Structure - Hatha Surya Namaskar

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Structure of Hath Yoga Surya Namaskara

Half Cycle 12 positions / Full cycle 24 positions
Sun salutation is the English translation for Surya Namaskara. It is obeisance
to lord sun. It contributes to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well
being. Ideal time to practice Surya Namaskara is at sunrise or sunset. It can
however be practiced at anytime provided the stomach is empty. Sun
salutation has 12 positions in half cycle and 24 to complete the full cycle.
Surya Namaskara improves postures and helps in losing weight. It stretches
and strengthens muscles making the body flexible. It relaxes and calms
mind, regulates blood flow, improves digestive system, and improves

Preparation for Surya Namaskara:

It is characteristically straight upright and steady pose. Spine is straight and
elongated. This pose should be performed with the feeling of effortlessness.
How to practice

Stand with feet together

Arms hanging loosely by side
Gently close eyes
Relax the body

Soft inhale exhale
Bring the awareness inside the body and relax your mind. Visualize the
brilliant red sun and feel the energy from the lord sun coming to you.
It prepares your body and mind for sun salutation. It improves overall body
posture and creates self awareness.
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Position 1: Pranam Asana (Prayer Pose)

This asana is a traditional way of greeting others in India. In this pose one
need to stand with elbows folded and palms touching each other near the
How to practice

Remain in standing position with feet together

Join the palms near the chest and stand still
Balance on both feet
Elbows are pointed outward
Aligned spine and erect posture

Soft inhale-exhale
It should be performed with the feeling of surrender and love. Awareness
should be on heart.

Asana gives balance to body

Eases nervous system and body
Helps improve concentration.

Position 2: Hast-utthan Asana (Raised-arm Pose)

How to practice

In pranamasana inhale deeply

Raise arms above head
Tilt head backwards and look up at hands
Slightly bend back
Focus on looking at hands

Deep inhale while raising the arms
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Be aware of expansion of lungs and stretch in abdomen.

Helps in curing stiffness in shoulder and upper back

Opens up lungs
Improves blood circulation
Strengthens heart.

Position 3: Padahastasana (Hand-to-foot Pose)

How to practice

Bend upper body forward from the hips until palms touch the floor
Draw hamstring and tailbone upward
Palms should lie flat on either side of feet, without bending knees
Place upper body on legs
Look towards legs
Do not strain

Exhale as you go down into asana.
Focus on back and pelvic region

Controls blood pressure

Soothes brain cells
Makes spine flexible
Alleviates back pain
Prevents constipation
Helps reduce fat and
Calms mind.

Position 4: Ashwasanchalan asana (Horse Stance)

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

How to practice

Place hands on floor besides feet firmly

Extend right leg backwards as far as it is comfortable
Place knee down and toe out
Left knee should be bend to the maximum of 90 degrees,
position knee above ankle
Sink pelvis down
Weight of body should fall equally on both hands and legs
Tilt head and look up

Inhale while stretching the leg back
Awareness on the stretch from the thigh to the lower back and on the
eyebrow centre

Opens groin and psoas muscles

Warms up and prepares body for back-bends
Strengthens knees, ankles, and waist
Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

Position 5: Santolanasana (Plank pose)

How to practice

Keeping palms and right foot at the same place take left leg back
Grip the floor with toes and straighten knees
Most importantly head neck and spine should be in one straight line
Arms should be kept straight right below shoulders
Focus the gaze towards floor ensuring that it is few inches forward

Exhale while taking left leg back

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Awareness on keeping the body in one straight line.


Strengthens thigh, arms, shoulders, and spine muscles

Improves balance in nerves

Position 6: Ashtanga Pranaamasana (Eight-fold Pose)

How to practice

Keep hands and feet at same place

Place knees chest and chin/ forehead on the floor
Thighs, hips and belly should remain above floor
Elbows are tucked in, facing sky
Spine is slightly arched

No respiration. We hold breath in this pose
Awareness on arch in the lower back

Stretches neck and shoulder

Realigns and elongates spine
Strengthens arms and upper body.

Position 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

How to practice

Keeping hands and feet at same place push pelvis down

Slide chest forward, lift head and shoulder while straightening the
elbow and pushing floor with the palms gently
Arch spine, bending head back and focusing at eyebrow centre
Hips and thighs should remain on floor
Open shoulders and keep neck neutral
Perform the asana on toe
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Inhale while raising torso up
Awareness on relaxation of spine

Strengthens spine
Gives deep stretch to upper and lower back
Stretches chest, lungs, shoulder, abdomen and thighs
Improves blood circulation
Increases lung capacity.

Position 8: Adhomukhi Swanasana ( Downward Dog)

How to practice

Feet and hand at same place of the previous position

Using arm strength lift pelvis up
Keep feet flat on floor with toes pointed straight
Head in between both arms
Legs and arms should be straight
The position look like inverted V alphabet

Inhale while lifting the middle body up
Awareness on the stretch in shoulders and back of legs. Focus on relaxation
of hips.


Calms mind
Slows heartbeat
Reduces stiffness in shoulder blades
Strengthens and tones legs and
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Checks heavy menstrual flow.

Position 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Horse Stance)

How to practice

Keep left foot and palm on their places bring right foot in between
Lower the left foot and touch it to the floor
Toe should be out
Lift head up and focus at eyebrow center

Inhale while bringing the leg in
Awareness on the stretch from the thigh to the lower back and on the
eyebrow centre

Opens groin and psoas muscles

Warms up and prepares body for back-bends
Strengthens knees, ankles, and waist
Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

Position 10: Padahastasana (Hand-to-foot Pose)

How to practice

Bring and keep left foot with right

Lift pelvis up and straighten knees
Put palms with your feet
Tuck your nose on knee
Place upper body on legs

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Exhale while bringing the leg in

Focus on back and pelvic region

Controls blood pressure

Soothes brain cells
Makes spine flexible
Alleviates back pain
Prevents constipation
Helps reduce fat and
Calms mind.

Position 11: Hast-utthan Asana (Raised-arm Pose)

How to practice

Lift head up and join hands in pranam

With deep inhalation raise body up
Raise arm above head
Tilt head back and look up at hands
Bend back
Focus on looking at hands

Deep inhale while raising the arms
Be aware of expansion of lungs and stretch in abdomen.

Helps in curing stiffness in shoulder and upper back

Opens up lungs
Improves blood circulation
Strengthens heart.

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Position 12: Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

How to practice

Remain in standing position with feet together

Bring the pranaam back on chest
Balance on both feet
Elbows are pointed outward
Aligned spine and erect posture

Exhale while bringing the pranaam back
It should be performed with the feeling of surrender and love. Awareness
should be on heart.

Asana gives balance to body

Eases nervous system and body
Helps improve concentration.

Position 13: Pranam Asana (Prayer Pose)

This asana is a traditional way of greeting others in India. In this pose one
need to stand with elbows folded and palms touching each other near the
How to practice

Remain in standing position with feet together

Join the palms near the chest and stand still
Balance on both feet
Elbows are pointed outward
Aligned spine and erect posture

Soft inhale-exhale
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

It should be performed with the feeling of surrender and love. Awareness

should be on heart.

Asana gives balance to body

Eases nervous system and body
Helps improve concentration.

Position 14: Hast-utthan Asana (Raised-arm Pose)

How to practice

In pranamasana inhale deeply

Raise arms above head
Tilt head backwards and look up at hands
Slightly bend back
Focus on looking at hands

Deep inhale while raising the arms
Be aware of expansion of lungs and stretch in abdomen.

Helps in curing stiffness in shoulder and upper back

Opens up lungs
Improves blood circulation and
Strengthens heart.

Position 15: Padahastasana (Hand-to-foot Pose)

How to practice

Bend upper body forward from the hips until palms touch the floor
Draw hamstring and tailbone upward
Palms should lie flat on either side of feet, without bending knees
Place upper body on legs
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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Look towards legs

Do not strain

Exhale as you go down into asana.
Focus on back and pelvic region

Controls blood pressure

Soothes brain cells
Make spine flexible
Alleviates back pain
Prevents constipation
Helps reduce fat and
Calms mind.

Position 16: Ashwasanchalan asana (Horse Stance)

How to practice

Place hands on floor besides feet firmly

Extend left leg backwards as far as it is comfortable
Place left knee down and toe out
Right knee should be bend to the maximum of 90 degrees,
position knee above ankle
Sink pelvis down
Weight of body should fall equally on both hands and legs
Tilt head and look up

Inhale while stretching the leg back
Awareness on the stretch from the thigh to the lower back and on the
eyebrow centre

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy


Opens groin and psoas muscles

Warms up and prepares body for back-bends
Strengthens knees, ankles, and waist
Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

Position 17: Santolanasana (Plank pose)

How to practice

Keeping palms and left foot at the same place take right leg back
Grip the floor with toes and straighten knees
Most importantly head neck and spine should be in one straight line
Arms should be kept straight right below shoulders
Focus the gaze towards floor ensuring that it is few inches forward

Exhale while taking left leg back
Awareness on keeping the body in one straight line.

Strengthens thigh, arms, shoulders, and spine muscles

Improves balance in nerves

Position 18: Ashtanga Pranaamasana (Eight-fold Pose)

How to practice

Keep hands and feet at same place

Place knees chest and chin/ forehead on the floor
Thighs, hips and belly should remain above floor
Elbows are tucked in, facing sky
Spine is slightly arched

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

No respiration. We hold breath in this pose

Awareness on arch in the lower back

Stretches neck and shoulder

Realigns and elongates spine
Strengthens arms and upper body.

Position 19: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

How to practice

Keeping hands and feet at same place push pelvis down

Slide chest forward, lift head and shoulder while straightening the
elbow and pushing floor with the palms gently
Arch spine, bending head back and focusing at eyebrow centre
Hips and thighs should remain on floor
Open shoulders and keep neck neutral
Perform the asana on toe

Inhale while raising torso up
Awareness on relaxation of spine

Strengthens spine
Gives deep stretch to upper and lower back
Stretches chest, lungs, shoulder, abdomen and thighs
Improves blood circulation
Increases lung capacity.

Position 20: Adhomukhi Swanasana (Downward Dog)

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

How to practice

Feet and hand at same place of the previous position

Using arm strength lift pelvis up
Keep feet flat on floor with toes pointed straight
Head in between both arms
Legs and arms should be straight
The position look like inverted V alphabet

Inhale while lifting the middle body up
Awareness on the stretch in shoulders and back of legs. Focus on relaxation
of hips.

Calms mind
Slows heartbeat
Reduces stiffness in shoulder blades
Strengthens and tones legs and
Checks heavy menstrual flow.

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Position 21: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Horse Stance)

How to practice

Keep right foot and palm on their places; bring left foot in between
Lower the right foot and touch it to the floor
Right toe should be out
Lift head up and focus at eyebrow center

Inhale while bringing the leg in
Awareness on the stretch from the thigh to the lower back and on the
eyebrow centre

Opens groin and psoas muscles

Warms up and prepares body for back-bends
Strengthens knees, ankles, and waist
Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

Position 22: Padahastasana (Hand-to-foot Pose)

How to practice

Bring and keep right foot with left

Lift pelvis up and straighten knees
Put palms with your feet
Tuck your nose on knee
Place upper body on legs

Exhale while bringing the leg in

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

Focus on back and pelvic region

Controls blood pressure

Soothes brain cells
Makes spine flexible
Alleviates back pain
Prevents constipation
Helps reduce fat and
Calms mind.

Position 23: Hast-utthan Asana (Raised-arm Pose)

How to practice

Lift head up and join hands in pranam

With deep inhalation raise body up
Raise arm above head
Tilt head back and look up at hands
Bend back
Focus on looking at hands

Deep inhale while raising the arms
Be aware of expansion of lungs and stretch in abdomen.

Helps in curing stiffness in shoulder and upper back

Opens up lungs
Improves blood circulation
Strengthens heart.

Position 24: Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

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STRUCTURE OF FLOWS Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskara

Akshar Power Yoga Academy

How to practice

Remain in standing position with feet together

Bring the pranaam back on chest
Balance on both feet
Elbows are pointed outward
Aligned spine and erect posture

Exhale while bringing the pranaam back
It should be performed with the feeling of surrender and love. Awareness
should be on heart.

Asana gives balance to body

Eases nervous system and body
Helps improve concentration.

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