing a training during days when there are no scheduled bouts.
bookshelf and a desk with a deep drawer. Most of these children are freed after they reach adult-
Outside the Arena, stairs go up the wall to the hood and live within the settlement, staying on as paid
seats. The road leading to the Arena hosts trinket gladiators, for it is the only life they know.
and food merchants who make most of their money
from the Arena attendees. Further outside of town Crowd Mentality
is the settlement where most of the citizens live, The crowds at the Arena are dwindling and
including some of the Arena employees (the guards will fill barely half of the seats. They will be more
only sleep in the Arena when on a long shift). The excited about the more exotic races prevailing in
area also houses tinkers and rogues who build sets the fights (but some xenophobes will want the
and traps for use in the Arena. freaks to die) and the more creative battles.
Culture If the GM wishes to set a more regular
The Arena always has 20 guards on shift, and the campaign within the Arena instead of killing
shift circulates every 12 hours. Ten guards are off most of the guards and freeing the captive
relatively low-level, usually 4th-level fighters, as- gladiators, crowd mentality can be more influ-
signed to the low-level prisoners. The high-level ential. If a gladiator becomes a crowd favorite,
gladiators and the beastmasters are guarded by the guards will give her special treatment,
even special items or favors.
The stables are low enough under the Arena so
Part One: Panic in the Stables that only minimal crowd noise is heard. There are
Word of the demon’s imminent arrival has four cages: two on either side of the hall, separated
reached Bloodstone, who informs both his superi- by a thick stone wall. The PCs’ living area contains
ors and his inferiors of the upcoming change to enough NPCs to make the total number of occu-
schedules. This news trickles down through the pants ten. The stables are tolerable living conditions,
guards to reach the stables. considering the PCs are slaves waiting to die. There
The GM can read the following boxed text aloud: is ample food, adequate sleeping space for all sizes
and even a side room with books (such as A History
of Azeroth, a merchant’s logbook and Great Love
There is panic as the word spreads through the
stables. Letters of the Elves), chairs, and some badly tuned
musical instruments (a battered wooden flute and a
“It’s going to be housed with us!”
short lyre with 2 strings). It should be made clear to
“I fought the Legion in the Third War and saw one
the PCs that the trolls do consider their gladiators
destroy ten elves!”
as investments to be treated well enough not to go
“Sari, promise me you’ll kill me so I don’t have to fight it.”
mad. They are not permitted weapons or jewelry
Your fellow gladiators no longer wear the brave and within the living area and are armed only before
impassive expressions you’re used to seeing. Their faces going into the Arena.
are naked with fear, eyes wide. Gladiators that you’ve
known to look orcs, elves, humans, goblins, even a huge After a short time, Parla returns, Kilrim leaning
tauren in the face without a flinch are weeping in the on her. The orc lacks a right hand; a white rag is
corners. They’re not afraid of the chance of death in the rapidly turning red at his forearm. If none of the PCs
Arena; it is the certainty they fear. Every other time move to heal Kilrim, the tauren Naith, one of the
they’ve fought, they had a chance. Some fear the demon healers, will rush up to him.
will be housed with the sentients instead of in the menag- At this point, the trolls will call the names of the
erie — in the stables, where you all live under truce and PCs and lead them out to the Arena. They walk
where you can put the fear of death behind you. familiar hallways past other stable cells, closed
Still, the show must go on. The guards, two large troll doors, and up the stairs to the weapons room. The
warriors, come to your cell and summon the next two to trolls give the PCs weapons they may or may not be
fight. Parla, a young goblin rogue, and Kilrim, an orc proficient in, including a net and trident. (No
barbarian, stand and exit through the barred gate. They exotic or martial weapons come from this simple
leave, casting sidelong glances at each other. armory; a troll brings such weapons from an un-
known location.) If there is a rogue in the party, she
is given a rope and perhaps other items to make
snares. The fighter or barbarian receives the net NPCs Galore
and trident, and the trolls hand other PCs anything The bonus to running an adventure in a gladiatorial
from daggers to short swords. They will not receive arena full of unwilling participants is the ample number
any powerful ranged weapons such as bows or of NPCs available. If the players in your group wish to
crossbows. If there is a wizard in the party, the trolls be fighter-heavy, you can have Parla the goblin assist
will allow him time to look at his spellbook, the them in their rogue needs. Wizards and tinkers would
trolls choosing which spells the wizard will learn. benefit from the help of Kilrim the (now) one-handed
The trolls tell the PCs that they will be fighting orc barbarian. Each dormitory in the stable houses
harpies (their number will be one greater than the around ten gladiators. Below are NPCs to fill your PCs’
number of PCs), and their job is to capture one and home — and the party, if necessary.
kill the rest. If the PCs kill all the harpies, they will Parla (female goblin, Rog2): HD 2d6, 7 hp; Init +3; Spd 20
be denied meals for two days. ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; SA sneak
Make it clear to the players that attacking the attack +1d6; SQ low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +0 Ref +6,
trolls is a very bad idea, as they are accomplished Will +2; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 9.
gladiators who have been promoted to guards; they Parla will help the PCs escape once she sees
are always armed, and they are impossible to surprise. they have a plan, but adopts an “every goblin for
The harpies (see Manual of Monsters, Chapter herself” attitude once the doors are opened. She
One) are unarmed, having only their claws to will be difficult to count on unless another
attack. The Arena floor is swept clean of rocks and goblin convinces her otherwise.
debris. Ten trolls armed with heavy crossbows sit at Kilrim (male orc, Bbn2): HD 2d12+6, 19 hp; Init +1; Spd
the walls to catch any harpies that attempt to 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +2; SA
escape, or to stop a bout that is going the wrong way rage 1/day; SQ low-light vision; AL CN; SV Fort +6, Ref
(in their opinion). +1, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9.
After their bout, the PCs return to their cells and Kilrim has been maimed and sinks into a deep
find Parla the rogue talking to a guard. The guard depression. He will do nothing to aid the exit from the
says proudly that the demon is about one day away, cell, but will fight beside the PCs once outside if there
traveling with troll warriors and shamans. If the is an independent or Horde-affiliated PC in the party.
PCs succeed at a DC 15 Gather Information check, Naith (female tauren, Hlr3): HD 3d8+12, 25 hp; Init
they can learn that the trolls have big plans for the +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 9; Base Atk
+2; SA spells; AL NG; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +6; Str
demon. Some fights will be one-on-one, some will
11, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11.
be a grand melee. One thing is clear, though: the
Naith is the ideal healer: dedicated to her craft,
current gladiators will be treated no better than the
she will help anyone in need. She will stay with the
beasts in the menagerie. Another orc or human is
party if asked, but fights only if directly attacked.
easy to find for the Arena, but getting another
Jai’nor (male high elf, Wiz3): HD 3d4+3, 10 hp;, Init +1;
demon may be difficult. However, the guards are
Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; SA
perhaps not looking forward to guarding demons spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +2,
instead of the usual gladiators. Will +3; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 7.
That night, the characters will have time to talk Jai’norsuffersfromwithdrawal:heneedshisspellbook.
to their fellow gladiators. Talking with their He will be somewhat useful if convinced to stay with
cellmates is easiest: The guards don’t like captives the party, but only after his spellbook is retrieved.
yelling across the hall to the other cells. Everyone Sari Stoneheart (female Ironforge dwarf, Tnk3) Tnk3): HD
is clearly frightened; all agree that they need to get 3d6, 10 hp; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed
out. This idea is met with derisive laughter from 10; Base Atk +2; SQ darkvision 60 ft.; AL LG; SV Fort +1,
some and despair from others. The Arena is noto- Ref +3, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 8.
riously difficult to break out of; anyone who has Sari is amenable to staying with the PCs as
attempted it met with a bloody death in the Arena long as the party does not consist only of Horde
the following day, paired against something he characters. She will be useful in creating a de-
could not possibly beat. vice with which to unlock the door.
gladiators in the other cells bang on the doors,
Part Two: Opportunity Knocks begging to be let out. A small room down the hall
The ever-present troll guards call the PCs for from the cells has an unlocked wooden door that is
another fight the following day. They hand the PCs trapped with a simple poison dart trap. Inside are all
their weapons, all ranged (bow and 10 arrows, the keys for the cells (hanging on the walls), 4 clubs
dwarven tossing hammer, 10 darts, a flintlock pistol and 2 Medium flintlock pistols with 2 bags of
with one bag of ammo, and a heavy crossbow and 10 ammunition balls.
bolts). They are going up against 4 venom spiders Poison Dart Trap: CR 3; mechanical; invisible wire;
(see Manual of Monsters, Appendix One). manual reset; Atk +8 ranged (1d4 plus poison, dart); poison
During the battle, one of the four spiders will climb (Small centipede poison, Fort DC 13 resists, 1d2 Dex/1d2
the wall, frightening the spectators. The trolls will take Dex); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 20.
it down with crossbows. The other three will attack If the PCs make a DC 20 Listen check, they can
with webs and bites for 3 rounds, after which the PCs hear a great thundering boom. Tauren characters
must make a DC 20 Listen check to hear a commotion and any character from Kalimdor will recognize it
in the streets beyond the crowd’s cheers. The trolls have as a tauren war stomp, and all PCs can feel the
arrived with their demon, and the people are panicking. ground shake a bit. Plaster falls from the roof, and
After 1 more round, the characters will notice that the those who made their Listen check will also hear
crowds are becoming more interested in what’s going beasts growling and crying out.
on outside the Arena than inside. After another round,
troll guards interrupt the fight, bringing down the
remaining spiders with nets (or killing those too hurt to Avoiding Chaos
bother healing) and commanding the PCs to stop. The If the PCs are of good alignment, leaving
trolls confiscate the PCs’ weapons, escort them back to their fellows behind will be difficult. There are
their cell and leave quickly. 3 other cells on their floor, containing 30 more
Read or paraphrase the following boxed text aloud: low-level gladiators, mostly kidnapped travel-
ers. If let out, the other gladiators will more
likely run in a panic than keep together (this
The stables are more riotous than you’ve ever heard
might upset the good PCs who wish to reduce
as the people around you demand to know what’s going
on. You can hear the guards running around on the the bloodshed, but will be easier on you as a
floors above you, calling for backup. The guards on GM). One or two of the NPCs in the charac-
your floor glance at each other, and as the calls become ters’ cell will probably stay with them, especially
more and more desperate, they finally leave. if they are needed, but if the party is made up
Chaos like this has never happened in the Arena, even of primarily one race or affiliation, members of
when a couple of crocolisks got free from the menagerie. other races and/or affiliations will likely stay
You have never been left without a guard on duty. The hall away from the party and go their own way. The
is empty now, with sounds of carnage and chaos above. truce that kept the peace inside the cell walls
starts to erode as the captives are freed.
chests (Open Lock DC 15). The first chest contains Marcus (male human, Ftr5/Gla2)
Ftr5/Gla2): HD 7d10+14, 52 hp; Init
4 sp and the second contains a dagger. The third +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +7;
room holds only 4 beds, but with a closer look SA Supreme Cleave; SQ command; AL CG; SV Fort +9, Ref
(Search DC 20) the PCs will find a masterwork +3, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 11.
light crossbow underneath one of the mattresses. The party will have 20 rounds of safe time in the
After the third door is the stairway leading up. Arena’s underbelly before the ceiling falls in from
The hallway continues curving around to the left the shocks of combat outside. They will feel war
toward areas that the PCs have never seen. They stomps every 5 rounds, dropping more plaster from
feel another war stomp from outside, and more the ceiling each time. The children’s cages are 100
plaster falls. Shouts of non-troll voices issue from feet from the high-level gladiators’. If the PCs
down the hall. If they head further down the hall, choose to free the children with Marcus, the
the PCs will find more cages emptying of older and children’s cages can be breached with a DC 20
clearly more seasoned gladiators. One gladiator, a Open Lock check or a DC 30 Strength check. After
male human of about 45 years, will tell them to get the children are free, they and Marcus will run
the hell out before the trolls come back. The beasts toward the stairs. After 20 rounds, the ceiling will
have broken out of the menagerie and the ceiling cave in, causing 3d8 points of crushing damage to
looks ready to fall in from whatever’s going on everyone still in the lower levels. If the PCs survive,
outside. If the party looks to be carrying extra a DC 15 Strength check is required every 10 feet to
weapons, he’ll ask for one, saying the children are move debris to make it out.
trapped further down the hall. A locked wooden door awaits 200 feet beyond
Creature: Marcus isn’t looking for a fight. the children’s cages. It leads to a room filled with
rubble; the ceiling has already cracked and partially
fallen in here. The menagerie and the beastmasters’ What’s Going On Outside?
quarters lie beyond, and the beasts and beastmasters The demon, free of its bonds, is laying waste
have either died or escaped in the chaos. Three to the streets outside. Hopeful warriors are
gnolls will be rooting around in the remains of the attempting to kill it, including a group of
menagerie, and will attack when they see the PCs. tauren who have tried their war stomp to little
Creatures: Three scavenging gnolls attack any- effect. The Arena, ruins to begin with, has
one who enters. started to buckle, causing the lower levels to
Gnolls (4): hp 11 each. See Manual of Monsters
Monsters, Chapter collapse. If the characters return to the main
One: Creatures of Azeroth. Arena area, they will find the floor stable.
When the PCs go upstairs and head to the armory, Bloodstone is beside himself with fury: his new
they will encounter a wounded troll fleeing the moneymaker is loose, and people have the
Arena. She looks terrified and is armed with a club. audacity to try to kill his slave. He has called all
Creature: The troll guard is torn between duty his troll guards and ordered them to capture
and flight. the demon, and to make sure the wanna-be
Guard, female forest troll Ftr2: CR 4; Large monstrous heroes do not kill it. When enough of his
humanoid; HD 2d8+2d10+15, 35 hp (10 currently); Init +2; troops die from outside attacks, he will enter
Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +4; Grp the fray to protect his demon, who will of
+11; Atk +6 melee (1d8+3, Large club) or +6 melee (1d6+3, course try to kill him.
claw); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3, Large club) or +6 melee
(1d6+3, 2 claws); SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2; AL
LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int Part Three: Demon and Captor
8, Wis 9, Cha 7. The Arena offices are not nearly as complex as the
Skills: Hide +1 (+5 in forested areas), Jump +5. PCs might fear. At the top of the stairs are 3 wooden
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack, Toughness. doors and 1 iron door, and at the end of the corridor
Possessions: Club, helmet, hide armor. is a wooden door open to the street. The wooden
When the PCs reach the armory, they will find door to the right is locked (Open Lock DC 20) and
two of every simple weapon inside. The trolls lock leads to a large 50-foot x 50-foot storeroom that has
the exotic weapons (including nets and rope) else- the exotic weapons, rope and healer’s supplies the
where. As they exit the armory, the PCs come group requires. This is the room that also holds the
face-to-face with some escaped creatures from the equipment taken from the PCs when they were
menagerie that are wandering the Arena and inves- captured, so they can re-equip themselves. Note that
tigating the open door. A pair of timber wolves all money and magic items are gone, but spellbooks,
blocks the hallway, apparently fleeing the stronger exotic weapons and the like are all still here.
animals in the Arena. Exit through the Arena is The two wooden doors to the left are closed, each
impossible, as 20-foot tall smooth concrete walls holding 1 injured troll guard, nursing his wounds. The
stretch up to the stands, and it is patrolled by loosed trolls will attack if disturbed or if they hear the PCs in
creatures: 3 gnolls, 2 hippogryphs (with their wings the hall. The rooms look to be guard barracks with 4
clipped, naturally), a kodo beast, a salamander and crude beds, 2 tables containing uneaten meals and 3
a thunder lizard look for exits from the Arena, locked chests each (Open Lock DC 15). The 6 chests
occasionally snapping at each other. As they head hold, respectively: 3 sp; 4 gp; a masterwork dagger; a
down the hall, the PCs will feel one last rumble. If potion of cure light wounds; a goblin army knife; 10 gp.
anyone is left below them in the cages, they will Creatures: The 2 wounded trolls would really
scream as the ceiling caves in. The floor, and the like some peace and quiet, but they can’t ignore
Arena floor, remains stable. gladiators escaping under their noses.
Creatures: The timber wolves are unwilling to Guard (wounded), male forest troll Ftr2: See statistics
back down. for female forest troll Ftr2, above.
Timber Wolves (2): hp 13 each. See Manual of Monsters
Monsters, The final door is locked (Open Lock DC 20) with
Appendix One. another poison dart trap (see Part Two, above). Inside is
The desk drawer is locked (Open Lock DC 15)
with a poison dart trap (see Part Two, above) and
contains 2 vials of Small centipede poison and 3
darts, a small chest with 100 gp, a grenade bomb
and a +1 dwarven tossing hammer.
Outside, the melee has reached the door. Most of
the combatants are dead or fleeing; only Blood-
stone, a single troll and the demon remain.
Bloodstone and his gladiator are attempting to
bring the demon down without killing it, while the
demon is attacking them with all its might. Many
of the PCs’ fellow gladiators’ bodies litter the street,
along with several of their captors and various
citizens of and visitors to the town. The PCs face
several choices: fight the demon with Bloodstone;
fight Bloodstone first; split their forces; or, simply
run. If they choose to run, the demon and the troll
will be too involved with each other to attack. If the
PCs choose to fight, Bloodstone will do everything
he can to protect his demon, while the demon will
continue to attack him, ignoring the PCs until one
of them does damage to him.
Creatures: Both trolls and the demon are intent
on each other and will only attack the PCs if
Guard (wounded), male forest troll Ftr2: See statistics
Bloodstone’s office, with a window overlooking the main for female forest troll Ftr2, above.
street. A DC 10 Spot check will reveal the fight outside Bloodstone (wounded), male forest troll Ftr5: CR 7;
the Arena: Bloodstone and his remaining warriors have Large monstrous humanoid; HD 2d8+5d10+38, hp 74 (35
engaged the crowd, and the demon still attacks anyone currently); Init +8; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed
who moves (or doesn’t move, for that matter). Several fat 14; Base Atk +7; Grp +17; Atk +15 melee (2d6+7/x3, +1
books line Bloodstone’s shelf, each holding a detailed list Large battleaxe) or +13 melee (1d6+6, claw); Full Atk +15/
of every gladiator who has passed through these gates, +10 melee (2d6+7/x3, +1 Large battleaxe) or +13 (1d6+7,
how she came to “work” for the Arena, and how she died. 2 claws); SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2; AL LE; SV
On his desk is a half-written letter in Common, with Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 22, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 13, Wis
an overturned bottle of ink marring the top of the desk. 10, Cha 6.
The GM can read the following boxed text aloud: Skills: Climb +11, Hide +5 (+9 in forested areas), Intimi-
date +3, Jump +11, Listen +2, Spot +2.
Madame Pustoe, Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power At-
I would humbly like to offer you an idea to make the tack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
Arena more profitable. As you have been so kind to Possessions: +1 Large battleaxe, masterwork hide ar-
point out to me, your wretched servant, profits are mor, potion of cure light wounds.
falling and the pathetic beings we have in the stables Kran’zhanen (wounded), male felguard: current hp 15.
simply aren’t bringing in the money. If my current See Chapter Two: The Burning Legion in Manual of Mon-
attempt at exciting the crowds manages to increase sters for felguard stats.
revenues, I would like to suggest bringing in more
demons, perhaps even making the Arena demon-only, Concluding the Adventure
once our current stables are depleted. I believe the
demons will be amenable to a trade of 10 sorcerers for If the PCs succeed in killing the demon and
one of their demons— Bloodstone, they will have the Arena left in their
hands, along with the escaped beasts and the owners dwarf. A few days later he encountered a Dark Iron
of the Arena — who will soon come to investigate band searching for ruins. Rumholt gave his name as
their massive losses. Finding some other gladiators in M’nath Pikesplitter (his traitorous ancestors bore
the settlements to help cage the animals or get the the Pikesplitter surname in the War of Three Ham-
Arena back on its feet may be possible. There is also mers). Rumholt claimed to be the sole survivor of
the matter of the children raised in the Arena, if they a sudden gnoll attack. The Dark Irons warily ac-
made it out alive. If the PCs choose to leave the area, cepted Rumholt’s company and headed back toward
they should be somewhat well equipped to get where their headquarters to show this new acquisition to
they wish to go. They will likely be hunted and their chieftain, a dwarf called Bakthet. On the way,
perhaps blamed for the destruction of the Arena’s an ogre group ambushed the band. Rumholt drew
population. No one ever said trolls are logical. his axe and fought alongside the Dark Irons, and his
dedication and prowess impressed his new compan-
Dark Iron Chains ions. Rumholt entered the Dark Iron cave a hero —
something he had never been in Ironforge.
“Dark Iron Chains” is a Warcraft RPG adven- Rumholt lived with the Dark Irons for months,
ture designed for four 6th-level heroes. The heroes partaking in their rituals and forays against troggs,
can be of any race or class, though Ironforge dwarves gnolls and other Badlands creatures. He was a more
are particularly appropriate. Boxed text is meant to competent fighter than many of them, having
be read aloud or paraphrased to the players. honed his skills in the Second and Third Wars.
The action takes place in Khaz Modan’s Bad- Soon the Dark Irons not only accepted him, they
lands and involves the Dark Iron dwarves. honored him. They taught him their histories and
the stories from the times before the War of Three
Adventure Background Hammers — from their perspective, of course.
Rumholt Thunderaxe, an Ironforge dwarf be- Rumholt sympathized with them. He understood
longing to the Explorers’ Guild, studied the Dark why his Pikesplitter ancestors had defected, and he
was proud to wear their name.
Irons for many months after learning of their re-
emergence. The Dark Irons had diverged from their Rumholt became more and more Dark Iron as
Ironforge heritage in the few hundred years since time went on. He was not evil, but neither did he
the War of Three Hammers, gaining new abilities think the Dark Irons were evil, just misunderstood
and losing old ones. Even their physical structure and justifiably vengeful. Rumholt did not partici-
was different. Investigations into Rumholt’s own pate in an attack against an Ironforge caravan, but
family tree revealed that two of his ancestors — his neither did he condemn it.
grandfather’s cousins — joined the Dark Irons Six months after Rumholt joined the clan, a
during the war. Curiosity spurred Rumholt to great trogg band broke into the cave system. The troggs
feats of research, but he finally realized that study in rampaged through the caverns, killing many before
his comfortable Ironforge home was not enough. the Dark Irons defeated them. Among the dead was
One year ago, Rumholt purchased a magic item the chieftain Bakthet. A few Dark Irons threw
able to change his appearance (a hat of disguise) Rumholt’s name (actually, M’nath’s name) into
from a passing goblin merchant. Rumholt left a the running to become the new chieftain. Rumholt
letter for his son Dedrik, who was abroad fighting defeated his rivals in combat and became the clan’s
troggs in the Wetlands. This letter stated that new leader, claiming the fallen chief’s magic pen-
Rumholt was leaving to “conduct field research” dant as his prize.
but left the specifics vague; it also stated that Rumholt was ecstatic about his new position.
Rumholt did not know when he would return. Now he could be with the people he had come to
With that, Rumholt left Ironforge and set out for respect and who respected him. And in his leader-
the Badlands. ship position he could ensure that the Dark Irons
When he was safely away from the dwarven fought only against evil creatures.
capital, Rumholt donned his hat of disguise and Yet Rumholt missed his son. Dedrik was Rumholt’s
altered his appearance to resemble a Dark Iron only family, and he had not seen him in many long
months. Rumholt knew that, patriotic as Dedrik
was, once he truly saw the Dark Irons he would
understand and stay with his father. Rumholt sim-
ply had to figure out a way to get him to his side.
One year after leaving Ironforge, Rumholt’s scouts
told him of a solitary Ironforge dwarf making his
way across the Badlands. Rumholt recognized his
son from the description. He was overjoyed. Though
he briefly toyed with the idea of having his warriors
abduct Dedrik, he dismissed that plan because it
would only serve to demonstrate the Dark Irons’
violent nature.
Instead, Rumholt planted a message where Dedrik
would be sure to find it. The message stated that
Rumholt had been captured by Dark Iron dwarves
and was being held prisoner. “I do not believe they
mean to harm me, but please come quickly!” the
message pleads. Rumholt knew that this would
draw his son to his side. What he did not count on
was Dedrik hiring a group of heroes to help him.
Adventure Synopsis
The heroes, roaming the Badlands, meet Dedrik
Thunderaxe, a young dwarf searching for his father.
Dedrik recently discovered a message from his father
saying that the older dwarf had been captured. The
message also gives directions to his location. Of
course Dedrik wishes to rescue his father, but he does
not know how dangerous the caves will be. He asks
the heroes to accompany him.
If they accept, Dedrik and the PCs journey to a
cave system controlled by Dark Iron dwarves.
Rumholt had everything arranged, but did not plan
on his son hiring mercenaries. He does not particu-
larly want to kill the heroes but has few options. He
orders his men to slay his son’s companions if they
must, but take Dedrik alive.
The heroes delve through the complex, combat-
ing Dark Iron dwarves and their various allies.
Finally, they reach the clan’s leader — M’Nath
Pikesplitter (Rumholt in disguise). Rumholt can-
not bring himself to kill good people (who are also
Dedrik’s friends) and surrenders, telling his son
everything. The heroes must decide what to do
with Rumholt.
Yet the magic necklace Rumholt took from the
dead chieftain has a hidden power. This item is a
dark ruby‡ and allows one of Ragnaros’ servants to
keep tabs on the wearer. Rumholt’s dark ruby is
under the purview of a fire elemental called Flarion,
and he does not like Rumholt’s story. The elemen- “Pleased to meet you, pleased. I’ve got a bit of a problem
tal teleports to the cavern to incinerate the traitor. I was wondering if you could help me with, if you’ve time.
“Y’see, my father, Rumholt Thunderaxe, is a member
For the Heroes of the Explorer’s Guild. About a year ago, he left our
home in Ironforge. I was fighting in the Wetlands at the
The adventure begins in the Badlands. The he- time, and when I got home I found a note from my dad
roes could be in the Badlands for any number of that said he was going to do ‘field research.’ Now that
reasons, including the following: was a bit surprising, since Dad’s not much of a mover. But
• Searching for titan ruins (perhaps at Ironforge’s he did pick up some skills in the Second and Third Wars,
behest). so I wasn’t too worried. At least, not for a while. But he’s
• Hunting monsters. been gone for a long time now. I asked around, but no one
• Trying to drive the troggs away from Uldaman. seemed to know where he’d gone. Dad didn’t really have
any friends, anyway. So I went out myself to try to find
• Patrolling the area for Kargath.
him. I knew he had been doing research on Dark Iron
• Chasing a fugitive. dwarves, so I came to the Badlands.
• Searching for Rumholt Thunderaxe. (Dedrik “And it’s a good thing I did! Look, just yesterday I
could have hired the PCs in Ironforge or elsewhere; found this note near an abandoned camp site.” Dedrik
in this case, the GM must slightly amend the removes a wrinkled scrap from his pouch.
adventure’s opening.) One of the heroes may even
be a relative or friend of Rumholt or his son. At this time, show the players the note on the
The heroes’ location in the Badlands does not next page, immediately before "Dungeon Features"
matter; the GM can relocate the dungeon easily. (or jot it down on a scrap of paper).
The default setting places the dungeon about 50
miles southeast of Kargath. “So I’m on my way to rescue my dad. I don’t know how
When you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase long ago this was written, but I better go quickly. Thank
the following boxed text: the Light I ran into you folks. I’d’a gone in there on my
own otherwise, no matter the danger. So what say you?
The Badlands lives up to its name. The earth is baked Will you help me rescue my dad?”
dry and terribly hot. Shattered rocks litter the ground
like broken bones, and crags thrust into the air like If the heroes ask about payment, Dedrik can offer
fossilized spines. Dust covers the ground, stings eyes them 500 gp apiece, but not until they get back to
and coats mouths. Ironforge (he brought only 70 gp for supplies).
A sudden rumbling of hooves sounds through the air. Dedrik answers any other questions as best he can,
A rider approaches you rapidly from the west. As he though he does not know much more.
closes, you can see that he is a dwarf upon a brown
If the heroes agree, Dedrik thanks them heartily
pony. He waves his arm and shouts, but hoof beats and
and they set out. Traveling to the dungeon takes a
distance drown his words.
good day or two, depending on where the GM
Finally he reaches you, puffing heavily. He has a
locates the complex. If the players are itching for
large brown beard, a waraxe strapped to his side and
some combat, feel free to throw a wandering band
a blunderbuss slung across his back. Dust covers his
tattered blue cloak and heavy mail. of gnolls, troggs or ogres their way (EL 7 or 8 is
appropriate). Otherwise, the journey is uneventful.
“Greetings to you, travelers,” he huffs, swinging
Dedrik Thunderaxe, male Ironforge dwarf Ftr5Ftr5: CR 5;
down from his pony. “Anyone journeying in this hor-
Medium humanoid (dwarf); HD 5d10+10, hp 44; Init +0;
rible place must be resourceful. My name is Dedrik
Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +5;
Thunderaxe.” He thrusts out his arm.
Grp +8; Atk +10 melee (1d10+6/x3, dwarven waraxe); Full
Atk +10 melee (1d10+6/x3, dwarven waraxe) or +5 ranged
After the heroes give their names, continue with (special, blunderbuss); SQ darkvision 60 ft., stability,
the following boxed text: stonecunning, stone flesh (+2 AC for 7 rounds), +2 racial
bonus on saving throws against poison, +1 racial bonus on
attack rolls against giants; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will are especially stealthy, Rerjik warns the Dark Irons
+3; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10. of their approach. The PCs may spot the totem (it
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8. has a +8 Hide bonus due to its size) and destroy it,
Feats: Alertness, Foe Hunter (troggs)‡, Lightning Re- but by this time Rerjik will probably have seen
flexes, Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), Weapon them.
Specialization (dwarven waraxe). If Rerjik spots the approaching heroes, he exam-
Possessions: +1 dwarven waraxe, blunderbuss, master- ines them for a few rounds before reporting to
work half-plate, masterwork heavy steel shield, 70 gp. Rumholt. Under normal circumstances, the gnoll
sees the PCs when they are still several hundred
To anyone who finds this: yards from the dungeon entrance. Rumholt is ini-
tially very pleased that his son heeded his summons,
I have been captured by Dark Iron dwarves!
but grows dismayed when Rerjik tells him of Dedrik’s
They are nice enough so far, but are holding
companions. He does not wish to slay these new-
me prisoner. I do not believe they mean to
comers but sees no other choice. Finally, he orders
harm me, but please help! The cave they are
a group of his warriors to release their trained dire
taking me to is about 50 miles southeast of
lion on the heroes and bring Dedrik back alive.
Kargath, beneath a plateau.
Rumholt then sits back to wait for his son. Guilt
Please hurry! and uncertainty addle his thinking, and he does not
— Rumholt Thunderaxe consider that the approaching party might best his
dwarves. He leaves the attack in Rerjik’s charge
and retires to Area 7 to brood.
Dungeon Features If the heroes bypass the totem, the GM must
Rumholt’s Dark Iron dwarves live in a cave amend several of the following encounters. Rumholt
system carved ages ago by an underground stream. and his minions undertake similar tactics in either
The water is long since dried, but its handiwork case, and the chief makes identical commands and
remains. Though the caves were naturally formed, actions (as above) when he learns of intruders.
the Dark Irons have shaped, strengthened and Creatures: Unless the heroes defeated the sentry
improved them. Walls are carved stone, reinforced ward before Rerjik spotted them, a group of Dark
in places with iron slats. Doors are also iron, unless Iron dwarves attacks when the PCs are about 100
otherwise specified. feet from the dungeon. They release their dire lion
Reinforced Stone Walls: 5 feet thick (at least); hardness upon the heroes while they themselves stand near
8; hp 540; Break DC 50; Climb DC 20. the cave entrance with their rifles.
Iron Doors: 2 inches thick; hardness 10; hp 60; Break DC 28. Dire Lion: hp 60. See MM, Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z.
The lion wears an iron collar with two large loops on the top.
Random Encounters Dark Iron Dwarves, male and female War3 (4): CR 2;
The only creatures in this complex are Dark Iron Medium humanoid (Dark Iron dwarf); HD 3d8, hp 14 each;
Init +2; Spd 15 ft. (breastplate; base 20 ft.); AC 17 (19 with
dwarves and their allies. The dungeon is also small,
shield), touch 12, flat-footed 15 (17 with shield); Base Atk
so random encounters are rare. If you feel that the
+3; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, bayonet‡); Full Atk +4
heroes are taking particularly long to do something
melee (1d8+1/x3, bayonet‡) or +4 melee (1d10+1/x3,
or are being especially noisy about it, nearby crea- dwarven battle hammer‡), or +5 ranged (3d6/x3, long
tures may move to investigate. rifle); SQ darkvision 60 ft., fire magic affinity, resistance
to fire 8, stonecunning, +2 on saves versus poison; AL CE;
ApproachingtheDungeon(EL7) SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 9, Wis
A small plateau stands in the Badlands, its surface 10, Cha 8.
20 feet above its surroundings. In the plateau’s Skill: Intimidate +5.
southern side is a cave leading into the dungeon. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Rumholt’s shaman ally, the gnoll Rerjik Mashnose, Possessions: Breastplate; heavy steel shield; dwarven
planted a sentry ward†† atop the plateau and keeps battle hammer‡; long rifle with bayonet‡; ring, earring or
constant watch for Dedrik. Thus, unless the heroes other simple item worth 100 gp.
Tactics: The dire lion is trained to ignore dwarves
and does not attack them (if all non-dwarf PCs fall, Their skin is pale ashen, their hair and beards black, bleak
the lion eats corpses). The Dark Irons stand at the white or sickly yellow. Their eyes burn orange. They leap to
cave entrance and fire their rifles at anyone but their feet with shouts of surprise.
Dedrik, whom they have orders to take alive. If the These dwarves were expecting their companions
heroes defeat the dire lion, the Dark Irons flee into to come in, dragging a comatose or restrained Dedrik
the Badlands. They plan to creep around and ob- (though they had their weapons drawn, just in case).
serve the outcome of the PCs’ foray, and then rejoin Creatures: This room contains 4 Dark Iron warriors.
their clan (if the Dark Irons triumph) or report back Dark Iron Dwarves (4): hp 14 each. See “Approaching
to their elemental masters at Blackrock Spire (if the the Dungeon,” above, for statistics. These dwarves do not
heroes do). possess rifles.
Tactics: Three dwarves engage the intruders
Encounters while the fourth bolts down the north corridor to
Consult the map for keyed encounters. fetch Revith One-Ear from Area 3.
A short hallway opens into a large cavern. The cave looks This small cave smells of animal, feces and rotting meat.
natural, shaped with chisels and reinforced with iron bands. A pile of dry grasses lies in one corner. Thick chains hang
Passages to the west and north lead into darkness. Several from two iron rings set into the west wall. Bones, meat
dwarves sit around a stone table, weapons in hand. They scraps and other filth are scattered across the floor.
are deformed, malignant copies of Ironforge dwarves.
This chamber housed the trained dire lion. If the Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +4, Concentration +7, Disable
heroes avoided the animal earlier, it is here. Device +7, Hide +9, Listen +6§, Move Silently +9, Search
Treasure: The Dark Irons feed the lion myriad +7, Spot +7§, Use Magic Device +10.
delicacies, including gnolls. One gnoll had a secret Feats: Alertness§, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.
pocket that the dwarves did not find; the lion § While Revith’s familiar is within arm’s reach. Revith
consumed the gnoll, pocket and all. The gnoll’s receives a –1 penalty to Listen checks due to his missing ear.
emerald and silver ring (300 gp) passed through the Sorcerer Spells Known (6/5; save DC 14 + spell level):
lion’s digestive track and is now hidden in the muck 0—daze, detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read
(Search DC 22 to discover). magic; 1st—burning hands§, shield.
§ This is a fire spell, and thus is affected by Revith’s fire
Area 3: Revith’s Chambers (EL 5) magic affinity.
Read or paraphrase the following boxed text for Possessions: Masterwork longsword, flintlock pistol, two
the players: rings of ghostly duels‡, potion of aid, potion of invisibility,
potion of mage armor, potion of troll flesh††.
Someone obviously lives here. A dirty puma pelt in Sneak, lizard familiar: hp 10. See MM, Chapter 2: Animals.
one corner looks to be a bed. A large chest stands near Tactics: If alerted to combat, Revith prepares
the pelt and various personal items — clothes, utensils, himself carefully. He downs his potions of mage armor,
a few scraps of paper — are scattered around the invisibility and aid (in that order) and casts shield. This
chamber. The outline of a dwarf is chalked onto the east routine increases his AC to 21 (touch 17, flat-footed
wall, and X’s mark the body’s vital areas. 18) and grants him a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls
and 1d8+3 temporary hit points. He then moves out
and maneuvers invisibly, sizing up the opposition.
This room belongs to Revith One-Ear, a particu-
He uses a ring of ghostly duels‡ on a weak-looking
larly sadistic Dark Iron. Revith was next in line to
enemy and engages her in incorporeal melee com-
become chieftain before “M’Nath” showed up.
bat. Revith uses his Improved Feint feat to sneak
Revith did not particularly want to be chieftain, so
attack his opponent.
he harbors no resentment toward the new arrival.
In fact, M’Nath slew several troggs before they If Revith defeats his incorporeal foe or does not get a
ransacked Revith’s personal treasury, so the Dark chance to use his ring, his next tactic is to cast burning
Iron respects the new chief. Since the trogg attack, hands repeatedly on as many PCs as possible. He knows
Revith carries all his personal belongings with him. his allies are resistant to the spell’s damage. If severely
wounded (fewer than 8 hit points), Revith attempts to
Creatures: Revith is cruel, cunning and selfish.
flee (using his second ring of ghostly duels if necessary)
He savors bloodshed so long as it does not put him
and drink his potion of troll flesh†† to recover.
in danger. He is particularly fond of his rings of
ghostly duels‡ and has contacts that allow him to If surprised, Revith uses a ring of ghostly duels at
acquire more such rings cheaply. Revith is ugly, the first opportunity.
with thick scars crossing his face and a tangled, Area 4: Barracks
patchwork beard. Revith lost an ear to the dire lion
Read or paraphrase the following boxed text for
(see Area 2) during the animal’s capture and hates
the players:
the lion.
Revith One-Ear, male Dark Iron dwarf Rog3/Sor2
Rog3/Sor2: CR 5;
Medium humanoid (Dark Iron dwarf); HD 3d6+2d4+5, hp Many furs, perhaps a dozen, lie scattered across the
20; Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10; Base floor. A chest stands close to each fur. Personal objects
Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +5 melee (1d8+1/19–20, longsword); — books, clothing, weapons and the like — are strewn
Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+1/19–20, longsword) or +6 ranged about haphazardly.
(3d6/x3, flintlock pistol); SA sneak attack +2d6, spells; SQ
darkvision 60 ft., evasion, familiar, trapfinding, trap sense This room houses the bulk of the small Dark Iron
+1, fire magic affinity, resistance to fire 11, stonecunning, tribe (the dwarves found outside the dungeon, in
+2 on saves vs. poison; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3; Areas 2 and 6, and some patrolling the Badlands).
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 18. None are currently within.
Area 5: Spring (EL 7) Trap: Though not exactly a trap, the near-
The passage leading to this chamber slopes steeply boiling pool is a dangerous obstacle. In addition to
downward. As the heroes progress deeper, they heat and drowning dangers, the spring houses a
notice condensation on the walls and a sulfuric disease-causing amoeba.
taint to the air. The moisture and smell increase the Boiling Spring: CR 6; natural hazard; automatic reset;
closer they get to this area. 1d6 points of fire damage/round of exposure (10d6 for
complete immersion); disease (amoeba — effects identi-
cal to mindfire [see DMG, Chapter 8: Glossary], Fort DC 12,
Steam fills this chamber, which must be about 30 incubation 1 day, 1d4 Int).
feet around. Water beads on the walls and runs down Treasure: The captured orc managed to secret a
in rivulets. A 10-foot-wide pool on the far end bubbles magic item from his captors — a major ring of acid
continuously. Wooden buckets stand near the pool, resistance — by holding it in his mouth. After the
and several more are lined up against the walls. Dark Irons strung him up, the orc spat the ring into
Suspended above the bubbling pool is a heavyset pool below so that his torturers would never find it.
humanoid skeleton, hanging from manacled chains that The ring lies on a ledge 50 feet down, along with the
dangle from the ceiling. The bones still bear bits of orc’s jawbone. A diving character can attempt a
flesh and clothing, though the jawbone is missing. The DC 15 Search check to find the ring. A DC 30 Spot
rotten-egg stench of sulfur is overpowering. check allows a character on the shore to discern the
ring below.
This natural hot spring serves as a water source
Area 6: Throne Room (EL 7)
for the Dark Irons. They scoop the water up in
buckets and then stand the buckets against the wall Read or paraphrase the following boxed text for
to cool. Eventually, Rerjik Mashnose casts purify the players:
food and drink to rid it of a pesky disease (see “Trap,”
below). This large chamber houses several stone shelves and
The skeleton above the pool belonged to a cap- bookcases, sparsely filled with tomes and scrolls. A
tunnel in the east wall extends for about 5 feet before
tured orc from Kargath. Close inspection reveals
it is blocked by a wall of loose rock, as if a cave-in
many bullet holes (and a few lodged bullets) in the
collapsed the passage. An orange carpet stretches
arms and legs. (Rumholt did not participate in the
from the cavern’s entrance to a rocky throne at the far
orc’s capture or torture, but he did not protest end. Several wooden chairs stand near the throne. Near
against it.) one of them crouches a gnoll wearing a loincloth and
The steam grants concealment (20% miss chance) several leather straps crossing his mangy pelt. He holds
to everything in this room. The conditions have an enormous flail in both hands. Three Dark Iron dwarves,
also drawn 4 steam mephits. bayoneted rifles at the ready, stand nearby.
Creatures: The mephits get along well with the
Dark Irons, who find them amusing, but eagerly This room is Rumholt’s throne room, though the
attack other interlopers. chieftain is now idling nervously in Area 7. The
Steam Mephits: hp 13 each. See MM, Chapter 1: Monsters gnoll is Rerjik Mashnose; he serves as a last line of
A to Z. defense. Rerjik is also the de facto commander while
Tactics: The mephits rarely get a chance to do Rumholt broods. If he hears the heroes fighting in
some damage, so they fight with enthusiasm. They other areas of the complex, he sets up an ambush
all begin by using their boiling rainstorm ability (adjust the above boxed text accordingly).
from the far side of the pool, then each attempts to The secret door in the west wall is locked (Open
summon another steam mephit that uses its boiling Lock DC 22; Rerjik has the key) and trapped (see
rainstorm ability. The mephits then flit about the below).
chamber breathing steam and raking with their Secret Stone Door: 4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 60; Break
claws. They use their flight and the hot spring to DC 28; Open Lock DC 22; Search DC 20.
their tactical advantage, submerging themselves in
Trap: Attempts to open the secret door without
the pool to heal.
the key, break it down or pick the lock cause four
poisoned spears to shoot out of the wall, floor and than 50 hp. The Dark Irons fire their rifles at
ceiling (two in the wall on opposite sides of the door spellcasters and other lightly armored individuals.
striking diagonally, one in the ceiling and one in Rerjik is loyal but he does not want to die. If the
the floor striking vertically). The spears reset them- heroes reduce him to 15 hp or fewer and he is not
selves in a few rounds, though a Dark Iron needs to raging, he surrenders. He offers to trade information
reapply the poison manually (the poison-bearing for his life. Note that Rerjik does not know the truth
warriors are currently on patrol in the Badlands). behind his chieftain; he believes that M’Nath
Poison Spear Trap: CR 6; mechanical; location trigger; Pikesplitter joined the tribe about a year ago and that
automatic reset; Atk +16 melee (1d8+4 plus poison, 4 spears); his combat prowess carried him through the ranks.
single target (target directly in front of the door); poison The Dark Irons give themselves up and offer
(Large monstrous scorpion venom, DC 18 Fort save resists, similar information if Rerjik surrenders or falls.
1d6 Str/1d6 Str); Search DC 19; Disable Device DC 23.
Creatures: Rerjik Mashnose and his Dark Iron Area 7: Secret Chamber (EL 9)
bodyguards lurk in this cavern. Read or paraphrase the following boxed text for
Dark Iron Dwarves (3): hp 18 each. See “Approaching the players:
the Dungeon,” above.
Rerjik Mashnose, male gnoll Bbn3/Hlr1/Sha1
Bbn3/Hlr1/Sha1: CR 6; Me- The secret door opens into a small chamber. A heap of
dium humanoid (gnoll); HD 3d12+4d8+14, hp 70; Init +6; Spd rich furs lies near the south wall, with several open chests
30 ft. (mithril half-plate; base 40 ft.); AC 21, touch 12, flat- close by. The chests overflow with clothing and other
footed 19; Base Atk +4; Grp +8; Atk +10 melee (1d10+6/ personal effects. A wooden desk with a fine, padded chair
19–20, heavy flail); Full Atk +10 melee (1d10+6/19–20, stands near the west wall. Pacing nervously near the desk
heavy flail); SA rage 1/day (7 rounds); SQ darkvision 60 ft., is a Dark Iron dwarf wearing a thin gold circlet. He is
evil touch, spontaneous casting (inflict spells), trap sense +1, heavily mailed. A shield is strapped to his back and a
uncanny dodge, weather sense +2; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Ref waraxe and flintlock pistol hang at his sides. A ruby
+3, Will +8; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 6. pendant about his neck glints with eldritch light.
Skills: Concentration +4, Listen +11, Spot +6.
Feats: Brew Potion, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus
(heavy flail). If the dwarf notices the heroes, conclude with the
Typical Divine Spells Prepared (4/3; save DC 14 + spell following few lines:
level): 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, purify food
and drink, read magic; 1st—cause fear, sentry ward†† The dwarf turns as you enter. “Rerjik, have they….”
(already cast), shield of faith. His voice trails off and his glowing eyes dim noticeably.
Possessions: Masterwork heavy flail, +1 mithril half-
plate, periapt of wisdom +2, runed bracers (SR 13)††, This dwarf is Rumholt Thunderaxe, disguised as
potion of cure critical wounds, lesser mana potion††, key to M’Nath Pikesplitter. He was hoping to receive
the secret door. word that his forces overcame the interlopers and
While Raging: As above, except: hp 84; AC 19, touch 10, successfully apprehended his son. He is distracted
flat-footed 17; Grp +10; Atk +12 melee (1d10+9/19–20, and not in the clearest mindset. He hoped to hear
heavy flail); Full Atk +12 melee (1d10+9/19–20, heavy from Rerjik Mashnose, and assumed it was the gnoll
flail); SV Fort +14, Will +10; Str 22, Con 19. who opened the secret door to his chamber. He is
Tactics: Rerjik does his best to kill the PCs and visibly surprised to see the heroes and does not react
capture Dedrik. He and his men use the throne and immediately.
chairs for cover (they are already in position if Rerjik Give the players a chance to act. Rumholt soon
organized an ambush) and fire rifles and spells at the draws his axe, just to be safe. He does not make any
heroes for as long as they can. Rerjik casts shield of aggressive moves, but Dedrik, if he lives, bellows,
faith at the earliest opportunity (he casts this spell “That’s m’ father’s axe, you bastard!” and charges.
before the battle, if possible), following this spell up Creature: Rumholt defends himself ably.
with cause fear at the toughest fighter or anyone Rumholt Thunderaxe, male Ironforge dwarf Ftr8/Exp3
engaged in melee. He then charges, targeting CR 10; Medium humanoid (Ironforge dwarf); HD
spellcasters first, if able. Rerjik rages if reduced to less 3d6+8d10+33, hp 102; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 24, touch 11,
flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +14; Atk +17 melee
(1d10+7/19–20/x3 plus dispelling, dwarven waraxe); Full “I know this story seems odd,” says Rumholt. “I
Atk +17/+12 melee (1d10+7/19–20/x3 plus dispelling, suppose my actions may have caused the deaths of
dwarven waraxe) or +11 ranged (3d6/x3, flintlock pistol); Ironforge dwarves and other innocents. I do not know
SQ darkvision 60 ft., stability, stonecunning, stone flesh what to do but put myself in your hands. Do what you
(+3 AC for 13 rounds), +2 on saves vs. poison, +1 racial think best.” He hangs his head.
bonus on attack rolls against giants; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref Dedrik’s brow furrows, then he shakes his head and
+4, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 11§ (9). turns to you. “I s’pose I’m biased here. Please, what do
§ Due to Rumholt’s dark ruby‡. you think we should to with my dad?”
Skills: Appraise +8, Bluff +5, Craft (cartography) +8,
Decipher Script +8, Disguise +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, The heroes now get to decide how to deal with
Knowledge (history) +19, Knowledge (local — Khaz Modan) Rumholt. This is a good opportunity to grant expe-
+19, Listen –2, Spot –2. rience points for skillful roleplaying.
Feats: Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), The fire elemental Flarion observed this entire
Improved Critical (dwarven waraxe), Improved Initiative, meeting through Rumholt’s dark ruby‡, and the
Skill Focus (Knowledge [local — Khaz Modan]), Power creature does not like what he heard. A hated
Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [history]), Spellbreaker†, Ironforge dwarf masquerading as one of his own
Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), Weapon Specialization servants? Intruders carving their way through his
(dwarven waraxe). forces and leaving in triumph? This is not to be
Possessions: +1 dispelling†† dwarven waraxe, +1 full tolerated! Flarion teleports to Rumholt’s side via the
plate, +2 heavy steel shield, dark ruby‡, hat of disguise, dark ruby to lay waste to his enemies. When you feel
potion of cure serious wounds. the time is appropriate for Flarion’s appearance,
Tactics: Rumholt does not want to harm his son read or paraphrase the following.
and gives ground, taking full defense actions. If the
heroes wade in to help, Rumholt has no objections
A sudden roar fills the chamber, and three enormous
against attacking them and hacks away with his
conflagrations flash into being. They are vaguely hu-
axe. His conscience overcomes him quickly, how-
manoid, with bright yellow flames picking out jagged
ever, and in 2 or 3 rounds he surrenders. Read or
eyes and mouths. The center being, larger than the
quote the following: others, speaks with a voice like a raging inferno.
“I am Flarion, servant to mighty Ragnaros. This cha-
The dwarf throws down his axe and raises his hands. “I rade ends here.”
surrender. Please… I… I know where your father is, Dedrik. The blazing creatures draw themselves up to attack!
I haven’t harmed him… I…. No, maybe I have hurt him more
than anyone else ever could. Let me….”
The dwarf raises his hands slowly, then takes hold of the
circlet and lifts it off his head. The dwarf undergoes an Creatures: Flarion, a Huge fire elemental, and
immediate transformation as soon as the crown leaves his his two Large servants confront the heroes.
hair. His beard fills out and becomes rich brown streaked Flarion, Huge Fire Elemental: hp 145. See MM, Chapter 1:
with gray. His nose lengthens, his complexion darkens and Monsters A to Z.
his orange eyes fade to milky blue. Large Fire Elementals (2): hp 59, 55. See MM, Chapter
Dedrik gasps. “Dad?” 1: Monsters A to Z.
Tactics: The elementals attack immediately.
Flarion’s first action is to use the dark ruby’s‡ power
Rumholt, ashamed, tells the PCs and his son his
to cast hold person on Rumholt and take him out of
entire story (see the “Adventure Background” sec-
the fight. The elementals then lash out at the
tion). After this rendition, read or paraphrase the
heroes and Dedrik, first targeting anyone using cold
attacks. They chase down any who flee. If the
heroes dispel the hold person incapacitating Rumholt,
the dwarf viciously battles the elementals in an
attempt to redeem himself.
defeat the Scourge. Finally, he realized that only
Concluding the Adventure one force ever held control over the Lich King: the
After the heroes defeat Flarion and his allies and Burning Legion. Blarus knew that trafficking with
decide what to do with Rumholt, the adventure is demons is exceedingly dangerous but could think of
over. If Dedrik promised them a reward, they can no better solution. So, carefully, he studied warlock
return to Ironforge to claim it. Other rewards may magic. Blarus planned to use the Legion to destroy
come from Rumholt, if the heroes were especially the Lich King — or at least decimate the Scourge
kind to him — or confiscated his equipment as to the point where the forsaken could overcome it.
“punishment.” Dedrik thanks them for their help, Eventually, he realized he would need help, so he
though he is distraught at his father’s behavior and spread a few rumors that drew a handful of acolytes
somewhat distracted in the final scenes. to his side. Unfortunately, these rumors also at-
“Dark Iron Chains” can lead to other adventures, tracted the attentions of Varimathras, Undercity’s
such as the following. dreadlord protector. Varimathras’ forces raided
• Surviving Dark Iron dwarves tell their tale to Blarus’ lab, and the warlock and his surviving
their kin and perhaps to the fire elementals at apprentices fled the city.
Blackrock Spire. These forces hunt the PCs for Blarus and his coven wandered for a time, avoid-
revenge. ing forsaken patrols and searching for a new base.
• Revith One-Ear, Rerjik Mashnose and/or During this time, Blarus came into contact with
Flarion, if they survived, become recurring villains Mael Shelub, a nerubian necromancer who seemed
who continue to plague the heroes. interested in defeating the Scourge. Mael offered
• The throne room (Area 6) is an excellent spot his services to Blarus, who readily accepted. The
to place a hook for a subsequent adventure. A group settled in Gaval Moch, a ruined castle in
treasure map or clue could be hidden inside a book Silverpine Forest.
or scroll case. Blarus’ continued experiments again drew a
• Rumholt’s defection is not the end of his dreadlord’s attention. This creature was Ganthrifal,
villainous career. With the best intentions, he a nathrezim who had been skulking about Silverpine
becomes a Dark Iron spy within Ironforge and since the forsaken took Undercity. Ganthrifal spied
attempts to sabotage the dwarves’ military. on Blarus and concluded that this silly warlock
• Tales of the heroes’ exploits spread throughout could be useful. The dreadlord pretended to be
the Badlands. Every gnoll, ogre, Dark Iron dwarf called by one of Blarus’ spells and assisted the
and trogg in the area seeks to test its mettle against forsaken in his studies. With Ganthrifal’s help,
these adventurers. Blarus called a few other demons, and his acolytes
made great strides in their magical studies.
Ganthrifal fed Blarus’ delusions, and the warlock
Dead Men’s Tales believed he controlled the demon. Things were
“Dead Men’s Tales” is a Warcraft RPG adven- going well.
ture designed for four 11th-level heroes. The heroes Then a roving ogre band attacked Gaval Moch,
can be of any race or class. Boxed text is meant to hoping to use the ruins for its own purposes. Blarus’
be read aloud or paraphrased to the players. forces drove the ogres away, and Mael Shelub
The action takes place in Lordaeron’s Silverpine animated their corpses to replace the acolytes lost
Forest and involves a rogue forsaken, his allies and in the attack. However, one ogre managed to snatch
a few demons. Ganthrifal’s magic sword and escape with the rest.
Ganthrifal was incensed. Blarus warned him not
Adventure Background to go after the ogres, as he could give away their
operation. Of course Ganthrifal would not be com-
Blarus Whitrick, like most of his fellow forsaken, manded by Blarus; after recovering his exhausted
hates the Scourge. The Lich King afflicted him magical powers, Ganthrifal left to reclaim the blade.
with undeath, murdered his family and destroyed
Ganthrifal tracked the ogres easily and happened
his country. Blarus studied wizardry to gain per-
upon them just as they attacked the small human
sonal power, all the while concocting plans to
village of Deadhollow. The ogres wanted to use the
village as a base, since Blarus’ forces denied them
For the Heroes
Gaval Moch. Not one to let a little matter like an The adventure begins in Deadhollow, a human
ongoing melee stop him, Ganthrifal charged in to village in Silverpine Forest. Thus far, Deadhollow’s
recover his weapon and spread some destruction folk have avoided confrontation with the forest’s
while he was at it. The heroes happen to be in the hostile forces, mainly because the village is so small
village during this combined attack. and useless that none want to bother with it.
The heroes can be in Deadhollow for any number
Adventure Synopsis of reasons, including the following:
After the heroes drive off Deadhollow’s assailants, • Resting and/or re-supplying between adven-
the village’s mayor begs them to track down the tures.
dreadlord and destroy it. The heroes, being heroes, • On a mission from Dalaran to provide defense
journey to the ruined castle and confront its evils. for Deadhollow.
Several matters complicate things. One is that • Acting as ambassadors from Ironforge, the
Blarus believed Ganthrifal was under his com- Horde or Undercity.
mand, and the dreadlord’s blatant insurgence pits • Investigating reports of demonic and/or undead
the two against each other. Another is that Mael activity.
Shelub, the necromancer, despises forsaken, as • Hunting Blarus Whitrick at Undercity’s be-
they flout magical control. He has been trying to hest.
use Blarus for his own purposes, but would slay him Whatever the case, the adventure begins when
if given the opportunity. Finally, Blarus is not evil an ogre band attacks the village. This encounter
— he is simply trying to do what he thinks best to works best when the heroes are outside in the
destroy a powerful enemy. Skilled heroes can use village, perhaps heading toward an inn or shop.
these rivalries to their advantage. Read or paraphrase the following.
(1d4+8, 2 claws) or +18 melee (touch, spell) or +16 ranged
You become aware of a distant rumbling, growing (touch, spell); SA dominate, energy drain, summon infernal,
rapidly in volume until window panes rattle and tethered spell-like abilities, spells, vampiric aura; SQ damage reduc-
horses whinny and roll their eyes. Villagers move warily tion 5/good or silver, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5,
out of homes and stare in the sound’s direction. Screams fiendish defense, spell resistance 16, demonic traits (fright-
punctuate the air. ful presence DC 24), outsider traits; AL LE; SV Fort +11, Ref
Suddenly, three peasants bolt around a shop a hun- +11, Will +15; Str 20, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 24, Wis 20, Cha 27.
dred feet away, followed closely by an ogre. The massive Skills: Bluff +24, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +28,
creature laughs as it bears down on the terrified villag- Disguise +24, Gather Information +24, Hide +19, Intimi-
ers. Nearby horses buck and strain against their bonds. date +28 Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (the planes)
Commoners cry out and flee or slam their doors. +23, Listen +21, Move Silently +19, Search +23, Sense
Motive +21, Spellcraft +23, Spot +21.
This ogre is intent on the villagers, and so re- Feats: Block Spell*, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Magic
ceives a –4 circumstance penalty to Listen and Spot Energy Control*, Persuasive.
checks to notice the heroes. In the first combat Spells: Ganthrifal casts spells as a 13th-level sorcerer.
round, the rest of the band rounds the corner after Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/8/8/8/7/5; save DC 18 +
him. At the same time, Ganthrifal swoops down. spell level): 0—acid splash, daze, ghost sound, mage hand,
Read or paraphrase the following: message, open/close, prestidigitation, restore minor dam-
age††, touch of fatigue; 1st—alarm, identify, magic missile,
The rumbling intensifies, and a group of enormous mysterious purple blast††, shield; 2nd—cripple*, mana
ogres, maybe a dozen strong, swarms around the bend. burn*, frost armor*, strike as the wind††, thunderclap††;
They laugh and brandish their clubs, taking practice 3rd—dispel magic, fireball, haste, thorn shield*; 4th—
swings at buildings and tied, barking dogs. Evil grins light blazing column††, dimension blink††, immolation*, scrying;
their faces. One, at the throng’s rear, wields a wavy- 5th—baleful polymorph, pass unknown††, passwall; 6th—
bladed greatsword in one hand. The sword has a violet greater dispel magic, true seeing.
blade, and yellow-green flames wreathe its length. Many Possessions: +1 fel greatsword inscribed with Ganthrifal’s
of the ogres are spattered with red blood. name (if he recovers the sword in the adventure’s opening
Just then, a humanoid, winged shape plummets from scenes), dread band‡.
the sky. Bald head, wicked features and enormous horns Energy Drain (Su): The DC for Ganthrifal’s en-
mark his demonic ancestry. Pale flesh covers his head, ergy drain ability is 24. Ganthrifal can extend his
while leathery orange skin is stretched across his batlike energy drain aura for 13 rounds.
wings. The creature streaks directly for the ogre wield-
Summon Infernal (Sp): Ganthrifal can attempt to
ing the flaming greatsword.
summon an infernal 1/day with a 65% chance of
success. The infernal remains for 10 rounds.
Creatures (EL 15): Fourteen ogres comprise the
Tactics: The ogres are frustrated at their earlier
band, while Ganthrifal is on his own.
failure against Gaval Moch and are eager to flex
Ogres (14): hp 26 each. See Manual of Monsters, Chap-
their muscles. They are not entirely stupid and flee
ter One: Creatures of Azeroth.. One doomed ogre wields
if reduced to 5 or fewer members. Note that the ogre
Ganthrifal’s magic greatsword instead of a greatclub. His
attacks are therefore at +7 melee (2d6+7 plus 1d6 fel plus with Ganthrifal’s greatsword can deal significant
1d6 unholy to good creatures, greatsword). The blade also damage to the dreadlord, as the sword is inscribed
deals double damage to Ganthrifal, as it is inscribed with his with Ganthrifal’s name and its fel ability allows it to
name. bypass his damage reduction.
Ganthrifal, advanced male dreadlord
dreadlord: CR 14; Medium out- Ganthrifal attempts to slay the ogre wielding his
sider (demonic, evil, extraplanar, lawful); HD 13d8+39, hp sword and recover the blade. He then slashes apart
108; Init +7; Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good); AC 26, touch 18, anything nearby, reveling in mayhem and bloodshed.
flat-footed 23; Base Atk +13; Grp +18; Atk +19 melee He enjoys casting immolation* and blazing column†† to
(2d6+8/19–20 plus 1d6 fel plus 1d6 unholy to good-aligned incinerate enemies, and uses dimension blink†† to
creatures, greatsword) or +18 melee (1d4+8, claw); Full Atk maneuver around the battlefield. Ganthrifal fights
+19/+14/+9 melee (2d6+8/19–20 plus 1d6 fel plus 1d6 the heroes eagerly, but teleports back to Gaval Moch
unholy to good-aligned creatures, greatsword) or +18 melee if reduced to 54 hit points or fewer.
Factious Leaders
Several powerful individuals control the plots The demons in Gaval Moch (except the war-
brewing in Gaval Moch. These creatures are locks’ familiars) are loyal only to Ganthrifal but
potent adversaries, but the rivalries and suspi- pretend to serve Blarus.
cions among them can play to the heroes’ Mael Shelub: Mael Shelub is a bitter and cruel
advantage. Use the information below to adjudi- necromancer. He despises everyone, especially
cate outcomes based on PC actions. The heroes the Lich King, and prefers the company of the
can discover this information by stealth, guile, dead to that of the living. Mael hates the Lich
divination, questioning captured enemies or any King because he feels that undead creatures
other such method. “Dead Men’s Tales” is a good should always be under mortal control — any-
example of an adventure where a bit of early thing else is an abomination. This mindset also
scouting and magical research can make the pits him against the free-willed, uncommanded
heroes’ job much easier. forsaken. Mael, like Ganthrifal, pretends to serve
Blarus Whitrick: The original forsaken to Blarus because he believes he can use him. His
embark on this endeavor, Blarus traffics with magic allows him to animate minor undead
demons because he believes this is the only way to creatures — zombies and skeletons — that do
defeat the Scourge. Blarus gathered a flock of routine work around Gaval Moch but offer no
acolytes to his ideals, and these apprentices fol- real combat ability. To supplement his army,
low him zealously. He also recruited Mael Shelub, Mael stalks Silverpine Forest and brings more
and though Blarus is suspicious of the zombies into his fold. He also convinced (mak-
necromancer’s motives, he believes Mael to be ing liberal use of command undead) a local spectre
loyal. Until recently, Blarus thought Ganthrifal to join him, and the creature serves loyally. In
was under his command, but the dreadlord’s re- addition, after the ogre attack, Mael attempted
cent insurgence makes Blarus dubious. He knows to create zombies from the ogre dead. He knew
dealing with the Legion is dangerous and does not the possibility was remote since ogres, being
want to take chances. Blarus plans to confront giants, are not eligible to become zombies. Much
Ganthrifal sometime in the next week or so, and to his surprise, they did rise from the ground —
if he is not satisfied, he and his acolytes will drive but as withered** ogres, not zombies. Mael be-
the creature back to the Twisting Nether. lieves that he is a surpassingly competent
Ganthrifal’s disobedience also makes Blarus doubt necromancer. The truth is that the Lich King,
the loyalties of the demons the dreadlord helped dimly aware of a remote threat, granted Mael a
him summon, and he keeps a wary eye on these small amount of power to combat Blarus’ plans.
beings. Blarus always has a few anti-demon spells Mael hates Blarus and would willingly slay
(protection from evil, hooks of binding†† and the him, though his undead alone are not powerful
like) prepared just in case. enough to do so and he still believes he can use
Ganthrifal: Ganthrifal believes that naïve Blarus. The nerubian despises Ganthrifal, who
Blarus can become a tool for the Legion. Indeed, moved in on his territory. Mael often entertains
Ganthrifal and the warlock have already sum- the thought of murdering the cunning dreadlord.
moned several demons to Azeroth. Holding a The most likely candidate to join the heroes
very low opinion of Blarus, and of non-demons in against the other factions, Mael Shelub is also
general, Ganthrifal believes he can allay the just as likely to turn against them in the after-
forsaken’s suspicions with a few honeyed words. math. He is chaotic evil and not to be trusted.
Treasure: The ogres carry some plunder: 1,349 Ganthrifal, but the dreadlord slew him and took
gp total. The heroes may also get their hands on the weapon as his own. He is quite protective of the
Ganthrifal’s +1 fel greatsword, which proves espe- blade.
cially deadly against its owner. A rival demon After the heroes drive off or slay Ganthrifal and
forged this sword several years ago for use against the ogres, read or paraphrase the following.
Sammas cannot tell the heroes much else. As he
Villagers creep back into the street while the horses said, Deadhollow does not have much in the way of
stand shivering. Men and women hug each other and reward, though if the heroes insist he supposes he can
examine the wreckage of their homes and businesses. A scrape together about 400 gp. If the PCs ask about
well-dressed man with gray hair and mustache picks his the monsters seen at Gaval Moch, Sammas tells
way toward you through the mess. He offers an uncom- them, “Undead and humanoid figures robed in black.
fortable smile. Some men reported seeing strange, houndlike crea-
“Hello,” he says when he reaches you. “I am Sammas tures with enormous jaws and horns. One hunter
Gomein, mayor of… what is left of Deadhollow. Thank claims he saw a giant spidery creature, wielding a staff
you very much for protecting our village. I fear I have or spear in humanlike hands.” Sammas can also give
nothing to offer you in way of recompense save for the the heroes precise directions to Gaval Moch, which
gratitude of my small village. is about 10 miles northeast of Deadhollow.
“However, I am afraid the dangers may not be de-
feated. The ogres were perhaps just a roving band of
cutthroats, but that winged creature… I have heard tales
Dungeon Features
of the nathrezim. Demons rarely operate alone, particu- Gaval Moch, an old human castle, is constructed
larly dreadlords. For some weeks now hunters and of heavy masonry blocks. The castle is falling into
trappers have reported strange activity in the north- ruin and decay as the forest reclaims its stones. Mael
east. Unusual creatures roaming around a ruin called Shelub’s undead perform routine maintenance and
Gaval Moch. I fear that this demon may somehow be have repaired the doors and strengthened walls. The
involved with this activity. I fear for my people. Please, rooms’ only light comes from sickly sunbeams that
investigate Gaval Moch and, if the creatures within pose enter through the windows, providing shadowy illu-
a threat to our village, eliminate them.” mination. At night, Gaval Moch is pitch black.
Masonry Walls: 1 ft. thick; hardness 8; hp 90; Break DC
35; Climb DC 15.
Wooden Doors: 1 1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15; Break
DC 16. creatures stand outside the doors. Four resemble ogres,
but their pallid skin, withered flesh and stillness mark
Random Encounters them as something else. Prowling about them is a 4-
foot-tall creature resembling a hound, with a gigantic,
The only creatures in this complex are Blarus and toothy maw and two horns protruding from its brow.
his erstwhile allies. The dungeon is also small, so
random encounters are rare. If you feel that the
heroes are taking particularly long to do something Members from every faction guard the entrance.
or are being especially noisy about it, nearby crea- In addition to the withered ogres and fel hunter
tures may move to investigate. Zombies circulate outside, one of Blarus’ forsaken acolytes sits behind
about the dungeon and grounds regularly, perform- a desk 15 feet within the ruin (Area 2). A gnoll
ing maintenance, chopping wood, drawing water zombie attendant accompanies the acolyte.
and the like. They ignore intruders unless attacked Creatures: The fel hunter uses its sense magic
(see Area 1 for their statistics). ability to detect intruders. If the creature senses
unknown magic, it emits a snarling howl and charges
Approaching the Dungeon the suspect.
Fel Hunter: hp 72. See Manual of Monsters, Chapter
Sammas’ directions take the heroes straight to Two: The Burning Legion.
Gaval Moch. The forest is thick and dangerous, but Withered Ogres (4) (4): CR 4; Large undead; HD 4d12, hp
nothing confronts the PCs during their journey (in 56§ each; Init +4; Spd 20 ft. (hide armor; base speed 40
part because Mael Shelub has recruited nearby ft.); AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +3; Grp +17;
undead to his side). If you like, you can insert an Atk +14 melee (2d8+15, Large greatclub); Full Atk +14
encounter with a hunter, woodcutter or traveling melee (2d8+15, Large greatclub); Space/Reach 10 ft./10
merchant. Such a character could remark on the ft.; SA paralysis; SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
foes in Gaval Moch and may offer hints as to the spell resistance 15, damage reduction 5/–, immunity to
rivalries brewing within. cold and fire; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref –1, Will +2; Str 30,
Dex 11§ (7), Con —, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 4.
Encounters § The withered ogres gain +30 hit points and +4 Dexter-
Consult the map for keyed encounters. Due to ity due to Mael Shelub’s Undead Mastery†† feat.
space limitations, many areas remain undescribed. Skills: Climb +9, Intimidate +2, Listen +7, Spot +7.
Feel free to expand this adventure by filling in these Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus
vacant areas with creatures, traps and encounters of (greatclub).
your own design. Acolyte, female human forsaken Wiz5/Wrl1
Wiz5/Wrl1: CR 7; Me-
dium undead; HD 6d12, hp 47; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10,
Area 1: Entrance (EL 11) touch 9, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk +3 melee
Read the following when the heroes move within (1d8+1/x3, spear); Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/x3, spear), or +3
sight of the ruins. melee (touch, spell), or +1 ranged (touch, spell); SA frenzy;
SQ enhanced conjuring, demonic companion, immunities,
Gaval Moch squats in a depression in the spongy fearless, +4 turn resistance; AL CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will
forest ground. The castle may once have been impres- +7; Str 12, Dex 9, Con —, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10.
sive but is now a ruined hulk. Turrets and battlements Skills: Concentration +9, Decipher Script +12, Knowl-
have fallen away, and masonry blocks lie scattered on edge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +3§,
the ground like children’s toys. The second story is Spellcraft +12, Spot +3§.
missing its roof in most places, and its walls have Feats: Alertness§, Craft Wand, Improved Initiative, Light-
crumbled. The ground floor looks in better condition, ning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration).
possibly repaired recently. One large, solitary tower § While the acolyte’s demonic companion is within arm’s reach.
still stands. The remains of the outer wall and a few Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (5/5/5/4; save DC 13 +
outlying buildings are barely visible lumps in the foliage. spell level): 0—acid splash§, arcane mark, daze, mage
The obvious entrance is a pair of oaken double doors hand, prestidigitation; 1st—expeditious retreat, magic
that stand ajar, revealing a shadowed interior. Several missile, obscuring mist§, shield, summon monster I§; 2nd—
frost armor*, stitch††§, storm hammer*§, web; 3rd— If the acolyte successfully teleports to Blarus’ cham-
dispel magic, fireball, slow, stinking cloud§. bers, the warlock becomes aware of the attack. He
§ These spells belong to the conjuration school. Due to the grows suspicious of Mael Shelub, since the zombie
acolyte’s Spell Focus feat, the DC for these spells is 14 + spell messenger never reached him. Combined with his
level. Prohibited schools: divination and necromancy. new distrust of Ganthrifal, Blarus is convinced the
Possessions: Spear; potion of inflict serious wounds; attack comes from one or both of his allies. The
scrolls of acid fog, summon monster VI and teleport; warlock casts alarm in Area 6, places his invisible
spellbook containing all spells listed above plus all conjura- demonic companion outside his room as a lookout,
tion spells of 0- through 3rd level listed in the PHB, locks his door and prepares to destroy whatever enters.
Warcraft RPG and Magic & Mayhem Mayhem. This acolyte’s If Ganthrifal, in Area 4, perceives the attack (use
spellbook is in Area 2. your discretion — he hears explosions and notices
Demonic Companion, imp: hp 23. See the MM, Chapter 1: the ground shaking, for instance), he heads out
Monsters A to Z. (using greater teleport) immediately to take part. He
Gnoll Zombie
Zombie: CR 1; Medium undead; HD 4d12, hp 46§; flies above the battlefield, using his spells and spell-
Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk like abilities judiciously. If reduced to 50 hit points
+1; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (1d6+4, slam); Full Atk +5 melee or fewer, he teleports back to Area 4 to heal before
(1d6+4, slam); SA parasitic infestation; SQ darkvision 60 moving back out to do battle again.
ft., single actions only; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0;
Str 19, Dex 14§ (10), Con —, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 4. Area 2: Acolyte’s Desk
§ The zombie gains +20 hit points and +4 Dexterity due Read the following when the heroes investigate
to Mael Shelub’s Undead Mastery†† feat. this location.
Skills: Intimidate –1, Listen +2.
Feat: Weapon Focus (heavy flail).
A small wooden desk and chair stand in the large
Tactics: The withered ogres move forward to entrance hall. An open book rests on the desk, along
engage the closest enemies in melee. The fel hunter with an inkpot and quill.
uses dispel magic on the hero with the most and/or
strongest magic auras, then pounces on an arcane
spellcaster. The demon’s favorite tactic is to charge Treasure: The book is the acolyte’s spellbook
and pounce, then back off and use its mana burn* (see Area 1).
ability, then charge and pounce again. Area 3: Demonic Chamber (EL 10)
The acolyte has strict orders in case of attack. She
This chamber is bare and empty. The creatures
sends the zombie off to warn Blarus (she scribbles a
here have no need of comfort or luxury.
quick note and presses it into the creature’s hand)
Creatures: Ganthrifal’s retinue makes this cham-
while she moves into the entrance to support the
ber its home. The felguard once “served” Blarus
counterattack. She casts frost armor* and shield
directly, but the warlock dismissed them after
before taking position, then casts fireball, slow and
Ganthrifal’s insubordination.
stinking cloud to support the undead and demons.
Felguard (2): hp 22. See Manual of Monsters, Chapter
She casts stitch†† on a spellcaster engaged in com-
Two: The Burning Legion.
bat with the fel hunter. If reduced to 25 hit points
Fel Stalkers (2): hp 45. See Manual of Monsters, Chapter
or fewer, she uses her scroll to teleport to Area 7.
Two: The Burning Legion.
Development: The acolyte’s zombie attendant
Fel Hunter: hp 72. See Manual of Monsters, Chapter
has special orders overriding those given by the
Two: The Burning Legion.
acolyte. Instead of heading to Area 7 to warn
Blarus, the creature moves to Area 5 to warn Mael Tactics: The demons are ordered to make a lot of
Shelub. Based on this information, the necroman- noise and delay attackers for as long as possible,
cer holes up in his room and sends his spectre ally alerting Ganthrifal and giving him time to prepare
to investigate. He does not warn Blarus. The spec- (see his tactics in Area 4, below). After the nathrezim
tre observes the heroes from a safe distance for a casts his preparatory spells, he joins his brethren
time before rejoining Mael Shelub in Area 5; it here. He extends his energy drain and vampiric
retreats if attacked. auras when fighting with his allies.
Area 4: Ganthrifal’s Chambers (EL 14)
This is Ganthrifal’s room. The door to the cham- reach from wall to wall at two levels above the ground,
ber is protected by a mental alarm that triggers marking where the second and third stories once were.
when a creature touches the door, thereby alerting The place is shrouded in gloom. Groaning and shuffling
sounds come from the zombies that crowd the floor. The
Ganthrifal of approaching intruders. The door is
zombies do not immediately react to your presence.
also locked and arcane locked (Open Lock DC 25,
35 with arcane lock).
The door to this chamber opens into total black- Add the following if Mael, hidden in the dark-
ness. Ganthrifal keeps his room shrouded in deeper ness near the ceiling, detects the heroes.
darkness as the gloom does not impede him. If the
heroes pierce the darkness, read the following. A rasping voice sounds from the shadows above.
“Welcome to my lair, intruders. This meeting need not
This room was obviously recently renovated. Fancy end in bloodshed.”
rugs cover the floor and silk tapestries adorn the walls,
most depicting ferocious orcs marching across a red
world. A small table stands against one wall. Decant- This ruined tower belongs to Mael Shelub and
ers, bottles, shot glasses and crystal goblets rest on his undead. Assuming he is aware of intruders in
the table. A narrow window pierces the west wall. Gaval Moch (perhaps the zombie from Area 2
alerted him), he is prepared and has summoned a
small army of zombies from the Twisting Nether
This is Ganthrifal’s room. He has a fondness for
(with his recall undead†† spell). For a long time,
expensive spirits (finding the pun extremely amus-
Mael has felt that joining forces with a hated
ing) and likes to remember Draenor’s golden age.
forsaken was a poor idea, though he has not been
The dreadlord spends little time here, usually mov-
able to determine how to extirpate himself from the
ing through the complex or insinuating himself
situation. When intruders arrive, he figures that
further into Blarus’ confidence.
this might be his chance. If allowed to parley, he
Creature: Ganthrifal is probably here when the offers to join forces with the heroes (sending zom-
heroes arrive, resting or plotting his inevitable bies ahead and coming behind himself with a
confrontation with Blarus. withered ogre retinue). See the “Factious Leaders”
Ganthrifal: hp 108. See “For the Heroes,” above. sidebar, above, for tips on adjudicating these ac-
Tactics: Ganthrifal prefers to use his spells to tions. Note that the heroes cannot trust Mael
weaken powerful opponents before wading into Shelub, and he could easily turn on them if they
melee. He uses his Block Spell feat against every grow weak or vulnerable.
spell cast against him and casts baleful polymorph, Creatures: If Mael did not have a chance to call
blazing column†† and greater dispel magic to impede his zombies, only 9 are here (8 if the zombie from
his foes. If given time to prepare, the dreadlord casts Area 2 never arrived). If Mael summoned his zom-
frost armor*, immolation*, pass unknown†† and true bies, he has cast all his 2nd-level spells for the day.
seeing. Ganthrifal is a survivor first and foremost, Mael Shelub, male nerubian Sor6/Ncr3
Sor6/Ncr3: CR 13; Large
and if reduced to 40 hit points or fewer while in this aberration; HD 4d8+9d4+26, hp 81; Init +7; Spd 40 ft.,
room he flees via greater teleport. Depending on the climb 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +7; Grp
circumstances, he may be gone for good or may +12; Atk +7 melee (1d8+1 plus poison, bite), or +8 melee
have fled just long enough to heal before returning (1d8+1/x3, longspear); Full Atk +7/+2 melee (1d8+1 plus
to confront the heroes again. poison, bite) and +2 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws), or +8/+3 melee
(1d8+1/x3, longspear), or +7 melee (touch, spell), or +9
Area 5: Mael Shelub’s Tower (EL variable) ranged (touch, spell); Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with
Read the following when the heroes investigate longspear); SA death touch 2/day, poison, web; SQ darkvision
this location. 60 ft., familiar, animate dead 2/day, death pact 1/day,
resistance to cold 5, frozen mind; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +7,
This must be the intact tower visible from outside. The Will +12; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 20§ (18).
interior floors have collapsed, making the tower a tall, § Increase due to magical equipment.
hollow tube. Wooden planks, dripping with cobwebs,
Skills: Climb +9, Concentration +18, Hide +7, Jump +7, Area 7: Blarus’ Chambers (EL 13)
Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +5, Spellcraft +6, Spot Read the following when the heroes investigate this
+9. location. Note that if Blarus is aware of intruders, the
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Greater Spell Focus (nec- door to this room is locked (Open Lock DC 30).
romancy), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (necromancy),
Undead Mastery††.
Poison (Ex): The Fortitude save DC for Mael Shelub’s This large chamber must once have included dividing
poison is 22. wooden walls — their remains lie deteriorated on the
floor. Thick square pillars support the ceiling. Desks and
Web (Ex): The Reflex save DC for Mael Shelub’s web
chairs are scattered about against the walls, and a dor-
ability is 17.
mitory-style bed stands near each desk.
Arcane Spells Known (6/8/7/7/5; save DC 15 + spell
level): 0—arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, mage
hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, touch of Blarus and his loyal acolytes make this large
fatigue§; 1st—alarm, chill touch§, magic missile, mysteri- subterranean room their home. If Blarus is expect-
ous purple blast††, protection from good; 2nd—command ing company (see Area 1), he casts alarm on the
undead§, recall undead††§, soul preservation††§, unholy stairway (Area 6) leading to this area and parks his
frenzy§; 3rd—dark sacrifice††§, death coil*§, frost nova*; demonic companion invisibly outside his door.
4th—enervation§, summon undead IV††§. These precautions may give him and his acolytes
§ These spells belong to the necromancy school. Due to time to prepare if he detects incoming invaders.
Mael Shelub’s Spell Focus feats, the DC for these spells is Creatures: Blarus is nervous and edgy. He does
17 + spell level. not think to parley with strangers, though if they
Possessions: Masterwork longspear; amulet of natural initiate a discussion he willingly takes part. Blarus
armor +3; cloak of charisma +2; wand of dispel magic is not evil, and skillful roleplaying can draw out his
(caster level 8th, 9 charges); wand of stoneskin (2 charges); entire story. What the heroes decide to do with this
scrolls of frost armor* (x3), mage armor (x2), pass un- information is up to them.
known†† and teleport; divinity potion††; potion of cure Blarus Whitrick, male human forsaken Cjr5/Wrl6
Cjr5/Wrl6: CR
critical wounds. 12; Medium undead; HD 11d12, hp 82; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Gnoll Zombies (8, 9 or 30): hp 46 each. See Area 1. 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +5; Grp +5; Atk +6
Spectre: hp 45. See the MM, Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z. melee (1d8/x3, spear); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8/x3, spear)
Withered Ogres (2): hp 56 each. See Area 1. or +5 melee (touch, spell) or +5 ranged (touch, spell) or +6
ranged (1d8/19–20, light crossbow); SA frenzy; SQ con-
Tactics: If pressed into combat, Mael Shelub
juration specialization, enhanced conjuring, demonic
remains above the fray. He uses a charge from his
companion, improved ally, demonic lore, extended sum-
wand of stoneskin in the first round. He quaffs his moning, immunities, fearless, +4 turn resistance; AL CN;
divinity potion†† and uses a scroll of frost armor* if the SV Fort +5§, Ref +5§, Will +13§; Str 11, Dex 10, Con —, Int
heroes assault him with ranged weapons or magic or 21§ (19), Wis 10, Cha 14.
seek to confront him in melee. His spectre ally § Increases due to equipment.
protects him against flying and climbing oppo-
Skills: Concentration +14, Decipher Script +19, Diplo-
nents. Mael pounds his enemies with spells, favoring
macy +9, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (the planes)
enervation and frost nova*. He casts magic missile on +19, Listen +2§, Spellcraft +19, Spot +2§.
enemy spellcasters giving him grief. At all times, he
Feats: Alertness§, Augment Summoning, Control Magic†,
remains on the walls near the ceiling, and if pressed
Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Iron Will, Scribe Scroll,
uses his web ability to choke the tower. Mael Spell Focus (conjuration), Spell Specialization†† (carrion
Shelub flees via his scroll of teleport if reduced to 15 swarm*).
hit points or fewer. § While Blarus’ demonic companion is within arm’s reach.
Area 6: Stairwell Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (6/8/7/7/7/5/3; save
These stairs lead down 15 feet to the lower level DC 15 + spell level): 0—acid splash§ (x2), arcane mark,
flare, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation; 1st—
and Blarus’ chambers. If the warlock is aware that
alarm, magic missile (x2), obscuring mist§, protection from
intruders prowl his keep, he has placed a mental
evil, shield, summon monster I§; 2nd—frost armor*§,
alarm on the third stair down.
Mel’s acid arrow§, moonglaive*§, stitch††§, storm ham-
mer*§, summon monster II§, web§; 3rd—dispel magic feat against his opponents’ summoned creatures. If
(x2), hooks of binding††§, lightning bolt, stinking cloud§, the battle looks like it could go either way and
slow, summon monster III§; 4th—absorb mana††, dimen- Blarus deems the situation worthy, he employs his
sion blink††§, greater thorn shield††, solid fog§, stoneskin, scroll of vengeance††. He is not bloodthirsty, but
summon monster IV§, vampiric swarm††§; 5th—carrion pursues fleeing enemies in the belief that if they
swarm*§#, cone of cold, greater hooks of binding††§, escape they could return or reveal his location. If
teleport§, summon monster V§; 6th—acid fog§, repulsion, reduced to 20 or fewer hit points and at least one
summon monster VI§. acolyte has fallen, Blarus uses his scroll of greater
§ These spells belong to the conjuration school, Blarus’ teleport to escape.
specialty. Due to Blarus’ Spell Focus feats, the DC for these Treasure: In addition to Blarus’ and the acolytes’
spells is 17 + spell level. Prohibited schools: divination,
possessions, a large wooden chest is hidden in a
enchantment, illusion, necromancy.
secret compartment in the east wall (Search DC
# Due to Blarus’ Spell Specialization feat, he casts 30). The chest contains riches that Blarus hoped to
carrion swarm as a 13th-level caster. use to bribe demons to his side. In total, the chest
Possessions: Masterwork spear; masterwork light cross- holds 20,523 gp of jewelry, gems, coins and other
bow; cloak of resistance +2; headband of intellect +2; trinkets. A mask of the Loa†† (stolen from a Horde
potion of bull’s strength (for stoneskin) (x2); potion of
representative in Undercity) also rests within.
inflict critical wounds; potion of fox’s cunning; scrolls of
acid fog, gaseous form, greater teleport and vengeance††;
spellbook containing all spells prepared plus all conjuration Concluding the Adventure
spells of 0- through 7th level in the Player’s Handbook, “Dead Men’s Tales” can end in many ways. The
Warcraft RPG and Magic & Mayhem and anything else the heroes are successful if they slay, dissuade or drive
GM deems appropriate. off the three key villains. Blarus, Ganthrifal and
Blarus’ Demon Companion, imp: hp 41. See the MM, Mael Shelub are all very slippery individuals and
Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z. may escape to harass the PCs again.
Acolytes (2 or 3): hp 47. See Area 1. If the acolyte from If the heroes return to Deadhollow in triumph,
Area 1 teleported here, this area holds 3 acolytes. Other- the villagers throw an inordinately huge party.
wise, 2 inhabit this room. They rarely get to celebrate anything. In addition
Acolytes’ Demonic Companions, imps (2 or 3): hp 23. See to wining and dining the heroes to excess (breaking
the MM, Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z. into underground stores in the process), Sammas
Tactics: If Blarus becomes aware of impending officially renames the village after the heroes. (The
danger (either from the alarm in Area 6, his de- party can either agree on a group name or select one
monic lookout or some other means), he and his of their number to represent them all. They can
acolytes prepare themselves accordingly. Blarus suggest other names if they like.) The villagers
drinks his potion of fox’s cunning to raise his spells’ beseech the heroes to stay and protect them, but
DCs and casts stoneskin. He follows with repulsion, understand if this is not possible.
greater thorn shield, frost armor, shield and as many “Dead Men’s Tales” can lead to other adventures,
summon monster spells as he has time to cast. The such as the following:
acolytes prepare with frost armor and shield. When • One or more of the principle villains escapes
the heroes enter, Blarus allows one or two of them and becomes a recurring character.
to move into the room before choking the area’s • If the heroes convince Blarus of his error, he
west half with acid fog. He hopes to keep his asks them to assist him in overthrowing the Lich
enemies engaged with summoned monsters while King by other means.
he and his acolytes pound them with spells. The • Deadhollow (under its new name) becomes a
acolytes cast slow and stinking fog (taking confi- base for the heroes for further adventures in
dence from the fact that they are immune to the Silverpine Forest.
latter’s effects) to impede opposition. Blarus prefers
• Mael Shelub’s twenty children come looking
cone of cold, vampiric swarm†† and carrion swarm*,
for Dad.
his specialty. He eagerly uses his Control Magic†
In whatever final conflict may come for the When nobles of Lordaeron, Khaz Modan and
peoples of the eastern lands with the Scourge, Azeroth would visit Prince Liam, he would proudly
certain groups will certainly claim some role in tell the story of how Yernim had protected the family
events. I have collected my research on several heirlooms while the guard was away. The other
such groups in this appendix, whether benevolent, nobles were so much impressed with the system he
nefarious or just plain addled. We would do well to had built that they asked to borrow Yernim for
keep a close watch on all the groups described here designing similar setups for their artifacts. Yernim,
— except, of course, our own Explorers’ Guild, a perhaps showing himself wiser than these great lords
true model of honor and commitment to the world’s and ladies, mentioned they probably wouldn’t want
betterment. him knowing all of their secrets. He instructed them,
with Prince Liam’s approval, to send five trusted
The Caretakers servants to him for training. Thus the continent-
wide training of the Caretakers began.
Membership: 2,500.
Others may view the Caretakers as glorified ser-
Alignment: Lawful good.
vants doing a job anyone with two hands would be
Affiliation: Alliance.
capable of. And it is true, the Caretakers are all skilled
Regions of Influence: The leadership is based in on how best to remove stains from magical cloaks, and
Stromgarde in the Arathi Highlands, but factions tarnish and blood from ancient swords. Yet those who
are spread throughout Lordaeron and even a bit in have seen these clever designers at work know that
Khaz Modan and Stormwind. they are as crafty as rogues and as clever as tinkers with
Activities: Dedicated to preserving, protecting their designs, and the lengths they will go to in order
and chronicling human artifacts, especially in the to protect their charges. Some are even trained as
Trollbane family. close-combat experts, able to fight in halls and divert
The Caretakers have humble roots, starting with and lead thieves and invaders away from the rooms
Yernim Weltom, a human servant of the Trollbane with the more precious artifacts.
family in the Arathi Highlands. He had the task of A recent specialty the Caretakers demand of
tending the Trollbane family’s rarer artifacts — their members is thorough knowledge of their en-
back when they were merely kept in a locked room emies. Previously, the only threat the Caretakers
and not in the crypt. When the family manor was had to worry about were robbers and the Horde, but
hit with a surprise bandit raid while much of the now they have added the Syndicate, the Scourge
house guard was out fighting the Horde, Yernim hid and the Burning Legion to the list, groups all eager
the artifacts in the kitchen, filling the priceless to get their hands on powerful magical items. Thus,
chalice of opal voices with gravy, tossing the ancient the Caretakers have employed explorers and sol-
sword Trol’Kalar into the pile of pig offal and diers to inform them of the likely movements,
putting the cloak of elemental protection on himself mannerisms and motivations of these enemies, the
and jumping into the massive kitchen fire to hide. better to protect their charges.
Prince Liam, grandfather of Galen Trollbane, Caretakers have few enemies, but some have
was so impressed with his servant’s ingenuity that thought they would be easy to kidnap and torture
he appointed him Caretaker of Artifacts with a staff for information, underestimating the Caretakers’
of two, and commanded the young servant to come dedication to their jobs and their employers — and
up with a better plan to protect the artifacts. Yernim sometimes their fighting prowess.
had stonemasons carve another room out of the While aware they’re not as great as the nobles
rock of the Trollbane Family Crypt for the artifacts, they serve nor as powerful as many who fight evil
wisely allowing room for more artifacts as time went face-to-face, the Caretakers know the consequences
on. He took his underlings and taught them how to if the artifacts fall to the other side, and therefore
care for the artifacts properly, what each of them the importance of their jobs.
could do in case they needed to know for their own
safety or if the artifacts were in danger (like he knew Organization
to hide in the fire with the cloak), and preservation The Caretakers are always led by the head Care-
methods. taker of the Trollbane Family Crypt. He is the only
Caretaker not chosen by his employer; rather, he is It is rare that servants will be denied entrance
selected by the board of advisors, individuals who into the Caretakers once they are sent. This or-
master one or more of the many skills Caretakers ganization serves individual interests, not the group
must have. The head Caretaker in turn replaces as a whole, and if a noble wishes a servant trained,
members of the board when needed. the Caretakers won’t argue unless the servant in
Caretakers come to Stromgarde to learn their question is quite inept. However, if the group finds
craft, but also for infrequent meetings. Regional a member has betrayed his employers and thus
leaders (Caretakers of the Chalice) meet with those broken the group’s rules, the member in question
under them and then report to Stromgarde at least will be cast out and shunned, never to be admitted
once a year. They do little more than take reports again.
from their fellow Caretakers and deliver them to Although mostly consisting of human servants,
Stromgarde. Regional Caretakers vote for their the Caretakers also have a core group of advisors
regional leader. Before the Third War, this was including Ironforge dwarves, high elves and half-
considered a choice job; now, however, it is a elves. There are members who are also tinkers,
dreaded position that requires wandering through stonemasons, mages and rogues. If a person has a
undead-riddled Lordaeron. skill that can aid the upkeep, protection or conceal-
Caretakers are also expected to keep their ment of an object, the Caretakers want her
employer’s secrets, and none of the reports include knowledge.
inventories. Reports include enemy movement, if a Individual Caretakers are worth three times as
recent acquisition requires aid from the Caretaker of much a normal servant’s salary, and the employer
the Sword or the board of advisors (for instance, if a considers it money well spent. The Caretakers then
family acquired a cursed item that froze anything send in dues of 1/5 of their salary to Stromgarde so
that touched it, like the Cursed Ring of Momar, the Caretaker of the Sword can afford to train new
currently in the Proudmoore estate under Caretaker students and to employ teachers of different spe-
of the Chalice Raknahama Pi’Lenda), whether their cialties.
employer wishes a new Caretaker to be trained, new
births or deaths within the Caretakers, and so forth. Leaders
Logan Palimore (male human Rog3): Logan is
Locations the Caretaker of the Sword and in charge of the
Yernim Weltom is dead now, but the Trollbane upkeep of the Trollbane Family Crypt. He is bril-
family that so proudly employed him still uses its liant at delegation — he feels he doesn’t need to
manor as the base of operations for The Caretakers. know the information if he knows someone who
New members are still trained there, and they still does. He has assembled the advisory council for the
have the best of all Caretakers looking after their Caretakers and welcomes the eager students who
Crypt and the formerly rubbish-bound Trol’Kalar. arrive to learn his trade. He is in his sixties and very
Caretakers in regions around Azeroth often meet at confident of his skills. He is very sure of his ability
the largest manor they serve. to judge character, which he maintains is the most
important quality in a Caretaker. Only once has he
Members misjudged a student — a young human male by the
Even though they view themselves as more im- name of Ran Tilwood who attempted to rob the
portant than mere servants, the Caretakers are still artifacts he was supposed to be guarding in
the brass ring that servants leap for. Getting sent to Stormwind. Logan banned him from the Caretak-
the Arathi Highlands for training is considered the ers, and used some contacts he had in the Stormwind
last, best job a servant will ever take, as there is Assassins to take care of the young man. Logan is
nowhere better to go. It is also an organization with short and thin, with bright blue eyes and graying
more middle-aged and older new recruits than any brown hair.
other. Nobles rarely will send servants to be trained Raknahama Pi’Lenda (female human Rog7):
to guard their secrets and their precious artifacts Raknahama is both a Caretaker of the Chalice and
unless they have known them and trusted them for Coin in the region of Kul Tiras; she looks after the
years. remaining artifacts of the Proudmoore Estate. She
Titles and Responsibilities
Caretakers are trained in many skills, but often Caretakers of the Crown: In charge of room
they will gravitate toward their strong points. construction, this title is given to those who
Named after the artifacts in the Trollbane vault, specialize in building rooms or special holding
the hierarchy of the Caretakers goes as follows: items for artifacts. Crowns often work in tandem
Caretaker of the Sword: Also known as “the with Rings, one designing and the other build-
Sword,” he is the leader of all Caretakers. Always ing. There can be any number of Crowns in a
based in Stromgarde, this position is currently region. They are identified by a white cloak with
held by Logan Palimore. The sword refers, of a silver crown embroidered on the back.
course, to Trol’Kalar, and is the only artifact Caretakers of the Coin: In charge of traps, this
commonly named in the hierarchy of the Care- title is given to those who specialize in trapping
takers. Logan keeps his employer’s secrets, as all either a room or the item itself. Coins sometimes
Caretakers do. The Sword is is identified by a work with Rings and Crowns, but not always.
white cloak with a black sword embroidered on There can be any number of Coins in a region.
the back. They are identified by a white cloak with a gold
Caretakers of the Chalice: The regional leaders, coin embroidered on the back.
the Chalices are in charge of assembling and Caretakers of the Gauntlet: The only martial
taking reports from all the region’s Caretakers. Caretakers, Gauntlets are trained in close com-
They are sometimes leaders of many, as in Kul bat by many experts of both armed and unarmed
Tiras, and sometimes only one of a handful in a fighting. Often posing as a dozing guard, this
poorer region, such as the Plaguelands. They are warrior is always alert, knows all the ways into
identified by a white cloak with a jewel-encrusted and out of a protected room and has prepared for
cup embroidered on the back. all eventualities. This is the only obviously dan-
Caretakers of the Ring: In charge of concealment, gerous Caretaker position. Gauntlets are
this title is given to those who specialize in design- identified by a white cloak with a black fist
ing clever ways to hide artifacts, often under the embroidered on the back (although they often
noses of invaders. Anything goes with the Rings: do not wear this while working, lest they get
from weaving smaller artifacts (such as rings) into tangled).
a tapestry in plain sight to designing an under- Caretakers of the Cloak: All general Caretakers
ground garage for a favored siege engine an employer fall under this category. Still skilled in design,
doesn’t want the neighbors to know about. There building, trapping, protecting, cleaning and in-
can be any number of Rings in a region. They are ventory, Cloaks simply have not specialized and
identified by a white cloak with a gold ring bearing perhaps never will. They are identified by a plain
a blue stone embroidered on the back. white cloak.
takes it personally that the Grand Admiral and his Irk Gaffestone (male dwarf Tnk6): Irk lives in
daughter Jaina left the island with the fleet — and the Badlands of Khaz Modan and aids the dwarven
several of the family’s artifacts — and did not excavators in their unearthing of artifacts. He is
return. A skilled rogue who specializes in trap one of the few non-humans to serve on the advisory
creation, she’s one of the few Caretakers who serves board of The Caretakers, training people how to
on the advisory board for Logan Palimore as well; carve stone to be a fitting hiding place for artifacts.
she teaches basic trap creation to new recruits when In exchange for his knowledge, the Caretakers give
she has the time to make the trip from Kul Tiras to him tips on how best to preserve the artifacts he
the Arathi Highlands. Raknahama is in her early unearths with his dwarven comrades. He is sixty,
thirties, and has a scarred face from a mishap with and has a black beard and black eyes.
an acid trap in her youth.
King for raising after death. With many enemies in
Cult of the Damned the Alliance and Horde, the cultists are able to give
Membership: 10,000. their masters more bodies to raise and add to their
Alignment: Lawful evil. armies after the inevitable conflicts. The Scourge’s
Affiliation: Scourge. only true rival would be the Burning Legion, under
Regions of Influence: Plaguelands, base sta- whose yoke they recently toiled. The Scourge is a
tioned in Stratholme. powerful entity, and the Burning Legion is not
Activities: Dedicated to furthering the Scourge’s pleased to have lost its dedication (as well as the
agenda. Third War). Although the forsaken hate the
Scourge, the Lich King regards them as lost sheep
The Cult of the Damned is a band of mortals
that must rejoin the flock, and they are not viewed
dedicated to serving the undead. When the Burn-
as enemies.
ing Legion began their ravaging of the countryside,
they captured mortals and assigned their control to Organization
the Lich King, who quickly broke their wills and Kel’Thuzad stands at the head of the Scourge as
filled the empty shells with zealous fervor. The new well as the Cult of the Damned. Busy taking orders
cultists were instrumental in bringing the Scourge from the Lich King himself and orchestrating the
into Lordaeron, as these fanatics’ initial job was to spread of the Scourge, he doesn’t have the ability to
spread the plague that killed — and raised — many closely watch over the Cult of the Damned. He has
of the continent’s citizens. appointed two mortals to head the Cult and to
The Burning Legion was defeated at the Battle of report back to him the triumphs and pitfalls of the
Mount Hyjal, giving victory to the Alliance and further conquest of Lordareon. These two are sim-
Horde. They were not the only winners, however. ply called Next In Line, referring to their desire to
The Cult of the Damned considers the demons’ end their lives and begin existence as an undead.
defeat a victory for the Scourge as well. With the Under these two, the Cult of the Damned ap-
demons’ defeat, the Lich King was finally freed from pears to run with little rhyme or reason, but the
their control and, with his powerful death knight chaos serves the group’s purpose: complete and
Arthas, could begin furthering his own plans. He utter control of Lordaeron for the Lich King. The
already had the greater part of Lordaeron under his hapless mortals who fall beneath the feet of the
control, and he wished to expand his influence. Scourge could not tell you who led the Cult of the
The Cult of the Damned rejoiced in the release Damned at the head of the army. Underneath the
of its leader and continues to work for him after the chaos is a tightly run operation with mortals dedi-
war. They didn’t blink an eye when Arthas shat- cated to the study of dark magic, the conscription
tered the Lich King’s prison and took on the spirit of new mortal members and undercover scouting
of Ner’zhul, making the new Lich King the stron- for the Scourge’s forces. Some members’ jobs are
gest being in the world. The Cult simply vowed to simply to carry messages from the field to the Next
serve this new entity as it did the old, as long as he In Line in Stratholme.
furthered the efforts of the Scourge. Considering Cult of the Damned members do not have an
the new Lich King is now a mobile individual, the official wardrobe to represent their dedication. Some
Cult works itself into a frenzy with the thought he try to blend in with normal society so that they may
may leave his new home in Northrend and grace spy for the Scourge or look for worthwhile new
Lordaeron with his presence some day. Working members. Others wear the clothes of the dead, often
beside the undead, delving into the dark magic of ripped and foul-smelling, to represent what they
necromancy, and striving one day to become undead soon wish to be. Those who thoroughly study dark
themselves, the Cult of the Damned is truly a magic robe themselves in black and purple, dropping
frightening organization. the brighter colors of their former lives as mages.
It has no allies; in fact, the members would rather When the Next In Line are considered worthy,
have enemies. No sane mortals match the Cult of Kel’Thuzad kills them and raises them as shades,
the Damned’s desire to serve the Scourge; they do the most honored place a cultist can achieve. He
not willingly give their bodies and souls to the Lich
then appoints more mortals to serve as Next In Line others have been sent from Stratholme to build a
for the Cult of the Damned. These leaders again Cult faction. They have pockets of influence fur-
serve the Lich King without question, seeing ther south in Khaz Modan and Azeroth, and look to
undeath as the ultimate reward. However, it is not take those areas after they have Lordaeron.
only the Next In Line who are rewarded with
undeath. Often the lich will raise any Cult member Members
who has died in service to the Scourge. It is rare a While the current members of the Cult of the
mortal will be rewarded with undeath for simply Damned are zealous individuals wholly dedicated
doing good work, though, as a talented mortal must to their cause, most new recruits are shy and weak-
stay alive and serve the Cult. One mortal who willed people unsure of themselves. Unpopular,
brings a plague to a city of 50,000 is worth more abused people, often considered failures in their
than the one undead warrior she could become. careers or their lives in general, are ripe for the
manipulation of the Scourge as they don’t have
Locations much to hold onto in the first place. With the
The base of the Cult of the Damned is in the lich promise of wealth, power, knowledge — whatever
Kel’Thuzad’s palace in the fallen city of Stratholme. will motivate them — the Cult draws them in.
Most cultists do not have access to the lich, but the When the mortals commit to the Cult, they expe-
leaders of the Cult live in the palace and meet with rience dark magic to help them with the final act of
other officials within the Cult to discuss their plans. submission. Afterwards, they are confident and in
The Cult is situated mostly in the Plaguelands and, the full sway of the Lich King’s powers, ready to
to a lesser extent, in the rest of Lordaeron, always work tirelessly to spread the will of the Scourge.
extending the Scourge’s sphere of control. Members view the Scourge with envious fascina-
The Cult will often be found wherever the Scourge tion, and many felt this way before any dark influences
is. Some mortals are simply drawn to dark power; helped convert them. The undead seemingly defy
the natural order of things and show limitless poten- overrunning a city with undead — although that is
tial, for if one can beat death, one can do anything. usually the end result. While he appointed them
To be undead is the greatest goal one can have in life. himself, he detests the current mortals who serve as
It is considered a reward for a life well lived (accord- Next In Line, but recognizes their value to the
ing to the Scourge, of course) to be given undeath. Scourge. (For Kel’Thuzad’s full statistics, see Ap-
There is sometimes a murmur of dissent in the ranks pendix Two in Manual of Monsters.)
when some feel that their fallen enemies are gifted Pai Stormbringer (female human Rog10/Wiz6):
with undeath undeservedly while cultists must work In collaboration with Ul’haik Hadanot, she is the
to receive that divine payment. Such grumblings are mortal co-leader of the Cult of the Damned. Once an
often put down quickly, usually with the threat of assassin working for the corrupt nobles of the Alterac
death with no final reward. The officers in the Cult Mountains and later for the Syndicate, she felt the
explain that their enemies die and become allies call of the Lich King and joined the Cult in the early
because their numbers are much greater than the days of the Third War. She was promised a way to
Cult of the Damned. If the Scourge only raised combine dark magic and her assassination skills, and
deserving mortals, it would not be the great force it later showed a powerful skill in bringing new recruits
is today. The Scourge needs the Cult because they into the Cult. With her honeyed voice and her
need mortals to serve them. staggering looks, she attracts weak-willed persons to
Kel’Thuzad personally appoints officials and lead- whom she promises power and wealth to if they serve
ers for the Cult, looking for people both talented in the Cult. If they find the will to refuse, she has the
espionage and in pursuing the dark art of necro- means with which to either convince them or to
mancy. Good leadership abilities, a talent for make sure they never have to make another decision
recruitment and the ability to blend in with normal again. She has a disarmingly cheerful disposition
mortals are also valued skills. It is impossible to that throws many of her targets off guard. She is
reach any officer ranks without magic, however. proud and thrilled to be working at the top of the
There are no ranking members of the Cult who do Cult; she values the advice of Ul’haik and treasures
not know at least a handful of dark spells. her moments with the mighty lich. She is short and
pudgy, and is surprisingly fast and flexible for her size.
Leaders Ul’haik Hadanot (male high elf Wiz12): The
Kel’Thuzad (male lich Wiz25): Kel’Thuzad other co-leader of the Cult, Ul’haik was a seques-
serves his master Arthas from his stolen city of tered and unfriendly mage dedicated only to his
Stratholme. Once a corrupt mage, he swore fealty studies. He preferred his books over contact with
to the Lich King for greater power. At Ner’zhul’s other elves, and did not mourn them when Dalaran
command, he brought the undead Scourge to plague fell. Instead of feeling disgust at the invading undead,
Lordaeron and was subsequently slain by Prince he felt a sense of awe at their power, and surren-
Arthas, who was slowly going mad in his quest for dered to them willingly. Kel’Thuzad recognized his
the sword Frostmourne. The Lich King resurrected ambition and quickly put him in charge of the Cult
Kel’Thuzad as a lich and commanded him to aid of the Damned. He represents the intellectual side
Arthas in his campaign to take the continent for of the Cult, directing the mages within and re-
the Scourge. Since Arthas shattered the Frozen searching dark magic to further the spread of the
Throne at Northrend and began building his base undead. He prefers to keep to himself and study
there, he left the continent of Lordaeron in dark magic on his own, but often finds himself in
Kel’Thuzad’s hands. The lesser lich plots a greater meetings with Pai and the lich, discussing the
takeover of the east from his city. The second most deeper aspects of necromancy and plans of attacks
powerful undead in the world today, he constructs to get more Cult members to move the Scourge
plans to further cripple the already suffering conti- further south. He secretly detests Pai and her cheer-
nent and spread the undead influence south through ful attitude and plots to kill her and render her body
the mountains of Khaz Modan and into Azeroth. so damaged with magic that she will be unable to
He works closely with the Cult of the Damned, rise as undead. He is tall for an elf, with a thin frame.
realizing that working with mortals to defeat mor- His skin and hair have been darkened almost to
tals is often faster and more efficient than simply pitch black due to his fevered study of magic.
Lacking any formal military training, the outcasts
The Defias who formed the Defias Brotherhood might have
been forcibly disbanded long ago were it not for the
Brotherhood skilled craftsmen and tinkers who made up its found-
ing membership. These founders have worked
Membership: 1,600. together to give members of the Brotherhood access
Alignment: Neutral evil. to an array of mechanical devices and weapons
Affiliation: Independent. ranging from climbing equipment and smoke bombs
Regions of Influence: Elwynn Forest, Westfall, to automatic crossbows and wagon traps (clamps
Duskwood. buried in the ground that seize heavy wheels passing
Activities: Attacking caravans and travelers overhead and stop wagons on the spot).
across central and western Azeroth. In Westfall, When the Defias Brotherhood advanced into
brazenly and openly looting farms and village mer- Westfall, the goblins of the area were upset both by
chants. the Brotherhood’s raids on the merchant trains that
Razed by the Horde in the First War, the city of supplied their shops and by the Brotherhood’s refusal
Stormwind required a small army of engineers and to sell their inventions at goblin merchant outposts.
artisans in order to begin a massive program of After repeated attempts by the goblins at negotia-
reconstruction. After restoring the city to its former tion were met by increased attacks on their suppliers
glory, the workers gathered outside Stormwind Keep by the Brotherhood, the merchants hired a group of
to collect payment for their services. This came as a mercenaries to hunt the bandits. This hunt resulted
surprise to the nobility of the city, who had assumed in the only major battle fought by the Brotherhood
that the work was being done as a matter of civic — and led to the capture of all goblins in Westfall by
pride. Whether they were unable or simply unwill- the renegade bandits. Chained together, they were
ing to proffer payment, they immediately ordered marched south into the Dead Mines and put under
the workers exiled from the city. With only the tools the command of Edwin VanCleef. What has hap-
in their hands and the clothes on their backs, the pened to them since is unknown.
workers were forced out of Stormwind and into
Elwynn Forest. The shocked and forlorn workers
were rallied by engineer Edwin VanCleef and be- Anyone with a sword and a cog tattoo can declare
came bandits, collecting their payment one traveler himself part of the Defias Brotherhood and begin
at a time. Marking themselves with a tattoo of a cog robbing traveling merchants. Yet the Brotherhood
on their right hand, the bandits declared that “the hears of such activity quickly, long before even the
machine will not run smoothly if the parts go ren- Stormwind Guard, and new self-initiates soon find
egade” to each waylaid traveler. themselves visited by a member who instructs them
in the ways of the Brotherhood. If the initiate
Banditry and thievery quickly became a way of life
agrees, he is officially allowed to join the Defias
for the exiles, banding together under VanCleef’s
Brotherhood. If an initiate proves disagreeable, he
leadership as the Defias Brotherhood. Over the
is paid a second, quieter visit shortly thereafter by
years, the ranks of the Brotherhood have been bol-
a shadowy form wielding a pneumatic crossbow.
stered by the skilled, the desperate and the outcast,
and now those marked with the cog tattoo signifying Most initiates quickly join one of the
membership number in the hundreds. In Elwynn Brotherhood’s many established raiding parties.
Forest and the area around Stormwind, the Brother- These groups are generally known as “bands,” though
hood has mastered the art of the ambush, and despite they often adopt more colorful nicknames, from
protection by the Stormwind City Guard, few cara- the “Southpath Raiders” to the “Roadspirits.” In
vans get through the woods unhindered. The Guard’s some cases, as with “Rillo’s Leafwalkers,” a band is
inability and unwillingness to pursue the Brother- named after its leader, called a “captain” in the
hood into Westfall has led the farmers and villagers Brotherhood. Captains lead and control their bands
in the area to form the People’s Militia in an attempt with force and cunning, and most experienced
to stave off the Brotherhood’s constant looting. captains bear scars demonstrating their ability to
withstand challenges by young upstarts. Captains majority of the renegades are human, with a small
plan the raids of their bands, and they are respon- portion of dwarves come south out of Khaz Modan
sible for supplying their bands with not only food and a few high elves upset at the army of Stormwind
and shelter but also training in the art of the for refusing to march north and retake all of
ambush and the technology that gives the Brother- Quel’Thalas. Half-elves, half-orcs and others who
hood an edge. Initiates interested in becoming full feel outcast from their own races have also bonded
Defias renegades quickly become familiar with the with Defias bands and become renegades.
requirements described for the prestige class of the
same name in Appendix Two, as their instructors Leaders
put them through a grueling training regimen until Edwin VanCleef (male human Rog13/Exp3):
they qualify. Edwin VanCleef was once a “roofwalker” in
Captains and their bands are given free reign by Stormwind with a specialty in defeating mechanical
the Brotherhood’s leadership to steal, pillage, ha- defenses. Yet when the Horde destroyed the city, he
rass and harry as often as they like and as long as called upon skills he learned as a child at the side of
they can avoid open conflict with the troops of the his father, a master stonemason, and was one of the
Stormwind Guard and the People’s Militia. Occa- first to offer his talents to rebuild Stormwind. He was
sionally, however, higher-ranking members of the also among the first artisans cast out of the city gates
Brotherhood are sent out with “knife squads” to when they sought payment for their services.
warn bands who go too far; in the words of Edwin It was VanCleef who took the group of artisans
VanCleef, “a dead traveler carries no treasure, and and tinkers sitting in the mud outside the gates of
a ruined village has no plunder.” The Brotherhood Stormwind and turned them into the Defias Broth-
requires that captains bring a quarter of all loot to erhood. After teaching them the skills he learned
Moonbrook, where it helps fund the research and from the city’s thieves, he helped them adapt to the
activities of VanCleef and the Brotherhood’s lead- wild until they had perfected their ability to am-
ership. In return, the Brotherhood gives captains bush travelers. When the Stormwind Guard began
access to the technological advances made in the to respond, VanCleef and the tinkers in the Broth-
labs within their hidden headquarters. erhood augmented the abilities of the renegades
with mechanical devices and weapons.
Locations VanCleef’s search for a secure location where he
Bands of the Defias Brotherhood are found mainly could build a tinker’s works led him across Westfall
in Westfall and Elwynn Forest, though they occa- to the Dead Mines. Once his laboratory was con-
sionally range into Duskwood and other parts of structed, he entered the mines and has rarely left in
northern Azeroth. The few who have managed to more than two decades. Yet he knows of everything
track them so far believe that the Brotherhood happening across central Azeroth, particularly where
works out of the remote town of Moonbrook in the Brotherhood is involved. Rumors say that in
southern Westfall. Yet its true headquarters is actu- recent years he has grown particularly zealous in his
ally nearby in an underground fortress constructed belief in technology’s means to defeat Stormwind.
in the labyrinthine Dead Mines. Jac Northshire (male human Ftr7/Dre6): Also
known as Jac Strongarm, Northshire is the
Brotherhood’s enforcer. When a group of potential
Renegades of the Defias Brotherhood tend to be members appears, Jac is sent to investigate and
exceptionally skilled, swift of foot and mind, and determine whether they should be allowed into the
mechanically adept. They also tend to feel alien- Brotherhood. When renegades overstep the bound-
ated from society at large and are often looking for aries, Jac tracks them down to mete out the same
some sort of revenge, even if they don’t know how punishment to the renegades that they inflicted
or against whom. As well, they need to be able to upon others. Finally, when a particularly well-
show enough initiative to seek out and join the guarded Stormwind caravan makes its way into the
Brotherhood of their own free will, though once Elwynn Forest, Jac is at the vanguard of the am-
inside they are expected to follow orders within the bush. Despite a growing collection of scars, he has
wide borders of freebooting and banditry. The yet to fail in his duties.
Hartargan Stark (male human Tnk9/Eng8): “prospectors,” they gathered together under the
One of Edwin VanCleef’s closest advisors, Stark banner of their true calling: the Explorers’ Guild.
has been part of the Brotherhood since the exiles In less than a decade, the Explorers’ Guild has
first found themselves barred from Stormwind. A already amassed an incredible archive of informa-
talented tinker, he specializes in creating non- tion and artifacts in their guildhall close to the
lethal weaponry such as net guns and sling-thrown dwarven throne in Ironforge. The tales brought
smoke bombs. Through relatives in Stormwind he back by the members of the Guild have ignited the
maintains a large network of contacts and provides imaginations of the dwarven nation, and children
much of the Brotherhood’s inside information on who once dreamed of carrying a blunderbuss into
the comings and goings of caravans around the city. battle or piloting a gyrocopter now play at explor-
Brighteyes (female human Rog8/Dre5): Among ing in the caverns near their home.
the renegades, Brighteyes is known as “the shadow.” Though many of them think the dwarves’ obses-
Mute since birth, she is as silent in step as she is in sion with the titans verges on the ridiculous, the
voice. The leader of many Brotherhood ambushes, soldiers and diplomats of the Alliance are happy to
she is known to slip undetected into a guarded support the efforts of the Explorers’ Guild so long as
camp in the middle of the Westfall plains, then it continues to provide useful news from distant and
depart with everything of value without being unexplored places. In addition to the cultural and
noticed. Rumors circulate in the Brotherhood that geographic intelligence it gathers, information pro-
her abilities come not from skill but from an ances- vided by the Guild has allowed the Alliance to
try tainted with the blood of the wizard Medivh, but produce a map of more than 400 untapped gold
these rumors are only repeated quietly and with one mines across Khaz Modan and Lordaeron in prepa-
eye on the darkness. ration for an eventual move north to battle the
The Explorers’ Guild
Membership: 2,350.
New members of the Explorer’s Guild spend their
Alignment: Good.
early days honing their skills close to home, guiding
Affiliation: Alliance. travelers through the peaks and passes of Khaz
Regions of Influence: Worldwide, though more Modan and leading supply expeditions for the
often in the east (Azeroth, Khaz Modan and dwarven kingdoms. Once they’ve proved them-
Lordaeron) than on Kalimdor. selves, these “prospectors” are upgraded to
Activities: Exploring nearly every corner of the “journeyman” status and given their first field mis-
world. Searching for titan artifacts. Amassing one sions by the Guild. Often, these missions involve
of the world’s largest libraries of information on traveling to remote but previously visited locales in
Azeroth’s history, people and cultures. order to update the Guild’s library with news of
When it was first discovered that the origins of current events in the area. Eventually, the journey-
the dwarven people might be tied to the ancient men are upgraded to full Explorer status and given
and mysterious titans, expeditions were quickly carte blanche to travel where they will with full
organized to search for artifacts and information Guild support, provided that they produce regular
that might confirm the theory. The first of these reports on their excursions.
expeditions were led by hardy dwarven prospectors The dwarven king is the official head of the
accustomed to long treks in unforgiving territory. Explorer’s Guild, though the title is mostly honor-
As they taught their skills to the new generation of ary — only once in Guild history has the king filed
journeymen, a new breed of dwarven traveler a report in the Archives. The daily operation of the
emerged. These travelers appointed themselves the Guild is overseen by the Excursion Council, made
task of gathering as much information as possible up of several dozen of the oldest and most experi-
about the world, its history, and its cultures in enced members of the Guild. The younger members
hopes of finding the scraps of information the titans of the Guild have nicknamed this group the “Ex-
might have left behind to lead their progeny to the cuse Me Council,” as many of the Council are
truth. Though they often still called themselves constantly leaving behind their duties to set off on
A Journey to the Southland in Search of
Azotha Ruins and Evidence of the Titans
Submitted by Journeyman Aron Kodosbreath
I cover my travels through well-known territory
in my separate report Update on Events in Zul’kunda
209–289): War among the tribes; Tracking the
and the Vile Reef (File Index #3SV-42K47). Suffice
Trolls; A dark ritual witnessed; The heroic sacri-
it to say that the journey lasted for the better part of
fice of two Goblin Brothers.
a month, and my expedition (including three mer-
cenary swordsmen, a pair of freeborn archers, one
325): Into the Temple; Confronting the Witch
Quel’dorei sorcerer, and six goblin camp adjuncts;
Doctor; Accepting the Challenge.
see attached expense report form 5674) arrived in
the area to be investigated, approximately four DAY NINETEEN, PART TWO (pp. 326–
days’ travel east of Booty Bay, in early summer. 364): Ancient prescriptions and preparations;
A visit from two Ghosts; Visions of the Titans.
The following summations provide an overview
of the portion of the expedition covered in each DAY NINETEEN, PART THREE (pp.
section of the following pages: 365–445): Return to the Temple; Ancient evi-
dence; Warnings from Quellan; The duel.
DAYS ONE – FIVE (pp. 08–63): Establishing
a base camp; Making contact with nearby villages DAYS TWENTY – TWENTY-THREE (pp.
and gathering information. 445–470): The aftermath; The Azotha revealed;
An unexpected departure and a wedding; Sifting
DAYS SIX – EIGHT (pp. 64–148): My first
the debris.
journey into the hills in search of Azotha ruins; My
discovery of the Savage Hills; A skirmish with DAYS TWENTY-FOUR – TWENTY-
Jungle Trolls. SEVEN (pp. 470–515): Gathering the tribes;
Marking the trail; Striking camp.
DAYS NINE – ELEVEN (pp. 149–154): Plan-
ning a new course of action; Scouting the Troll CONCLUSIONS (p. 516-697)
encampment with Tohas Steelarm. APPENDIX A: Local Myths and Legends
DAYS TWELVE – THIRTEEN (pp. 155– APPENDIX B: Sketches of the Lost Mosaics
208): The midnight raid and the kidnapping of APPENDIX C: The Savage Hills Treaty
Quellan Maisara; News from the village.
their own self-assigned journeys. Yet so long as a workshops to repair gear and equipment, ware-
small fraction of the Council remains in Ironforge houses and libraries, private quarters for
to coordinate outgoing and incoming Guild expe- higher-ranking members and group bunkrooms for
ditions, the organization continues to run smoothly. newer initiates. A large museum open to the public
shows exhibits of relics collected by the Guild;
Locations when titan artifacts are on display, the line to get
For many years, members of the Guild met in the into the museum often snakes out the entrance of
Weary Boots Tavern in Ironforge, storing their the Guildhall and across the public square in front
reports and retrieved artifacts on sagging wooden of the building.
shelves in a disused warehouse. Several years ago, Smaller guildhalls, called “way stations,” are be-
treasure gathered by the Guild was combined with ing established in far-flung corners of Azeroth,
a bequest from the throne to pay for a new block of usually in the back rooms of inns or taverns along
chambers to be carved out of the rock of the well-traveled routes to distant parts of the conti-
dwarven capital. The newly completed Guildhall nent. Though they still vary in the level of service
provides members with offices and meeting rooms, they can offer, some way stations can provide
detailed maps of the local area while others stock- also a wide range of skills from map making and
pile supplies of dried foods and basic traveling tracking to herbalism and mineral location. At the
necessities that can be drawn upon by Guild mem- end of the test period, the applicants who come out
bers (who are expected to pay for their withdrawals on top are inducted into the Guild and officially
of Guild property whenever possible). allowed to call themselves prospectors.
Membership in the Guild is selective, as each
Members member receives a stipend from the Guild of two gold
The overwhelming majority of members in the pieces per day, rising to five gold pieces when on a
Explorer’s Guild are dwarves. Fewer than a dozen sanctioned expedition. In addition, the Guild stores
members of other races are inducted into the ranks will completely outfit any official expedition with
each year, usually after providing exemplary service supplies and equipment — though the quartermasters
to the Guild on several official expeditions. are notoriously stingy when arguing the definition of
A green torch burning at the entrance to the “completely outfit”. All Guild members can also make
Guildhall in Ironforge marks the rare occasions their home at the Guildhall in Ironforge, though
when the Guild is accepting new applicants, a call when all the private quarters are taken up by higher-
usually answered by hundreds of young dwarves who ranking members of the Guild (as during the annual
can demonstrate the requisite skill with languages Convocation, when the Guild gathers to share stories
and a broad base of geographic and historical knowl- and plan expeditions for the coming year), even full-
edge. For each opening, twenty top potentials are fledged explorers can find themselves sleeping in the
selected and taken into the mountains of Khaz fifth slot up in the bunkhouse.
Modan by one of the Excursion Council. What Guild members come from all walks of life, their
follows is an intensive three-week trial that tests not skills contributing to the goals of the Guild and the
only the potentials’ physical ability and stamina but dwarven people. For some, however, exploration
becomes more than a profession — it becomes an Instructor Hona Stonefall who helps determine which
avocation and a passion. See the dwarven prospector dwarves will make up the next generation of pros-
prestige class in Appendix Two for more informa- pectors. She’s notorious for leading groups of
tion on the path taken by these adventurers. candidates into the mountains and within a day
convincing all but the brightest and toughest that
Leaders they should try an easier profession, like defusing
Tomli Magellas (male dwarf Sor13/Dpr5): A goblin land mines. Yet those who persevere and are
master archaeologist and well-known historian trained to become prospectors by Hona are among
among the dwarves, a family fortune based on the most famous members of the Guild.
gemstone mines allowed Magellas to pursue the life Yulanini Hammersmith (male dwarf Ftr6/Dpr4):
of a scholar and discover the clues hinting at his Yulanini spent most of his life in a small clanhold on
race’s divine heritage. Magellas’ contributions to the shores of Loch Modan and traveled to Ironforge
the Explorer’s Guild helped build the Guildhall, as a old man to petition the throne for assistance
and his wisdom earned him a place at the head of building a new aqueduct. While in the capital, he
the Excursion Council. Officially, Magellas is High met members of the Explorer’s Guild and was fasci-
Explorer of the Guild, though he is often mistaken nated by their stories of adventure and faraway
for a librarian as he spends nearly every day deep in places. Though he soon realized that he was too old
the Guild Library searching for legends and myths to set out as an explorer, he found through delivering
that Guild explorers can be sent to investigate. his petition that he had theretofore undiscovered
Samul Strangehands (male dwarf Ftr11/Dpr6): diplomatic abilities and offered his skills to the
An experienced veteran of the First and Second Wars, Guild. Today, he is the liaison between the Excur-
by avocation Samul is a renowned stonecarver and sion Council and the King, ensuring that the Guild
sculptor who gained a taste for the outdoors wander- stays in the throne’s good graces.
ing the mountains of Khaz Modan in search of raw
material for his statues. Always trying to evoke the Royal Apothecary Society
fiery spirit of his people in his art, he was fascinated to
Membership: 3,500.
discover that the titans may have lit that spark long
ago. In search of the truth, he was among those who Alignment: Lawful evil.
founded the Explorer’s Guild to go in search of titan Affiliation: Forsaken.
artifacts that might uncover the heritage of the dwarven Regions of Influence:Based in the Apothecarium
race. Though Samul is a trusted advisor to the High in Undercity, the Royal Apothecary Society is
Explorer, he is content to keep the simple title of active in Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest.
“Prospector” and mentor many young explorers. Wherever there are Forsaken, there are Society
Ryona Blondbeard (male dwarf Sor6/Tnk9): members.
Despite his limited field experience, Ryona has Activities: Undead tinkers, rogues and wizards
distinguished himself as one of the most talented continuing their studies of science to eradicate the
and useful of the Guild’s staff at the Ironforge humans and Scourge from the area.
Guildhall. After becoming a prospector, Ryona was When Lady Sylvanas shrugged off the control of
assigned to the quartermaster’s shops and proved to Arthas and the Scourge and began to free the
be rather skilled at not only repairing equipment forsaken, they staked out an area of Lordaeron for
but improving it, from caltrop boots to field medi- their own and attempted to exist in the ruins of
cal kits. When he was assigned to help create a Lordaeron City. The forsaken burn with a desire to
system to help sort incoming field reports, he pressed eradicate the Scourge, seeing it as the reason be-
on to create both an organizational system and hind their undeath and misery. Recent attacks
corresponding racks of shelves for all reports and from humans have forced them to realize they truly
artifacts in the archives. Now Chief Quartermas- have no friends in this harsh post-war world.
ter, he is in the middle of an ongoing attempt to The Scarlet Crusade and the Scourge are their
read every report in the archives. greatest enemies, both refusing to let the forsaken
Hona Stonefall (female dwarf Sct8/Dpr5):When exist as they are. When the Scourge began attempt-
the green torch burns outside the Guildhall, it’s Field ing to control Lady Sylvanas’ subjects after she had
freed them, she knew drastic measures were needed R&D is staffed by wizards and rogues with a talent
to protect the forsaken’s way of existence. The for mixing poisons. They make a variety of toxins
Scourge had a limitless supply of warriors: any mortal from run-of-the-mill nerve gas, delayed poison and
they killed could be raised as an undead to be flesh dissolving sprays, to more magical potions
controlled. The forsaken do not have that level of such as fire potion (which burns the drinker from
necromantic power at their disposal, and the Lady the inside), and even one that makes the drinker
realized she needed another way of dealing with the insane, assuming the mannerisms of another race.
threats. Then she discovered that mortals, particu- They are also in charge of roaming the countryside
larly the zealots of the Scarlet Crusade, did not to look for ingredients for their foul concoctions.
believe that the forsaken were not like the Scourge, This group resides solely in the Undercity and
and destroyed any undead they found regardless of reports directly to Master Apothecary Faranell.
affiliation. When her scouts didn’t return from their Testing is comprised of the more daring undead,
missions around human territory, Lady Sylvanas many who were fighters and rangers in their lives.
correctly assumed the worst and began making plans Their job is to scout the area of Tirisfal Glades and
for defenses against humans as well. Silverpine Forest for subjects on which to test what
The forsaken queen initially chose two brilliant comes out of R&D. Mortals or Scourge, it doesn’t
minds to lead her new Apothecary Society. Faranell, matter as long as they’re not Forsaken. They must
a human wizard who excelled in magical potion take these beings alive, and preferably as unharmed
creation, and Oni’jus, a half-elf infiltrator who was as possible, and return them to the Undercity. Here
a master of mundane poison concoction (and whose the Testing department applies the various potions
idea it was to add “Royal” in front of their fledgling the R&D department has concocted, seeing if they
group’s name). A dwarf tinker, Brightflame have the desired effects. The desired effects are
Masjenal, later rounded out her three leaders, with commonly horrific — the best mortals can hope for
Faranell leading the three. They were set to build a is that a potion merely kills them instead of having
society dedicated to researching ways to protect the its intended effect. Quick death is rarely the goal of
forsaken from both mortal and Scourge attacks these vile brews. The Scourge have it a little easier,
using toxins and poisons. as potions may commonly have little to no effect, as
Lady Sylvanas has ordered her Master Apoth- there is no life to be taken away. However, if they
ecary to construct a plague to match the one Ner’zhul survive a round of tests, they will be present for the
brought to Azeroth, only killing undead as well as next round. It is very unlikely these unwilling test
mortals. This impressive feat has not been accom- subjects will return alive — or undead. Master
plished yet, in large part because of the lack of Apothecary Oni-jus heads this area in addition to
necromancers in the Royal Apothecary Society. aiding the R&D department.
Yet Faranell has the best minds under him working The third group, Implantation, is dedicated to
on the problem and they slowly make progress. getting the finished toxins to their target, which is
Their plague still kills mortals without giving them primarily the job of tinkers, rogues and other crafty
undeath, but Faranell promises results in the future. types. Some devise mechanisms to deliver toxins or
The Royal Apothecary Society has grown to design and forge weapons for the job; others have
3,500 members now. Its top minds are making the more dangerous job of administering the toxins
deadlier and more destructive toxins as Lady personally, wielding the weapons or sneaking into
Sylvanas works to free more beings from the the dwellings of the targets. This group reports to
Scourge’s control. The Forsaken, and the Society, Master Apothecary Brightflame Masjenal.
are alone in the world, liked by neither mortals nor
their fellow undead, but they will fight to maintain
their freedom from both. The base of the Royal Apothecary Society is in Lady
Sylvanas’ Throne Room in the Undercity, where the
Organization three leaders can meet with their queen and discuss
The Royal Apothecary Society is broken into plans of attack and reported Scarlet Crusade and
three groups: Research and Development; Testing; Scourge movements. The laboratories and testing
and Implantation. rooms of the Society are also located in the Undercity.
The Royal Apothecary Society originally was
created from those forsaken with poison-concoct-
ing skills: wizards and rogues. The forsaken have no
claim to necromancers — they are all closely guarded
by the Scourge — so Sylvanas freed as many mages
and rogues as she could, although they were few and
far between. She was best at freeing fighters and
barbarians to follow her.
Later, the Society became large enough to find
places for anyone who felt qualified to join, as the
brawnier undead were needed to catch test subjects
and the more intellectual were needed to develop
the toxins and the delivery mechanisms. As Sylvanas
must free every undead she can (being picky isn’t an
option), the Society is not particular as to who
joins. A willingness to work hard, a talent that can
be utilized and a deep-seated hatred for the Scourge
is all that is needed.
Lady Sylvanas does not prefer one race over
another, despite her high elf roots. The forsaken,
and therefore the Society, are mostly human be-
cause the undead who existed around Lordaeron
City were human. As it grows, dwarves, high elves,
half-elves, and even some orcs and trolls have
joined the Society.
An undead who wishes to join the Royal Apoth-
ecary Society only has to inform an existing member,
usually identified by an armband with a flask and
crown embroidered on it, of her interest. The Soci-
ety member will inform his leader, one of the Master
Apothecaries, who sets up an interview with the
interested party. If Sylvanas manages to free a wizard
or sorcerer from the Lich King’s control, she will
invite him or her to the Society herself.
Master Apothecary Faranell (male human for-
saken Sor8/Exp2/Dap2):The first Royal Apothecary
member, this human was a wizard taken by the
Scourge at Dalaran. A personal friend of Jaina
Proudmoore, he watched as she failed to protect her
people from her former lover. He hates the humans
and the Alliance almost as much as he hates the
Scourge for taking his life. The Lich King paid him
little interest as he never showed much promise with
necromancy, which left his will free enough to be
rescued by Sylvanas. Despite his inability to create
death magic, he is a valuable asset as his skill at
crafting potions is unparalleled. He leads the Re-
search & Development branch of the Society and moted — within the Society. She heads the Implan-
urges the wizards and sorcerers under him to develop tation branch of the Society, finding the best way to
their death magic so that the forsaken will have the release the toxins, whether in weapons or mechani-
might to go against the Scourge some day. He adores cal spiders. Brightflame is happiest in her workshop
his Lady and daily his heart aches more and more for surrounded by like-minded tinkers, but one mention
her, but love is not for the undead, only sorrow and of Khaz Modan or her family and she will fly into a
loss. He looks like most of the undead in the Society, mournful rage, howling and throwing anything
as his body is covered in sores and rotting flesh. He around her. She is small for a dwarf, her body twisting
is permanently stooped from some crushed vertebrae in undeath but thankfully leaving her fingers long
he suffered in the fall of Dalaran. He looks no one in and supple to work her craft.
the eye except for his queen, whom he gazes upon
adoringly. Scarlet Crusade
Apothecary Oni’jus (female half-elf forsaken Membership: 12,000.
Rog10/Inf4): Oni’jus was one of Prince Arthas’
Alignment: Lawful evil.
infiltrators before the war, having an uncanny
Affiliation: Independent.
ability to ferret out the prince’s enemies (even the
ones he was unaware of). She considers it her Regions of Influence: Based in the Plaguelands,
greatest failing — and the one she paid the highest but hunts undead everywhere it can in northern
price for — that she failed to see the prince’s Lordaeron.
deterioration in front of her. She fled his side before Activities: A group of maddened zealots so dedi-
his embrace of Frostmourne in Northrend, but fell cated to the removal of all undead that they
to the plague on her way to warn Lordaeron. The commonly attack the living.
strong will she developed as an infiltrator allowed The priest Isillien was formerly a priest of the Holy
her to keep mostly free of the Scourge’s control, and Light in Lordaeron, assigned to be the liaison for the
she willingly followed when Sylvanas called. Oni’jus’ Knights of the Silver Hand. There he worked closely
poison and assassination skills are invaluable to with High General Abbendis and his youthful charges,
Sylvanas, and the queen appointed the half-elf to tutoring the young paladins in their quest for truth.
lead the Testing department of the Society, send- Priests and paladins fought as the Scourge attacked
ing teams of warriors and rogues out to capture the city, but they fled as Lordaeron fell around them.
mortals and Scourge alike to test the vile toxins she Some whisper it was the wounds both men received in
and Faranell create. She is dedicated totally to the battle, or perhaps just the shock of seeing their whole
destruction of Arthas and the Scourge. Vain of her purpose destroyed, but since that day both Isillien and
fair looks in life, she enshrouds her decomposing Abbendis have been quite insane.
body in swaths of black cloth, which helps her Isillien and Abbendis wandered the area as the
conceal herself in darkness. No one knows what she Scourge defiled the land, destroying what undead
looks like under her yards of protection; only her they could, gathering what warriors would join
glowing eyes show. them. They had but one concern: eradication of all
Apothecary Brightflame Masjenal (female that had destroyed Lordaeron. They were joined by
Ironforge dwarf forsaken Tnk9/Dap1): Brightflame young Taelan Fordring, one of Isillien’s protégés,
was her family’s pride and joy, embracing its tinker- who adored his tutor and his general. He offered his
ing business and demonstrating a flair for developing family’s keep and land, untouched by the undead,
odd weapons. She was unlucky enough to be study- for their base of operations.
ing with an armorer in Lordaeron when the Scourge The Crusade gained members whose lives had
blazed through, catching her in their wake of undeath. been ruined by the Scourge. Most members have
She fought mindlessly for the Scourge, utilizing none seen a loved one die and, more often than not, be
of her talents for the Lich King until freed by Sylvanas, raised to fight alongside her murderer. Isillien be-
and was instrumental in fashioning tools to help came the spokesman for the group, his ravings
rebuild the Undercity. When she heard about the gaining more followers than repelling them — and
Society, she alerted the Lady to her skills as a who could argue with the man that the undead
weaponsmith and was quickly accepted — and pro- were evil?
Some had reason to pause when Isillien’s young while Isillien controls the warriors through his
page was found with Isillien’s knife through his impressionable paladin Taelan in the west.
heart, and the priest calmly reported that the page The Crusade has thirteen generals leading the
had died that afternoon while hunting, and the lower ranks: 2,000 troops based in Hearthglen and
undead had raised him and sent him back as an 10,000 based in Tyr’s Hand. The generals were not
assassin. He was so convincing that the incident only chosen by the ranks they had in the war, but
cemented the fear for most: if a freshly killed and also by their dedication to the cause. Few make it
raised undead can look just like a regular human, very high in the ranks if they do not have a burning
they had no idea who among them may or may not fervor to destroy all undead. Veterans who have
be with the Scourge. fought the Scourge before are quickly promoted.
After a month of quarantine, all priests and Any dissent in the ranks is considered to be
warriors with the Crusade were declared clean. caused by undead infiltration, for the Crusade can-
Abbendis and Isillien felt that although they had a not fathom a reasonable mortal having any
good base, they really needed to attack the Scourge disagreement with the elimination of the undead.
where they were the thickest: in the Eastern Such individuals are considered to be undead them-
Plaguelands. Isillien took on the title of Grand selves, or worse, deranged undead sympathizers.
Inquisitor and control of the Western Crusade, Thus the organization of the Scarlet Crusade is
while Abbendis led the majority of the forces to flawless, as the crusaders work with one mind
Tyr’s Hand in the east to strike at Stratholme. towards one goal. If they do not work with total
As they established their bases and took in many agreement, it is at least complete fear of their
more warriors, they destroyed any undead they superiors that keeps them in line.
found. Frequently, groups of refugees fleeing the
undead also fell beneath their furious swords. As Locations
the Grand Inquisitor claims, one cannot be too The Western Crusade’s headquarters are in the
careful. rural area of Hearthglen, the inheritance of Taelan
All undead — good, evil or neutral, Scourge or Fordring. Their main headquarters are in the East-
forsaken — are the rivals of the Scarlet Crusade. ern Plaguelands in Tyr’s Hand, a small community
The undead are abominations and must be de- hosting the newly built Scarlet Monastery, a mas-
stroyed before the land and the people can heal. sive building that draws refugees looking for safety.
They count the Alliance and the Church of Holy Members
Light as their allies, but these organizations quickly
Membership in the Scarlet Crusade is high, rela-
distance themselves from these fanatics, and in-
tive to the human population of the region. The
struct all travelers to give a wide berth to any
strong sense of abandonment, futility and fear runs
high in all humans on Lordaeron, and the Scarlet
Organization Crusade feeds that fear with reassurance that the
The Scarlet Crusade is structured much like the evil will fall while the good remain untainted.
military. Abbendis and Isillien are the leaders, with The Crusade attracts mostly warriors, people
Abbendis the official head of the Scarlet Crusade. who find in this post-war state that living by the
He considers himself the arm of the Crusade while sword is the only way to survive. They feel the need
Isillien is the heart. Abbendis guides the military for a strong community where their skills will be
attacks of the Crusade from Tyr’s Hand in the utilized, and the Scarlet Crusade maintains that
Eastern Plaguelands, communicating frequently they need strong warriors for their cause. Some
with Isillien, who guides the priests in the Crusade priests are drawn to the righteous eradication of the
in their new roles as inquisitors, based in the West- undead, but they often see the Crusade for the
ern Plaguelands. He is in charge of questioning zealots they are and rethink their entry. This, of
undead and mortals alike to ferret out whatever course, is considered suspicious, and they are often
information he can on the movement and settle- slain for their misgivings.
ment of the undead. Abbendis acts as the leader of The biggest problem prospective members encoun-
the priests and guides the inquisitions in the east ter is assuring the Crusaders that they are not undead
themselves. Since the Grand Inquisitor was almost
killed by his own page (so the story goes), the group is Condoned by the Alliance?
incredibly paranoid about the undead infiltrating their The Alliance races have many problems cur-
ranks. The supposedly common knowledge that undead rently, the greatest of which is the loss of their
are hideously deformed and easy to discern from the homeland to the undead, the Horde, the de-
living makes no difference to these people; they believe mons and various monsters. Their once proud
necromancers are capable of disguising the undead as populations are either dead, undead or in hid-
living. Thus, new members (if they survived alerting ing. They don’t even have much of a base to call
the Crusade to their desire to join) are quarantined for their own except for the remote city of
30 days to see if they begin to exhibit signs of the plague Stormwind, too far away to deal with the prob-
or being an undead. They are visited by the Grand lems of Lordaeron with any real effectiveness.
Inquisitor or the High General during this time and are The elimination of the Scourge is any rea-
“questioned.” No Scarlet Crusader discusses his quar- sonable mortal’s goal, but the Scarlet Crusade
antine and initiation. considers the many mortals it kills in its quest
as acceptable losses. To the Alliance, the
Leaders Crusade’s single-mindedness is madness.
High General Abbendis (male human Ftr10/Pal8): So, no, the Alliance does not condone the
No one really knows what happened to the High Scarlet Crusade’s actions, but sees the prob-
General to make his hatred of the undead so virulent. lems caused by this organization as akin to
Some (very quietly) speculate that he and the Grand having a stain on your shirt while your house
Inquisitor were captured and tortured by the Scourge, is on fire. Until the greater problems are dealt
but no stories have ever been verified. Asking the High with and the homeland is retaken, the Cru-
General exactly why he hates the undead brands the sade will be free to act as it wishes.
inquirer as maddened by the plague. He is of the
opinion that one must hate the undead and remove
them from Lordaeron, else the humans will never be justifiably insane to the average eye). He exits
regain their foothold on their homeland again. He feels calm and smiling, and speaks to no one about what
his actions follow the Light, that he is doing good for his he has been doing, and no one cares enough about
race and his home. He deeply admires his partner, the the undead to wonder too much. He is 55, short and
Grand Inquisitor, and is very proud of the organization thin with a balding head and wide, green eyes.
they have built together. He is a tall man in his 40s, dark Highlord Taelan Fordring (male human Ftr10/
of skin with wild, white hair. His madness is evident in Pal2): Poor Taelan Fordring simply wanted to
his face, but his followers see it as merely utmost serve the Knights of the Silver Hand, learning
dedication to his cause. about how to serve the less fortunate with his pure
Grand Inquisitor Isillien (male human Hlr8/ soul and his sword. Isillien taught him about the
Pre10): The Grand Inquisitor is the spiritual heart Holy Light and what it was to serve. When he saw
of the great Crusade. Once a devoted priest of the the Scourge destroy his home, he could only watch,
Holy Light, he now sees his dedication to the Cru- powerless, as each friend he saw struck down rose
sade as an even greater purpose. This dedication is again in undeath. Blind with grief and seeking
real; it’s a powerful and total commitment to some- guidance, he fell under his old tutor’s sway again
thing that has measurable results — something the and readily joined the new Crusade, eagerly offer-
Holy Light never gave. Early in the life of the ing his home to be their western base. He is honestly
Crusade, he developed techniques for inquisition blind to the evil the Scarlet Crusade spreads and
and questioning, as well as holding cells and torture looks up to his leaders with respect and admiration.
chambers to extract information or to hold prisoners He regrets the innocent lives lost, but he’s had
or initiates to see if they are infected by the plague. enough years of war to know that some innocents
Undead are also held in these cells, and Isillien often always die. And that’s what he considers this: war.
visits them late at night, always alone. Crusaders say He is 34 years old and the epitome of the powerful
he enters the dungeon looking angry and almost mad and good paladin warrior. Tall and powerfully built,
(“mad” relative to the average crusader, which would he has long brown hair and blue eyes.
were not initiated into the Assassins. The message
Stormwind Assassins was clear: only commit the crimes sanctioned by
Membership: 2,500. the Alliance.
Alignment: Neutral. Shaw had one other requirement when she built
Affiliation: Alliance. the society: secrecy was a must. The thieves did not
Regions of Influence: Based in Stormwind, in- normally walk around claiming to be thieves, and
fluence spreads to Elwynn Forest, Westfall and the they had no reason to do so once they were legiti-
Redridge Mountains. mate assassins either. The leader of Stormwind is
Activities: Elite assassins dedicated wholly to the only one with a full list of the Stormwind
the Alliance’s goals, but willing to do the dirtier Assassins, and when one was assigned to be part of
jobs. a larger operation, as happened in the three wars,
The Stormwind Assassins are one of the oldest her true purpose was not revealed to the other
surviving organizations on Azeroth. Long before troops. They passed as fighters or scouts, even
any of the wars, the Alliance faction of Stormwind wizards from time to time, but still did their primary
felt it was unable to do everything it wanted to jobs of stealing and killing when needed. Their
within the law. One of the leaders, Erwill Youngton, commanders would know of their secret when
secretly approached a thief in their prisons. Pathonia needed, but often only the assassin knew of her true
Shaw had been imprisoned by the Alliance repeat- reason for being in the field.
edly for theft. Caught perhaps three times, she was The population of Stormwind knows the Assas-
notorious for scores of high profile crimes. Youngton sins exist, and the public relations machine has
offered her clemency if she agreed to form a society taken their reputation to the extreme: these are
to take care of the Alliance’s dirty work quickly and glamorous fighters, too talented to serve with the
cleanly. She agreed at once — and added that she mere warriors in the army; they are stealthy people
would find a way to do it with a sense of style as well. who work by the night, shrouded in mystery and
The Stormwind Assassins began that day, with barroom tales. Some children — even wealthy
Pathonia Shaw sneaking into a corrupt high-elf types — become thieves in the hope that someday
mayor’s room that night and killing him, making they can be Stormwind Assassins too. No one
sure to keep the bedroom immaculate: not a drop of knows who they are, but almost everyone claims to
blood spilled nor a sheet rumpled. With the agree- have seen them at work, although this is highly
ment of Erwill Youngton, she combed the prisons unlikely.
for her fellow thieves to bring into the family, as Shaw retired 10 years ago and put her grandson
they were called, and soon built a small force to Mathias in charge. She had groomed him for the
serve the Alliance. job from when he was an infant, testing his speed
The Assassins were there when the orcs poured and dexterity on a physical level and making sure
from the Dark Portal, taking out stray scouts; yet he understood the difference between doing what
they found it difficult to make a true dent in the was right and doing what was necessary, and how
enemy forces because of the Horde’s sheer numbers those two do not always mix.
and the Assassins’ lack of military training. The The Cathedral of Light understands that the
Assassins work best one-on-one, they quickly dis- Stormwind Assassins must exist for the good of
covered, and concentrated more on aiming for the Stormwind and the Alliance, but the priests do not
Horde’s leaders. condone assassination. They choose simply to look
Shaw had been a thief for the thrills and was not the other way.
necessarily evil. Once she was allowed to do her Organization
favorite thing in the world and still get paid for it,
The Stormwind Assassins view themselves as a
she became a loyal Alliance fighter. She made sure
hand grasped around a knife, forming the organiza-
to hammer this home in her recruits: one does not
tion into five branches. Mathias Shaw and his
steal from the hand that feeds. If the thrill of the
group of leaders make the thumb, dealing with the
stolen goods and the secret kill, along with a steady
management and leadership. The leadership con-
salary, was not good enough for her thieves, they
sists of about 30 older rogues, many of whom knew
Pathonia, some of whom were appointed by her. attempted to get caught just for the chance of
They are familiar with how she wished the organi- getting picked (and the pardon didn’t hurt either).
zation to be run, and often steer the young Mathias When Stormwind found the Stockade filling
on the correct path. The other leaders are in charge with hapless, eager-faced thieves, King Anduin
of the other four Fingers, leading, training, taking Wrynn approached Mathias and demanded he do
reports, and even running the books and making something about it. Mathias assigned the Fourth
sure salaries are distributed. Finger of the Stormwind Assassins to recruit oth-
The next two Fingers of the hand are made up of ers, training a handful of rogues to recognize talent
the highest-level members and consist of about 500 and discreetness (something the rogues in the city
rogues each. The First Finger, the highest level an had left behind in their eagerness to join the Assas-
assassin can reach before leaving the life behind to sins). A rogue from the Fourth Finger will follow a
become a leader in the Thumb, is dedicated to rogue and leave him a note card with a place and a
assassination, targets being anyone from rival mili- drawing of an open hand on it. If the rogue arrives
tary leaders to corrupt priests. The Second Finger is alone at the meeting place, he meets with the
dedicated to “acquisitions” of material, either tak- Fourth Finger rogue. If the meeting goes well, the
ing already stolen material to give to its rightful rogue will then receive another note card with
owner, or taking a particularly powerful item from another meeting place and a closed fist on it,
a person it would be politically uncomfortable to indicating his acceptance.
kill outright. Some of the rogues under Pathonia wanted to
The 500 or so rogues who make up the Third show their pride with tattoos of the fist that is the
Finger excel in espionage, often working with rogues organization’s symbol, but she did away with that
from the First and Second Finger to gather informa- thought, warning that they should make no perma-
tion, read and remember scrolls without stealing nent indication on their bodies that they belong to
them, and serve as lookouts and diversions while the Stormwind Assassins. They instead took to
the others do their jobs. The Fourth Finger rogues wearing one piece of white clothing with a single
make up the largest and lowest level. These 1,000 red thread carefully sewn in, looking like a stray
rogues are the jacks-of-all-trades: they commonly piece of lint. Stormwind Assassins know what to
handle burial of victims (and Stormwind Assas- look for, while others would not notice.
sins), body-hiding, and alibi-establishing. It is their Initiation is difficult. The rogue is tested in every-
job to make sure the Stormwind Assassins’ identi- thing from skills to morals. Many of the tests are
ties do not get discovered. They are also in charge subtle: the rogue must be entirely trustworthy, for
of recruitment. without trust among the rogues, the entire organi-
zation of the Assassins will fail. Morality and a
Locations desire to serve the city of Stormwind are two of the
The Stormwind Assassins are based in Stormwind, most important aspects in an Assassin, and these
but often travel to other Alliance-held lands in qualities are understandably difficult to find. When
Azeroth. They have influence in Elwynn, Redridge prospects are rejected, they leave with only the face
and Westfall. They have done jobs in other areas, of their recruiter in their minds — if even that. The
such as Duskwood and Deadwind Pass, but they society does not feel the unveiling of a Fourth
almost never go further south. Finger’s identity will hurt them too much, so this is
Members an acceptable risk.
Upon full acceptance, the new Fourth Finger is
Every rogue and thief in Stormwind wants to be
given dirty work to do, all the while training,
part of the Stormwind Assassins. The entire city
buffing his skills, working to become a Third Fin-
views their work as necessary and admirable. It is a
ger. Even accomplished rogues, thieves and assassins
difficult organization to join, however, as the lead-
must start at the bottom and work their way up.
ers of Stormwind do not want to endorse the
Assassins’ way of life. The organization began by a Leaders
judicious picking through of the prison for “trust- Master Mathias Shaw (male human Rog13):
worthy” rogues, and word spread. Some thieves Mathias Shaw is a young man to lead such a
powerful organization, but the 33-year-old isn’t together, Mathias does not trust the Church of the
daunted. His mother was a First Finger assassin who Holy Light, knowing they do not fully trust the
died on the job when he was 4 years old. He grew up Assassins. He placed Forthisal, a Third Finger rogue,
at Grandmother Pathonia’s knee, as the founder of on an extended espionage mission. She is studying
the guild did not see fit to lie to him about her death with the Knights of the Silver Hand to become a
or his family’s business. He was the youngest mem- paladin. She was born to wizards who died at
ber of the guild when his grandmother made him a Dalaran while she fled south with the refugees.
Fourth Finger at 10, and he worked his way up Seeing the futility of magic, she left the wizards and
slowly, spending much more time in the various made her living on the streets, where she was
levels than most. This worked very well for him, as recruited by the Assassins. She has the skill to be at
he knows intimately what is done at every level, least a Second, maybe First Finger, but she remains
and what is needed in new recruits. When his a Third so she can continue gathering information
grandmother passed control to him on his 30th about the Knights and the Church. She is 37, with
birthday, choosing to retire instead of die and leave black hair and green eyes.
things in disarray for him, he eagerly took the reins. Waltion Freemore (male human Rog15):
He attempted to make improvements on her de- Freemore was one of the first rogues Pathonia Shaw
signs, but after a couple of months finally had to recruited from the Stockade. He served as her right-
accept that her design was flawless, and he simply hand man and lover for 30 years, helping her build
needed to run the already well-oiled machine. He the guild into the powerhouse it is today. He is the
has deep brown eyes and is diminutive, very unas- grandfather of Mathias, but no one knows of the
suming for a guild leader of assassins. His first kill relationship he had with the powerful Pathonia,
was the target his mother had failed to eliminate. and he has promised to keep that secret. He knows
Forthisal D’Neve (female high elf Rog6/War3/ he is at the end of his life, but agreed to stay with the
Wiz2): Forthisal deserves mentioning because she guild for five years to aid Mathias, and he admits
is a unique experiment for the Stormwind Assas- that the young man has his grandmother’s (and
sins. While the various guilds in the city work well grandfather’s) vision clearly in his mind. He leads
the Fourth Finger rogues, ordering initiation and numbers were large; they resembled refugees in-
training in humility. He is in his seventies but walks stead of a handful of exiles, and most farmhouses
with a straight back and strong step. When meeting couldn’t have kept them if they’d wanted to.
new recruits, he prefers to be hooded so that no one The ousted nobles discovered, to their dismay,
will know his age. To the public, he is a valet to that the few bands of free orcs in Lordaeron wanted
nobles within Stormwind Keep. He is bald with nothing to do with them and refused them sanctu-
clear, blue eyes and a pudgy build. ary, so they began stealing to stay alive. Soon they
banded together to become more powerful and
The Syndicate called themselves the Syndicate. A haughty, frac-
BE IT NOW KNOWN that the individual called tious group led loosely by Lord Aiden Perenolde,
Lord Aiden Perenolde and every known ally (see this collection of fledgling rogues had many troubles
attached list), due to their association with the vile working together, but managed to stay alive, steal-
Horde during the war and their traitorous actions ing from towns and villages and traveling frequently.
toward the Alliance and her citizens, shall be stripped During their travels, other outlaws joined their
of all land, holdings and wealth and known hereafter as ranks. These professional thieves found they pre-
traitors to the Alliance. They shall forfeit all rights to ferred a larger community of rogues to working
citizenry in the Alliance. Indeed, they are considered alone, although some detested the Syndicate’s
enemies of all citizens of Lordaeron. Let no good people haughty noble leaders.
of this land show them hospitality, mercy or sanctuary. Lord Aiden Perenolde, the self-proclaimed leader,
Consider the honor they gave the Alliance and her realized he had to do something drastic to reclaim
citizens, and treat them no better. his lands. When the Burning Legion and the Scourge
So said in this seventh year of the new Alliance. began their assault on Lordaeron, he did not make
Sir Uther Lightbringer of the Knights of the Silver the same mistake twice by allying himself with the
Hand enemy; he simply took advantage of the Alliance’s
— Proclamation from Uther Lightbringer re- distraction to begin moving on his lands. The
garding the ousted noble traitors, known later as harried and panicked citizens, the people they used
The Syndicate to lord over, were frightened and confused and put
Membership: 3,000. up little fight, more concerned with the hellish
creatures that were rampaging over the land.
Alignment: Chaotic evil.
The Syndicate thus retook the Alterac Moun-
Affiliation: Independent.
tains and currently battles with ogres and the undead
Regions of Influence: Based in Strombrad, wields
to keep their lands. After regaining much of their
strong influence throughout the Alterac Moun-
lost territory, they sought to expand their sphere of
tains and the Arathi Highlands, where another
influence, looking to punish the already hurting
faction is being built in Stromgarde.
Alliance. They set their sights on the Arathi High-
Activities: These corrupt, dethroned nobles now lands to the South.
seek to take advantage of the Alliance’s troubles
Like the Scarlet Crusade, these humans are con-
and retake their lands.
sidered enemies of the Alliance, but that shattered
During the Second War, the Horde attempted to organization has no resources with which to deal
conscript some Alliance nobles to help them in with them. The only true threats to these rogues are
their campaign, and the weak-willed nobles of the the individual humans in the areas the Syndicate
Alterac Mountains readily agreed to help the orcs threatens. The Trollbane family is such a rival.
overthrow the Alliance leaders and take Lordaeron. They also hate the Horde with a passion, as these
With the defeat of the Horde came the punishment orcs severed ties right when the Syndicate needed
for these traitors: exile from their former holdings. them.
Many citizens thought death would not have been
too harsh for these turncoats, and thus life became Organization
difficult for them. Very few people wanted to be The trouble with the Syndicate is that it is prima-
associated with the exiles, and they were turned rily made up of egotistical, high-born nobles, with
away from every door. On a realistic level, their lands, farms and citizens who once owed fealty to
them. When time came for them to band together Many of these valets, stablehands, and pampered
and work as one, there was difficulty in finding a noble children found themselves developing a clever
leader, as they all wanted the job. Once the Alterac hand and a scrappy demeanor when it came to
Mountains were retaken and nearly every noble was living hand-to-mouth on the road. After some
back in his former home with a citizenry of bandits weeks of whining, most everyone began pulling
serving him, many of the old habits returned. Each their weight when their bellies became empty
noble claimed autonomy from the others and con- enough. With enough stolen items, they began to
sidered himself answerable to no one. build a semblance of a community in the foothills,
When Lord Aiden Perenolde came up with the Leaving the Syndicate is very difficult. Each
idea to take advantage of the Alliance’s crippled noble knows who belongs in his own little “gang”
state and attack neighboring lands, the Syndicate and notices when someone goes missing. The pen-
once again came under his rule, grudgingly. There alty for attempting to leave is whipping and branding
is little structure beyond his rule, although Lord the lower back with an “S.”
Falconcrest has taken over command in the Arathi Bandits found the Syndicate a powerful organiza-
Highlands. tion that, while fraught with infighting, is still
Each noble has a household and family that serve better to belong to than the smaller gangs they were
him or her, including whatever rogues or bandits leading. The Syndicate had greater plans than
they’ve picked up along the way. These nobles in simply robbing the refugees fleeing Lordaeron. Land
turn answer to Lord Perenolde, but there is little conquest was more than the bandits had ever
organization beyond that. The Syndicate suffers dreamed, and they were eager to join. The Syndi-
from pride and jealousy, each leader wishing to be cate accepted their pledges of fealty, and thus
in Perenolde’s position. There are no titles and stronger warriors and rogues brought their skills to
little management. Infighting, usually over newly the group. One of the smarter decisions Aiden
acquired holdings, is a frequent problem. Perenolde made for the Syndicate is to break up
The dirty work, of course, is done by the people these bandit gangs among the noble families, giv-
lower in the household. The nobles did the stealing ing the bandits new allegiances so the gangs couldn’t
and the fighting when they were exiles, but they stay together to work against the nobles. This trick
consider themselves too good for that now, desiring worked perfectly, and most bandits went along
to merely train their underlings and plan grand with it for the greater reward.
conquests over ravaged Lordaeron. Yet don’t mis- Any member of the Horde wishing to join the
take, these nobles are fierce in battle and will pick Syndicate is slaughtered on sight.
up weapons if pushed.
Locations Lord Aiden Perenolde (male human Rog12/
The Syndicate is based in the Alterac Moun- Ftr4): Aiden grew up wealthy, never knowing
tains, with Lord Aiden Perenolde’s keep in the need. He adored his home in the Alterac Moun-
Uplands considered the meeting place for the tains, but had his eyes on Lordaeron City. He held
Alterac nobles. The group has spread southwards to none of the lineage for the throne, even if everyone
the Arathi Highlands, where most nobles there in Lordaeron died inexplicably. When the Horde
serve Lord Falconcrest (who is based in Stromgarde). invaded Lordaeron, he saw his chance to ride the
wave of their destruction and claim the jewel of the
Members Alliance as his own. When the nobles were thrust
Most Syndicate members had no choice in the from their lands into the Arathi Highlands after the
matter: they were part of the traitorous nobles’ Horde’s defeat, he knew if they didn’t work to-
households, either staff or family, and they were gether they would die. He managed to gain a loose
exiled with their lords. They learned the lifestyle of hold on the prickly nobles to organize raiding
the thief the hard way, leaving their pampered lives parties on the local towns. When he regained
behind to steal from others. They still managed to control of his lands — and his neighbors — after
justify it with no problem, saying that their victims the Third War, he had a burning desire to punish
should be supporting them anyway, as they once did. the Alliance (never mind that it lay shattered with
the fall of Lordaeron). He managed to urge his Perenolde, only in his forties, and is prepared to
fellow nobles into taking more and more surround- bide his time until he is ready. He has red hair,
ing land, and currently the Syndicate holds a good white skin and light blue eyes and dresses in flow-
portion of the Alterac Mountains and Arathi High- ing, light garments to keep the sun from burning his
lands. He knows he is a target for the nobles who sensitive skin.
chafe under his rule and protects himself accord- Lady Beve Perenolde (female human Rog9/
ingly. He is 66, dark of skin and hair with blue eyes. Wiz5): Beve is the oldest child of Aiden Perenolde
Lord Falconcrest (male human Rog7/Ftr5): and his dead wife, Isolde. She was sent to Lordaeron
Lord Falconcrest was one of the many lesser nobles City to study magic as a young woman, but left the
under Lord Perenolde. He never liked the older school voluntarily to join her family in exile, lend-
man, but he admitted that Perenolde had a good ing her magical skills to their cause. She is fiercely
idea from time to time, and thought it was a fine devoted to her family, but disagrees with her father
idea to work with the Horde. After they were on many issues. She knows she is in line to inherit
exiled, he believed the Syndicate should be under the holdings when he dies, and she fully expects the
his control as he blamed Perenolde for the loss of leadership of the Syndicate to be her birthright as
their holdings. He thinks he would have been able well. She thinks her leadership would be so benefi-
to get lesser sentences from the Alliance instead of cial that the Syndicate and her brothers and sisters
exile to the wild to fend for themselves like peas- would not miss Lord Perenolde for long. Her father
ants. He does admit that their plans to take is constantly surrounded by several bodyguards, so
Lordaeron lands have worked better than expected, it would be unlikely she could attempt an assassina-
and grabbed the opportunity to lead the Syndicate tion. This doesn’t stop her from continuing her
faction in Strombrad in the Arathi Highlands. magical studies and looking for an opening in his
Far enough away from Perenolde’s control, he is defenses. She believes he is blind to her machina-
slowly grooming the rogues under him to work tions, but he is well aware of her desires.
against Perenolde and the northern Syndicate, She is valuable to the Syndicate as the most power-
although he knows he must move slowly and me- ful of the few mages within the ranks. She is in her
thodically to make sure his forces are strong enough forties, of average size with blonde hair and serious
before he makes the schism. He is younger than brown eyes. She commonly wears mage’s robes.
Whatever seemed not to fit in the main body of Iron Flesh [Special]
the narrative, I’ve tossed in here, though the items Your connection with your titan ancestry perma-
below hold a fair measure of importance with regard nently hardens your flesh.
to the peoples and character of the eastern lands. Prerequisites: Con 15, stone flesh ability.
Besides, I acquired such information at the cost of
Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus. This
much sweat and toil, not to mention a goodly
bonus stacks with that provided by your stone flesh
amount of gold over ales at several of the east’s finer
establishments, so it deserves to go somewhere. It
should all prove of interest to the Council, I am Special: You can take this feat multiple times.
sure. Each time, your natural armor bonus improves by
Swift Craft [Technology]
You craft items much faster than normal, with no Magic Items
loss of quality. This section presents several new magic items,
Prerequisites: Craft (any) 4 ranks. including potions, rings and wondrous items. They
Benefit: Whenever you craft an item, divide the are tied primarily to the eastern continents, but
item’s creation time by 5. If multiple characters are they can appear anywhere in the world of Azeroth.
working on a single item, the time is reduced in this
manner if you are in charge (i.e., you have the Specific Magic Weapon
highest Craft skill and the others are assisting you).
Other factors, such as cost and difficulty, are unaf- Trol’Kalar
fected by this feat. Description: This bastard sword is
Special: A tinker may select Swift Craft as one of notched and old, but its appearance
her tinker bonus feats. belies its sharpness and balance.
Trol’Kalar pulses with a dim white radiance,
Equipment almost as if alive. The weapon’s name means
“Troll Slayer” in an ancient tongue. The scion
Described here are three new weapons. of the Trollbane family, Prince Galen of
Bayonet: This pointed blade can be attached to Stromgarde,wieldsTrol’Kalaragainstforsaken,
a long rifle, blunderbuss or anything else that’s long the Syndicate, murlocs and ogres instead of its
and stick-like. Bayonets save riflemen the trouble traditional foes. The blade still proves deadly.
of carrying a backup melee weapon. Powers: When this +4 keen giant bane
Greathammer: Though often associated with bastard sword wounds a troll, the victim’s
human paladin warriors, Ironforge dwarves invented fast healing ability cannot repair the dam-
these massive, two-handed hammers. That paladins age. The wounds heal at their normal rate,
favor them is testament to their destructive power. just as if the victim did not possess the fast
Hammer, Dwarven Battle: The dwarven battle healing ability. Trol’Kalar also deals an
hammer is a larger, heavier version of the standard extra 1d6 points of holy damage to all
warhammer. Ironforge dwarves invented these those of evil alignment (including trolls).
weapons as improvements over smaller Trol’Kalar bestows one negative level on a n y
warhammers. evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative
A character must possess a Strength of 13 or level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and
greater to take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded.
(dwarven battle hammer) feat. Ironforge and This negative level never results in actual level loss,
Wildhammer dwarves treat dwarven battle ham- but it cannot be overcome in any way (including
mers as martial rather than exotic weapons. Other restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.
characters can use dwarven battle hammers as Strong evocation, conjuration and transmuta-
martial weapons if they wield them with two hands. tion; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy
smite, keen edge, summon monster I, creator must be Faint transmutation; CL 7th; Brew Potion, con-
good; Price 99,315 gp; Cost 49,815 gp + 3,960 XP. fusion; Price 1,500 gp.
Potions Rings
Potion of Flesh Dissolving Cursed Ring of Momar
Description: Carefully created by the Royal Description: This ring is a flat band of dull silver
Apothecary Society to use against their Scourge with an unpolished chunk of crystal set into it.
enemies, this potion will dissolve the flesh of any Powers: When placed on a finger on the right
undead. The beauty of it is that only a small amount hand, the ring immediately begins to freeze the skin
is needed, so it could even be delivered as a mist and it touches. It will continue turning the skin of the
it would cause great damage. Its application to wearer’s arm to ice at a rate of 4 inches per round,
weapons causes them to sink deeper into their inflicting 1 point of damage every round until the
targets as the resisting flesh merely dissolves. wearer makes a DC 13 Fortitude check, at which
Powers: The character must make an attack roll point the ring may be removed. If the ring is placed
to hit the target, after which the potion takes on the left hand, it allows the wearer to cast frost
immediate effect. It initially does 1d4 points of nova* 3 times per day.
damage, but it will do an additional 1d2 points of Faint evocation; CL 12th; Forge Ring, frost nova*;
damage every round it is allowed to stay on the skin, Price 3,000 gp.
up to 10 rounds. It can be washed off with normal
water. If the potion is delivered by a slashing or Dread Band
piercing weapon, a DC 15 Heal check is required to Description: This weathered bone ring is brown
wash away the potion. with age. The dread band serves as a potent aid to
If the potion is taken internally, either breathed dreadlords.
in or swallowed, it does 1d12+3 points of damage, Powers: When worn by a dreadlord, the dread
but does no further damage. band allows the creature to use its energy drain and
Moderate transmutation; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, vampiric aura abilities with any melee weapon (not
cripple*; Price 4,000 gp. just claw attacks).
Strong necromancy; CL 15th; Forge Ring, ener-
Potion of Racial Confusion vation, vampiric aura**; Price 10,000 gp.
Description: One of the few things remaining to
people in the lands ravaged by frequent wars is a Ring of Ghostly Duels
sense of self. One will usually know where one stands Description: This mithril ring is twisted many
as a human, orc, or half-elf, whether this knowledge times. Images of weapons and humanoid figures
brings happiness or sorrow. This potion was designed locked in combat are barely visible beneath the
by the Royal Apothecary Society to cause confusion ring’s surface.
within the ranks of mortals (particularly humans), Powers: A character wearing a ring of ghostly
taking away their sense of self and replacing it with duels can make himself and one other creature
complete confidence that the target is a member of incorporeal. The two remain visible as ghostly
another race, usually a hostile one. Inevitably, the outlines (unless they are invisible by some other
new orc, for example, will find himself surrounded by means). (See Chapter 8: Glossary in the DMG and
hated humans and elves, and attack. Chapter Three: The Scourge in Manual of Mon-
Powers: This potion must be taken internally, sters for more information on incorporeal creatures
although it can enter the body through a wound, such and how they function in the Warcraft setting.)
as a dart or arrow. The target must make a DC 14 The two do not suffer the standard miss chances for
Fortitude save, else he will think himself of a race attacking incorporeal targets, and thus can damage
other than his fellows, often an enemy race (this is the each other with weapons, incapacitate each other
GM’s choice). He will feel a great compulsion to with spells and so forth. The effect lasts for 10
attack his former friends and get free of their presence. rounds or until the wearer chooses to end it.
Evoking the ring’s power requires a successful often wear such pendants. The dark ruby adds to the
touch attack. An unwilling target may attempt a wearer’s force of personality, grants her protection
DC 23 Will save to resist the effect. against fire and allows Ragnaros’ fiery servants to
A ring of ghostly duels may be used just once, after keep an eye on the wearer.
which it fades from existence. Powers: A dark ruby grants its wearer a +2
Special: If you use the ring of ghostly duels in a non- enhancement bonus to Charisma and resistance to
Warcraft setting, the ring shifts the wearer and target to fire 20. The item is also keyed to a particular fire
the Ethereal Plane instead of making him incorporeal. elemental or other favored servant of Ragnaros.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Forge Ring, This specific creature can use clairaudience/clairvoy-
etherealness; Price 3,150 gp. ance and scrying through the ruby at will, and can
cast hold person on the wearer once per day as a spell-
Wondrous Items like ability with no saving throw allowed. The fire
elemental can also teleport (as greater teleport) to
Chalice of Opal Voices the ruby’s location once per week. If the fire el-
Description: This chalice is a 12-inch tall silver emental to which the ruby is keyed dies, the dark
goblet with opals set around the foot. The lining of ruby loses all its powers and flashes into ash.
the goblet is also opal, carved from a single great The object’s creator keys the dark ruby to a
gem and imbued with power. specific creature at the time of creation. The choice
Powers: Anyone who drinks clean water from cannot be changed.
this chalice gains a +4 bonus to Charisma-based Strong abjuration, divination and transmutation;
checks and rolls for the next 5 rounds. Used most CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoy-
commonly by musicians, this chalice has also come ance, eagle’s splendor, hold person, resist energy, scrying;
in useful for diplomatic endeavors. Price —; Cost 18,500 gp + 1,480 XP; Weight —.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Darksap Venom
Item, eagle’s splendor; Price: 4,000; Weight: 2 lb.
Description: The Hinterlands’ Witherbark for-
Crown of Will est trolls combine voodoo magic and herbal lore to
Description: The crown gleams constantly, giving create this deadly poison. The toxin is black and
off an almost hypnotic pattern of light that immedi- sticky, like tar, and usually comes in small clay or
ately catches the gaze of all who approach. Fashioned wood containers.
entirely from rare, polished gemstones, the crown of Powers: Darksap venom is an injury-based poison.
will was created centuries ago by a Highborne sorcerer The venom’s initial damage is 2d6 points of tempo-
who was worried about the possibility of losing his rary Constitution damage, and secondary damage is
mind to a magical mishap. The crown’s purpose is to 3d6 points of temporary Constitution damage. The
fortify its wearer’s mind, shielding it from any form of Fortitude save DC to resist the effects is 20. In
controlling spell or enchantment. addition, the spells slow poison and neutralize poison
Powers: The wearer gains a +4 bonus on all Will are ineffective in countering this magic venom
saves and is continuously affected as though by the (though heal and other 6th-level and higher curative
mind blank spell. Any ongoing, mind-affecting ef- spells eliminate it), and antitoxins provide no bonus.
fects afflicting the wearer are immediately ended Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Brew Potion,
when the crown is donned. Craft Wondrous Item, poison, Survival 5 ranks;
Strong Abjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Price 5,000 gp per dose; Weight —.
Item, mind blank, resistance; Price 246,000 gp;
Weight 2 lb. Prestige Classes
Dark Ruby The following four prestige classes are available
Description: This deep red ruby is strung on a primarily to PCs and NPCs of the eastern conti-
gold chain and worn about the neck. Dark Iron nents; each one is also connected to a specific
dwarves, especially those in leadership positions, organization detailed in Appendix One.
Skills: Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks, Knowledge
Dark Apothecary (undead) 5 ranks.
Description: The agents of the Royal Apoth- Feats: Brew Potion, Great Fortitude.
ecary Society scour the land for the deadliest toxins
and most powerful potions, searching for the ulti- Class Skills
mate weapon in their battle to rid Azeroth of the The dark apothecary’s class skills (and the key
Scourge. ability for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft
Hit Die: d6. (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowl-
edge (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Requirements See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for
Affiliation: Independent. skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark apoth-
ecaries are proficient with all simple weapons.
Spellcasting: A dark apothecary contin-
ues to grow in magical ability as his studies
progress. When a character gains 2nd level
as a dark apothecary and at every other
level thereafter, the character gains new
spells per day as if he had also gained a
level in whatever arcane spellcasting
class he belonged to before entering
the prestige class. The spells
available to the dark apoth-
ecary are those of the
character’s former arcane
spellcasting class.
Improved Brew (Ex): Learning the secrets of the Extend Potion (Ex): Once initiated into the
Royal Apothecary Society allows a dark apoth- Royal Apothecary Society, a dark apothecary can
ecary to brew potions with no cost in experience cause the effects of a previously-brewed potion to
points and at incredible speeds, requiring only 1 last twice as long as normal. Potions whose effects
hour per potion, though the cost of materials needed have durations of concentration, instantaneous, or
remains the same. permanent are not affected by this process, which
Throw Potion (Ex): Potions created by a dark requires 1 hour and materials equal in cost to one-
apothecary can either be imbibed normally or used quarter of the potion’s base cost.
by the dark apothecary as a thrown splash weapon Corrupt Water (Su): The blood of a dark apoth-
with a range increment of 15 feet (see “Throw ecary is tainted with toxins from his experiments.
Splash Weapon” in Chapter 8 of the Player’s Hand- Beginning at 2nd level, a dark apothecary who
book). Spell effects released via a thrown potion are bleeds himself for 1 point of Constitution damage
treated as though the spell had been cast normally can drip the blood into a vial of water to create one
and targeted at the point of impact. Trained in the dose of a powerful poison. Glass vials of this poison
proper methods of throwing potions, dark apoth- can be thrown using the dark apothecary’s throw
ecaries may select how spells with a line or shaped potion ability. In addition, the poison affects both
effect are released, though the effect must always living and undead creatures. The dark apothecary
occur in the half-arc away from the apothecary and is immune to the effects of this poison (contact,
the line of throw. Fort DC 8 + the dark apothecary’s class levels,
Identify Potion (Ex): As a result of their exten- initial damage paralysis for 2d6 rounds; see “Poi-
sive alchemical studies, dark apothecaries can son” in Chapter 8 of the DMG). As the dark
identify unknown potions at will as though casting apothecary advances in the prestige class, he gains
identify at their spellcaster level. As the Royal new options for the secondary damage, selecting
Apothecary Society’s classification system uses odor from those available to him at the time of the
rather than taste (to protect young initiates from poison’s creation:
mistakenly imbibing poisons), a dark apothecary • 2nd level: 2d6 points of damage.
must be able to smell a potion in order to identify it. • 4th level: 2d4 Dex.
• 6th level: 1d6 Con. effects to a target he hits with a successful touch
• 8th level: Unconsciousness for 1d8 hours. attack, which expends the poison completely.
• 10th level: 1d6 points of damage to any two Widen Potion (Ex): When achieving 7th level,
abilities. a dark apothecary can maximize the area affected
Empower Potion (Ex): Dark apothecaries can by the spells brewed into his potions. This effect is
use their alchemical knowledge to maximize the as per the Widen Spell feat, but limited to potions.
effects of a previously-brewed potion. All variable, Widening a potion is a process that requires 1 hour
numeric effects of a potion are increased by one- and materials equal in cost to one-tenth of the
half, as though the spell contained in the potion potion’s base cost.
was under the effects of the Empower Spell feat. Potion Touch (Su): At 6th level, a dark apoth-
Empowering a potion is a process that requires 1 ecary learns to extend his ability to pass along the
hour and materials equal in cost to one-tenth of the effects of poisons in order to transfer potion effects.
potion’s base cost. If touching another creature while imbibing a po-
Poison Immunity (Ex): Upon reaching 4th level, tion with the effects of a spell of 3rd level or less, the
dark apothecaries have experimented with so many dark apothecary may share the effects of the potion.
potions, chemicals and toxins that they become Poison Reach (Su): Upon reaching 7th level, a
immune to the effects of all poisons. dark apothecary may pass along the effects of a
Greater Brew (Ex): At 5th level, the dark apoth- poison he has imbibed via a ranged touch attack
ecary gains the ability to create potions of any with a range equal to the dark apothecary’s class
5th-level or lower spell that he can cast. level times 5 feet. Only one creature may be af-
Poison Touch (Su): At 3rd level, the dark fected per dose imbibed, and the attack must be
apothecary acquires the ability to pass the effects of made within 15 minutes of imbibing the poison. If
poison via touch. Within 15 minutes of imbibing a an attempt to poison using this ability fails, the
poison, the dark apothecary can transfer the poison’s imbibed poison is expended.
Defias Renegade Requirements
Affiliation: Independent.
Description: There are two ways someone is
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
typically introduced to the Defias Brotherhood.
Some are traveling through central Azaroth and Skills: Knowledge (history: Defias Brotherhood)
suddenly find themselves surrounded by cloaked 3 ranks, Use Technological Device* 8 ranks.
figures demanding their valuables in exchange for Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning
passage. Others, despite their skills and talents, get Reflexes.
caught in desperate situations — and find a mem- Special: A character who wishes to join the
ber of the Brotherhood stepping forward to assist Defias Brotherhood must mark herself with a cog
them, then vanishing back into the night. tattoo on the back of her right hand.
Both groups tell their stories and hear what others
Class Skills
say about the Brotherhood. They hear of how the
Brotherhood was cast out of Stormwind and how it The Defias renegade’s class skills (and the key ability
rebels against the authority that once ruled its mem- for each) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
bers. They hear of how the Brotherhood’s members Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex),
hone their technological acumen and teach one Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate
another the secret art of the ambush. (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
A very few choose to mark themselves with a cog
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex), and Use
tattoo and set off into the wilderness. Out of desperation,
Technological Device* (Int).
dedication or determination they decide to join the quest
See Chapter Four, “Skills,”
of the Brotherhood to change the world one
in the Player’s Hand-
unwary traveler at a time.
book and Chapter
Turning their backs on so-
Two, “Heroes,” in
ciety, they join the
the Warcraft
Defias Brother-
RPG for skill de-
hood and become
Hit Die:d6.
Table 7–3: The Defias Renegade (Dre)
Base Fort Ref Will
Class Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Mechanical aptitude, trapfinder (+2)
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Sense ambush, sabotage (x2)
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Exotic Weapon Proficiency
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Ambush, bonus feat
5th +3 +4 +4 +2 Lurker, trapfinder (+4)
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Sense ambush (partial action), sabotage (x3)
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Exotic Weapon Proficiency
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Bonus feat
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Trapfinder (+6)
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Sabotage (x4)
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier. functioning device. Beginning at 2nd level, a Defias
renegade may study a device as a full-round action.
Class Features She can then attempt to sabotage the device by
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Defias ren- making a Use Technological Device* check with a
egades are proficient with all simple weapons, all DC equal to that required to operate the device.
ranged martial weapons, and all crossbows. They (This check does not require the renegade to have
are also proficient with all light and medium armor. any of the proficiencies necessary to operate the
Mechanical Aptitude (Ex): Defias renegades device.) If the check is successful, the Malfunction
add half their level in the prestige class on any Use Rating of the device is doubled. A successful sabo-
Technological Device* skill checks they make to tage by a Defias renegade of 6th level or higher
operate devices. This bonus can also be applied to triples the device’s Malfunction Rating, and sabo-
any Craft (technological devices)* checks made by tage by a 10th-level renegade multiplies the
the renegade to create, repair or upgrade techno- Malfunction Rating by 4. The effects of a sabotage
logical devices whose primary functions are related remain until the device malfunctions and is re-
to stealth or ambush (such as “sneakboots” or a paired, after which the MR returns to normal.
“carriage trap”). Exotic Weapon Proficiency: At 3rd and 7th
Trapfinder (Ex): At 1st level, Defias renegades level, the Defias renegade may select a bonus exotic
get a +2 competence bonus to any attempts to find weapon proficiency for any technological weapon
or detect non-magical traps. This bonus increases (defined as any weapon with a Malfunction Rating,
to +4 at 5th level and +6 at 9th level. such as the splinter gun; see Chapter Five in Magic
Sense Ambush (Ex): A Defias renegade is well- & Mayhem).
versed in the staging and execution of ambushes, Ambush (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a Defias
and rarely falls into one herself. Beginning at 2nd renegade adds her levels in the prestige class to the
level, she adds half of her level in the prestige class DC of any checks made by opponents attempting to
to any checks made to determine awareness at the detect the renegade lying in wait for an ambush.
beginning of combat. After achieving 6th level, Bonus Feat: At 4th and 8th levels, a Defias
even if the Defias renegade fails her awareness renegade gets a bonus Technology feat.
check, she still retains her Dexterity bonus to AC Lurking (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, a Defias
and gets a standard action in any surprise round. renegade gets a bonus equal to half her levels in the
Sabotage (Ex): The Defias Brotherhood instructs prestige class when making any Hide or Move
its members not only in the construction of devices, Silently checks.
but also in ways to impede the operation of a
Dwarven Prospector Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A dwarven prospec-
Description: For untold centuries, prospectors
tor often ventures into the wild on his own, and few set out
wandered the mountains of Khaz Modan searching
without a personal arsenal of weapons and the skills to use
for untapped veins of ore and potential sites for new
them. Dwarven prospectors are proficient with all simple
underground clanholds. However, with the discov-
and martial weapons, and light armor. At 1st level, they
ery of their titan origins and the founding of the
may also select one exotic weapon proficiency represent-
Explorer’s Guild, the ranks of the dwarven prospec-
ing a martial skill acquired in their travels.
tors have swollen and their wanderings have spread
Mineral Sense (Ex): Dwarven prospectors have
until they now cover all of Azeroth.
an uncanny knack for determining the location
Hit Die: d6.
and quality of ore and mineral resources. Any
Requirements Appraise, Knowledge, Profession, Search or Spot
checks made by a prospector related to the location
Race: Dwarf.
and identification of minerals get a competence
Affiliation: Alliance.
bonus equal to the character’s prospector levels +3.
Skills: Profession (explorer) 8 ranks, Profession
Direction Sense (Ex): Wan-
(miner) 5 ranks, any two Knowledge (place) skills
dering in and under the
at 3 ranks or more.
mountains in search of fresh
Feats: Negotiator. veins of ore leads dwarven
Class Skills prospectors to develop an
extraordinary bump of direction.
The dwarven prospector’s class skills
Even while underground, a dwarven
(and the key ability for each) are
prospector will unerringly know
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha),
the direction of north.
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Deci-
pher Script (Int), Diplomacy Luckstone (Su): Pros-
(Cha), Disguise (Cha), pectors can be a
Gather Information (Cha), superstitious lot, and
Handle Animal many have particu-
(Cha), Heal (Wis), lar items they swear
Hide (Dex), Knowl- were vital to past
edge (Int), Listen successes and victo-
(Wis), Move Silently ries. Traditionally,
(Dex), Profession (Wis), this item has been a
Ride (Dex), Search rock taken from the
(Int), Sense Motive prospector’s birthplace,
(Wis), Speak Lan- but some prospectors swear
guage, Spot (Wis), by their “special belt” or
Survival (Wis) and “lucky boots.” At 1st level,
Use Rope (Dex). a prospector chooses one of
See Chap- his possessions to serve as his
ter 4: “lucky object.” This object must
Skills in be non-magical and cannot be
t h e a weapon or piece of armor.
Player’s Each day, the prospector’s
Handbook lucky object grants him a
for skill de- “luck pool” containing a
scriptions. number of points equal
to his Wisdom
Skill Points at Each
modifier that may be
Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Table 7–4: The Dwarven Prospector (Dpr)
Base Fort Ref Will
Class Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Mineral sense, direction sense, luckstone
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Favored terrain, kodo’s memory (+3)
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Native friends
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Archive delving, bonus feat
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Favored terrain, kodo’s memory (+6), luckstone (prospector levels)
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Native friends, gem sense
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Polyglot, fleet
8th +6 +6 +6 +2 Favored terrain, kodo’s memory (+9), bonus feat
9th +6 +6 +6 +3 Native friends
10th +7 +7 +7 +3 Luckstone (character levels)
applied as a luck bonus to any roll made by the they go. At 3rd, 6th and 9th levels, a dwarven prospec-
prospector. When a point from the luck pool is applied tor selects a region (such as the Barrens, Westfall or
as a bonus, it is spent and isn’t refreshed until the Stranglethorn Vale). While traveling in this region,
prospector gets a full night’s rest. When the prospector there is a percentage chance equal to 5 times the
achieves 5th level, the luck pool contains a number of character’s prospector level that he is within an hour’s
points equal to his prospector levels. After reaching travel of a friendly acquaintance who will be able to
10th level, a prospector’s luck pool contains points offer shelter and assistance. Elsewhere, this chance is
equal to his character level. If a prospector is separated equal to 1 times the character’s prospector levels. The
from his lucky object, he may not spend points from same region may not be selected twice.
his luck pool until it is recovered. Archive Delving (Ex): Prospectors quickly become
Favored Terrain (Ex): In their journeys, dwarven experts at library research as they study their past and
prospectors learn how to travel through and survive in future destinations in the halls of a library or archive.
many types of wilderness. Upon achieving 2nd, 5th and After achieving 4th level, a dwarven prospector re-
8th levels, a dwarven prospector selects a general terrain ceives a bonus equal to half his levels in the prestige class
type (see DMG, Chapter 3, “Wilderness Adventures”). on any checks related to research, including library-
When traveling through these types of terrain, the based Decipher Script and Gather Information checks.
prospector receives a +4 competence bonus on Climb, Bonus Feat: At 4th and 8th levels, a dwarven
Handle Animal, Ride and Survival checks as well as prospector may select a bonus general feat.
Constitution checks made to continue running and to Gem Sense (Ex): At 6th level, the dwarven
avoid nonlethal damage from forced marches. The same prospector’s ability to locate and assess minerals
terrain type may not be selected twice. encompasses gemstones. This ability is the same as
Kodo’s Memory (Ex):Prospectors have prodigious mineral sense, but extends to gemstones as well.
memories for the places they visit. (They are often Polyglot (Ex): By 7th level, a dwarven prospector
compared to kodo beasts, which will remember the usually knows so many languages that learning new
face of a hunter who wounded them more than a ones is extremely easy. For each skill point spent, the
decade earlier.) At 2nd level, a dwarven prospector prospector can learn two languages. Further, with a
can make a Knowledge check pertaining to a geo- DC 20 Intelligence check, the prospector can under-
graphic locale he has previously visited as though he stand (but not speak) a language he does not know.
had 3 ranks in the skill. At 5th level, this figure rises Fleet (Ex): Prospectors learn how to pace them-
to 6 ranks, and at 8th level to 9 ranks. selves when traveling long distances and can move
Native Friends (Ex): Prospectors often make nu- at an impressive speed. When traveling overland
merous friends and allies in their travels, until it seems and out of combat, a prospector of 7th level or
as though they have acquaintances nearly everywhere higher gains a bonus of 30 feet to his base speed.
dwarf or high elf — they hate other races and blame
Scarlet Crusader them for everything bad as well.
Description: As they wander the blasted wastes, Hit Die: d8.
the undead creatures who call the Plaguelands
home have learned to scan the horizon continually Requirements
for the crimson garb of the Scarlet Crusade. Scarlet Affiliation: Alliance or Independent.
Crusaders come from many vocations — warrior, Base Attack Bonus: +5.
priest, wizard, scout — but all have one obsession: Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks.
the complete and utter destruction of the plague-
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack.
born creatures who have conquered and occupied
their ancestral homelands. Whether a red robe, a Special: A Scarlet Crusader may not be of the
red tabard or red lacquered armor, a Scarlet Cru- undead creature type.
sader wears the bright color as a brazen declaration
that the red blood of the living still flows in her
veins and as a beacon calling her undead foes to
battle. Though often seen traveling in squads, even
a lone Crusader will charge into battle with a
zealous rage to destroy both the undead and any
she fears may be “plagued.” The truly unlucky
are those captured alive by a Scarlet Crusader
and taken back to one of the Crusade’s
hidden encampments, where the Crusad-
ers eagerly interrogate and torture
prisoners for any information that will
help the Crusade achieve its goals.
Crusaders are predominantly hu-
man, with only the occasional
Table 7–5: The Scarlet Crusader (Slc)
Base Fort Ref Will
Class Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Tracker
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Favored enemy (undead)
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Detect undead, lifetouch (critical hits)
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Crimson circle, track undead (1 hour)
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Lifetouch (nonlethal damage), interrogator
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Track undead (12 hours)
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Lifetouch (mental immunity)
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Lifecloak, track undead (1 day)
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Inquisitor
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Lifeburn
Crusader’s ability to detect undead lets her detect trains them to protect it. A Scarlet Crusader of 8th
any undead that came within range of the ability level or higher is immune to the effects of all ability
within the last hour. At 6th level, this time period drain and energy drain powers.
increases to within the last 12 hours, and at 8th level Inquisitor (Sp): A Scarlet Crusader who has
to within the last day. The ability does not reveal the mastered the art of interrogation can inflict such
current location of the undead creature, only that it pain that a creature cannot help but reveal all that
was present at some point during the time period. the Crusader wishes to know. When a Crusader of
Interrogator (Sp): Once a Scarlet Crusader has 9th level or greater inflicts 20 or more points of
proven her devotion to the Crusade, she is intro- lethal damage upon a creature in a non-combat
duced to the dark art of interrogation. Beginning at situation, the creature will answer questions truth-
5th level, a Scarlet Crusader who inflicts 10 or more fully for 1 minute. The creature is allowed a Will
points of lethal damage on another creature in a non- save against this ability, with a DC equal to 15 + the
combat situation may read the creature’s thoughts as Crusader’s Charisma bonus. Each successive ques-
though using a detect thoughts spell focused on the tioning grants the creature a +2 bonus to this save.
individual creature, allowing the Crusader to read If the creature successfully saves, it may not be
the creature’s surface thoughts immediately. This questioned again for 24 hours.
ability can be used on undead creatures. Each succes- Lifeburn (Sp): At 10th level a Scarlet Crusader
sive time this ability is used on a single creature, it can use her life force to incinerate any who stand in
gains a +2 bonus to its Will save; if it successfully her way. With a successful touch attack, a Scarlet
saves, the Scarlet Crusader’s ability may not be used Crusader can deal 6d6 points of damage; against
again on that creature for 24 hours. undead creatures, this damage is doubled to 12d6
Lifecloak (Sp): Just as the Scarlet Crusade trains points. Each use of this ability also inflicts 2d8
its members to manipulate their life force, it also points of damage to the Crusader.
Described below are six new monsters found in
the eastern lands.
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack
/Grapple: +3/+8
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+5) or tail slap
+8 melee (1d12+5)
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+5) or tail slap
+8 melee (1d12+5)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. to surge forward with bursts of speed that often
Special Attacks: Improved grab, lacerate catch prey by surprise. They typically prefer to feed
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, hold breath on relatively defenseless prey, such as small, aquatic
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2 creatures or larger land creatures that flounder
when crossing bodies of water. However, crocolisks
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
never hesitate to defend their territory aggressively
Skills: Hide +8*, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +13
from trespassers.
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)
Recently, a new breed of mutated crocolisk has
Environment: Warm marshes been sighted in remote areas of Azeroth. Corrupted
Organization: Solitary or colony (6–11) by an unknown force, these twisted crocolisks are
Challenge Rating: 3 known as dreadmaws and reportedly grow to mon-
Treasure: None strous proportions.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5–7 HD (Medium); 8–12 HD (Large) Combat
Level Adjustment: — A crocolisk prefers to lie in wait, submerged at
The lizard-like creature is massive in length and covered the edge of a river with only its eyes and nostrils
in thick, rough scales that run from the end of its tail to the showing. The crocolisk charges and attacks any
tip of its maw. Mottled green in color with yellowish fangs, creature that wanders within 30 feet. It uses its
the beast is supported by six squat legs and webbed feet, lacerate ability until the victim bleeds to death,
each of which ends in short, black claws. then drags the corpse back to its watery home.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
Description crocolisk must hit with its bite attack. It can then
Crocolisks are amphibious predators relatively attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
common in most regions of Azeroth. They exist provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
naturally in both fresh and saltwater environments, grapple check, the crocolisk uses its lacerate ability.
usually preferring to remain close to land. How- Lacerate (Ex): When a crocolisk succeeds at an
ever, seafarers occasionally report sighting giant improved grab, it automatically lacerates its foe.
crocolisks out in the ocean, miles from dry land. The victim suffers 1 point of Constitution damage
Crocolisks spend most of their time submerged, from blood loss. A critical hit does not multiply the
but are equally at home on land and often climb Constitution damage. Creatures immune to criti-
onto shore to sun themselves or to roll in warm cal hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune
mud. They are extremely proficient swimmers, able to this effect.
Hold Breath (Ex): A crocolisk can hold its affinity with high elves, and are often used as
breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its mounts by high elf warriors.
Constitution score before it risks drowning. As their name implies, dragonhawks resemble a
Skills: A crocolisk has a +8 racial bonus on any cross between a hawk and a dragon. They look
Swim check to perform some special action or much like large hawks with dragonlike heads and a
avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on few other draconic characteristics — long neck,
a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It sleek body and large wings. Dragonhawk plumage is
can use the run action while swimming, provided it brown with touches of blue and red.
swims in a straight line.
*A crocolisk gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide
checks when in the water. Further, a crocilisk can Dragonhawks are able predators. They prefer
lie in the water with only its eyes and nostrils diving attacks, snatching prey in their talons to
showing, gaining a +10 cover bonus on Hide checks. devour at their leisure. When trained, they readily
fight in tandem with a skilled rider.
Dragonhawk Skills: *Dragonhawks receive a +2 racial bonus
on Spot checks.
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+12 (34 hp) Training a Dragonhawk
Initiative: +3 Training a dragonhawk as an aerial mount re-
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 90 ft. (average) quires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 24
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural), for a young creature, or DC 29 for an adult). High
touch 12, flat-footed 13 elves receive a +2 racial bonus on this check.
Base Attack Dragonhawk eggs are worth 2,500 gp apiece on
/Grapple: +4/+12 the open market, while chicks are worth 4,000 gp
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+6) each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+6) or train a dragonhawk, and riding one requires an
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. exotic saddle. A dragonhawk can fight while carry-
Special Attacks: — ing a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he
Special Qualities: — or she succeeds at a Ride check (see the PHB,
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 Chapter 4: Skills, “Ride”).
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 6 Carrying Capacity: A light load for a dragonhawk
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +11* is up to 350 pounds, a medium load 351–700
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (bite) pounds, and a heavy load 701–1,050 pounds.
Environment: Forest
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5–8 HD (Huge); 9–12 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: —
This large raptor could carry away a man — on its
back, or in its talons. Its beak gleams wickedly, but its
feathers are unremarkable but for hints of blue and red
at the neck and wing.
Dragonhawks are vicious flying predators. They
are swift and deft, able to crack bones and pierce
hides with their mighty jaws. They can be trained
as aerial mounts and seem to have a particular
Dwarf, Dark Iron
Dark Iron Dwarf, 1st-Level Warrior
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 15 ft. in scale mail armor (3 squares);
base speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +4 scale mail, +2 heavy
steel shield), touch 12, flat-footed 16
Base Attack
/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Dwarven waraxe +2 melee (1d1o+1/x3),
or light crossbow +3 ranged (1d8/19–20)
Full Attack: Dwarven waraxe +2 melee (1d1o+1/x3),
or light crossbow +3 ranged (1d8/19–20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to fire 6,
fire magic affinity, Dark Iron dwarf traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Environment: Any underground The Dark Iron sorcerer-king, also called Thaurisan,
Organization: Solitary (5th–10th level rogue or refused to accept his banishment. He amassed an
assassin), team (2–4), squad (11–20 army and attacked Dun Morogh, thereby sparking
plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and 1 Large the War of Three Hammers against both Ironforge
fire elemental), or clan (30–100 plus and the Wildhammer dwarves of Grim Batol. The
30% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level Ironforge and Wildhammer forces defeated
sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level Thaurisan’s armies and pushed him back to the
lieutenants, 3 elder fire elementals and Redridge Mountains. Seeing he was doomed,
1 8th-level chieftain) Thaurisan decided to summon a magical creature
Challenge Rating: 1/2 to aid his Dark Irons. Yet he inadvertently sum-
Treasure: Standard moned Ragnaros, a blazing Old God whose birth
Alignment: Always chaotic evil tore the land asunder. Ragnaros’ summoning de-
Advancement: By character class stroyed the city of Thaurisan, and in its place was a
Level Adjustment: — great volcano that dwarves would later name
This dwarf has pallid skin and stark white hair. Blackrock Spire. Ragnaros bent the remaining Dark
Orange eyes burn from an impassive face. Irons to his will, and he and his new servants
retreated to the safety of the Blackrock Spire’s
Description depths.
Dark Iron dwarves are the Ironforge dwarves’ evil Now, the Dark Irons have returned to the sur-
kin. Three hundred years ago, Clan Dark Iron split face. The Third War’s devastation leaves Ironforge
from Clan Ironforge and Clan Wildhammer. The with few allies, and the world is ripe for a Dark Iron
Dark Irons practiced evil magic, which their emergence. Their current battles are mainly against
Ironforge brethren could not abide. Clan Ironforge the black dragon Nefarion and his allies, who claim
therefore exiled the Dark Irons, who founded their Blackrock Spire’s upper reaches. Dark Iron forces
kingdom of Thaurisan in the Redridge Mountains. are scattered across Khaz Modan, searching for
items and slaves to help them destroy their ancient — +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks related to
enemies. stone or metal items and Craft checks related to
Dark Iron dwarves physically resemble Ironforge stone or metal. Appraise and Craft are considered
dwarves, but they are not nearly as stocky and are class skills for all Dark Iron dwarf characters.
more dexterous. Their skin is pale white and their — –2 penalty to Hide checks due to their glowing
hair and beards white or black. Their eyes glow with eyes. A Dark Iron dwarf may close his eyes or wear
orange flame — one of many gifts from their Old tinted glasses to avoid this penalty.
God master. (See the “Badlands” region entry in — Resistance to fire equal to 5 + character level
Chapter Three: Khaz Modan for more information (maximum 25). Dark Iron dwarves’ association with
about the Dark Iron dwarves.) Ragnaros has granted them some protection against fire.
— Special Quality: Fire magic affinity (see above).
— Automatic Language: Dwarven.
Dark Iron dwarves avoid straight combat, prefer-
ring ambushes and ranged assaults. Dark Irons are — Favored Class: Rogue.
self-serving, with little of the clan loyalty so domi- — Level Adjustment: +0.
nant in Ironforge culture. A Dark Iron willingly
flees or betrays his allies in order to save his own life. Stranglethorn
Fire Magic Affinity (Su): Whenever a Dark Iron Large Plant
dwarf casts a spell with the [fire] descriptor, his Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
caster level is treated as one level higher than it Initiative: +0
actually is for the purposes of any level-dependent Speed: 0 ft. (0 squares)
effects (such as range, duration and so forth). Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-
footed 17
Dark Iron Dwarf Characters
Base Attack/
Very few Dark Irons are neutral or good, and even Grapple: +3/+12
fewer break from Ragnaros’ dominance. Ironforge Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+7 plus poison)
and Wildhammer dwarves despise Dark Irons and
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+7 plus poison)
attack them on sight. Other races have little expe-
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with tendrils)
rience with Dark Iron dwarves and may be curious
or suspicious rather than hostile. Special Attacks: Constrict 1d6+7, poison, improved grab
Dark Iron dwarves favor the rogue class and can Special Qualities: Blindsight 30 ft., camouflage, low-light
vision, plant traits, resistance to fire 20
take levels in the assassin prestige class (as it ap-
pears in the DMG). Dark Iron dwarves possess the Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3
following racial traits. Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 16, Int —, Wis 15, Cha 7
— +2 Dexterity. Skills: —
— A Dark Iron dwarf’s base land speed is 20 feet. Feats: —
— Darkvision out to 60 feet. Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary or patch (2–4)
— Racial Skills: A Dark Iron dwarf character
gains skills based on his character class. Challenge Rating: 4
— Racial Feats: A Dark Iron dwarf character Treasure: 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items
gains feats based on his character class. Alignment: Always neutral
— Stonecunning: Dark Iron dwarves possess the Advancement: 6–20 HD (Large); 21–40 HD (Huge);
stonecunning ability, just like their Ironforge breth- 41+ HD (Gargantuan)
ren (see the Warcraft RPG, Chapter Two: Heroes). Level Adjustment: —
— Weapon Familiarity: Dark Iron dwarves treat The plant consists mostly of large, trunk-like stalks
blunderbusses, long rifles, flintlock pistols, dwarven covered in semi-translucent bark. Its entire length is
urgroshes and dwarven waraxes as martial weapons dotted with numerous clusters of leafy, thorn-covered
rather than exotic weapons. vines that almost manage to conceal a pattern of
strange, swollen bulges protruding from various places
— +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
along the main stalk.
A stranglethorn attacks with vine-like tendrils
when prey strays within reach. Its paralytic poison
subdues foes and makes them easier to pull against
its main trunk.
A paralyzed creature is drawn to the trunk and
encased over the next hour in a bark-like shell as
the main trunk grows around it. The outline of a
victim is usually still visible for several days after-
ward. Once the creature is digested within the main
trunk, a split forms and indigestibles are expelled.
The split closes back up, leaving the stranglethorn’s
treasure buried under a thin layer of dead leaves and
organic debris at the base of the main trunk.
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 15, initial
damage paralysis for 1 round, secondary damage
sleep for 2d4 hours. The save DC is Constitution-
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
stranglethorn must hit with its slam attack. It can
then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it
wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can
Description constrict.
Man-eating stranglethorn vines derive their name Constrict (Ex): A stranglethorn deals 1d6+7
from their native environment: the dangerous, points of damage with a successful grapple check.
mist-filled jungles of Stranglethorn Vale. Blindsight (Ex): Stranglethorns have no visual
Stranglethorn vines are a crucial part of the jungle organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using
ecosystem, acting as a counterweight to some of the sound, scent and vibration.
region’s larger predators. Blending in with other Camouflage (Ex): Since a stranglethorn looks
types of less-dangerous flora, they often lay in wait, like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a DC 20
concealed for several days, until unwitting prey Spot check to notice it before it attacks. Anyone
approaches within range. with ranks in Survival or Knowledge (nature) can
Possessing a rudimentary digestive system, use one of those skills instead of Spot to notice the
stranglethorn vines can extract nutrients only from plant.
the easily digestible outer layers of fleshy creatures.
After food is stripped of all nutritional value by the Threshadon
vine, it is expelled from the trunk and discarded at Large Animal
the plant’s base. Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Inedible creatures, such as beetles, insects and Initiative: +2
skeletons, are completely ignored by stranglethorns. Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 50 ft.
In fact, carrion beetles often form symbiotic rela- Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch
tionships with stranglethorn vines, living in burrows 11, flat-footed 12
at a vine’s base. There, they help to break down the Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16
partially digested remains of the plant’s victims and
Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d8+9)
lay eggs in suitably decomposed corpses. In turn,
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d8+9)
carrion beetles are considered tasty morsels by
other predators and serve as lures that help to draw Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
additional prey within the vine’s reach. Special Attacks: —
free to graze. When threatened, they often retreat
to deeper water for protection.
Threshadon are primarily motivated by hunger.
Their huge bodies require almost constant nourish-
ment, so they migrate frequently whenever they
exhaust all edible plant life in an area. They travel
in loose herds that are led by a dominant male.
When grazing sites are found, the beasts scatter out
in a vast circle with pairs grazing together for
Their most dangerous natural enemies are
murlocs. Twice a year, murloc tribes engage in
ceremonial hunts, prowling lakes and streams for
threshadon. Murlocs prize the threshadon’s back
fins as material for crude shields and armor, and
extract a greenish mucus from the colored head fin
for use by chieftains as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Special Attacks: Disease, leap
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
damage reduction 5/silver, leap, night healing, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12,
Cha 8
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +3,
Spot +4, Survival +1*
Feats: Improved Critical (claws)B, Multiattack,
Weapon Focus (bite)
Environment: Temperate forest
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2–5), band (6–
10 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 leader of 3rd–6th level),
or tribe (20–200 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or
2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, and 1 leader of 6th–8th
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard to feed on the remains of their victims, preferring to
Alignment: Usually neutral evil shred and tear the corpses and then to return
Advancement: By character class immediately to prowling. Rumors suggest that
Level Adjustment: +2 worgen somehow receive sustenance continually
Resembling a cross between human and dire wolf, from their native dimension… as well as guidance
the hunched over creature is roughly humanoid. Its from a distant force.
body is covered in coarse, grayish-black fur with twitch-
ing claws and snarling teeth. The creature’s eyes are Combat
mottled yellow in color, unblinking and devoid of any Worgen prefer to hide in shadows before leaping
discernable emotion other than hunger. great distances upon their foes. They attack with
feral tenacity, slashing with their deadly claws and
Description biting with sharp, infectious fangs. Worgen are
Cursed beings from another dimension, worgen nearly fearless and typically fight to the death,
only appear in Azeroth as the result of magical relying on their regeneration to save them.
mishaps. True aberrations, they are accidentally Disease (Su): The saliva of a worgen carries a
drawn through temporary rift tunnels and depos- dangerous infection. When a worgen succeeds at a
ited in this world with no apparent way of returning. bite attack, the victim must make a DC 13 Forti-
Nothing is known about the worgen’s home realm, tude save or contract a maddening disease.
or even precisely how to spawn the rift tunnels (Incubation period 1 day; damage 1d6 Charisma.)
through which they come. As an infected subject’s Charisma drops, the victim
Worgen are usually encountered in small packs slips deeper into a feral madness. This disease does
near sites of recent intense magical activity. Fiercely not lower the victim’s Charisma below 1, and
territorial creatures, they rarely stray from the gen- unlike normal disease, it continues each day until
eral vicinity of the place in which they first appeared. magically removed. The Fortitude saving throw is
Fearless beasts, they brazenly prowl near both vil- Constitution-based.
lages and monster lairs. Although worgen display Leap (Ex): Worgen are impressive leapers. As a
an apparent fondness for nighttime and its dark- full-round action, a worgen can move up to double
ness, they can perform equally well in the daytime. its normal speed and make a Jump check with a +30
Pure killing beasts, worgen tend to attack any racial bonus at any point during the move.
creatures that they encounter, regardless of whether Night Healing (Ex): Worgen have an affinity for
animal, humanoid, Scourge or something even the night. A worgen has fast healing 2, but at night
more fearsome. Strangely, however, worgen refuse
a worgen also has regeneration 5. A worgen is dealt base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw
normal damage by silver weapons. bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +1 and Will +1.
Skills: A worgen has a +1 racial bonus on Listen, — Racial Skills: A worgen’s humanoid levels
Move Silently and Spot checks, and a +2 racial give it skill points equal to 6 x_ (2 + Int modifier).
bonus on Hide checks. *A worgen has a +4 racial Its class skills are Hide, Listen, Move Silently and
bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent. Spot.
— Racial Feats: A worgen’s humanoid levels give
Worgen as Characters it two feats.
Worgen characters possess the following racial — +2 natural armor bonus.
— Special Attacks (see above): Disease, leap.
— Strength +6, Dexterity +2, Constitution +4,
— Special Qualities (see above): Damage reduc-
Intelligence –2, Wisdom +2, Charisma –2.
tion 5/silver, night healing, scent.
— Medium size.
— Automatic Language: Worgen. Bonus Lan-
— A worgen’s base land speed is 30 feet. guage: Common.
— Darkvision out to 60 feet. — Favored Class: Barbarian.
— Racial Hit Dice: A worgen begins with three — Level Adjustment: +2.
levels of humanoid, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a
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darksap venom 178 Goldshire 49
Index Darkshire 47
Darrowmere Lake 94
Great Forge, the 76
greater brew (dark apothecary) 181
Abassi, Lake 117 Dead Mines, the 61 greathammer 176
Abbendis, High General Deadwind Ogre Mounds 44 Greymane Wall 97
(Scarlet Crusade) 167
Deadwind Pass 43 Grim Batol 73
Academy of Arcane Sciences 53
Deathknell 106 Hadanot, Ul’haik
Aerie Peak 100 (Cult of the Damned) 156
Defias Brotherhood 157–59
Agamand Mills 106 Hall of Thanes, the 76
Defias renegade (Dre) 182
Altar of Storms 79 hammer, dwarven battle 176
detect undead (Scarlet Crusader) 187
Alterac City 87 Hammerfall 88
direction sense (dwarven prospector) 184
Alterac Mountains 85 Hammersmith, Yulanini (Explorer’s
Distraction Fighting 175
Ambermill 104 Guild) 162
D’Neve, Forthisal
ambush (Defias renegade) 183 (Stormwind Assassins) 170 Hearthglen 111
Andorhal 111 dragonhawk 190 Hinterlands, the 98
Angor Fortress 68 Dragonmaw Gates 74 identify potion (dark apothecary) 180
Anvilmar 72 dread band 177 Ilgalar, Tower of 51
Apothecarium, the 109 Dun Algaz Gate 78 improved brew (dark apothecary) 180
archive delving Dun Modr 80 inquisitor (Scarlet Crusader) 188
(dwarven prospector) 185 interrogator (Scarlet Crusader) 188
Dun Morogh 69
Arena, The 56 Iron Flesh 175
Durnholde Keep 87, 98
Azora, Tower of 49 Ironbeard’s Tomb 80
Duskbelch Grotto 68
Badlands, the 66 Ironforge 75
Duskwood 46
bayonet 176 Isillien, High Inquisitor
dwarf, dark iron 191
Blackened Woods 112 (Scarlet Crusade) 167
dwarven prospector (Dpr) 184
Blackrock Deeps 42 Jasperlode Mine 49
Eastern Plaguelands 91
Blackrock Spire 42 Jintha’Alor 100
Eastvale Logging Camp 49
Blackrock Spire Foothills 43 Karazhan, Ivory Tower of 44
Elwynn Forest 47
Blasted Lands 40 Kargath 68
empower potion (dark apothecary) 181
Blondbeard, Ryona Kel’Thuzad (Cult of the Damned) 156
Everstill, Lake 51
(Explorer’s Guild) 162 Kharanos 72
Explorer’s Guild 76, 159–62
Booty Bay 56 kodo’s memory
extend potion (dark apothecary) 180
Boralus 102 (dwarven prospector) 185
Falconcrest, Lord (Syndicate) 173
Brewnall Village 72 Kul Tiras 101
Fallow Sanctuary 59
Brighteyes (Defias Brotherhood) 159 Lakeshire 51
Faranell, Master Apothecary
Brightwood Grove 46 Lethlor Ravine 68
(Royal Apothecary Society) 164
Brill 106 lifeburn (Scarlet Crusader) 188
Fargo Deep Mine 49
Bulwark, the 106 lifecloak (Scarlet Crusader) 188
Farstrider Lodge 78
Burning Steppes, The 42 lifetouch (Scarlet Crusader) 187
favored enemy (Scarlet Crusader) 187
Caer Darrow 95 Loch Modan 77
favored terrain (dwarven prospector) 185
Caretakers, the 151–53 Lordamere Internment Camp 87
Fenris Keep 104
Cathedral of Light 53 Lordamere Lake 87
Fire-Gut Rock 42
Cauldron, the 79 Lost Temple, the 59
fleet (dwarven prospector) 185
chalice of opal voices 178 luckstone (dwarven prospector) 184
flesh dissolving, potion of 177
corrupt water (dark apothecary) 180 lurking (Defias renegade) 183
Foe Hunter 175
Crestfall 101 Magellas, Tomli (Explorer’s Guild) 162
Foothill Caverns 87
crocolisk 189 Maisara Hills 117
Fordring, Highlord Taelon
crown of will 178 (Scarlet Crusade) 167 Masjenal, Apothecary Brightflame
crimson circle (Scarlet Crusader) 187 Frostmane Hold 72 (Royal Apothecary Society) 165
Cult of the Damned 154–56 Freemore, Waltion mechanical aptitude
cursed ring of Momar 177 (Stormwind Assassins) 170 (Defias renegade) 183
Dalaran 90 Gaffestone, Irk (Caretakers) 153 Menethil Harbor 80
dark apothecary (Dap) 179 gem sense (dwarven prospector) 185 mineral sense (dwarven prospector) 184
Dark Portal, the 41 ghostly duels, ring of 177 Molten Span, the 42
dark ruby 178 Gnomeregan 72 Moonbrook 61
Murky Depths Lake 56 Stonard 59 Westbrook Garrison 49
native friends (dwarven prospector) 185 Stonefall, Hona (Explorer’s Guild) 162 Westfall 60
Nethergarde Keep 41 Stonewatch Falls 51 Wetlands, the 79
Northshire, Jac Stonewatch Keep 51 widen potion (dark apothecary) 181
(Defias Brotherhood) 158 Stonewrought Dam 78 worgen 194
Northshire Abbey 49 Stonewrought Pass 79 Zul’Dare 97
Oni’jus, Apothecary Stormbringer, Pai Zul’Gurub 57
(Royal Apothecary Society) 165 (Cult of the Damned) 156 Zul’Kunda 56
Palimore, Logan (Caretakers) 152 Stormpike’s Excavation Site 78 Zul’Mamwe 56
Perenolde, Lady Beve (Syndicate) 173 Stormwind 52
Perenolde, Lord Aiden (Syndicate) 172 Stormwind Assassins 168–71 NPC and Mass Combat Unit
Pi’Lenda, Raknahama (Caretakers) 152 Stormwind Keep 54 Sidebars
Pig and Whistle, the 54 Strangehands, Samul Ansirem Runeweaver 92
poison immunity (dark apothecary) 181 (Explorer’s Guild) 162
Baron Revilgaz 57
poison reach (dark apothecary) 181 stranglethorn 192
Bloodscalp Trolls 58
poison touch (dark apothecary) 181 Stranglethorn Vale 55
Captain Stoutfist 81
polyglot (dwarven prospector) 185 Stratholme 95
Crushridge Ogres 87
potion touch (dark apothecary) 181 Strombrad 87
Deathguard, the 103
Pyrewood Village 104 Stromgarde 88
Dragonhawks of Quel’Danas 113
Quel’Danil Lodge 100 Sunstrider Spire 114
Dragonmaw Clan 80
racial confusion, potion of 177 Sunwell Grove, the 114
Duskbelch Ogres 68
Raven Hill 47 Swamp of Sorrows 58
Edwin VanCleef 62
Royal Apothecary Society 162–65 Swift Craft 176
General Marcus Jonathan 53
Rotten Orchard 47 Syndicate, the 171–73
Gorn 69
Ruined Palace, the 109 Tainted Scar, the 41
Ironforge City Garrison 71
sabotage (Defias renegade) 183 Tarren Mill 98
Master Apothecary Faranell 108
Scarlet Crusade 165–67 Thandol Span, the 89
Mug’thol 86
Scarlet Crusader (Slc) 186 Thaurisan, Ruins of 42
Night Watch Militia 48
Searing Gorge, the 78 Thelsamar 78
Prince Galen Trollbane 89
sense ambush (Defias renegade) 183 threshadon 193
Red Dragonspawn Patrol 73
Sentinel Hill 61 throw potion (dark apothecary) 180
Stormwind City Guard 55
Sepulchre, the 104 Tol Barad 102
Stromgarde Defenders 90
Seradane 99 track undead (Scarlet Crusader) 187
Trolls of Zul’Aman, the 116
Shadowfang Keep 104 tracker (Scarlet Crusader) 187
Westbrook Garrison 50
Shadra’Alor 100 trapfinder (Defias renegade) 183
Shaw, Master Matthias Trol’Kalar 176 Maps
(Stormwind Assassins) 169 Tyr’s Hand 95 Arena (Level 1) 125
Silvermoon 114 Ula’Tek, Shrine of, the 117 Arena (Level 2) 130
Silverpine Forest 102 Uldaman 68 Azeroth 45
Skittering Dark, the 104 Undercity 106 Dark Iron Chains 135
Southshore 98 Uplands 87 Dead Men’s Tales 144
Spell Crusher 175 Uther’s Tomb 111 Ironforge City 76
Spell Eliminator 175 Valley of Heroes, the 53 Khaz Modan 70
Stark, Hartargan VanCleef, Edwin Lordaeron 93
(Defias Brotherhood) 159 (Defias Brotherhood) 158
Stormwind 54
Steelgrill’s Depot 72 Vile Reef, the 56
The Undercity 107
Stockade and Vault, the 54 Vul’Gol Ogre Mound 47
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