Warcraft Adventure Hooks: Designed For 5e Warcraft
Warcraft Adventure Hooks: Designed For 5e Warcraft
Warcraft Adventure Hooks: Designed For 5e Warcraft
Alliance: Help Oghrin Hammerfall regain his ancestral home, thereby granting the Alliance
access to its legendary anvil, and a foothold in the Burning Steppes.
Horde: Put the final nail in the coffin of the Black Tooth Clan by playing both sides, or take over
the ancient dwarven hold and secure a foothold for the true horde.
Alliance: Fight troggs, ogres, and more to reach the Dark Iron Dwarves and prevent them from
destroying the dam.
Horde: Strike an alliance with the ogres of Loch Modan, and use the Dark Irons to hit the
Alliance, causing damage to both.
Plot: Stormpike Dwarven Clan and Frostwolf Orcish Clan clash over land disputes and a fight
over resources begins. The dwarves claim the land falls under Alliance territory ever since the
Second War, as the orcs claim in return that the land was unsettled and that they lived in the
area for at least a generation. Intrigue is magnified into raids from both sides, which can
escalate to full-scale war.
Alliance: Repel the Frostwolves and guarantee the Alliance an undisputed hold in the few lands
remaining in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Horde: Push the Alliance back and set up Horde-loyal territory that can keep an eye (and an
outpost ready) against the Forsaken should they turn on the Warchief.
Alliance: Establish and aid in the building of a competent militia to protect the region to defend
against the bandits, murlocs of Westfall, and form the defense to be strong enough to resist any
incursions of the Undead through Duskfall or the dreaded Deadwind Pass.
Horde: Undermine Stormwind’s authority to weaken her resolve and scatter her efforts, giving
any military action step back against. The more fragmented the Alliance becomes, the more
capable you are to enforce your decisions on the world stage.
Alliance: Either side with Jaina Proudmoore and aid her in pacifying and guarding the hard-won
peace or support the mysterious forces attempting to take over the coasts of the Barrens and
remind the Horde that the Alliance will not be content living on the edge of the continent in a
barren swamp.
● Optional (Jaina): Discover the identity of the attackers and arrest them in the name of the
● Optional (Rebels): Stage an assassination or advantaged sabotage against the orcs in
the name of the Alliance.
Horde: Establish a competent guard and secure the major footholds of the Horde against all
intrusions (Alliance or otherwise) at any cost. Secure trade and resource flow between the
scattered orcish settlements of Durotar, and address the security concerns so that the home
front is secure.
● Optional: Find a site of consistent high-quality lumber.