Beasts of Yore
Beasts of Yore
Beasts of Yore
Beasts of Yore
Volume 1
Here Be Beasts!
Here be beasts! Beasts of Yore is a collection
of monsters and allies for your Pathfinder 2nd
Edition campaign. Beasts of Yore includes
monsters from our End of Days © campaign and
beyond. We don’t just make this stuff up - we
A byssal War
When the hounds of war are unleashed upon the
planes of the Abyss, it is this monstrous crea-
ture that strides forth. The Abyssal War Hound
is both a wild denizen and a domesticate of the
vast abyss. Their aggressive nature makes them
excellent hunters and fighting dogs. Unlike the
“dog” we all know - the creature is not canine at
all and makes a generally poor companion, pet,
herder or guard. They quite easily forget almost
everything but their desire to eat and kill. Their
extra dimensional mouth means they can eat
and endless amount of creatures and never be
Constrict 2d12+13 bludgeoning to a creature
oal Hills
grabbed or restrained by the large hand
What stalks the coal hills near Darkkart, no one
can say. The few witnesses that have met the
Coal-Hills Horror describe it as a monstrous
warped human standing eight feet tall with one
enormous arm. The creature tends to approach
travelers and speak to them unintelligibly, grow-
ing more demanding and frustrated until he
finally attacks. Some think it intelligent, with a
need of some sort. At other times it will follow
travelers for miles and not approach.
additional harm or heal spells at 5th level (6x per
day). Andrusko rolls d10s instead of D8 when
using harm.
M urder
Melee razor +16 (agile) Damage 2d8+8 slash-
Melee claw +15 (agile, finesse) Damage
s Minog
separately against the octopus’s multiple attack
penalty but the penalty does not increase until
both attacks have been made. If the Os-Minog
subsequently uses the Grab action, it can Grab
any number of creatures it hit with Writhing
The Os Minog is a deep earth octopus. To the Stunning Pulse The Os Minog can release a
races that live in the earth, it is a shadow that stunning pulse that affects all creature’s within
lurks in the water (Os Minog literally translates 20 feet whose head is underwater. The Os Mi-
to “water shadow” in Duergar who are the only nog’s head must also be underwater. The crea-
race to record its existence). Most often, it grabs ture must succeed at a Fortitude save against
a victim at the water’s edge and is gone before DC20.
anyone knows what happened. The Os Minog Critical Success The creature is not affected.
can squeeze through incredibly small holes and Success The creature takes 1d6 sonic damage
Failure The creature is stunned 1 and takes 2d6 sonic
travel between underground lakes and rivers.
Occasionally an Os Minog will find its way to Critical Failure The creature is stunned 2 and takes 2d6
surface water where it can pose a significant sonic damage
Rare * N * Medium * Aberration * Aquatic
Perception: +14; darkvision
Languages None
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +14, Stealth +16
Str +5 Dex +4 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +3 Cha -4
AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +9 Will +15
HP 75 Weakness Cold 5 Resistance Poison 5
Speed 15 feet, swim 25 feet
Compression The Os Minog can move through a
hole 1 foot wide without squeezing and 6 inches
wide with squeezing.
Ambush Predator (30 feet) Requirements
The Os Minog is hiding in water Effect The Os
Minog moves up to 30 feet through water to-
wards a creature that has not detected it and
makes a tentacle strike. The creature is
flat-footed against the strike.
Melee tentacle +13 (agile, reach 10 feet) Dam-
age 2d6+5 bludgeoning plus Grab
Melee beak +14 Damage 2d8+7 piercing The
Octopus can only use the beak against a creature
that is grabbed or restrained by it.
Constrict 2d6+5 bludgeoning to a creature
grabbed or restrained by a tentacle.
Writhing Arms The Os-Minog makes up to
two separate strikes with different arms, each
W ood Evil
AC 21; Fort +14 Ref +5 Will +14
HP 79; Immunities sleep Weakness cold iron 5
Resistances piercing 8
Stump form (at will) A Wood Evil can
assume its stump form, ridding itself of its facial
The Wood Evil is a malicious tree spirit, most features. In such a form it gains a +10 circum-
often the stump of a tree that was cut down in its stance bonus to disguise itself as a tree stump.
prime. The Wood Evil lives to draw others into Distress Call A Wood Evil can change its voice
trouble. This spirit is able to sense the world to sound like a humanoid of any gender or age.
around it for several miles, learning over time It can also emulate the distress calls of wounded
where dangers lurk. When it meets humans or animals.
other sentient beings it often tells them lies that
lead them into peril. A Wood Evil might send Predator Call The Wood Evil can make a
adventurers into a patch of quicksand or the lair high pitched call that most humanoids cannot
of a beast, give them bad directions that lead hear but most predatory animals can. When it
them into a dangerous section of the forest or works in tandem with local predators, it often
have them pursue an inane quest just as a storm uses the call when someone is near to attract the
is growing. predator. The call has a range of one mile.
It’s not uncommon for predatory creatures to Speed 5 feet, burrow 5 feet
lurk near the Wood Evil, and intelligent crea- Melee jaws +13 Damage 2d12+6 bludgeoning
tures may even work with it. When the Game Melee roots +13 Damage 2d6+2 reach, grab,
Master puts a Wood Evil in an encounter, they constrict.
should have an idea of what trick it will employ. Constrict 2d6+2 bludgeoning to creatures
grabbed or restrained by the roots.
A Wood Evil will occasionally make bargains Primal Innate Spells DC22, attack +14 3rd an-
with humans and sometimes befriend them but imal vision (at will), blindness (2/day) 2nd entan-
its bitter nature makes such friendships short- gle (2/day), speak with animals (at will) 1st charm
lived. Eventually, it will seek to bring about the (1/day) gust of wind (1/day), spider sting (2/day),
ruin of any humanoid it encounters. There are ventriloquism (at will).
stories of Wood Evils befriending children how-
ever these are rare and no sane village allows
their children to play with a Wood Evil as it’s
more often been known to eat them.
Check out more from the
Gremlin Brothers
The Siege of Castle Savinoy
There is war in the River Kingdoms! Castle Savinoy is
under siege and the party is trapped inside. Can they
hold the walls against the coal-mad coalers of Darkkart,
the burly Helven Hammers and the tricks of the devious
Hobgoblin siege master Direov the Cold?
All out battle ensures and they need to hold the gate
against a massive ram pushed by giant war zombies if
they are to live through the day. Find it here:
Here by beasts!
7 New and Horrible
Murder Clowns
The Coal Hills Horror
Dhampir Count
Abyssal Warhounds
Wood Evils
Grave Risers